Fan Culture Preservation Project

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Name: Fan Culture Preservation Project (FCPP)
Date(s): 2009-
Archivist: University of Iowa Special Collections
Founder: OTW, University of Iowa Special Collections
Type: Fanzine archive
Fandom: multi
URL: Special Collections Department at the University of Iowa
fan collections
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The Fan Culture Preservation Project (FCPP) is a joint venture between the OTW and the Special Collections department at the University of Iowa to archive and preserve fanzines and other non-digital forms of fan culture.

Fans who have zines, fannish flyers, paper memorabilia, letterzines, newsletters, fannish correspondence, fan art, convention programs, convention badges, songvids - essentially anything fan made or fan produced - that they can’t keep anymore are encouraged to contact the OTW's Open Doors committee regarding the Fan Culture Preservation Project. Please.

Also refer to Fannish Estate Planning and the AO3 Fanzine Scan Hosting Project.


Some 2009 Comments

When the project was announced in August 2009, fans had a wide variety of reactions.

See: Fan Culture Preservation Project/Media Fan Comments: 2009

Further Reading
