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Jundland Wastes
You may be looking for the Star Wars newsletter, Jundland, Too.
Zine | |
Title: | Jundland Wastes |
Publisher: | Nerfherder Press |
Editor(s): | Pat Nussman |
Type: | |
Date(s): | 1981-1983 |
Frequency: | |
Medium: | |
Fandom: | Star Wars, meta |
External Links: | |
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Jundland Wastes is a Star Wars letterzine that ran for sixteen issues, two of them double issues.
From the first issue: "Jundland Wastes" is a bi-monthly publication of Nerfherder Press. Subscription rates: .90 per issue, $2.70 for three issue subscription; add .25 per issue for overseas." A free issue was given to writers for every three letters published. Like many early fan publications, the letterzine was published without any copyright notices and may, in the US, be in the public domain.
Permission To Copy
"Again, for the record, I officially give permission for fans to copy any of my OOP SWars zines (frankly, it's easier on me than doing the photocopying myself): JUNDLAND WASTES (all issues), ALDERAANI IMPERATIVE, COMPLETE CIRCLE OF FIRE 1 and COMPLEAT ZEEK 1." [1]

From Maggie Nowakowska:
In June of 1981... a new letterzine appeared, JUNDLAND WASTES, and this was the letterzine to which SW fanzine fandom would turn for its link across distances. JW, with its many articles, reviews, and the good fortune to exist when interest in the Saga peaked, was destined to become a controversial, BIG letterzine. Sometimes running 30+ pages of reduced type, JW LoCs were long, expressive and feisty. Fans who supported the Empire lined up against those astounded that anyone could question the Alliance. The constant and often acrimonious debate over the quality of zine reviews that had begun in ALDERAAN continued. Most divisive of all arguments to appear in (and come to dominate) the zine was the claim put forth by a group of post-TESB fans that only one person could be the true hero of SW and that one person was Han Solo, not Luke Skywalker.[2]
Jundland Wastes ran until 1983 and covered, as Maggie Nowakowska describes "a sizzling period in SW fanzine activity that began with the release of THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK and climaxed with the revelations of — and reactions to — RETURN OF THE JEDI."
More History of this Letterzine
Maggie Nowakowska has written an extensive and enlightening history: The Incomparable Jundland Wastes. You can read the entire thirty-eight page account here.
Other Star Wars Letterzines
- Alderaan (February 1978 to August 1981) (morphed into the multimedia letterzine, Comlink)
- Bound by the Force (1982-1997) -- contains some mulifandom content
- Darkside (1994-1997)
- Jundland Wastes (March, perhaps June 1981 to September 1983)
- Jundland, Too (February 1984 to May 1984)
- Rebel Alliance (1993-1994)
- Scoundrel (late 1983 or fall 1986)
- Southern Enclave (1983 to 2000)
- Tusken Farms (1993-?)
Letterzines and the Postal Service
One thing to remember when reading the JW history is the length of time that passed between issues. JW was published quarterly — more or less. Fans had 4 to 6 weeks to write, and rewrite, their letters. At least 3 months, sometimes more, would pass before you read any answers to your letters; half a year before any further commentary or rebuttal was possible. There was a LOT of time to think — and brood — between zines. This was good for long, juicy, essay-like letters and bad for festering disagreements.[2]
The Golden Time
Although subsequent letterzines have run longer than JW and with as full an array of proponents on all sides of current controversies, JW will always present an invaluable and important place among any letterzines that follow it. Why? Because the illusion of fandom’s solidarity that still existed in 1981 supported a range and freedom of expression not seen since. For three years, the SW universe presented by A NEW HOPE had been as solid as any speculation based on mere 2 hours worth of information could be. Fans invented wildly divergent extrapolations of the SW universe from the meager facts and hints presented, but an air of expectation kept any specific characterization from being accepted as irrefutable. That foundation of shared icons and the recognition of mutual affection allowed a variety of interpretations and interests to flourish. For example, people might judge a story harshly, but any insinuation of heresy regarding character presentation or plot development were as of yet unheard. Then TESB was released. Part 5 of the SW Saga developed plot lines along new and unchangeable paths; ambiguities of character and action became integral to the story. TESB also attracted the attention of fans who had either not been terribly excited by ANH, or who had actively disliked ANH and only accepted the first movie in light of what was seen as improved TESB definitions. The amount of emotional investment — and more threatening, the amount of moral investment — fans placed in the Saga began to affect assessments of nonconforming interpretations. Many fans, including myself, thought the disagreements would fade away before mutual enjoyment in the Saga. We did not understand then the deep emotional attachments that had developed to individual interpretations of SW, nor the way the Saga reflected personal commitments to world views; we learned the hard way that equitable discussion is not easy and is sometimes impossible when interpretations, even in as ephemeral an area as fandom, are accepted as evident universal truths. But — the worst of the trouble would into blossom in all its ugliness until later fannish forums appeared. For a brief time, reviews, commentary, and lively argument flourished. More zines than any one person could read (or afford) filled the presses. SW fandom perceived no limits to the excitement and enjoyment to be found in the Saga.[2]
Some of the Major Topics
Fans discussed, and discussed, and discussed many things. Some of the larger topics were:
- The Luke and Han War
- the function, fairness, and validity of zine reviews
- Darth Vader, evil or just misunderstood?
- who was "The Other"?
- the role of Leia Organa, and more generally, how she was portrayed in fanfiction
- the impact each movie had on fandom
- censorship, pornography, and the Open Letter to Star Wars Zine Publishers by Maureen Garrett
- slash was barely mentioned
Hokas! And Pat Nussman
From Millennium #2 (2004), a zine that was dedicated to Pat Nussman:
For any newer fans who may be a little confused at the abundance of costumed teddy bears floating around older fandom, as toys looking like everything from Blake's Seven crew to Conan the "BarBearian" to Princess Leia, or as cartoons in older printzines, a short explanation of the madness follows: Hokas were born in a short story published in the science fiction magazine Other Worlds Science Stories in 1951, the product of the collaboration between science fiction greats Poul Anderson and Gordon Dickson. They became such beloved creations they went on to books, some o f which may still be in print and are well worth a hilarious read. Highly suggestible teddy bear-like inhabitants of the planet Hoka, these charming beings not only accept human "cultural contamination", they REVEL in it. Whole sections of population throw themselves into their storylines and characters with such gleeful zeal, they can quickly build Londons to fit Queen Victoria's age or a medieval Paris complete with cathedral for their own version of the Hunchback. Since they also have a happy disregard among literature, old movies and real history, they are as likely to have Sherlock Holmes present at the Battle of Trafalgar ... held on Thursdays ... as they are to decide being Foreign Legionaires are more fun next month. On a diplomatic visit to Earth, "Disraeli" can become "Don Giovanni" after a single state visit to the opera. All of this single-minded enthusiasm makes them rather the "Ultimate Fans". As such, fandom embraced them as mascots and Hokas turned up in every fandom that arose. The small drawings of Star Wars Hokas scattered through this issue were first drawn as column headers for one of the first Star Wars letterzines, "Jundland Wastes". The editor, Pat Nussman, also a talented writer of fiction in several fan "universes", was one of my own earliest friends in fandom. Pat was the kind of person who, having found her way into fandom, turned around at once to offer her hand to the next newcomers. Long before the Internet, her zine was intended to provide a place for Star Wars fans to discover each other. Pat left us much too soon, taken away by cancer, but her fine writing is still here and for her sense of fun... One more time, these little folks are for you, Pat.
Difficult Times
After Return of the Jedi was released, Star Wars fandom entered a trying period. There were no new movies on the horizon, and the last one, had been somewhat of a letdown, anyway. The wounds opened by debate, much of it pointed and painful, in "Jundland Wastes" caused many fans to lick their wounds and back off:
There were some dark years ahead as SW fandom came to terms with the irreconcilable differences that exist among its members. Differences of opinion seemed to automatically transform into accusations. Sarcastic “how could you possibly believe that…” comments escalated into personal attacks on the opposing fan’s moral judgments. The word “fascist” had been used before to deride arguments in favor of the Imperials, but now fans were accused of such attitudes simply because they disagreed with another fan’s opinion. As mentioned earlier, fandom finally got angry enough to engage its most powerful defense: shunning. The instigators of the worst hostility found their letters were ignored; received and printed, yes, but no one responded. The topics and conversations flowed on around them without the slightest indication that their hostility mattered to anyone. And, eventually, those hateful letters stopped coming to the editor. Unfortunately, people were already well-burned. The legacy of the bad days muted lively discourse for years. The assumption that an unconventional opinion would automatically inspire a return to arms seemed accepted by many fans. People couched opinions with self-abasing modifiers, or simply waited for someone else to speak up. And, often, no one did — in print. There were some dry periods amongst the LoCs. Slowly, SW fans found their way back to a livelier conversational exchange. Articles began to reappear. The Pro SW novels began to appear, rekindling interest in younger fans. Rumors of new movies became facts and everyone wanted to share their speculations. And then came The Web.[2]
Maggie Nowakowska Comments on Issue 1
From the first four letters, it is clear that fan fiction has matured past the 'oh, wow, a new SW story!' phase as people react to what they see as established fan lit practices. Some editors have refused to print stories in which a major character dies. Objections to this subject are voiced as well as simple bewilderment over why such a restriction is necessary. A subsequent letter offers insight into the latter when it questions the legitimacy of violence in stories which seem to exist solely to put the main characters in pain/psychic jeopardy, and in subsequent need of rescue and comfort. A subject familiar from the ALDERAAN days — fannish hostility toward Leia Organa — is brought up by a reader and joined to the query: Why are there such strong feelings against Lando? The Vader fans have made the transition between zines as well; one of the first LoCs argues for the man’s honor and questions the motives behind fan writers’ harsh treatment of the man.[2]
General Reactions and Reviews
If you'd really like a peek into SW fandom's past, check out the old newsletter Jundland Wastes... The newsletter will give you a good idea of the kind of nail-biting, hair-pulling and name-calling that went on between the fans and Lucasfilm, and between the fans themselves. (To think that the two versions of Slow Boat to Bespin helped to spark off SexWars here in the U.S. They're rather tame by today's standards.) [3]
Issue 1 (1981)
Jundland Wastes 1 was published in March 1981 and contains ten pages.
- the editor writes: Conventional wisdom... considers people who write -- or edit, or do artwork --without pay foolish. I, being strictly conventional nor extremely wise, liked the idea of people creating purely for their own enjoyment and, hopefully, to bring pleasure to their fellow fen. But it seemed to me that SW fans were at a disadvantage in keeping up with their fan-created universes. While there are several publications devoted to informing Star Trek fans -- and which include material on other fandoms -- there seemed to be no one source of information on Star Wars-oriented zines and no one publication in which SW fanwriting was discussed... I would especially like to see the LoCs in JW to be concerning fan-produced writing, editing and artwork -- how fan-creations treat the familiar SW characters and situations (and create new ones), what ideas are dealt with, how the galaxy 'far, far away' is depicted. In other words, what have we done with what Lucas hath wrought. I think this issue's letters [submitted via an ad in Universal Translator] are a good beginning.
- this issue contains a letter from an author who has been trying to market her stories commercially: For the past year... I have been trying to market the Ragnarok stories that originally appeared in a SW universe of fanfiction of my own invention. With two novels finished and three in draft, my agent feels I have a very good chance of selling the entire Cycle. This means I am forced to immediately pull all fanfiction that treats or refers to the Ragnorak and any character associated with the Ragnarak in order to protect my interests. The only exceptions I've made are with the zines that had already gone to press when I made this decision. Under no circumstances will any reprints of Ragnarok material be permitted. I ask everyone to please remember that Ragnarok, unlike ST and SW, is not yet 'in the public domain,' and even the most innocent of infringements on the Ragnarok material and my copyrights may adversely affect my health and welfare.[4]
- a fan complains about editors refusing to print death stories, saying that the characters are real people with real lives that are dangerous and not allowing them to die every once is a while is not realistic
- fan complains about the anti-Leia and anti-Lando sentiments she's seen in other zines. I don't recall ever seeing any anti-Sulu or let's-get-Scotty type movements in Trekdom; does Star Wars-dom really need it?
- nearly 30 fanzines are advertised as available in the classified ads; either will be published soon
- 17 zines are in the planning stage and request contributions and/or SASEs for information
- 13 fanzine titles listed as out-of-print
- a review of Skywalker #4, see that article
- a review of Galactic Flight #4, see that article
- a review of Twin Suns #1, see that article
- a review of Equal Space, see that article
Issue 2 (1981)

Jundland Wastes 2 was published in May 1981 and contains 12 pages.
- art by Gee Moaven, Anne Davenport, and Wanda Lybarger
- the letterzine prints its first meta, an article by Karen Osman called Will the Real Darth Vader Stand Up?. In The Incomparable Jundland Wastes, Maggie Nowakowska wrote: Osman explores fanlit versions of Vader concerning his background and how he came to be at odds with the Jedi. She rejects the tendency to use Vader as an easy villain who needs little characterization. Her emphasis is on sympathetic presentations, and what sympathetic aspects exist in stories not supportive of the Dark Lord. She is fascinated to discover a tendency to grant the man mythic grandeur, whether an author approves of Vader or not. Most writers accept the title “lord” as Vader’s given social status; many assume he is royal as well as noble, although he is most often ranked as a younger son. There is a Miltonic aura to many of the stories; Vader as the fallen Lucifer, Star of the Morning, is preferred to Vader as venal power broker. Osman also points out in print (for the first time I believe although the subject has been the focus of fannish gossip for years) the apparent sex appeal of the man despite the mask, the menace he presents, or the problems his implied and obvious handicaps present.[2]
- there is discussion about the differences between a Get 'em and how it branches out into H/C
- there is much discussion about the differences between Get stories and death stories
- a fan can only think of three fanfic stories where a main character dies, "Corellian Wake," (Han) " The Wages of Virtue," (Leia) and "The Chosen" (Vader)
- about fans writing Deathfic in the Star Wars universe: Killing a Lucas character raises the question of our responsibility as 'secondary' creators toward 'primary' creations, and their author. Are they, in fact, Lucas' characters, or have they become 'our' characters through their public distribution in the movies. How major a change in characterization, motive, etc., can we legitimately make in them (and death is about a major a change as we can get, one would thing)? ... I think we would all agree it is a moral issue that every fannish writer has to take some sort of stand on...
- there is a notice posted by a fan that reads: I hereby give notice that I am no longer associated with Caliburn Press or with its originators, [M W] or [C A B]. Any debts and/or enmities incurred by Caliburn Press or its predecessor, Galactic Flight, should not be directed against me; and no zine henceforth published by either parther, should be presumed to include me on its staff.
- a fan writes a detailed letter in defense of Lando, comparing him to Leia. Leia, she says: "She is probably the most misunderstood of the main characters and the least appreciated."
- a fan disagrees with the previous issue's positive review of Skywalker #4, saying she found the zine solid, but no fun and rather emotionless
- the editor of the letterzine wants to know if zine comments should be divided into reviews and criticisms. A fan had suggested that: ... a reviewer is or should be talking to people who have not read the [zine] in question; more than anything else, zine reviews function as buying guides. Critics are writing for people who HAVE read the work under consideration, sharing insights, provoking thoughts, suggesting secondary meanings or possible interpretations with an audience whose basic familiarity with he zine is assumed.' Any comments on this?
- a fan questions the editorial policy of not allowing death stories involving major characters or excessive violence, suggesting that without those possibilities, fanfic will be as boring and shallow as most TV series' plots
- a fan defends Darth Vader who says he is cruel but not sadistic
- a fans suggests that so much fanfic portrays the characters as "Wimpy, Goody-Two-Shoes Skywalker," "Han Drunken Buffoon Solo," "Leia Snippy-Brat/Frigid Bitch Organa," and "Darth Hi-My-First-Name-Is-Evil Vader," is because fans only have four hours of film to work with. "After all, with STREK we had 79 hours -- and still some writers never got it right!"
- some fans complain about stories that show Han Solo as uneducated, speculating that he may have a background with a higher social class than portrayed
- many fans write and defend Leia despite the few stories there are at the time that feature her as an important, active character
- a writer suggests that the reason Lando is not a popular character is he was a man who made a decision in a tough spot, and that "moral ambiguity [in characters] is not appreciated [in fandom]."
- a long-time and well-known fan writer says that fanfic shouldn't just be imaginative or emotional indulgences and that folks who want to write Star Wars fiction should read a history, psychology, and mythology book first
- a review of Twin Suns #2, see that article
- a review of The Tatooine Tribune, see that article
- a review of Facets #5, see that article
- a review of Millennium #1, see that article
- 40 zines are listed as available or on the way, 16 zines are planned
Issue 3 (1981)
Jundland Wastes 3 was published in July 1981 and contains 12 pages. Art by Gee Moravan, Anne Davenport, Judith Low, and Wanda Lybarger.
- there is a lengthy article, called "Give'em Hell, Kid: The Skywalker/Solo Team in Star Wars Fanfiction," exploring the relationship of Luke and Han in fan fiction. It uses four stories, Foreshadows in Skywalker #4, "Kinmeet" in Galactic Flight #2, "The Payoff" in The Jedi Journal #2, and "Birds of a Feather" in Warped Space #43, as examples to explore the themes of Han's "big brother" protectiveness of Luke, and of Luke's growth and maturity, much of which as to do with his friendship with Han": In the movies and in fan fiction, Solo is the catalytic that must be present and near Luke in order for things to go in the Rebel's favor. Luke may be the central figure in the saga, but he needs Solo at his side -- protecting him and helping him. Their relationship in fanfic has grown to accommodate this fact. They both realize, in fan fiction and the movies, that there is an unwritten law that states they must take the same path from now on.
- a fan divides fanfic into three groups: Relationship Explorations (Fans enjoy this aspect in all alternate forms... I believe that nowadays women are exploring their own inner nature and emotions and this is an outlet. For many this is true... everyone EVERYONE seeks SOMEONE to relate to...) "Light Stories" (comedy, adventures, get 'ems, stories for pure enjoyment, usually action-orientated... need not be TECHNICALLY accurate and may or may not have a point to make... Many of these stories lack depth, but who cares? It's the adventure, the fun, the who-did-it, the I-want-to-help, and/or mother him!), and the "Introspective Stories" (These writings are usually into cultural, philosophical, political, social, and heavy character explorations. Many of these stories end up in series. These can blend elements of 1 and 2 and come out very fine indeed. These writers are usually very original, with FRESH, thought-provoking ideas and highly sf or fantasy-orientated as well.)
- a fan writes that she felt Star Trek fandom, the relationship story had completely taken over: Relationship stories] have worth and value, but when it becomes the only main theme, boredom staggers in. Stagnant is the word...
- a fan writes that Lando is not: ... only a hunk but an admirable fellow as well. Certainly, he doesn't all the flak he gets... The man IS decent and DOES have moral/honor. I'd like to know WHY there's so little material on him. Is it because he's black?
- a fan wonders where all the strong women are: I don't think there exists in fanfic a strong woman character... Every female character in Star Wars, with the exception of the Princess, is defined by her relationship with a man; she's somebody's lover, somebody's sister, somebody's mother, somebody's daughter. Aren't we locked enough into somebody's something roles in the mundane world without bringing it into fannish doings? Where are these characters WOMEN friends?... I have read ONE STORY in all of fanfic... that depicts a principal character as a female friend of a female character, and that's Beverly Bishop's 'The Turning of Tocneppil' which I'm printing in Twin Suns #3. Patriarchy stinks!
- a fan is against deathfic, saying: I'm tired of fen who can only write kill-pieces, or who need to cathart over something and use this veiled sadomasochism... to handle their own emotional needs... Star Wars is meant to be a hopeful universe, and although I agree that a mythic story demands a sacrifice at the climax... that sacrifice need not be physical. It can be emotional, it can be moral... I'm not implying that these stories SHOULD not be written -- only that I feel they NEED not be.
- a fan responds to a letter in an earlier issue that said a fan should write fic unless she has read some history, psychology or mythology books: This is censorship of the crudest sort -- censorship by snobbery... Bull! I can't believe I'm seeing this kind of attitude. But then, maybe my own lack of education is showing -- I don't have a degree in anything.
- a zine editor says she personally doesn't like death stories, but would never say they shouldn't be written: I don't intend to elect myself censor for the world of SW fandom. This goes for stories dealing with graphic sexual material. I may not print it, but I love to read it. And I'll support anyone who does choose to print it.
- one of the first letters, of MANY more later on, is written by a fan who is tired of fanfic treating Luke like an naive farmboy and Solo like an illiterate pirate with a heart of gold and of Leia as the bitch princess.
- a fan writes a letter that disagrees with a previous review of Foreshadows
- a fan says "reviews" should be of zines and "criticism" should be of individual stories or art
- a fan writes that feels there could definitely be too many stories that emphasize Luke-Han friendship stories as: ...neither Luke nor Han is a very emotionally demonstrative person. Get too mushy and you're departing from character, as so many have done with Kirk and Spock. The deepest display of emotion between Han and Luke was their farewell on Hoth. When Chewie hugs Luke, Luke looks slightly uncomfortable. When Leia tells Han she loves him, he can only come up with a pained, 'I know'.
- a fan notes that: ...some people left fandom because they didn't like what George did in TESB -- it didn't fit with their idea of what the saga turned out to be. As far as I'm concerned, the only valid ideas about it are those that agree with George's though we are free to explore our own ideas... we can think what we like about ROTJ, but when it comes out, what George thinks is the only thing that will count.
- a fan writes that Star Wars is a big Mary Sue: The only person getting rich off SW] is George Lucas, whose own little Mary Sue has captured so many hearts; and he really doesn't count anyway, since he's plowing it all right back in Lucasfilm, to bring us newer and better fanzines -- er, movies.
- a writer/fan says that fans are buying bad fic in zines because they'll buy anything written about Star Wars:
- a review of Guardian #3, see that article
- a review of Time Warp #5, see that article
- a review of Millennium #1, see that article
- a review of The Dark Lord #3/4, see that article
- a review of Space Happy, see that article
Issue 4 (1981)
Jundland Wastes 4 was published in September 1981 and contains 12 pages.
- there is an extensive, thinky article titled about The Other called, "Button, Button, Who's Got the Button?, or, But Daddy, You Said I Could Be 'the Other' Today!" by Anne Elizabeth Zeek. Its subject? Speculation on Yoda's line, "No, there is another."
- Linda Deneroff, publisher of Guardian, writes of the letter she received (the same letter was printed in Universal Translator #3):
(For more about this controversy, see Open Letter to Star Wars Zine Publishers by Maureen Garrett.)By the time this sees print, some of you will have heard about the letter I received from Lucasfilm on the 3rd of August, or may have even received a letter yourselves, but as I write this I am still very upset over the implications this letter contains for all of us. The letter I received is a warning that Lucasfilm has re-evaluated its policy 'and it will no longer be safe for publishers such as you to feel immune from enforcement action by Lucasfilm.' This is in reaction to having published 'Slow Boat to Bespin,' which Lucusfilm evidently considers X-rated... My co-editor and I were concerned about Lucasfilm's reaction to the story and we submitted it to Lucasfilm almost a year in advance... Word reached us back... that Lucasfilm had said the story was all right to print. What I resent is the attitude I perceive which says 'Go ahead and print; we'll tell you later if you've exceeded our standards.' ... Obviously, Lucas now considers 'Slow Boat to Bespin' to be x-rated (Lucasfilm's term, not ours) certainly Cynthia and myself do not, or we would not have printed it... It will be interesting to see what happens in the state of fannish publishing in the coming months.
- another fan writes: ... regarding the current Lucasfilm flap about 'adult material/censorship': I have no intent to become a cause celebre, nor do I intend to be a defiant martyr. I appreciate all those who have gotten in touch with me to give me moral support. I think... that I will be able to continue writing in this universe, but I WILL go on record as saying that, if the SWARS saga is teaching children that love and creation and life (and yes, sex!) between two people who LOVE one another is wrong ('unwholesome' was the word used), but death and violence and destruction is NOT wrong, then maybe Lucasfilm should re-examine its priorities...
- one of the authors of Foreshadows writes a response to a previous review
- a fan writes a letter in response to a previous fan's complaint that women in the SW universe were defined only by their relationships to men: Using an established male character in an established universe to link up your own character and try to give her a bit of background doesn't make her weak anymore than linking your character up with an established FEMALE character would make her strong. If you've got a weak character, she'll be weak whether she knows Princess Leia or Obi-Wan Kenobi. And if you've got a strong character, she'll be strong whether she's picking off stormtroppers with a pellet gun or lolling in Han Solo's arms.
- another fan writes: When you have a strong female character, she can be described as 'Han's bedpartner' or 'Luke's little sister,' but that only describes her relationship in the story, it does not define the story or her ROLE in the story. Patriarch may stink, but men DON'T.

- A fan writes: In one or two stories I have read lately, there is a disconcerting tendency to have Leia's possible escapades on the way to Bespin result in pregnancy, and apparently a happy little Princess settling down to a be a good little mother... Wouldn't a technically-advanced society have effective birth control?
- a fan says no one should write a review of a zine she has material in as it is a conflict of interest
- a fan says some fans are taking SW fiction too seriously: If what you want is literature, don't read SW fan fiction, because you aren't going to find it there. That is not to say that there aren't any good, exciting stories being written and published... but any good writer worth their salt is not going to continue fueling George Lucas' universe when they can be creating and fueling their own. Before we've seen a fan writer's best, they've jumped ship and gone on to more interesting things.
- a fan says that just because fiction is fan fic doesn't mean it should be the writer's very best effort: SW/TESB and George Lucas deserve our best efforts. Lucas is giving us his. How can we be so lazy as to think 'labor of love' excuse us? That's not love. That's exploitation.
- a fan comments on another's comment that there is much more bad fic in SW than in Star Trek: I believe one reason for more bad fiction is simply the fact that there are more zines available. When ST fandom started, most zines were printed up on school mimeos and sold through word of mouth. Only if you were good enough would you ever be able to spring for the kind of reproduction that has today become so common.
- there is a submission request for "Matthews Collected," an anthology of Susan Matthews fiction: The only authorized reprint of Susan Matthew's non-Ragnarok SW fiction. Will include 'Left-Hand Jedi,' a never-published-before-story an introduction by the author. May 1982 publication... Phantom Press...
- there is a long letter complaining about people automatically labeling a story with a OFC a Mary Sue
- a review of Kessel Run #1, see that article
- a review of The Jedi Journal #3, see that article
- a review of Warped Space, #45, see that article
- a review of Hydrospanner Zero, see that article
Issue 5/6 (1981)
Jundland Wastes 5/6 was published in November 1981 and contains 20 pages. Art by Anne Davenport, Judith Low, Wanda Lybarger and Gee Moaven.
- Maureen Garrett, author of the Open Letter to Star Wars Zine Publishers, writes a response to another fan's letter. See that article for more.
- a fan writes that ST and SW are different in that, while ST is Gene Roddenberry's creation, there were many different writers of the show and that with SW, George Lucas is the only creator: "It is, afterall, George Lucas's game from step one."
- many fans bring up the Moral Majority and Jerry Falwell's popularity as a possible reason/fear of "less than wholesome" fan fiction
- two fans write a joint letter claiming that SW folks at Star Trek America Convention gave them "... cold shoulders and infantile behavior [that] was enough to make us retch. If you don't belong to a certain click [sic], then you don't exist. Nice attitude, folks. Never have we EVER seen in Trekdom such a display of conceit and snobbery, and we're sorry as hell to see in in the SW fandom." The writers go on to complain that the zines that were reviewed favorably in Jundland Wastes were all being sold on the same table and accused the editor of the letterzine of playing favorites. The editor responds to this "extremely unpleasant letter" and says she doesn't fix reviews in any way, that some folks shared a table at the con to share expenses, she believes no one knowingly snubbed anyone, and that she finds SW fandom to be a pretty friendly place. Other fans wrote in and echoed Jundland Wastes' editors thoughts.
- fan says all the sex being written in SW fan fiction is because the fans all want to sleep with Harrison Ford
- a fan speculates that Lando will have to die saving Han to make up for his betrayal, something that fits into basic mythology
- a review of Warped Space #46, see that article
- from the editor: What was supposed to be JW #5 got a little out of hand, and I feel compelled to explain the result. First, because of "The Controversy" over the Lucasfilm objections to sexual material in fanfic, I got a FLOOD of letters. Then the second part of Anne Elizabeth Zeek's 'other' article showed up, absolutely WONDERFUL and a little over twice as as long as I had allowed for... I decided I could let half the stuff sit 'til next issue, at which I'd probably have another flood of material, or I could put out a double issue. I opted for the latter.
- the editor is feeling weary: I hope that we in SWARS fandom will keep our discussion on 'The Controversy", and all else, on a friendly level. I have noticed an acrimonious note creeping into some of the letters in JW and frankly I don't like it. At all. I... assume you participate in fandom for enjoyment, and I don't think there's much fun to be derived from hostile discussions... I don't want JW to degenerate into a snarling match.
- it contains the second part of the article titled: "Button, Button, Who's Got the Button? Or Damn It All, George, How Could You Do This to Us?" by Anne Elizabeth Zeek. It is a continuation of the article in issue #4 and investigates the line by Yoda, 'No, there is another.': With these simple words, Yoda provided three year's worth of speculation and pleasure for SWARS fen... Part one of this article has already looked the possibility that 'the other' is one of the following: a new character, Wedge Antilles, Darth Vader, Boba Fett, Lando Calrissian or the droids (singly or as a pair). Part Two will explore the possibility that 'the other' is Chewbacca, Leia Organa or Han Solo.
- fan comments on the Open Letter to Star Wars Zine Publishers and explicit sex in zines: I don't happen to agree with [fan's name] on the Lucasfilm flap. Lucas doesn't appear to want to teach children that love and sex is wrong, but think about the way children see things. The more explicit you get, the more a child will say, 'Oh, sick, gross.' Shall we teach children that sex is sick and gross?
- another fan writes that she sees a big difference between X-rated fiction and pornography, and "most of what I've read I would not consider pornography." She also says that accusing fans of writing X-rated fiction is an "attempt to darken Lucasfilm's reputation" was wrong: I'm sure none of the writers or editors had any intention of [that] and most likely never even though of their work as possibly having that effect. Accusing them of deliberately causing or trying to cause damage is neither ethical, legal, nor conducive to improving relations between Lucasfilm and fandom.
- a fan comments about the letter from Lucasfilm: On to your threat of legal action... In view of your previous UNofficial request that no X-rated/porn material be published, writers and editors certainly had a moral obligation to respect your wishes, according to their interpretations of 'X-rated' or 'porn.' But moral and legal are not necessarily the same thing.
- a fan writes of "The Controversy": ... part of the reason Lucasfilm thinks its position is clear and fans think it isn't is that the two sides aren't talking about the same thing, and neither side has made perfectly clear what it IS talking about... My personal feeling is that I don't mind the ban on explicit sex, partly because... I don't want to see SW fan fiction go the way of ST fan fiction. My hope is that after the fracas has passed and the ruffled feathers have been smoothed down, fans will direct their attention outward. The SW universe is huge, and there are a thousand stories in; with so much wide-open space, why retreat to the caves so soon?
- a fan reports about the talk that Maureen Garrett gave at Denvention about Lucasfilm and fan fiction. During it, Garrett said that she would ...volunteer to act as a clearing house at Lucasfilm for any stories the editor was unsure about. My understanding is that if an editor submits a story/illo/cartoon, etc. to Maureen for determination of acceptability, she will have several people at Lucasfilm read it and report back. She gave the impression that this would not be her sole judgement. We did warn Maureen that she would be swamped with stories. Several of the writers suggested it would be a good practice to request Maureen's signature, or a Lucasfilm stamp, or something official, on each page of an approved manuscript, to that there can be no confusion about anything be added after the story was approved... I asked about violence, and if there was a certain level of violence that would be unacceptable... There doesn't seem to be much of an upper limit to the violence allowed... I don't think we'll ever hit Lucasfilm's upper tolerance for violence as long as we don't go beyond torture, mutilation and genocide.
- a fan writes: I am a TREKfan, and I have even been involved in the whole 'K/S' bit, which is one of the things George Lucas does not want in SW. Why? Well, there are many good reasons, and without making any moral judgements, there are other things to look at. For example, take a real good look at the TREKfic being published today, and you see something over 25% of it is devoted to K/S. Now, there is nothing wrong with this per se, but I have been in TREKfandom long enough to see a change in the quality of fiction. Part of what has happened ties with K/S: people are writing scenes and vignettes; descritpions of relationships (with or without overt sex) and the good, old, interesting ST/Sf action story with a good plot and good pacing and interesting situations and characters have almost disappeared.
- a fan notes: I am very interested in seeing the effect of this sad occurrence ["The Controversy"] on fannish publications in the near future. What I hope WON'T happen is that editors will get so nervous that they refuse to touch a story with any sort of sexual situation in it. It would be a sad state of affairs if we were limited to simple/action adventure stories that are a little more than a rehash of the movies, since one of the nice things about fan fiction is that it can work on levels and examine issues the movies didn't.
- the editor of Twin Suns says she will not bow to censorship and hypocrisy in any way, shape or form: I cannot, I will not live with censorship backed by threats of litigation when I have acted, and continue to act, in good faith with the copyright owners. I am willing to abide by voluntary controls; I will not comply with the Rule of Gold -- the one with the gold makes the rules. Therefore, and sadly, I announce the retirement of D'Ego-Boo Press from active fandom subsequent to the publication of Thunderbolt and Twin Suns #3. After that time, I will be writing, editing, publishing and buying nor more professional or amateur Star Wars material, including fanzines. I would hope that a few hardy souls would make the break with me, but I advocate no boycott or other action against Lucasfilm, since that would not speak well of fandom and its intentions. Nor would I presume to dictate to the fannish conscience; we are more than capable of making our own individual moral decision. I have made mine, and I do invite anyone feeling likewise to follow the dictates of their own inner voices... In less formal terms, my decision to retire was influences by a comment from a friend. 'Remember the Clone Wars?' she asked. I nodded. She ended, 'The Clones won.
- the editor of Organia reports:Some while back I received a letter from a fanzine editor who told me I was irresponsible (as a spoiled child, etc.) in choosing to print Han/Luke material because it would bastardize the Star Wars characters... To get at the core of this whole incident of backlash on sexual material, I'll start at the beginning. The controversy began when I... wrote to one artist, one editor, and a few other people about a possible Han and Luke story. The responded with 'The Word.' They said it was being spread throughout fandom that Lucas did not want Han/Luke stories. They said he objected to homosexuality. They said he objected to very explicit sexual material. They said, they said, they said. But WHERE, oh WHERE, was the WRITTEN WORD?... WHO was responsible for sending 'The Word.' Fear was generated AND much confusion. The next step was taken by one fan who wished to play martyr. She sent her story, an explicit sexual another, to Lucas. She questioned, 'How far CAN we go, Mr. Lucas?' She got her answer -- her story was a no-no. Well, I'd like to know just WHATEVER possessed her to do such a thing? 'Papa Lucas created a darling. So, I'll behave and he'll treat you royal?' I fail to understand this attitude of deference to Mr. Lucas and his corporation. Yes, he HAS created a wonderful universe (which, of course, has in it many past myths and legends, creations mish-mashed in THIS creation) for sharing, but let's face it, people, it's his business, his bread and butter... [He wants you] to be grateful to have the privilege to be in attendance at his movies. Lucasfilm has NO RIGHTS whatsoever with interfering with fandom. It is not his property, it is ours. And just what is a fanzine? It is an amateur, non-profit writing magazine... 1. You write down your idea, your fantasy. 2. You have copies made. 3. You share them with others who are interested in the same idea, fantasy. 4. lo, and behold, art is added. It is a free press. It is individuality, it is freedom of expression. We dreamed, we invented, we imagined -- then wrote it all down or drew it. And all of this belongs to fans, not to Lucas... I cannot be party to the idea of adult material being one on an underground level. Why? Because it is totally absurd. Fandom IS underground, folks. It is a subculture in itself... Organia will print any such material that the editors CHOOSE. And we the editors will CHOOSE stories oriented to whatever form we desire. Some of our material deals strictly with friendship, aspirations, and hopes. Some expresses a society's views on morality and concepts differing from original creations on the screen. Other stories contain explicit sex... This, of course, SCARES Papa Lucas. Fandom SCARES Lucasfilms. They want and need control and if fandom plays into their hands, they will have control by consent.
- an editor writes a letter to Lucasfilm:... I am returning the Raiders of the Lost Ark presskit that was sent to me unasked for, along with a letter that implies I owe you a copy of my fanzine, Kessel Run since the zine would not exist if not for Lucasfilm. Since I have paid full ticket price to see both A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back over 25 times each... I am seriously question just exactly WHO owes WHOM! If not for the movie fans, none of these movies would have become as successful as they have... Your comment about underaged fans' parents catching their little darlings reading what you consider to be X-rated material and having a bad reaction is ridiculous. Not only have Star Trek editors been publishing fanzines with Kirk/Spock stories for over five years without such a thing ever happening, but these editors have all but carried out their moral and legal obligation to request their buyers to present some kind of proof or affirmation that they are of legal age for buying such material. Ar you going to imply that any Star Wars editor who chose to publish similar type material would not pay heed to the same moral obligation? And, speaking of the Star Trek zines, you could do well to take a lesson in open-mindedness from Gene Roddenberry himself.
- a fan writes of Lucasfilm: All they are asking is that we keep the book we borrowed from George in good condition... We are all book-readers and can appreciated Mr. Lucas' wishes; it is HIS book after all and we are his courteous borrowers.
- a fan speculates on the recent complaint over sex in SW fan fiction: Han Solo has been jumped into a bunk with anything and every thing female and has been Unwholesome all over the galaxy for the past three years. Is it, perhaps, the fact that Leia is now getting some of the action that upsets Lucasfilm? It's all right for a man, but don't you dare lay an Unlawful, Lustful fingertip on Our Sweet Virgin of the Alliance?
- a fan writes: We ought to have a little respect for the man whose genius has created the SW saga. We ought to be willing to trust him, not be in a hurry to vilify him and to exploit his creations for our own egos and libidos... For myself, I am in favor of this move against pornography wholeheartedly. When I first heard about K/S I was shocked and saddened. I hate to think that there are those who want to do the same and similar things to SW characters.
- a fan writes: Everything George Lucas has done only serves to raise my opinion of him. Anyone who is too selfish to appreciate his efforts, is someone whose SW fannishness I can't understand in the first place. Three million cheers for George Lucas!
Issue 7 (1982)
Jundland Wastes 7 was published in January 1982 and contains 20 pages. Art by Anne Davenport, Judith Low, Wanda Lybarger and Gee Moaven.
- many fans respond to the article in issue #5/6 ("Button, Button, Who's Got the Button?" about who is "the other")
- regarding "the other," a fan writes: I would like her to be a new character, and if at all possible, a female. In fact, she doesn't even have to be a human as Luke and the others. Make her purple or give her whistling silver hair.
- a male fan comments: If there were a Pulitzer Prize for zinedom, then A.E. Zeek should get one for her article on the Other. No way that this will be the last word on the subject, but it is the most comprehensive. I don't think Leia will turn out to be the Other, if for no other reason than STAR WARS is a "boys fantasy", and girls/women' don't have much of a place in such.
- a fan adds: In any event, I'm getting kind of tired of discussion of the 'the other'. I personally don't believe it/he/she is anyone we've seen thus far in the films, so the merits of Han's being 'it' as opposed to Leia's being it.
- another fan weighs in on "the other":
- a fan writes: Has anyone considered Yoda as the other? I admit, it's a bit self-serving to state that about yourself, but I think a good case could be made for Yoda's coming out of "retirement" at the final confrontation. He could be telling Obi Wan, "Hey, don't forget about me. I'm not one-with-the-Force yet. 'I'm still, a being to be reckoned with.
- a fan writes: On Anne Zeek' s detailed (and fascinating) discussion of who "The Other" could be. I must admit that I began reading, with a mental checklist of "Wrong. Uh uh. No, that point's way off. No. Wrong." But towards the end I got so caught up in the complexity of the arguments that all I could see was how intriguingly well-knit the fabric of her argument was.
- a fan writes: As for the 'other' my personal favorites are Leia and Vader, about equally. He on his known Force-ability and she on many of the possibilities Anne Zeek cites, as well as the interestingly prevalent fan theory that she and Luke could be half-siblings. I'd rate Han fairly low on my list, mostly because his role is already so given and well-defined, he is the sidekick, the knight in none-too-shining armor to Luke's heir apparent role. I find it conceivable that chapters IV, V, and VI could end with Luke killed and Han, in some swashbuckling gesture, saving the day, but I can't see him as replacing Luke may be part of a hopeful situation, but not "the" hope.
- there are many, many more letters about the letters Lucasfilm sent to fanzines, and the editor says she is weary of the conflict and will not print any more letters after this issue about it
- a fan is worried about cons limiting attendees: I am concerned about the future of the Michigan media cons as a way for new fans to meet people. I understand that MWC3 effectively sold out at MWCl. Now, I think Lori does an incredible job, and it's certainly not a job I'd care to tackle. I believe she has every right to put a limit on the number of attendees. But I can't help worrying about that whole year's crop of new fans who aren't going to have the chance to attend. I'm worried, too, about cliques and in-groups forming when the con becomes a closed.
- a fan blames Star Trek for the censorship conflicts: STAR TREK spoiled fandom. Because Paramount didn't choose to exercise their copyright rights with regard to fan fiction, some people in fandom choose to believe that those rights never existed, and because of that, that Lucasfilm has no right to restrict stories written about their characters. Wrong. See that little mark after the name Han Solo? See that little mark after the name Luke Skywalker? Those are copyright marks.
- a fan talks of the fan fiction tradition and Lucas and alludes to Imperial Entanglements: We have the tradition of fan fiction, a genre of its own. Fan fiction may not be, strictly speaking, more 'realistic' than the movies, but it is a fantasy of another kid, closer to the psychological definition than the fairy tale one. Fan fiction uses mythic violence, but seems to be noted for its use of erotic rather than violent catharsis, one of the origins of the venerable, if frequently criticized Mary Sue genre. Erotic catharsis, in the form of of explicit lay-stories involving characters from media productions, is a valuable and strongly defined function of fan fiction, one I think is quite valid, although it is... far from the ONLY valid one. In attempting to censor such fiction, Lucasfilm is violating a tradition of the fanfiction genre which, as a couple of the letters indicated, 'altering the deal' and unfair. So it is, from this pov and this tradition... My own sympathies lie with the fan fiction tradition group, and I strongly hope Lucasfilm can be persuaded to back down in the area of other specific no-nos, as it did in the case of my specifically prohibited no-no. (For the sake of the five or ten people out there who didn't hear about it through the underground grapevine, that specific no-no was the use of homosexual characters -- non-explicit -- in SWARS fiction, including one very minor Imperial from the movies.
- a fan talks of fandom's place in society: Fandom is not an 'underground' society. It is a subculture or a sub-subculture but saying that we're an underground society implies a clandestine, furtive attitude that I, for one, will not agree to. Fandom is not playing the role of the French Underground to the repressive Nazi troops, nor are we spiriting slaves away to the Free Northern Fandom. We're just a specialized interest literary group.
- a fan comment on the lack of females in fanfiction: I will say there are very few established females in STAR WARS fiction for "created" female characters to attach themselves to, and if you're going to be establishing whole new universes full of people, you might as well be writing your own stories outside of the SW universe. (which, incidentally, I think is a fine idea.) But when you're reading STAR WARS zines, you (that's 'the reader' you) want to read about Luke, Han, Leia, Obi-Wan, Darth, the droids, the Emperor--the reader doesn't want to read about Mary Sue's cousin Carol unless Carol somehow interacts significantly with one or more of the above characters. I know what you mean, and to a degree I agree with your opinion, but I would rather see decent characterization in interesting stories than wholly female stories written for the sake of femaleness.
- a fan comments on why explicit sexual scenes are written by fans: There are people who want to read them. That's all the reason there has to be. That doesn't necessarily mean that these writers or these readers have lewd and lascivious minds. It also doesn't mean that this is the only kind of material they are concerned with. But, why should the writers be told that they can't or shouldn't be allowed to write such material and the readers be told that they can't or shouldn't be allowed to read it just because it happens to be against someone else's moral code or interests? In the end, the final question is not whether or not SW stories with sex scenes are really necessary, but the fact that the question arose at all. The fact that it did scares the hell out of me.
- an much, much more
- a review of Evolution of a Rebel, see that article
- a review of The Princess Tapes, see that article
- a review of The Dark Lord #5, see that article
- three reviews of Pegasus #5, see that article
Issue 8 (1982)
Jundland Wastes 8 was published in March 1982 and contains 20 pages. Art by Gee Moaven, Anne Davenport, J.R. Dunster, Cathye Faraci, Steve Gallacci, J.A. Low, Wandy Lybarger and P.D. O'Neill.
- The Hero's Hero ("being an exploration of some of the revolutionary ideas of George Lucas' heroes"), essay/article by Jean L. Stevenson: The story told by George Lucas is essentially the one told in caves and round campfires thousands of generations ago. A man sets off into the unknown on a quest to search for great treasure or si mply to destroy a great evil, either of which acts will allow him to survive and grow. Along the way he learns many strange/wondrous/frightening things. He is opposed by fierce enemies whose determined pursuit of their own goals indicates a dedication to equal his. He meets one or more potential mates with whom he must interact to the benefit of both. And sometimes, he succeeds. This hero myth has been told, sung, acted, and written throughout the ages and in every culture on Earth and has seen a new incarnation since 1973 when George Lucas' first professional film struck a responsive chord in a statistically significant portion of the people. We now have a body of work large enough to begin to speculate on the nature of several unchanging aspects of his films--in setting, plotline, or story, and most importantly, in characterization. And oh, twists this apparently shy, definitely gifted man has brought to the five films so far produced.
- a fan encourages fans to pick up thephone: Maureen Garrett of LucasFilm urges writers when they have a question: call her on the phone! If you have a question, call her! It's faster than writing and more certain. Her number is [redacted] and she's generally there until at least 5 p.m. California time. She wants to to hear from you, she really does. This number is on the MCI circuit, for those of you who have this service.
- a fan tosses out what she thinks will be a controversial statement: It is opinion that the Empire is morally superior to the Alliance. They are the established, voted-in government. Palpatine was elected to the office The Senate was not disbanded permanently, only placed in recess for the duration of the emergency. Alderaan was not undefended as Organa stated, but a chief supplier of arms to the Alliance. It goes without saying, of course, that Organa's ship was in violation of regulations when she was first captured in SW: ANH. Theft of plans is a major crime in any government. As others have also said, if Leia were so horribly tortured, why did she recover so quickly? If it is so terrible to destroy a traitorous planet, why then is it any better to destroy a battle station with full crew aboard? Death is death and we do not see any evidence of rebel unwillingness to kill Stormtroopers fall like flies and the heroes rejoice. Solo and Luke treat the dogfight after the Death Star as a fun thing. They cheer and whoop and even Leia and Chewie are caught up in the kill-joy.
- a fan writes that: There are two kinds of people in fandom--those who contribute and participate and those who just sort of sit back and take advantage of all the others... People who aren't doing work themselves have no room to bitch about those who do.
- a fan wonders if Lucas is setting up his audience for the revelation that Han is Luke's older brother
- a fan clears up a rumor: I'd like to shoot a rumor full of holes. Lucas is NOT offering a $5000 reward for anyone who has a copy of 'Raiders'. I called Maureen to check this out, and it's another one of those nasty rumors that everyone prefers to believe rather than check with her. However, if you have a copy of 'Raiders,' don't shout it from the rooftops, either. No sense in tempting fate.
- a fan says she will not be sending any more material to a "certain SW fan club newsletter," as the editor "butchered" her vignette by taking out the paragraphs and messing with punctuation
- there is much discussion about Vader, his motivations and whether he is evil
- there is much discussion about previous zine reviews and whether they are fair/accurate
- a review of Facets #7/8, see that article
- a review of Multiverse #5, see that article
- a review of Crossed Sabers, see that article
- a review of the story "Life Line" in the zine Dracula, see that article
- a review of the story "Satisfaction Guaranteed" in the zine Pegasus #5, see that article
- a review of Star Wars Bibliography, see that article
Issue 9 (1982)
Jundland Wastes 9 was published in May 1982 and contains 22 pages. Art by Eluki bes Shahar, Anne Davenport, J.R. Dunster, J.A. Low, Wanda Lybarger, Pat O'Neill, and Virgina Rogers.
- it has an article/essay called "Han and Leia in Fanfiction or Do You Think a Princess and a Guy Like Me?" by Sherry Magee: No! That was the answer most fan writers gave prior to the release of THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK. Concentrating on their own characters, who appeared as smugglers, pirates, female Jedi, and other adventurous types, they never left Han Solo in need of female companionship. Princess Leia Organa, however, was usually reserved for Luke, her relationship to the cocky Corellian limited to verbal sparings that were usually, but not always, friendly in nature. Han often played the role of reluctant older brother to the younger, more idealistic rebels, and was far too busy with his own bevy of ladies to cast more than an occasional irritated glance at the princess. There were, of course, stories that were exceptions to this pattern.
- there is much discussion over whether reviewers should write reviews under their own names or if it was okay for them to pseuds
- there is a listing of the FanQ nominees two of which were Scoundrel and Twin Suns #4 and due to the Open Letter to Star Wars Zine Publishers by Maureen Garrett and the conflict and hassles it entailed
- there is a letter from the editor of The Dark Lord, complaining of the review of her zine in a previous issue of "Jundland Wastes." The rebuttal letter by the original reviewer is also printed.
- a fan asks: ...[some prominent SW fanwriters are] totally carried away in their own interpretations. One might ask, with all that soaring (and quite fine) imagination, why they haven't simply gone on to create their own universe rather than tinker with embroidering Lucas' turf.
- there is MUCH discussion about art, originality, defense of portraits and use of photographs, a lack of action/adventure art, what makes fanart appealing, and a desire for more art to be discussed in zine reviews
- one of the two authors of "Satisfaction Guaranteed," reviewed in the previous issue, responds at length to that review, and in fact, there are many, many letters from fans, who have both positive and negative comments about the reviews Pegasus in issue #7
- a number of fans write that they dislike the factions in SW that insist on pitting Luke-fans against Han-fans, and vise versa; most fans profess a favorite character but claim to have a fondness for the other, something that didn't seem to translate in the reality on which they commented
- a fan is distressed that Leia is really the only female (aside from the little seen Beru) in the movies: As for the subject of who is "the other", I personally prefer a brand new character. I hope it's a woman. I keep remembering that Lucas said the third and last trilogy would be about Luke's children. Now, I am just wondering if the "other" might not be Luke's future wife. It would be a shame if Lucas decided to populate the middle trilogy with only one main female character. Anyone for a female Jedi? Lucas has gotten a lot of flack for the lack of women in the SW films. Yet he seems almost unconcerned, as if he knows something we don't. Maybe with another woman in the films, some fans won't pick on Leia as much.
- many fans discuss morality in relation to the Alliance and the Empire, and try to speculate on George Lucas' future plans/messages
- regarding characterization and fanfiction: To protest that writers have been taking the opposite views of various literary characters to give them more depth, motivation, etc. for years without any major outcry, I would point out that most of them, if dealing with a literary character, still take pains to stay within certain bounds of consistency with the original. I, as a reader, believe in the depth and motivation of real characters. However, I feel that one should still remember to maintain the essential character as long as you are going to borrow the characters of other people. Finally, I would ask fannish writers two questions and these are not rhetorical. (A.) How much validity is there to an interpretation of a character that is contrary to the original concept of the author? (B.) Why is it so difficult to make an essentially evil character viable? And why does no one want to even try?
- a fan comments on some other fans' comments in an earlier issue: Sometimes backstabbing is done because someone doesn't have all the facts in a certain matter. People use rumors and false assumptions on which to base outlandish stories that can really hurt. An example of this might be a new fan becoming friends with a BNF. Suddenly, there are ten stories about her practices of bootlicking and bribery. What's the matter with people? Is fandom now controlling our friendships? Maybe the two people just like each other. Of course, bootlicking does exist, we can't deny that, but do a little investigative reporting before you accuse someone of it or it will probably end up right back in your lap. If you do become the victim of a backstabbing article, don't worry; you're in good company. Hopefully, though, most people will check out the situation before making a judement; there are those who don't, too. Certainly retaliation is not the way; thankfully most people realize that. There are ways, though. A calm letter of denail, for instance, should clear up any problems. As far as we tell, this is the best way. Anything else will probably degrade you in the eyes of fandom, and convince non-committed fen to believe your back-stabbing rival. Backstabbing is a horrible business and it shouldn't have any part in fandom. We have something special going on here. Don't let anyone ruin it, for any cause.
- a fan is worried about the tone of the letterzine lately: JW continues to print a cross section of letters, although I admit I am somewhat fearful about the tinge of personal animosity that is creeping into some of them. Let's try to remember that the main reason for JW in the first place is to provide a forum where we can discuss the issues, debate the meanings and ramifications of the aired SW saga, and look at the body of literature that has sprung up around our favorite movies. JW is my favorite SW zine. I'd hate to have my pleasure in it destroyed by the type of acrimonious infighting that ruined Interstat (a ST letterzine), and Alderaan. So let's cool it a bit, okay?
- a review of A Star Wars Fanzine Index, see that article
- a review of Fantasy Flight, see that article
- a review of The Whills, see that article
Issue 10 (1982)
Jundland Wastes 10 was published in June 1982 and contains 18 pages. Art by Eluki bes Shahar, Anne Davenport, J.R. Dunster, Wanda Lybarger, Pat O'Neill, Ruth Templeton, and Virgina Rogers.
- the editor writes that "the New Burning issue appears to be zine reviews and what should and should not be said in them"
- a fan that had written reviews under a pseud in the past, but now that she has written and published two zines of her own, feels it is only fair to admit her pseud and now review fanworks under her legal name
- there is much discussion over whether the movies are simple action/adventure flicks or a bigger, or more meaningful, mythical messages
- the Han vs. Luke war heats up, with fans debating and jockey their favorite character for the position as the main hero
- a fan comments about explicitness of sex in fanzines: Yes, bedroom scenes can be cut off at the door and get the meaning across. It is absolutely wrong to imply this should be the rule for every piece of fan literature. Fanzines a forum for fantasy and imagination. It behooves each fan to choose individually her own preference in reading material. And, of course, each writer should choose her own preference of subject and style. Personally, I find stories presented just for mere sexual gratification a pleasurable stimuli. I also find stories with sexually scenes that are only a small part ofthe plot as a whole quite enjoyable.
- fan says fan art is: ... icing on the cake in a fanzine. Nice but only an added attraction. Then there are, of course, some with no art. (There are quite a few popular ones in ST fandom). I'd rather have a fanzine with no art than one with poor art. However, my preference lies with equal status between art, stories, articles, and poetry; the whole production being the "cake". This rarely occurs, but when it does it's simply splendid.
- a fan describes her experience at masquerades when she dresses as an Imperial character: I'm verbally taken apart by the rebel costumed fen. Cries of "Dirty Impie scum!" and the like. Of course, that's in fun (theirs, not mine), but it happens out of costume, too. " Now can you like so-and- so?" I hear them cry... well, kiddo, easy! I once heard a fan state categorically that Vader is handsome der all that armor. Quoth I, "But you SAW TESB... he was burned!" To which she chirped smugly, "Oh, that's just Lucas' idea!" We all identify very strongly with one or character in the movies and that's how it should be. Those who worship the very water Luke walks on may wear me out on the merits of Squeaky Cleanliness, but I am equally boring to them. No two people see the SW characters the same way!
- a fan comments on "contemporary fannish standards": We've had a lot of discussion about whether or not fannish stories and art should be judged by pro standards or whether we're only here for the beer, as the saying goes. I think, however, it's important to know what those contemporary fan standards are, because that's what zine buyers paying hard-earned money are going to expect. Perhaps we might come to some concensus as to what "contemporary fan standards" are in fanzines today. I'll start the ball rolling with a few comments: Clear reproduction (xerox, offset, mimeo) i.e., the best that the medium is capable of; adherence to the rules of grammar, spelling and punctuation, with care taken in proofreading; illustrations that are recognizable as the characters described, and which Show more than a passing knowledge of composition and anatomy as well as skill with whatever medium was used; stories which are either long enough to have a discernible plot (and a plot the reader cares about) or are short vignettes which add to our knowledge of a character or situation, not merely recapitulation.
- there are many letters taking the reviewer in issue #9 to task for what they felt was an unfair, cruel, and racist review of The Whills
- there are the usual fan's rebuttals to other fan's rebuttals, which were in turn, rebuttals to previous rebuttals
- there is a review of the Tie-in novel, "Pawn of Prophecy"
- a review of Guardian #4, see that article
- two reviews of Starwings #1, see that article
- a review of Twin Suns #3, see that article
- a review of Knight of Shadows, see that article
- a review of The Whills, see that article
- a review of The Lost Jedis #2, see that article
art from issue #10, J.R. Dunster
Issue 11 (1982)
Jundland Wastes 11 was published in September 1982 and contains 20 pages. Art by Anne Davenport, D.R. Drake, J.R. Dunster, Pat O'Neill, and Letita Wells.
- the author of The Hero's Hero ("being an exploration of some of the revolutionary ideas of George Lucas' heroes"), essay/article from issue #8 writes a long letter responding to commenters
- a fan writes that she definitely sees Han as a pirate, as (she says) does George Lucas, and brings up what may be the first "Han Shot First" statement in this letterzine: Han shoots Greedo from under he table and the novel pression that this was not the first time Solo had used that bit of strategy. Okay, it could be said Greedo got what he deserved, but who's to say, (other than G.L.) that Han doesn't deserve the same? It certainly didn't seem to bother him that he had ended someone's life. His attitude was more one of "all in a day's work." One of my constant grievances is the polishing up of Solo's character in fanfiction. Not by everyone, let me add before folks start jumping on soapboxes (right now I'm on it and it could get pretty crowded), but by some. Why is it some of you cannot accept that Han might not be a goody-two-shoes? Does someone have to be perfect to be accepted? Must their morals and ethics always agree with the fan's own? Do all their motives have on board?
- a fan comments on an earlier comment that there are many comparisons between Han and Tolkien's Aragorn: As you recall, Strider when he made his appearance was a ranger. The rangers are said to be both homeless and solitary in their wanderings. This description does seem to fit Han very well indeed. At this point we also have no conception of his early history. We only know of him what little he lets peep through the armor and that is not an over-abundant source of information.
- the Luke and Han Wars heat up some more as fans debate who is more complex, who is the real hero, who has more faults, who is 'the other,' who is whiny...
- a fan writes an overview of Marcia Brin's Star Wars fiction. An excerpt: If you are primarily a Luke Skywalker or Darth Vader fan, if political stories a la ThousandWorlds turns you on, if stark realism is your thing, if you are serious and literal-minded, forget it. Don't read Marcia's stories. You'll hate them, consider them sentimental slop and beneath your attention. I happen to like Marcia' s stories. Her work is primarily concerned with Han and Leia, is definitely emotional and romantic in tone, often goes for a light touch (or, when serious, a poignant one), and, especially in her more recent pieces, echoes the fairy tale and mythological feel so popular in fandom this past year. If this type of story is to your taste, you won't have any problem finding Marcia's pieces--it would be more difficult to avoid them. She's nothing if not prolific and it's difficult the name zines that don't have her stories or poems or both, from "big name" zines like Guardian and Time Warp to lesser known zines like The Jedi Journal or Visions. Most of her stories are variations on a theme, a classic motif of warring lovers, showing up in tales from Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Nothing" to the 30's and 40' s movies from which Lucas derived some of his inspiration, in which... actor/actress teams played the same courtship games as do s Han and Leia. And Marcia's embattled pair are no less entertaining than their distinguished predecessors... Marcia's stories don't always have an unabashed happy ending, though. One of my favorite stories is in Time Warp 5, "The Sound of Distant Laughter", in which Han has been dead for years and Leia an old woman, draining her life into the new Republic. The poignancy of this story is amazing, more so because very few fan writers can handle any such thing. Marcia walks the tightrope between poignancy and slush and not only does she not fall, she doesn't even slip. This story brought tears to my eyes and few fan stories do that. Then there are her myth/fairy tale-based stories... Most of Marcia's stories are worthwhile and I've by no neans even scratched the surface with this overview. Witty, adeptly-written, with a fine, unbitchy Leia characterization, and a Han straight out of TESB (meaning, not the overly-macho, uneducated slob so often fan- written after A New Hope), Marcia' s stories are fun to read, if you can accept the Han/Leia pairing and don't mind more than a touch of the romantic. If you can't and you don't, there are lots of socially-significant, heavy stories in fan-fico You read those; I'll curl up with a story by Marcia.
- a fan is tired of at least one comparison: By the way, I DO wish people wouldn't keep equating the Empire with Nazi Germany, or the suspension of the Senate with the dissolution of the Reichtag. There are MANY other examples of legislative hadies being dissolved temporarily under emergency conditions, from Rome to the English Long Parliament, the French Revolution, and endless other examples. Dissolving an elected assembly is not necessarily a prelude to tyranny, nor the mark of a rightist or fascist government.
- there is much discussion about the definition of evil and what constituted just war: I think [name redacted] hit the difference between the Empire and the rebellion when she comment on the destruction of the Death Star and Alderaan. The difference is essential in any consideration of a "just" war: the Death Star was manned entirely (as far as we could tell) by members of the military, while Alderaan was a planet of civilians. Even if many of the adults of Alderaan were supporters of the rebellion, there were all those who weren't, there were the children and the old people, and there were the as Michelle mentions. Under the rules of conduct for a "just" war (the Geneva Convention, I think), combatants are fair game. Civilians are not. The Death Star was a military target, its temporary inhabitants soldiers and thus by definition combatants. As for Alderaan, it was clearly a civilian target; we have only Tarkin's word that it was a planet of insurgents (the radio serial indicates pretty clearly that its leader was a rebel supporter, but I don't recall that the whole planet had openly declared). Its destruction was thus reprehensible even by the codes of war we recognize, and that are inherently recognized in most fictional, especially treatments of war.
- a fan thanks zine creators: MediaWest '82 is now only a memory and for those of us who were unable to attend, the zines published for that event were a bright spot, coming after a particularly long 'dry spell'. I realize and understand the reasons why most fanzines more and more are being published only once or twice a year. After all, this is supposed to be a hobby. We, most of us, work for a living and have other obligations, but when you look longingly at your mailbox, hoping for a zine, 'fix', with such state-of-the-art publications as Guardian, Time Warp, Kessel Run, Facets and Twin Suns to name only a few, it's hard to wait that long. What I'm trying to say is that because they are so very good and enjoyable, a automatically 'wants more'! This, then, is my salute to all you editors who, under sometimes horrendous conditions, give us the pleasure and enjoyment we find the covers of your publications. I compliment and salute you for the time and care you take to make sure each author is shown to his or her advantage and that each artist's rendering is given the very best possible showcase. I thank you for the long hours you spend cutting and pasting and putting together what must be a work of love--even though many of you, I am sure, want to chuck the whole thing at times. I thank you for caring enough to sleep only a few hours a night when you are 'with zine'. Your dedication to the concept of fandom is to be applauded! We are not all uncaring cretins, who read a zine and never give it another thought. On the many I read over and over just be- cause they are so enjoyable and contain something to make my world a little better, brighter, and endurable. And so, thank you all!
- another fan is not so pleased: In the past few months, I have ordered five zines. Of those five zines I received two. The other three never turned up. Now, to answer all those replies that I already heard corning I'll go on. Yes, the zines are in print; I've checked the listings numerous times. I took into account the post awful and rewrote the editors, requesting that they tell me if they heard from me, if there was some trouble with the publication of the zine, or if they had mailed the zine and I hadn't received it. I sent a SASE each and every time I wrote. I have never, to this date, received a single one back.
- and yet another fan is unhappy: I'm writing this letter about how some fanzine editors ignore the people who order zines from them. I feel that some fanzine editors are very inconsiderate and are ripping unsuspecting fans off. They should have the common courtesy to answer anyone who sends them a SASE inquiring about fanzines. I feel very strongly about this matter. I am unable to attend cons and this is my only way of receiving and reading zines. I also feel that I have been ripped off and cheated out of my money. (Twice to be exact, I'm still waiting for the zines). Thank goodness, there are some good editors out in fanzine land.
- fans continue to debate the use of pseuds for zine reviews. On fan defends them: On the subject of using pseudonyms for reviews: I side with the user of the pseudonym in very few cases, but in those cases, I am definitely on their side. After 16 years in fandom, I know how enclosed a group fandom is. It's not a nice thing to have to think about, but fandom does include many cliques. If one or more cliques should rise to 'power' at any given time, its members can make things very uncomfortable for those who are not in their select little group and who dare to disagree with them on any pOint, no matter how small. When it comes to reviewing zines or stories, things can can get pretty sticky.
- a fan wants to have awards for just Star Wars: I have a gripe. What with? The Fan Q Awards. Actually, not specifically with the awards or the idea of award-giving itself. But with the presumption by many that these awards are the ONLY god-given, worthwhile awards. And that if you want to vote, you must send in money for a supporting membership. I say, let's create another award list, not designed for membership to a convention, and have the tally sheets (such as in Anne Zeek's SW questionnaire) distributed with newsletters and fanzine listing zines, as well as fanzines that wish to have it. Plus, let it be available on request for a SASE. If a group of us got together to pitch in for the cost of paper and printing, it wouldn't cost much for the whole project. Plus, it would be fair for everyone. I also think the categories should be more specific. For example, best portrait artist, best long poem, best short poem, best story, best short story, best novella or novel, best new promising, etc. I also think mixed media should not be allowed a vote in on the SW or ST tally--too confusing! The results could be listed in all fanzines that wish to list them, and announced at all conventions that wish to announce them.
- a review of Kessel Run #2, see that article
- a review of Thunderbolt!, see that article
- a review of Imperial Entanglements, see that article
- a review of The Dark Lord, see that article
- a review of Visions, see that article
- a review of Storms, see that article
inside art from issue #11, J.R. Dunster
Issue 12 (1982)
Jundland Wastes 12 was published in December 1982. With this issue, Pat Nussman writes that Jean Stevenson and Juanita Salicrup will take over the production work, while she continues to do content, and that without their help, the letterzine would fold. Cover article is "UHF, etc... A Song Master's Gift by Juanita Salicrup." Art by Eluki bes Shahar, Pat O'Neill, Anne Davenport, J.R. Dunster, Virginia Rogers, Wanda Lybarger and J. Salicrup.
- a fan writes a lengthy description and review of VHF, a filk work by Martie Benedict: This wealth of story-songs, blues statements, and occasional lyrical experiments is perhaps the single most prolific "music-'zine" output thus far to come to light in media fandom. At seven [the fan also includes the tape Communion "volumes"--from VHF to Communion--it represents a ferociously active musical imagination. Furthermore, it is a highly personal, very individualistic, and altogether enjoyable contribution to the music of fandom--a rich area all too often neglected in terms of reviews or rewards.
- there is a review of The Star Wars Holiday Special by Jean Stevenson. She listed some highlights: it portrayed regular Wookiee life, and showed Wookiees continuing their alliance with the rebels. The reviewer found several things problematic, one being a male Wookiee being sexually aroused by watching a human woman sing. The reviewer includes all the lyrics to the songs sung and analyzes them at great length, and concludes that: In summation, the Star Wars Holiday Special cannot be dismissed, forgotten or ignored when considering the saga as a whole. For even the "irrelevant" and/or "useless" can have meaningful application." [5]
- the JW Awards were announced, along with the rules. See image.
- a fan comments on Mary Sue: This may bear in mind on discussions of men and women in media fandom (though they're mostly going on in another zine), but perhaps in reference to the review of Storms and reference to the Mary Sue article therein it should be pointed out that while media fandom (specifically ST) may have invented the term, it didn't invent the syndrome. We borrowed it from SF fandom, or rather, from SF itself, which got it from adventure fiction. That is: read some of the adventure SF written in the 1930's and take a close look at the (male) heroes. They tend to be young, handsome, unbelievably multi-talented and strong, possessed of unusual physical or psychic abilities, and they manage to save the universe and win the (most beautiful) girl (in the universe) in a few short pages. The difference, of course, is that there's no pre-existing character of the opposite sex who in cases inspires the story in the first place, and all the characters in each story are therefore original with the author (unless the hero is a continuing character, such as Kimball Kinnison). Excect for those last differences, the syndrome is much the same. For that matter, SW is something of a Mary Sue: a main character who is admittedly the creator's alter ego, a name suspiciously to that of the creator (it was pointed out on a radio station here that while "George" is Greek for a literal translation of the roots is "earthwalker"; ahem) , witt remarkable cowers that come to fruition in an remarkably short time, just in time to allow the young hero to save the rebellion, which in time save the universe.
- a fan gives some insight into the term Smarm: I can venture an explanation of how "smarmy" came to have sexual overtones in reference to fan fiction. As I recall , it was first used in fandom to apply to a certain type of story in which not only was sex the main theme, but it was a particularly cloying, sentimental sort of sex, usually occurring in K/S stories. I think the early users of the word (notably Paula Smith) knew what they were referring to -- not the sex, but the sickeningly sweet emotional content -- but that it was taken by who didn't exactly know the meaning of the word to apply to the sexual content itself, and thereafter misused.
- there are more letters about the purpose of reviews and of fans angry about zines they'd ordered not being delivered
art from issue #12, George Lucas
Issue 13 (1983)
Jundland Wastes 13 was published in March 1983. Art by Martie Benedict, Eluki bes Shahar, D.R. Drake, Wanda Lybarger, Pat O'Neill, and Mary Stacy-MacDonald.
- a fan speculates on the upcoming movie: About ROTJ, I feel that we should all be prepared to be somewhat disappointed. I do not think that character is going to get everything his/her fans would like to see them get. We all have our lists of "demands"; my feeling is that if we are not willing to concede some of our points, we are leaving ourselves open to disappointment, even if it is a rousing film. The fact that Lucas is changing the title from "Revenge" to "Return" at this late date is a warning that he' will not be bound by others' expectations and can and will appear-to us-to change in midstream. I enjoy fandom and I would hate to see it crumble after ROTJ. If we do not maintain a certain flexibility in our attitudes toward the third movie, myself included, that is precisely what will happen.
- a fan mentions a proposed zine by Chris Jeffords called "Alternates" that would be an index to all the alternate universes in Star Wars fanfiction -- "... at least two stories written in the same continuum to qualify as a series." It would include a synopsis of each premise, the characters, the plot and what zine/zines published it. This zine appears to not ever have been published.
- it includes a letter from a fan's husband: I'm the husband of a Harrison Ford Fan. In that I don't resent the situation I find myself in, and even encourage my wife's seemingly consuming infatuation with another man, I've been told my reaction is unusual. In fact, Facets asked me: "How come?" In the first place, while my wife loves Harrison in any of his movie roles ("facets" you might call them), she is not "in love" with Harrison-or anybody but me. I enjoy Harrison's movies and see all of them more than once, but fer Chrissake, does that make me queer for his body? Hell, no, it doesn't; anymore than that the reverse holds true for my wife. Of course, my wife sees his movies many more than a few times-and she writes about them-and draws pictures of him-and makes up songs about him and sings them. She even gets up at 4 a.m. to correspond with other women who love Harrison Ford, including probably, some who are in love with him. Y'see, there is a difference. I have it on good authority my wife is in love with Han Solo; she told me. - In as much as I love my wife dearly, I have to feel a little bit sad for her predicament; you want the best for those you truly love no matter what cost to yourself. Unfortunately, all of the fantasy writers in fandom can't compose a scenario which would really give my wife a crack at Han. So she has to pen her own fantasies-but I'm the one she brings her charged batteries to: I'm the one who gets the benefits of this "magnificent obsession." And if all that sounds like a smug bunch of crap to you, I'm sorry, but that's the way it really is in this household... And who will I have to thank for it'? Two guys: Harrison Ford for the inspiration--and me for the encouragement, love, and space that I gave her... [Name redacted] is no newcomer to fandom. She was a Middle Earth fan of Tolkien's long before the Corellian zapped her between the eyes in Star Wars. She has always wanted-and needed-a nook away from gritty reality to refresh and nurture her psyche. As a matter of fact, she-like other women of good taste-has had a history of falling for guys with big noses, asymmetrical faces and crooked smiles. I should know-I'm one. And 'I intend to keep her-with love and understanding and space when she needs it.
In Issue 17 of the zine Universal Translator, Matthews wrote a letter complaining that she has heard that a fan using the name Inclination Press out of Tsaile, Arizona was reproducing and selling Ragnarok stories without authorization: A fan writes in this issue of Jundland Wastes that she did some detective work. She went to the post office, as she lives in this town, and questioned them. "This is a very small post office and one would take note of anything that isn't addressed to a person's name or the Navajo Community College," and they'd seen nothing sent to or from 'Inclination Press'...If the unauthorized reprints are originating from Arizona, they apparently aren't coming from Tsalie."
- a fan has made her choice about a con: I want to add that I agree with [name redacted] feelings about the Memorial Day media con. I've been thinking about it for months, wondering if (assuming my finances are sufficient) I should go to either Lansing or Dayton, or just sit them both out. I didn't want to seem to be partial to one "side" or the other. I've finally decided on MediaWest*Con because of the two, I feel that that con would have less of an atmosphere of "Let's spite the other side" than Altercon. I've deduced from what I've heard (I wasn't at MWC last year, so unfortunately, it's all second-hand) that the raison d'etre for the Dayton con is to express dissatisfaction with the MWC's concom, so that is bound to color Altercon's social atmosphere. I also agree with [name redacted] that I will regret not seeing all of media zine fandom at MediaWest.
- MediaWest's organizers respond to the conflict about AlterCon: Neither Gordon or I have received direct communication from any "disgruntled fen," rumors do continue to fly, and we are usually the last to hear them! As many fans" can attest, I always encourage people to keep the lines of communication open, and we try very hard to make MediaWest*Con as enjoyable as possible for its attendees. I don't want to see any 'issue become a political infight for the selfish ego gratification of either side,' or any side-fandom should be fun, and we shouldn't take ourselves too seriously. I am not aware of any "grudge-match between Lansing and Dayton," though to be honest, it was only recently that Beth Bowles contacted me on behalf of AlterCon. The convention was to my attention via an early flyer a few months ago, and I was puzzled as to the motivations of the ConCom, but I am perfectly willing and happy to accept Beth's explanation and have written to tell her so. Beth was under a common misapprehension that we've encountered, however, that MW*C is an 'intimate, closed convention.' It has never been closed, in the strict sense of the word. We have limited membership, as many cons do, but in the past, the only people who couldn't get in were those who were notified too late that space had opened up. We apologize for that. We can't take responsibility for people who become fans one week before the convention. After all, we do advertise in the letterzines! We do not, however, accept at-the-door memberships. We did try it in the past, and for the type of convention MW*C is, it simply did not work... We do plead guilty to being 'intimate,' however, and hope to continue to be so I'm bitterly disappointed that so many of last year's attendees remained only names on cards to me... We wish AlterCon and KC Con II only the best luck. But since we're unlikely to change our traditional Memorial Day weekend slot (assuming a MW*C IV in the future), we hope their next conventions will be on different weekends, so that we can hope to attend them!
- AlterCon's concom has a response to the rumors of friction they have heard: There is no 'grudge match' between on and MediaWest*Con. The plans for AlterCon were made early last year. We assumed then that MW*C would continue to be an intimate, closed convention. As [name redacted] points out, media fandom is growing; we think there are more than fans to support several cons (KC Con II is May 27–30 also). We are 'in direct competition' with MW*C only because we are on the same weekend; the fact is that hotel rates are usually cheaper then. We're sorry to hear that there is 'friction between the concom of MediaW"est*Con and certain fen,' but we're not trying to be part of it. We're hoping to help the world of media fandom grow even larger, by enabling even more flms to experience the excitement and fun in becoming active fen.
- a fan is back in the fannish saddle: Anyway, after having gafiated from Star Trek fandom for a few years, I've been back for over a year now and very into SW/Raiders/Ford fandom. I've bought as many zines in the past year as I think I did in my entire tenure in ST fandom. Comparing the quality of the writing in the two, I am astounded by the amount of sheer raw talent in SW fandom! I've stopped buying the pro stuff altogether because it can't hold a candle to the professionalism and care shown in the work of "amateur" authors such as Anne Zeek and Susan Matthews, to name only two.
- a fan refers to The Star Wars Holiday Special as "a less than successful experiment in bringing Star Wars to television." Another fan comments on the show and writes: [name redacted] got a lot more out of the SW Holiday Special than I did, obviously. I found the show for the most part rather boring, definitely overlong, and downright embarrassing in spots. Cut to half the length with most of the "musical interludes" removed, it would have been much better in my opinion. I doubt the writers, etc, had in mind the meanings Jean found in the songs-the sequences seemed to be shoved into the plot sideways rather than an integral part of it. The story itself, the portrayal of Chewie as a family type, Han's relationship with the family, the character of Sonn Dann-all these were fine. I just think the whole program would have benefited from concentration on these elements in a shorter span of time.
- a review of Legends of Light, see that article
- a review of Flip of a Coin, see that article
- a review of Skywalker #6, see that zine
- a review of Docking Bay #3, see that article
- a review of Facets #9/10, see that article
Issue 14 (1983)
Jundland Wastes 14 was published in May 1983. Art by Cheree Cargil, D.R. Drake, Wanda Lybarger, Pat O'Neill, Virginia Rogers and Mary Stacy-MacDonald.
- a fan writes of her opinion in another fan's review of/and the show in question: The Star Wars Holiday Special: First off then is Jean Stevenson's article about the Star Wars Holiday Special. As one who looks at cinema and TV from a production point of view, I found Jean's article disappointing. It is not the overview that at first glance it gives the impression of being. Instead, it is another of what seems to be endless attempts to prove Han Solo is the central/pivotal/main (choose one) character in the Star Wars universe. In making this attempt, Jean ignores the many flaws in the special, especially the fact that the personalities of the characters are changed to fit the story-particularly Leia's. Her attitude toward anyone or anything that is not of immediate use to her is abominable. I've never been of the "Leia is a bitch" persuasion, but she certainly appears to be one in this production. Luke, who in both ANH and TESB has always been quick to act, respond and aid a friend in need, is made to appear too busy. If these two peoples' characters are made to appear flawed for the sake of the TV production, it's possible that Han's character has been stretched to fit the script as well, albeit more favorably. (Also, let's not forget that George Lucas disavowed the Star Wars Holiday Special and insisted his name be removed from the credits.
- a fan writes a con report for Westercon. She mentions that some Lucasfilm folks were there, including Maureen Garrett. One of the slide shows was Twice Upon a Time (a Harrison Ford thing) hosted by Brian Narelle.
- a fan proposes this as the ideal third movie in the trilogy, feeling it would satisfy the greatest number of Star Wars fans: Audiences numbered in the millions converve on select theaters throughout the country. Excitement reaches fever-pitch and waiting lines spring up days in advance and extend for miles. A carnival spirit fills the air and hustlers walk up and down, peddling E.T. pencils and Princess Leia erasers. The theaters open their doors and the first audiences jam in. The house lights go down, a familiar fanfare trumpets forth and a back starfield fills the screen. The audience goes crazy as the familiar logo appears and once more we are transported to a galaxy long ago and far away. The crawl appear, telling us that Luke Skywalker, after returning to Dagobah, is now a full-trained Jedi Knight. We also learn that the evil Lord Vader and his Emperor are still desperate to find young Skywalker and bring about either his fall or his death. We are told that the rebel Alliance is still battling heroically and are warned of the Empire's new plans. We are reminded that Han Solo is still in carbon freeze, and that Luke Skywalker has vowed to rescue him. The... the movie begins. A huge, imperial cruiser passes overhead. Immediately, we are caught up in the Empire's plans for finally squelching the rebelling and gaining the support of Luke Skywalker. Before these plans can be implemented, however, Vader and his Emperor must find Luke -- and he has kept his promise to Lando and Chewbacca has joined them on Tatooine. Their mission? To rescue Han Solo from the clutches of the crimelord, Jabba the Hut They succeed and bring Han back to Princess Leia. Han and the Princess reaffirm their love for one another; Luke is not jealous, since he now realizes that his love for Leia is that of a dear friend and his love for Han is that of a brother. Although they clearly love one another, Han and Leia will not get married. Aided by "the Other", Han Solo, Luke battles his father, Darth Vader, and the Emperor. Vader is slain. The Emperor is defeated. Luke does not fall to the Dark Side of the Force. The Ark of the Covenant does not appear in any frame of the film-not nohow, not nowhere.
- without having any prior knowledge about the Ewoks in her future, a fan has this premonition: After seeing the clips from ROTJ, I got this intense saccharine feeling in the pit of my stomach. Nothing personal against the muppets, or Jim Henson et al, but I hope the film doesn't turn cutesy with the creatures. I rather enjoy the revolting, disgusting, ugly creatures from the original cantina.
- Gordon Carleton writes a short history of T'Con, ReKWest*Con and the other relaxacons that became MediaWest*Con. He says MW*C was never meant to be "The Media Con" and suggests folks support other small cons, as well as WorldCon. He mentions that when the very first Fan Qs were awarded, it was in the form of a rose handed to the winner by Paula Smith and Sharon Ferraro. See media no world con.
- fans write in about their opinion regarding The Star Wars Radio Show; several find it interesting but portray things slightly out of character
- a review for "A Different Light Falls," a story in Legends of Light, see that article
- a review of Guardian #5, see that article
- a review of Legends of Light #1, see that article
- a review of The Return, see that article
Issue 15/16 (1983)
Jundland Wastes 15/16 was published in September 1983 and contains 32 pages. Art by Cheree Cargill, Anne Davenport, D.R. Drake, Wanda Lybarger, S. Palmer, Mary Stacy-MacDonald, R. Walker and MAS.
- the editor says this will be the last issue, and that the letterzine will be continued by Jill O'Neill in Jundland, Too. She also reminds fans that two other Star Wars letterzines have sprung up, Southern Enclave and Scoundrel
- the vast majority of letters are fans sharing their reactions to the third movie which had come out in May
- a fan writes about the revelation of "the Other": I have to laugh at the way Lucas had many of us chase a wild goose in wondering what part the "other" was going to play in the downfall of the Emperor and his Empire. The "other" played a significant role, of course, but not as the "other." If that character had not been told of its relationship to the Force, it would have made no difference in the way the character proceeded. That is, the actions of that character proceeded unchanged just as if the character had never known it was the "other." What mattered was the task of trying to keep the "other" a secret. When Luke was ready to give up, the burden of this secret spurred him on to do what had to be done?
- a remark from a male fan, who didn't like the movie poster and is perplexed at why the soundtrack album was only one record, adds: Okay, you want comments on Return! You got 'em. Not sure exactly where to start. A list of some of the things I liked: Jabba the Hutt; Leia's slave-girl costume; Luke's green lightsaber; Salacious Crumb; Leia's slave-girl costume; the speeder bikes; the unfinished Death Star as seen from the surface of Endor; the forest of Endor; Leia's slave-girl costume...
- a fan speculates on the future: Well, what is in store for third generation fan-fic? I see in my crystal ball a few ideas. Leia learns the Force" stories, even more "Luke' finds the Mary Sue of his dreams" stories and gobs of "Han and Leia get married, have lots of little Solos and live happily ever after stories. Also, a lot of second guessing about the third trilogy.
- a fan writes of the movie: "If I see one more cute alien, I think I'm going to throw up." She hated Han thanking Luke over the comlink, hated the rescue scene, hated how Lando mispronounced Han's name everytime he said it, hated that it didn't really matter (not even to Luke) who "the Other" was, she hates how everyone was a general except Wedge, she hates that Han was made out to be bumbling idiot, and she mostly hates that George Lucas can't write meaningful emotion or dialogue.
- a fan says she loves the movie even though it wasn't the best of the trilogy. It was at least good SFX
- a fan writes: I think I could overlook most the cons if the whole feel of the film had been as warm and involving as the first two, and if the various sections, some of them superb in themselves, had held together better. This one felt detached, distant.
- a fan writes that it was not the movie she was wishing for, that it was full of technical errors, felt somewhat empty, and there was too much emphasis on special effects (which she thought looked fake too often)
- a fan writes: I always felt Leia was the Other. I can't base this feeling on anything definite. Carrie looked terrific in her harem outfit and has grown into a beautiful and mature woman. I liked the idea that Luke and Leia related as brother-sister and was happy to see Han and Leia finally express their true feelings for each other. Luke and Leia have a nice relationship. I never thought that Luke and Leia could be anything but good friends." She adds: "I liked several scenes in Jedi. One of my favorites is the hover-bike chase through the forest of Endor. Very breathtaking and exciting. I also like the scenes with the Ewoks, the walking teddy bears or little Wookiees. Ewoks were the hit of the movie and have some of the funniest and cutest scenes. I liked the battle and space scenes. Very exhilarating.
- a fan writes: "|About ROTJ? Despite terrible dialogue and worse characterization, I love it!"
- while mostly pleased with the movie, a fan is unhappy: I resent the brain-dead Han Solo of Jedi. My only explanation is the brain is the last thing to thaw from carbon-freeze. Solo served only as comic relief in Jedi. I frankly think he's too good a to rate this treatment. He ends up being the only character whose development does not follow naturally from film to film, and frankly, I think it stinks. If the idea behind this was to make Luke look better, it wasn't necessary. Luke looks great, even without running Han down.
- from another fan: I've always hated stories where the bad repents in the final five minutes. I expected Darth to buy the farm in this one, but I had hoped George would let him go out, if not in a blaze of Darkside glory, at least with dignity. To have him seduced by the Light Side and turned into a weak, sniveling, breast-beating repentant sinner who (gag me with a spoon!) thanks Luke for saving him from himself is enough to make me feel a severe desire to throw up, quickly followed by outrage at debased form of character assassination. It's downright embarrassing to watch. I hate it! Nearly as bad are the damned Ewoks, who plurmb new depths of cute.
- a fan writes of the ending: "The solution was exceedingly tidy and businesslike, and I found it intellectually satisfying, but my emotions died on the vine. I just didn't give a damn."
- a fan adds: Well, George, you captured our hearts with Star Wars, fired our minds with The Empire Strikes Back, but did you have to kick us in the stomach with Jedi?... Jedi is a fair film if you look at it as a single film, but as part of the Star Wars Saga, it stinks! The visuals, composition, and most of the special effects are beautiful and believable but would it kill you, George, if you sacrifice some of the cowboy-style action for some character development? It' really a shame that this film, which should be the culmination of Lucas' work with the Star Wars universe, turned out to be such a clinker.
- a fan writes: I didn't hate the film, but I did find it irritliling. If there had been only a few bad spots, maybe I could have overlooked them, but there are so many! And most of them would be so easy to fix! Gods! A pair of scissors and splicing tape could help this flick! It's so close to being a fabulous movie that you wonder if George Lucas ever saw the film before releasing it. He must have seen the inadequacies. Why didn't he fix them? One gets the impression that the makers didn't care about this film as they did the others. Maybe they're getting tired of the whole mess? They've got every right to be by now. After all, it's been a long nine years. But George, if you're planning to making another one of these films sometime in the future, be sure to put your heart into it like you used to, not just your wallet.
- there is a long article that discusses the Lucas biography, "Skywalking," and compares Lucas' SW saga to the relationship he has with Francis Ford Coppola
- the editor ruminates on fanzine reviews, saying it wasn't the content of some of the more troublesome reviews, it was tone: Even now, when JW is all but dead, the mere whisper of the word 'review' still makes my stomach hurt. Anyone who cares to glance over the 16 issues I've published will see why: If anything has raised more controversy than Fan 'Pornography', or the Imperials vs. the rebels, or whether Han or Luke is More Noble, it's the subject of reviews. Controversy makes my stomach hurt. Ergo my almost Pavlovian reaction to the mere word. (My masochism in running a letterzine in the first place is a whole different question.) When I launched JW, the idea that reviews would prove a problem hadn't occurred to me... My policy ran along these tried and true lines: allow the fullest possible latitude for opinion, stopping short of the point where it descends into personal attack. Well, it was a nice idea, but I can't say It's worked out particularly well.
- a fan writes: In closing, many thanks for all the ideas/enjoyment which Jundland Wastes has provided during the course of its existence. It has been a grand forum for fan communication and will be sorely missed.
- a review of The Princess Tapes, see that page
- a review of Harrison Ford Filmography, see that page
- a review of Contraband, see that page
- 69 zines are listed in print
- 11 zines are coming soon
- 36 zines are planned
- 35 zines are out of print
- ^ Southern Enclave #25
- ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f by Maggie Nowakowska from The Incomparable Jundland Wastes
- ^ Southern Enclave #41 (1995)
- ^ See A Personal Statement from Susan Matthews.
- ^ This compiler's [Mrs. Potato Head] observation and opinion: At this time, the fandom had two movies, and two pro books as canon and were obviously hungry for details, even at the cost of watching this frankly dreadful piece of television.