It's Not Nice to Fool Mother Nature

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Title: It's Not Nice to Fool Mother Nature
Author(s): Cheryl Petterson
Date(s): 1981
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
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It's Not Nice to Fool Mother Nature is Star Trek: TOS story by Cheryl Petterson in the Valjiir Universe.

It was published in In a Different Reality #10.

Reactions and Reviews

The inevitable Mary Sue/pon farr combo, but cleverly told. Ruth’s new roomie is Jilla Majiir, Indiian, but recently widowed from her Vulcan husband Selar. Selar had treated her genetically to help her become Vulcan; unfortunately this sends her into pon farr with no husband, but bound by strict Indiian custom not to remarry. At this point the story degenerates into silly romp as Ruth takes charge, forcing Spock to help Jilla in her extremity -- for four days, just as the ship is caught in some field. McCoy eventually comes up with an antidote (with the help of his test rabbits Jimboy and Ruth). A fed-up Kirk insists that Ruth act as lure to Spock while they retrieve Jilla. Ruth gets her comeuppance when Spock attacks her, and Kirk and McCoy decline to rescue her. McCoy’s antidote makes Jilla fall in love with Sulu for a week, but she gets better and goes back to being married to the dead Selar. [1]
