MCYTBLR Summer AU Fest

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Gift Exchange
Name: MCYTBLR Summer AU Fest
Date(s): 2021-Present, Summers
Moderator(s): Droidofmay and Antimony_Medusa
Founder: Droidofmay and Antimony_Medusa
Type: fanfiction, fanart, web weavings,
Scope: focuses on AUs
Fandom: MCYT
Associated Community: Largely Tumblr
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The MCYTBLR Summer AU Fest is a part of, or a spin off of the MCYTBLR Holiday Exchange. The Exchange being the "summer holidays" part of the holiday exchange - with a more typical or traditional exchange event happening during the winter holidays. The Summer AU Fest focuses on fanworks solely taking place in AUs and involving canon divergence or taking place in alternate settings. Depending on the year and the interests of people wanting to be involved - it can either have the form of a traditional fanwork exchange, or a fairly standard Big Bang with a few thousand word minimum, or very rarely, both. The MCYTBLR Holidays Exchanges as a whole began in the winter of 2021-2022.

The fandom this set of events includes is MCYT fandoms as a whole. Gathering data on participants' preferences in this wide fandom is usually done using google forms and "OR" matching, for a slightly easier time than using other methods.

Subfandoms Dream SMPQSMPHermitcraftLife SMP SeriesMC ChampionshipSMPLiveSMPEarthLifesteal SMPEmpires SMPThe YogscastArtist SMP
Creators TechnobladeDreamCaptainSparklezWilbur SootRanbooTommyInnitTubboBadBoyHaloXisumavoidGrianInTheLittleWood
Fandom List of MCYT Fests & ExchangesList of MCYT ZinesMCYT Fandom and CharityMinecraft Fandom GlossaryPenis SMPTruthingDuo Name
Notable Fanworks Heat WavesMangoballPasserineSMPRonpaSAD-ist Dream SMP Animatic SeriesReafyStats
For more pages, see Category:MCYT
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