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You may be looking for The Berengaria Dragon or the fan writer Beren.
Zine | |
Title: | Berengaria |
Publisher: | Quei-Starmerian Network |
Editor(s): | Vicki Kirlin & Richard Heim & Teri Meyer (some issues) |
Date(s): | 1973-1978 |
Series?: | yes |
Medium: | |
Size: | |
Genre: | gen |
Fandom: | Star Trek: TOS |
Language: | English |
External Links: | |
Click here for related articles on Fanlore. | |
Berengaria is a gen Star Trek: TOS zine that ran for ten regular issues from 1973 to 1978, plus two special issues and a "best of" issue. It was a club-zine published by a local Star Trek fan club.
This zine's title comes from the planet where Spock said he saw a dragon in the episode "This Side of Paradise".
The title of the lettercolumn, "Draconian Chronicles," was suggested by Cara Sherman, as per an LoC in issue #2.
Special Berengaria Issues
- The Castaways (1977)
- Beyond Shattered Illusions (1980)
- The Kidnapping, written by Elizabeth Carrie, illustrated by Ann Crouch
Publishing History
In answer to the probably questions regarding the disappearance of an old fanzine and the rise of this one, this communique has been prepared. It is also intended to clarify a situation which has recently become overwhelmingly confusing. 'Berengaria' was originally planned to replace The Nebulus, the publication of the Star Trek Science Club Leminicus. Due to a multitude of reasons, including lack of time, finances, and experience, 'The Nebulus' ceased publication with issue #2/3. An agreement was made this year which established 'Berengaria' as the new S.T.S.C.L. magazine. Flyers advertising 'Berengaria' were printed and circulated to interested parties. Additional preparations were made to accommodate the change of publication. In May of this year, a rift developed between members of the governing body of the S.T.S.C.L. and, to be truthful, there's been nothing but mounting confusion since. The president [of the club] resigned, The Quei-Starmerian Network dissociated from the STSC Leminicus, and consequently, the original 'Berengaria' arrangements were nullified. 'Berengaria' is now published by the Quei-Starmerian Network...[1][2]
Some Flyers
flyer, note the difference between what was planned and what was published: Spock's Pilgrimage was not published in "Berengaria" but in Kraith Collected
Regarding Reprints
Over the past months, I have received quite a few requests to have Lori Chapek-Carlton xerox copies of back issues of BERENGARIA. I applaud the fact that Lori is willing to go to all this trouble, but I cannot allow back issues of BERI to be issued in this manner. I am not being petty, but feel that as the editor, I should be the only one who has control of BERENGARIA. There was a group back east who wanted to reprint BERI, without allowing myself control of prices, type of paper, or amount printed, even though my name would be on it as editor. Naturally, I turned them down. I also feel that for the past five years I have strived to make BERI better and better; by xeroxing copies of these earlier issues, I am losing that high quality of colored covers, better paper and some art work that does not reproduce well, Therefore, I have discussed this with my printer and we can reproduce back issues much cheaper than having them xeroxed. I am in the process of preparing BERI #1 and #2 for reissue, reduced to keep the cost low. 100 to 200 copies will be printed. I can understand the desire to purchase back issues of fanzines; I feel the same way, but as the editor, back issues will only come from myself, or from auctions by fans who are selling their 'original' issues.[3]
Editorial View on Same-Sex Content
From Kirlin in issue #9:
I have never used BERENGARIA as a sounding board, unless it was to warn the fans of a commercial rip-off, as was the case a few issues back. But a situation has been going on for some time and I feel I must speak out. BERENGARIA will not print any stories which contain a homosexual relationship between Kirk and Spock, nor incest stories, nor will I print any ads for zines which carry these themes. I must admit I purchased one or two issues, because of authors, with whom I had come to enjoy reading. But I was dismayed by the stories and no longer purchase these fanzines or others of their kind. I urge others of you who feel Star Trek is being degraded by this type of literature to boycott any fanzine which feels it must devote itself to this type of material in order to sell it. I do not intend to debate this stand in future issues of BERENGARIA.
General Reviews and Reactions
...despite being a clubzine, [the fanzine] enjoyed an audience beyond the club membership. The stories seemed to capture the imagination of many Star Trek fans.[4]
Bernegaria has consistently good to excellent artwork. The stories very from excellent to mediocre. Berengaria has run many Kraith stories, and contributing authors include Jacqueline Lichtenberg, Claire Gabriel, Sharon Emily, and Vicki Kirlin. Artists include Alan Andres, Douglas Herring and Karen Flanery. Beginning with the fourth issue, Berengaria covers have been printed on textured, heavy-stock paper. Berengaria's letter column is growing, as are the 'zine's reviews and quality. Perhaps my favorite story thus far is 'The Day the Dragons Went to War.' Berengaria seems to be most successful when concerning itself with serious to semi-serious contents. Somehow its occasional lapses into humor don't fare quite so well. At a couple of bucks a throw, Berengaria is a pretty good buy. Consistently inconsistent, the quality continues to improve, and so does the printing and editorial expertise. Reviewers this time around gave Berengaria an average rating of 8 (good).[5]
BERENGAIA's quality is oddly erratic, running all over the scale from damn-good to poor. How many editors do you have working on it, anyway? Strange, I can't wait for #6. (ED: Note; sometimes it takes time to find your own style. I hope I've finally found mine!) [6]
[comments on issues #1-#4, see individual issues for more fan comments]: I'm deeply grateful I had the opportunity to read issue one through four. After seeing the quantity and quality ([and] it's alot!) I can understand why you specified "only one reprint.""Apostasy" by Richard Heim left me hanging. I felt none of the neat tying of loose threads most stories have for endings. "Challenges" was neat -- but Scotty strike a woman in anger?? Chekov maybe but not Scotty. Very bad -- conduct-unbecoming an officer.
I liked Rennox in both "Rennox Four" and "Galactic Circles." I hope to see more of him.
"Spock's Decision" clarified another story for me. I had read "Bone's Vision" months before, and as I only have Krath #1, "Bone's Vision" didn't compute until I read "Spock's Decision." I like Kraith.
I truly enjoyed "The Decision." Good stories about Sarek and Amanda are few, but Claire Gabriel is an expert, as this story grows.
I felt "Child of Earth" was well written and compelling. Will we read more of T'Mora? Does she (and her child) return to Laaymour? It was a different perspective of Vulcans. Somehow everyone seems to suggest all Vulcans are alike in ability and self-control. No other culture is represented in such a manner (of which I am aware) except in sf where an occasional race is as a single mind. (like bees or ants). Why all Vulcans should be alike is beyond me. T'Mora was a refreshing change.
"The Brew" was hilarious. "Christine's Decision" well written. It seemed to be Christine in a way few stories are. "Strange Time, Familiar Place" -- it seemed to me that Sulu wouldn't become as obsessed with conquering and setting up himself as was indicated. I didn't feel like I was reading about "our" Sulu.
"Fear Itself" kept me alert until the ending produced a good chuckle. Thanks for enjoyable reading.[7]
Beri has lovely covers, and good art. Doug Herring is a frequent contributer. In the first few issues the fiction was not always the best, but later issues are much better—have included such goodies as "Carmilla" (would you believe vampires aboard the Enterprise?) and "Trek to the Planet of the Apes". And the excellent "The Day the Dragons Went to War." #7 is due out March 76, and should have some good dragon-stuff (Berengaria 7 is where Spock saw a dragon, TSP) Around 50 pages, reduced size printing , offset. Yed has a story in #7, Nessie, in which Scotty meets the Loch Ness monster. What do you do with a drunk dragon?[8]
I had the rare chance to read the entire collection of BERENGARIA's ten issues plus the novel special all in one week. I could watch Vicki Kirlin evolve right before my eyes into an accomplished discoverer of unusual talent.
A couple of stories were hard to read; Carle's Johnson's "Challenges" (issue #1) because I was jumping up and down screaming "Scotty wouldn't do that!" and M.S. Murdock's "The Mirage" (issue #10) because I was literally moved to tears.
Ms. Kirlin has grouped issues one through four into a special BERENGARIA (reduced print, 163 pages) for $5.00. It includes some Kraith material by Jacqueline Lichtenberg as well as about sixteen other stories and the complete text of a Gene Roddenberry speech.
Issues five and six are grouped into a 108 page zine of ten stories. The type here is generously sized, the cover especially sharp, and the whole effort reflecting care and expense. It's price is $4.75.
Seven and eight are the last of the slim (60-66 pages) issues. Each has a full color cover which is rather unusual. If you plan to get just one of these $2.50 issues, #7 with its four chapters of Chuck Gannon's novel Empires Downfall would be preferred.
Issues nine and ten are $6.00 each. The writing and workmanship are excellent. The hundred-plus heavy paper pages are bound in plastic. [9]
The fanzines contain stories, reviews, ads, and art of above average quality. The quality has of course increased with each issue although a faulty "h" in the third issue and the photo-reduced type make the third issue difficult to read. The stories range from those involving well-known Star Trek characters to those with totally new figures. [10]
Issue 1

Berengaria 1 was published in September 1973 and has 56 pages. On the cover: "Kroykah" which the editor in issue #2 says is Vulcan for "enough already." Art by Larry Greider, Richard Parkhurst, Alan Andres, Douglas Herring, Mike Maley, and Dennis Janzan.
A reader's LoC in issue #2 says: "Glad to see some guys doing Star Trek stories. Thought the women were the only ones doing any writing."
The editorial:
Hello fellow non-dragons. To forstall all kinds of questions, Berengaria was mentioned in the Star Trek episode, "This Side of Paradise." Spock has been affected by the spores of an alien plant. He and Leila, a girl he knew from Earth six years before, have renewed their "friendship." They are looking at clouds and describing what the clouds resemble. Spock says one looks like a dragon. Leila says she's never seen a dragon before. Spook says he has, on Berengaria VII. I can not take the credit for the name, as Mamie Ellington suggested several and I liked the way Berengaria sounded and the idea of using dragons for a theme. We do hope to have some stories with dragons as the main characters and how the Federation first comes to Berengaria VII. Marnie also provided the information, that Berengaria was the wife of Richard the Lion-Hearted. Who says fanzines are not informative???We did intend to make this a much larger first issue, but because of finances and because we didn't want to delay the first issue any longer, Richard and I pooled our meager resources and this is our efforts. Hopefully, the future Issues will run 100 pages or longer.
For those of you new to our area, I am still trying to interest someone in financing a Star Trek Convention. I should have more on this the next issue. I have been asking people who would be interested in attending to send me a post card. I also would like to start a column on ESP experiences, if enough people are interested. I think real life experiences would be very interesting and possible we could discuss the pros and cons of real ESP and the kind Kreskin uses. We have alot of excellent material for future Issues, including a chant by Jacqueline Llchtenberg, but we do not have any Vulcan type of stories. Anyone who is interested, be they dragon or not, remember us.
Until next time, Peace and Long Life
- Apostasy by Richard Heim, Jr. (4)
- Challenges by Carle' Johnson (24)
- Rennox 4 by Ken Gooch (39) ("Rennox 4" is the title used on the table of contents, "Rennox Four" is the title used on the story itself.)
- Communique from the Commodore (57)
- Star Cracked cartoon by Dennis Janzan
from issue #1, Alan Andres, art for "Apostasy"
from issue #1, Russell Parkhurst, not Richard as per the TOC, art for "Rennox 4"
from issue #1, Dennis Janzan
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 1
See reactions and reviews for Challenges.
See reactions and reviews for Rennox 4.
See reactions and reviews for Apostasy.
[zine]: BERENGARIA/KROYKAH is a handsome first issue. I like the emphasis on text — most Strekzines follow this emphasis, which is virtually non-existent in comics fandom -- but BERENGARIA sorely needs illos, lots of illos, and break-features between stories. Putting one story right after another as occurred with APOSTASY and CHALLENGES makes for pretty dense reading — the ads at the bottom of page 38 are a good idea, but encourage your advertisers to send you display ads (as I'm going to) and charge whatever you feel the cost should be accordingly. Display ads are immediately eye—catching, they make a nice break between features, and they'll make you money.Really sharp cover. Why is that dragon yelling "Kroykah!"? (Ed. Vulcan for "Enough already!"). You have the features on numbered pages but you didn't have the pages numbered, a real pain at times. (Ed. I numbered the pages in an ink pen and they didn't print. Sorry!)
SPOUTS FROM THE DRAGON'S SNOUT is a good idea — the corresponding section in ROMULAN WINE is called QUACK. Having a special-interests forum on things which are interesting to the readers — that could be included in or separate from the Lettercol (umn) depending on how much space you want to waste in your zine. I wouldn't shoot for so much MORE material (though a nice fat zine is something to be proud of) so much as MORE VARIED. How to make BERENGRIA different from every other Strekzine In the field?
I haven't read APOSTASY yet. CHALLENGES: Fairly polished, well-written story. Carle' Johnson knows his/her stuff. There's confusion for me on the gender because the calculated feminine voice of the narrator is just enough missing in verisimilitude to make me feel uneasy. (Ed. Carle' is a definite female). Personal attitudes on the part of the writer were starting to creep in, which is fine and unavoidable, but when you get the feeling that the writer doesn't really care much for the heroine-nar rator in spite of trying to portray that person sympathetically...I guess for any of us it's difficult to write with conviction about things we haven't experienced, and with restraint or objectivity about things we have. Johnson's parents came off as unreal (I don't care if there really ARE par ents like that in real life, as there doubtless are -- fiction is not real- life), in their disinterest and hostility, not to mention Johnson herself, who should have had SOME kind of hostility towards everything in general with a background like that. There just wasn't enough of the story to fill out the characterization believably.
I am a feminist; I like some of the points that Johnson made (How significant is it that both narrator and writer have the same name?) but having Scotty slap her in the face is not the way to make them. That was totally out of character for Scott. I could sooner see McCoy or Sulu wallop someone than Scotty, especially a woman, since Scott has these -— SIGH— "chivalric principles" that he'd stick to. I realize yeoman are the rock-bottom on the ship (having a yeoman scratching his back in SHORE LEAVE was somewhat out of line for Kirk!), coffee-makers, room-tidiers and so on, but the service just does not function that way. Having some obnoxious petty-officer of a Stiles (BALANCE OP TERROR) type slap her is far more believable than a senior officer like Scott doing it, no matter how stressful the situation. And I have a feeling that the situation itself was made deliberately more dire than it need have been — over-written-- to form a believable background for that particular bit of interplay. Bad structure. But the story... well, basically I liked it. The only things I'm nitpicking on are things that I catch myself doing wrong. I am DELIGHTED to see SOMEONE using the Star Trek universe for something other than THE FURTHER ADVENTURES OP KIRK, SPOCK AND MCCOY. Captain Pike was always to me a much more believable Captain than Kirk. And it was no easy job to take on the position of writing from the POV of a yeoman, when the readers are all used to reading the Blishized POV of Kirk, or sometimes Spock. Has anyone ever written from McCoy or Scotty's viewpoint extensively? I'd like to see someone do a Uhura Journal. Carle' gave me a real gut-feeling of what working down in the lower ranks of a starship is really like, the petty inter-office type stuff that man probably took into space with him as surely as he brought along sexist stereotypes and cultural prejudices (which Roddenberry naively and Pangloss-ianly) describes as appreciation for one's own culture's uniqueness as well as for the uniqueness of others... and don't anyone tell me that the very epitome, supposedly, of this broadminded philosophy towards other cultures, the Vulcans, are not biased against humans, Andorians, Tellarites and whatever else! -- to say nothing of being supremely patriarchal).
Anyway, I thank you for this story. I thank you for the valiant attempt at meshing the accepted-feminine-stereotype that the yeoman represents with a person with competence, dignity and resourcefulness. I'm sorry to see it didn't work, but keep trying. Maybe with Uhura you'd have better luck?
I could see REMNOX FOUR being made into an episode for the ST-Toon. It's nice and tight, good science fiction, the characterizations hold water (though McCoy's monkey wrenches line was a little too much), the dependence on dialog kept the thing moving at a fast pace and a lot of it is good old Star Trek and older, space-opera ideas (that is not a put-down space opera is fun) — it just bored the hell out of me.
I almost went nuts trying to decipher STAR CRACKED. Numbering the balloons just aren't enough... maybe it's just that I'm feeble minded... I thought I was the only one who numbered balloons.[13]
[zine]: Maybe there's yet another historical use for your title. My desk encyclopedia gives Berengarius as one spelling for the name of Berengar of Tours, an 11th century French theologian. If I remember my Latin, your title would be the feminine equivalent and if he was married, maybe they referred to Mrs. Berengar in that manner. Of course, if he was sufficiently theologian to be a priest, there hardly could have been a lady of the house in those per-Refermation days.Both of your covers are excellent. Normally, offset artwork loses some of its effectiveness when it's done on colored paper. But both of these drawings have enough solid black areas and strong lines for the virtues of lithography to shine forth against the blue background. It would be good if Larry Greider could do some art work for other fanzines, to give him exposure in the area of general fandom, since Star Trek-centered fanzines never seem to be considered when Hugo nomination sheets are being made out. Larry or whoever did the portrait on page six of CHALLENGES also deserves great commendation, because there's a feeling that this girl could suddenly start talking and smiling or frowning on the page. It looks like a genuine, real person. (Ed. Alan Andres did this drawing.)
The letter from the Smithsonian Institution was both instructive end amusing. I've been to that establishment, and from what I've seen, it's a good thing they have decided against any effort to collect every fanzine. They would run out of room within a few years, because they're rather cluttered up already with dinosaurs and airplanes and such things, and fanzines quickly accumulate to much greater proportions than those objects.
That leaves me with the task of commenting on the fiction, and here I'm afflicted with my usual problem with Star Trek-centered fanzine contents: I don't have the thorough background in the Star Trek world to deliver the kind of reasoned judgments that I'd like to give. Undoubtedly I overvalue one item and fail to appreciate properly another because I don't know enough about the traditions of Star Trek fandom, haven't watched all the ST episodes on television, have read only one of the paperbacks about the series, and so on. So, If you'll keep those limitations in mind in what follows, I'll risk the opinion that CHALLENGES seemed like the strongest story in this issue. Maybe I'm at that dangerous age and therefore prejudiced by the fact that its central character is a woman. But I do think that this story was outstanding for the fact that it humanized all the events, by causing them to be seen through the eyes of one person, giving the reader someone who takes a personal interest in. It might have been even stronger if more care had bean given to explaining the circumstances through which the Enterprise people got themselves into that mess: it just doesn't seem like the course of action an experienced crew would follow when invited to dinner. But I liked very much the opening pages which painted very well a sense of camaraderie aboard the starship, and the action scenes are well,done, even though they didn't wind up in one culminating ding dong battle bigger and better than previous skirmishes.
On the other hand, APOSTASY seemed to convey best of the three items in this issue the flavor of an actual Star Trek episode, in contrast to the purely short story technique used for CHALLENGES. It wasn't hard to visualize things happening on a mental television screen and the dialog flowing through the ears as I read it. If I have any specific criticism, it's based on the effect of a series of crises in more or less separate form, rather than a group of related crises which automatically grow out of one another. Maybe this effect would disappear if the story were translated to a filmed hour of television where those climaxes would be interrupted for commercials.
RENNOX FOUR has in its favor some good imaginative ideas, the kind that stir up the old sense of wonder. But I kept thinking that such things as the accidental acquisitions caused by malfunction in the transporter room and the arrival on stage of Rennox Four were not developed as fully as they might have been to achieve maximum effect. The principals on the Enterprise don't make the effort you'd expect to learn as much as possible immediately about this disclosure of the Inter-universal Area for Peace, for instance, and the trouble in the transporter room doesn't cause the tension that should be created by the danger that more than one alien form of life might have slipped aboard. Still, like APOSTASY, this story has the flavor of the television series, as if it were a slightly revised shooting script.[14]
[zine]: I love the zine. One of the most impressive first issues I have seen in years. The art is nice (heh, heh), and the printing is quite clear. (Occasionally the ink was too heavy -- like on page three where my pen and ink looks a little like a wood-out, but that was a rare exception). The front and back covers are quite good, although the girl looks a little dull-witted.[15]
[zine]: Largely, I'll have to defer comment on BERENGARIA until after I thoroughly persue [sic] the contents of the issue-in-question. About all I've done so far is look at the illustrations (I guess I've never outgrown the "look at pretty pictures" stage.) There is something, however, which I'd like to mention. On the contents page, my name is incorrectly quoted as being "Richard" Parkhurst, instead of "Russell" Parkhurst. Ordinarily, I wouldn't mind, but I have this nutty cousin named Richard Parkhurst. I don't remember telling you about him, but he's the guy who talks to animals. Now, ordinarily, people wouldn't mind that so much, the only trouble is, the animals answer him, so you can see why I'd just as soon not be called Richard. A trival [sic] matter, really, but ---- (Ed. Sorry about that, Robert, or Raymond, I mean Russell. Full moon out that night!) [16]
[some general random comments of the zine]: And from one reader that will remain unnamed, objected to the sex in CHALLENGES. "Liked the story until the point where the man dropped his pants! Didn't think that was needed in a Star Trek story." (Ed. Do you suppose those 430 plus crew members played tiddly-winks for five years?) Other assorted comments: "Glad to see some guys doing Star Trek stories. Thought the women were the only ones doing any writing." "Please have someone proof-read, the typos are driving me crazy." So, Marnie Elilngson has volunteered to proof-read this issue. By and large, everyone seemed to like BERENGARIA. We would like to hear from everyone and you too may find your words immortalized on these here pages. Thanks everyone for writing.[17]
Issue 2

Berengaria 2 was published in January 1974 and has 72 pages. The front and back covers are by Larry Greider. Other art by Alan Andres and Geri Gralewski.
The editorial:
SPOUTS FROM THE DRAGON'S SNOUT: The SPOUTS will be short this month so as to have a page of art work, instead. Quite frankly, writing SPOUTS is rather difficult for me to do. Do people really read these things? We have a new Lettercol this months. The name was suggested by Cara Sherman. The magazine is longer this time and thanks to Marnie Ellingson, hopefully, there will be no typos, I also numbered the pages so everyone won't go crazy trying to find the stories.Berengaria III will be available if you want this fanzine to continue. I have been taking orders two fanzines in advance, so, if you wish to continue, a flyer has been included with this order. So, as always, I hope you enjoy this issue of Berengaria. If there is something you don't like, please lot us know. We aim to please.
The "Communique from the Commander":
This Communique will probably be the first communication anyone has had from me in about a month. It shall therefore serve a multiple purpose.First, I must extend my deepest thanks and congratulations to Mrs. Kirlin for the excellent job she did editing the premier issue of BERENGARIA, I understand the deadline pressure she was under and the printing and collating work which she managed completely by herself. I only wish I could have been of more help in putting together the first issue, but the sixty miles of interstate between us prove to be quite an obstacle. At any rate, thanks for the good work, Vicki, and I promise to be of more assistance in the future. Secondly, we have the tremendous honor of being able to include in this issue one segment of Mrs. Jacqueline Lichtenberg's outstanding KRAITH series of STAR TREK stories. Many thanks and expressions of appreciation to Mrs. Lichtenberg for supplying us with an excellent portion of her work. Thirdly, I must announce the plans for an Omaha-Lincoln STAR TREK Meeting scheduled for sometime in the future, Judith A, Woita ([address redacted]) has been placed in charge of organizing the meeting. Those of you who would be interested in attending please send a postcard to Judith, Fourthly, I must apologize for my failure to answer the letters sent to me by those approximately 93 people who have been kind enough to write, I have isolated what I believe to be the two primary causes for the lack of correspondence (which doesn't help me now), but save heart — only two more weeks of First Semester classes at the University of Nebraska remain, then Final Examinations, then I shall be free (I think). In addition to the resultant lack of communication, I have been unable to complete the full printing of all of the copies of STAR-WAVE #5, which I had promised (to several dozen people) would be ready two months ago. I have managed only to finish enough copies for Q.S.N. members, and have mailed these. This sort of thing — although these delays should be accepted -- is inexcusable, and I accept my punishment. Lastly, I must make slight mention of several growing problems which have suddenly popped up. The Big One which all of you have probably heard of by now is the Arab oil embargo. I needn't mention the havoc the embargo will play on the speed of the United States Postal Service because of the resulting gasoline shortage — causing further delays and all of that — so I won't. But I will mention that the embargo may very well have a detrimental effect on publishing. STAR-WAVE is printed by a mimeograph machine, which uses an oil-based ink . . . In addition, I have heard of a growing paper shortage. And, most importantly, postage rates are increasing.
Despite all of this bad news, I hope you enjoyed BERENGARIA #1 and are enjoying this issue, and Live Long and Prosper in STAR TREK.
- Spock's Decision by Jacqueline Lichtenberg (3)
- Maya by Carmen Dexter (Non-Trek vignette: two strangers meet in a bar, one insisting that they are dreaming, and wanting to exchange addresses to prove that contact occurs during dreams.) (66)
- Draconian Chronicles (68)
- Communique from the Commander (The editor, Richard Heim, complains about the Arab oil embargo and the threat of a paper shortage. He also apologizes for not answering the 93 letters fans have written him, saying he has been too busy with other fannish things, notably trying to publish the fifth issue of Star-Wave.) (73)
from issue #2, artist not specified, from Spock's Decision
from issue #2, Larry Greider, from Spock's Decision
from issue #2, Larry Greider, from Spock's Decision
from issue #2, Larry Greider, Spock smiles, from Spock's Decision
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 2
See reactions and reviews for Spock's Decision.
Issue 3

Berengaria 3 was published in July 1974 and contains 50 pages. The art is by Alan Andres, John Price, Carmen Dexter, Doug Herring, Russell Parkhurst, Geri Gralewski, Tinker Lowe, and Rick Kingslan.
The first printing, perhaps later ones as well, are almost unreadable due to a typewriter malfunction that elevates the letter 'H' in every word. On every page. The editor comments: "I really must apologize for my hyperactive 'h.' I have had it fixed, but to no avail. I have threatened to use a 'j' instead, but can you imagine 'tje' for 'the,' and 'jello' for 'hello'? People wouldn't know if I'm trying to eat them or greet them."
- The Decision by Claire Gabriel (reprinted in Computer Playback #4, Quartet Plus One, and The Best of Amanda and Sarek) (story) (3)
- Equicon '74 by Richard Heim, Jr. (includes some small black and white photos, see con report here) (9)
- S.B.A. News (13)
- Galactic Crisis by Ken Gooch (story) (14)
- Lecture, a speech made in New Hampshire by Gene Roddenberry (25)
- Communique from the Commodore (30)
- three reviews of House of Zeor (Sime~Gen), one by Claire Gabriel, one by Helen Young, and one by Becca Baggett (31)
- Cry, poem (35)
- Child of Earth by Vicki Kirlin (story) (36)
art from issue #3, Carmen Dexter, the infant Spock
art from issue #3, John Price
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 3
See reactions and reviews for The Decision.
See reactions and reviews for Child of Earth.
See reactions and reviews for Galactic Crisis.
[zine]: Both issues are primarily ST fiction... One story is a traditional Enterprise adventure yarn, but the other two are something different. 'The Decision' by Claire Gabriel is a Sarek and Amanda story set at the time of Spock's birth and is unusually well-done. 'Child of Earth' by Vicki Kirlin is about a Vulcan female space traveller marooned on prehistoric Earth and her growing friendship with a native male. Both characters are appealing in their own way. The three reviews of 'House of Zeor' all touch on different aspects of the book and are well worth reading if you enjoyed the book, or think you might want to read it.[18]
[zine]: Very professional--good content, all offset (reduced). The typing is OK but there's this temperamental "h" that soars over the rest of the letters. You get used to it, though Interesting, with many spot illos. [19]
[zine]: The first story in issue 3 involves Sarek and Amanda the 2nd one is about an extragalactic trip to the Andromedes taken by the Enterprise. The third story is an adventure on an alien world involving a young Vulcan woman, a Star Fleet scout T'Mora. Gene Roddenberry's speech in New Hampshire a poem, and reviews of Jacqueline Lichtenberg's book (The House of Zeor) are also in the 3rd issue. [20]
Issue 4
Berengaria 4 was published in March 1975 and contains 52 pages.
- The Brew, or Mr. Spock's Downfall by Barbara-Katherine (playlet) (3)
- Christine's Decision by Sharon Emily (set in the Kraith universe, Kraith 5-A) (15)
- Draconian Chronicles (26)
- A Greater Love by Trish McDaniel (28)
- Strange Time, Familiar Place by Richard Heim, Jr. (Sulu is transported to ancient Japan) (29)
- Communique (46)
- The Winged Man by Barbara Brink (47)
- Fear Itself by Wayne Allan Dick (Crew is trapped in Kirk's nightmare.) (49)
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 4
See reactions and reviews for Strange Time, Familiar Place.
See reactions and reviews for Christine's Decision.
See reactions and reviews for The Brew, or Mr. Spock's Downfall.
[A Greater Love]: Unappealing ½ p. vignette of The Three each attempting to sacrifice himself for the others, Spock succeeding.[21]
[zine]: Issue #4 is mainly four stories of varying type and quality, plus a few poems and a lettercol. The best is a Christine Chapel story by Sharon Emily set in the Kraith universe. In another story, Sulu is transported to ancient Japan, but his one is flawed for my by faulty characterizations... Also, a playlet called 'The Brew, or Mr. Spock's Downfall.' You can guess the theme, it's amusing if you like that sort of thing. The last is another Enterprise adventure with a surprise ending. The covers and some of the interior art of both issues #3 and #4 are very nice. Of the two issues, I recommend #3 if you're buying only one.[22]
[zine]: I have Berengaria #4 before me now, and the first thing I noticed about it was the absolutely adorable cover! Great detail, a beautiful scene, and I can see no difference between the drawn Spock and a Spock on a film clip from "Mirror, Mirror." You have a tremendous artist, Larry Greider. I envy you.Page two contained an unexpected surprise : the news of the signing of a contract by Gene Roddenberry and Paramount for a Star Trek movie. It's almost too good to be true! I have one question, though. What are your other sources, besides Margaret Basta?
Ken Gooch presented a nice philosophical anecdote; perhaps you could persuade him to write another story?
It's about time you printed an original script (that is, a script written by a fan)! I found "The Brew" to be quite entertaining, and the occasional typographical errors (such as Captain Kirk, page 3) added to the humor. (However, at times, your typographical errors can be quite distracting.) The premise was excellent and the characterization was VERY good. Imagine, half of the major officers conspiring to brew up a brew! I would very much like to see this script made into a half-hour live episode. My only complaint is: There is no indication in the actual series that Spock needs a vitamin supplement.
"Christine's Decision" is a good story, but as a reader who is not very familiar with the Kraith series of stories and who is not very interested in strictly human interest stories, I found the story to be, shall I say, disappointing.
Back to page 2: The drawing was very nice, but I'm afraid the character's left hand is rising from within her helmet.
"A Greater Love", page 28, was another human interest story which, because of its shortness, lost (for me, anyway) the author's intended impact.
Richard Heim's story on page 29 seemed to be written for pre-Animation-age audience. The innumerable scientific inaccuracies throughout "Strange Time, Familiar Place" detracted from whatever good qualities it may have had, and I doubt if changing the tense from present to past would have improved it. His feeble attempt to develop a dramatic relationship between Kirk and Jameson reminds me of conversations between two children. It just didn't work. None of his characters seemed to fit the established norms, and about the only good thing I can say for the story is to comment on the nice illustrations. Like "Apostasy" (in the premiere issue), "Strange Time, Familiar Place" left too many ends dangling. Both stories seem to be written as part of some series of stories. If so, why doesn't he write the sequels to them? One wonders, upon noticing the author's note at the story's end, what department Heim is majoring in. Based on the story, itself, I needn't ask what kind of grade he received on it. Only one word can describe the series of poems on page 47: Beautiful. "The Winged Man in Our World" soars far above "Strange Time, Familiar Place".
"Fear Itself" was basically sound and well-written, although it did contain several flaws. For one, I cannot visualize Mr. Spock replying, "Aye, Aye, Sir," or possessing a 'positronic-like brain. ' I found it somewhat confusing as to why Kirk finds himself in the do -nothing position he is in: I could only conclude that Kirk was actually dreaming the entire episode.[23]
[zine]: I recently finished reading Berengaria #4. It was interesting, but not quite up to the high standard of #3."The Brew" and "Strange Time" suffer from the same fault - in both stories, the characters are acting out of character. In The Brew we have Sulu and McCoy acting like naughty boys, concocting a still in the ship, and the captain cast in the role of stern schoolmaster - it's just not believable! And Spock is not so absent minded he can't notice the difference between his vitamin supplement and McCoy's bootleg brew! Also, McCoy is acting most unethically for a doctor. How does he know the stuff won't hurt Spock? He hasn't run any tests on it. It seems to be addictive, on superficial observation. The whole thing is too improbable, altho amusing in its way. Perhaps I'm being too stuffy regarding what was obviously meant as a humorous piece, but I would feel better if it had been written as a parody, with the names slightly altered or something. The illos, for that play were great though. They really caught the spirit of the thing. In fact, all of the artwork in #4 was very nice.
In Strange Time we're asked to believe that Sulu, a decent and civilized man, turns into a murderous, egotistical tyrant. I suppose amnesia might cause a complete personality change, but doubt that it would. And the captain wouldn't go to pieces that way. He has seen his friends die before (even his relatives) and carried on as efficiently as ever. Since no explanation is offered for these drastic character changes, it must be considered a flaw in an otherwise interesting story. I wonder why Richard didn't write his story with Sulu as himself in ancient Japan? It would have made a good plot; perhaps something along the line of "City on the Edge of Forever" but with a Japanese slant.
"Fear Itself" is good as an example of that type of story, but somewhat disappointing. I felt he could have written a really better than average ST adventure story if he had chosen to - the writing was very good - but instead he gave us a trick ending. I hope he'll play it straight the next time.
"Christine's Decision" was the best story in the issue, and very satisfying to read. I could really believe this happening, in the context of the Kraith universe. But I can't accept Sarek's bleak assessment that marriage is not for Christine; that she is married to her work. This is the old fashioned idea that career and marriage are incompatible - that a woman can't be dedicated to one and do justice to the other. Actually, I think Christine would make someone a very good wife, and I hope" she'll get the chance to prove it someday. And it won't affect her compassion and tenderness as a nurse either; in fact it should enhance these qualities. However, I can easily imagine Sarek saying that. He has a lot of old-fashioned ideas. It's interesting to learn that only Vulcans and geniuses can use the Flame; that ordinary people like Christine (and most of the rest of us) can't.[24]
[zine]: May I ask if you're a Kraith fan? I've gathered as much from reading the series in Berengaria and Christine's Decision. I find the series objectionable -- after reading "Christine's Decision, I boiled over. Why doesn't Jacqueline Lichtenberg and cronies just admit that Kraith is racist literature? I'm referring to the put down of humanity which is so prevalent in Krath.Poor Chris -- I can see no reason why she should be such a horrendous match for Spock. She's gut intelligence, guts, and can view herself objectively. But why does she get left out? Only because she doesn't pretend to be Vulcan -- take Tanya who was the most neurotic, mental dingbat I've seen in fan literature. But Tanya was acceptable, only because she pretended she was Vulcan. As a result, her subconscious subjected her to crying jags and outbursts from repressed feelings. She was unstable and totally irritating -- but that was an acceptable mate?!!?
Why don't Kraithers admit that they're pushing Vulcan supremacy at the cost of everything else, Earth, especially? Amanda -- I gave her credit for more insight and understanding, but all she did was nod, nod, "Yes, Sarek. Yes, Sarek. Chris is a real dildo, Sarek." [25]
Let me compliment you on the excellence of Berengaria #4. Each and every story was, to coin a phrase, fascinating. I especially liked the fact that the good captain and Mr. Spock weren't the sole star of each and every story. Being a personal fan of Sulu and his bridge partner Chekov, I was especially pleased with Richard Heim's story, "Strange Time, Familiar Place." Berengaria #4 was my first real introduction to the Kraith series. Boy, what an introduction. "Christine's Decision" was a very beautiful story. The insights into the lives of Christine, Sarek and Amanda were brought out in such a way as you couldn't help but love each and every character, even Sarek. The warmness of his character surprised me no end. (Are you trying to tell me this is the same man who refused to talk to his own son for eighteen years!) [26]
Berengaria #4 was pretty good. Richard Heim's story was interesting, especially since I'm rather fascinated by Japan myself and went through a period of avid reading last year about Japan and things Japanese. The Brew was funny — who is Barbara-Katherine." One, I think is Sharon Emily, but who is the other? Sharon's Kraith story was nice — I'm glad someone's doing something with Christine in Kraith, and something good, at that. Too often in the Kraith stories, she comes off as an insensitive, selfish, somewhat dumb character and she is none of those, even as Majel Barrett played her. A little over-emotional perhaps, but remarkably controlled in view of her undoubtedly unstable emotional condition in unrequited love for Spock. About the Kraith Christine, there are contradictions in her character. Even in just one story, "Spock's Affirmation", she is at once fairly knowledgeable about Vulcan, and completely insensitive, and in that case her in sensitivity is literally unbelievable, since she had seen a previous pon farr and knew at least, that it was not a cause for rejoicing. Now I hope that someone can work things out for her within Kraith.[27]
[zine]: BERENGARIA Four was sensational, a first class effort. The art was up to your usually high standard, I especially liked the cover art. The paper used on the cover is better than before and I am sure glad you tamed the flying "h" somewhat, so it's more readable. "The Brew" was very enjoyable, McCoy and Sulu seem very suitable schemers. Kraith V-A was a nice addition to the series, will it ever end? Even your letter column is above average in its quality. "A Greater Love" was a gem, almost closing the gap between prose and poetry. "Fear Itself" was good, although I dislike dream endings, an easy way out of impossible plots, it does seem to be the type of nightmare a Starship Captain would have.[28]
Issue 5
Berengaria 5 was published in August 1975 and contains 60 pages. It was reissued in June 1977 as a double issue with #6 (see issue 5/6).
Art by Doug Herring, Mike Maley, Carmen Dexter, Russell Parkhurst, Larry Greider, John Price, and Tinker Lowe.

The editorial:
Over the years, I have received different flyers from people exhalting me to purchase their product. Several months ago, I received another. Buy this and you'll help Star Trek back on television. Do they think Star Trek fans are lemmings that rush right out and purchase anything just because it says Star Trek on it? No way!! I would not purchase anything from anybody who would use this type of advertising. Why not say their merchandise is fun, cheap, and I think you'll like it because you're a Star Trek fan, we're sending you this flyer to tell you all about it. Buying any product will not make Paramount put ST back on television and for people to say this, is cheating me and everyone else. All they hope to do is put money in their own pockets.I would like to tell you about two new fanzines I have read in the past months. One is Quartet Plus One and if you read The Decision in "BERENGARIA" #3, you know why I think Claire Gabriel is the best new comer in Star Trek writing. Carol Lynn (Publisher of KRAITH) has put together another winner. Order at [address redacted]. Another new zine is The Halkan Council. This zine is devoted just to letters from ST fans and you can't believe the wealth of [diverse] material. This is a real mover so send a SASE to Shirley Huang [address redacted] or Sany Yingling [address redacted].
And if you are in Chicago, look me up. I'll be the bleary eyed Omaha fan who rushed to get this zine into print for Star Trek Chicago. Happy reading one and all.
- A Separate Search for Peace by Carmen Dexter (3)
- Draconian Chronicles, LoCs (32)
- Captive Audience by Carle' Johnson (34)
- Carmilla by Rebecca Ross (46)
from issue #5, from A Separate Search for Peace
from issue #5, from Captive Audience
from issue #5, from Carmilla
from issue #5, from Carmilla
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 5
See reactions and reviews for Captive Audience.
See reactions and reviews for Carmilla.
See reactions and reviews for A Separate Search for Peace.
[zine]: Must thank you for BERENGARIA Five. I found the idea that Sarek's blood type was the logical reason to be original and fabulously creative. I wish I'd thought of it, though 1 would have executed the story in a wholly different manner. Perhaps with your permission, I might try it one day. And I HOPE there will be a sequel to "Camilla". You know I have a weakness for sympathic [sic] vampires! What will happen when Spock figures it out? What if she falls in love with Spock and wants him on her string? What if they're marooned together? Ah: What a series, I hope.[29]
[zine]: Received BERENGARIA Five, safely, and enjoyed. I liked Carle's story the most, especially the way Kirk, Spock and McCoy were Not emphasized. The Sarek story was good although I found Sarek's characterization a bit emotional. A fairly interesting idea behind the vampire story, but, ahem, my tastes don't run along those lines...The printing is great, the cover is beautiful. I like the way the issue is bound. Sandy and I both want to thank you for the HC plug (image being mentioned in the same paragraph as QUARTET PLUS ONE...) A good ish, overall.[30]
[zine]: This issue of Berengaria is by far the best issue yet put out. It consists mostly of three stories, all extremely entertaining. The artwork ran from fair to good. For those interested, Vicki Kirlin has managed to get a grip on her unruly typewriter and not longer has the elevated 'h' cursing her [see issue #3]. 'A Separate Search for Peace' gives us a good story of why-Sarek-married-Amanda. However, there were two major flaws. It is Ms. Dexter's premise that Vulcans evolved with only one blood type and two Rh factors. If any female married s T-Negative male, she and her fetus will die. If you can get beyond this point, the rest of the story is highly enjoyable. However, the artwork makes every face look like Popeye the Sailor. 'Captive Audience' presented a fascinating new heroine, Pharis. We meet her on a briefly glimpsed, crowded 23rd century Earth. She gets herself stranded on Sulcan II, and though originally a prisoner, manages to end up the adopted daughter of an Emperor who could easily become the newest sex symbol since Spock. There is no powerful or moral message to this story, a nice easy tale where the heroine wins in the end because she is good... sort of. It leaves you with a taste for more; If you have always felt that vampires are badly maligned, then 'Carmilla' is for you. This is a not a 'Dracula hides his coffin in the auxiliary', by rather a reasonable explanation of what a vampire really is. Carmilla is a member of that elite group of humans suffering from a rare blood disease; a group that sets up the 'stables' of very willing blood donors, polices its own ranks, and perpetrates the legends about vampires as protection. Read it, and you will never again wear a cross to bed after watching old time horror flicks.[31]
[zine]: Berengaria #5 was the absolutely best Berengaria put out. I loved all of it. Rebecca Ross made me lose my fear of vampires and fall in love with him. No longer, when I see Dracula movies, will I have to wear a cross to bed.[32]
Issue 6
Berengaria 6 was published in December 1975 and contains 52 pages. It is offset, and mildly (20-30% reduced). It was reissued in June 1977 as a double issue with #5 (see issue 5/6).
From the editorial: "I hope you all have a Merry Christmas, or what ever you celebrate. HM. Wonder what the Klingons celebrate?? Hope you and yours love long and prosper in the New Year!!"

The front cover is by Larry Greider, the back cover by Mike Maley, interior art by Douglas Herring, Alan Andres, John Price, Russell Parkhurst, Tinker Lowe and Rick Kingslan.
Two fans in later LoCs compliment the art on page 47, but that art is not credited. The editor, when addressed in those letters of comment, doesn't reveal the artist.
- The Day the Dragons Went to War by Vicki Kirlin (3)
- Draconian Chronicles, LoCs (8)
- Trek to the Planet of the Apes by Paul Gadzikowski (10)
- Christine's Lament, poem by Carmen Dexter (21)
- Starmerian Signals (22)
- The Lost Child by Vicki Kirlin (part one) (24)
- I Cry by Vicki Kirlin (48)
- The Dark Behemoth by Scott Noel (49)
- Quartet Plus One review by Carmen Dexter, see that page (50)
- Downfall of the Archangel by Wayne Allen Dick (52)
from issue #6 -- Two fans in later LoCs compliment the art on page 47, but that art is not credited. The editor, when addressed in those letters of comment, doesn't reveal the artist.
Reactions and Reviews:Issue 6
See reactions and reviews of The Day the Dragons Went to War.
See reactions and reviews for Trek to the Planet of the Apes.
See reactions and reviews for The Lost Child.
[I Cry]: Post-apocalyptic vignette in which gnomes have stolen and hidden away children under the earth to eventually repopulate when the surface becomes habitable again.[33]
[I Cry]: The short story "I Cry" was very appealing, and it was a magnificent short-short, with just the right surpirse ending.[34]
[zine]: ... my first and overwhelming impression is of the excellent art work -- the front cover, the back cover, especially the inside back cover and the others, too. I found myself interested in all of the fition, so far except Rennox Four, which I thought was choppy and had no character development at all. (I can read a really lousy story, if I find the characters interesting.) [35]
[zine]: The first story in this issue is a charming tale of how the inhabitants of a planet meet up with members of the Federation for the first time. The planet's inhabitants are winged reptiles, and this story has excellent illustrations by Doug Herring. 'Trek to the Planet of the Apes' by Paul Gadzikowki cannot be taken seriously at all although the writing is good. This story combines characters from a number of television SF serials with a light-hearted and totally incredulous protagonist which I assume is the fictionalization for the author's alter ego. Fortunately, this isn't written heavily and the entire story is a nice piece of easy reading but nothing legendary. There is a short free-verse poem called 'Christine's Lament' which should be self-apparent. There is a beautiful full page illo of Spock from 'The Cage' by Alan Andres. Part one of a novella by Vicki Kirlin is called 'The Lost Child.' It seems like this idea for this story came out of a very early SF book because I haven't seen this done in a looooong time. A girl is born to a royal blood line on a Medieval-type planet. Because the child has caused the death of its mother, the king becomes angered that his beloved queen has died to only bring a girl into the world... and he order it to be destroyed. Of course, the story doesn't end here... instead the scene switches to the Enterprise, which SO HAPPENS to be on its way to this same Medieval planet 25 years later. And just GUESS who happens to be one board. To make a long summary short, they arrive at the planet and the protagonist, Charlene Tokenlia, convinces the captain to let her go on the landing party. When she finally arrives on the planet, she finds -- SURPRISE -- that's she's the long lost princess of Kletonia, and to make things simple for her at seems that at the 25th birthday of the members of the royal family, they inherit telepathic memory from their ancestors and a few precognitive powers. Before long, this lovely lieutenant retires from Starfleet, meets her father (whereupon he promptly dies), becomes queen, takes on Kirk as a temporary lover, and loses him to kidnappers. Come one! Mother Goose couldn't have made a plot with more holes in it. To make it worse, the agony is prolonged by the fact that there will be another issue of Berengaria taken up by this story. Bringing up the rear of this zine ar two-one pager vignettes. The first, 'I Cry,' is a beautiful little story of a small child in a post holocaust time. The second vignette is 'The Downfall of the Archangel' by Wayne Allen Dick. This isn't ST nor is it SF... if you wanted to justify it, you could call it fantasy tho. It is a mildly interesting version of the downfall of Lucifer and his angels from the Bible, as told in a '20's mobster dialect. It holds more interest for advocates of the episode, 'A Piece of the Action.' The rest of this zine is taken up by a poem or two, several excellent illos and a review of Quartet Plus One. I can't say the printer is the best. There are white splotches as though the printer's plates had sand or grit on them; and although the editors must have spent a fortune on the textured cover stock, neither of the covers are particularly good... and the back one is printed backwards to boot! The binding, for all of the trouble put into it, still does not work and the pages come out. Although Berengaria is normally a well-hyped zine, this particular issue is only good at best and suffers because much of it is taken up by a thoroughly mediocre story. If you want to get a collection of Berengaria, and don't have much cash, don't start with this one.[36]
[zine]: Berengaria VI contained three main stories and a couple of minor ones. The first, "The Day The Dragons Went to War", by Vicki Kirlin (the first of three by her), was about the Federation's first encounter with the Dragons of Berengaria, as told though an elderly dragon to a group of young dragons. It's well written and especially interesting because of the way the story is told."The Lost Child", the second Kirlin story, starts with the death of the wife of the emperor of the planet Kletonia after the birth of their daughter. She is their first child, and by rights should have been a boy, heir to the throne. The lamenting king orders the child killed, but the elderly mid-wife who delivered the child flees with it, never to be seen again. The story then picks up some twenty years later aboard the Enterprise, and concerns the actions of a certain lieutanant whom we presume is the missing child. The Enterprise returns to Kletonia, and from there the story takes some wild turns and twists. It's possilbly the best that this issue has to offer and is continued next issue. (I could kill Vicki for that, but I guess I shouldn't talk) The story has a few minor undertones of Darkover. Coincidence? The third major story is "Trek to the Planet of the Apes", and concerns a contemporary time traveler, and his escapades with that Enterprise crew. A delightful story, if you like jumping around fiction plains. The story is well exicuted, and has an interesting premise.
There's lots more in this issue. One short tale in particular, "The Downfall of the Archangel as told by Joseph 'bugsy' Ma-lone" had me rolling on the floor it was do funny. The art ranged from good to unintelligeable (inside backcover). All in all, a fine issue.[37]
[zine]: Berengaria #6 -- Wow! Over all I'd have to say that Berengaria #6 is better than #5. "The Day the Dragons Went to War" was interesting, I especially liked the way it was presented from an alien's point of view instead of Kirk's or any other member of the Enterprise."Trek to the Planet of the Apes" was delightfully amusing if you like jumping around fiction-planes.
"The Lost Child" was by far the best story in the issue. But there's something about the way Kirk is handled that I can just can't explain but it's not right (in my opinion) in some places. Oh, well what I mean by that is anybody's guess.
"The Downfall of the Archangel" as told by Joseph "Bugsy" Malone was sheer genius. I read it over several times I enjoyed it so much.
And finally, I salute the artist who drew the picture on page 47, it isn't mentioned in the art credits. It is the best Spock I've seen in a long time.[38]
[zine]: I read Berengaria #6 and I love your dragon story -- such beautiful and appropriate names and gathering their minds together and the little one kept piping up at the wrong time. Just perfect, all the way through.And I enjoyed the last story, "The Lost Child," too bad I didn't notice it was "to be continued" before I started. Charleen certainly is the lucky one -- tour of the grounds indeed. But I'm glad she found something interesting to do with the captain -- and I'm glad you resisted the impulse (if you ever had it) to have that horse fall somehow on Jim Kirk and break his foot. It wouldn't have fit in at all. Anyway, I can't wait to see what happens.
"Downfall" was cute -- I guess we know why Satan's always trying for a piece of the action. All in all a very good issue. (Ed. note: Gerry is also preparing for a zine.[39]) [40]
[zine]: I did enjoy very much Berengaria #6. Your own fiction seems quite good. I had a sort of sinking feeling as I read the first few pages of "The Lost Child," thinking that the whole point of the story was going to be the last-paragraph discovery that the crew member was the long-lost royal child, after the fashion of about half of all the operas written in the 19th century. But I was gratified to find that you used this as only one element in the plot, and that you wove the Star Trek characters into the history of that planet in a natural-seeming way.I liked the way you put a convincing anti-war message into "The Day the Dragons Went to War." This story might benefit from a bit of lengthening (just as "The Lost Child" might be more effective if cut a bit here and there) but then again, I might be wrong about this matter, and its effectiveness might depend on large parts on the fact that only glimpses are given of certain key events.
"Trek to the Planet of the Apes" has an ingenious basic idea, and this story might have appealed to the ST producers in that final year when they were so anxious to use scripts which involved contemporary people on Earth. I had some trouble following some of the plot turns. But that may be either caused by my unfamiliarity with the Apes movies and the more esoteric facts about ST, or the result of my failure to have read the previously published material mentioned in this story.
I almost overlooked "I Cry." It could be the best of your three stories in this issue even though it's the most difficult of all fiction forms, the short-short story.[41]
[zine]: Enjoyed #6. Really liked your "The Day the Dragons Went to War" -- I've a fondness for dragons myself, and other reptilian creatures. (Too much sf & fantasy & comics & all makes the reptilian-types out as bad-types,) I've also got my own character named Keeya who is a repti-lord -- he's an interesting creature... but let's not get going on him and all he's connected with!In general thish of Berengaria was about your best -- good-to-excellent stories and art work, no hyper-active "h", etc [42] (I noticed a few mix-ups on art credits -- and who did the lovely one of Spock in what looks like a soft pencil or charcoal, facing page 46?
Paul Gadzikowski's story was hystericaly [sic] -- especially since friends and myself have had similar ideas to his "fiction planes" -- what is fiction in this universe could well be real in another. (A goodly number of stories seem to work that way in fandom -- u know from personal writing experience!)
I like "The Lost Child" -- got mad when you ended it where you did! You complain about not enough submissions -- I might have one... feel like a horror story? An alternate -- "what if" ending to Amok Time? I'll send you a copy if you are interested.[43]
Issue 5/6

Berengaria 5/6 is undated, but published shortly after June 1977. It has 108 pages. It contains all of issue #5/6, plus a zine review and one new poem ("Christine's Lament").
Remember all that lovely art from issues #5 and #6? Well, it's not in the combined issue. The art in this issue is extremely sparse.
- A Separate Search for Peace by Carmen Dexter (1)
- Draconian Chronicles (34)
- Captive Audience by Carle' Johnson (34)
- Carmilla by Rebecca Ross (a series of vampire stories) (46)
- The Day the Dragons Went to War by Vicki Kirlin (written from a dragon's point of view) (64)
- Draconian Chronicles (67)
- Trek to the Planet of the Apes by Paul Gadzikowski (67)
- Christine's Lament, poem by Carmen Dexter (79)
- The Lost Child by Vicki Kirlin (part one) (79)
- I Cry by Vicki Kirlin (Post-apocalyptic vignette in which gnomes have stolen and hidden away children under the earth to eventually re-populate when the surface becomes habitable again.) (103)
- The Dark Behemoth, poem by Scott Noel (104)
- Quartet Plus One, review by Carmen Dexter, see that page (105)
- Downfall of the Archangel as told by Joseph "Bugys" Malone (Wayne Allen Dick) (107)
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 5/6
See reactions and reviews for The Lost Child.
See reactions and reviews of The Day the Dragons Went to War.
See reactions and reviews for Trek to the Planet of the Apes.
See reactions and reviews for Captive Audience.
See reactions and reviews for Carmilla.
See reactions and reviews for A Separate Search for Peace.
[I Cry]: The short story "I Cry" was very appealing, and it was a magnificent short-short, with just the right surpirse ending.[44]
[I Cry]: Post-apocalyptic vignette in which gnomes have stolen and hidden away children under the earth to eventually repopulate when the surface becomes habitable again.[45]
[zine]: I was very pleased with Berengaria VI and VII, and your method of binding. That was a very bright idea, and a lot better than staples or one of the other methods used. It seems that your quality gets better and better. The only thing that disappointed me was that I evidently missed out on Berengaria V. Are you sure you can't dig up a copy for me somewhere? I am very curious about the story referred to in Draconian Chronicles by Rebecca Ross about the vampire? [46] I really enjoy reading the DC so that I can see what other people read into a story.[47]
[zine]: Berengaria 6 borders on high mediocrity, showing occasional glimmers of promise... hampered by 'local talent.' 'The Day the Dragons Went to War' is about the first encounter of Berengaria's dragons with the Federation and Mr. Spock. This is an engaging tale done in an enjoyable format with charming Doug Herring dragon photos... 'Trek to the Planet of the Apes' tells of strange happenings when TV universes run into each other... it's fun reading though confusion sets in as the different TV characters in the two 'fiction planes' get all fouled up in each other's series... [The story] is done tongue-in-cheek and makes for pleasant light reading if you can follow the twisting, turning plot. 'Downfall of the Archangel' is about a 'A Piece of the Action' gangster who tells his story of the downfall of Satan... a cute story, but a bit much. 'I Cry' is a short-short about the gnomes who are the only remaining creatures after the destruction of Earth; this too is slightly overdone. 'The Dark Behemoth' intended to be an epic poem but it takes the turn for the absurd. 'The Lost Child' is the longest story in the issue. It is about a lieutenant on the Enterprise who is actually a long lost princess. 'The Lost Child' is maddeningly predictable, from the princess Charleen's falling in love with the Captain... to her discovery of her heritage through some strange premonitions, on to her adventures on the planet Kleton. This is Lt. Mary Sue with royalty all the way from the bump in the corridor to the kidnapping of Kirk by Charleen's unpleasant cousin, who is also vying for the throne of Kleton.[48]
[zine]: In point of fact, Berengaria #6 was quite good; your quality's improving steadily -- and steading, too. "Trek to the Planet of the Apes" had me in stitches for hours, besides making me send for Southern Star #2, so I can find out what happened when the Enterprise met Kolchak. "The Lost Child" has much promise, and the poetry, reviews and illos were quite good. Congratulations are in order.[49]
Issue 7

"Back cover was also good, but Larry has some problems—you can sorta tell who they are, but the likenesses are off—it almost looks like he has some sort of sight problem (a tendency to elongate, faces for one thing—which can be sight-related.) But he has a very nice style. I like it."[51]
Berengaria 7 was published in April 1976 by editors Vicki Kirlin and Teri Meyer and is 196 pages long. Front and back covers by Larry Greider. The interior art is by Doug Herring, Gennie Summers, Tinker Lowe, Mike Maley and Chuck Gannon.
From the editorial:
Welcome to another issue of Berengaria. I'd like to welcome the above mentioned names to the folds of Beri. I have marvelous plans for future issues, but really need artists badly. I have several stories that are crying out for illos, including a wonderful novel, that I cannot print with the appropriate art to give the story a chance to really come to life. The right drawings can only add to this beautiful story. So if you have a hanker to draw and are good, too, that's important, please drop me a line. Hope you like this cover, if it turns out well, we will probably do color from now on.
- The Lost Child by Vicki Kirlin, (part two, a castles & dungeons story. Kirk is captured and tortured by one of the parties in clan warfare/castle intrigue until he is rescued by the telepathic princess.) (3)
- Acceptance by Teri Meyer (19)
- The Day Rickles Was Phased Out, or what happens when you dream too much by Teri Meyer (20)
- Nessie by Gerry Downes (from Stardate Unknown, also in The Best of...) (24)
- In Memory of Tanya Minos by Caroline Carrock (spelled "Carroline" in the table of contents, "Caroline" on the story) (28)
- Interlude by Gerry Downes (Chris Pike takes Spock on a hedonistic shore leave, including intoxicating substances and serving girls. Many years later, Spock escorts Kirk to the same establishment.) (29)
- Draconian Chronicles, LOCs (36)
- Empires Downfallen by Chuck Gannon (37)
- The Disappearance of the Doves by Chuck Gannon (chapter in "Empires Downfallen") (37)
- Scotty’s Decision by Chuck Gannon (chapter in "Empires Downfallen") (reprinted in The Best of Scotty) (40)
- New Ken by Chuck Gannon (chapter in "Empires Downfallen") (47)
- Reilly’s Return by Chuck Gannon (chapter in "Empires Downfallen") (52)
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 7
See reactions and reviews for The Lost Child.
See reactions and reviews for Nessie.
[Empires Downfallen]: Chuck Gannon's epic has started out very well. It is refreshing to read a male character in Berengaria that can handle his characters and their emotions without making their characters seem like pieces of firewood.[52]
[zine]: Chuck Gannon's "Empires Downfallen" really has me hooked, and Gerry Downe's "Interlude" was certainly something special. I'm afraid, though, that the ending of The Lost Child embarrassed me to no end... [see the rest of this fan's comments on "The Lost Child" at that page] [53]
[zine]:"Acceptance" is really good. And how strange it seems to have it and the Rickles thing from the same person. They are so different. But then there's no comparison between "Nessie" and "Interlude" either. "Nessie" was the only piece in #7 that seemed poor. And "Interlude" was great. "Empires Downfall" is really find. I'm looking forward to reading the rest of it. Oh, Larry Greider's illos are super. This letter sounds like gush, gush, but I can't help it. I really liked #7.[54]
- "The Lost Child" Part 2 / A castles & dungeons story. Kirk is captured and tortured by one of the parties in clan warfare/castle intrigue until he is rescued by the telepathic princess.
- "The Day Rickles Was Phased Out" / Report (?) of a Trek con in which Don Rickles roasts the crew.
- "Nessie" / Scott has a little heart-to-heart with the Loch Ness dragon, over a few bottles of Scotch. A lovely romp.
- "Interlude" / Chris Pike takes Spock on a hedonistic shore leave, including intoxicating substances and serving girls. Many years later, Spock escorts Kirk to the same establishment.
- Empires Downfallen: first installment / The first 4 chapters of a novel: "Disappearance of the Doves" in which the Organians decide they will no longer enforce the Klingon/Federation treaty; "Scotty's Decision" in which Scott decides not to take a promotion after having designed a fancy new warship for Starfleet; "New Ken" in which the commander of the new ship, now partnering with Enterprise, explains that the Federation intends to provoke the Klingons into open warfare while they feel they still have the upper hand; and "Reilly's Return" in which Kevin Reilly is assigned as helmsman to the new Courageous and saves everybody's bacon by taking command from a reluctant officer when Klingons attack. Good action adventure writing; characterization is neither offensive nor sterling.[55]
[zine]: First impression: a beautiful cover, a good beginning. The second half of Vicki Kirlin's 'The Lost Child' raises some nagging doubts. Wouldn't a love affair with (and impregnating) the queen of a fairly primitive planet be a court martial offense, a gross violation of the Prime Directive? And would Kirk and Charleen, both Federation officers, indulge in their personal feelings at the expense of their duties? And we aren't told how the nobility regard this addition to the royal line. Mrs. Kirlin has the talent to turn out a more complex story line if she would take more time and though. But if the reader is willing to suspend belief in this matter, and in the complete manipulation of the human mind, he will enjoy this good, romantic story... I just wish it could have been longer and more detailed. Teri Meyer's hilarious 'The Day Don Rickles Was Phased Out' is a real gem. She captures the timing and nuances of Don Rickles in a story so authentic sounding it might have come off of a tape recording. Don't miss this. 'Nessie' is a charming bit of whimsy about Scotty's bibulous night with the Loch Ness Monster, while Gerry Downe's other story, 'Interlude' just doesn't seem the kind of shore leave behavior that Star Fleet officers would indulge in, particularly when mind-beclouding is concerned. 'Empires Downfallen' begins a series on the 'inevitable war' between the Federation and the Klingons. If you'll stipulate the inevitability, it's a grand theme. Chuck Gannon has a good ear for reproducing the individual speech patterns of the Enterprise crew, and has realistic battle scenes and interesting new weapons. The first episode is a little slow as we get acquainted with new characters -- and I have reservations about Star Fleet commissioning a bridge officer with a neurotic inability to take command, but if we suppose Lahahti was normal until some recent traumatic experience, his presence would be acceptable as a means to reintroduce a much subdued Kevin Reilly, and exhibit his competence under fire. Kirk has been downgraded in military ability, in order for Gannon's new hero, Captain Connal O'Donovan, to take precedence, but this should make an interesting and exciting series.[56]
[zine]: The zine varies in quality from low camp to moderate excellence. There are very poor illos and so-so stories right next to the good stuff. The layout is readable, if uninspired, but a few illos were put in crooked and some look like they were cut out with a hacksaw. The proofreading symbols were not erased on many of the pages. The sloppy work detracts from the content, some of which is fairly entertaining. A lot of local talent seems to be keeping Beri down and more new writers, good artists, and a more carefully planned layout could help Beri get off the ground... The second part of 'The Lost Child' is not much better, switching this time to Queen Mary Sue, planetside. If the reader has gotten used to the total sacrifice of characterizations for the sake of dear Charleen, the second part and its conclusion is palatable. Spock and McCoy are mere cardboard props, and poor Kirk is helplessly in love with the heroine -- and if this wasn't bad enough, he is kidnapped, tortured and made miserable for a year. Never does the reader hear his side of the story. Everything and everyone revolves around Charleen, who suddenly becomes a dignified, mature, and intelligent queen after having been a blushing, lovesick dip aboard the big E. The Charleen in part 2 bears no resemblance to the Charleen in part 1... "Empires Downfall' is a novel, set in installments, dealing with the crisis between the Federation and the Klingon/Romulan alliance. Basically, this is a cut and dry hardware story... [It] is difficult to get into, especially if strict action/adventure (no sex, no broads, no nuthin') is not your thing and you like your characters to be more than nerves-of-steel military men with fancy Gaelic names. The covers of Beri 7 [is] a fine reptile -- unfortunately, the young lass on the back looks slightly reptilian, too. ' The best two stories in this issue are by Gerry Downes, who has to be the hottest new writer around... 'Nessie' is a delightful encounter between Scotty and the Lock [sic] Ness monster, nicely underplayed with a little message at the end. 'Interlude' is an innovative tale of Captain Pike, who takes Spock to strange city on the planet Barat-quel, before he turns the command over to the new Captain... There is a timeless quality about the dream world that Gerry captured very well... Gerry's stories are the high point o the zine; they are fresh, original and project the proper moods.[57]
[zine]: The first impressive thing about this issue is the three-color offset cover printed on heavy stock. Truly a magnificent feat of printing! The bacover, however (an illlo of Plasus and Vanna) is only fair with rather obvious anatomical flaws and, it's printed backwards, as was issue #6's bacover. At least they're consistent. The lead story in this issue of part #2 of 'The Lost Child.' IT is probably the most disappointing [thing] in the issue. First, it doesn't contain a synopsis to the first part. The story in general seems like it was written to reflect chivalry and nobility that was so resplendent in the Middle Ages contrasted with the stark reality of evil. Trouble is, there aren't any characters, only a set of cardboard figures who follow a poor rewrite of good and evil, St. George-style. The protagonist overcomes her enemies and troubles like so many dominoes that fall down before her path, and it has a nice happy ending. Yawn!... 'Nessie' by Gerry Downes is a captivating tale about Scotty meeting up with the Loch Ness monster. It's written in just the right tone, truly a charming story. Immediately following is another story by Gerry called 'Interlude,' which is an eldritch tale of the shore leave Spock shares on a planet with Captain Pike and then again Kirk a few years later. Very well done. 'Empires Downfallen' I estimate to be one of the best pieces of ST fanfic written so far in 1976. It concerns the war between the Federation and the Romulan/Klingon alliance. Although we only see four chapters in what Chuck promises to be a novel, it is handled with remarkable precision, accuracy, and flow of action. The rest of this zine is taken up by a few minor items, and there are some excellent small pieces of art by Doug Herring. By all means, get this issue if only to read the stories by Downes and Gannon! [58]
[zine]: Thank you for sending copies of BEREN6ARIA 7 and 8. Gerry Downes is one of my favourite writers, and her easy going style made "Nessie" a most enjoyable little tale. "Interlude" was even more interesting, however, since It was the first time I have ever come across a story featuring Spock and his former captain. If you think about it, this area has a great deal of potential, since the two had obviously built up a greater relationship than just captain and first officer. Seems Spock made a habit of that, huh?I am curious as to how you are going to develop the relationship between Kirk and Jaimie in upcoming installments of "The Lost Child." Eileen Roy and Leslie Lilker et. all. seem to think that any off-spring develop strong feelings of hostility towards their fathers - do you envision anything similar?
"Empires Downfallen" has the look of a long running series and I look forward to reading the rest. I am happy to see a male writer of Trek fiction finally surfacing, as I get the impression that fandom is composed of 99% females! [59]
[zine]: BERENGARIA SEVEN Is definitely the best issue to date. The cover is absolutely gorgeous. The fiction is also better than usual, with a couple of exceptions."...Rickles..." is beyond me, I'm afraid; I don't quite know what it's about, or why it was written. It strikes me as being a dream-story, something like what I occasionally day-dream; an impossible situation that presents interesting possibilities for speculation, but it's not a real story. There's no justification. Haven't much to say about "Nessie", except that it's cute, and I'm glad somebody believes in the Loch Ness monster. I enjoyed "Interlude", though I might have liked a little more solidity in places. I know that the ambiguity is part of the effect, but it would have been nice if there had been a little more explanation of what was going on in the house, so that the reader was left with a genuine choice rather than a feeling of being slightly lost. Perhaps if the story had been a little longer the background could have been more developed. I did like the Pike and Spock relationship shown though. This is practically a virgin field, and I'm surprised more people have not taken it up. "The Lost Child", unfortunately, has some problems, many of them a result of trying to do too much in too little space. You have enough material plotwlse for a novel or two, and the plot really needs that kind of length so that the back-ground society and its history can be more fully developed As it is, everything suffers—the plot is very superficial (They did this, and this, and then they did this…); the background on the culture is almost completely missing; characterization is sketchy—Charleen is a Lt. Mary Sue, for one thing—and the character's motives are often muddy. But the most glaring problem for me is one of morality; in one action of Charleen's you destroy her credibility as a heroine and with it half the point of the story. The action is Charleen's tampering with Dortek's mind, page 12. There is no possible justification for such an action on her part (she's the heroine, for heaven's sake!); the only defense is the old one of the end justifying the means, a doctrine which is morally as well as practically questionable in itself. That's the same as saying that war crimes are only committed by the loser in a war, since the winner won, and thus everything he did to win was justified. In this case, Charleen's action lowers her to at least Dortek's level, if not lower; he attempted to arrange matters to suit him through espionage, subtlety and violence, but all can be resisted to some degree; Charleen takes control by taking advantage of Dortek in a way he can't resist. "In revising" Dortek's personality, Charleen takes it upon herself to determine what is good for another person (which looks suspiciously like what will serve her best, an attitude we've all seen recently in dear old Nixon), implying that she knows what is absolutely good, and this allows her to act towards that good. Even God cannot compel people to act the way we wants them to, and Charleen is hardly God. She is also not a woman Kirk would even like, let alone love, and if this is how she starts her reign, then heaven help her subjects. "Empires Downfallen" definitely has promise; Chuck can write em' and his handling of characterization is especially good. The main thing to avoid will be turning his epic into space opera, but he seems to be In fairly good control of the story, and is so far wisely focusing on people rather than on events. What Chuck's story and the rest of BERENGARIA from the beginning, is suffering from is a lack of basic editing, of the spelling and grammar variety. "Empires Downfallen" is just an example, and it's better than many stories, since its problems are mainly in awkwardness, especially when Chuck is apparently trying to be original in his use of language. Some examples: [about eight very detailed grammar and spelling corrections] In short, you need a copyeditor. It would make the zine much more professional seeming if the grammar mistakes were cleaned up. Some of the changes I suggested above, like the awkward phrasing, are changes the editor herself cannot make without the writer's consent, but it is her job to see that the writer knows about the problems and has a chance to correct them herself. Simple grammar or spelling corrections, or replacing wrong usages of words with right ones are within the editor's preogative [sic], though it's still nice to let the author know.
I still enjoy BERENGARIA; that's why I'd like to see improvements made where possible. I certainly expect to be ordering number eight in the near future. At the rate you've been going, it ought to be even better.[60]
[zine]: I enjoyed "The Lost Child" and found the ending touching. The Don Rickles story was funny, and "Nessle" I loved. And I hope the poor beastle gets lots of visitors. "Interlude" was weird. I had to reread this one a few times, but I liked it. (It still leaves a lot of questions to be answered. Like what Is really going on in that 'house'.) The "Empire Downfallen" looks like an Interesting epic (7). And I look forward for more.[61]
[zine]: Good zine. definitely. Best ish so far.Artwork was good to excellent—I liked your front cover muchly. Back cover was also good, but Larry has some problems—you can sorta tell who they are, but the likenesses are off—it almost looks like he has some sort of sight problem (a tendency to elongate, faces for one thing—which can be sight-related.) But he has a very nice style. I like it. Doug Herring is improving on people (though they seem based on comic-book art—not that that is bad! I've learned a LOT from comic book art—it was the art that got me into Marvel Comics—and I still sometimes refer to them for faces and such.) I happen just to prefer Doug on space things—ships and what-have-you. (I have trouble with such things, you see. ) Hmmm… are you sure you got that "h" fixed? Now it keeps looking like it wants to take a dive off the page—or at least off the line it's on. (Though it IS a lot better than that hiccuping hyperactive one you had a couple of issues back.) About the "Lost Child". Well, I'm not so upset about the things you did or planned to do or whatever to Kirk. What bothers me is what Charleen did to Dortek. I guess I really have a sort of Vulcan viewpoint on such things—somehow I cannot abide the idea of tampering with a man's mind in such a way—in effect, Charleen altered his whole personality. No matter how evil—there HAD to be some other way. And no matter how good Charleen may be, and how good what she did was for her people—no mortal, I think, can make such a judgement. I have often thought about that little bit of tampering that Spock did on Kirk in "Requiem for Methuselah"— the last scene "Forget." I understand the reasons—and the feelings (dammit, if Spock doesn't know compassion, then who does?) But it was not right, somehow—and I always wonder if Kirk knew—just what might happen. If Spock can do that much-why not a little more? And none of us are perfect; does having such a power mean we should use it, no matter what the reason. It's a little bit too close to playing God, for my comfort (and I'm not meaning that I have a particularly religious viewpoint. It's just sorta that I'm fascinated by telepathy and such, but at the same time it scares me. If there was a Spock,and if he melded with me, I'm not sure what I'd do. Scream, maybe.) Other than that, It was pretty well done—some of the writing needed work, perhaps (It did drag in places.)
The poetry was good. But I'd wish you had another illo representing Tanya... for one thing, she Isn't Vulcan, and that gave the wrong impression. The Rickles thingee was outrageous—I was cracking up all through it (personally I can't stand him, you see. Just desserts!) Both of Gerry's stories were good. I feel a bit sorry for Nessie (and being a dragon fan-well, of course it was gune.) The second was the better and more intriguing story. And I wonder what Kirk did? "Empires Downfall" is the best story you have—it still needs some work, but Chuck shows a lot of promise, and potential. I think he's got his ideas together-hope they keep together. He has a good feel for the characters—both the ones we know and the ones he is developing for us. (Glad to see Reilly back, too!) I just hope his grand war scheme doesn't get in the way—it is too easy to do so. But I think it won't. He has a bit of tendency towards too much description—but with work, that'll even out. Major criticism was his intro—it really wasn't all that necessary, as he told us what we will see anyway in the story line.
Well, that's about it. I do have one major crit of BERENGARIA— it does need better editing. There are places where typos and bad wording or phrasing gets in the way of enjoying it.[62]
[zine]:Three reviews received, only one reviewer rated non-fiction, two rated reviews and advertisements. Art ranged from 5/8; fiction, 7/9; poetry, 4/9; readability, 4/10; covers, 4/9; binding, 9/10: LoC's, 6/9; reviews, 5/6; advertisements, 5/8.
BERENGARIA is a-general STAR TREK 'zine, and "does a good job of emphasizing all characters equally." The front cover is in color.
Perhaps the most notable story in this issue is the one by Gerry Downes in which Scotty meets the Loch Ness monster.
BERENGARIA is an enjoyable 'zine, but could benefit from a more polished lay-out and appearance. [63]
Issue 8
Berengaria 8 was published in September 1976 and contains 72 pages. It was jointly edited by Vicki Kirlin and Teri Meyer.

The front cover is by Larry Greider and the back cover by Teri Meyer. Interior art is by Teri Meyer, John Price, Rick Kingslan, Joni Wagner, Ken Gooch, Amy Falkowitz, Suzanne Kirwan, Russell Parkhurst, Gennie Summers, and Nancy Sargentini.
From the editorial:
I don't think anyone will be disappointed with this issue. There seems to be something for everyone, except maybe a Kllngon or two, but what do ttey know about Trek literature?...One other thing, there was some discussion in the Halkon Council In regards to the postage price on envelopes not reflecting the price paid. This was not mentioned in regard to any one zine, but is a nice time to bring up another problem. The prices of future Berengarlas will be for first class mailing ONLY. The post awful has lost too many issues in the third class mailing. I cannot afford to replace those zines and If that was the last issue available, well, you see what a hassle it can become. The new price includes: typing paper, ribbons, rub on letters, tape, printing costs, postage, wrapping binders for the finished product and hopefully any increases that will come along, during the printing of the next two Issues. I am sending you Berengaria seven and eight at first class rates, even though many of you paid for third class. That means $100.00 came out of my pocket PER ISSUE to make sure you would receive your Ben'. Now, I'm not trying to make anyone feel sorry for me, or expect any pats on my pointed head, it's my baby and I take what happened, but I do not want you, dear reader to lose something you paid for just because the post offal does such a losey job anymore....
My biggest news is THE CASTAWAYS. Mary Lou Dodge writes only for DELTA TRIAD, but this one time, she has given permission to Berengaria to print her novel. It doesn't matter if you are a romantist, adventure fan, or just want to see Spock in action, there's something for everyone. This will NOT be a Berengaria nine, but will in fact not be a Berengaria issue, just a special I think you will all enjoy.
This issue has a blurb for a taping service:
The Starmerian Taping Service currently provides tape-recordings of past issues of STAR-WAVE (S-W) for blind members and non-members. Users of this service are requested to send a blank 30- or 60-minute casette tape, plus sufficient return postage (say, three 13 cent stamps), for each issue they want recordings of. Cross-taping is done here in Lincoln, so requests for cross-tapes should be sent to the club's address (P.O. Box 81571 Lincoln, NE 68501). Efforts are now under way to record Star Trek and Sci-Fi books, and Star Trek fanzines. If you are a zine editor and would like your zine taped for the blind, contact Ruth Hazelton, STS Director...
- Editorial (2)
- Carmilla's Capture by Rebecca Ross (3)
- Thoughts of the Gorn, poem by Gerry Downes (16)
- Flame Time by Amy Falkowitz (Spock Get-'em. Alternate "Amok Time." Spock defeats Stonn and claims T'Pring, only to fall into the dread Linger Death when his anger at her severs their bond. T'Pau releases Spock into death. Missing the opening scene, reprinted in #9.) (18)
- Starmerian Signals (22) ("For those readers new to BERENGARIA, a word of explanation would be helpful, "Starmerian Signals" is a page in BERENGARIA devoted solely to Star Trek news and club news pertaining to the Quei-Starmerian Network, which is a Star Trek/Science-Fiction club with Departments extending into other areas (including science fact, "Six Million Dollar Man", Gene Roddenberry and his other projects, UFO's, lost continents ((i.e., Atlantis, Mu, Lemuria)) and the Loch Ness Monster and Bigfoot, Sci-Fi movies and tv series, Sci-Fi books and fandom, and James Bond).")
- Meld by Ann Bagley (23) (Jim Kirk is awakened by Spock's voice in his mind. Soon Lt. Ker appears at his door. A telepath, Lt. Ker has also been summoned by Spock's voice. They find Spock in the Biology Lab trying to revive Leonard McCoy who has been bitten by a poisonous spider. The medical team pronounce McCoy dead, but Spock and Lt. Ker use their combined mental powers to save his life.)
- USS Sesame by Paul Gadzikowski (27)
- Gold Towards the Golden by Cheryl Rice (38) (reprinted in Archives #3)
- Draconian Chronicles, LoCs (50)
- Castaways flyer (52)
from issue #8, Teri Meyer (photocopy)
from issue #8, John Price (photocopy)
from issue #8, Ken Gooch (photocopy)
from issue #8, Amy Falkowitz (photocopy)
from issue #8, Suzanne Kirwan (photocopy)
from issue #8, Russell Parkhurst (photocopy)
from issue #8, Joni Wagner (photocopy)
from issue #8, Teri Meyer (photocopy)
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 8
See reactions and reviews for Gold Towards the Golden.
See reactions and reviews for USS Sesame.
See reactions and reviews for Meld.
See reactions and reviews for Carmilla's Capture.
[Flame Time]: Spock Get-'em. Alternate "Amok Time." Spock defeats Stonn and claims T'Pring, only to fall into the dread Linger Death when his anger at her severs their bond. T'Pau releases Spock into death.[64]
[zine]: Much as I enjoyed Beri #7, I think #8 is the superior issue. Camilla the vampire offers some excellent possibilities vis-a-vis Spock. Vampires are reputed to be very strong, as you know, as well as having definite sexual undertones to their activities. I wonder what would happen If they both came into their respective needs, Pon Farr and blood-lust, simultaneously?? Gold Towards the Golden" was in my opinion the best story in either issue. I have seldom seen a more skillful handling of the character of Kirk, and I hope you feature more of Cheryl Rice's work in future issues.[65]
[zine]: This was a very interesting issue (#8), although I feel somewhat concerned that you've found it necessary to spend all that money on first class postage. I know that the postal service treats different publications differently (I subscribe to The Sporting News which comes weekly In perfect condition, even though Its flimsy newsprint pages are protected only by a thin paper wrapper that goes around about half the publication, while two photography magazines usually arrive in indescribably shape, torn, dogeared, filthy dirty, despite heavier covers and good quality paper). Did you consider insuring copies while sending them by third class mall? It might save money and improve the chances of successful arrival, if Insurance Is available on stuff other than parcel post. Even first class mall doesn't guarantee proper behavior in the mails. Just today, I forwarded a piece of first class matter from College Park, HO, which was delivered to my home even though it was addressed to a government official in Annapolis, MO, whose name and address bear no resemblance to mine. (ED. NOTE: There is not enough difference in the price for third class insured mail, worth the time to stand in line and wait for each Issue to be written up on the tiny insurance forms. Within the last three weeks I have mailed out over 300 copies of "The Castaways" and I couldn't do that with third class mailing, I'd still be waiting at the post office. And I have not lost an issue since I started mailing out at first class).The fiction in this Issue was somewhat more comprehensible to a person with a less than perfect knowledge of Star Trek lore, like me, than usual. Only "Flame Time gave me problems, presumably because I've never watched the "Amok Time" episode. "Gold Towards the Golden" struck me as particularly well done. By coincidence, I've been reading this week The Last of the Wine, one of Mary Renault's fine novels about ancient Greece. It deals with a somewhat earlier period than that of Alexander the Great, but It was still Interesting to compare the Cheryl Rice story with the novel. I'm sure Cheryl doesn't imagine herself as skilled as a story teller as Mary Renault, but I thought that the BERENGARIA story successfully caught much the same general atmosphere and attitude toward Greece's great era. At first I thought It improbable that a great commander would have been permitted to wander off like that where he could be easy prey for an assassin. But we don't know that much about secret service men in Alexander's day and maybe this encounter with Kirk could have occurred in just this way on a night when the emperor felt the need to be alone for a while. "USS Sesame" was amusing. I liked the way Paul Gadzikowski managed to find a logical denouement after all these unexpected events. If it will make you feel any better, I know even less of MASH and BEWITCHED than I do of Star Trek, never having watched any episodes of those two last mentioned series, but I've heard enough about them from their fans to be able to comprehend the role they play in this story. "Meld" seems reasonably effective. I imagine it would make a real impact on a Specialist in Star Trek, to whom the concept of a main character's apparent death would be staggering. "Camilla's Capture" seems timely, what with all the free publicity a real volcano has gotten for itself this summer, I thought it recaptured pretty well the flavor of the old fantasy adventure story tradition, thanks to its use of such time-tested features as an imprisonment at the hands of an unknown barely human race and a grand finale in which everything gets blown to smithereens. But the presence of a semi-vampire helps to make it seem different from the scads of stories of this general type that were being written earlier in the century.
Your illustrations are at a very high level. It's hard to believe at first glance that the front cover is done in only two colors of ink besides the black; it gives the impression of being almost full-color until stared at for a while attentively. Inside, I'm glad to see your artists putting less emphasis on portraits of the most famous Star Trek people and creating some independent illustrations of characters and scenes that the Enterprise might encounter. The two illustrations for "Gold Towards the Golden" were particularly effective, despite their apparent simplicity.[66]
[zine]: "Camilla's Capture" was good and I wish I'd read the other stories about her. I've one complaint. How or why should/would Camilla keep secret her being a vampire from Dr. McCoy? It could lead Into some problems for her (it nearly did in the story) and the ship in some future adventure. And would Dr. McCoy notice something wrong with her anyhow? (like an off-blood analysis, and people walking around with holes in their necks. Or isn't the blood taken that way?)"Flame Time" was an interesting story and well thought out. "USS Sesame" had me giggling all the way through it. It was great. I personally would like a few more stories on Kirk and company—meeting Shatner and company. That should make interesting stories. (Spockanalia has one or two stories on this, but the characters never meet their opposite, which is. what I want.)
"Gold Towards…" was another one of those stories I had to read twice before I understood It. But I did like It. I loved the "Meld". Would there be any other stories with the Bercan in it? I liked this character and would like to read more on her (and any others). I've one question. Could I get an xerox copy of the first part of "The Lost Child"? (ED. Note: I am reprinting issue 5 & 6 in one special volume sometime this summer.) [67]
[zine]: (ED. NOTE: This letter was also received from Amy at a later date): Well, finally getting around LoCing the latest BERENGARIA (8)...first off, was there any particular reason for cutting my story? (I assume so—and I'd appreciate the reasons for it.) It works all right with the cutting, but it would have been appreciated if you'd Informed me before hand. (I'd wanted the horror of McCoy realizing that Spock had indeed killed Kirk to be in there.) (ED. NOTE. I still don't know what happened, as I wrote to Amy. As you can see, we have reprinted the entire story in this issue. Again, I am sorry, Amy.)Quality in both story and artwork varied— again Larry has a nice technique, but he has a problem with his likenesses—his shapes are elongated. I enjoyed what the backcover was saying—even if Teri Meyer is not that great an artist (your best artists are Joni Wagner ((of course)) and John Price.) I enjoyed this second of the Camilla stories—the idea of the vampires is very well done, and the story is pretty well handled—and I shall be looking forward to more tales about her—and especially, what is going to happen if Spock does figure things out—I think I got the impression that there has to be such a story in the future. "Meld" was good—I would like to see more developed on the Bercan. Paul's "USS Sesame" was another delightful romp through the fiction planes—is he going to contribute regularly? He should—the ideas worked well, and the humor is great fun.
Your best story, however, was Cheryl's "Gold Towards the Golden." Being somewhat of a Greek history and mythology nut, I was able to recognize the person as Alexander almost Immediately. I have a feeling that this story may not be a favorite for many—one has to have a feel and a love of Greek things for it. I doubt I would have enjoyed it If I did not have that background. But a well written story indeed—a thoughtful piece rather than an action adventure tale—Cheryl seems to like to write the thoughtful kind of stories. It is a nice change.[68]
[zine]: Thank you for BERENGARIA #8. Never having read #5, and #6, I was a bit lost in "Camilla's Capture". I have never heard vampires discussed as having a virus, although it's a refreshing outlook. It makes me uncomfortable to think vampires could be making their stable anemic every few weeks, and not have Dr. McCoy notice, but that feeling aside, the story was very enjoyable. The "USS Sesame" was terrible. No offense to Paul, but it was very predictable and did not take any opportunity for diversion from the norm when it presented itself. I think it would have worked had it been shorter. The characters seemed wooden or stuffed (excuse the pun). My praises to the history student. Just enough facts and innuendo to make it fascinating. I hope to read more of Ms. Rice's works in future Issues.[69]
Issue 9

Berengaria 9 was published in June 1977 and contains 196 pages. It was jointly edited by Vicki Kirlin and Teri Meyer. Some of the artists are listed below, other artists are Sherry Kuhr, Elaine Romig, Melinda Shreve, and Dennis Drew.
From the editorial:
For those of you who may have read "Flame Time", a story by Amy Falkowitz, 1n issue #8, are probably wondering why we have printed it again In this issue. Somehow, I accidently omitted the first part of the story. Anyway, rather than print the part that was missing, and thoroughly confuse everyone, I decided to reprint the entire story. My apologies to Amy. You may also wonder why I advertised issue #9 for a March release, and here it is already June—and you are finally receiving your copy. "The Castaways" was due in December and was late due to circumstances beyond my control. "The Castaways" did not become available until the last week of February. This in turn, put Issue #9 behind, and will also delay issue #10. I have scheduled #10 for a September release, but expect it to be ready in November or December in order to devote the necessary time for publishing a larger issue. Therefore, please do not send any letters of inquiry until the first of November. If it is finished ahead of schedule, you will naturally receive your copy early. But, I don't think that will happen. Since the size of the zine must justify the boost, and you dear readers, are spending twice as much per issue, I want you to get your moneys worth. And, I think you will agree, #9, justifies this concept.
Also from the editorial:
I have never used BERENGARIA as a sounding board, unless it was to warn the fans of a commercial rip-off, as was the case a few issues back. But a situation has been going on for some time and I feel I must speak out. BERENGARIA will not print any stories which contain a homosexual relationship between Kirk and Spock, nor incest stories, nor will I print any ads for zines which carry these themes. I must admit I purchased one or two issues, because of authors, with whom I had come to enjoy reading. But I was dismayed by the stories and no longer purchase these fanzines or others of their kind. I urge others of you who feel Star Trek is being degraded by this type of literature to boycott any fanzine which feels it must devote Itself to this type of material in order to sell it. I do not intend to debate this stand in future issues of BERENGARIA.
- The Human Time by Michele Arvizu, artist is Gerry Downes (1)
- Untitled poem by Barbara Brink (67)
- Perhaps Verdant Illusions by Carmen Dexter, art by Dexter (69)
- Christine's Thoughts, poem by Caroline Hedge (70)
- For the Fear of McCoy by Elaine Romig, art by Virginia Jacobsen (73)
- Yippie by Vicki Kirlin, art by Helen Frenette and Teri Meyer (non Star Trek story) (91)
- Two/One/Two by Beverly Clark, art by M.S. Murdock (110)
- Meetings by Toni Cardinal, art by Teri Meyer (113)
- Not of My Universe by Teri Meyer, art by L.S. Willard (116)
- Now by Pat Junge, art by Meyer (116)
- Untitled by Wilhelminia, art by Meyer (118)
- Shana by M.S. Murdock, art by Murdock (119)
- A Star Trek Easter Poem by Noreen Mason, art by Meyer (120)
- Dreams of Space by—Tare, art by Meyer (121)
- Kirk & Lady by Caroline Hedge, art by Murdock (122)
- Untitled by Barbara Brink, art by Meyer (123)
- Reflections on THE CASTAWAYS by Wilhelminia, art by Meyer (125)
- Whispering Comfort by Teri Meyer, art by Meyer (126)
- LoCs (132)
- Recipe for Writing a Star Trek Story by Jean Dewey (137)
- Cartoon by G. Miles (138)
- Flame Time by Amy Falkowitz, art by Falkowitz (reprinted from issue #8 because opening scene had been omitted, Spock Get-'em. Alternate "Amok Time." Spock defeats Stonn and claims T'Pring, only to fall into the dread Linger Death when his anger at her severs their bond. T'Pau releases Spock into death.) (139)
- Only Human by Ginna LaCroix, art by Mike Brown and Randy Ash (147) (also in Trek Encore #2)
- Fellinian Secrets Concealed by Elaine Romig, art by Kathy Carlson and Randy Ash (161)
- A Small Voice in the Distance by L.S. Willard, art by Willard (179)
from issue #9, Gerry Downes
from issue #9, Virginia Jacobsen
from issue #9, Sherry Kuhr
from issue #9, Mike Brown
from issue #9, Mel Shreve
from issue #9, Amy Falkowitz
from issue #9, L.S. Willard
from issue #9, M.S. Murdock
from issue #9, Randy Ash
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 9
See reactions and reviews for The Human Time.
See reactions and reviews for Only Human.
See reactions and reviews for Fellinian Secrets Concealed.
See reactions and reviews for For the Fear of McCoy.
See reactions and reviews for Only Human.
See reactions and reviews for A Small Voice in the Distance.
[zine]: This is not an excellent zine, nor is this a must-read issue. But this is a damned good issue, and if you can spare the $6, you'll get some mighty enjoyable reading for the money. 'The Human Time' surprised me. Its first 30 pages were purest Mary Sue, as first Kirk, then McCoy, then Scott finally fall head over slobbering love with the delicate, friendly, witty, warm, intelligent, beautiful, blue-eyed Dr. Petra (Vegan for 'My Pet') Minda Abelard. But [the author] double-crossed us -- and turned this kiddie tale around in to a sensitive, sensual story that is a real and adult as any Faddish or Poblockian piece. 'Time' is not a wholly Good Story, hampered as it is by its beginnings. But it was perhaps only a single rewrite away from it. 'A Small Voice in the Distance' treats Spock in the same way that 'Only Human' by Ginna LaCroix does Kirk -- as fallible beings who, confronted by a perceived omission in their duty, learn, and go on. 'Yippie' is a non-ST mysterious story with more twists than a breadbag tie. It is not entirely opaque, but it does take careful reading to keep track of the plot. The first page of 'Flame Time' had apparently beamed out of 'Berengaria #8' and so the full version is presented. It is not necessarily any better. Elaine Romig's first story, 'For Fear of McCoy.' is far better than her second, 'Fellianian Secrets Revealed.' For one thing, the female lead, tho equally weird, is at least credible by the end of the story. Contents - 4 Graphics - 3 $ Worth - 4. [70]
[zine]: Berengaria' has at last hit its stride. This is the best issue to date, with one absolutely perfect story, one almost perfect, and other art, poetry, and literature with ranges from fair to very good indeed. The perfection is for Elaine Romig's 'For Fear of the McCoy' which is everything a short story of any genre should be, full of character, plot and superb writing. It's fully absorbing and very, very different. Here is great talent! Michele Arvizu, too, has great talent, almost great enough to make us forget that 'The Human Time' is a colossal Mary Sue story, flawed by teen-age Kirk, Spock, and McCoy interpretations. The emotional scenes are compelling though their motivations are adolescent. This zine is equal in quality to its fine silk-screened cover, and shouldn't be missed.[71]
Issue 10

Berengaria 10 was published in June 1978 and contains 112 pages. The front and back covers are by Mike Brown. Other art is by M.S. Murdock and Melinda Shreve.
From the title page: "Berengaria 10 presents a trilogy of stories by Michele Arvizu."
From the editorial:
Dear Friends: My sincerest thank you for your patience these past months while waiting for issue #10 of BERENGARIA. I am hopeful that you will feel the wait has been worth-while.Although the flyer you received stated that this issue would feature a sequel to "The Human Time", we have decided to postpone its printing; limited time played a major factor in this decision. Therefore, we have reprinted a story entitled "The Mirage", which first appeared in the fanzine CONTACT. The version here has been somewhat edited, but still retains the flavor of the original. Any reader who already has a copy of this story from CONTACT, please return your copy of Beri #10 to me, and I will either return your money or credit your account toward future issues of BERENGARIA at your request. There is no date set for issue #11 because I have not accepted any new stories at this time. Although I have many lovely poems and beautiful artwork, this is not enough to plan the zine in advance. Therefore, if you would like to be notified of any future plans for BERENGARIA, please send me a SASE for my files, and I will inform you of the approximate due date for issue #11. "Best of BERENGARIA" is still in the planning stages, and I hope for a late fall release. So far, the response has been excellent, and I am looking forward to complying with all of your special interests.
This issue of Beri was printed in separate sections, and because of that, the pieces of artwork and poetry section are unnumbered. The entire issue of Beri #10 is 132 pages ($5.25). All of you who were kind enough to send your advance order of $6.00 to reserve a copy of Beri #10, please be advised that there is a 75¢ credit on your account. You may request a refund. If I do not hear from you, I will apply the amount to a future issue of BERENGARIA.
- Turnabout Survival by Michele Arvizu (1)
- The Gathering by Michele Arvizu (reprinted in Computer Playback #3) (The death of a loved one and a reunion with his ex-wife leaves McCoy shattered and doubting his ability to function as CMO on the Enterprise.) (35)
- The Mirage by Michele Arvizu (first published as a standalone zine by the publishers of Contact. The version here in "Berengaria," has been "somewhat edited, but still retains the flavor of the original." [72] See Mirage) (58)
- poetry and art by M.S. Murdock, page not specified
from issue #10, frontispiece — M.S. Murdock
from issue #10, for "Turnabout Survival"—M.S. Murdock, illo of Janice Lester
from issue #10, for "Turnabout Survival"—M.S. Murdock, illo of Janice Lester
from issue #10, for "Turnabout Survival"—M.S. Murdock
from issue #10, for "The Gathering"—Melinda Shreve
from issue #10, for "The Gathering"—Melinda Shreve
from issue #10, for "The Gathering"—Melinda Shreve
from issue #10, from the poetry and art section—Melinda Shreve
from issue #10, from the poetry and art section—M.S. Murdock, illo of The Romulan Commander
from issue #10, from the poetry and art section—M.S. Murdock
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 10
See reactions and reviews for Turnabout Survival.
See reactions and reviews for The Gathering.
See reactions and reviews for The Mirage.
[zine]: This beautifully illustrated and printed zine is a showcase for Michele Arvizu. It's hard to say why Miss Arvizu is so effective as a writer: her plots tend to be sketchy, sometimes even hackneyed; her prose is occasionally awkward, particularly at the beginnings of stories; and her characters, though compelling, do not always resemble those whose names they bear -- et, in spite of it all, she has a gift for portraying overwhelming emotional conflicts, whose intensity sweeps the reader past any minor flaws. These three stories might be said to have a central link, in that they concern the father/son relationship which great commanders are apt to have with their subordinates, and the rivalry this relationship arouses in disparate Spock and McCoy. In 'Turnabout Survival,' McCoy finds himself on the outside, as Kirk and Spock, their bodies exchanged, their minds united, battle the insane illusions of their captor. There is almost no plot, focus is centered on the agony of the tormented pair (happily without the sadism sometimes found in fandom) and their triumph of sanity and courage. The rivalry breaks into open discussion in 'The Gathering,' wherein McCoy is locked in a deep depression, triggered by the death of a beloved relative, a chance encounter with his ex-wife, and a dangerous drinking bout; faces a major breakdown. In the final story, 'Mirage,' Spock, still emotionally dependent, comes face to face with a fatally ill and aged Kirk, and his frantic efforts to save and restore the one person to whom he can exhibit his human qualities, and Kirk's hunger for life, bring them both to a final examination of mortality and acceptance of their own natures. 'The-captain-gets-old-and-dies' theme has been done to death, but Michele Arvizu has taken the trite old plot and given it a truth and depth that raises it to an art, and that's the sign of a good writer. If there is a criticism of the zine it would be that there is an overall grimness of mood. It's too bad that a write who can issue such delicious satires, didn't attempt to add a lighter tale, to give the reader a chance to relax before the next turn of the screw.[73]
The Best of Berengaria One: Berengaria Special

Berengaria Special was a special issue fanzine published in 1976 with 163 pages. Artwork by Douglas Herring, Larry Greider, and John Price. All the art, except for the front cover, are reprints from the first four issues.

The contents are from the first four issues of "Berengaria."
- Apostasy by Richard Heim (reprinted from issue #1) (3)
- Challenges by Carle' Johnson (reprinted from issue #1) (14)
- Rennox Four by Ken Gooch (reprinted from issue #1) (21)
- Spock's Decision by Jacqueline Lichtenberg (reprinted from issue #2) (reprinted from Kraith Collected #4 (1974), for a while was also available in 1974 from Kirlin as a separate fanfic for the price of $1.50, see ad image) (32)
- Maya by Carmen Dexter (reprinted from issue #2) (67)
- Draconian Chronicles, LoCs (reprinted from issue #2) (68)
- The Decision by Claire Gabriel (reprinted from issue #3) (71)
- Equicon Report by Richard Heim (reprinted from issue #3) (79)
- Galactic Crisis by Ken Gooch (reprinted from issue #3) (82)
- Gene Roddenberry Speech, transcribed by Alan Andres (reprinted from issue #3) (94)
- House of Zeor, reviews by Claire Gabriel, Helen Young and Rebecca Bagett (reprinted from issue #3) (98)
- Child of Earth by Vicki Kirlin (reprinted from issue #3) (102)
- The Brew, or Mr. Spock's Downfall, or Mr. Spock's Downfall by Barbara-Katherine (reprinted from issue #4) (112)
- Christine's Decision by Sharon Emily (reprinted from issue #4) (121)
- Draconian Chronicles, LoCs (reprinted from issue #4) (134)
- A Greater Love by Trish McDaniel (reprinted from issue #4) (137) (also in the "Best of" issue)
- Strange Time, Familiar Place by Richard Heim (reprinted from issue #4) (138)
- The Winged Man in our World by Barbara Brink (reprinted from issue #4) (159)
- Fear Itself by Wayne Allen Dick (reprinted from issue #4) (159)
from the first special edition: reprinted from issue #4, artist is: Larry Greider
from the first special edition: reprinted from the back cover of issue #2, artist is: Larry Greider
from the first special edition: reprinted from: the front cover of issue #4, artist is Larry Greider
Reactions and Reviews: The Best of Berengaria One: Berengaria Special
See reactions and reviews for Spock's Decision.
See reactions and reviews for Apostasy.
See reactions and reviews for Challenges.
See reactions and reviews for Rennox 4.
See reactions and reviews for The Decision.
See reactions and reviews for Galactic Crisis.
See reactions and reviews for Child of Earth.
See reactions and reviews for The Brew, or Mr. Spock's Downfall.
See reactions and reviews for Christine's Decision.
See reactions and reviews for Strange Time, Familiar Place.
The Best of Berengaria Two: Berengaria Special
The Best of Berengaria Two was published in May 1978 and contains 66 pages. It is a collection of selected fiction from issues #4, #7, and #8.

The art is not mentioned in the credits. The zine, however, does contain a single illo for "Meld" by John Price.
- Carmilla's Capture by Rebecca Hoffman (from issue #8) (2)
- Thoughts of the Gorn, poem by Gerry Downes (from issue #8) (18)
- Meld by Ann Bagley (Jim Kirk is awakened by Spock's voice in his mind. Soon Lt. Ker appears at his door. A telepath, Lt. Ker has also been summoned by Spock's voice. They find Spock in the Biology Lab trying to revive Leonard McCoy who has been bitten by a poisonous spider. The medical team pronounce McCoy dead, but Spock and Lt. Ker use their combined mental powers to save his life.) (from issue #8) (18)
- The Lost Child by Vicki Kirlin (16 pages) (part two, a castles & dungeons story. Kirk is captured and tortured by one of the parties in clan warfare/castle intrigue until he is rescued by the telepathic princess.) (from issue #7) (21)
- Acceptance by Teri Meyer (from issue #7) (41)
- Interlude by Gerry Downes (Chris Pike takes Spock on a hedonistic shore leave, including intoxicating substances and serving girls. Many years later, Spock escorts Kirk to the same establishment.) (from issue #7) (42)
- Christine's Decision by Sharon Emily (set in the Kraith universe, Kraith 5-A) (from issue #4) (49)
- A Greater Love by Trish McDaniel (from issue #4) (64)
- ^ from an editorial in issue #1 of Berengaria
- ^ The editor goes on to explain the flyers being used have the old publisher printed on them, but to save money, they were used anyway.
- ^ from a letter by Vicki in Interstat #4
- ^ from Boldly Writing
- ^ from Fanzine Review 'Zine
- ^ from an LoC by Leslie Fish in "Berengaria" #5/6
- ^ from an LoC by Kathleen P in "Berengaria" #7
- ^ from Gerry Downes in Stardate Unknown #1
- ^ from Spin Dizzie #2 (1979)
- ^ from Pentathlon #3
- ^ from an LoC in issue #2
- ^ from an LoC in issue #2
- ^ a LoC by Cara S in "Berengaria" #2
- ^ a LoC by Harry W Jr. in "Berengaria" #2
- ^ a LoC by Alan A in "Berengaria" #2
- ^ a LoC by Russell P in "Berengaria" #2
- ^ from the editor, "Berengaria" #2
- ^ from The Halkan Council #9 (August 1975)
- ^ from Independent Entity #2 (1975(
- ^ from Pentathlon #3
- ^ from Karen Halliday's Zinedex
- ^ from The Halkan Council #9 (August 1975)
- ^ from an LoC by Robert V S in "Berengaria" #5
- ^ from an LoC by Pat G in "Berengaria" #5
- ^ from an LoC by Becca O in "Berengaria" #5
- ^ from an LoC by Janet D in "Berengaria" #5
- ^ from an LoC by Beverly C in "Berengaria" #5
- ^ from an LoC by Warren E in "Berengaria" #5/6
- ^ from an LoC by Jacqueline Lichtenberg in "Berengaria" #5/6
- ^ from an LoC by Shirley H in "Berengaria" #5/6
- ^ from The Halkan Council #13 (November 1975)
- ^ from an LoC by Jackie B in "Berengaria" #7
- ^ Halliday’s Star Trek Zinedex (TOS) - Title Index, Archived version
- ^ from an LoC in "Berengaria" #8
- ^ from an LoC in "Berengaria" #8
- ^ from Spectrum #23
- ^ from Sehlat's Roar #2
- ^ from an LoC by Randy Ash in "Berengaria" #7
- ^ The zine by Gerry Downes to which Kirlin is referring may be the series Stardate: Unknown or the ground-breaking Alternative: The Epilog to Orion; it is probably the former, knowing Kirlin's views on slash...
- ^ from an LoC by Gerry Downes in "Berengaria" #7
- ^ from an LoC by Harry W, Jr in "Berengaria" #7
- ^ a reference to the broken typewriter of past issues
- ^ from an LoC by Amy F in "Berengaria" #7
- ^ from an LoC in "Berengaria" #8
- ^ Halliday’s Star Trek Zinedex (TOS) - Title Index, Archived version
- ^ It is possible that Carmilla did not appear in some original printings.
- ^ from an LoC in "Berengaria" #8
- ^ from Interphase #3
- ^ from an LoC by Leslie Fish in "Berengaria" #7
- ^ from Spectrum #25
- ^ from the LoC section in Berengaria #9
- ^ from an LoC in "Berengaria" #8
- ^ from an LoC in "Berengaria" #8
- ^ from an LoC in "Berengaria" #8
- ^ Halliday’s Star Trek Zinedex (TOS) - Title Index, Archived version
- ^ From The Halkan Council #20/21 (August 1976)
- ^ from Interphase #3
- ^ from Spectrum #25
- ^ from the LoC section in Berengaria #9
- ^ from the LoC section in Berengaria #9
- ^ from the LoC section in Berengaria #9
- ^ from the LoC section in Berengaria #9
- ^ from Fanzine Review 'Zine #2
- ^ Halliday’s Star Trek Zinedex (TOS) - Title Index, Archived version
- ^ from the LoC section in Berengaria #9
- ^ from the LoC section in Berengaria #9
- ^ from the LoC section in Berengaria #9
- ^ from the LoC section in Berengaria #9
- ^ from the LoC section in Berengaria #9
- ^ from Paula Smith in Menagerie #12
- ^ from Scuttlebutt #2
- ^ This may be in reference to the fact that the original editors of "Mirage" (April Valentine, Susan Dorsey, Leslie Fish and Pat Stall) were huge fans of a much more intense Kirk-Spock relationship than the editors of "Berengaria." The original version may have skated too close to slash, something the editors of "Berengaria" were very much against. See Kirlin's Editorial View on Same-Sex Content from the editorial in issue #9.
- ^ from Scuttlebutt #11