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The Blue Guardian

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Title: The Blue Guardian
Publisher: Prydonian Renegades
Editor(s): Joan Carter
Date(s): 1982
Medium: print
Genre: adult het
Fandom: Doctor Who
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The Blue Guardian is an adult het Doctor Who anthology edited by Joan Carter.

No More Reprints

From the editor in the 13th issue: "The Blue Guardian #1-#12 are no longer available. The Reynoldsburg winter floods got the remaining copies and the files. Well, some things are better remembered than seen."

No More Blue Guardians at All

Jean Airey, wrote in Universal Translator #23 (April/May 1984): "Due to the death of Joan Carter, there will be no more issues of 'Blue Guardian.'"

More Doctors, More/Less Sex

I have disappointed that a greater variety of Doctors don't appear in your stories. I mean, one would think that Tom Baker was the only one around! If you're really interested in the DOCTOR, then why don't you publish a greater variety of them. Or is BG just a front for oversexed Baker fans? [The editor responded]: ((We're more usually accused of being undersexed -what a nice change! I would love to publish a full range of Doctors in each issue, but you must remember that for most Americans, Mr. Baker's Doctor is the only one they've seen - and it's most difficult to write about a Doctor you've only met through Terrance Dick's books! Frankly, I am not at all interested in the typical little tales that most DW writers engage in. If it can be published in the letter column of DW Monthly, I'm not interested. It is unfortunate that the fans who have seen the other Doctors - and profess to admire them - do not seem to be willing to write meaningful stories about them. And I'm not talking about sex as being the meaningful factor -it's an author who really become involved in his/her characters - and an author who has a story to tell and wants to tell it well. As much as I want to publish a full 'Royal Flush', I won't print the typical fannish garbage to fill out the ToC.)) [1]

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

Issue 5

Issue 6

Issue 7

Issue 8

Issue 9

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 9

I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed BG #9. The story "The Mutual Understanding" was bit of a shocker, but I've been able to enjoy Patrick Troughton's Doctor now with a devilish satisfaction. He's not such a clown as one would think. Whew! The illos by Tracey Scott were marvelously appropriate, I might add. Poor Jaime! What mush he have thought. Ah well. Here's wishing you the best of luck with upcoming issues of BG, because you can't quit now. You're obligated. Good job! [2]

Issue 10

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 10

Loved the Blue Guardian #10 story, "A New Kind of Music," by Lori Hadley. For the Doctor to protect himself by using his instrument as a 'gentle persuader' was a stroke of WHO genius. Eric Randolph's illustrations are so realistic, I can almost hear the Janacona sigh! I can honestly say I've never seen a recorder handled in such a way. I wonder if a mere human can learn this 'unique fingering' or must one be Gallifreyan? Either way -- daily appreciation of this 'physical melody' sounds like a stimulating experience. Too bad more Time Lords don't do it! Your in fevered pitch.[3]

Issue 11

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 11

I adored Taffy's illo of Jon Perwee's Doctor as the 'centerfold' of BG #11. I always thought that man had the best body of all the Doctors, and I'm now I'm sure of it. Will you be having any more stories featuring my favorite 'dashing' Doctor? ((from the editor: I quite agree with you about the quality of the illo and its subject. I think we have to recognize that quite a bit of the Third Doctor's character was revealed in the Shower scene in his first appearance in "Spearhead from Space" - but I would point out that we didn't show anything the BBC didn't. I've been trying to prod some people who claim they are Third Doctor fans to write stories - how about you?)) [4]

I didn't realize what possibilities there were in stories involving some of the "lesser" characters in the series until I read Laurie Sherman's "Benton Takes the Cake" in BG#11. I always have been a Benton fan, and I only wish that such a delightful episode could have been aired during the years that UNIT was so prominent in the show. Please convey my thanks to Laurie and tell her that I'm hoping to see even more of my masterful Sergeant.[5]

Issue 12

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 12

I just got a copy of BG #12 from a friend and I would like to know where you have been hiding this wonderful zine all the time I've been in DW fandom! [6]

Your article "Why Tom Baker Really Left the Show" was very interesting and informative. It made me both cry and feel outrage at those who could let such a thing happen. It's a shame we are losing Baker, who is such a good actor and such a marvellous Doctor, and because of what? Because of such a trivial, insignificant matter -- yes, it was that, but look what it did! And perhaps fans could have prevented it. At least he still going to continue to act; considering what happened, I could understand why he might have simply chosen to get out of acting once and for all and go into some other profession. Thank God he didn't choose to do that.[7]

I really believe that the story in BG#12 involving the Doctor and K-9 was both obtuse and obscene. I did not believe that you would stoop so low as to publish a story with a theme like that. I also hate and abhor all this "new wave" stuff. I'm not at all sure that I will be buying BG any more. [The editor responds: I am truly amazed that anyone got through the "obtuseness" to find any obscenity. After all, it is the nature of things when dealing with the metal mutt that one is on a different level. If you are truly overwhelmed by the waves -- head for the shore.][8]

I wanted to drop a line to say how much I enjoyed Irma Hogg's brilliant satire "Doctor Who and Mickey Mouse Go to Gor." When I first saw the title, I expected something really terrible -- either a ghastly attempt at humor or poor pretentious writing that would take itself seriously. To my surprise, the story is magnificent. I especially loved the seduction scene between the Doctor and Minnie in the slave girl's tent. Definitely not your typical Mary Sue story! And Mickey dueling with the Doctor... terrific! I hope that you will print more of the author's stories, for she is a talented writer. [From the editor: "I too was impressed with Irma's ability at creating both action scenes and depth of characterization -- and you know I'm a sucker for cross-universe stories! I tried to get her to write another for this issue, but she's working on a story in which Indiana Jones and the Seven Dwarfs search for the treasure of Ming the Merciless on Mongo. She plans on submitting that one to Warped Space -- so you might keep your eye out for it there.] [9]

BLUE GUARDIAN #12 outdid itself as the most pornographic fanzine I have ever had the mixed pleasure of reading. I have to admit, the imaginations of your authors and artists extend beyond the limits of time and space. I was particularly disgusted with the Mickey Mouse story (has Disney sued you, yet?). Almost worse was "The Lonely Leviathan." Surely the author wasn't being serious? This must rank as the ultimate "Save the Whale" campaign. But, seriously, no matter what the author proposes a Time Lord's physical capacity to be (not to mention flexibility and lung capacity), what happened is not physically possible! I would prefer, in the future, that you put some kind of rein on these fantasies, and strive for some level of believably.

On the other hand, "Buttercup Wine" was the four-star piece of erotica. It was almost too good to be in BG, but maybe you're learning some good taste, at last. I think the centerfold went with the story very well! If I weren't afraid that it would make my husband feel inferior, I would have the drawing up on the wall of my bedroom right now. It is so luscious! Of course, one has to suspend one's disbelief to appreciate it properly, since it would be impossible for a man to walk, with all that, let alone to zip up his trousers. But, let us be dreamers!

You should discontinue the limericks, or I shall die of laughing, one of these days. Who is this Ms. Clara Mette Reeds, and why hasn't she written limericks for the other issues of BG? Is she a newcomer to DW fandom? Is she real?

I would enjoy seeing more stories from the "Zero G" series, even though I'm not sure I would want to try some of the 'adventures' the stories in BG #9 and BG #11 suggested. It was quite a switch, though, to find William Hartnell's Doctor involved in such doings.

The "Zero G" stories are quite a step forward, and I think they show considerable sensitivity to gerontological sexuality. If my grandmothers were still alive, I expect they might secretly enjoy reading these stories. Gardenia, Sybil, and the other girl (the one in the trois a menage with the lunarian hermaphrodite, whom I also liked) were much more believable and likable than I expected, and I would especially like to read more stories involving Kithen Kin's pleasure palace.

Will you be featuring any stories with the new Doctor, Peter Davison? My friends and I agree, he seems quite neuter to us, though of course it isn't fair to judge without seeing how he develops in the role (if you know what I mean). Nonetheless, we're concerned that some important parts may have been missing when the Watcher restructured the poor Doctor's broken body!

Best of luck with BG #13, and may we please have a return to sensible erotica? [10]

Issue 13

The Blue Guardian 13 was published in 1982, is 76 pages long and contains 9 stories, plus illustrations, cartoons and poems featuring romantic and sexual relationships with the Doctor and various companions (mostly Sarah).

front cover of issue #13
back cover of issue #13, Mary Bloemker

The editorial:

For those of you who have been regular readers of BG, you will have noticed that this thing is not your usual small-and-friendly-issue. I'm not at all sure if I like it. The price is the the same but I'm wondering now if we're going to lose the friendly spirit that has permeated this zine up to now. Jean assures me that there are DW fans who are of an appropriate age and would enjoy this zine. She also assures me that it can be labeled so that individuals buying it will know what they are getting. I will have to rely on you, the readers, to tell me what you think. I am very pleased with the quality of the contents, but disappointed that all stories involve the Fourth Doctor. This is the first time in the history of this zine that this has happened and if submissions for #14 continue this trend there will not be a #14. Surely as we've shown before -- there are untold stories about the other Doctors! Stories, poems, etc. do not have to include scenes of a sexual nature, but a mature look at the characters involved is absolutely essential. I would like to thank Jean for running this through the word processor ("That much at least.") even though her printouts contained some of the strangest typos I have ever seen, also beaucoup mercis to Sarah Lee or proofreading all the contributors. The future is up to you. Va bene.

  • Never to See the Light of Day by Joy Laurie Haldeman, art by Erika Ramacher (1)
  • Hearthsong (From the Tales of the Bear-Woman), as told by Constance Faddis, art by Constance Faddis (24)
  • The Lieutenant and the Doctor by Jean Airey, art by Constance Faddis (reprinted from R & R #13, sequel to The Doctor and the Enterprise) (39)
  • Fantasy by Christy Reynolds, border by Caro Hedge (55)
  • Blind by Joy Erika Ramacher, art by Erika Ramacher (56)
  • A Lesson by Joy Lainey Stone, art by Erika Ramacher (58)
  • Twenty-Seven Reasons Why a Cucumber is Better Than a Time Lord by Mickey and Minnie (64)
  • An Embarrassment of Riches by Joy Lainey Stone, art by Jean Airey (65)
  • The Inevitable LOCS (74)
  • additional art: front cover by K-9 Prototype, inside back cover by Arlie Adams, back cover by Mary Bloemker, art on page 54 by Jean Airey

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 13

[zine]: The Prydonian Renegades also produced two fanzines, one on a regular basis called Zeta Minor and one that Jean and a couple of the older gals put together on their own called Blue Guardian. Blue Guardian was my introduction into the world of erotica. I knew that women lusted after their favorite stars, but I had no idea that they wrote stories about the characters and published them. Blue Guardian #13 was a club in-joke. I purchased a copy and read it, thinking that twelve previous issues existed. Jean explained to me in confidence that the note inside the front cover explaining that issues one through twelve had been destroyed in "The Great Reynoldsburg Flood" was a hoax and that they were just kidding around with the readers. I was certain that legions of Tom Baker fanatics were slashing their wrists in disappointment. It was obvious to me from the graphic content that these women were seriously in lust with Mr. Baker. I was merely an amateur.[11]

[The Lieutenant and the Doctor]: I should have known better. Oh, I should have known better.

Jean Airey’s The Doctor and the Enterprise. Many years ago I tracked down a copy of this story, years later I found it online. A few years ago, I learned that Airey had written a sequel to her Trek/Who crossover story, entitled “The Lieutenant and the Doctor.” This story, I assumed, was about a character from tDatE–Dorcy Stephans, an anthopological expert aboard the Enterprise–who stowed away aboard the TARDIS (for the Doctor, tDatE takes place between “The Invasion of Time” and “The Ribos Operation”) to see the wonders of the Doctor’s universe.

On eBay I found a collection of Who fanzines up for auction. While “The Lieutenant and the Doctor” wasn’t online, I knew the fanzine in which it had seen print–Blue Guardian #13. And in this collection of Who fanzines, Blue Guardian #13. A quick confirmation e-mail to the seller, to confirm that the issue did, in fact, contain the story I was curious about. Then, with confirmation, the bid placed. And then, once the auction closed, I was one step closer to confirming my theory as to whether or not Dorcy Stephans became a companion to the fourth Doctor.

Well, you know what they say about assumptions.

Essentially, the story is a retelling of the last half of The Doctor and the Enterprise, but from Stephans’ perspective, set in a frame from around the time of Star Trek: The Motion Picture. (tDatE tells the story of Kirk’s final mission aboard the Enterprise, so “The Lieutenant”‘s frame is a few years after that.)

Oh, did I mention that Blue Guardian #13 is an adult fanzine? The centerpiece of the story is Stephans’ sexual encounter with the Doctor. My researches hadn’t turned that up…

Overall, it’s not a bad story, but it’s not a standalone–it needs too much knowledge of what happened when the Enterprise was tossed into the Doctor’s universe. As a piece of erotic fiction, the Doctor is pretty well miscast: there are Doctors I’m pretty sure were sexual with their companions–the second and Zoe, the fourth and Sarah, the fourth and Romana–and Doctors that were sexual with their former companions–I can so envision the eighth Doctor popping back to San Francisco to visit Grace from time to time, to say nothing of popping ahead and visiting Benny–but I have a problem envisioning the Doctor getting physical with a virtual stranger for entirely casual reasons.

I really should have known better.[12]


  1. ^ from an LoC in "Blue Guardian" #13
  2. ^ from an LoC in "Blue Guardian" #13
  3. ^ from an LoC in "Blue Guardian" #13
  4. ^ from an LoC in "Blue Guardian" #13
  5. ^ from an LoC in "Blue Guardian" #13
  6. ^ from an LoC by Jean Airey in "Blue Guardian" #13
  7. ^ from an LoC in "Blue Guardian" #13
  8. ^ from an LoC in "Blue Guardian" #13
  9. ^ from an LoC in "Blue Guardian" #13
  10. ^ from an LoC in "Blue Guardian" #13
  11. ^ Essay 5, Archived version, Rhonda Reece, unknown date
  12. ^ On “The Lieutenant and the Doctor” : Allyn Gibson (2006), Archived version by Allyn Gibson (31 January 2006)