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Name: ChadSMP, SkeppySMP
Creator: Skeppy
Date(s): April 22nd 2024 - ~May 7th 2024
Medium: Minecraft server
Country of Origin:
External Links:
Fanart by kimine
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ChadSMP, or SkeppySMP, was a private Minecraft SMP created by Skeppy. It launched in 2024. It didn't even last two weeks and technically had no official name. Fans refered to it mostly as the ChadSMP, naming it after Skeppy's pet cow on the server. Meanwhile Skeppy and AJTHEBOLD seemed to want to refer to it as the SkeppySMP[1], following in the style of naming an SMP after the creator. The fandom is based around the Twitch streams and Youtube videos made on the server.

Fans likened it to iDots 2.0, Skeppy's previous SMP server.



Canon Summary

Skeppy starts a surprise stream on Twitch, playing on a new the Minecraft server with CyroGen, an old friend of his who had been absent for several years. Fans joke that Skeppy only started streaming because his Twitch Partnership was about to run out, since he hadn't streamed for almost a year. The two build a house and a town hall together, which fans make fun of for being so ugly.

Skeppy collects two pets: Buffalo the sheep and Chad the cow. Buffalo dies from fall damage after Cyro punches him into a hole. Skeppys_Cream joins and pretends to be Buffalo. BadBoyHalo joins and builds his own house. It looks much better than Skeppy and Cryo's, so they try to move in. BadBoyHalo plays the role of an evil landlord. He gets teased after fans find the tutorial BadBoyHalo based his house off of, although Bad insists he didn't watch the tutorial and only built his house based on the thumbnail.

The second day Skeppy streams, MegaPVP joins to troll him and assist in mining.

Day 3 Skeppy and Cyro accessed the nether by building a portal.

AJTHEBOLD debutes Day 4 building a muffin and a chicken farm. Skeppy collects another pet, a chicken named Crispee.

AJ tries to kill Crispee to turn it into a McChicken. Skeppy hide Crispee and Chad whilst successfully defending off AJ’s attacks.

AJ gets diamonds from Skeppy and turns them into diamond hoes. Skeppy responds by burning AJ’s muffin and AJ shoots an arrow at Crispee while Skeppy tries to get the chicken to safety, killing the chicken.

On day 5 of the SMP, AJ tears down Badboyhalo’s house to build a KFC, without Badboyhalo’s permission obviously. Skeppy and Cyro decided to build a bigger mansion across the bridge they made on Day 1.

AJ steals Skeppy’s diamonds again. Skeppy and Cyro fight AJ, but AJ wins the 1v2. Afterwards, they tried to settle peacefully inside the town hall, but Skeppy attacks an armorless AJ. AJ respawns and kills Skeppy and Cyro yet again.

The two run and end up in AJ's KFC, where AJ has a villager breeder set up. Cyro punches his villagers to death. Skeppy, having watched AJ's struggle to move the villagers there, doesn't participate and only watches. AJ returns Skeppy and Cyro's diamond tools, except Skeppy’s fire aspect sword.[3]

AJ takes Skeppy and Cyro to court. LuckyMixx is picked by AJ to be the judge. After hearing the case, Lucky surprises them by threatening to kill them all and extorts them for money. AJ takes Skeppy and Cyro and runs away to a secret area, explaining that Lucky works for the cartel and AJ owes them a lot of money. After going through a humorous escape room style tunnel, they manage to gear up and kill Lucky while settling their differences.

The next day, Lucky enters AJ's employ little more than a slave. The two work on creating a drug empire hidden in the KFC.

BadBoyHalo rejoins and tries to build a new house in the sky, but is dissatisfied with it. Instead he tries to move into Skeppy and Cyro's mansion, however, Skeppy is too happy to readily give Bad a room, so instead Bad decides to build the exact same mansion directly across from them. Skeppy and Cyro don't like that idea. Skeppy talks to Bad about what happened with AJ and Lucky, and how hard it was for him to get his sword back from them. Bad asks to see the sword, and when Skeppy gives it to him, immediately betrays Skeppy by running away to hide it. He bargains with Skeppy to let him build his house across from them in order for Skeppy to get the sword back.

AJ introduces himself to Bad with another funny tunnel. Skeppy and Cyro get into a scuffle with AJ, ending up killed. Bad swoops in to steal Skeppy's sword again, knowing how much Skeppy values it, he again hides it. On returning, Bad is trapped in an obsidian box and threatened by everyone else. Eventually Bad gives directions on where to find the sword and agrees not to build his house across from them for his freedom.

One day, Skeppy decides to do his first subathon on the server while mining for obsidian to make a saferoom. Lucky joins his voice call, encouraging and teasing him as fans continue to add time way past what Skeppy was expecting, since he started tired. He listens to AI generated songs send by a6d and Faster remixes while singing about obsidian and sand until fans let the timer end.

After a couple more days of largely regular minecraft gameplay, AJ and Skeppys_Cream[4] tell their fans they can't join the server anymore. Skeppy has apparently ended the SMP, and his streaming, without notice or fanfare.

Example Fanworks




  1. ^ Tweet from AJTHEBOLD saying he's going to be streaming on the SkeppySMP.
  2. ^ Tweet by Skeppys_Cream saying, "I’m still white listed am I finally a chadsmp member😱"
  3. ^ Brief fan summary of the events that happened on the server up to this point.
  4. ^ Tweet from Skeppys_Cream saying "I think the 2 week Minecraft phase is over 😔" with a screenshot of an unable to connect notice.
Subfandoms Dream SMPQSMPHermitcraftLife SMP SeriesMC ChampionshipSMPLiveSMPEarthLifesteal SMPEmpires SMPThe YogscastArtist SMP
Creators TechnobladeDreamCaptainSparklezWilbur SootRanbooTommyInnitTubboBadBoyHaloXisumavoidGrianInTheLittleWood
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