Scandal of Mistreatment of the QSMP Administrators

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Event: Scandal of Mistreatment of the QSMP Administrators
Participants: Quackity Studios, QSMP Administration Team members and ex-members, Solidaires Informatique
Date(s): 03/03/2024 - Present
Type: Labour Rights Scandal
Fandom: QSMP
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The Scandal of Mistreatment of the QSMP Administrators, also known as the QSMP's Labour Rights' Violations Scandal, and as the QSMP Admins' Situation, is a labour rights scandal sparked after several former and current workers of the entertainment company behind the production of the QSMP web series, Quackity Studios, published in their social media accounts of their working conditions while working for the studio, alleging mistreatment and labour rights violations by their employer.

The Tumblr user Pommunist became well know for their comprehensive coverage of the scandal.


On March 3, 2024 a French-speaking member of the QSMP's administration team known as Léa published a series of tweets detailing her experiences working as a NPC actress, writer, translator, and artist for Quackity Studios and described a series of mistreatment incidents she had been subjected to (among them a lack of fair compensation, exploitative working arrangements, and bad treatment).[1] Short after, the French labour union Solidaires Informatique released a statement regarding the potential labour rights violations described by Léa and the working conditions in general within Quackity Studios, and asking for other members in similar situations to anonymously share their testimonies of similar conditions if there were any.[2] During the next months more and more members of the server's administration team would quit and release recounts of their experiences working for Quackity Studios, many of them describing similarly poor working conditions and mistreatment, and in response the company would switch between keeping silence over the situation and taking retaliatory actions (among them; unjustified firings and threats of legal action against them).[3][4]

Over time public pressure from the fandom, current and former Quackity Studios' workers, the Solidaires Informatique labour union, and content creators members of the server would force several reluctant statements from the entertainment studio before the QSMP hosted its final event on May 24, 2024.It is widely believed across the fandom that the premature closure was due to the public pressure regarding the scandal over the administration team's working conditions'.


To be added

External Links

Solidaires Informatique's articles related to the QSMP


  1. ^ ‼️ This is very important so please read ‼️, Tumblr. March 3, 2024 (Accessed 06/09/2024)
  2. ^ QSMP - Appel à témoignages, Solidaires Informatique. March 5, 2024 (Accessed 06/09/2024)
  3. ^ QSMP – Résumé, Solidaires Informatique. March 20, 2024 (Accessed 06/09/2024)
  4. ^ QSMP – Harcèlement des travailleur-euses, Solidaires Informatique. April 13, 2024 (Accessed 06/09/2024)