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Pairing: BadBoyHalo/Roier
Alternative name(s): Spiderhalo, Badoier
Gender category: Slash, mlm
Fandom: MCYT, QSMP
Canonical?: No
Prevalence: Rare
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BadBoyHalo/Roier, commonly known as Spiderhalo or rarer Badoier, is a rarepair in QSMP fandom. Their canon relationship is as friends and sometimes enemies, while in fandom they are portrayed as close confidants or lovers. It is also shipped platonically. It is basically always portrayed as a FPF ship and not RPF.

Fans are drawn to this ship because of the care BadBoyHalo shows toward Roier. Often it is said that whenever Roier is at his lowest/worst, Bad is there to help and support him. They are surprisingly honest with each other at times, telling each other some of their worst fears and darkest secrets. Fans also like the humorous interactions between the two, with Roier heavily teasing and flirting with Bad and Bad known for breaking into Roier's house and stealing his furniture to annoy him. It's a ship that's considered to have been close to being canon, if Bad hadn't played so coy.


BadBoyHalo and Roier were part of the first QSMP residents. They would tease and flirt with each other. However, their relationship took a hit when Bad jokingly told Roier he couldn't come with Bad and his group, so Roier said fine, he wouldn't go where he wasn't wanted. This ended up with Roier going alone with his son Bobby to a dungeon where they were attacked and killed. Bad blamed himself, and Roier seemed to blame him too.

After that Roier married Cellbit, and Bad kept his distance a bit from Roier, tending to ignore the usual teasing and flirts when they were together. However, when Roier and Cellbit had a temporary falling out, Bad expressed interest in Roier possibly being 'back on the market'. As time went on, Bad and Roier returned to their more easy going friendship.

During the QSMP Purgatory event they were on opposite teams. Bad smack talked Roier, which incited Roier to target him. After the Purgatory event, they returned to their normal friendship.


Near the beginning of the QSMP, Bad and Roier were heavily shipped for about a week before Bad's obsession with Skeppy became more known to Roier's fanbase, which caused interest in the ship to rapidly wane. Roier fans didn't want Roier to be a rebound or paired with anyone who wouldn't put him first. The shippers would also butt heads with Skephalo shippers.

Shortly after that Roier paired up with and married Cellbit (see GuapoDuo). It became taboo to ship Roier with anyone else, thus remaining Spiderhalo shippers were flamed and accused of supporting infidelity.[1]

A small segment of shippers persisted regardless, reappearing whenever the two streamers interacted.[2]

Fan Commentary

I love roier and bad cubitos' friendship it's one sided never ending grudge two sided oh wow this guy is in love with me lol one sided killing this fudger would make me the happiest man alive one sided you look like the love of my very long life ALL WHILE ALSO BEING one of the very few people who has ever seen and understood the other and also knowing every button and exactly how to push them and being silly but also dead serious. so basically everything and nothing all at once [3]

Common Tropes and Fanon

  • Supernatural creatures: BadBoyHalo being a canonical demon, and Roier often being portrayed as a spider hybrid.
  • Domesticity: Often in the form of family AUs where Bobby didn't die nor Roier marry Cellbit.
  • Grief: Dealing with their missing and dead children, and sometimes other partners (Skeppy, Cellbit).
  • Pining and Jealousy: Usually of Bad for Roier, often unrequited if it follows canon of Roier being married to Cellbit. Or Bad pining for Skeppy before falling for Roier, as Roier and Skeppy's Minecraft skins share similar derp faces.
  • Hurt/Comfort: Usually Bad taking care of Roier.

Creator Response

BadBoyHalo liked a few Spiderhalo fanarts on Twitter.

Example Fanworks

As of June 2024 the ship had 21 works on AO3.



Other Fannish Resources


  1. ^ Tweet from an anti saying, "?????? ele eh casado" in response to a clip from a livestream where Bad says Roier has a nice smile.
  2. ^ Tweet from Bunseki_Gaby with replies from shippers, many calling it their 'guilty ship'
  3. ^ November 26, 2023 Tumblr post by qrioerArchived June 25, 2024, at
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