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Pairing: BadBoyHalo/ForeverPlayer
Alternative name(s): 4Halo, EclipseDuo
Gender category: Slash M/M
Fandom: QSMP
Canonical?: No
Prevalence: Rare
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BadBoyHalo/ForeverPlayer, most commonly known as 4Halo or the platonic version EclipseDuo, is a slash pairing between the characters played by BadBoyHalo (also known simply as 'Bad') and ForeverPlayer (known simply as Forever) from the QSMP fandom. Their canon relationship is as friends and rivals, while in fandom their pairing was treated as a slow burn, often 'dead' and then 'revived' relationship. Fans were drawn to this ship initially because Forever and his son Richarlyson (nicknamed Richas) were after a rich man for Forever to marry, and BadBoyHalo just so happened to be one of the richest. Richas also tricked Bad into reading a message in Portuguese, Forever's native language, that said he was interested in Forever, helping jumpstart the ship. Their chemistry, growing trust and many small moments along the way deepened the ship.


BadBoyHalo and Forever often had setbacks in their friendship starting with BadBoyHalo scaring Forever as the Grim Reaper. But Forever moved passed that moment, growing to trust BadBoyHalo who helped return a kidnapped Richas to him. They became close friends. However their friendship was shaken when both decided to run for the QSMP Presidency, with Forever narrowly beating Bad. Bad still liked Forever, but he did not like President Forever nor did he like his policies, and they butted heads. Whenever anything went wrong or missing, Forever tended to blame Bad. But they still trusted each other, and even went on a date together. Then when Forever was drugged into an unnaturally happy and violent state, he proposed marriage to Bad several times (Bad avoided answering him) and he unconsciously sought out Bad to help free him. Forever also tried to help Bad when he was in mourning, promising to help return his colors, starting with giving him a flower every day, and sometimes tried very hard to placate him. They were placed on opposite teams in the QSMP Purgatory event, but came to a mutual agreement one day where Bad let Forever repeatedly kill him in order for Forever's team to win the day. Later Forever became infected and possessed by a demonic force called @v@ (or eve), which targeted Bad for punishment. Bad tried and failed to save Forever, who was ultimately killed.


There are 172 works on Archive Of Our Own as of June 2024.

Fan Commentary

The whole point of 4halo is that it's a toxic relationship that's the appeal?! Like what??? Like political rivals, pranksters, pissing eachother off and then making out about it. Bad doing an 'investigation' but it's a date but it's because he doesn't trust Forever anymore but wants to manipulate him.

It's about the lack of trust but still caring about eachother so much. It's about knowing someone so well but not at all.

It's about a drugged up man stuck in a delusion asking the other to marry him and them being stuck in this horrible dance until he can be freed!!!

Sorry I am a little insane about 4halo [1]

Common Tropes and Fanon

  • Supernatural Creature - BadBoyHalo is canonically an immortal demon. Forever is sometimes portrayed as an immortal elf to match, or an animal hybrid or another monster, instead of human.
  • Second Choice - Both have older ships from other SMPs, thus fanworks sometimes portray them as settling for each other because they can't be with their true loves.
  • Pining - Usually Bad pining over Forever, who canonically spent a great deal of his time chasing other ships before swearing off romance. But sometimes mutual pining as well.
  • Poly - Bad encouraged poly fanworks by saying he had "two hands".[2] Maximus also showed interest in a poly relationship to settle his and Bad's romantic rivalry.
  • Power Imbalance - Usually some variation of Forever as the President forcing Bad to submit to his will or as the more powerful demonic creature that Forever became at the end of his life physically overpowering Bad
  • Forced Marriage - Where Bad accepts Forever's drug induced marriage proposal, usually in hopes of stalling him from future violence.
  • Hurt/Comfort - Canonically both characters were sick and went through death arcs, fandom reflects this.
  • Sun/Moon motif - Their duo name being Eclipse Duo, Bad's color scheme being dark and Forever's blonde.
  • Slow Burn
  • Grief
  • Obsession


After Bad showed support on Twitter for Dream, a creator that many in the fandom didn't like, the ship lost popularity.

Then real life grooming allegations were leveled at Forever, causing many to leave the fandom and delete their fanworks, and it became taboo to include Forever in any fandom activities, effectively killing the ship.

There were also some ship war antics with Skephalo and Forever's other ships, such as Brunever and 4Maxo.

Creator Response

BadBoyHalo at first resisted the ship, saying in an OOC moment during a stream that he was playing his character on the aromatic spectrum, a declaration that slowed the shipping of his character. Eventually he began to play more into it, especially after the elections. Forever teased his fanbase, often shooting down the ship, but sometimes making comments that were obvious nods to it. Both he and Bad[3] would sometimes react favorably to 4Halo animations and art on stream, and both would occasionally like fanart of the ship on Twitter. Also at TwitchCon Vegas 2023 during a few signings Forever signed his name next to Bad's with a heart, or asked people to get Bad to sign near his name and put a heart.[4]

There were many antis of the ship that either preferred the characters single or paired with another character. Richas used to be the 'captain' of the ship early on, before declaring himself an anti of it, saying OOC that if the fans knew what Bad had told him they would let the ship die too, which made many assume Bad would never canonize it. The ship name was also banned/resulted in a time out in their Twitch chats.

Example Fanworks





Other Fannish Resources


  1. ^ Tumblr ask by preciousmetaltimeofnight sent to etoilesbienne. Sept 30, 2023. (June 24, 2024) (Archived June 25, 2024, at the Wayback Machine)
  2. ^ Tumblr post quoting him
  3. ^ Clip from one of BadBoyHalo's streams of him reacting to the Elephant In The Room animation by Chip
  4. ^ Tumblr post with pictures and information
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