AO3 Fanzine Scan Hosting Project

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Name: AO3 Fanzine Scan Hosting Project (FSHP)
Date(s): 2022-present
Archivist: OTW, The Zinedom Archive Project
Founder: The Zinedom Archive Project
Type: digitization of fanzine works
Fandom: multifandom
URL: FSHP AO3 archivist account

FSHP AO3 collections
FSHP-tagged works

FSHP page on Open Doors site
Click here for related articles on Fanlore.

This project originated in 2017 as The Zinedom Archive Project. In 2022, Zinedom entered into a partnership with the OTW Open Doors committee to form the AO3 Fanzine Scan Hosting Project (FSHP).

What is the AO3 Fanzine Scan Hosting Project?

While the Fan Culture Preservation Project (FCPP) focuses on preserving hard-copy zines, OTW also recognizes the value of digitizing fannish history. Therefore, Open Doors is pleased to announce the AO3 Fanzine Scan Hosting Project (FSHP), a new partnership with Zinedom, a fan-run preservation project, in order to bring digitized copies of fanzine works to the AO3.

With approval from OTW Legal and the OTW Board of Directors, Open Doors will collaborate with Zinedom volunteers to transcribe stories, scan art, and upload both to the AO3 with permission. Fanzine works will only be imported to the AO3 with permission from their creators and/or zine publishers.[1]

The project got underway in 2023 by importing the works of individual creators who had given their permission to do so. FSHP will then move on to work with publishers to import the contents of their fanzines (including fic, art, and meta), probably in late 2024. (Fanzine publishers or creators with works in fanzines can find out more information on the FSHP page on the Open Doors website.)

Creators Imported with the Assistance of Open Doors

Thanks to Zinedom's efforts, FSHP already holds permissions to preserve the fanzine works of a number of individual creators - permissions received either from the creators directly or from their next-of-kin. These include, among others: Gayle F, Connie Faddis, Leslie Fish, Nancy Kippax, Kathy Resch, Eileen Roy, April Valentine, and Bev Volker.

Fanzines Imported with the Assistance of Open Doors

Zine Name Publisher(s) Fandom(s) Number of Works AO3 Collection Started Completed
Alpha Continuum WTUU Star Trek: TOS 2 works Alpha Continuum 2022-11 incomplete
Archives Yeoman Press Star Trek: TOS 1 work Archives 2022-11 incomplete
As I Do Thee Mkashef Enterprises Star Trek: TOS 1 work As I Do Thee 2022-11 incomplete
Before the Glory Kathy Resch Star Trek: TOS 1 work Before the Glory 2022-11 incomplete
Computer Playback Janet Hunt Star Trek: TOS 1 work Computer Playback 2022-11 incomplete
Energize! Energize! Press Star Trek: TOS 1 work Energize! 2022-11 incomplete
Enterprise Incidents Pop Cult, New Media Press Star Trek: TOS 2 works Enterprise Incidents 2022-11 incomplete
Fantasia Blatant and Latent Press Star Trek: TOS 1 work Fantasia 2022-11 incomplete
Fantazy Pandora Publications multifandom 2 works Fantazy 2022-11 incomplete
Farthest Star Asteris Novis Press Star Trek: TOS 3 works Farthest Star 2022-11 incomplete
Fesarius Imperial Press, Ghome Enterprise Star Trek: TOS, multifandom 1 work Fesarius 2022-11 incomplete
Final Frontier Tiger Press Star Trek: TOS 2 works Final Frontier 2022-11 incomplete
Folk Songs For Folk Who Ain't Even Been Yet T.J. Phoenix (record label) Star Trek: TOS 1 work Folk Songs For Folk Who Ain't Even Been Yet 2022-11 incomplete
Galactic Discourse Sleepy Sehlat Press, Satori Press Star Trek: TOS 2 works Galactic Discourse 2022-11 incomplete
Interphase Connie Faddis Star Trek: TOS 6 works Interphase 2022-11 incomplete
It Takes Time on Impulse Harriett Stallings Star Trek: TOS 2 works It Takes Time on Impulse 2022-11 incomplete
K/S Relay Janet Hunt Star Trek: TOS 1 work K/S Relay 2022-11 incomplete
Kraith Collected Ceiling Press Star Trek: TOS 3 works Kraith Collected 2022-11 incomplete
Maine(ly) Trek Walking Carpet Press Star Trek: TOS, multifandom 3 works Maine(ly) Trek 2022-11 incomplete
Matter/Antimatter Tiberius Press Star Trek: TOS 1 work Matter/Antimatter 2022-11 incomplete
Menagerie boojums Press Star Trek: TOS 1 work Menagerie 2022-11 incomplete
Metamorphosis Love Child Press, Nimoy Factor Star Trek: TOS 4 works Metamorphosis 2022-11 incomplete
Neutral Zone Outpost Midway Island Star Trek: TOS 1 work Neutral Zone Outpost 2022-11 incomplete
Obsc'zine T'Kuhtian Press Star Trek: TOS, multifandom 3 works Obsc'zine 2022-11 incomplete
Off the Beaten Trek Trinette Kern and others Star Trek: TOS 2 works Off the Beaten Trek 2022-11 incomplete
One Trek Mind Boston Star Trek Association Star Trek: TOS 2 works One Trek Mind 2022-11 incomplete
Organia Beverly Lorenstein, Judith Gran Star Trek: TOS, Star Wars 1 work Organia 2022-11 incomplete
Paladin David Lubkin multifandom 6 works Paladin 2022-11 incomplete
Pegasus Pegasus Press Star Trek: TOS, Star Wars 1 work Pegasus 2022-11 incomplete
Pure Maple Syrup Homosapien Press Due South 1 work Pure Maple Syrup 2022-11 incomplete
R & R Yeoman Press Star Trek: TOS 1 work R & R 2022-11 incomplete
Relay Janet Hunt Star Trek: TOS 1 work Relay 2022-11 incomplete
Risk Tashery Shannon Wiseguy, Blake's 7 1 work Risk 2022-11 incomplete
Stardate Sacramento Valley STAR Star Trek: TOS 1 work Stardate 2022-11 incomplete
Syndizine T'Kuhtian Press, Pegasus Press multifandom 3 works Syndizine 2022-11 incomplete
Ten-Thirteen Cat and Dragon Press Starsky & Hutch 1 work Ten-Thirteen 2022-11 incomplete
T'hy'la Kathy Resch Star Trek: TOS 5 works T'hy'la 2022-11 incomplete
The Holmesian Federation Signe Landon Sherlock Holmes, Star Trek: TOS 4 works The Holmesian Federation 2022-11 incomplete
The Other Side of Paradise Purple Dragon, Plak Tow Press Star Trek: TOS, multifandom 3 work The Other Side of Paradise 2022-11 incomplete
The Paladins Affair Twinbear Press The Man from U.N.C.L.E., multifandom 7 works The Paladins Affair 2022-11 incomplete
The Price and The Prize Gayle F Star Trek: TOS 2 works The Price and The Prize 2022-11 incomplete
The Sensuous Vulcan Love Child Press Star Trek: TOS 2 works The Sensuous Vulcan 2022-11 incomplete
The Weight Collected T'Kuhtian Press Star Trek: TOS 5 works The Weight Collected 2022-11 2023-09
Warped Space Michigan State University STC, T'Kuhtian Press Star Trek: TOS, Star Wars, multifandom 5 works Warped Space 2022-11 incomplete
Zebra Three Polaris Press, Pegasus Press Starsky & Hutch 3 works Zebra Three 2022-11 incomplete
xxx xxx Star Trek: TOS xxx works [xxx xxx] 2022-11 incomplete

Further Reading
