Driving After Dark

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Name: Driving After Dark
Date(s): May 14 - July 4, 2023
Moderator(s): RedstoneBug / redstoneglitch
Type: Fanwork Event / Game
Fandom: Life SMP Series
URL: AO3 Site,Tumblr
Announcement poster for the event, by redstoneglitch
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Driving After Dark was an 18+ fanwork event for the Life SMP Series. Although not mandatory, there was a focus on suggestive and NSFW content. The name of the event is a play on words, with "driving" referring to "Traffic Life" (the series' fandom nickname) and the tendency of adult events to be referred to as "after dark".

Inspired by the Life SMP Series itself, the Driving After Dark event was set up to act as an elimination game with a limited amount of lives per participant. Anyone was welcome to submit prompts and contribute their own works for the event without following challenge rules, but "official" participants could sign up for the game as players with three lives each. 35 participants had joined as official players by the end of the sign-ups deadline. There were three rounds that lasted two weeks each. During a round, each participant picked a prompt from the provided list to create a fanwork for. If two or more people produced works for the same prompt, they each lost two lives. Not contributing anything to a round lost the player one life. Making a fanwork for a prompt without overlap from other players allowed the participant to keep all their remaining lives and move on to the next round.

A small, unofficial wrap-up was hosted on July 4th to bring the event to an end.


Subfandoms Dream SMPQSMPHermitcraftLife SMP SeriesMC ChampionshipSMPLiveSMPEarthLifesteal SMPEmpires SMPThe YogscastArtist SMP
Creators TechnobladeDreamCaptainSparklezWilbur SootRanbooTommyInnitTubboBadBoyHaloXisumavoidGrianInTheLittleWood
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Notable Fanworks Heat WavesMangoballPasserineSMPRonpaSAD-ist Dream SMP Animatic SeriesReafyStats
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