BadBoyHalo Lore Iceberg

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Date Started: 2021
Related: MCYT, BadBoyHalo
See Also: BadBoyHalo, Iceberg Tiers
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The BadBoyHalo Lore Iceberg is a meme image used by BadBoyHalo fans as a bit of a pop quiz to share random somewhat obscure early facts about the MCYT streamer BadBoyHalo and his fandom. This is a spin off on other Iceberg Tiers.

the badboyhalo lore iceberg, in which the deeper you go, the more you start to doubt hes an actual person[1]

Fan Reactions

From the original Tumblr post[1]:

bbh is so intresting bc he's been "famous" in the minecraft community for so long and you can scroll back like a decade ago and its just...all there


i just got a slap to the face 27 goddamn times by reading this post


From a Feb 5, 2021 repost on Twitter:

This is like the only iceberg meme where I’ve known the most of them and I’m very proud

BadBoyHalo says owo and uwu @BBHSaysOwo[2]

the fact I knew about all of these man I need to get a life rn

idaala💥•﹃• @vbadgeppy[3]

The thing is that the iceberg isn't even complete
Honestly i just remember the "He worked in a bakery" fact, but i'm pretty sure there's a lot of things that we don't know. At this point he's probably a hit man or Barbie, or both

ConnorDuckling 🎗️ @ConnorDuckling[4]


BadBoyHalo Iceberg Explained by Slothpower_ posted Feb 9, 2021

Other BadBoyHalo Icebergs

Other popular BadBoyHalo related lore icebergs include a Dream SMP character iceberg made by the same creator, comradeboyhalo on July 4, 2021.

DSMP!BadBoyHalo Iceberg

Fan Reactions

BadBoyHalo lore is best lore and every single one of these points is a punch in the face that cements that fact.


“Stared at the red Skeppy statue/forced himself to cleanse himself at church”
BadBoyHalo. Saint of Games. Darryl. Buddy. Did you know how fucking beautiful that religious imagery is? Whilst simultaneously being queercoded as hell? He has to know. He HAS to I refuse to believe he did that by accident



  1. ^ a b Tumblr post by comradeboyhalo. Posted Jan 22, 2021
  2. ^ Tweet Feb 5, 2021
  3. ^ Tweet Feb 5, 2021
  4. ^ Tweet Feb 5, 2021
  5. ^ Tumblr July 4, 2021
  6. ^ Tumblr July 5, 2021
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