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Zeta Minor

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Title: Zeta Minor
Publisher: FanFun Publications (Reynoldsburg, OH), Prydonian Renegades (a fan club)
Editor(s): Rhonda Reece & Robert St. John (issue #1 and #2), Robert St. John and Sandra Manning (#3)
Date(s): 1981-1984
Medium: print zine
Fandom: Doctor Who
Language: English
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Zeta Minor is a gen Doctor Who anthology edited by Rhonda Reece and Robert St. John. St. John was 16 years old when the first issue of "Zeta Minor" was published.[1] The word processor was commandeered by Jean Airey.

The title of the zine comes from Doctor Who canon. "Zeta Minor" is the farthest planet out in the known universe and contains a link to another universe, a universe of anti-matter.

The first and second issues were edited by Rhonda Reece and Robert St. John. In the second issue, Reece hands the reins to St. John. The third issue was edited by St. John and Sandra Manning.


The Prydonian Renegades also produced two fanzines, one on a regular basis called Zeta Minor and one that Jean and a couple of the older gals put together on their own called Blue Guardian. Blue Guardian was my introduction into the world of erotica. I knew that women lusted after their favorite stars, but I had no idea that they wrote stories about the characters and published them.


Shortly after I became a Renegade, Jean passed the mantle of Zeta Minor editorship to Rob. Rob was a good choice. He was a writer and artist himself and knew a good story when he read one. Soon, however, he became a student at Columbus College of Art and Design and admitted that he couldn't continue. He visited me one evening and asked me if I wanted to take over as editor. The other Renegades thought I was a good choice so I agreed.

Editing Zeta Minor was one of the best opportunities and greatest challenges of my life. I learned to organize materials, to lay out pages, to edit and proofread and most importantly, to deal with cranky authors and artists. I learned all the ins and outs of publishing, financing, diplomacy and later on, after I left the Renegades, went on to publish two amateur fanzines of my own, Bludgeon Riffola 1 and 2.[2]

Issue 1

Zeta Minor 1 was published in November 1981 and contains 60 pages.

front cover of issue #1, Connie Faddis
back cover of issue #1, Rhonda Reece

The art is by Connie Faddis, Rhonda Reece, Gordon Carleton, Stefanie Hawks, and Robert St. John.

From the editorial:

Welcome to ZETA MINOR, as yet the only 'zine on the edge of the known universe! The journey from there to here by ZETA MINOR has been a long, harrowing one, but only for the mere reason that we wanted to give to you an original publication to read. We went out of the way (well, at least I did - Rob) (stick to the point - Rhonda) to do things untraditionally. For instance: the beautiful cover by Connie Faddis was commissioned especially so that we could get someone to make up a story around We formed a 'zine that we, a group of typical fans (ha, ha, ha, ha. - Rob's mother) would have liked to have seen. We hope you like it. Let us know. If response is good. Who Knows (Booooooo - the audience)? Maybe you'll see another issue in the near future.

  • Minor Notes by the eitors (4)
  • Simple Farewell by Erin Soderquist (5)
  • Dragonfly by Jean Airey (7)
  • Twinkle Twinkle by Laurie Haldeman (17)
  • The Keeper of Traken's Lament by Connie Faddis and Laurie Haldeman (23)
  • The Doctor to Date, essay by Hawk (24)
  • The Casios Operation by Carl G. Lynn (26)
  • Out on my Porchstep/Doctor of the Cosmos by Erin Soderquist (46)
  • Going Home by Rhonda Reece (48)
  • Sarah's Farewell Song by Robert St. John (50)
  • Reflection, poem by Erin Soderquiest (50)
  • Cricket, article by Alan Darling (about the sport) (51)
  • Panopticon West Report by Robert St. John (57)
  • Last Chance by Robert St. John (58)
  • Master??? by Erin Soderquist (59)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 1

You know, you complimented me quite a bit on my work, but I can tell you that I loved ZETA MINOR #1. I read a friend's copy a couple of weeks ago, and promptly dropped a check in the mail for a copy. Though I enjoyed it from cover to cover, I especially like the poems "Twinkle, Twinkle" and "Reflections", and the Keeper of Traken song was positively inspired!

I'll be sending you some stuff, but I will need your deadline date and submission rules. See you at Panopticon.

One more thing! How does one go about joining "The Prydonian Renegades"? [3]

Hello People;

the card mentioned in this letter of comment by Jackie Cannon

I just received my copy of ZM #l and really enjoyed it - wow, what a potpourri — great, especially the wisecracks of pages 2 and 4. . .. Are you planning another issue? Could you send me the info on contributions? (SASE enclosed). Dabbling in the graphic arts is one of my hobbies and Dr. Who is another, so of course I enjoy trying out various pen and ink techniques on him (besides 3D modeling). This card is an example of something I made up and printed on a hand-operated press in my bedroom. I kind a go for the old fashioned historic printing ways ~ handsetting type and printing one page at a time. I also really appreciate word processors, too, but I happen to feel it's important to preserve fast-vanishing ties and skills underlying such wonderful "modern technology." I'll try to build a fire under some other people I know who like to dream up all sorts of fun D. Who things. It sure is great to see the

variety of works inspired by the Doctor et al.[4]

Dear Robert; Thank you for your letter and the fanzine — it is excellent — quite the best I've seen to date. Congratulations to all concerned. Yours most sincerely; Anthony Ainley

[Ed: Mr. Ainley, currently portraying the Master, signed his postcard as being from "The Master's TARDIS: Tony Ainley Really Dalees In Space."] [5]

Having, of course, grown up with the show, I've been a great fan and gladly receive any good material concerning the show. Your zine, however, looked pretty, but was rather useless as the articles were only a re-hash of what had already been said, or was terribly out dated. The artwork overall was executed well (except for this Mr. St. John's), but were obviously done from pictures, a practice find distasteful at best.

I also find that the show was not taken seriously, as it should be. Maybe your practice of 'having fun' with the show, as I've heard it put, is the reason Mr. Baker's unfortunate tendency to play the fool in his last years was so well received in the states.

Again, the show should be taken seriously, and until you realize this, you're [sic] zine will not work. And, hopefully, now that Mr. Baker has left, the show will improve as well.

Right now, it's just too silly. Right! Carry on![6]

Well, what can I say? ZETA MINOR #1 was wonderful and by far the best zine I bought at Non-ExistiCon '81. "Dragonfly" apd "The Casios Operation" were both very good, but by far the best part of the zine was the art. . .Connie's cover, Stefanie's illos, your own picture of the Master (especially the snowflakes attacking Baker on P. 20) were all quite a treat. But Rob, be a bit more selective in your art editing. . .printing Mr. Potatohead on p. 6 or the group of men with lampshades on their heads on p. 47 has little to do with DW. Who is this Reece person anyway? Why is the girl in pyjamas on p. 49 being attacked by an owl? Very strange indeed. Quite looking forward to ZM #2, but especially ZM #3 which I hear only you are editing, Rob. Pity Ronda is moving away and can no longer help (pity it's only as far as Kentucky, I mean).

Well, Rob, take care. I'm sure your half of "The Last Sunset" will be good. [7]

Contains short stories, poetry. Panopticon West I report and articles. There are also rules for playing Cricket (Do people actually PAY to watch this crazy game?!?)

The price may seem a little steep for the number of pages (59) but they use a word processor and deliver about a page and a half of material in a page's worth of space. It says so on page 4.

It's very well put together, has interesting stories and the artwork is consistantly [sic] good to excellent. GO FOR IT!!! [8]

Issue 2

Zeta Minor 2 was published in July 1982 and contains 62 pages. The front cover is by Rhonda Reece and the back cover by Rob St. John. The interior art is by Erika Rauscher, Caro Hedge, Carol McPherson, Jean Airey, and Cheryl Duval.

front cover of issue #2 by Rhonda Reece
back cover of issue #2, Rob St. John
  • Editorial (4)
  • Doctor and Sarah by Carol McPherson (5)
  • Susan's Loss by Ruth Berman border by Caro Hedge (6)
  • To Sarah Jane, poem by Teresa Sarick (7)
  • Sarah on the Corner by Rhonda Reece (7)
  • The Last Sunset by Rhonda Reece and Rob St. John, art by Erika Rauscher (8)
  • The Doctor by Teresa Sarick (23)
  • Sontarans by Rhonda Reece (24)
  • Reflection E Space by Jean Airey, border by Caro Hedge (25)
  • On the Naming of the Time Lords by S.J. Nasea (26)
  • Dalek by Rob St. John (27)
  • Portfolio by Reece and St. John ("Doctor Who Portfolio submitted for your approval: artwork featuring some of the finest DW episodes through the years... all suitable for hanging, as each is blank on the back! Enjoy!") (28)
  • Bewared of the Jabberwock by Carolyn G. Lynn, art by Carol McPherson (41)
  • Valentine by Cheryl Duval (53)
  • A Holiday Conversation by Erin Soderquist (54)
  • Accusation and Rebuke by S.J. Nasea, art by Jean Airey (56)
  • Doctor and the Master by St. John (57)
  • LOCs (58)
  • The Master by Reece (60)
  • Panel at DWEXPO by Erika Rauscher, art by Cheryl Duval (61)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 2

Read the following with a New York Jewish accent: so, where is the cream cheese and bagel? Who ever heard of "LOCS" Without cream cheese and bagel? 0Y VEH!

First my condolences to your next of kin for your sudden and unfortunate (ahem) demise ("..typewriters, and Rhonda's Editor Badge"?)

Second, I am very impressed with the outcome of Zeta Minor II. In my opinion, the best part aside from my story of course (humble, aren't we?) is the "reasons for purchasing" the zine. I'm fully aware of the tremendous imaginative effort involved in putting one of these lists together (does your brain hurt afterward?), but I'd really like to see it become a common feature in future issues. (My reason? I never could get the hang of Thursdays!)

Oh yes—the artwork was very nice. The portfolio was a good idea, but it took space away from a potential story or article. (What am I complaining about? I have a story in the issue!)

Well anyway, thank you so very much for very enjoyable zine and keep up the good work.

The editor of Zeta Minor #3 adds: ((You do remember writing this back in February of '83, Erin? Thanks for your condolences, though after two years I can assure you that both my skull and typewriter are healed (Rhonda's editor badge is in tiny little pieces around here somewhere, along with the script for "The Twin Dilemma?). Rest assured that the "You Are Receiving This "Zine Because" section will remain a regular section of anything I ever publish. . . it happens to be my favorite!)) [9]

You're giving contributor's copies to LOC writers? Wow! I've read all your publications so far and enjoyed them all. Although I will always be a die-hard Tom Baker fan, I was very pleased to finally be introduced to Mr. Pertwee's Doctor, as well as Patrick Troughton's, both stories made me wish I could see their episodes. I've also enjoyed the nonfiction articles in both Zeta Minors, As a new fan it's nice to get a bit of background, I was especially pleased to read the history (to date) of the Master since "The Deadly Assassin" is a favorite of mine.

Usually I'm not wild about the poetry in fanzines, but I have liked what has appeared here, I especially liked "To Sarah Jane."

I'm looking forward to the next installment of Zeta Minor. I'm hoping to be able to submit something besides a LOC. Incidently, that was a lovely LOC from Mr. Ainley. Gives a new dimension to a TARDIS.

The editor of "Zeta Minor" #3 adds: (Do you remember writing this letter, Joan? Do I even remember issue two? I'm glad you enjoyed the non-fiction in ZM, because I'm toying vy?ith the idea right now of turning the zine into a mostly non-fiction review publication, allowing DW (and other British SF/F) fans a forum for debate. Yes, at last, such ques tions as "Was Trevor Hayden really Jon Pertwee's best third hairdresser?" will have a chance to be answered.) [10]

Just received ZM#2. Delightful diversity. Gan't seem to find much on Dr. #3 and I'd sure like to get to know him better.

I feel I must reply to the letter "chastising" you (and Americans) for liking Baker as a "fool" and the "silly" humor of his later seasons. Well, I've seen nearly all of the Baker series now and, if anything, I find some of the later episodes a bit tedious because of a LACK of humor. And Baker's doctor is often much too SERIOUS. (It also doesn't help that I do not like Romana #2. . .BORING).

A lot of the banter and jocularity which marked Baker's earlier seasons is gone, or, at best, forced. Also gone is the yo-yo, the hat, the jelly babies, and, it seems, the key to the TARDIS. Just about anybody can stumble into the TARDIS and run it! So much for isomorphic controls. Baker's first few seasons were marked with a fumbling low-budget kind of charm which gradually got lost. It seems in the later years they tried to get "slick" and it didn't always work.

The editor of "Zeta Minor" #3 adds: ((Do you remember writing this, Linda? That's right, August of '82. Sigh. I must agree with your assessment of Baker's later years. Stupidity, not humor ruled the sixteenth and seventeenth seasons with a few, notable exceptions ("Stones of Blood" and "City of Death" come to mind), though I think that the atmosphere of the Philip Hinchcliffe years returned when JNT became producer. Linda, by the way, has formed the "Who-Is-Colin-Baker-Fan Club." Send a SASE to the above address for a newsletter. Although "The Twin Dilemma" is perhaps the most hideous episode of DW since "The Gunfighters," Colin does indeed make a wonderful Doctor, when he isn't strangling Peri, that is. Linda also - since 1982 - is managing the Official Jon Pertwee Fan Club! SASE for information)) [11]

Issue 3

Zeta Minor 3 was published in May 1984 and contains about 60 pages.

This issue was edited by Rob St. John and Sandra Manning.

Manning writes extensively about this zine in Essay 5.

It has stories by Jean Airey, C.G. Lynn, and Linda Terrell, as well as a St. John analysis of the 21st season, poetry, cartoons, art and a You are Receiving this Zine Because page.

front cover of issue#3, Rob St. John
back cover of issue#3, Anne Davenport
[editorial by Rob St. John]:

Well, I really don't know where to start. This has got to be the most embarrassing thing I've every written (though if I'd written the DOCTOR WHO story "The Twin Dilemma," that's be something else. . .). Where have we been? For two years? Good question. . .anyone have any answers? Truth is, ZETA MINOR has passed through a number of hands since Rhonda left, and at times, I wasn't doing any of the editing whatsoever. The group here in Columbus, as you know, has been extremely occupied with running Panopticon West for two years now, and I decided that until it was over, that would be the extent of my involvement in fandom. So I handed the zine to fellow Prydonian Sandra Manning; unfortunately, all of us were plagued with the same problem. . .not enough time (or energy, for that matter!). Fortunately, other fine publications have been coming out in the meantime, giving contributors various outlets for their talents.

For those, however, who put up with us, my sincere apologies and thanks, especially to the contributors who really had no idea what had happened to their works (special love and hoots to Lucy A. Synk, whose illos grace this issue's feature story, "The Seal". . .she was much better about this delay than I was at times). It can be unpleasant to see something you drew or wrote two or three years ago pop up when you've become more experiences in your field.

And what of the future of this publication? Well, this was to be my last issue of ZETA MINOR, and Sandra's first. Sandra's interests, however, have changed, and my involvement with the conventions is over. If I am to continue ZETA MINOR, it will be in a new, probably smaller format, but definitely coming out on a more regular basis. Look for an announcement in fan directories very soon. If it does not continue, let me take this opportunity to thank some very special people: Jean Airey, for all her help and guidance these past three years; Rhonda Reece, that whacky editor who continued to help me edit the zine even after she had to leave; to all those who voted ZETA MINOR the best DW fanzine last year at MediaWest Con, kissy, kissy; to my pet chinchilla, Turlough, for absolutely no reason whatsoever; and to the DW production team who have made the past three seasons of the show so exceptionally exciting, especially "The Twin Dilemma," which has replaces "Inferno" as "Most. . .ahh, unique DW story" in my book.

Hoots to all of you! See you at Panopticon! G'day!

[editorial by Sandra L. Manning]:


Towards the beginning of my short term as ZETA MINOR'S editor I wrote a letter to Teresa Sarick saying, "Learning the ropes is hard - especially when I keep tripping over them and falling on my can." Since then, I've managed (somehow) to pull myself erect and finish what I started out to do. My apologies to all for the long delay—and my sincerest thanks for your patience.

Rob has already pretty much summed up the why's and wherefore's of the problems we both faced in completing this issue. My biggest problem, however, was simply that I did not know what to do. I broke (shattered and mutilated) the first law of learning; No question is too stupid. Preoccupation with my PWest duties added considerably to my dilemma, not to mention my sudden change of interests (Thank you, Peter!). Inevitably, it became apparent to all that I was not suited for the job.

But I look upon every failure as a learning experience. And even though I'm now travelling towards new lands, so to speak, the lessons I've learned over the past year will stay with me until I get there—and beyond.

I owe most of my thank-you's to ZETA MINOR'S former and soon-to-be-again editor, Rob St. John. A better, more understanding and inspiring teacher I have never had. To Bobbie Pallone, my best friend — a fact that never once prevented her from verbally beating some sense into me when I needed it. To the Renegades, who gave life to my interest in Doctor Who. And to each and every one of ZETA MINOR #3's contributors, who have made this issue something that the Doctor can be proud of. (Oh yeah -- and to the shaboogan who sabotaged Rob's nib — I always wanted to use the "Omega", Rob. Oh dear, I'll probably pay for that.)

My love to you all.

  • Editorials (4)
  • Comet's Tail by Beth Bowles, art by Rob St. John (6)
  • Never Underestimate a Human by Jean Airy, art by C.H. Burnett (8)
  • Leela's Song, poem by Jenna Bruce, art by Cheryl Duval (15)
  • Dean & Bean, part one by Scott Curtis (16)
  • The Seal by Carolyn G. Lynn, art by Lucy A. Synk (17)
  • I Can't Half Breathe, poem by Tristo C. Just, border by Caro Hedge (30)
  • A Chat with Deborah Watling by Christoper Martin (31)
  • The Dream, poem by Sandra L. Manning (34)
  • Reflections, poem by Carol McPherson, art by the author (35)
  • Unfinished Business by Teresa Sarick (36)
  • Dean & Bean, part two by Scott Curtis (38)
  • Bad Day at the Office by Jean Airey, art by C.H. Burnett (39)
  • Sarah's Lament, poem by Jenna Bruce, art by Cheryl Duval (43)
  • What Friends are For by Linda Terrell, art by C.H. Burnett (44)
  • Snoopy Who? by Rob St. John (52)
  • Twenty-first Season Episode Guide by Rob St. John (53)
  • Snoopy Who? by Rob St. John (56)
  • The Mara by Erika Rauscher (57)
  • Curtain Call, poem by Laurie Haldeman (58)
  • Twinkle, Twinkle, poem by Cheryl Duval (59)
  • LOCS, art by Elby Buttery (60)
  • Egress, poem by Jean Airey (63)

Special Edition

Zeta Minor Special Edition was published in 1982, contains 62 pages, and is a crossover with Star Trek: TOS.

See: The Doctor and the Enterprise.


  1. ^ As per a bio in Dimension Four)
  2. ^ Essay 5 by Rhonda Reece, date unknown
  3. ^ from a letter of comment in "Zeta Minor" #2
  4. ^ from a letter of comment in "Zeta Minor" #2
  5. ^ from a letter of comment in "Zeta Minor" #2
  6. ^ from a letter of comment in "Zeta Minor" #2
  7. ^ from a letter of comment in "Zeta Minor" #2
  8. ^ from The Gallifreyan Dispatches #2
  9. ^ from a letter of comment in "Zeta Minor" #3
  10. ^ from a letter of comment in "Zeta Minor" #3
  11. ^ from a letter of comment in "Zeta Minor" #3