Unspoken Rules

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Title: Unspoken Rules
Author(s): Anonymous
Date(s): 2020-12-18 (completed 2021-03-04)
Length: 73136 words
Genre(s): Unlabeled Relationship Slash
Fandom(s): MCYT RPF
External Links: Unspoken Rules (AO3)Archived 2023-03-23 at the Wayback Machine

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Unspoken Rules was a popular domestic RPF Minecraft Youtuber (MCYT) fanfic written anonymously between December 2020 and March 2021. Sometime before April 2nd, 2024 it was stripped of all it's categories, tags, summary and title on AO3 and placed into the Original Work category.

It was about the queerplatonic/unlabeled slash relationship between an asexual BadBoyHalo and Skeppy (see HappyDuo) and was once the most kudosed fic for the pairing, having 7,750 kudos as of June 24, 2024. Originally written as a one-shot, and with the first chapter still being able to be read as a stand-alone short story, the author continued the story due to popular demand. In the author notes they were said to be inspired by the domestic vibes in now deleted art by kevnimi.

Author's Original Summary

The first time it had happened had been when Skeppy had seen the man approaching the kitchen sink and felt a jolt of guilt-ridden remembrance lurch in his gut. Three steps away, he’d managed to cut Bad off and grabbed hold of the dirtied plate first, applying soap and scrubbing at it with almost comical force. Bad had laughed, rolled his eyes and leaned on tiptoe –

And kissed Skeppy's cheek.

Fan response

It was frequently recommended when fans asked for story recs, sometimes being referred to as the Heat Waves of the pairing.[1]

During the height of it's popularity fans enjoyed references to the story.[2] Fans sometimes liked to poke fun at perceived happenings between BadBoyHalo and Skeppy, saying the story was becoming real.[3] Being a streamer fandom, some fans also sent references directly to Bad[4] and Skeppy.[5]

Comments by Fans

The story currently has 1,097 comments as of June 24, 2024. The following is a selection of comments from each of the chapters.

This was incredibly written man. I have so many words. Your writing style was definitely one of the most unique and most different style I’ve ever seen written with Skeppy/Bad fanfics, and I loved every moment of it. It made your story unique, and you avoided a lot of tropes and cliches I tend to find in other fics. It felt very nice and comforting to read through your story, especially considering how well you paced your writing. It didn’t feel rushed at all, and it wasn’t short, in fact this is probably one of the more longer Skephalo fanfics I’ve read, and that’s amazing because you gave it the time to flesh out the writing in your story. I loved how you portrayed Skeppy, how you portrayed Bad, they felt very natural, in-character. The comfort throughout the fanfic was very well displayed and I felt warm and fuzzy reading it. I also really like how you included the same lines and a theme, such as them not wanting to make things complicated, and how there’s unspoken rules between them. You do such a great job portraying that.[6]

God. I have been looking, searching, nay, praying for that one good Skephalo fic that really captures their dynamic and most importantly, their bond appeal.

It's the yearning. It's so potent you can taste it in their kisses. It's a hunger that you know is going on under. But with the two's lack of communication, that hunger just fester inside. No, fester isn't the right word.

Lingers, yes. They want a few seconds more. Just a bit. It can't hurt yes. The other isn't saying anything. Their body language isn't saying no. They're my best friend and I understand what they're comfortable with.

But that underlying thought for the both of them. There's just more. Should they?

God, I am in absolute agony over this piece. I wish I could subscribe to you. I need more of this writing. Yearning is my absolute fave and Skephalo is my pair to enjoy. If I could, I'd write and react to all of your writing here.

I am literally crying over it, no joke or jest. It's just that beautiful. It's tugging my heartstrings too tight.

That yearning. That taste.

You are stringing these readers of yours. I am on my hands and knees begging for more.

I am not part of DNF, but I have read Heatwaves. And dare I say, this is the equivalent of that. If not, more than that. Compared with quality and writing.

Good writing, sure. But good writing AND the closest interpretation to their online (and possibly private) personalities? You have that in the fucking bag and that is what I'm looking for.

I hope. I pray, you write for this ship again. It doesn't have to be a continuation of this. But just another.

Your writing and interpretation is too too too too good to pass up. Please.[7]

You’ve absolutely hit it out of the ballpark again with this one! Your characterizations of Skeppy and Bad and their relationship are so incredibly realistic, and reading their conversation at the end of the chapter nearly made me sob in the best way possible. I really love the way you distinguish between their “off-camera” and “on-camera” personalities and how they are very similar and yet very different...just...ugh. Everything about the way you write these two is so sweet and wholesome. I could read this over and over for hours. Keep up the good work! You are truly such a thoughtful writer and I hope you know how much this community appreciates you!!![8]

ok, so when I tell you about the emotional roller-coaster this chapter put me through, I mean it. So, I read this on my phone, cried, went to go put a comment then realized that my shitty phone keyboard was not going to be enough and pulled out my computer. I LOVE YOU! I LOVE THIS STORY! AND I LOVE YOU FOR WRITTING IT! The way you write!!! OH MY GOODNESS!!! In each of these chapters you do an AMAZING job at putting me into the head of Skeppy, when he is sad, I cry, when he is furious, I furrow my brow, when he is confused, my head tilts, and when he is describing how Bad makes him feel! My heart MELTS. It got to the point where I can only read your story in the privacy of my room, because I wiggle with excitement, giggle like a middle schooler, cry, and blush whenever I read these chapters. And this chapter especially! My heart clenched when you described how Bad and Skeppy kept up the sleep calls and Skeppy could hear Bad sleeping. I felt anticipation bubbling in my stomach all the way to my throat waiting for their reunion at the air port. Then the way it turned into disappointment and crashed back down into the bottom of my stomach when Skeppy realized that Bad wasn't going to pick him up.... I found myself going through the same emotions and swirling thoughts that Skeppy was going through, rationalizing that Bad must've just been busy and that it's not like he and Skeppy were actually dating and going kiss at the airport. Then I could feel the frustration mounting as Bad didn't come to greet Skeppy at the door. You had me SO DEEP in this man's head that I was getting mad with him! The way you write makes any reader submerge themselves into the story and sort of become the character, this is an amazing talent and I am so thankful to be able to experience it. You describe scenes through emotions and it stirs so many feelings in my heart. I wish I could write an essay analyzing each paragraph you breathe life into. I hope you know how much influence your writing has on me. Thank you and don't forget that I love you.[9]

Listen, I've read all of the chapters slowly as they appeared, savoring every sentence. The first one blew me away, and upon seeing this work updated, I was so excited. And it's always such a good time, it sucks me in completely - the atmosphere you create, it feels so genuine and real, the words just leave an imprint on my own feelings, like two voices singing in unison. It's just so tangible, such a strong and wonderful experience it is to read this fanfic.

But this chapter, there's just been something about the way you describe the emotions and the way the characters think and come to realizations, and how they care and operate and understand each other. It's just, it feels like something like a level up in a game? Like it's just as amazing as before, but it just FEELS more, clearer? I don't know, the point is - I'm here crying in my bed after reading this chapter. I'm overwhelmed with such strong emotions after reading, I don't know when the tears started but I guess I just couldn't handle the way everything is just so much and so incredibly alive here in your writing that I had no other way to react other than just burst into tears.

I'm sure you hear this a lot, but honestly, from the bottom of my heart - I admire the way you create so much. I'm so happy that you're writing this, and that I ended up here and get the chance to read this. Thank you. The way you see and describe the world and the thoughts you put into it is incredible and very powerful. Thank you for your hard and amazing work!![10]

The domesticity crossed with the tension is so good and sweet and in character! I love the little notes, the way they banter and how it's a lot more familiar than it used to be. And the cliffhanger is killing me. Amazing work as always, thank you for writing![11]

omg i literally dont know how many times ive teared up while reading this honestly, even now; im kinda crying from how sweet this all is. like, youre such a skilled writer and one of my comfort ones, im actually very impressed by you EVERY TIME!! the way you introduced us to Rat is so amazing. ive NEVER seen a fic that a pet is AN ACTUAL character in the story, this is the first one!! writers usually just put pets in the story just... because.. many people dont realise that the dog is an actual animal just like humans, they need attention, love, care,, and most of the time in stories; Rat / Rocco are just a detail, a toy to put in the room and mention to fill the story in a bit more. and actually, thats the reason why i dont write pets in my fics too because i dont really know much about them tbh, expecially dogs, and i dont want to just.. put them there, its not needed... You actually writing a pet so well, a real animal; its so awesome!! i love how you gave her personality and i RELATE to skeppy actually bc a pet can be very annoying sometiems when someone gives them more attention, or when they just dont like you LMAO i was such a pet person b4, and now i dont even know how to train a dog witch sucks bc then im heart broken when they choose my sister over me[12]

OW. My rejection dysphoria got hit hard on this chapter. I’ve seen people talk ab this fic in bbhs stream chat but I never checked it out. Glad I found it tho lol. It’s actually rly well-written and I feel like you can just. Tell that you know what you’re talking ab. If that makes sense lmao. Anyways, nice chapter. Tyyy <3[13]

The way they're so shit at talking is so sad and so real to the point that sometimes I forget this fanfic isn't canon. Before this fic ends I would like to applaud the writer for their writing skills. Truly one of the best online writers who has a good grasp of the way people feel and the way they interact with each other. If I told my past self that I'd be crying in my futon while hugging a peppa pig fleece blanket because of a Skephalo fanfic, I'd probably be so embarassed that even I don't want to see me with myself in public. Anyways, phenomenal writing to you good writer *applauses while sobs*[14]

Mmm I love this story but I really want to express how unhappy I am with the direction it's moving in, not because I'm unsatisfied with the writing (your style is actually phenomenal) but more because I feel like the issue here is dramatically amplified in a bad way and portrays Skeppy and his side of the issue with the dogs poorly

I found it incredibly unfair how Skeppy is being treated as the one in the wrong. I would absolutely run after my dog if they ran off into the woods and YES I would be that person who went into a burning building for them as well. I feel like while that may not be the most responsible action to take it's also unfair to demonize Skeppy in this fic for doing the same... and having other characters minimize his own experience? I felt the terror when Rocco ran off with Skeppy and I felt genuinely angry when Bad had the audacity to turn this around on him, and then VURB - gosh that call with Vurb got me heated because that's what teetered Skeppy into starting to blame himself just a little bit. I respect him acknowledging what he did was irresponsible but I think it's a disservice to leave it at that and allow Bad to get away as the main victim, leaving Skeppy hanging as the one who messed shit up by... panicking and running off to save his dog?

And also Bad's recation? It feels like he's punishing Skeppy! - you keep him away for weeks at a time in silence and solitude and it makes me feel upset for Skeppy because it continues this theme of "Skeppy shouldn't have done this Skeppy should feel bad because now Bad is sad" when in actuality I believe BOTH Bad and Skeppy are valid for being upset in these situations and they can totally have the awkward conflict of being upset with each other while not coming across as one sided as it does right now

I feel like this could be elaborated on with Bad now going to see his therapist because she could potentially explain this to him? Help him see Skeppy's perspective and how imbalanced this dynamic has been so far? Because they clearly want to be around each other and when Skeppy is blaming himself, apologizing, having nightmares and STILL continuing to be rejected...? That's kind of awful to read because I'm sitting here feeling SO BAD for Skeppy

I miss my soft moments 🥲

I'm usually not this critical of stories and I'm so sorry if this comes across as mean, I'm simply trying to be specific of what I disagree on because I genuinely do love this story and want the best for it 💖 looking forward to the updates![15]
Wait until the next chapter; this arc and resolution is being slowly paced with purpose, but I've internally written it out long in advance. It's meant to be like this, you're being told the story from Skeppys perspective and it's meant to seem confusing and unclear why this reaction is what it is. The severity of the reaction runs deeper than the moment itself and has to do with events that aren't about Skeppy, as Bad mentioned in the texts. I understand the concern. It's just worth noting that as the writer I know both sides of the story, and I'm also keeping it true to human experience, which is that sometimes emotional reactions that stem from trauma aren't fair or inherently logical to anyone outside the victim - or sometimes the victim themselves!

The topic I chose, however, is a sensitive one. A lot of people push back on the idea of Skeppy doing anything wrong at all because they would do the same thing. It's prancing along the debate over whether an animal's life is equal in worth to a humans. And you can take the side that it is! You can argue it, and you can justify instinct. However - the humans around you, the humans who care and love for you? They will be angry, even if you didn't think it out. They will disagree, they will be furious at the thought of you being okay with dying to save your pet. They will never make that trade. Even if they might give THEIR lives for their own pets!

It's a tricky topic. It's determining the worth in a life when a pet might be like family to you, but it risking your life to protect that family member will not earn you the understanding of the people who love you in the same way it would if it was a human family member. It's being both understandable and heroic in your love, yet selfish in disregarding the feelings of the people around you. It's interesting because it is a situation that so many people have conflicting ideas on, so I wanted to play with it.[16]

I could see the potential payoff for your build up since the silence that Bad imposed on Skeppy is slowly ending and it seems his relationship with his new therapist is helping him reach out more, I just hope that he apologizes to Skeppy in some form to re-validate Skeppy's actions at the campgrounds, whether Bad agreed with them or not

I understand the argument about the animals vs a human life which is why I didn't try to say Skeppy did no wrong in my initial comment because I'm sitting here as the reader understanding both sides, my main issue here was Bad's subsequental reactions post-attack and Vurb's response in particular. There's very little there to help Skeppy through HIS emotional turmoil and it portrays him as the bad guy throughout every turn in the conflict which is difficult for me to read even though I do understand that he is the point of view being read. I mean Bad ignored him for literal weeks here which is... quite the reaction,,

I did appreciate Skeppy's temporary moments of anger because it made the conflict feel more real (kudos for including that, btw) but he's yet to actually follow through and come out looking like anything except the bad guy which is why I really wanted to share my opinion with you in the event that you didn't have a bigger resolution planned

I definitely see a turn around happening soon and *possibly* a deeper reason for Bad to react so wildly to Skeppy's actions being revealed (ex. a past trauma, maybe?) but in my eyes I want Bad to also acknowledge Skeppy's feelings as well and start reciprocating that comfort that Skeppy has literally yet to deny torwards Bad so far throughout this entire fic. Vurb acted as a pretty shitty friend as well, I just want to add real quick, because the entire phone call consisted of "Bad is sad, how did you fuck up, oh you fucked up so much insert metaphore to make you feel worse about caring for your animal in the heat of the moment" and I wanted to slap the call out of Skeppy's hands the whole time 🤺

Thanks for taking the time to respond. I'm not trying to be rude or mean here, I'm really not. I understand the discomfort is supposed to come with the territory and I don't even mind reading these subjects as long as they're written well, so besides this whole conflict I've done nothing but enjoy your writing style. I'll eagerly wait for Ch. 9 like you suggested and see what waits for me there[15]

I understand. But, in my mind, this story is already finished. I've already addressed and completed how I want it to play out, and I cannot elaborate without giving away spoilers. The finale may not be public, but it is a completed work and isn't going to change along the way.[16]
this is a cute chapter but it makes me sad. im really mad at bad here. it really shouldn't be enough that bad is barely giving skeppy anything. this shouldn't be enough. if anything i think this shows how little skeppy values himself way more than him saving his dog does. him saving his dog wasnt a thought out response, he wasn't thinking at all. here he is completely conscious and aware of his thoughts and still thinks its enough. you can love someone so much, love them with your full heart and still expect more, still want more, and deserve more. the fact that bad cant even carry a conversation with skeppy is absolutely insane. i'm usually a bad apologist in every ff ever, but he makes it really hard in this one to defend him.

also the first two texts kind of pissed me off. its like bad thinks the problem is skeppy thinking bad doesn't care which proves that bad hasn't even thought about how skeppy feels in the slightest. i understand this is hard on bad, it very much is a traumatizing thing to see what he saw but skeppy is literally going through the same thing.

"Does it feel like im disappearing on you?" i dont think he meant any harm in this text but its absolutely infuriating. yes it does feel like that, does it not feel that way to you? maybe but the way you say it make me think that no maybe not because skeppy is trying his damn hardest to let you know he is still there for you. that he is willing to carry your burden as well, but you dont. you are proving that you are not mentally well enough to support skeppy and the fact that bad is not letting skeppy know anything about how he feels and what he thinks, makes it really hard to understand him. i'm trying so hard to see this from bads perspective but i cant.[17]

I honestly love that they went to therapy to help mend their relationship instead of using The Power Of Friendship And Love™️ to wash their problems away and they automatically be fine in the end. Good job![18]

i like this, i like that they are getting better. i still think they are too co-dependant and that bad had no right to isolate himself from skeppy without telling him anything when it involved skeppy (he didnt even had to tell him that he had lost someone, just anything would have been better than nothing) and that bad making his trauma an excuse to blatantly ignore skeppy is wrong especially considering the fight they had. but i think this kind of progress is better and good. they are not only healing from the traumatic experience they shared but they are also getting better as individuals and and better as a relationship, considering their communication isnt the worst anymore.[19]

this was an amazing story that i wasn't waiting to like as i did (my first time reading an skephalo fic). you writing is beautiful.the first chapter was geniusly written as a oneshot by itself and the rest of the chapters were a dramatic depiction of a developing relationship where the stakes were high since the beginning but we did not know the extent of it until it struck them first. i almost cried three times and the forth got the best of me, where bad was saying that thought he wasn't was skeppy wanted when he compared himself to the other people skeppy had something with before. overall, it was marvelous. thank you very much[20]

This is so adorable and warm!I I almost cried a few times while reading this fiction.This is the best skephalo fanfic I've ever seen.

It's so realistic and close to the real characters, just like almost watching the real bad and skeppy. Especially now that it's 2023 and skephalo have already meet up,I feel so touched watching this fic.

Thank you so much bringing us this fantastic fic!I regret that I didn't read it sooner.[21]

rereading this two years later and you know what it still is so good the way you capture their dynamic so well and adding your own little flair onto them i love you for this fic this is THE skephalo fic in my mind[22]

Inspired Fanworks





  1. ^ Tumblr post example
  2. ^ Tweet by Rurus posted Nov 8th 2021
  3. ^ Tweet by ⭐️SBS⚡️ @SBSSTUDIOS_ implying Bad and Skeppy had an argument and were purposely not speaking to each other as happened in a later chapter of the story. Posted May 5th, 2022
  4. ^ Tweet by Λcrylae ✭ @Skepophobia saying they direct messaged Bad a reference to the story. Posted Aug 9th, 2023
  5. ^ So BadBoyHalo INTERRUPTS Me and Raids My Q&A... video by Skeppy that includes a question with a direct reference to this fanfiction at 17 minutes and 12 seconds into the video. Posted on April 10, 2021.
  6. ^ FlowLozul, Unspoken Rules - Review for chapter 1 Posted 18 Dec 2020. Accessed 24 June 2024.
  7. ^ Violet911, Unspoken Rules - Review for chapter 1 Posted 23 Dec 2020. Accessed 24 June 2024.
  8. ^ ev, Unspoken Rules - Review for chapter 3 Posted 12 Jan 2021. Accessed 24 June 2024.
  9. ^ Crazypuff33, Unspoken Rules - Review for chapter 4 Posted 16 Jan 2021. Accessed 24 June 2024.
  10. ^ S, Unspoken Rules - Review for chapter 4 Posted 18 Jan 2021. Accessed 24 June 2024.
  11. ^ twenty_committee, Unspoken Rules - Review for chapter 5 Posted 23 Jan 2021. Accessed 24 June 2024.
  12. ^ melqiiuvi, Unspoken Rules - Review for chapter 5 Posted 29 Jan 2021. Accessed 24 June 2024.
  13. ^ A bagel, Unspoken Rules - Review for chapter 6 Posted 29 Jan 2021. Accessed 24 June 2024.
  14. ^ Papayaismyfavoo, Unspoken Rules - Review for chapter 7 Posted 04 Feb 2021. Accessed 24 June 2024.
  15. ^ a b yewngee, Unspoken Rules - Review for chapter 8 Posted 10 Feb 2021. Accessed 24 June 2024.
  16. ^ a b Author response, Unspoken Rules - Review for chapter 8 Posted 10 Feb 2021. Accessed 24 June 2024.
  17. ^ NoteDaSarcasm, Unspoken Rules - Review for chapter 8 Posted 08 Jan 2022. Accessed 24 June 2024.
  18. ^ 1adybug, Unspoken Rules - Review for chapter 10 Posted 05 Mar 2021. Accessed 24 June 2024.
  19. ^ NoteDaSarcasm, Unspoken Rules - Review for chapter 10 Posted 08 Jan 2022. Accessed 24 June 2024.
  20. ^ Ibdreams, Unspoken Rules - Review for chapter 11 Posted 20 Jul 2021. Accessed 24 June 2024.
  21. ^ Drarryforever81799, Unspoken Rules - Review for chapter 11 Posted 29 May 2023. Accessed 24 June 2024.
  22. ^ melandrops, Unspoken Rules - Review for chapter 11 Posted 20 Sep 2023. Accessed 24 June 2024.
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