Turnabout Survival

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Star Trek TOS Fanfiction
Title: Turnabout Survival
Author(s): Michele Arvizu
Date(s): 1978
Genre: gen
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
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Turnabout Survival is a Star Trek: TOS story by Michele Arvizu.

It was published in the print zine Berengaria #10.

Reactions and Reviews

Janice Lester gets revenge by abducting the Big Three and switching Kirk and Spock into one another's bodies. The consequences and reactions are very well drawn - Spock is mortified, Kirk is enjoying the adventure; both bodies are in physical danger because Spock is burning up Kirk's and Kirk can't keep Spock's autonomic system going. Lester presents herself to her victims as a monster. Kirk and Spock finally trick her into switching them back by pretending the transfer is spontaneously degenerating as it did in "Turnabout Intruder." They have to play each other well enough to fool both Lester and McCoy.[1]

In 'Turnabout Survival,' McCoy finds himself on the outside, as Kirk and Spock, their bodies exchanged, their minds united, battle the insane illusions of their captor. There is almost no plot, focus is centered on the agony of the tormented pair (happily without the sadism sometimes found in fandom) and their triumph of sanity and courage.[2]
