The Gathering (Star Trek: TOS story)

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Title: The Gathering
Author(s): Michele Arvizu
Date(s): 1978
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
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The Gathering is a Star Trek: TOS story by by Michele Arvizu.

It was published in the print zine Berengaria #10, reprinted in Computer Playback #4.


The death of a loved one and a reunion with his ex-wife leaves McCoy shattered and doubting his ability to function as CMO on the Enterprise.

Some Art

From "Berengaria"

From "Computer Playback"

Reactions and Reviews

McCoy visits at the deathbed of his mother-in-law, runs into his ex, Ariana, and they end up in bed. Back aboard Enterprise, he suffers from debilitating depression exacerbated by drink. Things come to a head when Spock arrives with an abdominal obstruction and McCoy is too impaired by drink and exhaustion to do the surgery - but persuades a cautious M'Benga of his diagnosis. The McCoy/Spock and McCoy/Kirk heart-to-hearts make a number of good points about the friendships and have some good lines, but are over-done and over-emotional - far too much talking for these guys. [1]

The rivalry breaks into open discussion in 'The Gathering,' wherein McCoy is locked in a deep depression, triggered by the death of a beloved relative, a chance encounter with his ex-wife, and a dangerous drinking bout; faces a major breakdown. [2]
