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Name: Joe Hills
Also Known As: JoeHillsTSD, Beetlejhost
Occupation: Twitch Streamer, YouTuber, Poet
Medium: livestreaming, video
Works: Hermitcraft
Official Website(s):
Fan Website(s):
On Fanlore: Related pages

Joe Hills is an American Minecraft Youtuber and streamer from the state of Tennessee. His first video was posted in 2011, with his channel focusing on Minecraft map Let's Plays such as Super Hostile: Legendary, but he's best known for playing on Hermitcraft, which he joined on 31st of May, 2012[1].


Joe Hills is the first official non-founding member of Hermitcraft to be invited to the server in Season 1. He has been actively and consistently playing on the server ever since, slowly gaining popularity, yet remains one of the more obscure creators on the server[2]. He streams Hermitcraft very frequently, typically on multiple websites (YouTube, Twitch, in order to make his streams more accessible to more viewers.

During streams he encourages viewers to donate by setting stretch goals that change his face camera and bring out his personas, such as Beetlejhost (a portmanteau of Beetlejuice, the character he parodies, and Jhost, which is itself a combination of "Joe" and "ghost"). Those personas are often considered separate characters from himself, who are ghosts that temporarily possess his body. This is confirmed by Beetlejhost being featured as Joe's alter ego for the HCTCG Alter Ego Expansion pack[3].

Joe Hills frequently collaborates with other hermits such as ZombieCleo in his videos, or HHH (Hermits Helping Hermits) events in his streams. He has several videos featuring his family, such as his daughter Corrinne[4] or his sibling Quinn Hills[5] (also known as Redacted Hills), whom he released two albums with titled "Redacted Hills Sings Joe Hills"[6] and "Redacted Hills Sings Joe Hills II: The Secret of the Views"[7], which are frequently featured during the streams as well and second one is directly based off of many of the running bits from them.


Joe Hills has a small yet dedicated following primarily on Tumblr, as well as a Discord and Minecraft community for his Patreon supporters. He gained a lot of popularity after winning in the MCYTblr Sexyman Tournament, a poll competition where he faced off against many other far more popular creators. Joe Hills himself was made aware of it and actively rallied to be voted for[8], participating in posting "propaganda", which contributed to his eventual victory.

Some of the most popular fanfics centered around Joe Hills are "the last days of the free angels of carrows" by Bee_4 and "The Joe Hills Podcast" by Sixteenthdays from the "From the Archives" Hermitcraft x The Magnus Archives crossover series. He was also featured as a notable character in "And The Universe Shifts" by aayaptre and "Shells in the Foam" by Cedarwhisp21[1]. In fanfics, he is frequently characterized as a mysterious and eldritch being or a responsible parental figure.

In fanart, Joe Hills is often depicted as wearing scenecore fashion due to his affinity for chroma green clothes such as fishnet gloves. Despite his older skins not having glasses, fans have been drawing him with glasses since the dawn of Hermitcraft's popularity due to him wearing them in real life as a way to distinguish him from Minecraft Steve. Since hybrid headcanons are popular in MCYT as a whole, Joe is most commonly depicted as a ghost, eldritch being or angel hybrid.

In season 10 Joe changed his Minecraft skin to that of a muppet, the "Juppet." Consequently he is often depicted as a muppet in fanart, sometimes as a sock puppet or a puppet on strings.

There have been two zines organized about Joe Hills specifically, Joezine and Joezine 2: The Hermit That Crafts, the latter not being associated with the first.

Joe Hills interacts with his fandom in a limited, but encouraging fashion. He occasionally discusses fan happenings on streams or shares fanart on social media, but he upholds a strong principle that fans should be allowed to have their own spaces and does not care what they write or draw about him. This includes shipping, which he on a few occasions openly supported.

The most prominent pairings for Joe Hills include:

  • Jleo: Joe Hills & ZombieCleo (most popular interpretation of this ship is a queerplatonic relationship)
  • Jub: Joe Hills x Cubfan135
  • JoeVex: Joe Hills x Cubfan135 x GoodTimesWithScar
  • Joesuma: Joe Hills x Xisumavoid


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