Tardis Time Lore

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Title: Tardis Time Lore
Publisher: United Whovians of Tucson
Editor(s): Karen Funk Blocher
Date(s): 1990-1997
Medium: print
Fandom: Doctor Who
Language: English
External Links: The Story So Far
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Tardis Time Lore is a gen zine. Each issue contains regular features including editorials, the Lord President's column, book reviews, news columns, and quizzes.

The serial, "Two Doctors in Time," was printed as a standalone novel with the name K.C. King as Paradox.

Issue 1

cover of issue 1 by Sherlock

Tardis Time Lore 1 was published in 1990 and contains 30 pages.

It has cartoons by Sherlock, and other art by Trevor Hedden and Tracy Ann Murray.

  • From the Control Console, editorial by Tracy Ann Murray (1)
  • Contradicting the Pres and Saving the Planet, two editorials by Karen Funk Blocher (2)
  • Letter from KUAT (3)
  • Not Necessarily the Doctor, column by the TARDIS Crew (4)
  • Identifying the Doctor, contest (5)
  • Hot Times in Matter's Spiral, con report Gallifrey One, Los Angeles, by Tracy Ann Murray (5)
  • The Fourth Doctor in "The Lost Joke of Rassilon," fiction by Tracy Ann Murray (7)
  • Word Search #1, Some Companions by Tracy Ann Murray (7)
  • Trivia Quiz, A Matter of Memory #1, Old Writers and Recent Doctors, by K.C. King (9)
  • The Sixth Doctor in "The Web of Darkness" (chapter one), fiction by Teresa Murray (10)
  • Checklist: Doctor Who Articles in Starlog (14)
  • Word Search #2, The Five Doctors by Trevor Hedden and K.C. King (16)
  • Trivia Quiz, A Matter of Memory #2, Actors and Companions, by K.C. King (16)
  • The Seventh Doctor in "Plaid Nemesis," fiction by Trevor Hedden (17)
  • Classified Ads (19)
  • Gallifrey, filk by the Friends of Who (19)
  • The Seventh Doctor and Sam Beckett in "Two Doctors in Time" (Chapter One), fiction by Karen Funk Blocher (crossed with Quantum Leap) (20)
  • A Matter of Memory, answers (30)

Issue 2

cover of issue 2 by Sherlock

Tardis Time Lore 2 was published in Summer 1990 and contains 42 pages. Cover by Sherlock (The Third Doctor)

  • Interviews: John Levene and Jon Pertwee
  • "It Ain't Necessarily So", song (Third Doctor Version)
  • The Third Doctor and Benton in "Overtime", fiction by Tracy Ann Murray
  • The Sixth Doctor in "The Web of Darkness" (Chapter Two), fiction by Teresa Murray
  • The Seventh Doctor and Sam Beckett in "Two Doctors in Time" (Chapter Two), fiction by Karen Funk Blocher (crossed with Quantum Leap)
  • puzzles, art, articles

Issue 3

cover of issue #3, Sherlock

Tardis Time Lore 3 was published in Fall 1990 and contains 40 pages.

  • From the Control Console, editorial by Tracy Ann Murray (1)
  • Get On With It!, editorial by Karen Funk Blocher (2)
  • Interstellar Post, letters (3)
  • Not Necessarily the Doctor (4)
  • The Third Doctor, analysis by L.L. Allen (5)
  • Sergeant Benton Needs You!, an update by Teresa Murray (8)
  • Doctor Who and the Sci-Fi Channel, report by Tracy Ann Murray (9)
  • Tom Baker in "Hound of the Baskervilles," video review by Karol Oberliner (10)
  • When You Wish Upon a Star..., fiction by Tracy Ann Murray (fourth Doctor and Leela) (12)
  • Interview with John Nathan-Turner, conducted by Teresa Murray and Karen Funk Blocher (16)
  • Web of Darkness Part 3, fiction by Teresa Murray (sixth Doctor) (36)
  • Brain Teasers, puzzles (31)
  • Book Reviews ("Remembrance of the Daleks" and "Doctor Who: Unfolding Text" (32)
  • Two Doctors in Time Part 3, fiction by Karen Funk Blocher (seventh Doctor crossed with Quantum Leap) (34)
  • Classified Ads (39)

Issue 4

cover of issue #4

Tardis Time Lore 4 was published in Spring 1991 and contains 40 pages. Cover by Sherlock (The Fifth Doctor at the University of Arizona).

  • "Into the TARDIS": an analysis of TARDIS technology
  • Fiction: The Fifth Doctor and Campion in "Two Doctors in Time" (Chapter Four), fiction by Karen Funk Blocher (seventh Doctor crossed with Quantum Leap)
  • Serial: The First Doctor in "The Space Between the Worlds" (Chapter One)

Issue 5

Tardis Time Lore 5 was published in Summer 1991 and contains 42 pages.

cover of issue #5, Sherlock (The Seventh Doctor and Ace)
  • From the Control Console, editorial by Tracy Ann Murray (1)
  • A Few Quick Notes, editorial by Karen Funk Blocher (2)
  • Whovian Quiz #1 (2)
  • Sci-Fi Channel: The Update v. 2.0 by Tracy Ann Murray (2)
  • Hot Times in Mutter's Spiral, con report by Tracy Ann Murray for Gallifrey One, the Sequel, 1991 (3)
  • Interview with Sylvester McCoy, conducted by Teresa Murray and Karen Funk Blocher (5)
  • The First Doctor in "The Space Between the Worlds" (concluded), fiction by Teresa Murray (12)
  • Geordi LaForge as the Sixth Doctor in "Recreation of the Daleks", fiction by Tracy Ann Murray (20)
  • The Seventh Doctor and Sam Beckett in "Two Doctors in Time" (Chapter Five), fiction by Karen Funk Blocher (30)
  • Whovian Quiz #2 (41)
  • Classified Ads (42)

Issue 6

Tardis Time Lore 6 was published in Fall 1991 and contains 42 pages.

cover of issue #6, Sherlock: (The Six Doctor vs. the Master)
  • From the Control Console, editorial by Tracy Ann Murray (1)
  • The Late Night Fright, editorial by Karen Funk Blocher (2)
  • Not Necessarily the Doctor (4)
  • KUAT Update (5)
  • From the Matrix: "Into the TARDIS", Part 2: TARDIS technology, article by Eilliam Kurgweg (6)
  • Mawdrayn Undread, Bentam's "The Early Years," book review by L.L. Allen (8)
  • Fourth Doctor Quiz: The Doctor Sez (7)
  • The Sixth Doctor in "An Apple a Day," fiction by Tracy Ann Murray (10)
  • Interview with Deborah Watling, conducted by Teresa Murray and Karen Ann Blocher (14)
  • The Seventh Doctor (sort of) in "She's Who?", fiction by Lorraine Anderson (17)
  • Sci-Fi Channel Update (26)
  • The Seventh Doctor and Sam Beckett in "Two Doctors in Time" (Chapter Six), fiction by Karen Funk Blocher (27)
  • Classified Ads and Club Listings (40)

Issue 7

cover of issue #7

Tardis Time Lore 7 was published in Winter 1992 and contains 40 pages.

  • From the Control Console, editorial by Tracy Ann Murray (1)
  • Huh?, editorial by Karen Funk Blocher (2)
  • The On-Air Doctor News by Tracy Ann Murray (2)
  • Not Necessarily the Doctor, news and stuff by the TARDIS Crews (4)
  • Sylvester McCoy and Deborah Watling, questions and answers transcribed by Teresa Murray (4)
  • Rogue's Gallery, trivia quiz by L.L. Allen (11)
  • The Seventh Doctor and Ace in "Marital Problems," fiction by Lorraine Anderson (sequel to "She's Who?") (12)
  • Sci-Fi Channel Update, report by Tracy Ann Murray (15)
  • The Seventh Doctor, Ace and Peri in "Lost Future," fiction by Sharon Ann Campbell (16)
  • The Seventh Doctor in "Auld Acquaitnence," fiction by Tracy Ann Murray (20)
  • U.N.I.T. Entrance Exam, trivia quiz by L.L. Allen (25)
  • The Seventh Doctor and Sam Beckett in "Two Doctors in Time" (Chapter Seven), fiction by Karen Funk Blocher (36)
  • TTL Ask (36)
  • Quiz Answers (36)
  • Other Voices in TV Fandom (37)
  • The Art Page (40)

Issue 8

Tardis Time Lore 8 was published in April 1992 and contains 35 pages.

cover of issue #8, by Sherlock (The Fifth Doctor at London Bridge, Lake Havasu, AZ).

A nod to April Fool's Day, most of the names are spelled incorrectly.

  • From the Controlled Sole, editorial by "Traci Ant Mury" (42)
  • OK! Cancel Doctor Who, editorial by "Karyne Funnk Blocher's evil twin" ak a Brochel Kunf Krane (42)
  • Interview with William Hartnell, a séance by Sylveste MacCoy (42)
  • Interview with Patrick Troughton, another séance by Sylveste MacCoy (42)
  • From the Matrix, The TARDIS Paint JOg, a scholarly article by Wilhelm Kurenwhey (42)
  • Not Really the Doctor, news and stuff by Friends of the Master (42)
  • Doctor Who Movie On Again (42)
  • Seven Angry Doctors, a Seven (?) Doctors story by Tracey Anne Merry (42)
  • Afoot in the Circle-K, a Fourth Doctor Story by Trevoir Headlin (42)
  • The Seventh Doctor and Sam Beckett in "Two Doctors in Time" (Chapter Eight/conclusion), fiction by Karen Fun Blochher (seventh Doctor crossed with Quantum Leap)
  • Con Reports: Gallifrey One in 3-D, 1992 and Tom Baker at Visions, 1991 (not listed in the table of contents)
  • Q&A: Tom Baker at Visions, 1991 (not listed in the table of contents)

Issue 9

cover of issue #9, Sherlock: Christmas in the desert with the Fourth Doctor

Tardis Time Lore 9 was published Winter 1993 and contains 44 pages.

  • From the Control Console, editorial by Tracy Ann Murry (1)
  • Not Necessarily the Doctor, Playin' Hooky, editorial by Karen Funk Blocher (2)
  • Miscellaneous Weirdness: silly recipes (3)
  • Miscellaneous Weirdness: a Top 10 list (10)
  • Interview with Sophie Aldred, conducted by Karen Funk Blocher and Teresa Murphy (4)
  • The ? Doctor in "Strata (Variations)", fiction by Nancy Louise Freeman (11)
  • The Fourth Doctor in "A Sense of Proportion," fiction by L.L. Allan (18)
  • TARDIS Time News, letters answered by Tracy Ann Murray (30)
  • the Sixth Doctor and Peri in Meripopindular, fiction by Lorraine Anderson (22)
  • The Seven Doctor, in "Circular Reasoning," fiction by Tracy Ann Murray (Ace, Jean-Luc Picard, Guinan) (33)
  • The Fourth Doctor, in "The Courtroom Sketch," fiction by Nancy Louise Freeman (Harry Stone) (41)
  • TARDIS Shopper (43)

Issue 10

Tardis Time Lore 10 - Fall 1993 Cover by Sherlock (The Second Doctor and Jamie hide from Daleks at a Planetarium).

  • Interview: Nicholas Courtney.
  • Interviews: John Levene, and (by Mail): Colin Baker
  • Silly Recipes
  • Fiction: The Fifth Doctor in "A Dinner in Belgravia," The Fifth Doctor and Nyssa in "The Effect of Dimensional Transcendence on Mozzarella Cheese,"
  • Parody: Romana and David Letterman in "An Unearthly Joke/The Wad of Gum."

Issue 11

Tardis Time Lore 11 - Summer 1994 Color Cover (The Fourth Doctor and the TARDIS), based on color cover art from Doctor Who Magazine)

  • Article: Doctor Who: The Hiatus Years
  • Essay: How to Submit a New Adventure; Doctor Who on the internet.
  • Fiction: Movie outline for the abortive "Whovie" project.

Issue 12

Tardis Time Lore 12 was published in Summer 1995 and contains 27 pages.

cover of issue #12, by Sherlock ("The final playoff Jacket painting for 'Silver Nemesis,'" - based on art by Alister Pearson)

The editor was Brian Hale, co-editor was Trevor Hedden.

  • Control Console, editorial (1)
  • Doctor Who Update (2)
  • Other Worlds (5)
  • John Levene Visits Tucson, article by Karen Funk Blocher (6)
  • The UWeT By-Laws by The High Council (8)
  • Tardis Toyroom (Writing the Doctor Who Trading Cards?) (12)
  • Interview with Peter Davidson, conducted by Tracy, Karen and Teresa (15)
  • The Land of Fiction: The Fourth Doctor, Romana and K9 in "The Encounter" (20)
  • Discussion in Time, photo novel (21)
  • Classifieds (24)
  • New Briefs (4)

Issue 13

Tardis Time Lore 13 - Winter 1996 Cover (The Fourth Doctor and the TARDIS)

  • Review: The New Adventures
  • Music: Filk Songs for Christmas
  • Essay: Daleks: Do they Have What it Takes?
  • Pattern: So Many Scarves, So Little Time, Doctor Who.
  • Feature: Bloopers
  • Fiction: The Fourth (?) Doctor in "TARDIS Eavesdropping"

Issue 14

Tardis Time Lore 14 - Spring 1996 Cover by Sherlock (Third Doctor as a matador)

  • Report: An Evening with John Anthony Blake
  • Fiction: Why Do Cybermen Always Miss Out...?
  • Serial: The Fourth Doctor, Leela and Geordi LaForge in "Fixing a Hole" (Part One)
  • Tribute: Shiori Remembered.

Issue 15

Tardis Time Lore 15 - Spring 1997 - (70 pgs) With a wonderful color cover of the 8th doctor (by Ruben Calvillo) as well as original fiction and lots more!