MunchyMC Crew

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RPF Fandom
Name(s): MunchyMC Crew, MunchyMC Found Family, MunchyMC+
Scope/Focus: MCYT
Date(s): 2012-present
See also: MunchyMC, Dream SMP
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A screenshot from a livestream with a grouping of content creators that fans might call MunchyMC Crew posed for a picture. The exact creators are Awesamdude, Punz, Dream, HannahxxRose, CaptainPuffy, Slyvee, GeorgeNotFound, BadBoyHalo, Skeppy, RedVelvetCake, Antfrost, and Sapnap.
A screenshot from a livestream with a grouping of content creators that fans might call MunchyMC Crew posed for a picture. The exact creators are Awesamdude, Punz, Dream, HannahxxRose, CaptainPuffy, Slyvee, GeorgeNotFound, BadBoyHalo, Skeppy, RedVelvetCake, Antfrost, and Sapnap.

MunchyMC Crew is the fan name for the group of content creators and friends that met on or through BadBoyHalo's server MunchyMC[1] or the server he was previously an admin on McPVP.


Before they were content creators, many of the Dream SMP members met each other as teenagers and young adults through BadBoyHalo and either playing, or more commonly working as staff, on his server MunchyMC[2] or McPVP. HBomb94 has called Bad the "founding Titan" because so many people met through him.[3] Fans refer to this group of friends as the "MunchyMC crew" or "MunchyMC found family"[4] This group of friends includes people who never played on the Dream SMP and is sometimes expanded to include new friends who never worked or played on MunchyMC. In that case some fans use MunchyMC+ when including creators that have no direct connection to MunchyMC.

Who exactly is part of the MunchyMC Crew is largely up to fan interpretation as it is not a formal group. There have been some controversies with members over the years (for example Dream) and some members have drifted apart and no longer make content together, but there still seems to be a core group that have remained friends, or at least friendly, with each other over the years.[5]


the difference between sbi found family and munchymc found family is that sbi all only became friends after they were already established contact creators and they fell into those roles as they were pushed on them by their fans and munchymc crew are legitimately a group of people who found each other as teenagers before they were famous or even made content like they are Found family where sbi is like. manufactured family


found family isn't playing mom and dad and expecting every member to fit into a role and play their part.

found family is a group of people who love each other like they're each other's life jackets. found family nurtures friendships and romance and a web of entangled lives. it was never about finding a new mom and dad and a brother. to find family is to belong. and fuck if that's not the munchymc crew



  • Tumblr post talking about the differences between SBI and MunchyMC found family fanfics. Posted by negativepeanuthoarder on March 25, 2023.


  1. ^ Official website link
  2. ^ YouTube video with a clip of BadBoyHalo reminiscing about how squeaky Sapnap's voice was, followed by clips from 2016 of a young Sapnap playing on MunchyMC.
  3. ^ Appreciation post for BadBoyHalo on Tumblr that includes the HBomb quote. Posted by oceantail-oceantail on March 5, 2021.
  4. ^ Tumblr ask talking about the MunchyMC found family dynamic. Posted in 2021.
  5. ^ Twitter clip example of Awesamdude saying he plans to always be friends with the Munchy guys.
  6. ^ Tumblr post
  7. ^ Tumblr post
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