A Small Voice in the Distance

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Title: A Small Voice in the Distance
Author(s): L.S. Willard
Date(s): 1977
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
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A Small Voice in the Distance is a Star Trek: TOS story by L.S. Willard, art by Willard.

It was published in the print zine Berengaria #9.

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Spock is having trouble functioning because of the voice of a crying infant in his head and fears he is going insane. Instead of doing anything about it, though, he delays until he collapses. Under McCoy's questioning, he determines that the distress cry is that of T'Pren - the infant daughter of friends he had visited on Outpost Colony 8 several days before. When Enterprise fails to raise Outpost Colony 8, they go there and find it destroyed by an explosion. They aid the survivors (including Spock's friends and their baby) but the incident leaves Spock with the guilt of not having responded more quickly.[1]

'A Small Voice in the Distance' treats Spock in the same way that 'Only Human' by Ginna LaCroix does Kirk -- as fallible beings who, confronted by a perceived omission in their duty, learn, and go on.[2]
