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STIFfie/1998 Awards
These are the winners as announced at the 7th Annual STIFfies Ceremony held at MediaWest*Con 19 over Memorial Day Weekend 1999. WayBack Archive link to 1998 award site
Winners are highlighted with a "*".
Blake's 7
Best Poem/Filk:
- Another Rousing Chorus by Oliver Klosov (Liberator Fantasies)
- Avon Without Guilt by Vanessa Mullen (Liberator Fantasies)
- Nightmare by Ebony (Liberator Fantasies)
- Santa Does Space City by Susan Cutter (Tales From Space City) (*)
- Triptych by Predatrix (Fire and Ice 4)
Best Short Story:
- All Work and No Play by Mireille (Liberator Fantasies) (*)
- Continuum by Steve Rogerson (Tales From Space City)
- The Late, Great Blake by Jonquil East (Liberator Fantasies)
- Never Say Die by Pat Fenech (Liberator Fantasies)
- Zipper by Helen Patrick (Diverse Doings 3)
Best Story:
- At the Closing of the Day by Julia Stamford (Liberator Fantasies)
- Expendable by Vanessa Mullen (Liberator Fantasies)
- Present by Susan Cutter (Diverse Doings 3) (*)
- Salvage by Misha (Liberator Fantasies)
- Tonight by Altaer (Liberator Fantasies)
Best Novella:
- Divide and Conquer by Willa Shakespeare (Fire and Ice 4) (*)
- Path of Thorns by Mitzi Tick & Felicia Adam (Liberator Fantasies)
- Write In:
Best Novel:
- Coma Avon Nights by Willa Shakespeare (Jo Ann McCoy)
- May King by Susan Cutter (Straight Up Press) (*)
- Write In:
Best Zine:
- Fire and Ice 4 (Kathy Resch)
- Liberator Fantasies (Jo Ann McCoy)' (*)
- Tales From Space City (Helen Patrick)
- Write In:
Best Art:
- Anja Gruber, illo for "Zipper" (Diverse Doings 3)
- Randym, illo for "Path of Thorns" (Liberator Fantasies) (*)
- Whitby27, illo for "Expendable" (Liberator Fantasies)
- Whitby27, cover (May King)
- Whitby27, "Avon," facing page 20 (Tales From Space City)
Due South
Best Short Story:
- Dreamcatcher by Jane Mailander (Nothing to Hide) (*)
- Write In:
Best Story:
- It Must Be Obvious by Mireille (Diverse Doings 2) (*)
- Springtime in Chicago by Paloma Manchada (Diverse Doings 3)
- Under Scruntiny by T'Mar (Nothing To Hide)
- Write In:
Best Novella:
- Wolves Come Out To Play by Jane (Chicago Beat) (*)
- Write In:
Best Novel:
- Sanctuary by Jeannie Marie (Victorian Secrets Press) (*)
- Write In:
Best Art:
- Anja Gruber, p. 11 (Sanctuary)
- Anja Gruber, p. 47 (Sanctuary) (*)
- Anja Gruber, p. 67 (Sanctuary)
- Anja Gruber, p. 91 (Sanctuary)
- Anja Gruber, p. 155 (Sanctuary)
Best Short Story:
- Ghost by zen & nancy (Futures Without End) (*)
- Hold Fast To Dreams by elynross (Futures Without End)
- Write In:
Best Story:
- The Favor by Diana DeShaun (Futures Without End)
- From This Day Forward by Riley Cannon (Futures Without End) (*)
- Glimpses of Spring by rac (Futures Without End)
- The Stone Cutters by Tiffany (Futures Without End)
- Write In:
Best Novella:
- Breathing Sorrows by Megan Kent & Rachael Sabotini (Futures Without End) (*)
- Write In:
Best Zine:
- Futures Without End (Maygra de Rhema & Melina) (*)
- Write In:
The Man From UNCLE
Best Short Story:
- Becalmed by Jane Fairfax (Classified Affairs 5)
- The Perfect Gentleman Affair by Sarah Lindsey (Diverse Doings 2) (*)
- Write In:
Best Story:
- The Broken Man Affair by Linda White (Relative Secrecy 2)
- Dark Odyssey by Sarah Lindsey (Diverse Doings 3)
- Once More, With Feeling by Jane Fairfax (Classified Affairs 4)
- The Playing With Fire Affair by Sarah Lindsey (Classified Affairs 4)
- The Similar Features Affair by Rosemary C. (Night Moves) (*)
Best Novella:
- Partners by Pat Foley (Chronicles) (*)
- Write In:
Best Novel:
- But Not For Me by Jane Fairfax (Marion McChesney) (*)
- Write In:
Best Zine:
- Classified Affairs 4 (Marion McChesney)
- Relative Secrecy 2 (Marian Kelly) (*)
- Write In:
Best Info Zine:
- Z.I.N.E.S. (Lois Balzer) (*)
- Write In:
Best Art:
- Suzan Lovett, cover (Classified Affairs 4) (*)
- Write In:
Miami Vice
Best Poem/Filk:
- Black-eyed Katana by Emily Langston (Hard Target) (*)
- Write In:
Best Story:
- Waiting For Burnett by Flamingo (Nothing to Hide) (*)
- Write In:
Best Novel:
- Hard Target by Emily Langston (Savannah Velvet Press)
- Snow Storm by Emily Langston (Savannah Velvet Press) (*)
- Write In:
Best Art:
- Amontillado, cover (Hard Target)
- Amontillado, cover (Snowstorm) (*)
- Write In:
Misc Fandoms: Non Sci Fi
Best Short Story:
- HAPPY DAYS: Untaught Lessons by Arduinna Finn (One Handed Frisky)
- Once A Thief: The Gay Blade by Lianne Burwell (Nothing To Hide) (*)
- SOLDIER OF FORTUNE, INC.: Worth the Wear of Winning by Dyevka (Don't Ask Don't Tell)
- Write In:
Best Story:
- THE A-TEAM: The Ties That Bind by Shadow (Beneath the Surface)
- THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN: Thwarted by Julien (Diverse Doings 3) (*)
- M.A.S.H.: Three Day Pass by Arduinna Finn (Nothing To Hide)
- SOLDIER OF FORTUNE, INC.: The Undiscovered Ends by Dyevka (Don't Ask Don't Tell)
- Write In:
Best Novel:
- WISEGUY: The Terranova Situation, Vol. 16 by Dar F (Almost Foolproof Press) (*)
- Write In:
Best Zine:
- Soldier of Fortune: Don't Ask Don't Tell (Wildside Press)
- Write In:
Best Art:
- WISEGUY: Maureen B., cover (The Terranova Situation, Vol. 16) (*)
- Write In:
Misc Fandoms: Sci-Fi
Best Poem/Filk:
- MULTIMEDIA: Doin' the One-Handed Frisky by Jonni Corday (One Handed Frisky) (*)
- Write In:
Best Short Story:
- SEAQUEST DSV: The Captain and The Kid by Vixen Foxx (One Handed Frisky)
- Space: Above and Beyond: In the Trenches by SUE (Diverse Doings 2) (*)
- Write In:
Best Story:
- FOREVER KNIGHT: Protective Custody by Lorelei & Arduinna Finn (Nothing To Hide) (*)
- Write In:
Best Zine:
- MULTIMEDIA: Diverse Doings 2 (Straight Up Press)
- MULTIMEDIA: Diverse Doings 3 (Straight Up Press)
- MULTIMEDIA: Nothing To Hide (Get-the-Boys-Together Press)
- MULTIMEDIA: One Handed Frisky (Almost Foolproof Press) (*)
- Write In:
The Professionals
Best Short Story:
- Bittersweet by Sharon F (Nothing To Hide)
- I Will Lay Down My Heart by PFL (Night Music in B & D) (*)
- Master Gardener by PFL (Night Music in B & D)
- No Greater Love by Joanna Dey (Diverse Doings 3)
- Silent Night by Patricia James (Not What You'd Expect)
Best Story:
- Firewalls by Elspeth Leigh (Night Music in B & D) (*)
- Keeper by Irene(Roses and Lavender 2)
- The Naked Truth by Hestia (Night Music in B & D)
- Neon Nights by Elessar (Nothing To Hide)
- None So Blind by Amanda Warrington (Nothing To Hide)
Best Novella:
- Duty Owed by Elizabeth Holden (Night Music in B & D) (*)
- A Rose by Any Other Shape... by Maiden Wyoming (Not What You Expect)
- Write In:
Best Novel:
- All the Queen's Men by Victoria Racklyft (CornHusker Press)
- Classified by Amy A Morgan & Adela Kingsbury (Keynote Press)
- Write In:
Best Zine:
- Night Music in B & D (Keynote Press)
- Roses & Lavender 2 (Allamagoosa Press)
- Write In:
Best Art:
- Suzan Lovett, illos (All the Queen's Men)
- Suzan Lovett, illos for Night Fever (Night Music in B & D) (*)
- G E Mills, illo for No Greater Love (Diverse Doings 3)
- Write In:
Quantum leap
Best Poem/Filk:
- Angel by Diane Buckley (Quantum Scenes) (*)
- Write In:
Best Story:
- Enigma by Coral Jay (Quantum Scenes) (*)
- Write In:
Best Novella:
- Adam's Rib by Agnes Joseph (The Angel and the Dreamer 3)
- Lightning Force by Sue Walker and Coral Jay (The Angel and the Dreamer 3)
- Write In:
Best Zine:
- Quantum Fire 8 (Quantum Fire Press) (*)
- Quantum Scenes (Wildside Press)
- Write In:
Rat Patrol
Best Story:
- Between Heaven and Eternity by Debra Hicks (Diverse Doings 3)
- Some Men Cannot Live In Prison by C A Rien (Flanking Maneuvers 2)
- United We Stand by The Wench (Flanking Maneuvers 2) (*)
- Write In:
Best Novella:
- True Knights Duty by Debra Hicks (Flanking Maneuvers 2) (*)
- Write In:
Best Zine:
- Flanking Maneuvers 2 (Lindbergh's Legacy Press) (*)
- Write In:
Best Art:
- Barbara Eickhoff, illo for Hellish Delights (Diverse Doings 2) (*)
- Mark Schnell, illos for Guest of the Shiek (Diverse Doings 2)
- Write In:
The Sentinel
Best Poem/Filk:
- In the Jungles of Peru by Ro Van Glo (Primal Instincts 3) (*)
- Write In:
Best Short Story:
- Constitution Park by Dean Warner (Extra Touchy Frisky 4)
- I'll Show You Mine by Legion (Extra Touchy Frisky 4)
- Surface and Depth by Francesca (Extra Touchy Frisky 5)
- Sweet and Sour by Candy Apple (Extra Touchy Frisky 4) (*)
- A Taxing Time by Cynthia Selene (Extra Touchy Frisky 5)
Best Story:
- Hunger by Kim Gasper (Extra Touchy Frisky 4)
- Model Behavior by the lady of shalott (Love and Guns 5)
- A Quiet Evening at Home by Gloria R (Primal Instincts 3) (*)
- Something to Talk About by the lady of shalott (Extra Touchy Frisky 4)
- Takedown by Tiger Tyger (Primal Instincts 3)
Best Novella:
- Not Images of Beauty, But Realities by Sabra Lindburg (Love and Guns 3)
- The Ones Who Live Alone by Gillian Middleton (Extra Touchy Frisky 5)
- Practice Makes Perfect by Rosemary C. (Primal Instincts 3) (*)
- Rock and Roll Fantasy by Y S McCool (Love and Guns 5)
- Two of a Kind by Debbi Bailey (Come To Your Senses 9)
Best Novel:
- Broken Wings by TM Alexander (The Presses)
- Freedom of Choice by Too Loose (Noel Silva)
- Hope by Sue Walker (Leah S.)
- The Jungle Book by Katrina Bowen (Laura Peck & Carole Swoboda) (*)
- Rough Trade by Kathleen (AMC Press)
Best Zine:
- 852 Prospect (Bodacious Press)
- Extra Touchy Frisky 4 (Almost Foolproof Press)
- Extra Touchy Frisky 5 (Almost Foolproof Press)
- Love and Guns 5 (AMC Press)
- Primal Instincts 3 (Asbestos Press) (*)
Best Info Zine:
- 1999 SenSlash Calendar (Almost Foolproof Press) (*)
- Write In:
Best Art:
- Maureen B., cover (Extra Touchy Frisky 4)
- Suzan Lovett, cover (Primal Instincts 3) (*)
- Kate Nuernberg, p. 169 (852 Prospect)
- Angi Towski, p. 11 (852 Prospect)
- H. Ann Walton, p. 85 (852 Prospect)
Star Trek
STAR TREK (all incarnations)
Best Short Story:
- K/S: The Captain's Log by Judith Gran (Amazing Grace, Special Edition)
- Voyager: Socks by Andrea (Diverse Doings 3) (*)
- Write In:
Best Story:
- DS9: Delight with Pain Purchased by Chris Jones (No Holds Barred 18) (*)
- Write In:
Best Novella:
- K/S: Babes in the Woods by Dana Austin Marsh (Kaleidoscope 7)
- K/S: Don't Ask, Don't Tell by Chris Jones (T'hy'la 20) (*)
- Write In:
Best Zine:
- K/S: Amazing Grace, Special Edition (Dorothy Laoang)
- K/S: T'hy'la 20 (Kathy Resch) (*)
- Write In:
Best Info Zine:
- K/S: The K/S Press (Shelley Butler & Jenna Sinclair) (*)
- Write In:
Star Wars
Best Poem/Filk:
- Sacrifice by Jeannie Marie (Elusive Lover 3) (*)
- Write In:
Best Short Story:
- Evidence by Karen Winter (Elusive Lover 3) (*)
- Write In:
Best Story:
- No Way Home, Part 1 by wSkya Starsinger (Elusive Lover 3)
- Under Pressure by Karen Glass (Elusive Lover 3)
- Vigil by Cara J Loup (Elusive Lover 3) (*)
- Write In:
Best Zine:
- Elusive Lover 3 (Anoat Press) (*)
- Write In:
Best Art:
- Zyene, p. 6 (Elusive Lover 3)
- Zyene, p. 142 (Elusive Lover 3) (*)
- Zyene, p. 231 (Elusive Lover 3)
- Write In:
Starsky & Hutch
Best Poem/Filk:
- Broken by Lynne Dhenson (The Fix 18) (*)
- Write In:
Best Short Story:
- Dust In the Wind by April Valentine (The Fix 18) (*)
- Keep On Truckin' by Flamingo (Nothing to Hide)
- The Letter by Elizabeth Christopher (The Fix 18)
- Respite by Astrid Botes (The Fix 18)
- Three Steps To Heaven by Lynn Martin & Stacy Doyle (The Fix 18)
Best Story:
Best Zine:
- The Fix 18 (April Valentine) (*)
- Write In:
The X-Files
Best Short Story:
- Alchemy by Elizabeth Holden (Diverse Doings 2)
- Submersion by Elizabeth Holden (Diverse Doings 2)
- The Voice by Palinurus (X-Plicit Fantasies 2) (*)
- Write In:
Best Story:
- All Places Are Alike by Mireille (Diverse Doings 3)
- Krychek Unarmed by Kal Romine (Double Exposure)
- Restitution by Cody Nelson (Diverse Doings 3)
- Stealing a Moment by Brenda Antrim (Nothing to Hide) (*)
- Write In:
Best Novella:
- Drink To Me Only by Jane Symons (X-Plicit Fantasies 2)
- Guardian by Sugar Rush (X-Plicit Fantasies 2) (*)
- Write In:
Best Novel:
- The Gift of an Enemy by Sylvia (Teeny Gozer Production/Celeste Hotaling-Lyons) (*)
- Write In:
Best Zine:
- Double Exposure (IIBNF Press)
- X-Plicit Fantasies 2 (Maverick Press)(*)
- Write In:
Best Art:
- Jo B, cover (The Gift of an Enemy) (*)
- G E Mills, illo for All Places Are Alike (Diverse Doings 3)
- Write In:
Outstanding Achievement
Recognition of work done in 1998.