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List of QSMP Relationship Names

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List of relationship names
Name type(s)Portmanteaus, Keyword smushes, Duo Name, Trio or Group
See alsoMCYT, Dream SMP, List of Dream SMP Relationship Names
Other lists of relationship names on Fanlore.

This page lists relationship names from the QSMP fandom. Unlike in many other MCYT fandoms, duo names and portmanteaus are typically used interchangeably for both platonic and romantic variants of pairings, and there's often significantly less distinction between both forms of relationship.

Several QSMP character pairings listed here are also present in the Dream SMP fandom, those pairings are more likely to link to more than one page, since in that community romantic and non-romantic pairings between the same characters were more clearly differentiated and usually had different names.

The pairing names for relationships that include Roier are unusual in that they tend to have a portmanteau form (ending in -oier) in their non-romantic variants, and duo forms (starting with Spider_ or ending with _Duo) when they are romantic variants. This seems to be due to the content creator himself using -oier to refer to non-romanting pairings.

Two Characters

Name Pairing Alts
AnarchyDuo FitMC & Philza Fitza, Veterans
AquaDuo Pac & Quackity WaterDuo
Archivists Cellbit & Philza CoffeeDuo
ARGDuo Cellbit & Wilbur TetrisDuo
BagDuo Baghera & Bagi
BBQDuo BadBoyHalo & Quackity QuackHalo
BeanieDuo Luzu & Quackity Luckity
BirdDuo Baghera & Jaiden
BloodHounds Etoiles & Roier Etoiloier, Etoloier
BlossomDuo Nihachu & Tallulah
BubbleDuo Cucurucho & Jaiden
BuilderDuo Foolish & Vegetta Fooligetta
CabinetDuo Quackity & Tubbo
CapyDuo Felps & Foolish SillyDuo
Carroier Carre & Roier
CastleDuo Cellbit & Foolish SimpDuo, Foolbit, PedreiroDuo
Chainsaw Killers Baghera & Cellbit GeniusDuo
ChaosDuo Cellbit & Quackity Quackbit
ChipmunkDuo Quackity & TinaKitten
Codebreakers Etoiles & Philza CodebreakerDuo
CoworkersDuo BadBoyHalo & Philza
CrazyDuo Forever & Quackity
CryptidDuo Antoine & BadBoyHalo
CuteDuo Pac & Tina
DapDuo Quackity & Slimecicle Quackcicle
DappleDuo Dapper & Pomme
Dawn Darlings Ramón & SunnySideUp
DeathDuo Missa & Philza Pissa, Philzinfonía, Misza
Decoders Cellbit & Etoiles
DemonDuo BadBoyHalo & Ironmouse
DJDuo Antoine & Etoiles
DuckDuo Baghera & Quackity
DumpsterDuo Dapper & Ramón
EclipseDuo BadBoyHalo & Forever 4Halo
ElChaosDuo Cellbit & ElQuackity
ElCrazyDuo ElQuackity & Forever
ElotesDuo Etoiles & Quackity CometDuo
EmoDuo Missa & Quackity
EnigmaDuo Cellbit & Maxo
FairyDuo Pomme & Richarlyson
FlipDuo JuanaFlippa & Slimecicle
Fobo Foolish & Tubbo
FurryDuo Aypierre & Maxo ForestDuo
GoldfinchDuo Foolish & Jaiden Chaos Twins
GrapeDuo Jaiden & Slimecicle
GreenBros Mike & Slimecicle
GuapoDuo Cellbit & Roier Spiderbit, Cellboier, Murder Husbands
HappyBear Carre & Spreen
HeroDuo Cellbit & Pac Celltw
HGDuo BadBoyHalo & Cellbit GossipDuo, Mockingjays
HideDuo FitMC & Pac TazerMC
HoneyDuo Roier & Wilbur Wilboier
InsaneDuo Cellbit & Forever
JoyDuo Pac & Wilbur Pacbur
KaraokeDuo Baghera & Slimecicle FonDuo
LampDuo BadBoyHalo & Baghera
LandDuo BadBoyHalo & Foolish FoolHalo
LetterDuo Fred & Tubbo Frubbo
LimaLimónDuo Quackity & Rubius Rubckity
LoansharkDuo Foolish & Quackity Foolity
MadrugaDuo BadBoyHalo & Bagi
Marianoier ElMariana & Roier
Maxoier Maxo & Roier
MeanDuo Baghera & Forever MeanGirlsDuo, SiblingsDuo
MicDuo Bagi & Forever FofocaDuo, BadMicDuo
MiniDuo Carre & Quackity
MisclickDuo ElMariana & Slimecicle Slimeriana
Missoier Missa & Roier
MoneyDuo SunnySideUp & Tubbo
MontanhaDuo Felps & Forever
MusicDuo Tallulah & Wilbur
Mystery Twins Bagi & Cellbit Gemêos do Mistério
OhnanaDuo Forever & Maxo 4Maxo
OxeyeDuo Slimecicle & Wilbur Slimebur
PacmanDuo Etoiles & Pac Pactoiles
PaiaDuo Cellbit & Felps Cellps
ParrotDuo Jaiden & Roier
PipiDuo Baghera & Maxo
PiranhaDuo Forever & Pac
PixelDuo Cellbit & Rubius
PollosDuo ElMariana & Spreen
RainDuo Nihachu & Wilbur
RealidadDuo Forever & Roier
ReaperDuo BadBoyHalo & Missa MissHalo
RedFlagDuo Bagi & FitMC
RivalDuo Forever & Missa Missever
Rivoier Rivers & Roier
RoseDuo Cellbit & Jaiden
SandDuo Philza & Wilbur
SeekDuo FitMC & Mike
SmoothDuo Felps & Pac
Socket Siblings Jaiden & Wilbur
Soulhunters BadBoyHalo & Tubbo Tubhalo
Spiderbear Roier & Spreen Sproier
Spiderduck Quackity & Roier Quackitoier
SpiderHalo BadBoyHalo & Roier Badoier
SpyDuo Cellbit & FitMC BathroomDuo
StarDuo Foolish & Tina Toolish
StarfeatherDuo Etoiles & Jaiden
StarfireDuo ElQuackity & Etoiles
SugarDuo Forever & Philza Philever, CaramelDuo
SundayDuo Chayanne & Leonarda
SweetDuo BadBoyHalo & Etoiles StarHalo
TazerCraft Mike & Pac
TeaDuo Bagi & Tina Bagina, Bagtina, ShyDuo
TetrisDuo Cellbit & Tina
TheoryDuo BadBoyHalo & Maxo ChicoMaxo, MaxHalo
TNTDuo Quackity & Wilbur Quackbur
YinYangDuo Chayanne & Tallulah

Three Characters

Name Pairing Alts
AutotuneTrio Quackity, Slimecicle & Wilbur
CaveTrio Baghera, Cellbit & Slimecicle
Codebakers Etoiles & Nihachu & Philza
DramaTrio BadBoyHalo, Baghera & Forever LonelyTrio, TrustTrio
Familoier Bobby, Jaiden & Roier
HideAndSeekTrio FitMC, Mike & Pac
LateNightTrio Dapper, Pomme & Richarlyson
LeaderTrio Etoiles, Philza & Tubbo
Murderflock Baghera, Cellbit & Philza
NovelaTrio BadBoyHalo, Forever & Maxo 4HaloMax
Quackcicleriana ElMariana, Quackity & Slimecicle
SunTrio Cellbit, Jaiden & Roier
TantrumTrio Chayanne, Dapper & Ramón
Theory Bros BadBoyHalo, Foolish & Maxo
Triplets Dapper, Leonarda & Tallulah
XYZTrio Roier, Slimecicle & Tubbo Pen de jo

Large Groups

Group Characters
Bolas Rojas Baghera, Carre, Cellbit, Felps, Foolish, Germán, Jaiden, Philza, Slimecicle, Vegetta, Wilbur & Willyrex
Death Family Chayanne, Missa, Philza & Tallulah
Familia Brown de Luque Foolish, Leonarda, Roier & Vegetta
Favela Five Cellbit, Felps, Forever, Mike & Pac
Favela Six Bagi, Cellbit, Felps, Forever, Mike & Pac
French Family Antoine, Aypierre, BadBoyHalo (honorary), Baghera, Etoiles, Kameto & Pomme
Green (Gay) Ninjas Antoine, Bagi, ElQuackity, Etoiles, FitMC, Forever, Ironmouse, Kameto, Maxo, Mike, Roier & Rubius
The Jaidens BadBoyHalo, Cellbit, Foolish, Jaiden & Richarlyson
Town of Fobo Foolish, Leonarda, SunnySideUp & Tubbo
Morning Crew FitMC, Mike, Pac, Philza & Tubbo
RadioEgg Chayanne, Leonarda, Pomme, Richarlyson & Tallulah
Swelling Squad BadBoyHalo, Baghera, CodeFlippa, Foolish, Jaiden, Nihachu & Slimecicle
Team Soulfire Aypierre, BadBoyHalo, ElMariana, Lenay, Luzu, Missa, Nihachu, Pac, Polispol, Rivers, Tina & Tubbo
Collapse MCYT
Subfandoms Dream SMPQSMPHermitcraftLife SMP SeriesMC ChampionshipSMPLiveSMPEarthLifesteal SMPEmpires SMPThe YogscastArtist SMP
Creators TechnobladeDreamCaptainSparklezWilbur SootRanbooTommyInnitTubboBadBoyHaloXisumavoidGrianInTheLittleWood
Fandom List of MCYT Fests & ExchangesList of MCYT ZinesMCYT Fandom and CharityMinecraft Fandom GlossaryPenis SMPTruthingDuo Name
Notable Fanworks Heat WavesMangoballPasserineSMPRonpaSAD-ist Dream SMP Animatic SeriesReafyStats
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