Dream Minecraft Manhunt

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Name: Minecraft Manhunt
Creator: Dream
Date(s): Dec 26, 2019 - July 30, 2022
Medium: Video
Country of Origin:
External Links: Minecraft Manhunt playlist on Dream's channel.
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MCYT creator Dream created a series of Youtube videos commonly called Minecraft Manhunt although the videos in the series are actually titled some variation of "Minecraft Speedrunner vs Hunter". Other content creators have also tried to capitalize on the popularity of Dream's series by making their own.

The series started out with Dream versus one of his friends, starting with GeorgeNotFound. BadBoyHalo was the second hunter to be featured, showing up in 1v1 videos on both Dream and GeorgeNotFound's channels. Sapnap was the third hunter. After that, Dream did videos versus both George and Sapnap before adding BadBoyHalo back again. Illumina also featured in a single 1v1 video. Dream progressively added more hunters as time went on, with Antfrost being the fourth and Awesamdude being the fifth hunter. Fans liked to speculate on who would be the next hunter added.

Dream has also been the hunter in a few early videos, for example hunting GeorgeNotFound, or hunting MrBeast and his friends down.

Dream has some spinoff videos to Manhunt where he competes with his friends to accomplish a task in Minecraft, for example, Minecraft Survivalist VS 3 Hitmen where the goal was simply to survive for an hour, or Minecraft Hostage Simulator where the goal was taking BadBoyHalo hostage and killing him in the end world versus a teamed together George and Sapnap.


Fans like to debate which is the best hunter, ranking them on power scales and assigning roles to the hunters. For example, most fans consider Sapnap to be the best PVPer as he is usually the only one who can face Dream in direct 1v1 combat, and BadBoyHalo is often considered to be the unofficial leader of the hunters, as he is usually the one directing the others. BadBoyHalo is also notable for being the only hunter to have killed Dream more than once, having killed him three times, hence he is sometimes argued to be underrated.

Critics of the series tend to hate the loud screaming (mostly done by George or Sapnap) and argue that the players aren't actually that good at Minecraft and therefore don't deserve the fame. There are also many who believe the videos are partly or entirely faked. Dream has denied these claims, and released full unedited footage of hunts, but the theories persist.

Dream also used a Native American song in one manhunt video, which was criticized by a half-navajo on twitter. Dream thanked the user for informing him that using the music was inappropriate and said he would not do so again. The original poster responded to Dream saying that Dream "ratioed" them. To "ratio" means that a retweet becomes more popular than the original tweet, and in this scenario, the original poster may have been accusing Dream of purposefully taking attention away from them by re-tweeting.[1]

This fandom overlaps heavily with the Dream Team and to a lesser extent the individual hunters' fandoms and the Dream SMP.

Fanworks are largely focused on the world of Minecraft and characters, but there are some RPF works, such as Manhunt in real life, or focused on the real life players as they play the game.

Shipping exists in fanworks, most commonly between George & Dream.

Example Fanworks


Fan games

  • Minecraft Lovehunt is a dating simulator based on the Dream Team's Minecraft Manhunt series.
  • MCYT Brawl - similar to the above, except this fangame takes the form of a SSBU-style brawler.


Links and Resources


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Creators TechnobladeDreamCaptainSparklezWilbur SootRanbooTommyInnitTubboBadBoyHaloXisumavoidGrianInTheLittleWood
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