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Name: Quackity SMP
Abbreviation(s): QSMP, 큐셈피
Creator: Quackity
Date(s): 03/22/2023 - 05/24/2024
Medium: Minecraft Roleplay
Country of Origin: Multiple
External Links: Official QSMP Global Account Official English Updates Account Cuenta Oficial de Actualizaciones en Español Conta Oficial de Atualizações em Português Compte Officiel des Récapitulatifs en Français 한국어 공식 업데이트 계정
QSMP Logo, by Quackity Studios.jpeg
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The Quackity SMP, most commonly known by its abbreviated name in the Latin script QSMP, or by the Hangul transliteration 큐셈피 [Kyusempi], and sometimes also referred to by the unofficial name Quesadilla SMP, was a multilingual roleplay web series set in a modded Minecraft SMP server of private invite-only access. Its fandom is based around the Twitch, YouTube, 아프리카TV [AfreecaTV] and 치지직 [CHZZK] livestreams and videos, from multiple perspectives, of the roleplay being acted out in-game.

The QSMP, originally created by the Mexican youtuber and streamer Quackity, and administered directly by Quackity Studios,[1] his entertainment company, was first launched with a special event on March 22, 2023.[2] The series began as a mostly bilingual server, with members who spoke English or Español [Spanish] as one of their primary languages, and later, on April 24, 2023,[3] it was officially announced that the server would expand and become multilingual, welcoming on April 29 and May 12, 2023,[4] respectively, new members whose primary languages were Português [Portuguese] and Français [French]. Members whose primary languages for content creation were 한국어 [Korean] and Deutsch [German] were added, respectively, on February 11, 2024[5] and March 16, 2024.[6] The series ran until May 24, 2024, when its final event was held.[7]

Participants and Languages

The server had a total of eighty-two content creator members, collectively speaking around fourteen languages and classified across two main categories:

Quesadilla Island Guests

Sinners in the Tournament Purgatory II

Linguistic Diversity

It's important to note that although these creators have been listed according to their native languages (which in most cases are also their main languages for content creation), the vast majority of them are bilingual or multilingual in various language combinations and to varying degrees of fluency.

Languages known to be spoken by at least one participant of the series include:

  • The six administrative languages of the server: English, Español [Spanish], Português [Portuguese], Français [French], 한국어 [Korean] and Deutsch [German].
  • Another five languages spoken natively by at least one member: Norsk [Norwegian], Català [Catalan], 日本語 [Japanese], Y Gymraeg [Welsh] and Lëtzebuergesch [Luxembourgish].
  • And three other languages only spoken not-natively by at least one member: 廣東話 [Cantonese], 台山话 [Toishanese] and Pусский [Russian].

It's also important to note that, even between those that share a single native language, there's great accent and dialect diversity among creators (for example, varieties of Spanish spoken by participants of the project include dialects from Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru, Puerto Rico, Spain and Uruguay, in adition to several forms of Spanish as a second language).

The Qlobal Translator

The Qlobal Translator is an original Minecraft mod, created for the series with the intention of helping to break down the linguistic barriers present on the server due to the QSMP's roleplay being acted out simultaneously in several languages. Its introduction was first announced on April 3, 2023,[4] and it would take a couple of days before the full implementation of the new mechanic was achieved.

The Qlobal Translator is being used in the server to aid in communication between characters and also to facilitate viewer understanding, by providing players (and audiences) with real-time translations from a large variety of spoken languages, in the form of subtitles visible in-game, either as speech bubbles or in transcription boxes or both. The mod is fairly flexible to accommodate for the server's multilingualism, allowing, for example, for the player to set up different language arrangements for the speech bubbles they see and the ones they generate, or for the player to set up several transcription boxes, each one in a different language, to allow for simultaneous multilingual translation.

Text to Speech and Text to Translated Speech Tools

Text to speech and text to translated speech functions for books and signs were added to the server as a way to make these written elements more accesible to Tubbo, who is dyslexic and struggled to read them, particularly those that contained unfamiliar words in languages other than English, and also to make written communication easier for the series' participants in general, so they were able to write more in their native languages without worrying about limiting the range of other characters or audiences who could understand their writings.


The web page qsmp.tv was created as part of the larger project to help break down the linguistic barriers in the QSMP, in particular, it's purpose is to allow for the audiences of the series to watch the live-streams of the participants in a language they understand regardless of the language spoken by the creators on-screen, by providing real-time subtitles in the language of the viewer. This translation tool has yet to finish development, but it is available to use in beta testing.


The roleplay of the QSMP is almost entirely improvised, however, there are certain roles played by the administration team with semi-scripted parts during the special lore events and during cinematics.

Eggs, NPC's and Other Characters

A non-comprehensive list of the Eggs and other NPC's played by the QSMP's administration team with significant contributions to the QSMP's narrative:

Plot Overview and Lore Events

A brief summary of the QSMP's initial premise:

Two passenger trains transporting mixed groups of amnesiac Hispanic and Anglophone strangers arrive to the hyper-isolated Isla Quesadilla [EN: Quesadilla Island, PT: Ilha Quesadilla, FR: Île Quesadilla, KO: 케사디야 섬, DE: Quesadilla-Insel], a non-sovereign insular territory of mostly tropical climate located on the South Pacific Ocean, divided by The Wall, an artificial border, and advertised as a paradisiac tourist resort, where they are later joined by groups of Lusophones, Francophones, Korean-speakers and German-speakers, and from where they are told by The Federation (the governing body of the island), they are forbidden to leave. These groups of people must now work together across culture and language barriers to survive, to uncover the secrets kept by The Federation, to recover their own pasts, and to achieve an escape from the island.

Purgatory Tournament

The QSMP Purgatory Worldwide Tournament was a special event organized as a spin-off storyline concurrent and connected to the main narrative of the QSMP, featuring forty-five "sinner" characters, six of them played by guests of Quesadilla Island and the other thirty-nine by new players, first divided into teams, later on competing solo, taking part in an extreme competition for survival with a points-based elimination system, live-narrated as if it was a sports tournament by Quackity, that would last five days and comprise four main events. The event was organized by The Observer, a strange entity of unknown origin and malicious intent, and takes place at the Egg Island [ES: Isla del Huevo, PT: Ilha do Ovo, FR: Île aux œufs, KO: 달걀섬, DE: Eierinsel] archipelago.

The winner of this second edition of the Purgatory Event was Aldo Geo.[8]

Cultural Celebrations and Non-Canon Events

The Cultural Celebrations in the QSMP are events organized by the server's administration team as a way to honor the cultural diversity of the series' content creators and audience, and of the server's administration team itself. Most of them are mini-events where the members of the server get to replicate cultural practices associated with the corresponding festivity in-game. During these events the members and the audience get to learn about each other's cultures, they get to share and show off their traditions, to honor, and to feel pride in, and to give acknowledgement to the diversity of their identities. It also servers to ground and re-affirm the belonging of the characters to concrete cultural communities.

A non-comprehensive list of Cultural Celebrations on the QSMP:

  • Festa Junina [Midsummer Festival]: A Brazilian celebrations of the Northern Hemisphere's Summer Solstice and of the nativity of Saint John the Baptist.
  • 4th of July: Celebration of the Independence Day for the United States.
  • Le 14 Juillet [Bastille Day]: the national day of France.
  • Independencia de México [Mexican Independence Day]: Commemorates the Cry of Dolores that started the Mexican War for Independence.
  • Halloween Night: Syncretic celebration of Celtic origin. Nowadays celebrated in the US and Canada as a secular festivity associated with the supernatural or scary.
  • Día de los Muertos [Day of the Dead]: Syncretic celebration of Indigenous origins. Celebrated in Mexico as a way to honor and remember those who have died.
  • Guy Fawkes Night: British festivity commemorating the failed attempt of the Catholic Guy Fawkes and his co-conspirators to blow up the British Parliament in London in protest against religious discrimination.
  • Merry Christmas: Traditionally the Christian celebration of the Nativity of Jesus of Nazareth, also celebrated as a secular holiday to honor familial love.
  • Three Kings Day: Celebration of the Christian feast of the Epiphany, it is particularly popular in Spain and France, and functions as the primary gift-receiving holiday for Christian children across Latin America.
  • Carnaval [Carnival]: A festival celebrated most prominently in Brazil but also across the historically-Catholic regions of southern Europe, and across Latin America and the Caribbean. It takes place the week before the start of Lent.
  • 설날 [Lunar New Year]: Traditional Korean celebration of the New Year according to the lunisolar calendars traditionally followed by East Asian cultures and their diasporas. It's celebration coincided with the introduction to the project of 악어 [Acau]'s character and of the egg 춘식 [Chun-Sik][9]; the series' first two primarily Korean-speaking characters.
  • Valentine's Day: Feast of Saint Valentine, nowadays observed across the world as a secular holiday celebrating romantic love and close friendships.

A list of other events, all of them non-canon:

  • The Hide and Seek Event.
  • Movie Night (I, II, and Valentine's Day Edition).
  • QSMP Among Us.
  • QSMP Awards.
  • The Murder Mystery Event.

Fanwork Displays In-Game

The server's mods made it possible for the in-game inclusion of multimedia content originated outside of the game. The QSMP utilized this feature in several ways, the most notable ones being the Art Museum and the Movie Theater mechanics, two in-game spaces that functioned as 'non-canon areas', to allow for the QSMP administration team to organize the temporal exhibition and display of selected fanart, fan animatics, animations, edits or music videos, and for the QSMP members to see their community's fanworks and share their reactions to them with their audiences without disrupting the continuity of the roleplay.

The server also organized via its Twitter updates accounts several special fanart exhibitions, usually in continuity with the Art Museum mechanic. These exhibitions were put in place usually as part of the efforts of the QSMP to acknowledge, share, commemorate and celebrate holidays, festivities and other dates with cultural significance for its members. Some examples of these special art displays were the #QSMPHalloween and the QSMP Día de Muertos Exhibit.

The QSMP members were also known to use the Camera and Waterframe mechanics to integrate in the game, without breaking the continuity of the fictional narrative, fanart and other forms of outside media as decoration, acting props or entertainment.

Representation and Diversity in Canon

Given the metacontext of the project and its stated aim to help unite communities across cultural and linguistic barriers, the QSMP has been subject to a lot of scrutiny, praise and criticism from the fandom regarding the representation of human diversity it presents through its canon narrative, its administration, and its cast of participants and their characters.

  • Sex and Gender: Since its beginning the series was criticized for the enormous numeric disparity when it comes to gender among its members. The imbalance used to be greater during the first few months after the server opened, and it would take until the Rescued Mission event, held on August, 2023,[10] for the server to introduce a significant numbers of female members at once. There were trans and non-binary characters since the start of the series, mainly among the egg characters, but it was until the Purgatory Tournament that the series first introduced trans and non-binary characters who weren't NPC's (CrystalMolly and Aimsey, respectively).
  • Sexuality: The QSMP has been notable because of the number, prevalence and prominence of canonically queer relationships, and characters with canonically queer identities within the canon. Since the start of the series the overwhelming majority of canonical sexual and romantic relationships, including 3 out of the 4 canonical marriages in the story, occurred between characters of the same gender. Asexuality has also been prominently featured, chiefly in the characters of Cellbit, Jaiden, and Mike (the latter two played characters who were also aromantic).
  • Nationality and Geography: The server has in total welcomed players from four continents, sixteen countries and one non-sovereign territory: from the Americas the server included Argentinian, Brazilian, Canadian, Chilean, Costa Rican, Guatemalan, Mexican, Peruvian, Puerto Rican, US-American and Uruguayan participants, from Europe it received players from France, Germany, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland and the UK, and from Asia there were members from Japan and South Korea. In part inspired by this already very diverse set of players, there was for the duration of the project a persistent desire for expanding the number of Asian languages and participants represented in the project and for the introduction of languages and players from Africa. It seems like the series did consider at some point the inclusion of other Asian languages (in particular Chinese, presumably of the Mandarin variety; Filipino; and Japanese),[11] but, perhaps due to the shorter than expected duration of the series, they never managed to see players who spoke them be introduced into the server. There is no information on whether the series intended to bringing any African language into the server. Some comments from Twitter expressing desire for the inclusion of new languages in the QSMP:
Random thought but Quackity should really consider adding Hindi speakers to the QSMP. India has a MASSIVE market for content, especially MC, has many great and entertaining CCs and they even have 125 million English speakers (double the UK) that could be introduced to CCs we love

SheLuvJintan, May 11, 2023 [12]

Guys I'll be 100% honest If qsmp adds Arabic I'll be invested into SO MUCH. Like sometimes I see clips in French and since I'm fluent in it I enjoy watching those clips and animatics. But bro if they add my mother language that's very ignored streaming wise most of the time....

Ferrera__XD, February 6, 2024 [13]

se domingo não entrar nenhum filipino no qsmp eu vou bater panela na frente da casa do quackity

Mtfk_lys, February 7, 2024 [14]

If no Filipinos come to QSMP on Sunday I'm going to [make noise hitting a cooking pan] in front of Quackity's house

Machine translation

  • Race and Ethnicity: Ethno-racial groups[note 4] that are represented in the series, include: Black Latin Americans, East Asians, East Asian Anglo-Americans, East Asian Latin Americans, white Anglo-Americans, white Europeans, white Latin Americans, North African-Europeans, and mixed-race Latin Americans (Mestizos,[note 5] Castizos,[note 6] and Pardos),[note 7] however, criticism has arisen at times from the lack of any Black or fully Indigenous participants among the Quesadilla Island Guests, given that that particular group acts as the main cast of the series. With the only exception of 춘식 [Chun-Sik], all of the other egg characters are explicitly of mixed cultural heritages, since their parents are part of different ethnic groups. Here's a post from Tumblr where a fan describes their feelings on the dynamics between three ethnically Korean participants: 악어 [Acau] and 중력 [Jungryeok], who live in South Korea, and Tinakitten, who is part of the Korean diaspora in the United States.
It means a lot to me that Acau and Jungryeok were so supportive of Tina whenever she tried speaking Korean. Being a diaspora is hard, especially when you're still learning your family's language cause they didn't teach you it growing up; its nice seeing them encourage her and wanting to help her get better at it. If you're in the same boat, don't be ashamed of it, multi-ethnicity is its own unique blend of cultures and its wonderful, and if learning your family's language is something you've been wanting to do just go for it! Don't be afraid of the hurdles, go at your own pace and remember that you're no less your culture because you were raised somewhere else. Sincerely, someone who is very behind on their portuguese studies😁

Bloodpen-to-Paper, February 21, 2024 [15]

  • Medical Conditions, Neurodivergence and Disability: Several character were shown to have canonical disabilities, in particular: Fit, Pac and Richarlyson all have prosthetic limbs (Fit's arm and Pac's leg due to limb loss, Richarlyson's leg due to a congenital condition), both Fit and Talullah are Hard of Hearing (and Tallulah uses hearing aids), and Philza has a fictional form of chronic pain. Dapper and Wilbur are canonically Autistic. Drug addiction was briefly touched upon in the character arcs of Pac and Forever, and several characters seemed to struggle with some form of undiagnosed mental illness. Regarding other medical conditions; Étoiles has diabetes, Tubbo has dyslexia, and several eggs were said to have asthma as a way to explain in-character the effects of lag.
It's so interesting to me how mechanical limitations in QSMP have led to both Philza and Tallulah experiencing disabilities in lore. On the one hand, we have Phil with his clipped wings: A common SMP limitation to not permit elytra, that is applied to everyone, which happened to cut out a core component of q!Philza's mobility. Most of the other characters don't see Phil as disabled. His physical ability in a fight is one of the main things he's known for, and up until recently, he hadn't mentioned his clipped wings to many of the islanders. But his experience is still very much shaped by his loss of flight.

And on the other hand, there's Tallulah's asthma: Bad lag visibly limits what the player and the character can do. Phil has had to warn several of her babysitters that they need to keep a closer eye on her. That they can't just assume she will be able to keep up with her peers.

It's just cool to see two very different practical limitations in the game leading to portrayals of two very different experiences with disability in the same family

Paused-waterfall, October 14, 2023 [16]

  • Religion: There's a constant presence of both real and fictional religious practice on the series, for instance; Quesadilla Island hosts several religious buildings (a Mesoamerican pyramid, several Protestant and Roman Catholic churches, and what seems to be a Buddhist or Mu-ist temple), the character Sapo Peta is a priest (although it's not clear of what Christian denomination), during the Día de los Muertos' celebrations several Nahua gods and goddesses and the Nahua afterlife were implied to exists and the souls of the dead egg characters visited the ofrendas made for them,[17] there's also the characterization of El Rubius, Tinakitten, IronMouse, BadBoyHalo and Foolish Gamers' characters as an angel, demons and a demigod, respectively. Several forms of fully fictional religious practice and witchcraft are also very openly shown. Islam is assumed to exist given the presence of the Franco-Algerian players (Étoiles and Kameto), and some off-handed jokes have also implied the existence in-universe of syncretic Latin American religions (like Santería or Umbanda).
  • Family Units: Among the characters of the series it is common to see historically underrepresented family configurations, in particular: homoparental families, monoparental families, co-parenting shared by platonic partners, co-parenting shared by a large group of parental figures and multigenerational households. Also, found family and adoption are major tropes within the series. Most adoptions were due to the Eggs' mechanics, but there was also the case of Roier's adult adoption.


Fan Activity Overview

The QSMP gained a very active and rapidly growing fanbase on multiple platforms, first on the streaming and video hosting platforms Twitch and YouTube, but then also on Twitter, Tumblr, TikTok, Bilibili [嗶哩嗶哩], 아프리카TV [AfreecaTV] and 치지직 [CHZZK].

The fandom was canonised on Archive of Our Own, in April 17th, 2023, having 192 works at the time. As of January 15, 2025, the fandom tag "QSMP | Quackity SMP" has over 11,560 works in the archive. The majority of the fanfiction for the QSMP in AO3 has English as its tagged language, with smaller but significant numbers of works for Spanish, Portuguese and French, and with some works in other languages as well.[18]

A significant number of fanfiction works for the QSMP fandom can also be found in Wattpad, where the tag #qsmp has over 4,200 works, with around 3,100 of them being evenly distributed between Spanish and Portuguese, and around 1,100 more being in English or other languages.

RPF is rarely seen in the QSMP fandom, due to it being established from the start as a roleplay server. While some fans do use q! to distinguish characters from their actors (and other characters they play), it is not nearly as widespread as the use of c! or equivalents in other fandoms, likely as a result of the lack of interest in RPF works.

QSMP visual fanart is most commonly found in Twitter, although there's also pieces on Tumblr and DeviantART.

Fan animation, animatics and edits are common in YouTube and TikTok, while most meta commentary on the server can be found on Tumblr, Twitter or YouTube.

Language Distribution

The QSMP fanbase is distributed across six main language communities (namely, the Anglophone, Hispanic, Lusophone, Francophone, Korean-speaking and German-speaking communities), however, during its production, and even after the end of the series, the fandom experienced the partial integration of these distinct linguistic communities into a very diverse but unified fandom continuum. The largest linguistic group within the fandom by size seems to be the Lusophone community, followed by the almost equal in size Hispanic and Anglophone communities, then the Francophone and Korean-speaking communities and then the German-speaking community as the smallest.

It's also important to note that within the fandom there's significant numbers of speakers of many other languages, most of whom understand at least one of the six administrative languages of the server (English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Korean and German) as a second language.

The QSMP Effect

O Efeito QSMP [EN: the QSMP Effect, ES: el Efecto QSMP, FR: l'Effet QSMP, KO: 큐셈피 효과, DE: der QSMP-Effekt], is how the community came to call "The impact this project is having on the process of breaking down language and cultural barriers, both on the part of the players and [in] the community itself."[19], and in particular how the virtual connections among creators and communities of different languages made though the server resulted in cooperation and mingling across communities, sometimes even in unrelated projects.

Examples of this effect include:

  • Significant numbers of fans from one language community following and engaging with creators, fans and projects from another language community, learning about and adapting to that community, mixing traditions and ideas, and integrating both fandom spaces, becoming part of both communities, and fans from that other community doing the same.
  • Fans and creators of different languages learning each other's languages with the incentive of understanding each other better, and their eventual ability to access new social spaces that had been previously closed due to the language barriers, both on and off-line.
  • The popularisation of memes, jokes, music and slang words across languages, for example, the English-speaking community within the QSMP fandom has adopted the use of the Spanish slang-term 'Cubito', the Portuguese expression of laughter 'KKKK', the French word 'foque' as an euphemism, or the convention of writing Korean names in their original unromanized form, alongside their own terms, expressions, euphemisms, and conventions, some of which have, in turn, been adopted by the non-English-speaking communities of the fandom.
  • The collaborative efforts of the community to translate and explain cultural context for the conversations, events and jokes happening on the server.
  • Collective projects, like the murals made by the community during the 2023 Reddit r/place Pixel Wars, when several monumental drawings were created and maintained by the combined efforts of the distinct language communities working together to protect each other's art, even if it was art not directly related to the QSMP. This event also showed how the multilingualism and diversity of the fandom can be tools that allow it to make alliances with many more external communities that any of the language communities would have been able to in isolation.
  • New, unrelated cross-language collaborations outside of Minecraft, among the QSMP members, between QSMP creators and creators not involved in the project that they have met thanks to the now significant overlapping of their communities, and among members of the fandom.

Common Fan Headcanons and Theories

Fan Theories:


  • Hybrid ancestries, specially mixes between humans and non-humans, are very common headcanons in the MCYT mega-fandom in general. In the QSMP fandom in particular common non-canon characterizations of this kind include: Slimecicle being a slime hybrid; Quackity being a duck hybrid; Roier being a spider hybrid; Spreen, 콩콩 [Kong-Kong] and El Rubius being bear hybrids (all of them of different sub-species); Cellbit and Bagi being cat hybrids; 악어 [Acau] being a crocodile hybrid; and 중력 [Jungryeok] being a shark hybrid.
  • Étoiles is canonically a plant hybrid, but him being capable to photosynthesize is so far only a headcanon, sometimes used to explain in-lore his diabetes. Étoiles becoming blind after his exposure to the Code Entities became a common headcanon after he changed the colour of the eyes of his Minecraft skin from blue to white.
  • The human status of Antoine Daniel, Felps and Missa's characters have been questioned by parts of the fandom who head-canon them to be an eldritch abomination. a divine entity and a Grim Reaper, respectively.
Collage of a variety of digital drawings of Pomme, showing the diversity in how the fandom interprets and depicts her as being sometimes white, sometimes Black or Arab, and sometimes wearing a hijab, sometime while others not.
Fanart collage of Pomme, by @eggigotchi et al, showing the diversity in how the fandom interprets and depicts her race, ethnicity and religious identity.
  • The race, religious identities and physical appearances[note 4] of the eggs (that have no canonical skin colours, facial features or full body clothing) vary a lot in how they're portrayed in fanart and fanfiction. They are usually depicted as a mix of influences from their parents and the cultures and nations they come from. Most eggs do have one or two most common personifications within the fandom, with the exceptions of Empanada, Nacho and Pomme. Bobby is usually either Castizo[note 6] or Japanese, and wears a blue headband; Chayanne is usually white or Mestizo[note 5] and wears a skull mask; 춘식 [Chun-Sik] is always Korean and wears traditional attire; Dapper is usually depicted as having demon-like black skin and white eyes, like BadBoyHalo; Juana Flippa is almost always white and wears her hair in two braids; Leonarda's depictions usually make them Castize[note 6], like her brother, and give him long black hair and somewhat androgynous clothing; Pepito is usually Mestizo[note 5] and wears bottle-glasses; Ramón is usually white and wears either a handkerchief with an image of a mustache, or a fake mustache; Richarlyson is almost always black, and has a prosthetic leg; Sunny Side Up is usually black and wears a princess tiara or fairy wings; Tallulah was drawn as white, wearing a red skirt and beanie and a yellow kitted sweater, at least before Wilbur Soot's Abuse Scandal, and after the scandal her design was almost universally changed to make her less similar to Wilbur and more similar to Missa, with her race usually shifting to Mestiza[note 5] and her clothing to being black and purple, the one thing that has remained consisten is her use of hearing aids; Tilín is usually Mestize[note 5] and wears clothing very similar to their fathers' tracksuit; and Trump is usually white and wears clothing that is a mix of his fathers'. Empanada's depictions vary in making her white, Korean or Parda,[note 7] but she usually wears cream-tone dresses. Nacho's depiction varies to complement the fluid depictions of his caretaker; Cucurucho. Pomme's distinct interpretations as white, Black and Arab are pretty much equally common. There's also a lack of consensus on whether she is a hijab-wearing Muslim or not.
  • Given that the Eggs are canonically unable to communicate orally and instead use written signs, the idea of them talking using the different sign languages spoken in the countries of their parents has become a very widespread headcanon.
  • Given that the faceless workers of The Federation are also unable to speak, they are also often headcanon-ed to communicate through sign languages, although sometimes they are given artificial voices instead.
  • Cucurucho's is frequently depicted as a human wearing a bear mask, as an actual bear, or as a robotic organism. Interpretations of their gender and gender expression are very fluid across the fandom. They canonically have several artificial voices (the one for Spanish sounds more masculine, the ones for English, Portuguese and French more feminine, but they are all distinct), and these are often explained in fanworks by describing them having a sound-box attached to their clothes or body.

Language Usage in Fanworks

  • It's common practice across the fandom to include pieces of dialogue in several languages in written fanfiction (even when the author is monolingual), and this is due to the expectation of a multilingual audience, but also to maintain characterization, and to remain loyal to the spirit of the series. Most of the time a translation of the dialogue is provided either with embedded code, with comments, or at the end notes. A variety of common terms that have become familiar to most of the fandom regardless of language are usually left untranslated. An excerpt from a fanwork exemplifying the use of untranslated multilingual dialogue (in this case, English is the predominant language in the narrative, but there is a significant amount of Spanish and Portuguese left untranslated in the dialogues):
[...] Sitting at the small desk was Roier who had his nose buried in some newspapers, a yellow highlighter was in his hand as his eyes were moving across the printed words. At least he chose to do something useful while he was away.

“I’ve already looked at those a hundred times, gave almost nothing,” Cellbit informed as he walked by.

Roier let out an irritated sigh and set the highlighter down, “Well maybe you missed something.”

He dug through his duffle bag of clothes and looked for the extra suit he had packed, “Normalmente não sinto falta de nada.”

“Entonces deberías haber tirado esto, ya sabes, haber limpiado tu…” Roier trailed off.

Cellbit furrowed his brows slightly and looked over his shoulder to see what was wrong only to realize that Roier was staring directly at him, almost as if he was looking through him, “Uh… Roier?”

Just as fast as it came, the moment was gone. In an instant Roier was blinking his eyes and turning back towards the newspaper, “Lo siento, pensé- hay algo- revisaré el artículo nuevamente.”

He stared at him confused, but shrugged it off, “Certo…” [...]

Apple pie fever, Chapter 5 (Excerpt), by Pastel_snail, June 3, 2024 [20]

  • Characters whose characterization frequently include particular linguistic quirks include: Vegetta and Leonarda, who are both commonly depicted as being monolingual Spanish-speakers, or having a very limited knowledge of English; Pac, whose accent while speaking English is frequently pointed out; Foolish, being committed to learning Spanish; Tina, beginning the process of re-learning Korean; Cucurucho and Sofía, being polyglots (although Cucurucho is only able to communicate verbally in a small pre-set number of phrases); and Roier and Cellbit commonly communicating among themselves, and with their children, in a mix of English, Spanish and Portuguese, given that both of them speak and understand all three languages to some extent.
  • A common way to justify in fanworks the in-game server mechanics of the global chat and of the translator is to describe the existence of "communicators", digital gadgets similar to real-life cellphones and/or communication earpieces, but restricted to the communications functions achievable within Minecraft. Not explaining either is also a common approach.
Digital drawing of Talullah signing "Hello" in Lengua de Señas Mexicana and British Sign Language, with written subtitles in Spanish and English.
Fanart of Talullah speaking Lengua de Señas Mexicana [Mexican Sign Language] and British Sing Language, by @ComfyMoth
  • To represent the sign languages often used by the egg characters in written fanfiction it is common to mark it by using brackets, dashes, italics or parentheses not used elsewhere in the dialogue. Describing how the characters perform certain signs is also common. It's worth pointing out that when the eggs speak sign languages new language barriers may appear between two character that in canon write using the same language (for example, while Talullah and Ramón can both write in English and Spanish, because their parents are from different countries, the sign languages they are most commonly headcannon-ed to speak, British Sign Language and Mexican Sign Language for Talullah, and American Sign Language and Argentinian Sign Language for Ramón, are not fully mutually intelligible).
  • Due to the multilingualism of its fanbase, a significant number of fanfiction has been translated into two or more languages.

Shipping and Non-Romantic Pairings

Shipping is not seen as a taboo topic in the fandom for the QSMP as much as it is in some other MCYT fandoms, as it was established as a roleplay server from the beginning, and most of the MCYT communities included within the fandom tend to be much more lax on shipping than their English and Korean-speaking counterparts. While there is still some controversy, particularly on Twitter, due to people still viewing the shipping of Minecraft roleplay characters as analogous to the shipping of real-life creators, the controversy is much less prevalent due to encouragement of shipping by creators and the fact that all members of the server have been adults from the start of the project.

Shipping is omnipresent both in the fandom and canon itself, with so many relationships being teased between the main cast at the beginning of the server that it was often jokingly compared to an oversized polycule (the exception to the extensive shipping being the character played by Jaiden Animations, who has been assumed to be aromantic and asexual as is the content creator IRL). Pairings are predominantly slash due to the overwhelmingly male cast, and the most popular ship in the fandom is the canonical homoromantic relationship between the characters Cellbit and Roier, but there's also a very big presence of familial relationships and friendship dynamics, and smaller numbers of femslash, heterosexual and queer-platonic pairings.

The constant jokes made by the content creators and the fandom at large regarding the queerness of the series helped popularize the humorous server nicknames 'LGBTQSMP' and 'Queer SMP'.

Most pairing on the fandom have proper names that can be found in the List of QSMP Relationship Names. It's worth mentioning than in this fandom many relationship names may at the same time refer to both the romantic and non-romantic versions of the pairings among the same characters, and that there's less differentiation between both kinds of relationship than in other MCYT fandoms.

As of January 15, 2025, the most popular relationship tags for the QSMP on AO3 are, in order:

For romantic pairings:

  1. Cellbit/Roier (2,333 works)
  2. FitMC/Pactw (1,158 works)
  3. Foolish/Vegetta (836 works)
  4. ElMariana/Slimecicle (751)
  5. MissaSinfonia/Philza (638 works)

And for non-romantic pairings:

  1. Wilbur Soot & Tallulah (549 works)
  2. Cellbit & Roier (485 works)
  3. Jaiden Animations & Roier (400 works)
  4. Chayanne & Philza (367 works)
  5. MissaSinfonia & Philza (339 works)

QSMP and Palestine

QSMP for Palestine was a fan-organized charity auction for the Palestine Children's Relief Fund held in 2023.[21]

Criticism over the Dominance of the English Language

A common criticism raised about the series was about the use of English as the de facto lingua franca among the participants when communication through the Qlobal Translator was either unavailable or inconvenient due to the tool's limitations. This situations could appear either because of the number of people speaking (the subtitles will break the chronology of the transcription if many people talk over each other), the number of languages being spoken (frequent code-switching can be a bit overwhelming, specially if the translator fails to keep up with the conversation), the urgency, specificity or importance of the message (if something needs to be understood quickly and without room for ambiguity, saying it in a shared language is more effective than relying in the translator), or because of the limitations of the tool (limited screen space to display the transcription, the translator not being able to recognize or trying to translate personal names, the lack of standardization in how to romanize some words from languages that do not use the Latin script, some language combinations producing more exact translations than others, etc).

It was also common to see non-native English-speaking members of the fandom express being uncomfortable to some degree with the reproduction of real-world linguistic hierarchies in that, while most participants that are non-native English-speakers learned and speak English due to its status as the dominant second language across the world, most native English-speakers are monolinguals, and even when most made efforts to learn new languages, to have a conversation without the translator it was still common for the non-native English-Speakers to try and accommodate for their Anglophone friends by switching to speaking English, taking on most of the burden to achieve communication.

There was also criticism over the linguistic make up of the series in general, since most of the administrative languages in the server are written with the Latin script, originated in Europe and became commonly spoken languages outside of Europe mainly through imperialism and colonialism.

Some post talking about this topic on Twitter and Tumblr:

[...] o inglês no qsmp está maçante.

já venho percebendo isso faz um tempo e, falando com amigos não fluentes em inglês (diferente de mim), alguns já se afastaram do conteúdo do server por conta disso.

a proposta do qsmp é um servidor global, mas isso não deveria se basear só na nacionalidade dos criadores, mas tbm nas línguas faladas no servidor, e atualmente tudo que vimos é inglês sendo falado 24/7, e claro, isso vem da facilidade de comunicação mais rápida, mas temos um tradutor que funciona PERFEITAMENTE aí para isso.

o que me frustrou mais nos últimos tempos foi o purgatório que, apesar de trazer dinâmicas INCRÍVEIS entre os jogadores, reduziu completamente as línguas faladas somente para o inglês novamente, pelos mini-eventos e distância que os criadores estão uns dos outros, fazendo a ferramenta de tradução incrível e automática, inútil, já que não traduz a distância.

e não me leve a mal por isso, o próprio quackity falou que percebeu que estava fazendo mais transmissões em inglês pela “natureza do evento”.

[...] só é meio decepcionante ver um projeto que era para quebrar barreiras linguísticas, acabar mantendo elas através da soberania da língua inglesa.

Angelotnight, November 24, 2023 [22]

[...] the English on the QSMP is boring.

I have been noticing it for a while and, talking with friends who are not fluent in English (unlike me), some of them have stopped following the content from the server because of it.

the premise of the QSMP is that it is a global server, but that should not be based on the nationalities of the creators, but also on the languages spoken in the server, and currently all we see is English being spoken 24/7, and of course, that makes easier faster communication, but we [also] have a translator that functions PERFECTLY to do that.

what frustrated me the most lately was Purgatory that, despite bringing AMAZING dynamics between the players, reduced completely the spoken languages [on the server] only to English once again, because of the mini-events and the distance between the creators, making an incredible and automatic translation tool, useless, since it cannot translate at [long] distance.

And do not take me wrong, Quackity himself has said he noticed that he was making more streams in English due to the "nature of the event".

[...] it is just a bit disappointing to see a project designed to break language barriers, end up maintaining them through the hegemony of the English language.

Translation by Tzerj

But I mean it does feel like maybe someone should point out how all the languages (except now Korean) on the server are the languages of colonial empires

Not in a condemning way, just as an acknowledgement

I mean the thing is that in order to add a language on QSMP, you have to add Minecraft streamers who stream in that language

And for some languages there just aren't any

Or they're so small that nobody knows about them

And lbr, they probably want people who have actual viewers

So yeah of course the languages that have big streamers are the big languages, and usually the big languages are big because of colonialism or imperialism

It's all understandable, but it does reinforce the idea that internationalism is when you have multiple European languages plus maybe a couple of the big East Asian ones just so the eurocentrism isn't quite so blatant

idk, I hope y'all get where I'm coming from, because I do understand that this isn't the intent by any means, I just also don't wanna just ignore it

Blockgamepirate, March 5, 2024 [23]

QSMPblr's Language Day

QSMPblr is the name used by those who are part of the QSMP fandom in the social media site Tumblr to refer to themselves and their fandom community.

QSMPblr's Language Days are designated dates in which the community organizes itself to promote interactions within the fandom using languages other than English, with the intended effect of helping make the experience of those who aren't native English-speakers feel more comfortable speaking their mother languages in fandom spaces, but also in Tumblr in general, since it is a platform very dominated by the English language.

The proposal made by the community is for those whose mother language is English, and do not speak any other language fluently, to speak that day in a second language either through a translator or in a tongue that they are learning, while those who do speak another language use their second language, and those who are not native English-speakers use their mother tongue. Some examples of posts and interactions tagged with #qsmp language day in Tumblr:


Storeboughtusername, March 3, 2024 [24]

Since today is QSMP Language Day, I decided to speak Chinese! I'm not Chinese, my native language is English, but I learned to speak it in school, and I want to practice it more! I don't speak fluently, so I'm sorry if I don't speak correctly. I watched a lot of people (mostly English speaking), but now I am very busy and have no time to watch. I like to draw, but I draw slowly haha. Despite correcting my mistakes, I'm still learning!!

Machine translation

Ich weiß gar nicht wie ich meine Gedanken in Worte fassen soll, aber Chayannes Admin ist ja Deutscher oder kennt sich zumindest mit der 'Deutschen Kultur' (Meme Content auf Deutsch, mein ich hier spezifisch) aus.

Und ich hoffe so sehr dass er Phil und Tallulah irgendwann mal, 'Wo bist du mein Sonnenlicht' von Grup Tekkan zeigt. Nachdem ich im Stream vom Phil dabei war, wie er ihm und Bagi, Remmidemmi von Deichkind gezeigt hat will ich nur mehr dass er ihnen dieses Goldstück deutschen Kulturguts zeigt. xD

(btw, find ichs noch immer zum lachen dass das Video zu Remmidemmi in den USA den Ban Hammer bekommen hat. Ist ja nicht so dass die krassere Sachen im TV zu Gesicht bekommen manchmal lmao)

Plutoisaghoul, March 3, 2024 [25]

I don't even know how to put my thoughts into words, but Chayanne's admin is German or at least knows about 'German culture' (meme content in German, I mean specifically here).

And I really hope that he shows Phil and Tallulah 'Wo bist du mein Sonnenlicht' by Grup Tekkan at some point. After watching Phil's stream showing him and Bagi Remmidemmi from Deichkind, I just want him to show them this gold piece of German cultural heritage. xD

(btw, I still find it funny that the video for Remmidemmi got banned in the USA. It's not like they [don't] get to see crass stuff on TV sometimes lmao)

Machine translation

Anonymous asked:

Благодарю за то что ты используешь русский в этот день языков для ксмп тамблера, приятно видеть. Меня комплексы съедают настока, что я не хочу показывать, что я из России, поэтому видеть, как остальные блоги относятся к тебе совершенно нормально, радует и успокаивает о7

Qtubbo-is-not-fine responded:

Я так тебя понимаю, я сама была не уверена насчет участия в дне языков, надеюсь что однажды ты преодолеешь эти комплексы и, другие не относящиеся к теме

Посылаю тебе обнимашки<3333333

Qtubbo-is-not-fine, March 3, 2024 [26]

Anonymous asked:

Thank you for using Russian on this day of languages ​​for qsmp tumblr, it’s nice to see. I have complexes that I don’t want to show that I’m from Russia, so seeing how other blogs treat you completely normally makes me happy and calms o7

Qtubbo-is-not-fine responded:

I understand you, I myself was not sure about participating in the Day of Languages, I hope that one day you will overcome these complexes and others that are not related to the topic

Sending you hugs<3333333

Machine translation

Is ea lá teanga inniu i QSMPblr !!!! Labhrím Gaeilge ach ní scríobhaim as gaeilge go minic, tá brón orm! Is breá liom mo theanga dúchais ach mar níl a fhois ag formhór dúine Gaeilge, uraintea ní scríobhaim as Gaeilge de gnáth. Tá sceitimíní an domhain orm don lá atá inniu :]

Flemlem, March 3, 2024 [27]

Today is language day in QSMPblr !!!! I speak Irish but I don't write in Irish often, I'm sorry! I love my native language, but because most people don't speak Irish, I usually don't write in Irish. I'm so excited for today :]

Machine translation

Criticism over the Handling of Time Zone Differences

Due to the geographic distribution of the QSMP's audience across four continents there was a lot of criticism, in particular from the Francophone community but also at times from the Hispanic viewers in the Iberian Peninsula and the Korean-speaking community, regarding the scheduling of special events. Given that the majority of both participants and the audience for the series resided in the Americas, most of the special events in the series tended to prioritize streaming at the times when the largest number of players and viewers were available, and this practice disproportionally affected the European and Asian members of the project and their viewers by pressuring them to change their sleeping habits if they wished to watch live or participate in the events.

I hope [the] cultural event will be more linked to the [corresponding] country['s] timezone next time

I will start by saying thank you to the admins. We really thought that we would have nothing so having this mini event was super cool as a french ! I wasn't able to go to see the fireworks so seeing them in QSMP was fun.

But I do have a complain, the time. :/ I understand that as of rn it's very hard to mix both people on the America[s'] different timezones and us, but here it's supposed to be a french event. It was as the same time as fireworks in most of the cities so I saw many french viewers who had to skip the QSMP event. Also Antoine saw it irl (Baghera was also supposed to) and Etoiles was busy but only during the night.

It's annoying when it's global event but we get that, having it at night for us is the best because it's afternoon for majority of player. But here it makes [the] french skipping their own event not only because it's late but also because it was really at the same hour as fireworks. Tbh it's getting harder for me to watch QSMP sometimes because of the time (sadly I do have a life) but almost skipping this event made me a little bit sad because like it's an event for my country so I was happy to see that it was celebrated.

I really hope that it will be worked on in the future. Because if they start to add more Europeans we can't just always adjust ourselves to [the] PST timezone, I don't think it's fair :/

But anyway happy 14th of July and again ty it was really a fun night !

Sunnydlit2, July 14, 2023 [28]

Scandals Involving Participants of the QSMP

  • ForeverPlayer's Grooming and Misconduct Scandal: On January of 2024 a series of old tweets posted by Forever sparked a huge scandal due to their contents when they were brought up to public scrutiny after being rediscovered and translated by members of his audience. In the tweets in question he made offensive jokes regarding some female minors who were fans of his, made jokes about meeting up with them, and made jokes that were interpreted as justifying rape. The backlash from his audience, the QSMP fandom and the QSMP participants against Forever once these tweets were placed on the spotlight was intense and widespread, and would culminate with him getting expelled from the project and with his character being killed off-screen.[29]
  • Wilbur Soot's Abusive Relationship Scandal: On February 1, 2024, the youtuber and Twitch streamer Shubble, recounts in a live stream titled "talking about something more serious" her experiences during an abusive relationship, and several forms of abuse she suffered from her ex-partner.[30] On February 27, Wilbur Soot would publish a tweet in which he acknowledges being the ex-partner she was talking about in her stream, confesses having engaged in many of the behaviors she had described as abusive, and offers an apology[31] that would later be severely criticized by the QSMP fandom, his personal audience, and his colleagues during the intense backlash against him brought by this scandal.[32] He was expelled from the series as a result.[29]

Scandal of Mistreatment of the QSMP Administrators

On March 3, 2024 a French-speaking member of the QSMP's administration team known as Léa published a series of tweets detailing her experiences working as a NPC actress, writer, translator, and artist for Quackity Studios and described a series of mistreatment incidents she had been subjected to (among them a lack of fair compensation, exploitative working arrangements, and bad treatment).[33] Short after, the French labour union Solidaires Informatique released a statement regarding the potential labour rights violations described by Léa and the working conditions in general within Quackity Studios, and asking for other members in similar situations to anonymously share their testimonies of similar conditions if there were any.[34] During the next months more and more members of the server's administration team would quit and release recounts of their experiences working for Quackity Studios, many of them describing similarly poor working conditions and mistreatment, and in response the company would switch between keeping silence over the situation and taking retaliatory actions (among them; unjustified firings and threats of legal action against them).[35][36]

Over time public pressure from the fandom, current and former Quackity Studios' workers, the Solidaires Informatique labour union, and content creators members of the server would force several reluctant statements from the entertainment studio[1] before the series hosted its final event on May 24, 2024.[7] It is widely believed across the fandom that the premature closure of the series was due to the public pressure regarding the scandal over the administration team's working conditions'.[note 8] A comment from Twitter regarding the situation:

아무리 생각해도 개같은게 만약 큐셈피에서 부당한 일이 생겼다면 제 3자인 우리는 그 일이 묻히지 않도록 계속 관심을 가지고 있으면 됨. 스트리머 개인정보 유출하고 욕하는게 아니라. 욕은 사실이 맞으면 한다고 하더라도 개인정보를 sns에 올리는 짓거리는 하면 안 됨 씨발 생각할수록 짜증나네

Moong_eo_2, April 10, 2024 [37]

No matter how you think about it, it's bullshit. If something unfair happens at QSMP, we as third parties just need to keep paying attention to make sure it doesn't get buried. I'm not talking about leaking the streamer's personal information and swearing at them. [But] even if you curse, [what is still truth is], don't post personal information on social media. No, the more I think about it, the more annoyed I get.

Machine translation

Racism, Xenophobia and Other Bigotries

Due to the size of the fandom, and to the diversity of both the actors and the audience of the QSMP, the fandom, and the series itself, have struggled since the beginning with incidents of racism, xenophobia, misogyny, ableism, homophobia, transphobia and queerphobia, some born out of bigotry and others from ignorance, miscommunication, and the natural friction raised by linguistic and cultural barriers. Some high profile examples of these incidents within the fandom include:

  • The Racist Mobs Incident: During the first months of the QSMP mods were constantly being added to the server, within on of these mods a series of new mobs collectively called "Mowzie Barakoa", that strongly resemble racist caricatures of Indigenous Peoples from Africa and Oceania were added. It was only after several encounters between the players and the mobs that they got taken out of the server.[38] As a result from the sudden scrutiny, the original designer of the mobs released a statement acknowledging the racist connotations of the mobs and compromising to redesigning them in more sensitive way.[39]
  • Misgendering Incidents: They were an ocasional problem, particularly when referring to Aimsey or the non-binary egg characters in any of the Romance languages, due to the lack of standardized gender-neutral pronouns in Spanish, French and Portuguese. Misgendering was frequently avoided by members of the fandom with the use of the neo-pronouns elle, iel, and êlu, in their respective languages.

Interactions with Other Fandoms

At the beginning of the server, it benefited greatly from the already pre-existing fanbases of the Dream SMP and Karmaland, two previously very popular Minecraft series across the English-speaking and Spanish-speaking MCYT communities respectively, in which some of the initial QSMP members had previously participated, gaining a large expectant audience that allowed the server to become an instant success since the start.

Also due to an overlap in characters there are also relatively frequent interactions, through fanfiction works tagged as crossovers, with the fandoms for Chafaland, the Squid Craft Games tournaments, the 2b2t server, and the Chume Labs and the A Fuga Impossível web series.

The fandom for Ordem Paranormal: Quarentena, a special session of the RPG series Ordem Paranormal, also shares an unusually high proportion of overlap with the QSMP's fandom, due to both web series sharing a lot of their roleplay actors.

United SMP Drama

An early scuffle in the QSMP fandom arose when content creator Dream announced he would be making his own multilingual server, known as United SMP. Concerns were raised due to him not having chosen creators for the server yet, as well as the sheer number of languages he wanted to include despite the server aiming to rely on automatic translation. Additionally, some users accused Dream of trying to copy QSMP as an attempt to remain relevant among the allegations circulating about him. This caused a bit of a rift between Dream fans and QSMP fans, with some users on Twitter adding one of the two servers to their display name as a show of support. Some other fans would say that the fighting was silly and would put both in their display name, though these fans were largely drowned out by the two groups in conflict.

Some comments on the situation from both groups of fans, from Tumblr:

announcing united smp so close to qsmp’s start is in incredibly poor taste regardless, without even an acknowledgement of qsmp in the official announcement tweet, especially since dream and quackity are supposed to be friends. if he’d bothered at all to hire a PR team, it could have been done much more tactfully, but as usual, dream has opted to wing it, leading to just being a shitty person (see also: his tantrums during mcc, his inability to ignore cheating accusations).

Rooksilver, April 3, 2023 [40]

Tbh I'm 99% sure this was preplanned between Dream and Quackity, including some fake copying drama because both of them would enjoy that bit. Mostly because remember that Dream was originally going to post his video April 1st? And then the QSMP announcement twitter accidentally posted an event advertisement (for this) a day early? But took it down, and posted it a day later, after Dream's video had been released.

The-Final-Sif, April 3, 2023 [41]

Dream’s server takes lazy routes to language barriers- a cheap, google-translate inspired translator as the soul basis for conversations between members. There is none of the human connection from Quackity’s server- none of the passion. No effort will be taken to learning, or teaching other languages.

Backinthe90sfromAO3, April 4, 2023 [42]

only the lowest of the low would find a way to make two servers trying to bridge a gap between communities and give exposure to a diverse group of creators a bad thing or a competition

please, get a grip

Insyncbb, April 2, 2023 [43]


Some examples of fanworks made by the fandom, tagged by language.[note 9][44]

Animation Videos


Digital Edits

Fan Music and Remixes

Meta Essays

Mixed Medium Fanworks

  • [EN] "QSMP News: Philza Has Gone Missing!" (QSMP VHS Animation), by Emeeco. Fan-made video mixing animation with acting sketches in the format of a QSMP News segment asking for the audience's help in locating a disappeared Ph1LzA.
  • [PT, EN] comatose [QSMP ANIMATION], by Coffezitos. Fan made video mixing animation with acting sketches in the format of VHS-style Analog Horror centred on a storyline in which Cellbit is threatened by The Federation.

Subtitles, Transcriptions and Translations

Visual Fanart

Written Fanfiction


Multifandom Fanworks

Written Fanfiction

External Links


  1. ^ Wilbur Soot was expelled from the project due to the Wilbur Soot's Abuse Scandal.
  2. ^ ForeverPlayer was expelled from the project due to the ForeverPlayer's Grooming and Misconduct Scandal.
  3. ^ Brunim Neets was expelled from the project due to his involvement in the ForeverPlayer's Grooming and Misconduct Scandal.
  4. ^ a b Some of the terms used to describe the phenotype of mixed-race Latin Americans are language-specific, codifying not only perceived racial admixture, but also cultural and linguistic heritage (and may be considered inaccurate and even offensive if applied to someone who isn't Latin American).
  5. ^ a b c d e Mestizo/a/e is an ethno-racial category used in former Spanish colonies to describe people of mixed white and Indigenous Latin American ancestry (particularly those who are around 1/2 white and 1/2 Indigenous), although in colloquial usage the word may refer to any mixed-race person regardless of their individual admixture.
  6. ^ a b c Castizo/a/e is an ethno-racial category used in former Spanish colonies to describe people of mixed white and Indigenous Latin American ancestry (particularly those who are around 3/4 white and 1/4 Indigenous).
  7. ^ a b Pardo/a/e is an ethno-racial category used in former Portuguese colonies to describe people of mixed white, Black and Indigenous Latin American ancestry, although in colloquial usage the word may refer to any mixed-race person regardless of their individual admixture.
  8. ^ This is still an on-going situation.
  9. ^ The upper case letters listed in brackets "[ ]" are the ISO 639 language codes for the languages in which the fanwork is most accesible, usually the original language of the music and dialogue and any other the fanwork is subtitled or translated into. Most fanworks can of course be enjoyed because of their aesthetic elements regardless of language.


  1. ^ a b An Important QSMP Announcement From Quackity, YouTube. April 10, 2024. (Accessed 04/13/2024)
  2. ^ QSMP Wiki: Early Events, Fandom. (Accessed 11/10/2023)
  3. ^ QSMP NOW WELCOMING CREATORS WORLDWIDE, Twitter. April 24, 2023. (Accessed 04/25/23)
  4. ^ a b QSMP Wiki: QSMP, Announcements, Fandom. (Accessed 10/15/2023)
  5. ^ QSMP Wiki: Welcome 악어!, Fandom. (Accessed 02/17/2024)
  6. ^ QSMP Wiki: Welcome LetsHugo!, Fandom. (Accessed 03/16/2024)
  7. ^ a b QSMP FINAL EVENT, Twitter. May 20, 2024. (Accessed 06/06/24)
  8. ^ QSMP Wiki: Purgatory 2, Fandom. (Accessed 03/16/2024)
  9. ^ QSMP Wiki: 춘식/Lore: Day 324 - The First Day, Fandom. (Accessed 04/13/2024)
  10. ^ QSMP Wiki: Rescue Mission, Fandom. (Accessed 03/17/2024)
  11. ^ 안녕하세요! 大家好! こんにちは! Kumusta ka?, Twitter. December 12, 2023 (Accessed 06/30/2024)
  12. ^ [1], Twitter. May 11, 2023 (Accessed 06/30/2024)
  13. ^ [2], Twitter. February 6, 2024 (Accessed 06/30/2024)
  14. ^ [3], Twitter. February 7, 2024 (Accessed 06/30/2024)
  15. ^ [4], Tumblr. February 21, 2024 (Accessed 02/04/2024)
  16. ^ [5], Tumblr. October 14, 2023 (Accessed 06/08/2024)
  17. ^ QSMP Wiki: Día de Muertos, Fandom. (Accessed 04/27/2024)
  18. ^ MCYT on Ao3, January '25, Tumblr. January 15, 2025 (Accessed 01/15/2025)
  19. ^ O EFEITO QSMP, YouTube. August 29, 2023. (Accessed 08/17/2023)
  20. ^ Apple pie fever, Chapter 5, by Pastel_snail, Archive of Our Own. June 3, 2024 (Accessed 09/04/2024)
  21. ^ Hosting #QSMPFORPALESTINE Twitter. October 30, 2023. (Accessed 11/09/2023)
  22. ^ [6], Twitter. November 24, 2023 (Accessed 07/18/2024)
  23. ^ [7], Tumblr. March 5, 2024 (Accessed 30/03/2024)
  24. ^ [8] Tumblr. March 3, 2024 (Accessed 06/08/2024)
  25. ^ [9] Tumblr. March 3, 2024 (Accessed 06/08/2024)
  26. ^ [10], Tumblr. March 3, 2024 (Accessed 06/08/2024)
  27. ^ [11], Tumblr. March 3, 2024 (Accessed 06/08/2024)
  28. ^ [12], Reddit. July 14, 2023 (Accessed 04/27/2024)
  29. ^ a b Trivia / QSMP: Role-Ending Misdemeanor, TV Tropes. (Accessed 06/08/2024)
  30. ^ talking about something more serious (Shubble VOD, 2/21/24) TW ABUSE, YouTube. February 24, 2024 (Accessed 06/08/2024)
  31. ^ Wilbur Soot's Apology Tweet, Twitter. February 27, 2024 (Accessed 06/08/2024)
  32. ^ Wilbur Soot / Shelby Shubble Abuse Allegations, Know Your Meme. March 1, 2024 (Accessed 06/08/2024)
  33. ^ ‼️ This is very important so please read ‼️, Tumblr. March 3, 2024 (Accessed 06/09/2024)
  34. ^ QSMP - Appel à témoignages, Solidaires Informatique. March 5, 2024 (Accessed 06/09/2024)
  35. ^ QSMP – Résumé, Solidaires Informatique. March 20, 2024 (Accessed 06/09/2024)
  36. ^ QSMP – Harcèlement des travailleur-euses, Solidaires Informatique. April 13, 2024 (Accessed 06/09/2024)
  37. ^ [13], Twitter. April 10, 2024 (Accessed 06/11/2024)
  38. ^ QSMP Wiki: QSMP 2023 Mods, Fandom. February 6, 2024 (Accessed 06/08/2024)
  39. ^ Big changes are coming to the Barakoa, TwitLonger. April 21, 2023 (Accessed 06/08/2024)
  40. ^ probably gonna delete this later but holy shit, Tumblr. April 3, 2023 (Accessed 04/22/2023)
  41. ^ Tbh I'm 99% sure this was preplanned between Dream and Quackity, Tumblr. April 3, 2023 (Accessed 04/22/2023)
  42. ^ usmp rant, Tumblr. April 4, 2023 (Accessed 04/22/2023)
  43. ^ only the lowest of the low would find a way, Tumblr. April 2, 2023 (Accessed 04/22/2023)
  44. ^ List of ISO 639 language codes, Wikipedia. (Accessed 06/06/2024)
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