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Between Friends (Starsky and Hutch zine)

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Title: Between Friends
Publisher: Elaine Hauptman
Date(s): January 1984-December 1985
Medium: print
Size: digest
Fandom: Starsky & Hutch
Language: English
External Links:
insert stapled to the front of the letterzine notifying Kandy Fong that her Between Friends subscription was about to expire
Click here for related articles on Fanlore.
Illo from issue #1 by Carol Davis -- Starsky and Hutch read "Between Friends" and comment: "Hey, Hutch.... They're starting that letter thing again. This bunch'll never give us up..."
a flyer gauging the interest for "Between Friends"

Between Friends is a gen Starsky and Hutch letterzine edited by Elaine Hauptman. Slash is mentioned, acknowledged, slash zines are advertised, and many fans express an appreciation for it, but it is not strictly a slash zine. A fan in late 1985, just as the letterzine ended, commented elsewhere that "Carla does not mind if you discuss as Elaine did." [1]

This zine won an Encore Award.

Issues #1-4 were mailed out on the 1st of the month, and after that, on the 15th of the month. Like many early fan publications, some issues were published without any copyright notices and may, in the US, be in the public domain.

For other Starsky and Hutch letterzines, see List of Letterzines.

flyer advertising the convention in Between Friends issue #9, Bullet was a Starsky & Hutch fan convention that was planned to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the airing of the show. It was advertised in a flyer in the letterzine Between Friends #9 with a planned date of October 25–27, 1986 and a location to be determined in Wales. The organizer was Stephanie Jones. This con, called Bullet, didn't materialize.
a flyer announcing the letterzine

Its Stance on Slash

The editor reminds members in issue #9 of what was stated in issue #1:

I need to reinforce one point for others who might not have been around for my editorial in issue #1. ‘Between Friends’ is clearly intended to be a G-rated S&H letterzine, not S/H. I feel that S/H is limiting, since it only implies the sexual relationship. S&H, to me, designates the total 'universe' of Starsky & Hutch, and that is what I want BF to include. [The letterzine] gratefully acknowledges the existence of S/H, but prefer that it not be discussed in detail in these pages. Also, at the time BF started in January 1984, there was a l/z specifically for S/H; although it has not been published recently, I am assured by the publisher … that Hanky Panky will once again be rolling off the presses. So, BF welcomes your discussions of the guys, the episodes, the actors and what they're currently working on, or any other S&H subject you want to talk about, except detailed discussions of S/H. Save those up and send 'em along to Hanky Panky when it gets started again.

Regarding Personal Information

... anonymous letters cannot be printed. Names and addresses will be printed. Pseudonyms are acceptable, but not encouraged. Within the spirit of this letterzine, no one should have anything to say that can't be said in her own name.

This Fandom's Letterzines

From the First Editorial

Welcome to the first issue of BETWEEN FRIENDS. I decided to begin this new project because I, personally, have missed the old S&H letterzine, and after almost a year of being without a form of group communication, nobody else seemed ready to start one.

The reactions to the announcement of this new letterzine have run the gamut from "S§H fandom is dead, why do we need a new l/z?", to "Yes, please, I'm a new fan and I missed all the fun in the old l/z". I hope that this can be a new beginning for our fandom, a shot in the arm so to speak, and that this publication will grow and serve as a friendly clearinghouse for the exchange of ideas, enthusiasm and friendship.

In all the years of the former S&H l/z, I think I only ever wrote one letter to it, as I'm not really much of a public letter writer. I am, however, an interested letter reader, so I'm looking forward eagerly to receiving lots of future letters for publication and learning what's on everybody's minds, and especially in hearing from and getting to know the new fans. I plan to collect the material—letters, ads, reviews, whatever--and publish them for your enjoyment and mine every two months, but to keep a very low profile myself (no editorializing within your letters). If every thing goes well, this may be the only editorial I'll ever have to write. In the future, just pretend I'm not here.

BETWEEN FRIENDS was chosen as the name for this new enterprise because I think it says, in two succinct words, what we are all about. It describes the friendship between all of us, and it certainly applies to the relationship between Starsky and Hutch, and even between us, the fans, and Starsky and Hutch. Also, I hope that the name will be a constant reminder to all of us that we are friends, and that the sniping and general unpleasantness that seemed to plague the last l/z has no place here.

However, I do intend to print what people send me. I have no desire or current plans to edit or censor letters; I would rather that each letter-writer censor her own remarks to the extent that the letters are friendly and polite and do not contain excessive foul language. Other than that, this is a forum where anything and everything can be discussed, keeping in mind that it is the l/z for S&H fans.

Awareness of "Between Friends" as a Public Forum

Several fans, including the editor, commented on letterzines as a public forum.

From the first editorial: "In all the years of the former S&H l/z, I think I only ever wrote one letter to it, as I'm not really much of a public letter writer."

In the first issue, the editor of the now-defunct S&H writes: "BETWEEN FRIENDS. I think that's an apt title for a public forum between the people of Starsky & Hutch fandom..."

A fan in issue #2 writes: "I'm a bit nervous thinking about what to write for the l/z. Now that I'm aware that it is going to appear in a somewhat public place."

Issue 1

Between Friends 1 was published in January 1984 and contains 24 pages. Art credits to Marie A, Carol Davis, Maureen B, Jean C., and Ruth Kurz.

the cover art as it originally appeared in Who You Know, What You Know and How You Know It
front cover of issue 1, by Marie A
inside illo from issue #1, Ruth Kurz
  • one of the editors of the defunct S&H writes:
    BETWEEN FRIENDS. I think that's an apt title for a public forum between the people of Starsky & Hutch fandom and I want to thank Elaine for taking the task and starting a new letterzine. I think we've been too long without a form of group communication and I hope this one works. Some changes have occurred in our fandom since the Starsky & Hutch Letterzine was put out of it's misery -— a decision I still feel was the only possible alternative. While I have missed the pleasant aspects of that publication, I have not missed the unpleasant ones. Hopefully, by now we have learned from our past mistakes and will go on to make bigger and better ones.

  • a fan writes:
    It's been a long, long time since the last issue of the S&H letterzine and I for one welcome the idea of a new l/z to keep us in touch with each other. I miss the old l/z. Its demise left me feeling cut off from other S&H fans. The fanzines don't come out often enough to make us feel we really know what's going on. Besides, we need a l/z to let us know about the fanzines! I really wouldn't miss the bickering in the old l/z. Some people were getting a bit carried away. Why don't we all make up our minds to respect each other's differences and leave it at that? We each see our guys through different eyes and who's to say one view is more right than any other?

  • a fan writes:
    My interest in S&H began when I met Teri White, who was introduced to me as a BNF in Star Trek fandom. I would read her Trek zines, she would watch, write, and talk about S&H. Naturally I listened, and soon was watching the show, too—fourth season once a week, and reruns on the late night show. She had pointed out the relationship that I'd overlooked, as it was hard for me to get past the squealing tires and shoot-em-up-bang-bang, not to mention an undercover car that was red with a white stripe. But the relation ship is there, and it is beautiful. The caring they show for one another is the kind we all wish we could share with someone. They have the love we wish we could get and give one another, but it isn't easy. Even when we do find it sometimes, it rarely lasts. Watching them gives us a new lease on life, a vicarious pleasure, a joy that somewhere such love exists. To trust someone with your life is a tremendous compliment, and their mutual trust is unequivocal.

  • fan, Terri B writes:
    I suppose I'm still something of a neo. Besides that, S&H helped me break a bad attack of writer's block -- S&H and the efforts of my partner, that is, who not only listened to my bitching but didn't stomp on the fledgling idea that we write fanfic for S&H. This was before we'd ever heard of fandom, mark you. So we started writing, burned up the phone lines between Bristol and Salisbury, and soon discovered that we had a neat heap of mss. sitting in our drawers. Closet S&H. We still didn't know about fandom. Then I answered an ad in the S&H monthly (now defunct) and WHAMMO! That was April 1980. The first 10-13 was conceived in August the same year. The rest, as they say, is history. Good grief. Nearly four years in fandom... What have we got out of it? Friends. New and marvelous friendships. I've met people I would never otherwise have met, loved them, laughed with them, cried with them, learned from them... Learned a lot, in fact. Our writing skills have improved beyond measure thanks to the honing of fandom. Ask anyone who saw our early efforts!...To answer the question as to whether fandom needs a new G-rated l/z -— well, unless I thought it did, I wouldn't be writing this, would I? WHY it needs it is difficult to pin down. I looked through my stack of back numbers to try to find out. First thing that springs to mind is the names -- all of those people out there, with one thing in common — hey, we're not alone! That can be the most marvelous revelation to the neo-fan. Myself, I've always found the snit-fights -- I beg your pardon -- discussions fascinating, and thought-provoking. If it wasn't for l/z, I might have still been thinking that S/H was my private fantasy. If it wasn't for 1/z, we'd never have launched 10-13 Enterprises. If it wasn't for 1/z, I'd have a heck of a lot more time and money... But I haven't discovered a better way I could have spent either. Unless it might be in traveling to U.S. -- but thanks to 1/z, when I do get there, I'll be seeing friends, not strangers. S£H fandom is dying, some said, when 1/z breathed its last. Not so. There are new fans surfacing all the time, and we of the hard core, though we may seek fresh woods and pastures new, will always have a special place in our hearts for S&H, and what it means. On a more mundane note -- 1/z gives us the only solely S&H shopwindow for zines and Wants & Warrants. W.O.T.S. fills that need for now -- thanks for stepping into the breach, Jan! -- but some zines don't get reviewed because of space limitations. That wouldn't happen in 1/z mark 2, now would it? With a tight budget, I find I have to rely on reviews more and more to help me decide what zines to buy. And there was the delightful pastime of reading the reviews and disagreeing with them -- always a pleasant way to spend an afternoon. Oh, for heaven's sake -- I'm getting maudlin now, sighing for the Good Old Days. C'mon, people. Let's have another crack at it, huh?

  • a fan writes of zines and voting:
    I would also like to thank those of you who voted for Strange Justice for the Huggies. With WYK as our chief competition, I wasn't sure SJ would win anything. It's nice to see the quality of fiction in this fandom has remained high. WYK will be eligible for FanQ awards at this year's MidWest*Con. Last year Starsky & Hutch was established as a fandom, with our own category for awards. This will only remain if we continue to work at it. If you are a member of the con, vote. If you aren't, join.

  • a fan writes:
    Why am I still interested in a cop show that went off the air years ago? I could be smart-assed and say, "Yeah, and why are folks still interested in even older shows like Star Trek, Man From Uncle, Wild, Wild West, etc. There's something about these shows that speak to the mind, heart, etc., of the fans. For myself, S&H are sorta like long-time friends. I was on the edge of the fandom in the earlier days, from the evening a friend handed me her copy of "Zebra III Volume I" and said "I know you don't watch the show, Rob, but read this before you curl your lips." I did, and started watching the show, interested to see the people who could inspire stories like the "Bomb Scare" (correct title? Hope so!), and "Mojave Crossing"... Personally, I like all kinds of S&H fan fiction, ranging from the marvelous insanity of Rayelle Rowe's "Mixed Metaphores" through the nicely occult-touched "Strange Justice", (is that a one-shot, by the way?), through the intricacies of S/H stories.

  • a fan writes:
    Hi there! BETWEEN FRIENDS -- what a lovely, optimistic name for a letterzine, and a great way to kick off the New Year. We have our own letterzine in the U.K., but I've really missed all the chat from across the water. Hope to see some familiar names, as well as some new ones. Having said all that, my 'fertile' (Ha!) imagination has just ground to the proverbial halt. Ah, don't be too hard on me, I have just spent the last eight months talking, eating and writing S§H, all in preparation for DobeyCon 5 which, even if I say so myself, was a great weekend. The pile of letters on my desk seems to indicate that a good time was had by all, which makes all the hard work worthwhile. Now I'm looking forward to sitting back next time and watching someone else do all the work. Don't think I could follow Karen's footsteps and do one every year; I really would end up in a padded cell.... As for S§H, that seems to have dropped off the face of the map completely, so far as the BBC are concerned. Ah well! Of course, the lack of screenings doesn't mean the media have forgotten the series. There seems to be a trend here recently where every case of alleged police violence, every car chase and so on, is equated against the series. It was even used in the music paper "Sounds" last week, in comparison to the violence in the Stones video. Does this same kind of thing go on in the U.S.? Personally, I would prefer to see the show forgotten by all but us loyal fans. At least we saw beyond the first level. Would be interested to hear other's opinions of this. I often feel like writing to the paper concerned and saying go pick on someone else, like the British shows which make S&H look like a garden party for little old ladies. But honestly, what's the use? No wonder PMG wanted to get away from the image.

  • fan, Kandy F, writes:
    One of my hobbies is setting some of my 6,000 ST slides to music—having the actors act out the songs so to speak. I just finished doing six songs from Rocky Horror Picture Show (Kirk as Brad, Spock as Frank N. Furter, McCoy as Riff Raff, etc.). Why am I bringing this up in a S&H letterzine? Because the only knowledge that I have of anyone else doing anything like this is a comment dropped at a con that S&H fans do slide shows all the time. Hello out there -- does anyone do slide shows? I'm the person who showed three songs at the last St. Louis ST con. I'd like to correspond with people who also do slide shows. And, if any con organizer out there would like me to show some shows, contact me.

  • this issue contains a review of Who You Know, What You Know, & How You Know It..., see that page
  • this issue contains con reports for Dobey Con and CopCon, see those pages

Issue 2

front cover of issue 2
inside page from issue #2

Between Friends 2 was published in March 1984 and contains 32 pages. It has illos by Maureen B, Sandi Chapman, Tabby Davis, and Ruth Kurz.

  • fiction includes: "Tandem" by Pat Massie, "Pedal Pushers" by Sue-Anne Hartwick
  • this issue has a review of Pushin' the Odds, see that page
  • a fan closes her letter with the lyrics to Paul William's "Lifeboat," calling it a "S&H-related song," an example of how fans were tying their favorite shows to the music they were hearing on the radio
  • a fan, among other things, lets her mom read her zines, she's also a fan of this letterzine's paper choice:
    Does anyone else read their own letters in l/z's and/or LOC columns in zines and think "Dear God, I sound like a babbling twit!?" (Mom says she likes my letters - "You write just like you talk, dear." Uh, thanks, I think... I liked the yellow paper, always did like colored paper. I think that goes back to my first encounters with zines, both media and SF, in mid-1970. Almost all zines were still being done mimeo, on colored, fuzzy mimeo paper because postage rates hadn't yet made the heavy mimeo stock totally unfeasible economically.)

  • a fan discusses what we today would call fanon:
    About fannish "givens," (bits of history, character background, etc., that are considered true by enough fen that if you go against one in a story you'd best be prepared to defend yourself). At lunch a friend and I were discussing some of them and wondering how many of them were "givens" and how many were based on aired material. (While the show was originally on the air I was working nights and I still haven't seen all the episodes, so I've probably got a few here that people will say, "Hey, that was mentioned in"). Some of the givens being: Hutch coming from a moneyed background; Hutch coming from Minnesota in general, and Duluth in particular; Starsky's father being named Michael; Michael Starsky having been a New York cop and being gunned down in front of a youthful Starsky. My friend and I had a long list of these but that's all I recall. I'm not saying I dislike or disagree with the ideas; just that in most fandoms these givens exist and I'm intrigued by the fact that a number of ideas become "true" by general fannish consent and often later are accepted as "canon" by newer fans.

  • a fan comments on the visibility of her letters:
    Actually, I'm a bit nervous thinking about what to write for the l/z. Now that I'm aware that it is going to appear in a somewhat public place. (This awareness was not there when I wrote the part of my first letter — just a sudden impulse.) But even I understand that the l/z will only survive when letters keep coming in. So, I'll try to participate in this effort.

  • a German fan writes of the challenges of being a fan in her country:
    Well, you folks in the States are the luckiest human beings to have meetings like Zebra Con, etc.! I wish I could once attend one, because it must be great to meet such a lot of people who feel the same way about something. And from what I heard it is great. Though, in our tiny German fandom (4 people!) we enjoy ourselves as well. In early January, I went to a S&H week. Three people present! I visited two friends of mine who are lucky enough to live near the French border; therefore, they are able to tape S&H episodes from French TV and they are showing S&H constantly. Otherwise, German TV showed between '78 to early '79 around 24 episodes. That was it. We often wondered how we could figure out the "special" effect about S&H. I say it's so obvious you can't miss it! Well, a lot of people did, though. German TV showed episodes out of first and second season. But no spectacular ones like "Coffin For Starsky" or "The Fix". The most exciting ones were probably "Gillian" and "Shootout", so at least some classics. Everyone was hooked on S&H and we_loved it from the first episode. The rest is told easily. Thank God for immediate (let's say, after two years of withdrawal frustration) overseas correspondence, some fanzines, sneaking into S&H

    the former 1/z]], and when I was just about to order it folded, and now here I am. Not to forget those French videos which give us the possibilities to get deeper and deeper into the idea of caring for each other and sharing joy together.

  • a fan is amassing a collection:
    Being fairly new to fandom (1 1/2 years for ST, less than a year for S&H), I am quite proud of the collection of zines I have managed to compile. The best! From all 6 ZEBRA THREES to CASA CABRILLO to DECORATED FOR DEATH...Talk about ecstasy!! I am a truly addicted S&H-aholic!

  • a fan named Reginia writes:
    There seems to be an abundance of S/H, but I do not believe in that concept and would really love for there to be a huge crop of S&H stories come out. I am trying my own hand at it, and while I have written four so far and am working on the fifth, only one is to date scheduled for publication. The others have a bit of work yet to be done.

  • a fan has mixed feelings about the possibility of more S&H canon:
    ...news of the impending S&H TV movie has finally reached these shores. Now, I know that the return of our beloved duo was discussed in the old l/z, but then it was only a hypothetical question. So, can I ask how the rest of you feel about the fact? For myself, I find I'm back on the fence again. The part of me that has stayed a S&H groupie says a definite 'Yes', but the writer in me - which for me is the true side of fandom - is viewing the prospect with something less than enthusiasm. We have come so far beyond the confines of the original series (and I'm talking in terms of the 'canon' and not the fantasy world of S/H) that I can't help thinking something is going to be missing. My own opinion, but I'd like to hear what others think, especially other writers. Will you change your own universe to fit the new facts, or will you carry on as planned and ignore the changes, as I understand some Trek writers have done with the movies?

  • a fan wins by a nose:
    What first caught me? Glaser's profile. I couldn't (and still can't) take my eyes off that beautiful, dashing blade of nose.

  • a fan speculates on conflict:
    I wonder if it will be harder to keep a l/z going without arguments? The first one did last a number of years. A crowd will always gather around a fight and not for just some friends talking. Maybe it all depends on if you are a new or older fan?

  • a zine writes of zines as a sign of the robustness of fandom:
    ...I was rather surprised to read, in Elaine's editorial, that some reaction to the birth of this l/z was 'S&H fandom is dead.'Well, no one invited me to the wake, so I continue in blissful ignorance — and would even venture an opinion that reports of that demise were much exaggerated. Or I hope so. Then I look at the ads page. Only two S&H publications? Ou sont les neiges d'antan? I know there are zines in preparation, like our own 3-11. But I can only think of three for this coming year. The prospect chills me. Where are the new novels and novellas" Surely someone else is writing this stuff, not just us? If we have lost some of our previous talented writers to other fields, there must be new talents just on the brink of dipping a toe in the water. Damn, if we can do it, anyone can! Come on, I'm just in the mood for a nice 1-o-n-g novel, with action and character development and all that good stuff...

  • a demonstration of how close-knit the S&H letterzine fans were:
    I am very touched at the number of people who wrote asking me why I was absent from the first issue of this lovely little 'zine. Typical, mundane reasons really—sickness and other fun diversions. Please note I am here now (and chatty as ever). Am I forgiven? Will the person who applied for membership in the George Prudholm Appreciation Society please withdraw my name now? It's so embarrassing!

Issue 3

front cover of issue #3

Between Friends 3 was published in May 1984 and contains 32 pages.

  • a fan writes about another fan: "First, a note to anyone who has been writing [name redacted]: don’t worry, it’s not you. She is not sick, kidnapped, or in jail. She is OUT of fandom and all it entails… and that includes writing to people. I thought her ex-correspondents should know."
  • a fan writes a short bio. She lists her marital status, her job, her fandoms, and concludes with "Oh, yeah. Am a DOB… aren’t we all?"
  • a fan chides another fan for quoting French: "Are you going to be the [BNF name redacted, initials P W] for this zine?"
  • a fan complains about lack of zines: "Once upon a time we heard about a zine named Scales of Justice, and before that, oh, lo, many moons and eons [ago], there was a rumor of Bird of Paradise. There IS a sudden dearth of S&H zines…arrrgh!"
art from issue #3, Carol Davis
  • a fan writes that she's just gotten a color television and can now watch the eps in full glory. She says she just noticed Starsky’s red socks.
  • a fan comments on Pushin’ the Odds:
    Aside from Leslie's paranoia problem (non-xeroxable pages, and coded punch-outs so she’ll know who’s Xeroxing… probably the reason they were out late?), the zine wasn’t THAT bad. A lot of the stories, artwork and poetry was good. And the cover was nice, too. I thought ‘Fall With Lucifer’… was very good indeed. I hope the author reads this l/z, otherwise I have no way to let her know that. If [the zine hadn’t been good], I wouldn’t have persevered with the cross-eyed printing. It’s a shame about this zine, too, because the chances of [name redacted] getting PTO #2 off the ground seems remote unless she already has received submissions before this one came out. We need all the writers, artist and zines we can get in fandom, and things like this are a negative factor.

  • a fan is pleased with the letterzine: "I felt it ‘did’ something to me, it was also neutral, no arguments, etc. The print’s not too small, either. Keep up the good work."
  • a fan is mystified by the acronyms “WOTS” and “TSOSASH.” “I don’t know what the FanQ Awards are either.”
  • a British fan chides an American fan for giving away a plot point in a David Soul movie:
    How could you? Please don’t spoil things for us like that. Remember the poor deprived Brits who have to wait sometimes for years for shows like ‘Yellow Rose,’ ‘Casablanca,’ and ‘Princess Daisy.’ – We haven’t even had ‘Wait Til Your Mother Gets Home’ yet, nor have we heard if we ever will.

  • a zined reassures others: “…for those people who wrote panicky letters to me after reading that 3-11 will be our last zine. No, this does not mean we are gafiating from fandom. What is does mean is we will not be producing any more zines… Time spent on zine-production will be spent on writing.”
art from issue #3, Tabby Davis
art from issue #3, Carol Davis
  • a fan applauds another’s earlier letter: "Applause for more S&H stories; the S/H concept spoils what is a beautiful relationship, and I do not agree with it at all."
  • there is talk of a proposed Starsky and Hutch movie. Some fans think this is super, others not so much. The latter fans are worried about how the actors will be too old and the concept will mess with the canon timeline. Another says she has heard that the script is about one of them married, is into trouble and tries to find his old pal who he hasn't seen in years. "If this is true, we should be lucky not to see that movie, for his is certainly not the S&H we know."
  • a fan writes: "A realization struck me as I read ‘Between Friends’ #2. A letterzine is just that! A letterzine!! Well, gee. I'd never seen a letterzine before now, and I guess I just though it mean skinny... When I wrote my first letter, I didn't know it was going to be published.” Another fan says, “When Tabby told me my letter was in the l/z, I thought, ‘Eek!"
  • a fan says: "After hearing about all the hullabaloo about the former S&H [2] l/z, I got my grubby paws ahold of some and browsed through them. Hmm. It is a shame that it degenerated into the state that it did. Even while wading through the morass of arguments… I discovered loads of information I didn’t know.” She applauds ‘Between Friends’ for not “falling into that pit” and suggests that those folks who feel an argument coming on to ‘write directly to those who write something that interests them and debate it that way. That way, disagreements can be aired without the whole of the fanworld knowing about it."
  • a fan who absolutely does not believe in the S/H premise says she loves the song “Woman” by John Lennon as it reminds her of Starsky and Hutch. "Change the word ‘woman’ to Hutch or Starsky... and presto!"
  • a fan applauds another’s idea of writing a history of Starsky and Hutch fandom, another fan agrees and says "possibly the best historian would be one new to us, without the biases that some of us have which would color our objectivity."
art from issue #3, Ruth Kurz
  • a gen-only fan writes that she liked “Echoes” in Pushin’ the Odds and comments: "Is THAT way the ‘/’ was printed blue-on-red filigree? Well, I’ll be damned! I asked them what the secret punch number was for but I never got an answer. Do they do that in case someone clones it, they can find out who? Hee, hee… what an idea!"
  • a fans says she readily lends out-of-print zines to people, but only ones in person as postage is too expensive and the post office is too unreliable
  • about the alley scene in “The Fix”: "Another bit that makes the internal organs wobble about."
  • this issue has four pieces of fiction: "Between Friends" by Kandy Fong, "Young Man's Fancy" by Sue-Anne Hartwick, "The Typographical Error" by Regenia Marracino, "Spring Is" by Pat Massie
  • there is an ad for 3-11 "The zine that serves up a cocktail of S&H poetry, fiction, and art, lightly spiced with S/H, and all in the best possible taste... Age statement required."
  • there is an ad for Marzipan & Kisses, "a new l/z devoted to the Lymond Chronicle and other works by Dorothy Dunnett. Published bi-monthly, $2/issue... Letters and checks to Bound in Leather Press."
  • art by Carol Davis, Tabby Davis, Ruth Kurz
  • there is an ad for ZebraCon #5

Issue 4

cover of issue 4, Maureen B
inside illo from issue #4, was reprinted from an issue of Ghostriders, Ruth Kurz is the artist
inside illo from issue #4, Tabby Davis

Between Friends 4 was published in July 1984 and contains 40 pages. It has art by Tabby Davis and Ruth Kurz.

  • some fans quotes song lyrics and explain how they are S&H appropriate
  • fiction: "Just in Case" by Pat, "Sparkle in the Night" by Cathy, and "Cracked" by Sue-Anne Hartwick
  • regarding song tapes:
    I like 'The Wind Beneath My Wings," the song supplied by [H Z]. So many current songs are fun to listen to with thoughts of S&H. I love watching and making song video tapes. So many write songs for Trek that I was surprised no one had been doing this for S&H. That's why I'm working on some original songs, as I mentioned earlier. The guys are so inspirational!

  • a fan comments on Pushin' the Odds:
    Despite all the trouble to get it, and the hard-to-read pages, I did not think the zine was ALL bad. I rather enjoyed it myself. It was also my first contact with S/H. It was not the best zine I ever read, but it was not the worst. I shall not, however, be ordering another issue.

  • a fan writes:
    What a wonderful idea to use fan scripts for a S&H remake! But I'm afraid it wouldn't work. Some people tried when the series was still on, I once heard. After all, the studios have their own script writers who wouldn't take fans seriously. Would they?

  • a fan writes:
    Each to their own, of course, but I think saying that the S/H concept 'spoils' what is a beautiful relationship is a little excessive. You may think so, and you have every right in the world to think so — but not everyone is going to agree with you on that. Me, I want to read SH fiction. S/H, S&H, S*H, whatever. The relationship, however we choose to see it, is still the main attraction. I think we can agree there?

  • a zine ed writes:
    CODE 7 III is sold out...has been since MediaWestCon actually, which pleases me no end but will be a disappointment to any of you who waited too long. I have made a few xerox copies and they look almost as good as the originals, so if anyone is interested in one of them please write to me. A xerox copy is $10, and that includes first class postage.

  • there is an update on ZebraCon:
    ZCon--I don't want to repeat everything I said lastish, 'cause it all still holds true, but we are up to 90 members and I'm keeping my fingers crossed we make it to 100. Deadline for memberships (and paying the balance due) is July 31. Deadline for ordering T-shirts is July 10. Deadline for ads in the Program Book is July 15--no_ one has placed an ad yet, by the way. Howcum?? Eight dealers' tables have been sold; there is room for another 7 or 8. Progress Report 3 will be out very soon--by mid-July. If any of you want to put in a want ad for riders, roommates, or whatever, get it to me RIGHT NOW. Please. Programming is pretty well set, except I don't have anyone to run the Simon & Simon panel. If no one volunteers, and soon, I'm going to cancel it. Huggys -- Apart from the various letterzines, zines eligible look to be 3-11, CODE 7, PUSHIN' THE ODDS, SIDE BY SIDE, and the S&H story in TONGUE IN CHEEK. Is DESPERADOES [3] going to be out in time? MAGNETISM? LATE NIGHT??? (Deadline for zine eligibility is July 31.) Please, someone let me know! It's very hard (it's damn near impossible, is what it is) to keep track of everything — all it would take is a postcard to tell me if a zine is out, or going to be by the 31st. No novels this year, far as I can see, so there won't be a 'Best Novel' award.

  • a fan explains the Fan Qs:
    The FanQ Awards have been around for years and are sponsored by MediaWest Con. Though they began as awards for Trek fiction, they have evolved to include the fan fiction of other media shows. Unfortunately, this year there was no S&H category. Usually, the nominations and votes reflect the opinions of the attendees of the con, despite the fact that in the last two years nominations have been opened to fandom at large. Thus, if few fans of any one genre are represented, that area of fanfiction won't be voted for. Like all such awards, it turns into sort of a popularity con test. And with the vagaries of fandom and types of fanfiction, they change every year as to categories and fandoms represented. It's always been difficult to determine the best way to organize the FanQ's, and thus their value is only relative.

  • a fan writes of inspiration and fandom:
    It's the inspirational aspects of Starsky and Hutch that keep the fandom growing and thriving. We have all been touched by their very special relationship, whatever we perceive it to be. I for one would like to see more fan fiction being published, both S&H and S/H. To continue to flourish, the fandom needs continuing good quality fanfiction of all kinds. I like heavy stories that give the characters problems to solve, that test their heroism and their relationship, that investigate areas of their personalities, that show their strengths and vulnerabilities. Part of the fascination of Starsky and Hutch is that we don't know everything about them, that we have to fill in the details with our fanfiction. We know some things that are spelled out by the episodes, and can make some deductions based on the aired "facts". If everything about the characters was explained, though, we would not need fanfiction. That may be one more reason why S&H has a fandom. Like Trek, just seeing it as TV episodes is not enough. We question, we explore, we try to explain. We feel the need to place the characters in new situations, to show scenes we didn't see, to ask what happened after "Sweet Revenge". I hope that a further outgrowth of BETWEEN FRIENDS will be more fan writers entering the fold. Perhaps some of the stories by new writers seem simple and unpolished now, but with a place to discuss the characters, our writing can grow and become more complex, less amateurish. I find that much of SSH fanfic is very well done, with high standards of editing. I'd like to see that standard retained, but with an eye to encouraging new writers to try their hand. Everyone who loves these characters has something worthwhile to add.

  • a fan writes of writing:
    I'm upset. I had set about writing a S&H story but then Terri lent me copies of "Wilderness" and "Mojave Crossing" and 1 looked at my feeble effort -- rip! Lets try again. Do you realise how hard it is to write "cop" after four years writing pure "Sci-Fi." (My excuse and I'm sticking to it!) Out of those two zines (the only real S&H I've read —"Judge and Jury" is the other one) I preferred "Mojave Crossing." My sister preferred "Wilderness" so that's one vote each. More! I cry, More!

Issue 5

front cover of issue #5, Maureen B.

Between Friends 5 was published in September 1984 and contains 44 pages.

  • contains two pieces of fiction based on the cover of issue #3: "Dum-Duh-Dum-Dum or an Explanation for the cover of issue #3" by Ima Fool, and "All Wet" by Sue-Anne Hartwick
  • an ad for the second IDICon
  • there are several con reports for Z-Con #5
  • art by Maureen B. (front cover), Cheryl Newsome, Tabby Davis, TACS
  • the TOTM is "How did you become a S&H fan?" Many fans came from the Star Trek fandom, others had more roundabout journeys.
art from issue #5, Cheryl Newsome
  • a British fan writes: "I dislike any comparisons being made between S&H and The Professionals, and I have yet to see any comparable standard of fanfic, with a couple of exceptions. The dialgue with the cross legs is only from my warped imagination, I'm afraid."
  • some proposed zines that didn't make it off the ground: "Changeling" ("a high quality adventure, drama and romance, with each emphasizing a different fandom... #1 Starsky and Hutch and #2 Hill Street Blues... We are seeking specific types of material, especially for issue #2"), "All Sorts of Heroes... Hill Street Blues" ("mini-zine, 22 pages, art work, poetry, wordgrams, wordsearch, crosswords, photographs, recipes, ads, calligraphy. I need a run of 10-120 orders to cover my costs.")
  • submissions were requested for Blue Warriors ("an S&H and HSB fanzine, A4 size. Contains so far: poetry, art, recipes; a la carte menu for all; photos, puzzles, still needs more ideas, no '/'")
  • submissions were requested for: Partners in Verse ("a S&H/P&D poetry zine only, with art, song lyrics. More still needed.")
  • a fan puts in an announcement for another fan that a new A-Team letterzine is being started called On the Jazz, contact Debbi O.
art from issue #5, Tabby Davis?
  • a fan writes: "I heard of a whole new fandom, this S&H, where one didn't have to just read fanzine stories to see K&S show affection for each other; here these neat cops on TV actually showed outward affection and even touching [on the screen]!" Another fan writes that "S&H makes K&S look like nodding acquaintances!"
art from issue #5, Cheryl Newsome
  • several fans complain that all the letterzines they subscribe to have deadlines the same time, which could be one reason this issue of "Between Friends" changes its deadline to mid-month
  • a fan named Tabby says she is not the same Tabby who writes Blake's 7 fiction.
  • a fan thanks another for copying off a copy of Decorated for Death and sending it to her
  • the zined of Scales of Justice says it is nearly ready for the printer
  • two reviews of 3-11, see that page
  • a "review" of Code 7 #3 and 3-11 by Ima Fool:
    From what I can see, the trend these days in fanzine points to numerology and sexuality because both Code 7 #3 and 3-11 have numbers in their titles and hanky panky in their pages. The sum total of these zines is twenty-four. A randy numerologist reading these zines by the light of a patchouli scented candle can get her abacuses worth, if she just follows this simple formula: divide the sum total by 2 leanly-muscled cops, which results in a 12. That that 12 and divide it by 4 seasons. You get a Zebra 3. Multiply that 3 by 8 years on the force (and, may it ever be with us), and you should arrive at the original zine title of 24. In the old days, Starsky and Hutch had zines with words for titles and women for love interests. Now they have code-numbered romantic interludes with each other. But it still adds up the same whether they are platonic-hurt/comfort pals, or uncovered undercover cops. Not even uninteresting plots, unrealistic dialogue, or unusual sexual practices can divide their love.

  • a new SH fan bemoans her predicament:
    I've heard nothing but good things about this fandom and I'm proud to join. Although I did not need another fandom! Explaining being a trekker is bad enough, but at least ST is noble and philosophical, etc. Try explaining this!

  • a fan addresses the question of why there seems to be fewer SH writers than in other fandoms:
    Compared to ST, they're almost non-existent! Why? When I first started writing, I was in ST. And yes, my stories were edited but they were not of 'many colors'... if you get my drift. I thought the purpose of fandom was to share stories, ideas, etc. Not to try to have each and every story printed a Pulitzer Prize nominee or winner... After reading almost every S&H (or S/H or however you want to put it) I can or am willing to, I don't consider my stories any worse or better... While I do appreciate a story being 'near perfect,' I would rather read it with boo-boos than not get to read it at all. What has been so rightly stated: What good are all those stories if they mildew at the bottom of someone's drawer? Or worse yet, put in File 13? It appears to me that editors have gotten too tough (often about things that don't really mean a damn) that a writer feels like saying 'to hell with it.' And we wonder why there's never anything new to read. What is needed are more zines like Rough Cutz... although I do feel the stories could be typed up neatly instead of being true rough drafts.

  • a fan "misunderstands" the virgule:
    Long before I was ever aware of '/' being used for same-sex relationships, I used it as a means for shortening and showing that it (he, she, they) belong together. I guess that's why '/' meant nothing to me when I got into fandom. I thought it was just another way of saying S&H and K&S. Live and learn.

  • a zined writes:
    All our zines except for 3-11 are sold out and there will be no reprints, so if you can get someone else to do the xeroxing, you have our permission to copy any or all of Ten-Thirteen #1 and #2, One More Mountain and One More River. I don't have the xerox facilities as cheaply as some folk in the U.S., or I'd offer to do it myself.

  • a fan writes about her introduction to SH fandom and comments on Z-Con:
    I'd been reading SF and ST since I was a pup. So the ways of fen are not new to me, and the main reason I gafiated was that most of my fannish friends did, or joined fandoms that I wasn't interested in. but I always stuck with zines. So when I realized that Z-Con was minutes from my home, I figured, try it again, even though I went alone. And that is a damn difficult thing to do, to go to a con alone. And this part fen who don't understand the nature of a con, in that cons (especially small ones like Z-Con) are made up of groups of folks who have met, who write, and who can't wait for the next con to get together and see old friends. Though is was easy to meet people, and most folks were friendly enough, I was bored and disappointed waiting for the next events (at the risk of sounding like a whiner), I had no one to play with. That was really my choice, though, as I didn't feel comfortable trotting up to strangers' rooms to see what was playing. Which brings me to complaint #2, which was a real one in terms of programming. I was very disappointed that there was no video room. I had really looked forward to seeing a lot of tapes.[4]

  • a fan writes:
    Though I'm a believer in S/H, even if S&H is as far as they go, there is a reason our boys have chosen the women they did. If Terry hadn't died, if Gillian hadn't told Hutch or hadn't' (is Kira related to T'Pring?), I don't think it would have mattered. Starsky and Hutch are engaged in a sort of psychological merger that simply doesn't require a traditional hetero relationship to complete it... They don't need to choose women for lasting relationships. It's almost more a socialized response toward sanctioned hetero contacts.

art from issue #5, TACS
  • a fan writes that she got into
    S&H fandom at the beginning of the first letterzine. This was before the '/' premise was even thought of except by maybe one participant. I think it's so great to see regular guys be able to show affection. If they're gay, that negates the value of it. Of course they're gonna be affectionate, no big deal... That's why I'm glad there is once again a S&H letterzine apart from the S/H one... The participants in letterzines seem to be, in general, more liberal, articulate and intelligent than the normal population and with this liberality they accept seeing their favorite characters being portrayed as gay. On the other hand, it's just as valid and okay to prefer the straight style in one's heroes and role models for the utmost in a loving and loyal relationship, that of S&H.

  • a fan remembers the last letterzine:
    The last arguezine, as it came to be called, was dominated in the end by vociferous and strong debates between those declaring S&H on TV had to be gay and those saying they could act that way without being gay. I was one who liked to see straight guys show love, and I was totally and completely outnumbers. It was okay to say anything in defense of and to prove they were gay, but not to try to prove they could just as well be straight. Then you were not being fair to gays to maintain your view of S&H as much as they maintained theirs; you were supposed to shut up and keep quiet about it. Now once again there is a S&H letterzine.

  • a fan puts her two cents in on the '/' argument:
    The S/H concept doesn't 'spoil' a beautiful relationship, it just shows a different side of what is still a beautiful relationship. After all, love is a beautiful thing no matter how it is represented. Some people think it is beautiful that two guys can feel this way and can express it in physical love. I personally think it's just as beautiful that two guys can feel this way about each other and not need to express it in physical love. Either way, they've got a hell of a relationship.

  • a fan says that when she got into S&H fandom, many of the zines were already out of print.
    I just HAD to have copies of them all by myself [as opposed to borrowed copies from friends] so I began writing off to zine eds. Form those zines, I found the names of other zines, so I wrote off to them, too. A couple of them were out of print and I was very kindly given permission to photocopy these.

Issue 6

front cover of issue 6, TACS
inside page from issue #6, Tabby Davis
inside page from issue #6, Carol Davis

Between Friends 6 was published in November 1984 and contains 48 pages. It has art by TACS, Carol Davis, and Tabby Davis.

  • fiction and poetry: "Turkeys are Forever" by Cathy, "Compassion" by Lynna Bright, "Pilgrim's Progress" by Wanda, "Stuffed" by Sue-Anne Hartwick, "A Slight Misunderstanding" by Regenia, "Unexpected Song" by Susan K.
  • this issue contains a review of One Shot, see that page
  • a fan writes about her filk music:
    The songs I write have both original lyrics and melody. That differs them from what is traditionally known in science fiction and media fandom as "filksongs" in that filks usually use well known tunes with words written to fit whatever the subject matter is, Trek, SF, etc. My song book just includes the words, though, with illos, as I am not trained in transcribing music and having someone not in fandom do a job like that for me was not practical. With the taped singing and guitar accompaniment, you can hear and perhaps sing along with the melody. Various aspects of SH have inspired my songs: the episode "Sweet Revenge," Hutch's appearance and attitudes in fourth season, Starsky's response to the changes he sees in Hutch, fanfiction I've read, as well as my own interpretations of the characters and their relationship. It's like setting my poetry to music, just another way of writing about the characters. I've been doing it for years in Trek fandom, as do many others, and I was surprised that no one makes up their own SH songs (aside from the ones in plays) to sing together at cons.

  • a fan is high on technology:
    I am so excited! I just discovered that my stereo will record something from the radio. I knew it would do it from the phono, cassette and 8-track, but I didn't know about the radio!! (It doesn't take much to excite her.) I am also in hog's heaven...and for those of you across the pond, you can't get any happier! I just got a VCR and am in the process of getting the S&H episodes taped! Oh,God! Just the other night, I o.d'd on "Bloodbath" (yeah, I see those p.j.'s slipping and slipping...sigh.), "Shootout," "Coffin," "Gillian," and "Sweet Revenge." Oxygen, please! I also got to listen to PMG croon a Jim Croce song while tarpon fishing. Damn, he's got a sexy voice... can sing in key, too.

  • a fan writes:
    I strongly disagree that being 'gay' negates the value of a relationship. I don't think that every male-male relationship is necessarily consummated physically. A relationship, close friendship can be fulfilling without physical expression. There have been other partnership shows where the "/" is just not apparent -- at least, not for me. However, S&H are a different story. They have an exceptionally unique relationship. I don't believe it was love/lust at first sight but a feeling that grew steadily and strongly through the years. Their eventual union was somehow inevitable. What they share is compassion, rare and extremely beautiful -- it can't be labelled. It's a phenomenon that occurs in life occasionally. Whatever, in fandom there will always be differing opinions, but it's nice to find tolerance on both sides of the fence.

  • a fan address another:
    I'm sorry you still seem to have many negative feelings stemming from discussions that took place in the old letterzine. I imagine that many remember the many ungracious comments which were published there. Speaking as one who read them all after the fact, I found the discussions to be stimulating and instructive. The old letterzines are a good foundation for anyone wanting to learn more about the shows, the characters and the history of this fandom. Sure, there were arguments, but they took place in the past. I don't think BF is the place to start dredging it all up again. Everyone who has written so far seems very tolerant of each other's ideas. We don't yell at each other for preferring one actor over another [to take a random example), why should we do the same over our interpretations of the characters' relationship? I think there are various ways to interpret how Starsky and Hutch relate, and within the confines of this fandom, they all have validity. The reason BF has been so warm and friendly so far is that no one has become defensive about her own attitudes or argumentative over someone else's. I hope you feel happier about things the next time you write. We're all having a good time here!

  • many fans comment on the lack of zines, both for reading and for submitting fiction to, one writes:
    I agree with you and all the other thousands, who have commented upon the distinct lacking of S&H writing recently. What happened to all those writers of old, e.g. Teri White? I remember a time when zines of that kind were manifold -- and my purse and I couldn't keep up with them. Now its been literally months and months,a year even, since I've read a good S&H novel or long story. What has happened? Now if you want an S&H story, you have to fish through copzines dealing with HSB to the A Team (the A Team? Why?) or a half-trek zine, or whatever. I would love to see a few purely S&H novellas work their way out of people's attics and closets. C'mon, you can't fool me. I know you're out there...please. We've got to keep this thing going, after all.

  • a fan comments on the responsibilities of a fanwriter and off the value of editors:
    While not an extremist, I confess to being one of those "blue pencil" editors, engaged in a never ending search for continuity, technical expertise, truth, justice and a cohesive storyline - Pulitzer Prize nominations aside. I don't think it's necessary to have every piece of technical data verified beyond reproach. However, if a writer elects to include medical and legal procedures, or the resolution of the case rests on knowing the impact of a .22 bullet fired into a block of concrete from a distance of 18'2 feet, she has a responsibility to do her homework. True, it probably won't make a bit of difference to 90% of the readers, but if the information is important enough to be included, it should be correct; or as correct as writer and editor can make it. Writing a story for fen consumption is more than a simple sharing of fantasies. It's a way of expressing personal feelings, knowledge, background, morals, habits and quirks through the characters. Gaping plot holes, rambling h/c scenarios, strange, unmotivated behavior and having Starsky survive an ambush after being riddled with twice the number of bullets taken by Sonny Corleone says next to nothing about our heroes, but communicates a hell of a lot about the author. The point is not to compete for awards, but to tell a good tale in a fairly plausible manner. With zines costing $12.00 and up, I wouldn't presume to give readers anything less. This certainly does not give the editor the right to massacre someone's story just because it doesn't agree with her view of things. But it's often difficult to evaluate your own work objectively, and an editor's comments can often point out things that are clear as a bell in your head, but failed in the transition to the printed page. Editing should always be thought of as a "reader asking questions." It doesn't degrade the work. It attempts to clarify it. Please don't interpret this as an excuse for editors who are rude, pompous or single-minded in their approach to editing. There is no excuse for this type of behavior. However, with the hue and cry that goes up whenever the "pros" err, I would think fandom would be particularly alert to avoiding this in their own work.

  • a fan comments on being edited:
    Yes, I realize that being edited is all part of learning, but I can't help but wonder who edited Stephen King, Rex Stout, Barbara Cartland, Louis L'Amour, etc. Did they go through the hell we amateur writers do? The impact a story has on the reader I should think is the most important thing. How many of us remember if the POV and/or grammatical structure of such stories as "Wilderness," "Mojave Crossing," "Decorated for Death" was what it was supposed to be? I am usually a stickler for grammatical correctness if nothing else, yet all I remember about those stories is how they tore me up and left me wanting more! I've read some damned good stories which were not up to "S&H editorial standards" that grabbed me. But I didn't read them in some of the better known zines, either. Be sure to catch MY editorial in MY zine, LONG ROAD HOME -- which I think will be my one and only publishing attempt. Damn, you editors/publishers have GOT to have a screw loose... or else you're masochists! You should either be put in a padded cell or given a gold medal. I haven't figured out which! Anyway, my hat's off to all of you.

  • a fan writes:
    I have dabbled in writing S&H fiction- and hope it will be some thing I'll do more of in the future. But I do find it difficult, and must admit that the standard other fan writers have reached is a little daunting. I agree with Regenia M. too that perhaps one reason so few writers are emerging is that we are slightly worried about how we will be judged. There is surely a place for all the fiction being produced by fans. What one person writes may not be to the purists tastes, but it might be enjoyed by someone, and I don't think we should deny the writer the right to produce their own level of fiction (while encouraging them to perfect what they write) or the reader to find something to their own taste. I find writing poetry much easier, and have been pleased with the way some of the S&H stuff has been received. Since most of it doesn't rhyme, maybe poetry isn't the right word for it. Then again I'm not sure what is!

  • a fan addresses another:
    We've gone into this in depth between the two of us, but for the benefit of any others out there--yes, we are all anxious for new stuff to read. BUT, when we are paying hard-earned cash for a zine or novella, it is the writer's/editors duty to make that zine or novella as good as she possibly can. When you're just sharing a piece of work around your friends in-'fandom, then 'near-perfect' isn't necessary, though I personally welcome any and all comment that comes my way. I'm a better writer because of fandom, and I don't believe I'll ever get to the point where I can't improve. Count me out for anything similar to ROUGH CUTZ, though. My first drafts are abyssmal.

  • a fan writes:
    I understand what you're saying about the nature of fan writing. Yes, it would be wonderful if there were many more stories available for us all to read. But one thing I like about this fandom is that there is a rather high standard for published fanfiction. I've seen highs and lows in Trek, and the more material published, the lower the quality seems to become. I don't think any fan writer should be condemned for anything she has written for the love of the characters alone, but I do like to see quality praised. For those of us who do wish to eventually write professionally, there is no better school for honing one's talents than fanfiction, but we cannot expect to improve without being critiqued. Anytime we put something on paper, it should and can be a learning experience. I don't worry so much about errors in technical areas like medicine and law, though if you are doing a story in which an injury or disease or courtroom scene is an important part of the plot, you can do research so that you get the general facts right--and it's the zine editor's job to point out such errors so that neither she nor the writer ends up being embarrassed when the reviews come out. What I do worry about are character inconsistencies and plots that are too contrived. All of us have our own interpretations of the characters, but if we write a story that shows one of them acting significantly different than he usually does, we had darn well better show why he is in the course of the story and make the reader believe it, too. I do think that even in the worst stories, there is often something good, just as there have been things that bother me in the best fanfic I've read. We fans always have something to say about whatever zine we're reading, don't we?

  • a fan writes:
    Zines don't grow on trees. They are a product of hard work and a lot of money. I would love to do another zine, but in order to do that, I would have to have submissions. So, to all of you who frequently bemoan the lack of zines in this fandom, I invite you to do something about it. Go to your typewriters and write!

Issue 7

Between Friends 7 was published in January 1985 and contains 36 pages.

front cover of issue #7
  • the editor writes:
    Starsky & Hutch fandom seems to be alive and well, and growing by leaps and bounds. Of last year's six issues, each one was larger than the one before it, and I'm delighted that so many of the letters are from new fans, or from long-time fans of the show who had only just discovered fandom and/or the letterzine. New blood, new ideas, new enthusiasm. No doubt we enthuse each other. Prior to BETWEEN FRIENDS, our fandom was without a regular all-subjects-included letterzine for about a year. The fandom certainly did not die out, but I personally found it difficult to keep in touch with lots of other fans outside of my own small group of friends, or even to know if a large body of fans was still out there. I started BF for the very simple reason that I missed the old letterzine and missed keeping up with what was going on with S&H and S&H fans around the country… A letterzine is a wonderful way to ‘correspond’ with a large group of people.

  • a con organizer says there will be fiction and art awards at the con The Paul Muni Special called “The Encore Awards.” They would be called “favorites” instead of “best'.
  • a fan asks another about a zine she’s working on:
    How are you coming with submissions to ‘Changeling’? I applaud your desire to do a non-/ zine, and hope to hear from you regarding the story idea I mentioned in my letter to you of a while back. Like you, even though I am more into the "/" relationship for SH, I believe all facets of their universe can and should continue to be explored in fiction. Many of the newer writers are working on non-/ type of fiction and that is probably where most of your stories will come from. What I would like to see in any fanfiction is stories that explore new facets of the characters, stories in which the characters learn something—about their relationship, about life in general, about themselves. Stories that simply rehash themes from well-remembered early stories do not work and since so many good ideas have already been so wel1-executed, many stories that do not, as we might say, 'advance' the relationship seem dull and unimportant. But even "/" stories must continue to cover new ground if they are to be considered worthwhile.

  • a zined announces she is getting together a zine called No Pants, No Badge, No Gun
art from issue #7, TACS
art from issue #7, Ruth Kurz
  • a fan takes issue with another fan’s earlier letter that said it wasn’t that editors were too picky.
    Do you really believe for one minute that "Mojave Crossing" would have earned the reputation it has if it was poorly written? It would not be able to have that all-important impact without its excellent writing. Connie Faddis was a very experienced writer when "Mojave" was published; she knew how to use good grammar and what POV meant, how to show rather than tell--in short how to execute her story with emotion and power. Besides the wonderful hurt/comfort, the life and death situation they're involved in, "Mojave" is an important episode in the lives of Starsky and Hutch. In it they learn what they mean to each other, and to express their caring in a way never before shown either in the aired episodes or in fiction. Because "Mojave Crossing" was published in the infancy of SH fanfiction, it has become the yardstick by which all other stories are measured. Another story with hurt/comfort, life and death situations and an expression of love between the characters seems like a repeat of what Connie did so well. To be equally moving and powerful and memorable, a story must go one step further, have the characters learn something else, change their lives in some other significant way, or it's just a rehash that pales in comparison. "Wilderness" is competently written and well-edited and though I don't think it's quite as powerful a story, it differs from "Mojave" and stands on its own because of the cop story format, because we explore Hutch's guilt over Starsky's grave condition.

  • a fan demonstrates the differing opinions of what the letterzine should reflect:
    I really wish that we could get into more in-depth discussions within the pages of BF. I'm not blaming Elaine for not having a topic of the month; I think that even without it we could do better. I miss discussing the details of the series. If we aspire to writing S&H, if we see their universe as a real one, we need to analyze, to discuss all facets of it. Instead, we fill our allotted pages with ramblings, sending messages to one another based on last ish's comments, and don't really get into anything in depth. Some of us even discuss other fandoms, the theatre, or other hobbies that don't relate at all to SH. If we have to stick to two pages, we should limit ourselves also to the subject matter of BF—Starsky and Hutch and matters related to SH fandom. I'd like to analyze the episodes, the characters, their backgrounds; I'd also like stimulating and in-depth discussions of our favorite outfits the boys have worn on the show, their blue eyes, their tight jeans.

  • a fan apologizes to Ruth for not having her Harry/Johnny story finished, though "I should have gotten a Huggy for having written 43 pages of H/J without a single orgasm."
  • a fan says “I hope that ‘Changeling’ in both its avatars, surmounts the problem and comes out on top.”
  • for a fan looking for out-of-print zines, a suggestion: "Look out for zine auctions, m’dear, and if all else fails trying dropping the editor(s) in question a request for Xerox permission. At worst, they can only say ‘no.’ And most will say ‘go ahead’ as we at 10-13 Enterprises do. But it's a courtesy to ask first."
  • a fan writes to introduce herself and says: "Surprise, I don’t have a cat."
  • a fan ponders technology:
    I wonder if part of this "generation's" apparent lack of need for zines is tied into the VCR phenomenon. Why write or read when you can just pop in a tape? How can sweating out a story or poem compete with the audible crunching of leather in the throes of h/c? And why would you want to read (that is, merely read) when you can watch and savor and stop the tape at strategic moments?

art from issue #7, TACS
  • a fan writes:
    I am a little perturbed by your comments regarding 'the British counterparts' of Z-Con. As you have never attended a Dobeycon, you are obviously basing your opinions on hearsay! As you and many others are probably aware, there has been a recent spate of unpleasant and untruthful rumours in British SSH fandom which played a large part in the sad demise of the annual Dobeycons… Dobeycons have always been the happiest and friendliest gatherings anyone could hope to attend. Having been present at all the past cons and actually co-organizing D/Con III, I feel I am fully qualified to make such a statement. qualified to make such a statement. It's a great pity that such an amicable 1/z as BF has to contain this kind of comment. (Apologies to the Ed. here) but I hope the Ed. will understand when I say that such thoughtless statements issued by someone with absolutely no knowledge of the facts makes my blood boil. Damn it, S&H fandom is fragile enough right now, as it is, without people poking sticks in the hornet’s nest. We're all trying desperately hard to hold fandom together with words of friendship and encouragement. There has been a very volatile situation in Britain during the past few months, but given time we'll get it together again—providing people think before making senseless comments.

  • fiction: “The Real Thing” by Kate Wallace, “Break a Leg, Partner” by Sue-Anne Hartwick, “Snow” by Pat Massie, “Priorities” by Lucy Cribb
  • zines listed as available and in the works: Half You, Half Me #1, #2, Moonlight and Mists, Long Road Home, Partners in Verse (at the time, a Professionals and S&H poetry zine) by S.J. Ferriday, You & I, Side by Side, “Changeling,” Down to Earth, Magnetism, “Media Slash” (proposed zine of Professionals and S/H). One could also purchase a 7 ½ inch high Starsky “sculpture portrait” for $36.50 including postage
  • there is a notice that "Hanky Panky (you know, the other letterzine) has moved to Los Angeles" and will be revived within the next few months

Issue 8

cover of issue 8, Carol Davis
illo from issue #8, Cheryl Newsome

Between Friends 8 was published in March 1985 and contains 40 pages.

  • for the first time in 'Between Friends,' there is a common letterzine custom, the TOTM. It asks fans to name their Pet Peeves.
  • a fan admits she is starting to drift away to another fandom:
    Rereading old favorites can be a pleasant nostalgia trip but for me that is not enough to maintain current enthusiasm for a fandom; I have to have something new to look forward to also. I find I have mostly been practicing "Yankee virtue #2," reading in another fandom. Since few of us read in a fandom we're not interested in, that seems to me to really translate "Go find yourself another fandom." I have done just that and am delighted with the new one, but I really didn't want to give up on S&H in the process. However, since I don't care for the heavy "/" which is very nearly the only thing being produced in SH fandom these days, there doesn't seem to be such choice but to gradually drop out. Now that I think of it, I realize I've already begun doing so. In the last few months my participation in SH fandom has been limited to reading, and writing to the "Times", while I have become much more actively involved in the new one. My apologies to those whose feathers I've ruffled; that wasn't my intention. I guess I just couldn't accept the idea of abandoning ship without a word of protest or explanation. All right, I've had my word; now, as my new fandom's hero would say, 'enough."

  • a fan has a proposal/wish:
    It would be nice if there were 'stepping stone' zines. For the beginner writer who has a good story but who might be intimidated and quit writing, a sort of 'rough zine', one that edited only the grammar and made sure technical and medical aspects of the story were correct. The next type zine would edit a little more (a lot more?). It would get into things like POV and everything else we learn but I don't know what to call. The last type of zine would be for that polished-best-it-can-be story. Now some writers might want to skip the first two and go straight for the last. That's fine. Others may wish to stick with the first or second. Okay by me. To each his/her own… As for price...let the first one be a loaner zine...maybe even the second one… And please, don't ask me how it would work. I don't know. I just wish it would!! So we’d have more stories to read!

  • a fan has lost track of a zine: "Whomever I loaned my One More Mountain to, will you please return it? I will be eternally grateful."
  • a zined asks that the ad for Long Road Home be halted as it is sold out
  • a new fan writes: "I'm especially pleased by the Zine Retrospective feature introduced in issue #6. I find that I don't recognize many of the titles of the classic zines (esp. S/H), so when I see items offered for sale or auction I'm at a loss." She asks if there has ever been a bibliography issued, as that would be a big help.
illo from issue #8, TACS
  • a fan wants to know:
    If no one seems to be offering copies of [past zine] titles for sale or auction, is it ever possible to obtain (authorized) photocopies from people lucky enough to own their own copies? (I assume no one wants to trust her only copy of an irreplaceable zine to the mails, though I would be happy to pay postage or alternative shipping costs, insurance, etc., if someone were.) Do editors ever sell photocopies of their out-of-print zines?... I'm not really a "Collector" nor do I have the kind of funds which would enable me to compete for mint quality originals. I just want stories to read, and what I'm looking for are legible copies for personal use only. (I don't want to violate anyone's copyright, or deny anyone her just due, or in other ways offend against established practice, so if these questions are out of line I hope people will be forgiving and understand the compulsion that prompts them.) … I can trade typing for zines, too — I've helped with a couple of K/S zines in the past, typed numerous professional book manuscripts, etc., have access to a word processor as well as an IBM Selectric, can do some line editing, and would happily negotiate.

  • a fan complains:
    There's a lot of talk going on about writing fan fiction right now, from the trials of the timid neos to the tired pros. I don't write much or often, but one problem I keep running into is unanswered queries and submissions that disappear along with the zine. Could be a lapse of etiquette on my part, but I find it difficult to keep up my enthusiasm when editors don't answer guideline questions, ignore submission ideas, or accept stories and then are never heard from again. I wouldn't say this kind of behavior is the norm, but it happens often enough for me to wonder how committed editors of new zines are...

  • a fan responds to an letter in the previous issue:
    I was interested to read what you said about VCRs maybe replacing some people's need for zines. I've been lucky enough to have a VCR for three years now, albeit rented, and I never tire of watching episodes on tape. But I still love to read zines. I don't think the one thing can replace the other… Our stories can see the continuation of S&H, their relationship, their characters; tapes can only take us over old ground again, although don't get the impression that I'm knocking them. There are things that can be said in fan fiction that never could have been said through the series, some obvious, some not so obvious. There are no restrictions on our imaginations, whereas there were restrictions on what the producers were willing to show in the episodes. I don't think we will ever tire of watching episodes either on tape or TV (I won't!), no matter how many zines we have. But I don't think we can do without zines, either.

cover of issue #8, Cheryl Newsome
  • a zined wants to know:
    Okay, where have all the writers gone? Most of the good ones have moved on to other things, true, but I don't believe there isn't a new batch of writers out there to take their place. There has to be, if we expect this fandom to continue, because the lifeblood of fandom—any fandom—is zines. It's very depressing to hear so many zine eds pleading for submissions, and so few zines actually getting published." She goes on to say that the last issue of Code 7 would be half S/H and half B/D of The Professionals. "It [Code 7] had taken two years to put together, while working on ZCon at the same time (madness!). I was very burned out, and very much caught up in a brand-new obsession (B/D). Hence my remarks in the editorial. But, things have changed. I realized I wasn't quite ready to leave this fandom, not by a long shot. I still love Starsky & Hutch very much. But what I really wanted to do was a B/D zine...and trying to do two zines at the same time is impossible… so, the solution seemed to be a half-and half zine. Mixed media zines are certainly all the rage right now, and there is a tremendous amount of overlap between the two fandoms.

  • fan doesn't want others to restrict what they send to the letterzine.
    I enjoy the friendly, informal style of BF — it's my way of meeting three-dimensional people. Yes, this is a S&H 1/z, but I'd hate to see the contents ‘elevate’ to a solely analytical level. I feel a desire to "converse" in a relaxed way with other fans — I don't feel a need to analyze. Just an opinion, of course. I think there's a happy medium between one-line exchanges about one's cat/hubby/job/whatever and thesis level explorations. Sorry, but I really choked on the idea of limiting ourselves solely to SH topics. As I mentioned, I enjoy meeting people this way, and enjoy getting to know about their goings-on. Enough said.

  • a fan writes that "There's still so much that hasn't been written that is episode related, so many episodes that have never been dealt with in fiction, so many scenes we didn't see left for some new writer to explore. Fabulous, isn't it?"
  • an extremely prolific fan artist writes her first letter to "Between Friends": "I'm beginning to realize that it's much easier to draw a bunch of illos for everyone to look at than it is to put ray thoughts down on paper for everybody to read...very intimidating!"
cover of issue #8, TACS
  • a fan alerts another to an incoming long-distance phone call: "I'm letting you know now that I will call you on April 16, 1985 at 8:00PM"
  • FICTION: “Birthday Blues” by Regenia Marracino, “The Parade” by Pat Massie, “Happy Anniversary” by Sue-Anne Hartwick
  • there are many ads from fans requesting copies of zines, either loaned or xeroxed
  • there is an ad for the fourth issue of Code 7 #4. It was to be a S/H novel by Dargelos: "formally titled All Our World in Us. To be published by Christmas 1985."
  • there is an ad for the proposed fifth issue of Code 7: "Now accepting submissions. This will be half S/H, half B/D. Projected publication date: Zebra Con #6 (July 1986). I’m looking for stories, poetry, silliness… with an emphasis on unusual themes and ideas. But I’ll take a look at anything – subject or theme… alternate universes, death stories."
  • there is an ad asking for submissions for a zine called Blue Warriors It was to be a "S&H and HSB fanzine. Fiction includes 11-page HSB “Neal’s Wedding” and a S&H story, ‘The Birthday.’ Artwork, poetry, a la carte menu for all characters in centre: different coloured paper. Over 70 pages to date Send 2 IRCs for more info."
  • there is a clipping from the December 27, 1975 issue of TV guide and an ad for IDICon
  • art by Carol Davis (cover), TACS, Cheryl Newsome

Issue 9

cover of issue 9, TACS
from issue #9, J. Jones
from issue #9, J. Jones

Between Friends 9 was published in May 1985 and contains 40 pages.

  • the TOTM is on fans’ Pet Peeves in the Aired Episodes
  • the editor makes a reminder:
    I need to reinforce one point for others who might not have been around for my editorial in issue #1. ‘Between Friends’ is clearly intended to be a G-rated S&H letterzine, not S/H. I feel that S/H is limiting, since it only implies the sexual relationship. S&H, to me, designates the total 'universe' of Starsky & Hutch, and that is what I want BF to include. [The letterzine] gratefully acknowledges the existence of S/H, but prefer that it not be discussed in detail in these pages. Also, at the time BF started in January 1984, there was a l/z specifically for S/H; although it has not been published recently, I am assured by the publisher … that Hanky Panky will once again be rolling off the presses. So, BF welcomes your discussions of the guys, the episodes, the actors and what they're currently working on, or any other S&H subject you want to talk about, except detailed discussions of S/H. Save those up and send 'em along to Hanky Panky when it gets started again.

  • the letterzine’s editor writes at some length about the cease and desist order the editor of Vice Line has received, see that article for more
  • fans are still weighing in on how much other subjects besides the show should be discussed in the letterzine:
    While I do very much want to discuss S&H (and S/H, to a certain degree) in every aspect, way, shape and form, I think we do need to include the other little snippets of news/views etc., too. We need a happy medium.

  • a fan chimes in on the proposed Code 7 that is supposed to be half B/D and half S/H:
    I like the idea of splitting up mixed media zines, if that's what people want. I personally wouldn't want to read or buy B/D, but I might well want to read S/H -- so for me, making CODE 7 a zine which could be sold as two separate halves seems to make sense.[5]

  • a fan defends the Max Franklin books, saying they're not fabulous but do contains some gems she would have liked to see on the screen
  • the editor thanks Tabby for all her help in distributing the letterzine to fans in the UK
art from issue #9, TACS
  • new fans are starting to read the original zines for the first time, zines they now consider a part of S&H history
  • a fan comments on the question of whether there's less fanfic because of the VCR:
    Videotaped episodes are not enough because there is not enough in them, limited as they were by the pressures of mass-marketing and blatant commercialism. Zines and novellas fill a very large gap in S&Hism. They are the result of the triggers of peoples' imaginations having been released by the television portrayal, and extended into a mode which TV could never emulate. Thus, our imaginations can be filled with the very pulses of these two mens' hearts, and hence, with immense enjoyment/satisfaction/emotion.

  • a fan writes:
    I personally find emotional/psychological h/c more satisfying than physical. Which is not to say I haven't been moved by the latter, but the way in which one is exposed to each's vulnerability through those emotional revelations to each other and the subsequent bonds of love and understanding, is to me the ultimate in an experience of h/c. This emerges particularly well from good zine writing, but also episodes such as "Gillian," "Starsky's Lady," "Blindfold."

  • a fan responds to another’s comment that Hutch kissing Starsky on the forehead is not slashy, but his kissing him on the cheek is
  • a fan says she has talked to another fan [Teri White] who's moved out of active fandom and gone pro.
    No title decided on yet for that one or for the third [book] which will come out on Alyson's fall list this year under the pseudo Stephen Lewis. She wanted to call it SAD COWBOY SONGS as it is using the plot from My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys but the publisher didn’t like the word ‘Sad” in the title.

  • this issue has a clipping from the then-current issue of People Magazine featuring an interview and photo of Teri White who has gone pro
  • art by TACS (including cover) and J.A. Jones
  • FICTION: “Photographic Memories” by Sue-Anne Hartwick, “The Secret Life of David Starsky” by Pat Massie, “Breakfast” by B.L. Barr
  • there is an ad for Mobile Ghettos and a Canadian fan (E.D. Productions), probably Entwhistle and Duck, asks for submissions for a Professionals “/” zine that doesn't have a title and will contain no art.
  • there is an ad asking for submissions for Nightlight #1:
    S/H zine now accepting submissions. Planned for summer '86. Seeking stories, vignettes and poetry exploring the S/H relationship as an integral part of the lives and work of Starsky & Hutch. Fiction may be set during or after the series. Looking for stories of the relationship in transition, heavy on characterization and plot, trauma acceptable, but would prefer no death stories. First times are okay, if explored in new ways, new settings, with new catalysts.

  • there is an ad for "Bullet", a con that was to be held in Wales, see issue #11

Issue 10

Between Friends 10 was published in July 1985 and contains 48 pages. Cover art by Ruth Kurz; interior art by TACS, Cheryl Newsome, Tabby Davis, Connie Faddis, Dani Lane, and J. Jones.

cover of issue 10, Ruth Kurz
  • the TOTM: "Who is your favorite minor character(s) whom you feel had a positive impact on Starsky's and/or Hutch's life, and why? (Sweet Alice, Terry, Iron Mike Ferguson, John Blaine???, or the oh-so-many others who appeared in non-regular roles.)" This generates MUCH discussion
  • a fan suggests that if you haven't read any H/J yet, to start with Magnum Force: Davis
  • the geography of a platonic kiss is discussed: "I guess the difference between Hutch kissing Starsky on the forehead as opposed to the cheek is that it would be less intimate. The cheek is closer to the mouth...we ARE referring to THAT cheek, aren't we?"
  • a fan would like to return copy of Datazine, one with a Mary Sue/Simon & Simon story in it, but she doesn't remember who lent it to her
art from issue #10, TACS
  • a fan writes:
    Ever since its inception, I've read BF with growing pleasure. The enthusiasm of new fans really is a stimulus to those of us who've labored long and hard back in the days when other fandoms snickered at our affection for the Terrific Twosome, or were aghast that we would leave the nurturing world of Star Trek. Now, almost ten years later, the fresh and never-ending wonder and debates are reminders of our own endless discussions about mustaches and jeans, dark curls and golden hair. There was THAT throat, and THOSE thighs, and THAT chest, and THOSE eyes. Obviously subjects worth hours of careful research. But there was also something else we were aware of: THAT friendship, THAT caring, hallmarks that distinguished S&H from other shows and partnerships. If they hadn't cared, neither would we, nor would the new fans who now watch the show with such enjoyment. That the fans care is evident in the stories featured each issue of BF. Many of them are thoughtful and well-written. Humor is gentle, tongue-in-cheek, and sometimes all too true. They are the fixes we need between fanzines. Elaine has done a fine job in keeping her selections true to the spirit of S&H.

  • a fan simply wants access to the fiction:
    I agree fully with [name redacted] in #9 that classic zines should be available in xerox. I'm funny in that, to me, the most important thing is to be able to read the zine/story. I really am not a collector in the usual sense, i.e., I buy paperbacks not leatherbound first editions. (I know a lot of SF fans who brag about having this or that book—but have never read it!)” Another fan writes: “As another who missed some of those classic zines first time around, I'd agree with you. Is anyone actually willing or able to reproduce them for those of us who did miss out? I'd be interested to know.

art from issue #10, Dani Lane: "When summer's a bust, in what do we trust? Me and Thee, and a tall iced tea."
  • a fan comments about the Cease and Desist letter a Miami Vice zine’s editor received, and is perhaps commenting on Purple Pages:
    It’s very unfortunate that this kind of thing happens. I'm sure Marie must feel angry and hurt by the incident. I would. You're right, the situation is puzzling. Could it be perhaps the producers of MV are aware of the ’intrigues’ surrounding the fandoms of other successful shows—S&H being no exception. I have to admit that some of the heated discussions and references etc. in the S and H could well have trodden-on-the-toes of ‘certain people’ involved with the production of the show. I've been told that certain pieces of my letters have been removed from the whole [of the original letterzine], completely altering their context and actually shown to DS himself. Whether or not he wasted his time in reading them is disputable. We've also experienced discomfort and concern when so-called ‘friends’ in fandom have supposedly shown fan-fic and l/z's, which could be misinterpreted, to the actors themselves. I'm certainly not suggesting that Marie's 1/z contains anything that could be interpreted as distasteful but perhaps the producers of MV are aware/or have been made aware of certain aspects of ‘fandom’ and do not wish their show to be involved.

    art from issue #10, Connie Faddis: "Has he brought Starsky here, too?" - (This illo comes from the much anticpated (and soon-to-be-published) SCALES OF JUSTICE."
  • another fan comments on the Cease and Desist letter:
    I was shocked to learn about the difficulties besetting Vice Line. If everything is as reported, I should think that first amendment rights were being violated. I haven't seen the 1/z myself, but I should think that people discussing anything, TV show or not, among themselves would be protected in any court in the land. I know if I were in that situation I couldn't afford it, but I would hope she might be able to get a lawyer and do something about this. (Isn't this the kind of thing the ACLU takes on?)"

  • a fan comments on modern technology:
    As far as the VCR vs. creativity argument, I don't think VCRs keep one from creating. They just help you get your facts straight... that is, if you aren't too lazy to run through the tapes to look things up. VCRs are the greatest invention since the pocket calculator, maybe greater. Right up there after indoor plumbing and the telephone and ball point pens.

  • A fan writes about her seven cats. Another fan comments: "I don't know about SH fandom, but most people in ST fandom own cats. Lots of cats. I think cat people are loners and people in fandom are loners—they just like to be alone together."
  • a fan remembers the first SH fiction published in the UK in Starsky and Hutch Appreciation Society
art from issue #10, Tabby Davis: "No, I'm Jealousy, He's Rage..."
from issue #10, J. Jones
  • a fan writes:
    I am gratified that the editors who write are so supportive of new fans giving S&H (or S/H) fiction a shot. I know from experience how hard it is to give someone that you don't even know a story, be it your first or fiftieth, to read. It is like standing naked on the street corner because writing is such a personal thing. We put a lot of ourselves into what we write. I notice, though, that a lot of people are clamoring for stories but all the ads in the back of BF are "/". I don't have anything against /' but there has to be a market for just plain old S&H, too, don’t you think?

  • a fan comments on a tape of music videos:
    Someone sent me a video cassette full of music videos featuring S&H, S&S, B&D and other sundry items. There was one song, the Who's 'Behind Blue Eyes', set to scenes from The Professionals. One shot shows the short-haired guy (see? I don't even know which is which!) punching in the door of a car right before he gives the girl inside the best, most wicked smile I have ever seen! Then, at MW*C this time, I saw lots of art, so if anything, I am interested. Just another note about music and certain songs as they pertain to S&H. In the aforementioned tape, I have S&H put to songs like 'Holding Out For A Hero' and 'Making Love Out Of Nothing At All'. Now, my taste in music is pretty versatile and leaning more heavily in the direction of rock and roll, heavy metal, etc., but I find myself becoming very attached to songs that are put to S&H stuff. Even some (*gasp*) country songs like 'Every Which Way But Loose' and 'My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys'.

  • a fan offers a big thank you:
    I would like to begin by saying something that has been growing in me ever since I started my recent zine re-reading binge… thank you zine editors, story writers, poets, talented artists, cartoonists, typists (and anyone else I've overlooked) for giving me so many happy hours of reading...for taking the time and the part of your lives it took to create your work for me to enjoy. Thank you for sharing with me your personal view of S&H — the partnership, the conflicts, the h/c, the humor of our very special universe. A zine is more than a stack of papers stapled together — it's a compiled, visual physical body of collective emotions (after all, we certainly aren't doing this for the money, right?). I have a personal affection for zines—they are a form of escape in a sense. They reassure me that there are others out there who feel the way I do about the importance of a 'mere' TV show… They are an extension of fandom, and Lord knows what type of person I’d be today without that.

  • a fan offers up assistance: "I am definitely not an editor, and would be miserable help along those lines. However, I do have a house full of videotape and about 20 pounds of hand-scrawled trivia notes on the show. So, if anyone has an episode question they'd like answered, just drop me a line with a SASE and I'll be happy to try to help you out. “
  • a fan complains: “My station just dropped S&H after a two-year run to replace it with S.W.A.T.. I’m sure all two fans of that show are thrilled."
  • a fan refers to the Bonanza Syndrome:
    There's a name for that killing-off-of-the-romantic interest. We refer to it around here as the Bonanza Syndrome. (Think back—none of the Cartwrights could keep a wife over two days before she faded out from a rare disease that only attacks female love interests and elm trees/burned alive in the torched barn/got stomped by a jealous horse.) And let's not forget that dear, undaunted, loveable (if terminal), beloved female must die with her makeup in perfect order. Heaven forbid she keel over gracefully with her eye liner smudged!

art from issue #10, Cheryl Newsome
  • a fan comments on APB, the British letterzine:
    Very interesting topic this month. By the way, I just had the pleasure of reading our cousins-across-the-sea's 1/z APB, and was impressed by the level of discussion, with both an episode of the month and topic of the month in each issue, and they still manage to say 'Hi' to each other."

  • one fan says it was the compliments in the 'Between Friends' letterzine that inspired another’s zine:
    You certainly made Teri's day with your complimentary letter. She was delighted. Because of encouragement like that she has decided to do another S&H zine of vignettes called Coda, which should be ready by the Paul Muni Special. She originally planned it for just a special attending-members-only offering, but your letter and other such responses have convinced her to print enough for everyone and I volunteered to handle the mail orders for her. So anyone who is NOT planning on attending Paul Muni, but who is interested in having a copy of CODA, please let me or Teri know so we know how many to print.

Issue 11

cover of issue 11, uses the 1976 photo that some fans called The Wedding Photo

Between Friends 11 was published in September 1985 and contains 48 pages.

  • the TOTM: "How have the last ten years changed your life, and... what do you think Starsky and Hutch would be doing if the show was still on the air/how are they living their lives in 1985?"
  • there is much speculation when answering the TOTM. Almost all fans say the guys will remain together in some way, though not necessarily on the force. A couple saw them married, but most not, with each man remaining the most important relationship in each other's life, but in a "completely straight" way. A couple say they see then getting gunned down in a blaze of glory like Butch and Sundance. One said:
    As for what the characters have done in the past ten years, I'm of the opinion, and hope, that the relationship continued and grew. Yes, I do see a physical relationship evolving, even throughout the aired episodes, and no, I won't go into specifics. I think this aspect of their lives together was inevitable, given their work, personalities, and singular dependence on each other. I do admit that, had the show gone on, I could never imagine that aspect openly portrayed on the air. This society is not ready for such a premise, and would be too concerned with the ‘mechanics’ to focus on how they dealt with everyday problems as a couple. Too bad. Maybe we'll see more along these lines in the fan fiction.

  • a fan writes of her appreciation for
    four exceptional men… Hutch, Paul and David have enriched my life by showing me "LOVE" in the truest sense of the word: these men cared for, respected, trusted and supported each other AT ALL TIMES, regardless of situations; they loved each other more than most siblings, even though they were ‘just friends.’ I don't believe in the ‘/’ theory pertaining to S&H, and the fact that they're ‘straight’makes their beautiful,exemplary relationship all the more special and rewarding. It's a privilege and joy to see (and KNOW) how much these two disparate people deeply love one another! To see how well they ‘know’ each other; to watch how they humor (and annoy!) each other; comfort one another; listen to and advise each other. In short, what Starsky and Hutch display and share with us is an honest, human relationship that we’d ALL LOVE to be a part of!... I sincerely believe that the reason many of us are Starsky and Hutch fans is because, tragically, a TRUE friend is practically impossible to find. We'd all love to belong in a relationship with people who're as close and loyal to each other, who appreciate and enjoy one another as S&H do each other.

art from issue #11, Sandy Goodall
art from issue #11, Cheryl Newsome
  • a fan has lost patience with a certain canon time period: "If I read anymore about post-SR, I'm going to put a .357 Magnum to my head -- I'll say goodbye now, since this will be the last letter I’ll be alive to write…”
  • a zined of a gen zine in the letterzine’s want ads says it disproves another fan’s statement that all the zines being made are slash zines: "Don't Give Up On Us will be straight for as long as I’m around… which leads me to a public service I want to make. All future issues of my zine will have normal covers."
  • regarding the TOTM:
    The show has changed my life all right. It taught me to believe in love, and in a better world where people are judged by who they are and not what. During the first two seasons my life was at an all time low, and S§H came along just in time, to help me make it through. I owe a lot to that show, and am dedicated to repaying that by doing my part to keep this fandom alive. That is why I am always saddened, and a little confused when I hear of someone leaving to go on to something else. To me this is much more than a show, much more than a hobby. I guess to me this is a way of life.

  • a fan loves the zine No Pants, No Badge, No Gun:
    Maybe I should throw in my $5 here and recommend that zine to any S/H fan who hasn't gotten it...and they'd better hurry. Any S&H fan who is contemplating the switch to "/" should get it too. It's fairly graphic and explicit for the most part...but ooohhh! The love!!! And the writing… and the poetry! [April Valentine] writes fantastic love poems. Plus two of the most terrific illustrations I have seen in a long time. It’s basically an ‘up’ fanzine… no guilt trips, no death stories, no major hassles.

  • a fan scolds others for not participating more in the Huggy Award ballots
  • a fan announces that the con “Bullet” has been canceled due to lack of interest in PMG:
    It seems DS is pulling all the favour in the UK these days – PMG doesn’t get a lookin! Perhaps it’s because DS is still appearing on our screens and PMG is seldom seen. It’s certainly surprising how quickly some people forget… A lot of people in the UK are all geared up to celebrate 10 years of S&H at a SoulMates convention. Ye God, I mean DS could rustle my sheets any time, but we’re talking about a different universe here – S&H. Hutch does have a partner and a cute one at that. You can’t possibly have a Hutch without a Starsky!

  • a fan writes: "The last ten years have turned any aspirations I might have had for being a professional writer into being a profession fan, letter writer, and xeroxer."
  • fiction: "S.O.S." by Leah S., "Piece of Cake" by Sue-Anne Hartwick, "Moving On" by Tabby Davis, "Heads I Tail" by Aprile and Ima Fool

Issue 12

front cover of issue 12, TACS
art from issue #12, TACS: "It's okay, Buddy, relax... There's gonna be another L/Z for us..."
art from issue #12, the con cake at The Paul Muni Special

Between Friends 12 was published in November/December 1985 and contains 56 pages.

  • art by TACS (cover, interior), Dani Lane, Sandy Goodall, J. Jones
  • many, many fans thank the editor for doing the letterzine, and the editor thanks the fans for making it such a pleasurable experience
  • there are many, many goodbyes and fans hope for a new letterzine, one fan hopes "to see some of you in the revived Hanky Panky."
  • one fan says the end of the letterzine "comes at a good time… at a time when I’m finding myself captivated by S&H’s sibling MV… and I find I would rather pursue that and Simon and Simon."
  • the TOTM is to pick a favorite scene where S&H show their affection for each other; this question generates many comments
  • a fan writes that she is planning a “pilgrimage” to Duluth, driving there for a two-day trip after Zebra Con to see where "Blondie grew up."
  • a fan notes there were six Starsky and Hutch zines published in 1985
art from issue #12, Sandy Goodall
  • this issue contains many con reports for The Paul Muni Special
  • a fan talks of how she became a fan of S&H in a roundabout way through Doctor Who
  • a fan complains about the portrayal of police captains in other fandoms:
    I am beginning to tire of police captains who are morons. All they seem to care about is the press and following the police manual. It has reached the point where it has become a big joke for the "heroes" to make fools of their superior officers (which isn't too hard). Why can't they make the captain kind, gruff, but supportive, especially of the cops who seem to be getting the job done instead of getting bogged down in red tape and procedure. I guess I want to see more Captain Dobey's. With Dobey, we had a man who had a thankless job -- caught in the middle between the press, the commissioner and his two favorite detectives. But no matter how bad the situation, he always backed them up, giving them the time to solve the case on their own. He trusted them not to let him down.

  • a fan writes a con report for The Paul Muni Special, one tidbit:
    The video song tape contest got a bit confused as we broke in the middle to watch PMG’s Miami Vice episode, and then reconvened amid some confusion. No voting got done. I'd like to cast mine here -- Pam Perry's "I'm So Excited" was something not to be missed. So was the audience reaction. Whew!” That, and the “Song Tape Award [for the Encore Award] didn’t get announced at the banquet. We’ll mail it.” A nice acceptance speech mailed to the con organizer also didn’t get read out loud as she forgot about it. “It was very nice, trust me.

art from issue #12, Sandy Goodall
  • one of the con organizer comments on some of the attendees: “My Trek friends, who wore buttons reading "greater love hath no woman than to help at the con of a friend in another fandom," came through...”
  • one of the con organizers is glad the con went well but complains about the hotel: “Yes, the BWI Holiday Inn turned out to be in reality worse than we had dreamed… If we EVER do this again, the con won’t be held at that establishment. Promise.”
  • a fan gets a little meta:
    Fandom does, in one way, remind me of an iceberg: there is a kind of "fanberg"—so many people, so many aspects, so many different, chosen ways of participating. There is a variety and a versatility which are incompatible with attempts to generalize, and which can never be confined within particular categories. Fandom eludes such narrow definitions, is protean in the forms it may take. The diversity is enriching.

  • there is a mention that The Paul Muni Special was videotaped, and it was done by the only man in attendance (a fan’s husband)
  • a fan thanks another one for sending her some Riptide pass around fiction
  • a fan describes a fan all-day gathering called Ten Years On at a London hotel on October 12. There were thirty-six fans there, cake was eaten, and many zines were bought and sold, including Scales of Justice and 3-11
from issue #12, Sandy Goodall
  • several fans comment on another fan’s original characters in a series of fiction. The characters are Vas (Vastarnyi) and Dex
  • a fan comments on UK S&H fandom:
    I'd just like to say, in response to some of the comments I've heard in BF and other 1/z's recently, that UK fandom is not in the kind of state that some seem to want people to believe. We have been together for almost ten years now and in that time, we were bound to lose a few people, and have the odd argument along the way. But I do believe that those of us who are still involved have lost none of the enthusiasm and love that we came in with. I certainly haven't! From my own experiences, I can only say that the love and commitment are still as strong as ever.

from fissue #12, J. Jones
  • fiction: “Blue Moon” by Sue-Anne Hartwick, “Those Who Believe” by Jatona Walker, “Twas the Week Before Xmas” by Leah S., The Twelve Days of Christmas” by Ima Fool
  • there is a review of The Thousandth Man, see that page
  • there is a review of Coda, see that page
  • there is a review of Scales of Justice, see that page
  • there is a review of Day by Day, see that page
  • there is a review of Moonlight and Mists, see that page
  • there is an announcement about All Our World in Us :
    ALL OUR WORLD IN US, a S/H novel has now been cancelled. However, the first two drafts are available to anyone who wishes to read them. Each is several hundred pages long, and they are quite different from each other. They may be borrowed on a Lending Library basis, for a period of 2 weeks, reimbursing the postage when you return the story. Requests will be handled on a first-come, first-serve basis.


  1. ^ This comment was in K/S & K.S. (Kindred Spirits) #17. Carla was the editor of APB.
  2. ^ S and H
  3. ^ "Desperadoes" is probably the story that appeared later in No Pants, No Badge, No Gun.
  4. ^ Her comments also include a longer con report.
  5. ^ Almost all fans respond to her that they aren’t interested in reading about the Professionals and would like to just purchase the S/H half of the zine.