Only Human (Star Trek: TOS story)

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Title: Only Human
Author(s): Ginna LaCroix
Date(s): 1977
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
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Only Human is a Star Trek: TOS story by by Ginna LaCroix. The art is by Mike Brown and Randy Ash.

It was published in the print zine Berengaria #9 and in Trek Encore.

Reactions and Reviews

Despite continued commendations from Star Fleet and adulation by the public, Kirk has lost confidence after some of his recent decisions resulted in a number of deaths and a near-disaster for the ship. Sent to Earth on home leave, he decides to resign, over McCoy's objections. On the return trip aboard a Star Fleet training vessel, Kirk is forced to take over during an attack by Orions, and consequently revises his decision. [1]

'A Small Voice in the Distance' treats Spock in the same way that 'Only Human' by Ginna LaCroix does Kirk -- as fallible beings who, confronted by a perceived omission in their duty, learn, and go on. [2]
