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In a Different Reality
Zine | |
Title: | In a Different Reality |
Publisher: | Intergalactic Underground Press |
Editor(s): | of the first four issues: Judellen Thornton-Järinge, of later issues: Marguerite Krause |
Date(s): | 1976-2000 |
Series?: | |
Medium: | |
Size: | |
Genre: | |
Fandom: | Star Trek: TOS & Star Trek: TNG |
Language: | English |
External Links: | |
Click here for related articles on Fanlore. | |
In a Different Reality is a gen Star Trek: TOS and Star Trek: TNG anthology. Issues #1-#4 are digest-sized and the rest are full-sized.
Some of the fan fiction from the fanzines written in the shared Valjiir Universe has been published online here.
Issues #1-#30 were published between 1976-1990. A decade later, issue #31 was published.
The name of the zine comes from the quote by the Romulan commander in the episode, "Balance of Terror": "In a different reality, I would have called you friend."
General Reactions and Reviews
In a different reality, I could have called you friend,' is the source of the zine's title. And this zine does seem to be working in a different reality from most Trek zines. -- it has elements of (gasp) science fiction in it. It has (shudder) stories with PLOTS. It acknowledges (cringe) that Roddenberry's fevered frontal lobes weren't the only wellspring of ideas for Trek. Hertig, Krause, Thorton-Järinge, et. al., are plainly well read in not only sf but mainstream writing. They are just as plainly still amateurs, but but by damn, they should be so for long. [2]
IADR #9 departs from the usual format of varied stories this issue to start a new Orthodox Timeline series called Valjiir, by Cheryl Petterson and Suzan Sizemore. We are introduced to several young characters who eventually find themselves entering Starfleet Academy,' hoping for adventure and challenge on a starship someday. They are depicted as real people believably suffering through the processes of trying to find a direction for their lives. This series shows a lot of promise.
Other than poetry and artwork, the five Valjiir stories make up most of the zine. As essay by David C. Petterson on ST:TMP skillfully defends the film against the critics. IADR comes out regularly and is very reasonably priced. [3]
Thanks for the pitch about the Valjiir series in IN A DIFFERENT REALITY. I used to be a faithful reader of that zine; then I got heavily into K/S and one thing and another intervened, and I got out of the habit of ordering it. [4]
Really? You like Valjiir? Well, there is just no accounting for tastes, as the captain quoted. I've been getting lADR for a few years, but have reached the point where I don't even really try to read them. I admire the scope — they are working on a giant canvas with incredible life-long interweaving plots. But for some reason, I can get, at best, only mildly interested in the plots. [5]
This zine consistently features stories focusing on "lesser" Trek characters. The authors of the excellent "Valjiir" series have developed a "Star Trek" universe as fully realized as anything I've ever seen in fandom, and they have, in particular, given Sulu an extensive and fascinating background. Many stories deal with original characters set in the Trek universe, and it's to the credit of the authors that they make many of these people as fully dimensional as any of our familiar favorites. [6]
This ‘zine was the home for stories from the long-running “Valjiir” fan-fic series from 1976 until that writing partnership broke up. (I’ve included the editorial announcement of that dissolution in Issue 28.) However, unlike other fanzines like Kraith or Nu Ormel, IDR didn’t have a tight focus on Valjiir. The editor, Marguerite Krause, printed non-Valjiir stories and poems and even gave a home to other series. At the time the Valjiir partnership fell apart, I think there were at least three other series that were running more or less regularly in IDR – mine, the “Lenore” series, and one with an all Vulcan crew.
Marguerite was a very diligent editor. I remember having lots of re-writes. Now, of course, I’m dyslexic and this was in the days before your word processor came with a built-in spell checker, so there were lots of red marks for spots where my proofreading skills failed me. Beyond that, though, Marguerite had high standards and would put her foot down if she felt like what you submitted didn’t live up to them. I struggled a few times, but always felt that what ended up in print was good writing. [7]
Issue 1
In a Different Reality 1 was published in August 1976 (revised second printing: September 1976, reprinted in part: January 1980, third reprint: March 1981) and has 69 pages. Although the 3rd printing says "reprinted in part", there are very few differences between the 2nd & 3rd printing: All pages are there; all images and other elements are there. A page-by-page comparison found only the following differences: (1) The editor's address has been crossed out and updated by hand, and the co-editor's address has been added; (2) The drawing on the back cover has been enlarged, with a frame added (see image);
(3) An errata insert has been added noting that pages 66 and 67 had been reversed (as they were in the 2nd printing, but without the note).
From the editorial:
This is the first issue of what we plan to make a quarterly 'zine. We have tried to include a variety of material, from As It Was in the End which emphasizes action, to Greenblood which explores character in detail. Plus a bit of humor here and there. Prologue to Adventure is an introduction to a projected series of stories, depending on time and response, which deal with life aboard another starship of the fleet. In at least one respect it adheres more faithfully to the Articles of Confederation than the series itself sometimes did.
- Greenblood by Marguerite Krause (2) (editor notes in issue #2 that this story follows "the story line of Chapel having married a Klingon and left the ship: Showcase #2 by Sharon Emily, ed."
- Graffiti Wall by the staff (35)
- To Uhuru by Judellen Thornton-Järinge (39)
- Letters Never Sent by Judellen Thornton-Järinge (51)
- The Chubby Years by Judellen Thornton-Järinge (52)
- Crossword Puzzle by Diana Walter (55)
- As It Was in the End by John Hertig (57)
- Trekker Treat by Judellen Thornton-Järinge (60)
- Prologue to Adventure (61)
- Nome by Linda Linsey (64)
- art by Diana Walter, Marcia Sales and Judellen Thornton-Järinge
Issue 2
In a Different Reality 2 was published in 1977 (reprinted some sections: November 1979, third printing: May 1981) and contains 74 pages. The art is by Linda Lindsey, Marcia Sales, and Judellen Thornton-Järinge.
[the editorial]:A couple of things to clear up from last issue. The "*" in Greenblood" was meant to footnote the story line of Chapel having married a Klingon and left the ship: Showcase #2, Sharon Emily, ed.
There was some controversy generated by the use of the word "sir in reference to female officers. We did his, not to confuse the reader or make it a 'reverse universe' story, but simply because there is no acceptable feminine equivalent to "sir."("Ma'am" is considered derrogatory [sic] [8], not just by us but by a wide range of people from Germaine Greer's The Female Eunic [sic] [9] to Ma (sic) [10] Bell's brochure on telephone courtesy.) If you have any comments or suggestions on this problem, please let us have them!
We have a new business manager, who will be much more faithful in getting your orders mailed out promptly than I was. My apologies to all of you who had to wait before!
One of the reasons, besides the usual time and money problems, that we are so late in getting a second issue out was the decision to print "Somebody Else's Home Planet." Due to its length, it was not possible to publish it all in one issue. Rather than make you wait between parts and risk our never publishing the second half, we have delayed #2 until we are ready to turn #3 into the printers. #3, which will also contain a long story by John Hertig and a shorter one by a new author, will be out within two weeks of this issue. Order now!
Thank you all for your letters commenting on our first effort. We hope you will write us again -- we need feedback. If we had more money, we'd love to print some letters, but stories are all we can manage for the moment. That is, after all, the point of going through this insanity in the first place.
- Se Carhn!, fiction by Linda Lindsey (3)
- Beginnings, fiction by Marguerite Krause (12)
- New Religion Discovered: Smythe by Diana Walter (27)
- Somebody Else's Home Planet, part one by Judellen Thorton-Järinge (29)
- Graffiti Wall (38)
- art by Linda Lindsey, Marcia Sales and Judellen Thornton-Järinge
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 2
See reactions and reviews for Somebody Else's Home Planet.
Issue 3
In a Different Reality 3 was published in August 1977 and has 81 pages. It is the last issue edited by Judellen Thornton-Järinge.
From the editor:
Possessing a naturally indolent nature, I have been wearying everyone for months about what a pain all the work involved in putting out a 'zine is. Now that I'm passing it on, of course, I'm suddenly sorry to be free of it. It's like having a bad tooth pulled; the pain is gone but you are left with a hole in your life.
- You've Got a Friend, part one, Sirius by John Hertig ("A strange phenomenon leaves a former rival to the Eugenics Program aboard the Enterprise.") (4)
- The Keepers of Strength by J. Richard Laredo ("It seems the Klingons also have problems with omnipotent beings.") (27)
- Somebody Else's Home Planet, part two, by Judellen Thornton-Järinge (38)
- T'Pring's Lament by Marguerite Krause (34)
- Trek Doodles by the Staff ("A revived art form, a test of sensitivity and perception, an intellectual rip-off...") (35)
- Graffiti Wall by the Staff (41)
- Silver Mistress by Penny Watkins (37)
- no artists listed
Issue 4
In a Different Reality 4 has 67 pages and was published in January 1978. It is the first issue edited by Marguerite Krause.
- Feathered Brother by MS (1)
- Fortune's Knave by DW and PW (2)
- The Bionic Tribble by Judellen Thornton-Järinge (24)
- Crossword Puzzle by RAN (27)
- Treker (sic) Treat by Judellen Thornton-Järinge (31)
- One Day by Marguerite Krause (32)
- Graffiti Wall by the Staff (33)
- Final Frontiersmen by Judellen Thornton-Järinge (33)
- You've Got a Friend, part 2 by talBeethur (JH) (48)
- That Man by J.R. Laredo (65)
- Droodles by Judellen Thornton-Järinge (66)
- art by Marcia Sales (front cover), Judellen Thornton-Järinge (back cover), Penny Watkins, Diana Walter, John Hertig, Linda Lindsey, Anonymous
Issue 5
In a Different Reality 5 was published in September 1978 and has 55 pages. The art is by Marcia Sales (front cover, interior), Judellen Thornton-Järinge (back cover, interior), Linda Lindsey (interior).
[the editorial]:Greetings, and welcome to our new format! We have had a few complaints in the past that our print was too small to read, and have also had trouble with the miniscule art-work that the small 'zine size demamded. Therefore, we are giving this new method a try, and hope it meets with the approval of readers and artists alike.
Since lADR is written and published by college students, we have also suffered an excessive number of address changes, due to staff members like John Hertig graduating and leaving town, or others of us who simply needed to move to a larger place! The post office, fortunately, has been very good about forwarding mail, and we hope none of our readers have gotten lost in the continual shuffle. Our current address, as listed in this issue, should be good for at least a year... and if it changes, we'll let people know!
We are always looking for new contributors of any kind. Our current group of short story writers has gotten dangerously small, and since we don't want lADR to become a forum for just one or two authors, we especially encourage those of you who write prose to submit things to us. There is always room for new viewpoints in our 'zine!
Issue 6 should be out during the winter of '79, so anyone interested can get an SASE on file with us for information on that. And remember that your comments, advice, and criticisms are always more than welcome.
- Sweet Sorrow by Diana Walter (also in Archives #7) (Spock, promoted to the Constellation II, makes his farewells to Scott, McCoy & Kirk.) (3)
- Lonely Hearts Column by Marcia Sales (8)
- Stella Mudd's Bridal Lament by Judellen Thornton-Järinge (9)
- Crossword Puzzle by Anonymous (10)
- McCoy On: The Party by Marguerite Krause (McCoy's musings on the ship Christmas party.) (12)
- Star Light, poem by Judellen Thornton-Järinge (14)
- Runaway by Marcia Sales & Marguerite Krause (Original Fiction) (No ST characters, but Starfleet appears in this story of a boy running off from his colony farm to join a gang of space pirates.) (15)
- graffiti wall (25)
- The Coming of Stiber by Marguerite Krause (26)
- A Captain's Life, filk to the tune of "A Pirate's Life" by Diana Walter (52)
- Complexities, poem by Diana Walter (53)
- Free Space by Judellen Thornton-Järinge (54)
- Star Fleet Sesame Street by Shelley McIntyre (55)
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 5
See reactions and reviews for The Coming of Stiber.
Issue 6
In a Different Reality 6 was published in March 1979 (second printing: August 1981) and has 58 pages. Covers: Linda Lindsey.
[from the editorial]: Greetings once again! This has proved to be an interesting issue of IADR in several ways. First, our art editor has left Central Illinois for the more varied geography of Montana, so I (a true klutz with a pen!) have had to do lettering, paste-up, even some last minute cartoons; please be merciful on all the above attempts. I meant well, honest. Second, since our last issue the - how shall I phrase it? - unique "Battlestar Galactica" made its appearance, varying in the quality of its episodes from half-way decent to absolutely ludicrous; hence the abundance of Galactica humor. Some things are just made to be made fun of.
Third and finally, I think there is something in this issue to offend everyone - either story line, writing style, plotting - due to it being the least edited thing we've done. This issue's authors were very adament about many things, so in the interest'of IDIC I decided 'the heck with it' and printed everybody as they wished to he. Make all comments with that in mind.
- Four Interludes by Marguerite Krause (p. 3, 9, 29, 57)
- Oh, Noah by Dave Witzany (from Halliday's Zinedex: "...sci-fi spoof of the Noah story in which Gahd is an alien bureaucrat under orders from the Privy Council to get rid of humanity.") (5)
- Word Puzzle (8)
- Eclipes by David Garlick (8)
- A Ship Divided: Warp Factor II by Diana Walter & Penny Watkins (from Halliday's zinedex: "The mixed Human/Vulcan crew of Excelsior, under Captain T'Lana, is experiencing heightened racial tensions devolving into gang warfare in the corridors...") (10)
- graffiti wall (28)
- Interlude: Three (29)
- When I Die, Before I Wake by J. Richard Laredo (From the Star Trek Zinedex: "... the Enterprise encounters itself -- lifeless from an encounter with a second Doomsday Machine, all hands dead. The resolution involves a cyborg alien using Kirk's corpse's mind to activate a "machine" Kirk which is made of stuff powerful enough to take out the Doomsday device...") (30)
- And Time...., poem by Diana Walter (59)
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 6
- "Four Interludes" (p. 3, 9, 29, 57) / Nicely written musings of... 1. Kirk, talking to his ceiling about his delayed reassignment and turning the captaincy over to Sulu; 2. Spock, on his and T'Marse's new and very human-like son Leonard; 3. McCoy, taping to Joanna about Commodore Kirk's success commanding his dreadnought and fleet and Spock's domestic happiness; and 4. Vignette in which Spock's sons Stiber and Leonard want to take home a dragon.
- "Oh, Noah" / Fun little sci-fi spoof of the Noah story in which Gahd is an alien bureaucrat under orders from the Privy Council to get rid of humanity.
- "A Ship Divided" / [shows small-type title "Warp Factor II" - reprint? or subtitle?] The mixed Human/Vulcan crew of Excelsior, under Captain T'Lana, is experiencing heightened racial tensions devolving into gang warfare in the corridors. Some excellent writing of sundry confrontations before it is revealed to be the result of leaking gas tanks in sickbay.
- "When I Die, Before I Wake" / Starts out as a very nice mystery when the Enterprise encounters itself -- lifeless from an encounter with a second Doomsday Machine, all hands dead. The resolution involves a cyborg alien using Kirk's corpse's mind to activate a "machine" Kirk which is made of stuff powerful enough to take out the Doomsday device. From there it gets ever more complicated and metaphysical. [11]
Issue 7
In a Different Reality 7 was published in October 1979 (second printing: May 1981, third printing: December 1981) and has 39 pages.
The art is by Linda Lindsey (back cover, interior), Cheryl Newsome (back cover, interior), Judellen Thornton-Järinge, Virginia Lee Smith.
From the editor: "Anyone with information as to the whereabouts of Jude T-J, please tell us here at IADR. We have lost track of her, and want to know what she's up to!"
[the editorial]: There are a few things to say about this issue of IADR.
It was due out in "summer of '79" and here it is October - well! would you believe Indian Summer? The reasons include the chronic (for me) lack of typing time - a fourteen-month-old daughter combined with work and other mundane activities tend to sharply curtail my Trekfan pursuits - and the now miniscule number of people in this part of beautiful central Illinois who have any interest in this 'zine. The size of the Staff list on page 3 speaks for itself, especially since it includes husbands and children! Also, this is the shortest issue we've put out - simply due to lack of contributions.
Which leads me to announce that the next issue of IADR - #8 - will be the last, at least under my editorship. There are two stories in the works, and one poem in the file... and so far that is all! It has also become remarkably difficult to generate any quality graffiti, so it is quite conceivable that out last ish will have no "Graffiti Wall".
We are, however, on the verge of a new era in Treklit... I am thinking, of course, of "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" due out in six weeks or so. Depending on personal feelings that movie will either make obsolete all the fan-fiction of the last 12 years, or spark a whole new outburst of fan-written adventures, speculations, humor, philosophy, etc., etc., etc....
So, I am waxing eloquent in this editorial because I may not feel such an urge again. I have enjoyed editing and writing Trek fiction, and have been pleased with our small but loyal readership. Everyone has heard of the time, work, and aggravation that goes into putting out a "zine... but be assured, the fact that our stories have struck a responsive chord in various readers is ample reward.
If you have ever had an urge to submit something to us for publication, now's the time to do it! This issue includes the work of two newcomers to the staff, Delores Booker of Alberta (that's west-central Canada, folks!) and Cheryl Newsome of Alabama. As mentioned above, there is plenty of room in issue #8 for prose, poetry, humor, or art, so dig it out of the desk and send it m! It can be old-Trek [as in based on the ?9 aired live episodes) or new-Trek (which is what I think the movie may spark) as the inspiration moves you. I'd just like to see the closing issue of IADR be a special one. Enough gossip. Read on!
- Honor by VLS (3)
- In a Different Reality by Michael and Marguerite Krause (4)
- Memory Lane by Delores Booker (6)
- Affair on Kharthan by Marguerite Krause (9)
- Thelin, poem by Marguerite Krause (27)
- Graffiti Wall (28)
- IDIC, poem by Diana Walter (29)
- Shore Leave, poem by Delores Baker (30)
- Aftermath by Diana Walter (31)
- Growing Up by Marguerite Krase (32)
- The Navigator, poem by Delores Baker (39)
- A Ballad, Describing the Battle Between the Starship Enterprise and a Romulan Ship (based on the episode: "Balance of Terror"), a filk to the tune of "High Barbaree" by Roberta Rogow (39)
Issue 8
In a Different Reality 8 was published in June 1980 and has 70 pages.
From the editor:
This issue is gratefully dedicated to Julie Watkins for being the instrument that introduced VALJIIR to the editor and readers of 'In a Different Reality.' May the Great Bird of the Galaxy look with favor on all your endeavors!
- Duty by Gene S. Delapenia (3) (poem)
- Unity and Diversity by Cheryl Newsome (4) (poem)
- Intermission by DW and PW (5)
- Star Crossed, a puzzle by Cheryl Newsome (10)
- Writer's Lament by Marguerite Krause (11)
- The Helmsman by Delores Booker (12)
- The Engineer by Delores Booker (12)
- With Friends Like These by Linda Garlick (13)
- Is Having as Pleasing as Wanting by CD (15)
- Phoenix Rising by Delores Booker (19)
- A Time for Every Purpose by Marguerite Krause (21)
- The Ring Around Midnight by Cheryl Petterson (43)
- For All Good Engineers by Cheryl Petterson (43)
- If I Were by Susan Sizemore and Cheryl Petterson (45) (first Valjiir story)
- Out of the Mouths of Maids by DW (69)
- Admiral Kirk by Marguerite Krause (69)
- It Was a Dark and Stormy Night by Linda Garlick (70)
- From the Editor (71)
- art by Penny Watkins (front cover), Linda Garlick (back cover), Cheryl Newsome, Virginia Smith and Barbara Gordon
Issue 9
In a Different Reality 9 was published in October 1980 and has 78 pages.
The art is by Virginia Lee Smith, Barbara P. Gordon, Cheryl Newsome, Richard Braunshausen, Linda Lindsey-Garlick, Julie Watkins, Marcia Sales-Bundi.
From the editor:
This issue marks the serious beginning of our attempt to print the complete Orthodox Timeline of Petterson/Sizemore. Be forewarned that the material herein is decidedly more mature in language and content than IADR has previously printed; nothing gross or distasteful, in the opinion of the editor, but personal taste does vary. I've asked for age statements, so if anyone 'too young' is reading this I don't want irate letters from a parent or something - it's the reader's responsibility, not mine. All in all, from the comments I've recieved, IADR has a mature readership, and you'll all enjoy the Valjiir stories immensely... I have pounds and pounds of Valjiir stories to print in the next couple of years...
- Adrift, poetry by John Hertig (3)
- In Defense of Beauty: Perspective and Commentary on "Star Trek: The Motion Picture," essay by David C. Petterson (4)
- Starcrossed, fiction by Cheryl Petterson (Valjiir Universe) (6)
- The Terror of Alterra, fiction by Susan Sizemore (Valjiir Universe)(23)
- Those Shoes by Cheryl Petterson and Susan Sizemore (Valjiir Universe)(35)
- two poems (54)
- Long Watch by Delores Booker (5)
- The Dead Have Names, fiction by Cheryl Petterson and Susan Sizemore (Valjiir Universe) (56)
- Aid and Comfort, poem by Delores Booker (64)
- You Love the Thunder, fiction by Susan Sizemore (65)
- Succubus, poem by N.B. (75)
- The Decision, poem by Cheryl Newsome (78)
- You Don't Mess Around With Jim, filk by Cheryl Petterson and Susan Sizemore (79)
Issue 10
In a Different Reality 10 was published in April 1981 and has 72 pages. Covers: Bonnie Reitz.
The editor says:
I know, I know, the flyer promised 80 pages, and there are only 72! So what could I do? The postage rate went up! Complain to your Congressperson! Yeah, and I know my typewriter's capital 'D' is sporadic, at best... You think you and I have problems, wait'll you read INNTFMN (figure that one out!) Worst of all, I have no room for my usual verbose editorial!! Ah, but just wait 'til next issue... Peace, friends, Marguerite.
- Enterprise, poem by Delores Booker (3)
- Hear the Small One’s Thunder by J. Richard Laredo (Science Fiction)
- A Universe of Wonders, poem by Gene S. Delapenia (8)
- Preliminary by Charlotte Davis (9)
- Montage by Cheryl Petterson & Susan Sizemore (Valjiir) (12)
- McCoy's Lament, poem by Cheryl Newson (19)
- My Friend, the Witch Doctor by Cheryl Petterson & Susan Sizemore (Valjiir) (20) (Ruth Valley is a Keheil with empathic healing ability. She has been authorized to use this ability as needed and that order brings her into conflict with Dr. McCoy. The hostility continues to escalate until a plague invades the Enterprise and they must work together.)
- A Time-Honored Tradition by Susan Sizemore (Valjiir) (32)
- It's Not Nice to Fool Mother Nature by Cheryl Petterson (Valjiir) (33)
- Wild Goose Chase by Cheryl Petterson (Valjiir) (60)
- Command, poem by Sharron Crowson (70)
- Workin' on a Starship Blues, filksong by Cheryl Petterson & Susan Sizemore (71)
- art by Bonnie Reitz (covers), Rick Braunshausen, Cheryl Newson, Charlotte Davis, and Virgina Smith
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 10
See reactions and reviews for Montage.
See reactions and reviews for It's Not Nice to Fool Mother Nature.
See reactions and reviews for Wild Goose Chase.
- "Hear the Small One’s Thunder" / Non-ST fantasy
- "Preliminary" / Stonn/T’Pring story - T’Pring is now Stonn’s chattel.
- "Montage" / The first of a series of connected, rather charming and witty, Mary Sue stories in this issue. Ruth Valley, an Antari with empathic healing powers, a computer rating equal to Spock’s, a daddy high up in the Fleet, astonishing work efficiency, and a complete disregard for authority, is assigned to the Enterprise after doing her cadet stint there. This plotless story pretty much just sets the scene. She becomes Sulu’s lover, calls Kirk ‘Bwana,’ beats Spock at chess, and establishes a hostile relationship with McCoy.
- "My Friend, the Witch Doctor" / The best of this set. Amidst witty little scenes following Ruth’s foibles, idiosyncrasies and love affairs, hostilities between McCoy and Ruth escalate (with McCoy even being so petty as to deny her coffee) until an epidemic on the ship forces them to acknowledge each other’s expertise and cooperate. Ruth realizes that she cannot cure, only heal; McCoy ends up calling her “Ruthie” and all is well.
- "A Time-Honored Tradition" / Vignette - the wake for Ruth’s roommate, killed downplanet by some carnivore.
- "It’s Not Nice To Fool Mother Nature" / The inevitable Mary Sue/pon farr combo, but cleverly told. Ruth’s new roomie is Jilla Majiir, Indiian, but recently widowed from her Vulcan husband Selar. Selar had treated her genetically to help her become Vulcan; unfortunately this sends her into pon farr with no husband, but bound by strict Indiian custom not to remarry. At this point the story degenerates into silly romp as Ruth takes charge, forcing Spock to help Jilla in her extremity -- for four days, just as the ship is caught in some field. McCoy eventually comes up with an antidote (with the help of his test rabbits Jimboy and Ruth). A fed-up Kirk insists that Ruth act as lure to Spock while they retrieve Jilla. Ruth gets her comeuppance when Spock attacks her, and Kirk and McCoy decline to rescue her. McCoy’s antidote makes Jilla fall in love with Sulu for a week, but she gets better and goes back to being married to the dead Selar.
- "Wild Goose Chase" / The Mary Sue romp descends straight into farce. Jilla and Ruth are kidnapped, drugged, decorated up and sold as sultry pets, while angry Daddy Ambassador sends Enterprise chasing after them.
- POEM: "McCoy's Lament" / McCoy’s trials, complete with cute illos. [12]
Issue 11

In a Different Reality 11 was published in July 1981 and has 70 pages.
From the editor:
This is one of those issues where I have to say I think has something in it for everyone - that is, something in it to offend everyone. There are two different stories with religious overtones which may raise a few hackles, and one other which I think is about as sensuous as anything I've got in my file for the next ten issues or so! I'll leave it to you as you read to figure out which is which, and whether or not you want to be morally, politically, theologically, or just plain righteously outraged at one or more of them.
- Waterfall by Cheryl Petterson (4) (Valjiir)
- The Long Run by Cheryl Petterson and Susan Sizemore (6) (Valjiir)
- The Triumverate by Sharron Crowson (19) (poem)
- A Warrior Most Mighty by J.R. Laredo (20) (story)
- The Harvest by David C. Petterson (38) (Story)
- Interlude by Cheryl Petterson and Susan Sizemore (48) (Valjiir)
- To Have Loved and Lost by KH (70) (poem)
- To Be Alone by Gene S. Delapenia (71) (poem)
- art by Bonnie Reitz (back cover), Virginia Smith, Julie Watkins, Richard Braunshausen, Cheryl Newsome (front cover)
Issue 12
In a Different Reality 12 was published in October 1981 and has 70 pages. The front cover is by Bonnie Reitz.

The art is by Bonnie Reitz, Virginia Smith, and Charlotte Davis. Some of the illos are in the style of tarot cards.
[from the editorial]: This issue of IADR comes very close to being entirely filled with a novel: "Sweet Fire". We slipped in a little humor and one of Charlotte's inimitable little pieces, just to fill out the page count, but the great bulk of words and art herein are one story. I sincerely hope you all like a good suspense-drama, cause that's what you're about to read!
- Sweet Fire, story by Cheryl Patterson and Susan Sizemore (Valjiir) (3)
- Graffiti Wall (66)
- Understanding, story by Cheryl Patterson (67
Issue 13
In a Different Reality 13 was published February 1982 and has 60 pages.
The art is by Rick Braunhausen (front cover, interior), Bonnie Reitz (back cover, interior), Caro Hedge, Barbara P. Gordon, Charlotte Davis, and Virginia Smith.
[the editorial]:Well, what did I expect when I dared to print an issue #13? First, there was this blizzard the week I had to get the flyers to and from the printer... what is normally a 5-minute round-trip by car, or 15-minute walk, became a 15-minute arctic odyssey straight out of Jack London, with yours truly trudging through thigh-high snowdrifts... then there was a truly impressive mix-up in communications with one of our artists, resulting in my not having one of the stories I'd intended to put in this issue, in this issue... which is one reason why we're late, I've been waiting for art that couldn't come... another result being that many of you paid much more for this issue than it is worth, since it's only 60 pages instead of my planned 72, so I'll be working on credits or refunds for you... yes, it is definitely true that one must be certifiably insane to be a 'zine editor - and twice that to print an issue #13!
So, I'm crazy. Here's #13.
We're working on an IADR convention -- nothing fancy, just a chance to get together and meet one another, and talk a little Trek. We're aiming for the weekend of BlooMN Con and will just take an afternoon to be together which we don't intend to cost any money. So far we have about half-a-dozen people interested, including myself, Susan Sizemore and all the Pettersons, Delores Booker, and J.R. Laredo... and people interested in Texas and California and Pennsylvania... if you'd like to come, drop me a note and a SASE and I'll get back to you with exact date and time and directions. If you'll be at BlooMN' Con, great; if not, we'll figure out housing and all as we go. If we get a couple people from the ends of the continent we can attempt to arrange car-pooling... I think we're only a 32-hour drive from San Antonio, for instance... Aiming for May for #14. 'Til then. Peace, Marguerite
- Homecoming, poem by Gene S. Delapenia (3)
- Gemini Tale by Marguerite Krause (sequel to "Growing Up" in IADR #7, sequel to this story is "A Time For Every Purpose" in IADR #8] (4)
- Falling Out of My Mind, poem by Teresa Sarick (30)
- My Poor Lasses, humor by Sarah Petterson (31)
- Recognition by Charlotte Davis (continuation of the Stonn/T'Pring saga) (32)
- Flotsam and Jetsam by Past Demetri & Staff (38)
- The Vulcan Returns, poem by Teresa Sarick (39)
- The Man in the Mirror by David C. Petterson (science fiction, a man does battle with his doppelganger.) (40)
- Future Proposal, poem by Teresa Sarick (49)
- The Patient Observer, poem by Sharron Crowson (51)
- T'was the Nightingale by Cheryl Petterson (52)
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 13
See reactions and reviews for T'was the Nightingale.
See reactions and reviews for Gemini Tale.
- "Gemini Tale" / [Sequel to "Growing Up" in IADR #7] [Sequel to this story is "A Time For Every Purpose" in IADR #8] In this series, Spock is bonded to Vulcan Marcia/T'Marse, with whom he has sons Stiber and Leonard and daughter T'Cim. Spock's family, another Vulcan family, some Andorians and some Humans are all flying the ship Na'Guryam under Spock's command, taking sundry contract jobs. In this episode, Spock is stranded on a planet with two Andorian brothers and a party of hostile civilian humans after his passenger ship crashes. The Na'Guryam is prevented from coming to the rescue, though T'Marse can sense Spock's difficulties, by theft of their warp drive among other problems. With pon farr coming on, Spock goes off to die. Just in time, the Betelgeuse arrives with Kirk and McCoy aboard, beams T'Marse and engineer Wetzel Thomas (who, as a human, can stand to be around her in these trying times) aboard and whisks them off to save Spock. The rescue results in a pair of telepathic twins 15 months later. About a year before Spock's next Time is due, he receives a telepathic distress call from Kirk... leading to the next installment.
- "Recognition" / Continuation of the Stonn/T'Pring saga.
- "The Man in the Mirror" / Non-ST fantasy. Man does battle with his doppelganger, only to find that his wife's doppelganger has replaced her.
- "T'was the Nightingale" / Sulu and Jilla have been in love for 8 months, but Jilla refuses to consummate the relationship because of her culture's insistence on faithfulness to her dead husband. With a little help from some song lyrics, Sulu convinces her to "go on as three." [13]
Issue 14
In a Different Reality 14 was published in May 1982 and has 74 pages. Art by Cheryl Newsome, Bonnie Reitz, Julie Watkins, Caro Hedge, Carol McPherson, and Virginia Smith.
- In a Different Reality by JT, poem (3)
- D'Artagnon and the Silver Streak by Susan Sizemore (5) (Valjiir)
- Greetings by David Petterson, story (38)
- Again by Teresa Sarick, poem (61)
- contest, staff, humor (62)
- Captains' (Greed? Bread? Breed? Dread?) by Chris Scholss, poem (62)
- Crazy Mary Sue by Patt Demetri, poem (63)
- Betrayal by Patt Demetri, poem (64)
- Home by Patt Demetri, poem (65)
- Incident by Cheryl Petterson and Susan Sizemore (66) (Valjiir)
- Of Great Price by ND (74) (Valjiir)
- Many Surprises by Gene Delapenia, poem (75)
Issue 15

In a Different Reality 15 was published in September 1982 and has 66 pages.
- Off Spock! by Rick Braunhausen (3) (humor)
- The Search for Spock by T'Drinn (4) (humor)
- You Always Hurt the One You Love by Cheryl Petterson (5) (Valjiir)
- The Convention by T'Drinn (31) (humor)
- Starship by Chris Schloss (36) (poetry)
- Heritage of Honour by Rick Braunhausen (37) (poetry)
- Journal, Between Two Tides by Sharron Crowson (39) (story)
- The Priest by Cheryl Petterson (40) (story) ( A quick drink at a shuttle part bar brings McCoy and the barmaid together for his 4-day leave. As we share their time together, we see a touching glimpse of McCoy's memories, insecurities and loneliness.)
- Listing of Valjiir Universe Stories (41)
- Traveler's Tale by Susan Sizemore (42) (story)
- J.R.R. Tolkien: In Memory by Cheryl Petterson (43) (poetry)
- Shire Dreaming by Cheryl Petterson (44) (poetry)
- Morning Comes to the Shire by Cheryl Petterson (45) (poetry)
- Frodo by Cheryl Petterson (46) (poetry)
- Snow Falls on Lorien by Cheryl Petterson (47) (poetry)
- Like a Rock (also called Birds Gotta Swim, also called Fish Out of Water) by Michael Krause (48) (story)
- RMVar by Sherlock, Sugar and Diamond (51) (poetry)
- His Heart by Teresa Sarick (52) (poetry)
- Loser is Winner by Patt Demetri (53) (poetry)
- The Opposing View by Gene S. Delapenia (54) (poetry)
- Decision by Charlotte Davis (55) (story)
- The Living and the Dead by Delores Booker (58) (poetry)
- Harsh Planet by Patt Demetri (58) (poetry)
- Endless Moment by Michael Krause (60) (poetry)
- Legend by Teresa Sarick (60) (poetry)
- Dear Log by Cheryl Petterson (61) (Valjiir)
- Graffiti Wall by BlooMN Con Attendees (67) (humor)
- art by Cheryl Newsome (front cover), Virginia Lee Smith, Caro Hedge, Barbara Gordon, Charlotte Davis, Bonnie Reitz (back cover)
Issue 16
In a Different Reality 16 was published in December 1982 and has 82 pages. The art is by David Petterson (front cover), Virginia Smith, Caro Hedge, Barbara Rivers, Cheryl Newsome, Julie Cesari, Barbara P. Gordon, Bonnie Reitz (back cover).
[from the editorial]: ALL THINGS CONSIDERED ....this has turned out to be a pretty neat issue. We have several important hunks in the ongoing saga of the Valjiir Universe, for all you Valjiir junkies: a good number and, more importantly, good quality (except maybe for the 'Tings' ) of contributions on Wrath of Khan subjects; several new contributors of poetry and art, namely Cyndi Bayless, Valerie Alberti, and Barbara Rivers (look for Barbara's work on next issue's front cover!); and we've come out a very respectable eighty-four pages in length!! Hurray for us! In coming issues there'll be more Valjiir (of course), more of Walter and Watkins' "Warp Factor Two" series, more from the pen of J.K. Laredo (the flyer said he'd have a piece in this issue, but I miscalculated - public apology. Rick!), and a couple of new prose contributors, Karen Hunter and Rose Eierman. Start saving your pennies for lADR #19 - it's gonna be HUGE, and the price will escalate accordingly.
- Editorial (3)
- Witch Hunt by Cheryl Petterson and Susan Sizemore (4) (Valjiir)
- Winter 1981 by Teresa Sarick (33) (poetry)
- Repercussions by Cheryl Petterson (34) (Valjiir)
- For Peter Preston by Delores Booker (35) (poetry)
- Joachim by Susan Sizemore (37) (poetry)
- The Needs of the Many by Cyndi Bayless (38) (poetry)
- Tings by the Staff (39) (humor)
- speak/i can't hear you by Teresa Sarick (40) (poetry)
- Excerpts from a Person Log by T'Drinn (41) (poetry)
- Vulcan in the Sky with Logic by Teresa Sarick (45) (filk)
- In the Blood by Delores Booker (46) (poetry)
- Warp Factor Two: The Healer's Touch by DW (47) (story)
- A Different Way of Looking at Things by Cheryl Petterson and Susan Sizemore (58) (Valjiir)
- Subspace Chatter by Gene S. Delapenia (65) (poetry)
- So What's the Problem?? by Valerie Alberti (66) (poetry)
- A Sordid Affair by Susan Sizemore and Cheryl Petterson (67) (Valjiir)
- Mind Meld by Susan Sizemore (83) (Valjiir)
Issue 17
In a Different Reality 17 was published in May 1983 and has 86 pages.
The art is by Barbara Rivers (front cover), Caro Hedge, Cheryl Allen, Virginia Smith, Cheryl Newsome, Rick Braunhausen, Georgia Barnes (back cover).
- Come to Me, poem by Teresa Sarick (2)
- McCoy, poem by Teresa Sarick (5)
- Ordeal, poem by Teresa Sarick (6)
- All Romantics, story by Susan Sizemore (9)
- Opera, story by Susan Sizemore and Cheryl Petterson (Valjiir) (10)
- In Explanation by R.M.X.V.a.R. (Valjiir) (26)
- A Small Price?, poem by Sharron Crowson (28)
- See It, poem by Sue Ann Sarick (28)
- Quiet Love, poem by Sue Ann Sarick (28)
- Miracle for a Small Princess, story by J. Richard Laredo (29)
- At the Center, story by Susan Sizemore and Cheryl Petterson (Valjiir) (32)
- The Unspoken Word, poem by Cyndi Bayless (47)
- For the Greater Good, poem by Patt Demetri (48)
- Lost on the Edge of Forever, poem by Cyndi Bayless (49)
- Tactical Superiority, poem by William Cory (50)
- Winner, poem by Michael Krause (54)
- Lover's Cross, story by Cheryl Petterson (Valjiir) (55)
- Leaving, poem by Teresa Sarick (85)
- Lay Vulcan Lay, poem by Teresa Sarick (86)
- Tings and Graffiti by the staff (87)
Issue 18
In a Different Reality 18 was published in September 1983 and has 70 pages. Art by Rick Braunshausen, Christine Myers, Gennie Summers, Cheryl Newsome, Caro Hedge, Virginia Smith and Dave Petterson.
- The Trap by Delores Booker, poem (2)
- Today's Fears by Diana Walter and Penny Watkins, story (4)
- In an Alternate Reality by Kathy Resch, poem (30)
- Shakedown Cruise William Cory, story (34)
- Could Mohammed Move a Mountain by Cheryl Petterson and Susan Sizemore (Valjiir) (39)
- Survivor? by T'Drinn, story (64)
- Valjiir Compendium, Timeline, Dictionary, and Glossary, staff (65)
- Antari Queen by Cheryl Petterson, song (70)
Issue 19
In a Different Reality 19 was published in December 1983 and has 84 pages. Art is by Christine Myers, Ann Crouch, Adrianna Contillo, Caro Hedge, Georgia Barnes, Dave Petterson.
- No Words by Sherry Crowson, poem (2)
- How I Spent My Summer Vacation by T'Drinn, humor (4)
- Koon-ut Kal-if-fee by Gene S. Delapenia, poem (11)
- Arrival by Patt Demetri, poem (12)
- Far Dreams, Near Disasters by E/H, story (13) (The V'Ger mission is over. McCoy and Kirk are having a difficult time regaining their old relationship. McCoy feels Kirk no longer wants or needs him and plans to return to his research as soon as passible. Then he learns Kirk has been summoned back to Starfleet to face a possible court martial for leaving on the unauthorized shake down cruise.)
- It's Their Trip, Too! by E/H, story (43)
- Chrysallis Dream by Susan Sizemore, poem (51)
- You're Sixteen, You're Beautiful, and You're Mine by P/Z (52) (Valjiir)
- Compendium of Valjiir Stuff by staff (76)
- Shame by Patt Demetri, poem (81)
- Silver and Gold by Sherry Crowson, poem (83)
- I Should Have Known by Sherry Crowson, poem (84)
- Saavik's Choice by Patt Demetri, poem (86)
- The Olympic Joke by Ann Crouch, humor (87)
- Duty Calls by CN, poem (87)
- Oh, Sair... by staff, things (87)
Issue 20

In a Different Reality 20: Shadow Captain" was published in 1984 and contains 106 pages.
The stories were written by Cheryl Petterson and Susan Sizemore. One story ("Wine") was written by Noel DelMonde.
The artwork (20 pages) is by Christine Myers. Caro Hedge did the borders. The calligraphy is by Julie Watkins.
[from the editorial]:As mentioned In our flyer, the original premise behind "Shadow Captain" was a pro-published story whose author wishes to remain unconnected with this 'zine. That story occupied the final two years of the original 'five-year mission' and led comfortably to the two motion pictures. It involved only the characters in the T.V. series, and included only those relationships already explored in the series.
As you know, the Valjiir timeline is now in the fourth year of the second five-year mission of the U.S.S. Enterprise user Jim Kirk's command, and many things have changed since the three years presented in the television series. Therefore "Shadow Captain" is essentially, as for that matter is all the Orthodox Timeline of the Valjiir Universe, an alternate to the original stories of Gene Roddenberry and other professional Star Trek writers.
The premise presented in the pro-story which inspired "Shadow Captain" included the mysterious loss of Jim Kirk, Spock's single-minded search through time and along the Klingon borders in an effort to locate his captain, and the secrecy and deceit with Spock practiced in order to successfully complete his quest.
Obviously what the pro-story did not touch upon were the character interactions unique to the Valjiir Universe, and dependent up on the people and relationships developed over the past twelve issues of IADR by Valjiir's author's.
There are basic Valjiir Universe concepts explored within "Shadow Captain" with which you may find you do not agree: for example, the idea that Spock can be insecure, and misjudge his friends; that people can be blind to their friend's problems; that life in a military organization can be hell; that Star Fleet is a military organization; and that the best intentions don't always produce the most honorable results!
As you'll realize from "Epilogue," there is more to come in the Valjiir Universe! There are no easy endings fro a story-series such as "Shadow Captain".... the repercussions will be felt strongly for several issues to come of ISDR, and the impact of events will never fade entirely.
We wrote "Shadow Captain" as a relation to another story; not only as an extrapolation of our own Star Trek universe, but as an attempt to fill in two years which the original author glossed over with a literal, "One year passed." We were intrigued with the questions such as "If Spock is Captain, who's First Officer? And what happens to them, whoever they might be, during the second "a year passed"? And so we answered these questions within the framework of our Valjiir Universe. In answering them, and in following the original author's premise, we discussed more questions; which led to more answers and so to more questions and so on. This wasn't easy to write. We strongly suspect it won't be easy to read. We sincerely hope that our fan (dare we presume we have some) appreciated "Shadow Captain." Enjoy maybe another matter, or a question of semantics. At any rate, this is given with love and respect. We hope it is received in the same way.
- Did the Full Moon Make You Mad -- prologue (5)
- Knife's Edge (20)
- Breakfire (28)
- Watermark (38)
- In a Darkened Space (61)
- Dance Macabre (66)
- Wine (79)
- Hallowed Be Thy Name (79)
- Chain Reaction (89)
- Still a Ways Away --epilogue (96)
Song Lyric Credits:
- Prologue: Me and Bobby McGee (lyrics by Kris Kristofferson)
- Shadow Captain by David Crosby
- Knife's Edge by Emerson, Lake and Palmer
- Breakfire from "Stand Back by Stevie Nicks
- Watermark by Jimmy Webb
- Dance Macabre, symphonic work by Saint-Saens
- Hallowed By Thy Name by Lake and Sinfeld
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 20
I, also, recommend the VAJIIR series to anyone who likes a good adventure story, with a nice mixture of romance, humor, and satire. Some of the characters in the series are a bit too involved in what the authors call "recreational drugs", but that may be a refelection of our age difference. I wouldn't recommend that a new reader start out with SHADOW CAPTAIN. If you've not read any of the VAJIIR stories before, get a couple of the back issues and get some background on the characters. SHADOW CAPTAIN has such a completely depressing story and the way they have Spock behaving is so (in my opinion) out of character that a new fan might be put completely off the stories without giving them a fair shake. I like the series and I pissed about SC. For me, one of the biggest plusses about the series is that they have based a lot of their stories on the minor characters. While the "Big Three" are there, in abundance, they are also involved in letting us know what's happening below decks. After all there are 430 individuals on that ship and K and S would have a hell of a time trying to run that ship without them. [14]
This was a special issue entirely devoted to a collection of stories from the Valjiir series that make up the “Shadow Captain” story arc.
Also, this issue has a short editorial from the authors. I think this is one of the only times they commented directly in the ‘zine about the series.
I see the “Shadow Captain” arc as the high-water mark of the original series. It was a very ambitious project. Over the course of the ten stories that make up this collection, momentous events occur in the lives of these characters that have profound repercussions for the rest of the series.
I think this might be a good opportunity to talk about how Valjiir fits into the genre of so-called “Mary Sue” fanfic. It’s almost impossible to talk about these stories without bringing up that perennially dreaded term of all fiction featuring women in leading roles. Having two female romantic leads just creates double jeopardy here. If you go down any list of “Mary Sue” characteristics, if Ruth doesn’t check off a box, there’s a good chance Jilla will. Ruth is a hybrid. Jilla is one of those quiet women everyone loves. Recently, Clare Mosely and Kevin Bolk got a lot of attention for a comic they created called “Ensign Sue Must Die” that hilariously parodies the worst excesses of the genre. Their “Sue” could have been a caricature of Ruth Valley with her signature long blonde hair and purple eyes. Both Jilla and Ruth, because of their alien heritage, literally have superhuman empathic and/or telepathic powers. The series expends lots of ink chronicling the ladies’ sexual and romantic entanglements with several series’ regulars as well as some original characters of the authors’ creation. Therefore Valjiir would seem to fall squarely into the danger zone of the two big objections that most critics have with “Mary Sue” style stories – wish fulfilment on the part of the authors and facile resolution of plot difficulties by means of the creation of artificially over-powered characters.
Let’s leave aside entirely for another day the argument of “what the hell is wrong with women creating wish fulfilment fantasy stories? Even classic freaking literature itself is freaking full of freaking men doing in all the freaking time” and look at what goes on with these characters in “Shadow Captain” as an example of how dismissing this series as “just another typical Mary Sue” short-changes the work. Although Jilla and Ruth are powerful and popular, none of their specialness gives them any kind of short-cut out of the problems they face in these stories. Their heightened psychic sensitivity, if anything, makes things worse for them. They suffer – not just to wallow in dramatic angst – but to learn and grow from their unpleasant experiences. The “Shadow Captain” arc is most definitely about romantic relationships, but is not a fantasy of unending domestic bliss. These narratives are about women -- and men -- coping with loss of trust in their mate, their friends, and themselves. It’s about trying to control uncontrollable desire. It’s the struggle to balance career, ambition, and the relationships that sustain you.
In other words, “Shadow Captain,” like other well-written, though unfairly maligned stories of this fanfic romance genre, is about the stuff of life that women – and men – care about most deeply. [15]
Issue 21
In a Different Reality 21 was published in November 1984 and has 126 pages. The cover has a little play on words, substituting "Reality" for "Realty."
- Untitled by Karen Hayden (3) poem
- Beyond Antares by Gene Delphenia (4) poem
- He Who Laughs Last by Lee Heller (5)
- art credits (9)
- It's My Own Invention by Rosemarie Eierman (10) human
- First Glory by Patt Demetri and Diana Walter (18)
- Logic by Teresa Sarick (33) poem
- Teri's Song by Rosemarie Eierman (34) poem
- Tales of Wreck and Wrong by Rosemarie Eierman (35) tapes
- Petra's Lament by Rosemarie Eierman (41) poem
- editorial by Marguerite Krause (39)
- Star Trek II, Spock ) by Leslie Greenleaf, Jr (42) humor
- Film at Eleven by Cheryl Petterson and Susan Sizemore (Valjiir) (61)
- Through All This Madness (entry one) by JMH (Valjiir) (83)
- Arbor of Seville by Susan Sizemore RMVaR (Valjiir) (84)
- Wild Card by Janice Johnson (Lenore) (85) (The first story in a series. The Enterprise has an other diplomatic mission, transporting delegates to a debate about admitting the mysterious planet Lenore to the Federation. The Federation representative, Admiral Ignaceous, brings aboard 3 staff members who are actually a Special Forces team sent to protect the delegates from terrorists who do not want Lenore to join the Federation. McCoy becomes a victim of the terrorists' plot and is seriously injured. He is rescued by the team and healed by the powers of Rikki Daniels, team member and Lenore witch.)
- The Red-Headed Bird of Dead Man's Cay by T'Drinn (113)
- ads (112)
- Commentaries by Susan Sizemore (Valjiir) (123)
- Home by Patt Demetri, poem (127)
inside page from issue #21, Anne Davenport
inside page from issue #21, Christine Myers
Issue 22
In a Different Reality 22 was published in May 1985 and contains 98 pages.
The art is by Gennie Summers, Sherry Veltkamp, Caro Hedge, Bev Chick, Christine Myers, Sandy Schrieber, Cheryl Duval, Georgia Barnes, Cheryl Newsome, Virginia Smith, Ann Crouch, Anne Davenport, and Lana Raymond.
- Arguement/Acceptance by Karen C. Hunter, poem (2)
- Scotty's Song by Patt Demetri, poem (3)
- Friend or Foe by Linda C. Hunter (Esper Prime) (4)
- table of contents (14)
- The Unique Achiever by Karen C. Hunter, poem (15)
- The Apple Reinvinted [sic] by William Cory, story (The Enterprise has been ordered to return to Gamma Trianguli to check on the progress of its inhabitants. They find no sign of the People of Vaal until McCoy and Spock detect two life forms which are apparently the sole survivors of the planet.) (16)
- No Goodbye by Patt Demetri, poem (21)
- The Final Farewell.... ? by Karen Hayden, poem (23)
- Beginnings by Patt Demetri, poem (24)
- Sure by Patt Demetri, poem(25)
- Dog Eat Dog by Linda C. Hunter (Esper Prime) (26)
- Passion Play by Linda C. Hunter(Esper Prime) (34)
- art credits (42)
- To Boldly Go: A Legacy by Cheryl Petterson, filk to the tune of Joni Mitchell's "Free Man in Paris" (43)
- All I Ever Wanted by T'Drinn, story (44)
- No Blame by Patt Demetri, poem (46)
- The Touch by Patt Demetri, poem (47)
- The Friends Within by KH, poem (49)
- Enterprise: A Haiku Symphony by Sherry Crowson, poem (50)
- Technical Ecstasy by Linda C. Hunter (Esper Prime) (51)
- editorial by Marguerite Krause (60)
- Sweet Dreams are Made of This by Linda C. Hunter (Esper Prime) (61)
- A State of Mind by Richard Pollet, poem (71)
- The Gamblers by Sherry Crowson, poem (72)
- Worlds Away by Teresa Sarick, story (73)
- The Assassination of Eddie by David C. Petterson, story (79)
- Humor by Patt Demetri, poem (95)
- Excerpt from the Log by Teresa Sarick, poem (96)
- The Trouble with Nibbles, Esther Lemay, story (97)
inside page from issue #22, Sherry Veltkamp
inside page from issue #22, Gennie Summers
inside page from issue #22, Christine Myers
Issue 23
In a Different Reality 23 was published in August 1985 and contains 82 pages. Art by Virginia Smith, Christine Myers, Caro Hedge, Gennie Summers, C.A. Pierce, Bev Chick, and Betsy Fisher.
- No Ordinary Venue by Susan Sizemore (3) (Valjiir)
- Challenge(6)
- The D.A. Instructor by Virginia Smith (18) (story)
- Translation by Patt Demetri (20)
- White Magic by Janice Johnson (Lenore) (21) (Second in a series. The Enterprise has been diverted to Lenore, the mysterious planet that has become the newest member of the Federation. McCoy is reunited with Rikki, the Lenoran witch, and introduced to her family. Rikki and her people know that McCoy is Rikki's soulmate, the one person who can become her mate. It comes as a surprise to the doctor, but as he denies the possibility he realizes how much he does love Rikki.)
- Vulcan's Forge by Sherry Crowson (53
- My Friend by Patt Demetri (54)
- Remember by Patt Demetri (54)
- Warrior by Patt Demetri (55)
- Aggravation, They Name Is by Micheline England, story ((56)
- Long Vulcan Night by Betsy Fisher (61)
- Spokes of the Wheel by Deloris Booker (62)
- Flame and Friendship by Penny Wilkins (short short) (68)
- Reflections on the Search: McCoy, Kirk, Saavik, and Uhura by Shery Crowson (69)
- Odd Man Out by Patt Demetri (74)
- Snake Pit by David C. Petterson (Valjiir) (73)
- Second Chance by Teegar Shaver (short short) (81)
Issue 24
In a Different Reality 24 was published in May 1986 and contains 62 pages. Art by Rick Braunshausen, Anne Davenport, Cheryl Duval, Teegar Shaver, Bev Chick, Gennie Summers, Caro Hedge, Virginia Smith, Carol P., and Gene Delapenia.
- In Tribute (3)
- Not Today by Patt Demetri (3)
- Security by David Peterson (6)
- New Eyes of the Stranger by T'Drinn (7) (story)
- Twist of Fate by Janice Johnson (22) (Leonard McCoy and his soulmate, Rikki McKramer, have returned to the Enterprise after their bonding. They bring with them a Lenoran dragon, Kevin Riley, and Kevin's wife, Torrie. These farmer members of the Special Forces will join the crew. Jim Kirk is not the only one who is apprehensive abaout these former agents, their influence on McCoy, and their ability to fit into Starfleet.)
- Gene Module (28) (humor)
- What If... by Patt Demetri (29)
- Christine's Diary by Sherry Crowson (30)
- The Immunity Syndrome by WR (31)
- Encounter by Nancy (32) (story)
- Translation by Patt Demetri (33)
- Sunday, May 9, 1982 Cheryly Duval (34)
- A Door Opens (35)
- Lucky by Patt Demetri (43)
- The Rage (?) of the Children by Davide Anders V. (44) (humor)
- The Percentage by Cheryl Peterson (45) ((Valjiir)) (45)
- Problems by Teegar Shaver (54)
- On (unknown word, perhaps Solid) Ground by Maria Pehrson (55) (Story)
- (Valjiir) Compendium (58)
Issue 25
In a Different Reality 25 was published in December 1986 and contains 62 pages. Art by Leigh Caskey, Carol Palmer, Gennie Summers, Juane Michaud, Anne Davenport, Melody Rondeau, Cheryl Newsome.
- Siren call by Teegar (3) (poem)
- Run, It's Not Safe Here by Teegar (4) (poem)
- Turning Away by Nancy H. (5) (poem)
- McCoy's Ni Var by Sherry Crowson (9) (poem) (Two who are one: McCoy and Spock as they approach the Fal Tor Pan.)
- Two by Teegar (10) (poem)
- Diagnosis: Terminial by William Cary (11) (story) (An alternate universe version of the confrontation with Commodore Matt Decker and McCoy's solution to the Decker obsession.)
- I Suspect it is a Courier by Virginia Smith (23) (story)
- One Hundred and One Lines by Teegar (24) (story)
- Wild Heart by Cheryl Peterson (25) ((Valjiir)
- Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad by Cheryl Peterson (26) (Valjiir)
- Happenstance by Maria Pehrson (29)
- Starflight by Teegar (43) (poem)
- Loss by Patt Demetri (44) (poem)
- Gone by Patt Demetri (45) (poem)
- McCoy by Gene S. Delapenia (46) (poem)
- Uhura by Gene S. Delapenia (47) (poem)
- Jingletrek by Teegar (48)(poem)
- Tales of Adventure by T'Drinn (49) (story)
- More Credits (staff, info) (61)
- That Time? by Sherry Crowson (62) (story)
- Movin' On by Teresa Sarick (63) (poem)
inside page from issue #25, Juanne Michaud, Uhura in a bunny suit was also used on the front of I.D.I.C. in 1991
inside page from issue #25, Gennie Summers, The Romulan Commander
Issue 26
In a Different Reality 26 was published in June 1987 and contains 90 pages. Art by Viginia Smith, Teegar Shaver, Bev Chick, Juane Michaud, Genne Summers, Melody Rondeau, Gene S. Delapenia.
- Untitled, poem by Delores Booker (2)
- Ruth, poem by Teegar (3)
- Old Games, a Lenore story by Janice Johnson (The 4th story in a series. McCoy's soulmate, Rikki, and Torrie Riley are kidnapped. Their rescue endangers many of the Enterprise crew and almost results in McCoy's death. It leads to the reluctant decision that McCoy, Rikki and the Rileys can no longer serve on the Enterprise.) (5)
- To an Orion Slave Girl, poem by Teegar (56)
- WZIR, poem by Teegar (57)
- Domestic Dispute, humor by T'Drinn (50)
- Incident, poem by Teegar (64)
- Comes the Dragon, story by Maria Pehrson (65)
- The Catch, poem by Teegar (89)
- Gesture, poem by Teeger (90)
- Sky Movers, poem by Teegar (91)
Issue 27
In a Different Reality 27 was published in December 1987 and contains 94 pages. Art by Cheryl Peterson, Bev Chick, Gene S. Delpenia, Lynn Allsse Witten, Maria Peterson, Cheryl Newsome, Rick Braunshausen, Melody Rondeau, Caro Hedge, Virginia Smith, J. Michaud.
- Representative, poem by Teegar (2)
- A Date with Data, short short by Susan Sizemore (3)
- S'Tradeh Veh, story by Michelle Perry (5)
- Ship, poetry by Teresa Sarick (8)
- To a Friend, poem by Janice Johnson (9)
- Shattered Dreams, Lenore (9) (Continuing the Lenoran series started in IADR #21. McCoy, Rikki, Torrie, and Kevin Riley have departed the Enterprise, realizing that they can no longer serve in Starfleet. All seems well for them as they travel away from the ship until Rikki suddenly withdraws into a mental state where no one can reach her. McCoy will try to reach into her mind to bring her back.)
- Spar, poem by Teresa Sarick (20)
- Bitter Tears, by Janice Johnson, Lenore (22) (While McCoy is trying to save Rikki) her kin and friends wait for word of her well being. We learn something more about those who worked with Rikki's team and the Special Forces Circuit and about their feelings about Rikki's marriage to Leonard McCoy.)
- Ghosts of Memory by Janice Johnson, Lenore (31) (On the Enterprise the crew reacts to the sudden departure of McCoy and Rikki and await word of their welfare.)
- Morning, poem by Teresa Sarick (35)
- A Silent Plea, poem by Julie Cesari (36)
- Changes, story by Nancy Hunderberg (?) (37)
- Control, poem by Teresa Sarick (43)
- Jigsaw by Janice Johnson, Lenore (44) (McCoy has been able to bring Rikki out of her withdrawal. They are trying to pick up the pieces of their life when they learn that someone is trying to destroy the Enterprise and/or JimKirk. McCoy, Rikki, Torrie and Kevin return to the ship to warn their friends of the danger.)
- comics by the staff (92)
- Irina, poem by Teresa Sarick (93)
- Vaal, poem by Teresa Sarick (93)
- Child of Logic, poem by Teresa Sarick (94)
- My Lover, poem by Teresa Sarick (95)
Issue 28
In a Different Reality 28 was published in November 1988 and contains 112 pages. Art by Cheryl Newsome, Virginia Lee Smith, Gene Delapenia, Gennie Summers, Joy Riddle, T'Drinn, Rick Braunshausen, Julie Cesari, Anne Davenport, Teeger Shaver, (front cover), David Petterson, Brenda Perry and Scott Poston (back cover).
From the editorial:
As much as I have been dreading this moment, it is time to officially announce that 'In a Different Reality' will no longer be printing stories from the Valjiir Universe, long written for these pages by Cheryl Petterson and Susan Sizemore. I felt very privileged to have stories from that universe appear in IADR during issues 8 thru 25, and I know many of you readers got as involved in the plots and characters as I was! Some of you have sent letters asking was was happening with the series and/or its authors, and mentioning that you'd heard rumors that the writing team had broken up, or other words to that effect. All I can say is that Cheryl and Susan are, indeed, no longer writing together. All other details are, in my frank opinion, only relevant to these women and their personal friends, so there's nothing more I feel I can say...
- The Human Equation, poem by JC (3)
- The Unlikely Hero, humor by T'D (4)
- Tasha's Song, filk to the tune of "These Boots Were Made for Walkin'" by BP and MP (12)
- Dim the Flame, poem by PD (13)
- Sand Fever, story by WLC ("Mara TeKan is the very first woman to be given command of a ship in the Klingon Imperial Star Fleet. Her ship is the oldest and worst ship in the fleet, with a crew to match. Their mission: deliver some drugs to a farming planet. With Fleet Command expecting her to fail as a ship commander, and the planetary governor ordering her and her motley crew to stay off the planet,'and the local population talking of a plot to take over the Empire, and some members of her crew trying to assassinate her, and most of the rest doubting her ability to command, what is a Commander on her very first mission to do?") (14)
- I Canna, poem by PD (49)
- When All Else Fails, part 1, by Teegar (50)
- Then and Now, poem by AL (60)
- Electronic Tears, poem by JK (61)
- When All Else Fails, part 2, by Teegar ("Pavel Chekov has been assigned as First Officer to a new, slightly experimental ship- The captain of the ship is a former acquaintance, the medical officer is several centuries old, the chief engineer does not want to be aboard all in all, is it any wonder Chekov approaches his promotion with mixed feelings?") (62)
- Humanity, poem by PD (67)
- Spider Web, (A Lenore story, "Leonard McCoy, his wife Rikki, and the crew of their trading ship, the MYSTIQUE, answer a distress call from a crashed research vessel. Where are the survivors?") by JJ and ACS (68)
- Strong Women, poem by JK (88)
- The Way Tomorrow Was (TNG) by DCP ("Captain Picard and the ENTERPRISE go to the rescue of a team of scientists trapped on a doomed planet. But the scientists are scattered over a wider area than is at first expected, and have a code of honor which does not allow them to accept a planet's death lightly.") (89)
from issue #28, from When All Else Fails, art by Teegar
from issue #28, "Tasha's Song," filk to the tune of "These Boots Were Made for Walkin'" by Brenda Perry and Michelle Perry
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 28
See reactions and reviews for When All Else Fails.
Issue 29
In a Different Reality 29 was published in August 1989 and contains 80 pages. It has art by Virginia Smith, Anne Davenport, Gennie Summer, Teegar Taylor, Brenda Perry, Caro Hedge, Cheryl Newsome, Gene Delpenia.
From the flyer for this issue:
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: For those of you who have already seen the newest movie, "Star Trek V", the staff of this 'zine wishes to make it known that our efforts were not directed by William Shatner.
Anyone who hasn't seen the movie yet; where have you been?
Anyone who never saw an episode of the TV series "T.J. Hooker" is missing a level of significance behind some of the scenes within "Star Trek V". This has been a public service announcement brought to you by the Intragalactic Underground Press and the Minnesota Truth in 'Zine Publishing Commission.
Thank You.
- Changed, poem by Teresa Sarick (2)
- Accumulating Data, poem by Teresa Sarick (3)
- The Captain's Woman, poem by Pat Gonzales (4)
- The Woman's Captain, poem by Pat Gonzales (5)
- When All Else Fails, part 3, by Teegar (6)
- Doctor's Confession, poem by Michelle Perry (26)
- On the Steps of Mount Seleya, poem by Maria C. Pehson (27)
- Another Journey, poem by Teresa Sarick (30)
- Taking Command, story by Ian Howst (?) (31)
- Secret Desires, poem by Robin Woodell (33)
- The Call, poem by Teresa Sarick (35)
- The Perry Incident, story by William Cory (perhaps called "Kasanra" in the flyer?) (36)
- Contributor's Copy, filk by Michelle Perry (45)
- Data, filk by (45)
- Pointed ears by Rikki and Lenore (46)
- Different Perceptions, a Lenore story by Janice Johnson" ("The crew of the MYSTIQUE are out to perform a task for their friend Tigger; a favor for him, and a chance to earn some money for them. Leonard and Rikki take the dragons with them, for safety's sake, when they beam down to the planet. Which is precisely where the trouble begins.) (33)
- Waitings, Sarek's Poem by Michelle Perry (63)
- T'Sal on Vulcan, poem by Teresa Sarick (64)
- The Romulan Commander, Musings in the Brig, by Beverly J. Miller (65)
- When All Else Fails, part 4, by Teegar ("Physical Examinations" — Captain and crew of the VIRGINIA need time to get to know one another, and their ship. They also need to learn how to work together! chapter 5: "The Goat Who Laid the Golden Egg Story" — A landing party is needed for a straightforward rescue mission of some stranded scientists. Captain Shane O'Conners chooses Pavel Chekov and T.J. Riley for the honor. They do not appreciative this!") (66)
- The Cave, poem by Michelle Perry (79)
- Brother from Another Planet, poem by Jane Kaufenberg (80)
inside art from issue #29, Teegar, from When All Else Fails
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 29
See reactions and reviews for When All Else Fails.
Issue 30
In a Different Reality 30 was published in September 1990 and contains at least 95 pages.
The art is by Julie Watkins, Michael Krause, Gennie Summers, and Teegar Taylor.
[from the editorial]: This isn't going to be easy.
I've been involved with this fanzine for fourteen years.
... through [many described personal things], IADR has been here, waiting for me to pay attention to it.
And now I'm sending it away.
I should say I'm sending it home. IADR was begun in the school year 1975-76 at the Urbana Illinois campus of the University of Illinois. A woman named Judellen Thornton-Järinge belonged to the Chambana Star Trek Federation, the campus Star Trek club, and announced she wanted to have the club published a fanzine. My husband and I and another twenty or so people over the months that followed helped Jude establish the tone of the zine.
When I decided that IADR #30 was going to be my last, I didn't think anyone else would be interested in picking up where I was leaving off. The whole reason I was closing up shop was that a fanzine is a very good time and resources consuming entity. I'd gotten hooked on being editor gradually, while I was a carefree college student full of energy and relatively empty of responsibilities. Fourteen years later I don't know people like that anymore! Now we all juggle jobs and relationships, and are out of the habit of pulling all-night study sessions (or 'zine collating parties). I've been told I was nuts for keeping the 'zine going as long as I did. Who, I reasoned, would voluntarily throw themselves into such a position?
Fortunately, Diana is that volunteer.
Diana Walter was part of the original staff of IADR, and has been contributing on and off through the years. Sending the 'zine back to the University of Illinois in Urbana holds great promise as far as I'm concerned. Diana will have access to the creative energy and resources of a college campus, and I hope the support of many friends.
I'm going to miss you, gentle readers. Some of you have been my pen-pals for all or most of these fourteen years. In many cases, we haven't exchanged more than a few words: "New issue coming out," "Thanks, check enclosed," but I do know things about you. I've watched you move to new address, get married, change jobs. You've sent me holiday cards, letters of comment -- and with this issue many of you have added notes of farewell. A few of you met because of IADR and are now my closest friends. We've affected each other's lives. That's pretty deeply meaningful stuff for an amateur magazine devoted to a twenty-five year old TV show.
- My Favorite Place, poem by Miri (3)
- Caught in the Balance, story by MP, BH, AH (4)
- The Call, poem by JK (11)
- Warrior's Farewell, poem by MP (12)
- Kasanra, storyby WLC (13)
- Great Moments in Tribble History, humor by CN (22)
- Journal to Babel: Five Poems by MP (23)
- Pieces of the Puzzle, a Lenore story (26)
- Together: Amanda's Poem by MP (42)
- Always Together, poem by PD (43)
- Index to IADR #1-30 (authors) (44)
- When All Else Fails: Chapter Five: In Case of Disaster story by Teegar (46)
- Why Can't a Vulcan?, filk by MP (66)
- Secret Moments, poem by MP (67)
- Forever I Shall Mourn, story by JJ (68)
- Dragon Tale, a Lenore poem by JJ (70)
- The Frustrated Mark Lenard Fan's Song, filk by MP (71)
- The Decline and Fall of Western Civilization: Part Three: The Klingon Years, story by SS (72)
- When All Else Fails: Chapter Six: Another Day, Another Paradise by Teegar (78)
- They're Not Lost, We Just Don't Know Where They Are!, story by Miri (94)
from "The Decline and Fall of Western Civilization" #30, art by Gennie Summers
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 30
See reactions and reviews for When All Else Fails.
Issue 31
In a Different Reality 31 was published in 2000. It was edited by Diana Walter.
- The Sky, poem by Miriam Krasue (1)
- Lenore Series Synopsis, summary by Janice (2)
- Editorial (4)
- Joker in the Dark ("Joker in the Deck" on the flyer), story (Lenore) by Janice Johnson ("Who is really behind all the attempts on Leonard McCoy's life? And what does it have to do with James T. Kirk?") (5)
- Truth, poem by Rikki (53)
- Data's Counselor, poem by Teri Sarick (54)
- Shattering Grief, story (ST:NG) by David Ehrensperger ("In REUNION, Worf's mate was murdered. Later, he realizes he is partially responsible for her death and uses Klingon-therapy to cope.") (55)
- Midnight on Your Face, poem by Sue-Anne Sarick (59)
- Fleeting Moments, story (Mara) by William L. Cory ("The Jalarr is ready to leave point after a refit with Mara, Krev, new crewmembers and 40 cadets.") (60)
- By the Dragon's Lair, poem by Miriam Krouse (87)
- Logical?, poem by Patt Demetri (88)
- The Representative, story (Fails) by Teeger Taylor ("Ever wonder where Teegar finds her marvelous characters? This story will tell you about one of them.") (90)
- Take me to the starship, filk by Teri Sarick (110)
- A Fan Lament, poem by Patt Demetri (116)
- Seeing with eyes, poem by David Ehrensperger (117)
- Who is the Fairest? (a ST:TNG Mirror Universe Story) by Diana L. Walter ("Remember MIRROR, MIRROR? What would life be like aboard I.S.S. Enterprise-D under Captain Jean-Luc Picard?") (118)
- art by Chris Guyer (front cover), Rick Braunshausen (back cover), Teegar Taylor, Nedjla Tiouririne, Julie Watkins
- ^ from Time Warp #1 (1977)
- ^ by Paula Smith in Scuttlebutt #5 (Jan/Feb 1978)
- ^ from Stardate #7
- ^ from K/S & K.S. (Kindred Spirits) #10 (1984)
- ^ from K/S & K.S. (Kindred Spirits) #10 (1984)
- ^ from Treklink #12 (April 1988)
- ^ comments by Teegar to MPH, private email, quoted with permission (February 2019)
- ^ This "[sic]" is not the editor's addition, but added here on Fanlore.
- ^ This "[sic]" is not the editor's addition, but added here on Fanlore.
- ^ This "sic)" is the zine's editor's addition.
- ^ Halliday’s Star Trek Zinedex (TOS) - Title Index, Archived version
- ^ Halliday’s Star Trek Zinedex (TOS) - Title Index, Archived version
- ^ Halliday’s Star Trek Zinedex (TOS) - Title Index, Archived version
- ^ from K/S & K.S. (Kindred Spirits) #10 (1984)
- ^ from a personal email by Teegar to MPH, quoted with permission (February 2019)