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You may be looking for the Canadian club zine Shuttle Butt or the Scully/Skinner fiction archive Scuttlebutts.
Zine | |
Title: | Scuttlebutt |
Publisher: | Not-So-Permanent Press |
Editor(s): | Mary Ann Bentz and Celeste Henkel |
Type: | letterzine, reviewzine, adzine |
Date(s): | 1977-1979 |
Frequency: | |
Medium: | |
Size: | letter-sized |
Fandom: | Star Trek: TOS |
External Links: | |
Click here for related articles on Fanlore. | |
Scuttlebutt is a Star Trek: TOS reviewzine edited and published by Mary Ann Bentz and Celeste Henkel. It is dedicated to Star Trek fandom and is primarily a listing of fanzines (mostly Trek, but other fandoms as well) that were about to go to print, fanzines that were available, and reviews of fanzines. Upcoming conventions were listed and a list of subscriber birthdays to celebrate.
There was also a small amount of discussion of the building trend in ST fandom of K/S, and one issue has one of the earliest uses of the term. [1]
There are sixteen issues, each running about 17 pages, letter-sized. They were mimeographed during the first year and then went to offset. The copy printed count varied from 300 to 330.
The editors write that the project "started in Connie Faddis' living room." This first issue was handed out as a freebie at SekWester*Con Too. The zine logo was created by Gordon Carleton.
From an announcement in The Halkan Council #25: "Scuttlebutt is a new zine with 'up-to-date news about fanzine fandom.' Hope to print at a very low cost, more frequently than every two months. Mimeo. First issue available for a business size SASE... In association with Connie Faddis and Nancy Hillman."
A fan wrote: "Scuttlebutt was not only needed in the ST community, but it was a solid, steady product -- no small feat in our amateur realm." (from a fan in issue #16)
An Introductory Flyer
Are you tired of sending off for Zine X and finding out the editor made off with your money to the French Riviera? -- Editors, are you sick of writing to irate fans demanding to know where their zine is, where their money is, where YOU are? -- Are you dying to know where the ending to that wild story is that began in the now defunct Zine Z? And who is printing it? -- Are you wary of laying out $8.46 for a fanzine, sight-unseen, that might actually only be worth $1.98. -- Would you like to find out where to read the latest missive from the poison pen of Stella Bumacarczech, BNF? -- Where oh where can you find a sucker eager to print your 2000-page lay-Spock extravaganza? -- How about your first crack at tracing Spock's ears? A tribble? -- Who's a desperate zine-editor who will print anything you lay on him or her? -- Who's sold their novel to Bantam this week?
THIS, and too much more up-to-date news about fanzine-fandom can be yours in the incredible Not-So-Permanent Press nonprofit SERVICE bimonthly mimeo zine.
Seriously, folks... to show that our hearts are in the right places, you can get the first issue of SCUTTLEBUTT free for a business-sized SASE. SCUTTLEBUTT is dedicated to communication between zine-editors/contributors and zine readers everywhere! SCUTTLEBUTT will contain current news about Star Trek fanzines and fanzine fandom. Once we get our act together, we hope to print SCUTTLEBUTT at a very low cost, and more frequently than bimonthly. Exact cost of future issues will be computed later, but Not-So-Permanent Press is a nonprofit production, and mimeo is cheap. We'd like to be the bulletin board of fandom, so if you have pertinent news, please share it with us, and we'll see that the word gets out. -- Mary Ann Bentz & Celeste M. Henkel (co-editors), Connie Faddis (Keeper of "Sal Mimeo") and Nancy Hillman ("Head Crank") [2]
From Mimeo to Offset
On the zine's one year anniversary, the production went from mimeo to offset:
Happy Anniversary to us! This month 'Scuttlebutt' is one year old. If you will remember, we came up with this glorious gazette for SeKwester*Con, Too. You may have notices that we have gone to off-set printing... thatz our anniversary gift to us. No more hassling with the %##&@!(#%#(@(&! mother lovin' mimeo! No more inky fingers afterward! No more lost sleep from corflu/lacquer-thinner headaches for a week! No more going blind from trying to proof-read stencils! YYYYEEEAAA!!!!
From the Editorial of Issue 1
Scuttlebutt is about STAR TREK fandom, mostly fanzines, but fandom none the less. We want to be the bulletin board of TREK. We want fans to know when Zine X is coming out, if it will be late and why, how much it will cost and where you can get it. We want to let people know what other fans think of certain zines, what conventions are coming up, who's (sic) birthday is coming up, what other fans are interested in and up to. We don't plan to print letters of comment but any & all suggestions will be accepted. We want to offer what fandom wants. We will accept reviews, guest editorials, and personal statements. We ask that all submissions be 150-200 word, tops! All reviews must be on current, available fanzines and must contain title, price, address and type of print (offset, mimeo, etc.) Please be fair and don't use the review as a 'soap box.' Please don't give away story endings. And please, be honest; if you think something stinks, say so... Special thanks to Connie Faddis for technical advice, time, equipment, and the brain storm for this creature in the first place, 'Muchisimas Graciias' to Nancy Hillman for inky fingers, strong arms, and all the know-how she gave us. And a special thank you, too, to Gordon Carleton for our stupendous logo!!!
Its End
The editors announced in issue #13 that they would end the zine at the end of the year with issue #16. They wrote: "Anyone wishing to do an information zine with a format similar to our is welcome to do so, but we could appreciate the courtesy of allowing us to retire our zine intact."
In the last issue's editorial, the editors noted that three zines were going to step up and fill their space. One was Forum and another was Universal Translator. It is unclear what the third zine was.
Reactions and Reviews
Scuttlebutt is great! It’s a mimeo newszine that has the most extensive zine listings around and the most recent fan news. This is a service that fandom really needs – thank you… The zine listings are divided up into section: currently available zines, proposed zines, zines about to go to press, and old issue of zines still available. Scuttlebutt also has a few less detailed con listings, general fannish news, reviews of new zines and birthday listings – a cute, personal touch that reminds me of a company newsletter. The mimeo reproduction is clear and readable with few fade-outs. The only artwork is the logo by Gordon Carleton. As a zine buyer’s guide, Scuttlebutt is of great help to any fan, whether neo or old timer. It is a wonderful idea that has gotten off to a good start. [3]
This is an ambitious new zine that is attempting to provide a service to other fans through a variety of features. Interestingly enough, nothing inside the zine is new. There is a list of upcoming cons, much like APOTA's section of birthdays like Star-Borne used to carry, some personal notes and public notices similar to the POF section inside Halkan Council, a few zine reviews by various people and an extensive list of available zines. Scuttlebutt hopes to provide useful information to mainly the fanzine fans in fandom. Their intent is to list available, almost-in-print, and planned--for-the-future zines on a regular basis, with the other features thrown in as extras. If it works it will be the zine to buy to find out what the new zines are that are coming out... also the zine to inform if you happen to have such a new zine. I predict that Scuttlebutt will have it's work cut out for the first six months of publication (the hardest period for any fanzine). Scuttlebutt will need to get a lot of publicity before if can really become a service, since a lot of zineds won't even know Scuttlebutt exists until the name gets passed around a bit. Also it is notoriously hard to make a totally non-fiction zine survive. A zine that appeals mainly to mainstream fandom has a limited audience to begin, a few hundred at most, so Scuttlebutt will have difficulties making the rounds at first. If you like the idea of the zine, please give it your support. As far as the first issue goes ... there could be improvements. The mimeo is spotty in places and the italic typestyle gets to be a bit much on the eyes page after page. Also, 63¢ is a bit much, for a zine this size in mimeo. Halkan Council is only 50¢ and it's offset, so it would seem that if Scuttlebutt really wants to be a service, it could be made more affordable. Give it a try though, it does show great potential. [4]
Issue 1 (May 1977)
Scuttlebutt 1 May 1977 and contains 19 pages
- an announcement that Interphase #4 is no longer available, but xerox copies are available from Lori Chapek-Carleton, send an SASE
- The Interstellar Trading Post has an ad for "The Star Trek Slide and Picture Catalog, featuring over 2100 scenes from 78 episodes and the animation, plus many, many special effects for only seventy-five cents AND the Star Trek Slide Catalog Supplement, listing an additional 1400 scenes, more animation, and episode plus the characters list, only sixty-cents. Mention this ad and get both catalogs for $1.15." There is a similar Logan's Run catalog also available.
- Signe Landon "asks that anyone who wants her to do artwork... to give her at least three month's notice. She is mostly interested in doing covers and portfolios."
- Connie Faddis will not accept requests for art or fiction until she has finished her "Scotty" novel for Menagerie.
- a listing of upcoming cons: Phoenix STAR TREK (May 28-30, VulCon #4 (New Orleans, June 10-12), Space-Con #4 (L.A., June 18-19), HoustonCon 77/Star Trek/ 77 (June 22-26), STAR TREKon 77 (Kansas City, KS June 24-26), Astra*Con (Boston, July 2-4), DallasCon (July 7-10), Star Trek Philadelphia (July 15-18), Okon (Tulsa, July 30)
- a listing of current zines for sale
- a listing of forthcoming/tentative zines, two of which, at least in the announced format/title, didn't make it off the ground: "Chattel of the Gods" (a novel by D.S. Talbotson, "profusely illustrated by Monica Miller. Buyers must be over 16 years of age. Sword and sorcery from Pre-Reform Vulcan. Tentatively scheduled for January 1978, Enchantress Press."), and "Thy Beloved Wilderness" (novel by Trinette Kern and Leslye Lilker)
- a listing of zines about ready to go to press
- fans' birthday dates
- reviews of Probe #10, Showcase #1, #2, #3, Millennium, More Trek Tales, Delta Triad Supplement #1, Star Trek Magazine, Furaha #4, Alpha Continuum #2, Menagerie #11, Galactic Discourse #1, Rigel #3, Dreadnought Explorations #1-#5, T-Negative #32/33, Obsc'zine 31, Contact #3, see those pages
- Sharon Emily sent in the personal statement: For some reason, there are people who seem to think that it was Paula Smith and her parody of 'Proof Positive' that influenced me to retreat. NOT SO!! As a matter of fact, Paula and Sharon Ferraro have both expended much time, effort, phone bills, and postage seek to get get me to change my mind about retreating. Let it go on record here that Paula sent a copy of her parody to me BEFORE she sent it for consideration by any editor, promising me that she wouldn't release it if I felt it would harm me in any way. Actually, to have one's work parodied is one of the finest compliments a writer can receive... Paula and Sharon are individuals that I'm honored to call Star Trek fandom friends, and I hope this statement will end the rumors.
Issue 2 (July 1977)
Scuttlebutt 2 was published in July 1977 and contains 25 pages. It has art by Gordon Carleton, L.A. Robinson, Elizabeth Marshall, William Bow, T.J. Burnside, and Amy Falkowitz.
- a fan is begging for anyone who has a copy of her "unpublished Jai story 'Honorific" to send it to her as she doesn't have a copy of her own anymore
- Jacqueline Lichtenberg writes a defense of The Forging
- there are reviews of 1001 Trek Tales #1, R&R #3, Kraith Collected #5, Warped Space #25, Beyond Orion #1, McCoy's Illegible Log, Sol Plus #4, The Forging, Time Warp, Nourishment, and Probe #10, see those pages
- there is a rebuttal/response regarding a review in the previous issue for Dreadnought Explorations, see that page
- there is a personal statement from Trinette Kern: Due to circumstances beyond my control, differences of opinion, and concern for the integrity of the Star Trek fan universe, I shall no longer be connected in any capacity with my former fanzine. The new owners will continue to published it as a professional magazine, and they have informed me that all subscriptions and orders will be met as they are on file.
- there is a personal statement from Jacqueline Lichtenberg about the status of future Kraith stories. In it, she explains why new stories have not been forthcoming: Right now, I don't have much time or energy for Kraith other than supervising the Kraith Robins. But as a policy statement, I want to say that Kraith will be finished. [5]
- Lori Chapek-Carleton writes that she is: trying to set up a xerox service for fans who missed zines that are not in print and will not be reprinted. Any editor of a zine that is or is going out of print, who is willing to have the zine xeroxed, please get in touch with me. I'm now trying to get together a list of zines I have in my collection and am trying to get the editors' permission to xerox these zines. If editors would like to add their zines to the xerox service and cannot give me a copy outright, I'm willing to buy a copy of the zine.
Issue 3 (September 1977)
Scuttlebutt 3 was published in September 1977 and contains 22 pages. The art is by Gordon Carleton (logo), William Bow, and Lynn Robinson.
- this issue contains reviews of The Colors of Love, Furaha #5, Eridani Triad, Berengaria #9, Interphase #4, Rim of Starlight, Deep Grope, Secret Agent: Enterprise, Neural Neutralizer, Off the Beaten Trek #3, Masiform D #6, Stardate: Unknown #3, see those pages
- there is a rebuttal to a review of Probe #3 that was printed in the last issue, see that page
- the editors point out that Paula Block and Paula Smith are two different people people: "Sorry Poblocki and Posmithi."
- the editors bring the hammer down a bit on late entries: We decided that ANYTHING that is not sent to use between issues will not be included in the next issue. Even if it is just to say print what was in the last issue. This furschluggener thing is just getting way too long. After all, this is just a gd hobby.
- the editor of Southern Star: announces her plan to do a PORN ish as yet untitled. Submissions are now being accepted. Stories must be well-written with a valid plot (not simply a bunch of bed-hopping scenes). The emphasis is on good, adult literature, preferable with unusual plots. No gay stories will be accepted. [6]
- there is a personal statement by Jean Lorrah: Yes, Epilogue will be finished in time to be published in early 1978. However, that and First Channel, are the only things I promise to work on this winter. I got myself overcommitted in 1976-1977 (my own fault) and have just worked my way out from a burden of promises. Having learned my lesson (it's no fun when you have to do it), I will no longer go around assuring editors, 'Sure, I'll write you something. When do you want it?' Treklit will force itself upon me, I'll write it, and then I'll send it out for publication. That's the enjoyable way. There will be more NTM, because there are lots of things yet to be said in that universe. If you have an idea for a NTM-universe story, please let me know. I'd like to see other people write some. If you'll let me know at the outline stage, we can avoid the 'Oh, but that's not the way it happens!' problem by finding alternatives to the story before it is written. I'm looking forward to seeing other people's ideas.
Issue 4 (December 1977)
Scuttlebutt 4 was published in December 1977 and contains 16 pages.
- a fan proposes a section in future 'Scuttlebutts' that would focus on reviews of art in zines
- a fan writes in and complains that zine editors are getting slower and slower (or not at all in replies) and that she has been waiting, despite sending SASEs for long time for many zines, one of them over four years old
- a fan writes a con report for SaltCon
- this issue contains reviews of Contact, Pegasus #2, The Clipper Trade Ship #18, Probe #11, Obsc'zine #2, see those pages
- the editor of The Other Side of Paradise writes that after three issues, they won't be doing another one unless folks step up to the plate and send them submissions: The reason is simple -- we've had no material. We have had a great deal of difficulty with this issue, what with some of our best people backing out. In addition, we simply didn't get that many submissions to begin with, except for a few gems from good friends who came through. We don't want to end up doing a mediocre zine, and we don't want to have to go through this kind of hassle again -- it's no fun. We aren't totally adverse to doing a TOSOP #4, but it's up to you writers to submit material... but if the current dearth of material continues, what can we say but good-bye?
- one of the editors of Fesarius is parting ways after issue #5: Rest assured 'Fesarius' will continue through T.J. Burnside -- and that T.J. and I parted the best of friends. I simply wanted to persue another zine venture and could no longer handle 'Fesarious,' too.
Issue 5 (Jan/Feb 1978)
Scuttlebutt 5 was published in Jan/Feb 1978 and contains 16 pages.
- one of the editors of Halkan Council reports that two of her suitcases were stolen in New York and all the paper work and canceled checks for their end of publication auction is now gone; she warns fans to stop payment on checks and that she will be responsible for the fees
- it contains reviews of Warped Space #29/30, The Sensuous Vulcan, R & R #5, In a Different Reality #2 and #3, Delta Triad #4, Mahko Root, Swords and Sulu, see those pages
- in a personal statement, Gerry Downes explains she has had massive quality control issues with a printing company, one of four of which she dealt with. She also comments on the sixth issue of the zine, Stardate: Unknown: As things stand now, number 6 will be the last. Putting out the zine has become a hassle, the volume of correspondence is enough to make strong men weep, and assembly of the material has turned into an endless round of inquires, commitments, no-shows, illness, restructuring... I've even let myself down a few times. There is enough good material in some stage of preparation to give me confidence that the remaining issues will have a variety of high quality offerings. Beyond that, I shudder to think of starting over.
- the editor of Rigel writes: I do not wish 'Rigel' 1, 2, or 3 to be xeroxed by anyone but myself. I believe it is unethical to copy and sell other people's zines without their written permission. I appreciate the fact that 'Rigel' 1 and 2 are out of print and that old zines are sometimes impossible to come by, but I reserve the right, alone, to xerox 'Rigel.' Anyone interested in copies of 'Rigel,' please contact me, and we'll discuss the matter.
- Leslye Lilker has this personal statement: After IDIC #6, I plan to hibernate for an indefinite period of time. Although plans are not definite yet, I will probably come out of hiding with Sahaj Collected #2, and, hopefully, one or two or three Trek novels that have been buzzing around my poor overworked brain for the last two years. To you Sahaj fans, I promise to finish the stories (blood oath).
- the editor of Probe has a rebuttal to a review of his zine in the previous issue of 'Scuttlebutt'. It is harsh and untactful; one result of his rebuttal was that the original reviewer, Eileen Roy, writes in the following issue of 'Scuttlebutt' that she will no longer by reviewing zines:
Issue 6 (Apr/May 1978)
Scuttlebutt 6 was published in April/May 1978 and contains 14 pages. The editors write: "We don't know how long this insanity [issuing this zine] will last, so PLEASE DO NOT ORDER PAST ISSUE TEN."
- a fan writes a letter complaining about 60 Minutes and a letter by a senator that was read on the air. The fan found the letter disrespectful of space travel: "Because I am a normal, red-blooded Trekker, I became extremely upset, and sent the senator a tape explaining to him why I am for the space program."
- there are reviews of Warped Space #31/32, Thrust, The Turbolift Review, Parted from Me, Threshold, Solar Sailors, Sahaj Collected, and Starbase MTL, see those pages
- there is a personal statement from Eileen Roy regarding her actions after the editor of Probe wrote a letter about her in the previous issue: I have learned recently that I have an 'image problem in fandom,' that people think I've 'been cutting up everybody.' Please believe that was never my intention and certainly not my desire. I really don't want to be in a position where saying that I like a zine or story is somehow a personal attack on the editor or author, so the reviews in this issue of 'Scuttlebutt' will be my last. My apologies to anyone who has been hurt.
- there is a personal statement from Linda Deneroff announcing that she will no longer be associated with Probe: I have resigned from the staff of Probe as you read this. Normally, such a statement is not necessary, but since Winston Howlett lists me as a staff person, I feel compelled to announce this resignation. I find myself in editorial disagreement with Winston on several issues, but since he makes no disclaimer in his zine to the effect that the editorial opinions are solely his own and not that of his staff, one could easily get the impression that we all agree. Winston and I will continue to be friends, but I will henceforth not be associated with 'Probe' fanzine or M'Pingo Press.
- there is a personal statement from Bev Volker regarding a statement made in a review of Mahko Root: [Name redacted] did a review of 'Mahko Root' in which she mentions Jane Aumerle's story, 'Do Not Go Gentle,' a the end of a 'trilogy of Kirk-with-a-fatal-illness stories started in Contact #3.' I'd like to correct that statement. The 'twin vignettes': 'When Time Comes' and 'Not Yet There.' were NOT written as part of a trilogy. I purposely left the end undefined so that the reader could supply his own, thus the speculation as to whether Kirk died or not was part of the effect. Jane decided that he did and wrote her excellent interpretation and published it in 'Mahko Root.' However, that ending is no more or less valid than anyone else's fantasy. I have no objection to anyone writing or ending or spin off of any of my stories, but I do not want them mistaken as part of the original author's intention.
- there is a plea from a fan who wants to publish a zine but is having trouble making connections with other fans. She thinks blames geography: Living on the West Coast seems to be a disadvantage -- the only means of communication open to the East is a query letter -- this is who I am, this is what I want to do, could you do this to help me out. I'm sorry to be so abrupt, people, but I simply don't know everyone yet... If you would introduce me, a thousand blessings upon you!.
- there is a note from a fan that date stamps one of the first rumblings of George Lucas' attempts to corral and control fanzines: Allyson Whitfield has sent 'Scuttlebutt' the following: 'As of February 14, 1978, this is the official status of Star Wars fanzines. The Star Wars Corp. wants to keep track of what SW zines are coming out. They are not out to hassle, sue, etc., anybody. They just wan to convince 20th Century Fox's legal department that there are more than five SW fans who are interested in publishing zines. Even if you are planning a zine, they would like to know about it. For those of you who have already published zines, I was told in a phone call -- Craig Miller stated that he was "certain nothing would happen. [9]
- there is a note that reads: Mandi Schultz is having a zine sale. SASE for list. Also, some of Gee Moaven's art, including most of the illos for Diamonds and Rust... For the information of those of you who have sent SASEs [about 'Moonshadow']: Mandi Schultz' 'Moonshadow' is a PRIVATE publication and NOT for general distribution. Whoever let the cat out of the bag was wrong in doing so. Please stop asking about it. Mandi and Gee Moaven have gafiated from Trekdom, so says Mandi.
Issue 7 (June 1978)
Scuttlebutt 7 was published in June 1978 and contains 14 pages.
- this issue is the first-year anniversary issue and the editors celebrate by going from mimeo to offset; the postal rates also go up, and they beg for stamps and loose change
- there is a personal statement from Gerry Downes outlining the financial hassles she has been having regarding printing, and that issue four of Stardate: Unknown will be delayed
- the editors of Guardian apologize for a late first issue, blaming moves, illness, other commitments, and the ever-popular scapegoat, the Post Awful
- there is a personal statement from Carol Hydeman, the coordinator of the Star Trek Fan Fund; she offers a detailed accounting of costs and expenses: it includes the $12 from the sale of a Chewbacca poster donated by Burger Chef, and the various sources of cash from auctions, votes and donations, and private fundraising; the check for $523 was mailed to Ann Looker, the winner who was this year's winner
- three fans, Victoria Clark and Barbara L. Storey and Nancy M., thanking other fans for their support at the February Convention in NYC that was "one final effort toward doing something about the situation of Star Trek II and Leonard Niomy."
- there are reviews of Menagerie #14, To Share the Dawn, Moonbeam #1/2, Nexus #1, Stardaze, Probe #12, Quartet, Fantasia #2, Pastak #4, see those pages
- Myrna Culbreath and Sondra Marshak write that they are looking for submissions for Star Trek: The New Voyages #3 and #4, two pro-books that never got off the ground
- about 15 fans write in to announce they have new addresses, including one fan who "fears she is the only ST fan in North Carolina" and wants people to write her
- there is a review of the pro-book, "Splinter of the Mind's Eye"
- a van load of fans is driving from New York to California and is 1) offering space in the vehicle for those who want to go with them, and 2) asking fans along the way for floor space on which to crash
- there is a personal statement from Winston Howlett that says: Will the person or persons spreading the 'news' that [name redacted] stole $5000 from the STW and escaped to California, kindly pleas cease and desist? Not only is that 'information' erroneous, and bordering on a bold-faced lie, it is also fouling up the fandom activities of a lot of people who don not deserve this kind of grief, including several members of the Star Trek Welcommittee.
- there is a personal statement from Fern Marder and Carol Walske complaining about copyright infringement on the characters/universe they have created: There is a relatively new fanzine available, called Antithesis, which deals with the Klingon Empire. The first issue contains material by the zine's editor, P. Spath, which bears close resemblance to details of our Klingon series, Nu Ormenel. We have been assured by Ms. Spath that these similarities are purely coincidental and that she has drawn her material from other sources and her imagination. We are willing to accept her word for this. In view of this situation, however, we would like to make a few comments with reference to the 'Nu Ormenel' material. All works in the 'Nu Ormenel' series have been copyrighted to us, either directly or through the editors of the fanzines in which they appeared. Therefore, the use by any other authors of any 'Nu Ormenel' data about Klingons, our characters, original vocabulary, and proper names, is an infringement of our copyright and will be dealt with accordingly. Any work regarding Klingons which is not identified as part of the 'Nu Ormenel' series, and/or which is not written by one or both of us, IS NOT part of 'Nu Ormenel.' We have not given our permission for anyone to write and publish stories in our series, nor do we plan to in the future. Any story which contains material from 'Nu Ormenel', be it labeled as such or not, has been published contrary to our wishes and to the copyright laws. [10]
- there is a personal statement from Mandi Schultz about her fannish departure: My gafia has nothing to do with whether or not D&R will be finished. I certainly do not need to be an actifan to accomplish that. In fact, considering how long volume 1 took to complete, ideally I ought to be confined to my basement for the duration. Those interested in more D&R should send a SASE to Cheryl Rice or myself... Any further D&R will NOT be scattered through other zines. Cheryl and I are currently evaluating various methods of its future disbursement. And we'll be happy to tell those who are interested as soon as we have it all figured out. [And] please, folks, I am not Gee Moaven's mother. If you have something to say or ask of her, write to HER, not me.
Issue 8 (July 1978)
Scuttlebutt 8 was published in July 1978 and contains 14 pages.
- there is a personal statement from Mandi Schultz concerning Diamonds and Rust: As for volume two -- much of it is done, but there remains much to be done, especially since we are both working on other projects as well. The best estimate as to when it will be ready for public consumption is 'eventually... Everyone interested in volume 2 should send a SASE to Mandi Schultz as soon as possible. Publication will be somewhat innovative, and there won't be a 3 year wait to see more of the story. Flyers available soon. Jim and Chantal return.
- the editors write that they are NOT printing a personal statement: Since we had no other substantiating proof of the issue involved, and the author of the statement refused to have his/her name printed, we decided not to publish the statement.
- there are reviews of Stardate: Unknown #4, The Beast, Companion #1, Spectrum #37, Skywalker #1, Android and Tribble, Future Wings #1, Crystal Singer #1, #2, #3, and Starbase M.T.L., see those pages
Issue 9 (Sept/Oct 1978)
Scuttlebutt 9 was published in September/October 1978 and contains 18 pages.
- fan asks about what may be a pass-around or round robin series of stories. She would "like to know if 'The Great Voyage Conspiracy' stories are alive and well. Writers who might know the whereabouts of the stories are asked to drop me a postcard."
- there is a very long and detailed account, complete with dates and transcripts of letters regarding the cease and desist matter between Paramount and Dreadnought Explorations; the very short version: Paramount sent the fanzine editors a cease and desist letter, Paramount appeared to be confused as to what constituted a fanzine (length? quality?), Paramount went back and forth with their demands and terms and sent more confusing letters, and at this printing of 'Scuttlebutt,' the issue had not been resolved. In any event, while the first five issues of the zine continued to be sold, as well as two collected volumes, the sixth issue of 'Dreadnought Explorations' was never printed. See the Dreadnought Explorations page for the full text of the letter
- a frustrated zine ed has a personal statement that there has been no progress all summer on the zines she was planning as her family was redecorating the house, and she had to help, as well as change bedrooms. She also graduated from high school, and at the moment "has the emotional stability of a wet noodle"; several of the proposed zines she's suggested in past issues of 'Scuttlebutt' are canceled
- a fan is demanding to know where her copy of The Sensuous Vulcan is; she wonders if the editor "has passed" and if so, would someone have the executor of her will contact her, as she is determined to get a hold of this zine
- in this issue are reviews of Companion, Obsc'zine #3, R&R #6/7, Pern Portfolio, The Best of Pon Farr, Phlegethon, Sol Plus #5, Pegasus #3, The Displaced, and Matter/Antimatter, see those pages
- there is a personal statement from Winston Howlett: Any published information about Winston Howlett taking over management and/or publication of 'Furaha' is premature and slightly erroneous. Please DO NOT send any orders for 'Furaha' or claims of back issues owed to Mpingo Press. When a formal statement about the establishment of the Furaha Complaint Department has been published, claims of back issues owed will then be accepted and dealt with.
- a fan is angry about a slam against fan writers: In the July issue of [the pro publication] 'Galileo,' there is a review of Star Trek: The New Voyages #2 that is derogatory to Star Trek fan writers. F.L.A. Hood says that we lack imagination and are afraid to write anything that Gene Roddenberry might disagree with. He also complains that none of the minor characters are dealt with, nor are any new cultures and characters introduced. I urge everyone in ST fandom to respond to it as he sees fit, preferable in writing to 'Galileo.' The writing reputations of us all have been discredited and must be restored.
Issue 10 (Nov/Dec 1978)
Scuttlebutt 10 was published in November/December 1978 and contains 18 pages.
- there is a very lengthy personal statement from Barbara Wenk in which she blasts Paramount about the cease and desist letters that the editors of Dreadnought Explorations had received during the last year: Listen, fellow fans, what this boils down to is simply this: after keeping that stupid show [Star Trek] alive for TWELVE YEARS with our devotion, our work, our creativity, and our love, Paramount has suddenly woken up to the fact that SF now has money in it. What happened just before Avelron Press got its first letter from Paramount? STAR WARS CAME OUT AND PROMPTLY STARTED RAKING IN THE HIGHEST PROFITS EVER SEEN BY THE MOTION PICTURE INDUSTRY. So, NOW Paramount wants to control Star Trek... They have allowed fan publications for 12 years. THey KNEW about the fan publications and did not try to stop them... We have to stop this NOW. And don't say, 'Oh, I'm not publishing a novel.' Or, 'I'm just a little fanzine,' or 'They aren't bothering people who don't publish fiction.' THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A LITTLE BIT OF CENSORSHIP, PEOPLE. Paramount has started... by saying that a fan-published novel is not a fanzine. Believe me, if we let them pull this and get away with it, we'll deserve everything we get. Let Paramount start telling fandom what it can and cannot do, and we'll be dead. (The thought of Paramount worry about 'protecting the public from shoddy ST merchandise' is truly touching. Gets you right in the churning stomach, it does.) We cannot give Paramount the right to decide what is or is not a fanzine... So, get out your pens, crayons, typewriters, and mimeos. Use your telephone... Remember, we are the people that kept ST on the air for a third season by our activities. Don't think Paramount can't find zines either. Or the fans. The Welcommittee has a lovely list. And it ain't stamped TOP SECRET. 'Scuttlebutt' itself has lots of names and addresses and ads... Sure, maybe you're not Jean Lorrah. Or Spockanalia. Or writing Kraith. Or a member of the Landing Party Six. Or a K/Ser. It would be too bad if Paramount put them all out of business, of course, but you only publish a little bitty 'zine, with nothing but your own Mary-sue story in it, right? Sorry, it doesn't work that way. Because if we let ourselves get knocked over one by one, when Paramount turns its belated efforts onto YOU, there won't be anyone left to back you up... Sorry to sound so melodramatic about this, but I have hardly ever read someting that angered me so greatly. Let's kick the camel out of the tent NOW.
- one zine ed writes that in two years, she has never had a financially bad experience with fan: "I am very, very proud of fandom. It is a pleasure to work with such people."
- several fans write in and complain of not receiving zines they've paid for, several zine eds write in and apologize for late zines, and everyone's wondering what the hell happened to D.T. Steiner. The editors write: "It has been many months since we last heard from her. There really isn't anything we can do about the situation, but if we do happen to hear from Diane, we will be sure and pass on the information onto all of you."
- there are reviews of several pro publications: "Star Trek Tapes" by Jack M. Sell, the Bantam book "Vulcan!," and some Viewmaster color slides, and "The Official Star Trek Cooking Manual" (the latter with the subtitle is the cringeworthy: "From the Logbook of Nurse Christine Chapel") by Bantam
- there are reviews of The Other Side of Paradise #3, Star Canticle, Nexus #2, The Turbolift Review #2, Log Entries #17, and Variations on a Theme #1
Issue 11 (Jan/Feb 1979)
Scuttlebutt 11 was published in January/February 1979 and contains 20 pages.
- the editor of Side-Trekked apologizes for the delay in her zine; it is "still at the hands in the slowest printer in the world."
- this issues contains reviews of Star Trek Nuts & Bolts, Odyssey #2, Alpha Communicator, Berengaria #10, Alnitah #7 and #8, The Tale of Windy Hollow, Plak Tow, The Best of Amanda and Sarek, Enterprise Log Entries #20, Zap #3, Rising Star, Enterprise Incidents #2
- the editor of R & R writes: Dear Fellow Fen: I have decided, reluctantly, to allow the early issues of 'R & R' to go permanently out of print since my current stock is sold out. Eventually, I will put out a collection, which will keep most of the stories available for new fans."The zines listed in 'Scuttlebutt' will be available at those prices as long as they last, in other words, but they will not be reprinted. Orders will be processed strictly in the order that payment is received. No exceptions.
- a fan writes of his support of Battlestar Galactica: It seems to me that the same narrow-mindedness with which fandom approached Space:1999 is no reoccurring in regards to Battlestar Galactica this time around. Sure, the first couple of episodes lacked direction and depth, but so did the early Star Trek shows. Currently the characterization has become deeper and the audience can now care about the characters. And yet fandom in general despises the show, shouting 'swipes of Shane,' ignoring, of course, 'Spectre of the Gun,' et all. Because something is different or new, it seems to instill fear in some people, rather than appealing to their sense of the unknown that Star Trek tries to foster. It is to laugh. If anyone wants to escape for 2 or 3 hours from that mountain of ST zines on their desks, with the current reams of K/S material, and aren't afraid of something well-done, however different, they can SASE me for info on my new BG zine. Maybe some of us could broaden their S.F.-TV horizons beyond the Enterprise, hmmm?
- Rayelle Roe writes a personal statement: This is an open letter to all those who have written to Dotty Barry regarding Star Canticle asking, 'Does Rayelle Roe exist?' Yes, Virginia, there is a Me. I am not some B.N.F.'s pen name. I am not a conglomeration of people writing under one name -- I do it all by myself, 'cept for punctuation and spelling which I don't do at all. Yes, Zarabeth, I am firmly convinced I do exist.
- one fan writes a personal statement that cuts ties with two other fans and their zine: Be it know that the following persona dissolve ALL associations for personal and profession reasons/obligations/grievances with [R H] and [M.A.C.], late of the Southern Star: [C W], [L H], [P W], and [T B]. Let it also be known that the fanzines known respectively as Fanfare, and Jedi are in no way subsidiaries of [R H's] 'Southern Star'; nor is the SF/ST organization known a The Alternative Factor, a chapter of [R H's] club, The Greenville Association of Star Trek fans. I wish to apologize openly to the following persons in the aftermath of what was known as KlingCon convention handled by [R H] and [M.A.C.]. To Sharon and [M E]: apologies for driving such a long distance for that affair. Meeting the two of you and taking you to dinner was the highlight of the con for me and the persons mentioned above. Through everything, you both handled yourselves with dignity and decorum, impressing those of us who were boiling mad... To [J L] and [C H], new fan artists, my sincere apologies. You both were great artists with gorgeous work, and I only hope this convention and the way it was/wasn't handled does not hinder or disillusion either of you. To everyone who came expecting a crowd of 300, you are not alone. Some of the staff did the same double take when they realized that only 20 or so persons had registered, if that many. To everyone who suffered through [M.A.C.'s] slide show, and this includes family groups, and women, children, and favorite aunts -- please realize that not all fen are of the same caliber. [11]
Issue 12 (Mar/Apr 1979)
Scuttlebutt 12 was published in March/April 1979 and contains 20 pages.
- the editors write that they received so many reviews that they only printed the ones from fans who'd never had one published before
- a fan in prison says he's allowed to only spend $15 a month which doesn't cover many zines, but if folks send him any as a donation, they must come directly from the publisher; he also wants some pen pals.
- a fan says thank you to the many fans who offered her "loan and xerox copies" of Zebra Three #1
- a fan, Sharon Emily, is "offering to review fanzines, be they Trek, Star Wars, SF, or any TV action-adventure shows. If she can't say anything good, she won't say anything at all. However, she thinks it should be understood that she is one of those 'bigots' who does not accept the Premise (the K/S homosexual relationship theory)."
- one interesting ad is for the Man from U.N.C.L.E. "book" by David McDaniel, called "The Final Affair" (online as a pdf here). It is for "a heretofore unpublished major Man from U.N.C.L.E. novel. Hardcover, currently limited to a 500 copy run. Send SASE for publication date and price to Gavin Claypool." [12]
- there is much backlash regarding the letters about KlingCon, see that page
- a zine ed is upset that the editors of "Scuttlebutt" ran what he felt was a badly written, unhelpful, and terrible review of his zine Star Trek Nuts & Bolts
- this issue contains reviews of Enterprise Incidents #6, Innisfree, The Oracle Speaks #2, Archives #2, The Clipper Trade Ship #23, Mahko Root #2, Wine of Calvoro, Snow on the Moon, Currents, Sublight Reading #2, see those pages
- a fan says she has received an anonymous letter, while not the first, was the most disturbing. She says if she gets another one, she will be forwarded to all the letterzines and that the editors can decide if they should be pitched out or printed for everyone to read: Someone recently went too far... The individual went to so much trouble cutting words from newspapers and pasting on a page that I MUST share their letters with others... though I refuse to repeat the profanity and filth that had been sprinkled liberally throughout. The gist of the letter was that I had ruined Star Trek with my trashy zines and silly Mary Sue stories. Not only that, but I was obviously planning to do the same thing with Star Wars. I must stop it. If I don't, and if I ever attend a convention again, then the writer will see to it that I receive two black eyes and a broken jaw. Perhaps I will then realize I am not wanted in fandom.
- a fan writes that she heard two authors at the most recent WisCon, Suzy McKee Charnas and Elizabeth Lynn, denounce Star Trek and the Jacqueline Lichtenberg's books as being "popcorn" and: Suzy said she resented being mentioned in the same conversation with them. Perhaps this is a good enough reason for us to boycott their books. Suzy's second [book] isn't bad, but the first one isn't all that good, and since she announced that she was proud to be called an intellectual snob, maybe her books should only be read by people who share her views?
- the editors ask that no one sends money for too many issues: Since there is a good chance that we will no longer be publishing 'Scuttlebutt' after the end of 1979, or, at the very lease, there will be some drastic changes made, will not accept any subscriptions past issue #16. For the few of you who have done so already, your money will be refunded if we shut down, or the files will be transferred to whoever (in anybody) takes over.
Issue 13 (May/June 1979)
Scuttlebutt 13 was published in May/June 1979 and contains 15 pages.
- the editors announce they are retiring the zine at the end of 1979, with issue #16: This was not a decision we came to lightly. It has brought us many good friends and has been a big part of our leisure time activities for two years, but we both felt it was time to move onto other things. We have received offers from both established fans and neo-fans, all wanting to take over Scuttlebutt, and while we appreciate the offers, we have come to these additional decisions. No one will be inheriting our zine from us. We will be retiring both the name and the Gordon Carleton logo. Anyone wishing to do an information zine with a format similar to ours is welcome to do so, but we could appreciate the courtesy of allowing us to retire our zine intact.
- Zebra Three #1 continues to be a hot item: another fan requests someone sell her copy
- about a dozen fans, which is about the usual number in other issues, announce change-of-addresses
- several fans are selling off their zines
- this issue contains reviews of Spin Dizzie #1 (1978), Warped Space #40, Deathdance, Fans, see those pages
Issue 14 (July/Aug 1979)
Scuttlebutt 14 was published in July/August 1979 and contains 20 pages.
- this issue contains an ad for The Kirk Spock Erotic Paper Doll Set and the Kirk Enslaved Poster
- there are many address changes for fans, one fan wants to buy all of the Star Trek episodes in BETA video cassette form ("name your price"), another fan wishes to purchase anyone's audio cassette recordings of Star Trek episodes ("high tonal quality preferred"), and another fan wants a copy of the Star Trek Poster Book #3 ("will pay mutually acceptable top dollar price")
- an eight-year old boy named Marky is looking for a pen-pal. His interests are "Kirk, Chekov, Tribbles, McCoy, Scotty (all but Spock), cars, and The Six Million Dollar Man."
- a fan proposes a letter campaign to bring back The Paper Chase
- a fan scolds another fan for not sending her the zines she paid for, telling him that, while she sympathized with his personal problems, he shouldn't have listed a zine a "available" five months before it was printed. She adds an addendum that, after eight months and four letters later, the zine, Captain Uhura, has finally arrived.
- this issue contains reviews of Innisfree, Warped Space #41, Rigel #4/5/6, Masiform D #8, IDIC #6, Sahaj Collected, Zebra Three #4, Naked Times #2, Currents #1, Right of Statement, Time Warp #3, ReVisions #2, The Mos Eisley Tribune #2, Matter/Antimatter #2, The Holmesian Federation, Canektion #1 and #1, The Oracle Speaks #1, #2, #3, Odyssey #3, and Bjo Trimble's science fiction pro-newsletter, Megamart see those pages
- a fan writes a personal statement asking zine eds to use better packaging to send zines in the mail
- a fan asks about Furaha: Does anyone know who or what will ever be done about 'Fuhura'? Several people I know received copies of #5 and #6 so I know they have been printed. I sent for these plus some back issues I was told were available. The checks were cashed, the total being about $20, but I never received the zines or any other word. I have written a couple of letters that were returned. I understand this group has disbanded and the zines placed in storage. Is anybody ever going to fill the orders that were tabled or do I write it off as a lost cause?
- a fan writes a personal statement regarding "editing": Fanzines are amateur publishing endeavors. No one gets paid, and authors write and artists draw and editors edit all for their own reasons. But there is no reason for some of us to carry this amateurishness any further than we have to. I've heard and read many warnings about tampering with artwork: each piece has its own integrity, which cannot be improved upon by another hand. However, I have regrettably encountered a certain cavalier and unprofessional attitude on the parts of some toward the written parts of others. Under the guise of editing, or friendly advice, I have found something else: butchery. There is a simple premise that some people may find easy to overlook: any creation comes from a source unique in this or any other galaxy. It is made up of thoughts, feelings, experiences, and a singular creativity that resides only in one place -- the creator. A written work can be improved through the informed criticism of others, i.e. the honest reactions of a reader. There are a variety of ways in which a written work cannot be improved, one of which is it cannot be improved by telling the writer to write in a style other than her own. A corollary to this is that it cannot be improved by changing the writer's words to your next best equivalents. If you didn't write it, you don't have the right to rewrite it. There is a profound integrity to the differences of our minds, our styles of writing, our characters, and the situation in which they find themselves. It is to be honored. If you cannot accept this, then you are not free to comment on the work of others... You can always butcher, but lets call a spade a spade.
- there is a personal statement from one of Diamonds and Rust's writers: Due to personal reasons, Mandi Schultz and I have decided that it will be impossible for us to finish the complete 'Diamonds and Rust' series. We have been sending this information out in the several hundred SASEs we've received from readers... since it is possible some may have gotten lost in the shuffle... I wanted to use this more public way of notifying people, too. In answer to quite a few letters I've gotten on the subject, I'd like to say that it isn't a problem of finding a publisher. Basically, it's just that Mandi can't afford to write for free anymore. Also, thou' it has been suggested that we write a 1 or 2 page outline of what happened in the rest of the story and send it to readers who'd been left in mid-plot, that won't work. There would have been at least 400 pages more, with a horde of new characters, and there's no way to reduce all this to an outline that makes any sense. I've explained the rest of the story in persona, and it takes me at least 20 minutes. We do regret this, but real life problems and responsibilities do have a way of intruding on even the most beguiling of fantasies.
- a fan is trying to track down another fan who has refused to return her fannish belongings: I let her borrow some Man from U.N.C.L.E. fan items a year ago so she could xerox them. She will not return them, and my last letter imploring her to do so was returned unclaimed... Due to her actions concerning this matter, I would advise any fan against trusting her... She is the only Star Trek fan that I've run into whose word can't be trusted. [13]
Issue 15 (Sept/Oct 1979)
Scuttlebutt 15 was published in September/October 1979 and contains 20 pages.
- a fan writes in support of the zine Enterprise Incidents: Most of us are very familiar with the superb fanzine, 'Enterprise Incidents.' THis can truly be called a fanzine with a differences since its printing and contents, as well as graphics, are on a much higher level than most fanzines. WIth the most recent issue, fan fiction has been added as well, a drastic move which appears thus far to have been beneficial, giving the zine a more universal appeal to Star Trek fans. However, rising costs have led to many delays. Recently the publisher made an appeal to subscribers which I feel all fandom should be aware of. In order to come out more frequently and strengthen the zine's 'backbone' so to speak, the first major subscription drive has begun. Everyone involved is encouraged to subscribe NOW so that the zine may continue to get better and better. It is not in danger of folding; he merely wants to stabilize it more against inflationary printing and postage costs. This is definitely a worthwhile cause. How many fanzines do you know, folks, which have a FULL-COLOR COVER, numerous half-tones, pictures, well-researched articles and professional artwork? If you really want a great looking zine to look better, you should subscribe.
- Gerry Downes writes a personal statement saying that: real life challenges were causing her to cancel the sixth issue of Stardate: Unknown, and that she "hoped not to leave fandom entirely; there are too many nice people in it for one thing, but of necessity it will be long time before you hear from me again. Don't worry -- I haven't forgotten you."
- this issue has reviews of Alien-ation, To See Thee Smile, New Alliance, The Perfect Object, Masiform D #9, Academy Chronicles #6 and #7, The Palantir #1, Axanar, In a Plain Brown Wrapper #1, The Web of Selagor, Intersect #1, see those pages
Issue 16 (Nov/Dec 1979)
Scuttlebutt 16 November/December 1979 and contains 16 pages.
- two fans alert others that another fan has had a "very bad accident while putting zines away on a high shelf... They fell and cut the cornea of her eye." This zine ed will therefore be unable to send out orders or letters for a while
- this issue contains reviews of some pro books, and the zines Captain Uhura, Nome #1, Fesarius #4, Plak Tow #2, see those pages
- a fan is selling some Starsky & Hutch stationery she has created
- the editors write: Well, folks, we have reached the last round up. Our final editorial. When we started this project in Connie Faddis' living room in what seems like ages ago, we never thought we'd have such success with it. As a matter of fact, from what people tell us, we seem to have become the 'state of the art.' We never dreamed THAT would happen! We were just going to be a half-assed, rinky-dink little zine. We didn't write stories, or draw pretty pictures -- we just printed information. And now, so far, THREE zines are preparing to take our place! Incredible!! Our sincerest thanks go to everyone who has supported this zine. from people who've been with us since day one, to the folks who just discovered us an issue or two ago. To Connie Faddis, Nancy Hillman, Allyson Whitfield, thank you. To Gordon Carleton, who never tot much credit for a logo which has been our trademark, many thanks. To our families, who had to put with typing at odd hours, staples in the carpets, hideous smells from the cellar (at the start of it all [because of mimeo], stamps, boxes, pick ups and deliveries, and all the other pain-in-the-ass stuff that goes with our hobby. To our gofers who licked, stamped, stapled, cranked, and any thing else. Thanks guys!... Happy trails to you, 'til we meet again.
- a fan sends in a plea: In recent years, the Star Trek Welcommittee has recognized the need of blind fans to have access to the wealth of fanzines and other Star Trek publications available to the sighted. STW operates a circulating library of ST zines and books on magnetic tape for those unable to read conventionally printed material. Through the STW Blind Services Department, blind fans can obtain recored fanzines and books, can request information about Star Trek and ST fandom, and they receive answers in Braille, large type, or on tape. But STW cannot provide these services without the help of all Star Trek fans. We urgently need editors to provided inkprint copies of their fanzines so that we can make recorded copies available to blind fans free of charge. The Blind Services Dept. also needs people to help read ST materials on tape. We need donations of tapes and funds to purchase badly needed equipment and materials for the circulating library. If any 'Scuttlebutt' reader would like to help by donating fanzines, tapes, or operating funds, or if you would like to volunteer as a reader, please contact us. We look for and look forward to a good response from the hard-core fans who enjoy this zine.
- there is personal statement by Bev Volker, April Valentine, Nancy Kippax regarding to an "unauthorized sequel" to their story, The Rack: This letter is directed to the editor of the Canadian-based zine, Starbase M.T.L.. Last year, the zine published a story titled A la récherche de l'avenir by Genevieve Lapierre... The word 'avenir' in the title refers to the ship Spock was offered in 'The Rack.' In our story, he turned down that command. However, in the 'Starbase M.T.L.' story, yet another inspired by 'The Rack,' Spock goes on to become the captain of the Avenir. That wouldn't be so bad. There have been other 'take-offs' done on 'The Rack.' having themes and content with which we disagreed. The difference is that the authors of these stories and editors who wanted to print them at least contacted the editors of Contact, wherein 'The Rack' was published, to receive permission. In this case, none of us was contacted. At AmeriCon '78, [the editor] proudly showed us the story, and we were rather upset. We requested that since the story was printed without permission, an apology appear in the next issue of 'M.T.L. saying he hadn't realized that an okay was necessary. He agreed. Now, the so-called apology has arrived. John states that the Lapierre story was submitted late but was too good to leave out of his zine and he didn't have time for the 'protocol' of writing to 'Contact's editors. His editorial goes on to say that since the character the story is built around, Val Kaminksy, played such a small part in 'The Rack,' he thought everything would be all right. John does mention that 'The Rack' authors were upset at the direction taken by the story, but emphatically states that he is apologizing for his 'failure to follow fannish etiquette and not for the content of the story.' Complimentary copies of his zine were given to us with the stated hope that all would now be settled. Well, it isn't. The problem may have arisen due to John's not asking for permission to print the story, but he seems to think that he would have received that permission. He would not have. First, the character of Val Kaminsky WAS of minor importance in 'The Rack,' but he was a character created by J. Emily Vance, and for that reason, NO ONE may develop him or give him a history EXCEPT J. Emily Vance. Secondly, the whole point of 'The Rack' was that Kirk and Spock were not lovers. In the Lapierre story, Spock is having an affair with Val Kaminsky, a gay who made a pass at him in 'The Rack.' Not only did Lapierre tamper with the Vance character, she tampered with Spock as postulated in 'The Rack.' Lapierre has made a mockery of the Kirk/Spock relationship in our zine -- indeed, in all of fan-fiction -- by stating that with Kirk dead, Spock would jump into another man. The third point, though, is the most serious. In the Lapierre story, there is a flashback scene in which the first meeting between Spock and Val is recalled. And there, lines of dialogue DIRECTLY FROM THE RACK HAVE BEEN USED. There is a simple word for this sort of thing. It is called plagiarism... Other creators of universes in fan fiction have been plagued by plagarism and the time for it to stop is NOW! [14]
- ^ Science Fiction Citations, accessed December 26, 2010
- ^ from a flyer printed in The Clipper Trade Ship #15
- ^ from "The Halkan Council" #25
- ^ from Spectrum #33
- ^ See the Kraith page for the full statement.
- ^ It appears that this zine was never published.
- ^ Boldly Writing says of the original review
- ^ See, Probe for more information.
- ^ For more information about where this leads, see Open Letter to Star Wars Zine Publishers by Maureen Garrett
- ^ seeing how the 'Nu Ormenel' series was based on Klingons, someone else's copyrighted idea, seems to have escaped these two fan's attention
- ^ from Scuttlebutt #11
- ^ The manuscript, part of the pro book series, is discussed here: "Ace’s Man From U.N.C.L.E. paperback series in the last sixties had twenty-three books before it was ended, David McDaniel’s novels were the best selling of all of them. He had six published and a seventh written that never made it to print, the series being canceled before he turned it in... McDaniels’ seventh novel, THE FINAL AFFAIR, was supposed to wrap up the series. For years, copies of the manuscript have been passed around among fans (I have one). Then it became available as a PDF file on the internet. One wonders if it will ever be converted to the Kindle, although I understand Amazon has finally okayed PDF programming in Kindles." An ad in the next issue of 'Scuttlebutt' calls it a "posthumous publication of his last novel."
- ^ She also includes in her personal statement a plea for any information regarding the copy of The Sensuous Vulcan she paid for a year ago and still hasn't received.
- ^ Mary Lou D comments on this statement in Interstat #28, see The Rack.