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Name: Dargelos
Alias(es): Dargie, Jean C., Araminta Carrington, Aramooska Carrington, Fanny Adams, half of Prudence Phynagle, Jonet, Portia Lindsay, Rowan, and one of the pseuds in Free for All (maybe Penelope Fitzjames)
Type: fan writer, vidder, fanartist
Fandoms: Starsky and Hutch, Professionals, Oz, Eroica, Highlander, The X-Files, Still Crazy, Hard Core Logo, Hard Target, Die Hard, Brimstone, Robin of Sherwood, Dorothy Dunnett
Other: Grey Matter
Dargie Blithers
The FanFic Outpost
The Circuit Archive
Dargelos on AO3
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Dargelos was a slash fan fiction writer who has written in many fandoms under many pseudonyms (Araminta Carrington, Fanny Adams and others) since the mid 1980s.

She wrote extensively in Starsky and Hutch, Professionals, Oz, Highlander and occasionally in a number of other fandoms. Her fanworks have won at least one Huggy Award, and they have been highly recommended by their fellow fans over the years.

Later, Dargelos turned pro.

Dargelos also produced fan art and co-chaired Zebracon as Jean C.. She also made Starsky & Hutch fanvids during the VCR-vidding era.

Much of Dargelos' art is signed with the name Jean and a small pentagram.

She passed away on December 2, 2023 at the age of 71 after battling cancer.[1]

Some Fannish History

From A Brief and Very Personal History of Slash (1999).

Molerat and I were in our twenties before we realized, thanks to a friend we met at school, that yes indeed, the Trek characters could be slashed and there were people out there doing just that. Yee HAH! Only...there I was reading every bit of K/S I could get my hands on and while it was nourishment of sorts, it didn’t really do more than open my eyes to the possibilities of slashing other people’s characters, characters who hadn’t already been slashed. This wasn’t champagne and caviar, it was cheese puffs and Coke, but I devoured it for years, and only towards the end did I realize that I had become so tired of the Trek universe that I was appending different faces and bodies to the names "Kirk," "Spock," "McCoy" etc. Then we met Karen and she introduced us to Starsky and Hutch. I felt like I’d come home. S/H felt right, it felt good, I liked these guys separately and together. Really together. I started to write them, and I discovered facets of fandom I’d never really been aware of before: becoming fast friends with people you’ve never met, bonding over fictional characters, having an audience of more than one for the stuff I was writing.

There was no internet back then, not for us, no mailing lists or newsgroups. We had round robins and APAs. If you had an IBM Selectric, you were high tech. The medium was the zine and the zine was mimeographed. Xeroxing was still pretty much in its slick, stinky paper infancy and offset was only for those who figured they could sell a thousand copies of a zine…or who could afford to take a financial belly-flop. Fans like Tabby Davis produced beautiful, handmade zines that stood as very personal statements of their involvement in and commitment to fandom.


But at the same time, there was something just a little, well, naughty about the whole process. For years, slash wasn’t an accepted part of most conventions, even ZebraCon, because it was incredibly controversial. I recall getting an early morning phone call from a fan who had reason to know things like this, during the course of which I was warned that if Code7 was published openly, there would be lawsuits. It was published anyway, but we stripped out all the names, even the pseuds. Hit-and-Run was our motto in those days. Up against the wall? No chance. They’d have to drag me there, but I’d be writing the whole time. We’re here and we like it queer. The one guy you didn’t buck was George Lucas who had more money than God, and could afford to pay every lawyer in America to make your life miserable. "Star Wars" slash? No way. S’Wars hetfic? Same thing. Sex became a non-issue unless you went so far underground you needed a lantern and compass just to get yourself off.


In some ways the move to the net has been one of the best things to happen to fandom. It’s being tugged open to encompass a good many small fandoms that just couldn’t have survived in a zine-only era, and exposing people more easily to the idea that fannishness is not just some silly, passing interest in Harrison Ford that makes you want to go out and rent all his films to watch when your boyfriend goes bowling with his buddies. For slash fandom, I think, the revelation of the internet has had even more profound effects. Slash is more accepted than ever, and the supply of fanfic seems endless. If you’re the type to slash anyone, you could probably spend the rest of your life on the net reading slash stories. And in numbers there is always strength. Most of us probably don’t spend a lot of time composing rebuttals to angry, anti-slash editorials any longer, or carry a long list of defensive positions in our heads. Even non-slashers have learned not only to tolerate but to be wary of offending us. We are everywhere.

Conversely, net fandom has opened up a few pretty unpleasant worm cans. Far be it from me to be hide-bound, to be the sort of person who whines "that’s not how we do it in fandom!" every time she hits a new site. But the honest truth is that a lot of fannish customs have sensible sources. For example, Zcon is a strictly fan con because it’s a place where fans don’t have to be always looking over their shoulders to see who is listening before they say what’s really on their minds. Invite the stars? Hell no! I’d rather eat ground glass. And yeah, we had our share of flames in non-net fandom, but on the whole I think we were all a little politer to each other because there was a damn good chance of running into your nemesis at a convention. (I see the tradition of fannish rah-rah girls persists. I, for one, wouldn’t mind seeing that particular custom go belly-up.) And if I hear one more net fan say or imply that if you’re not wired, you’re nothing in fandom, I think I will probably email bomb her.

Okay, so slash fandom has Arrived. It’s real, it’s vital, it’s even acceptable in polite fannish society, always assuming there is such a thing. ;-) What’s it all about? What do we want? Why do we write it? Yeah, yeah, even I’m not immune to a bit of navel contemplation. And to be honest, I’ve spent a lot of time brooding over these questions in the past, and coming up with long, corkscrew explanations which don’t really satisfy me. However, a few weeks ago, Taz and I happened on what we felt was an important truth about slash and I am going to share it with you: We do it because it turns us on.


We don’t need validation. Honest. Would this face lie? We don’t need to feel bad about our needs and desires, and we sure don’t need to justify them. We like what we like and so long as no one is dragged into our fantasies unwillingly (Please…please do not write to me and ask, "Well do you think the actors are willing participants?" because I’ll tell you that they’re not participants at all and if you can’t tell the difference between an actor and the role s/he plays you’ve got some serious problems.) your reading and writing habits are your own business.

Yeah okay it started out as a brief history and turned into a rant. History makes me rangy sometimes.

Links to Dargelos' Fiction

Print Zines

Blake's 7

Powerplay | The World Turned Upside Down

Dorothy Dunnett

Marzipan and Kisses | Whispering Gallery

Harry and Johnny

A Little Past, A Little Future | A Portfolio of Poetry and Portraits


Alternaties | Behind Bars | Crossed Swords | Dark Side of the Moon | Diverse Dimensions | Everything But the Kitchen Sink | Falling from Grace | Free for All | From Ash to Flame | Mulder's Spooktown Cafe | The Osiris Files | Priority Hawk | Queendom | White Rabbit | Wild Cards

The Professionals

Brit Shriek! | British Takeaway | Cat Tales | Cat Tales | Cow Tales & Udder Atrocities | Discovered on a Rooftop | Foxhole in a Graveyard | In the Public Interest | Magnetism | Pig Tails & Other Swill | Starlight, Starbright | Teo Torriatte

Robin of Sherwood

Adult Situations | The Hooded Man | Loxley | Sonic Screwdriver

Starsky & Hutch

All Our World in Us | Bonaventure | Between Friends | Celebration | Code 7 | Credit List (Starsky and Hutch zine) | The Fix | Gunther's Revenge | Hanky Panky | Memories | Moonlight and Mists | Mind If I Join Ya? | No Pants, No Badge, No Gun | No Easy Answers | Nightlight | Penal Code | Renascence (Starsky and Hutch zine) | Rerun | S and H | Strokes | Shadowplay (Starsky and Hutch zine) | Strange Justice | Ten-Thirteen | Three Eleven | Who You Know, What You Know, & How You Know It...

Star Wars

Far Realms | Legends of Light | Obsc'zine | Skywalker

Fans Comment on Dargelos' Fiction

The first B/D story I ever read was 'Crying for the Moon' - which I was reading because it was a S/H story - and I had no idea who these two were, but knew that I had to find out. Which happened when I attended my first Z-Con. What a revelation! Of course, I had to join the library - and one of the first stories I got was 'What the Thunder Said'. After that I knew I had to get my hands on anything by Fanny Adams, and by Araminta. How do I feel about her work? The woman knows which buttons to push. I've laughed out loud at 'Babysitter Boogie', cried at 'What the Thunder Said', and enjoyed Cat Tales immensely. She's one of the few authors whose work I return to again and again, getting the same pleasure on the first or fifteenth reading of a story. When I see a story by Fanny, I know that the characterization and plot will be valid, and that it will be a believable story. So, thank you, Fanny, for the many hours of reading pleasure you've provided, your work is appreciated. [2]

... a few comments on "Fanny's" stories... I didn't set on with the "Emma" series for the most part, possibly because it suffered from the disadvantage of my reading it in quite a muddled order. On the other hand, I loved "Christmas", just because it fit the mood of the season, and gave a warm refuge from the daily, harsh reality of CI5 life. I also liked "Blood Brothers" and "Birthday Dinner". They stood along, not just as part of a series, and I've found that these can stand being read more than once. ... I really enjoyed (which means re-reading with pleasure) "Boogie Street", "What the Thunder Said" and "Fantasies". The second of these was a believable death story, written with a consistent style which made it all the more effective. It also introduced me to "The Wasteland" and I thank you for this. "Fantasies" was an erotic delight, but unfortunately, its sequel like so many was a disappointment. Cat Tales, the story, was a delightful combination of fantasy and humour; Doyle/Beelzy was wonderful. I feel that "Cat Tales", the zine, got tangled and dark; it went into too many directions, and too many loose ends were abandoned rather than resolved. Thanks also, Fanny, for the delightful cover we now see on each issue of T.H.E. it's a recurring pleasure to see. [3]

... "The Way of the Samurai" is a superb piece, demonstrating fine characterization, especially that of the fascinating adult-child Bodie. I did not mind that there was no plot evident in this piece. Its sequel, however, I found to be irrelevant to my B/D fannish interests and completely uninteresting. I am in this fandom to read Bodie and Doyle, not two other characters. The CAT TALES series I have always found vaguely depressing and, truthfully, I never made it all the way through the CAT TALES zine. The EMMA stories are okay, but I've never felt the need to take copies after reading them. For the most part, Fanny's sense of humor is a little off the wall for my taste (and I consider mine is pretty weird); her operatic spoof "La Triviata Pursuitto" left me cold. Although, I will mention that I found her "Bodie and the Beast" to be hilarious--I loved it. [4]

As I re-read and thought about Fanny et all's body of writing, I was reminded of those characteristics in her work that I most admire, her consistent, high level of technical expertise and the imaginative quality of her work. Fanny is one of the most skillful writers in fandom. Whether I agree with the premise of a story or not, I can always count on a Fanny Adams story being well written. Her work is carefully researched, grammatically correct and well executed in that her words are not often wasted but rather all work in concert to construct a clear picture of situations and characters in each story. That she is a writer with a strong imagination (and the skill to translate it into words) comes through, not only in the diversity of her story ideas but in the stories themselves with their small twists and witty or amusing references, asides often, but ones which enhance the story line. [5]

My favorite Fanny Adams' stories are probably not those others would choose. At the top of my list is 'What the Thunder Said.' It is an extremely well-written piece... with each word contributing to the somber, eerie mood, building a strong portrait of Doyle alone, burdened by life — Bodie's final gift to him. This story also contains a touch of the preternatural which creates a chilling sense of reality. The reader's ability to believe is nurtured, not overwhelmed or subverted.

This same atmosphere of supernatural charged reality makes 'Fantasies' and 'Consecration' two more of my favorite stories. 'Consecration' is nicely written, and Fanny ably writes along that fine line where the story content could be genuinely supernatural or what the desperate human mind does in its search for solutions and peace. 'Fantasies' has this same quality. Coupled with a sparse but eloquent, evocative writing style, it is probably one of her best, most tightly written efforts.

Other favorites are 'Merry Christmas, Mr. Doyle' and 'Boogie Street.' 'Merry Christmas, Mr. Doyle' is an engaging, finely written, hilarious story. The images are perfect - Doyle under the table with Bodie, Doyle nicking Cowley's watch, Doyle with mistletoe in his curls waiting for business, Bodie on the piano reciting poetry and then collapsing dead drunk. Nothing in the story strikes a discordant note. The writer's enjoyment of the characters comes through very strongly, giving the story warmth and a sense of affection.

'Boogie Street' is also a warm story. Though I'm not sure Doyle of the streets or the Met would be taken in by Lisa, I can willingly suspend that incredulity because the story is so well written. I can see Doyle pouting, believing he's the best in bed, etc. There is a difficult-to-define charm to this story which makes it so delightful.

Of her more recent efforts, I have enjoyed 'Way of the Samurai,' though I prefer 'Pas de Deux.' 'Samurai' begins an interesting alternate story line, but the story had a detached air about it that is both hard to define and difficult to overlook when reading the story. I felt as if the author herself were not too certain of her characters; given that this is the birth of the universe, this is, perhaps, only natural.

'Pas de Deux' does not suffer from [a] aura of detachment. The new characters, Eddie and Sasha, are well drawn and interesting. More fascinating, however, is the hinted-at relationship between Bodie and Doyle and the clues as to who these men are in this universe. If Fanny will take her time and write with the skill she has developed, this series would be her best work yet.

It is the sense of hurry up that makes me disappointed with Cat Tales, the zine. I enjoyed the circuit stories because they were fun, witty, had elements of the supernatural, contained interesting, other-than-Bodie-and-Doyle characters. The interpretation of Bodie and Doyle and their relationship as well as their powers added to the appeal. The detailed research provided a finely woven fabric of a backdrop. But, as pieces were altered somewhat and as new material was added to comprise a zine, I became less enchanted. As characters are wont to do, they created new problems, revealed new aspects of personality and power as well as new plot directions. None of these elements were accommodated in the final few pages of the zine, which left me frustrated and irritated. The zine was like a movie, where you've invested time and emotional energy, only to get to the end and find the film maker had no idea how to end the film so as to wrap up loose threads or provide a resting place, a sense of finality... In closing, I would like to thank Fanny for the hours of reading enjoyment and the smiles her stories have given me. Please keep writing. [6]

She's one of the few authors whose work I return to again and again, getting the same pleasure on the first or fifteenth reading of a story. When I see a story by Fanny, I know that the characterization and plot will be valid, and that it will be a believable story. So, thank you, Fanny, for the many hours of reading pleasure you've provided, your work is appreciated. [7]

Another author I really can't get into at all, some of whose stories I used to like, is Jean C. Technically, her writing is very good, but most of her characterizations and situations leave me cold. She also apparently suffers from Collins-Bodie worship, and unfortunately lets it color all her writing. Pity. I personally know some excellent B/D writers who love Shaw-Doyle and can't bear Collins-Bodie, but you'd never know it by their stories. That's because they to out of their way to present a balanced, unbiased view of both characters, as a really good writer should. I can't get into her Emma or Samurai series or characters at all. She draws her people so carefully, and yet, I can't put my finger on it -- it's as if their "souls" are missing. I just can't feel anything for them, or care about what happens to them. And her B&D are very wearing after a while, too...these are supposed to be two guys who "love" each other, and yet, I can't even find any evidence in her stories that they even like each other! [8]

"This is a very well-written zine (many new stories from Dargelos, who wrote Pros as Fanny Adams! I'd track down and read her *laundry list*!)...."[9]

The "White Rabbit" Controversy

In 2010, Dargelos had some issues with permissions and her fanwork, White Rabbit. See Talk:Dargelos.


As Jean C., Dargelos was a well-known Star Trek and Starsky & Hutch fan artist and contributed to a number of zines with her illustrations. She won a Major Oak Award for her Robin of Sherwood fan art, as well as Encore Awards for her Starsky & Hutch art.

Blake's 7

The Professionals

Robin of Sherwood

Star Wars

Starsky & Hutch

Other Fandoms

Fan Vids

Dargelos and her friend, Pam Jensen, were among the first wave of live action vidders. Starting in 1981 they produced a series of vids, mainly in Starsky & Hutch fandom. Many of the vids were short snippets using a stanza or two of a familiar song, strung together in one long medley. Their music choices covered a wide range from show tunes, to the Beatles, Simon & Garfunkel, Neil Young and Queen.

Example of a Dargelos songtape video casette. The playlist, created by the fan who owned the tape, is handwritten, barely legible. No credits are listed.

Portions of this list of vid titles has been confirmed by Dargelos-those vids have been clearly marked. Some of the titles may have been fan generated based on their hearing a snippet of lyrics. Others may have been copied without credit to the actual vidders onto a tape that contained Dargelos and Pam Jensen vids. Neither playlists nor credits appeared on most songtape copies.[19]


  • Anything Goes (played over the vidder's closing credits, see screencap below) (some copies of the songtape end here) - CONFIRMED
  • Be My Love by Mario Lanza - CONFIRMED
  • Black Magic sung by Judy Garland - Dargelos - CONFIRMED
  • Boy From NYC - Dargelos - CONFIRMED
  • Come On Get Happy sung by Judy Garland - CONFIRMED
  • Cowboy Song (Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys) - Dargelos - CONFIRMED
  • Devil in Blue Jeans (Somebody's Knocking) - Dargelos - CONFIRMED
  • Face Like Dracula (from "The Roar of Greasepaint, The Smell of the Crowd" play) - song title is actually ""Look at that Face" - CONFIRMED
  • Forget Your Troubles – Dargelos (this may be a fan generated title for “Come On Get Happy” sung by Judy Garland - CONFIRMED
  • Heart of Gold - Dargelos - CONFIRMED
  • In My Life (I Love You More) sung by The Beatles - CONFIRMED
  • Killer Queen (Multiple Fandoms) - Dargelos - CONFIRMED
  • Lady In Red (From the film "In Caliente") - Dargelos - CONFIRMED
  • Like A Melody ("A pretty girl is like a melody") performed by Irving Berlin - Dargelos - CONFIRMED
  • Little Girls (Thank Heaven For Little Girls) - Dargelos - CONFIRMED
  • Otta Be In Pictures - Dargelos - CONFIRMED
  • Singing In the Rain/Blueberry Hill Medley - Dargelos & Pam Jensen - CONFIRMED
  • Sisters of Mercy sung by Leonard Cohen - CONFIRMED
  • Under the Bamboo Tree (from "Meet Me In St. Louis" soundtrack) - Dargelos & Pam Jensen - CONFIRMED
  • Whiskey Heaven sung by Fats Domino - CONFIRMED
  • You Made Me Love You - Dargelos & Pam Jensen - CONFIRMED


  • All My Life - Dargelos (UNCONFIRMED)
  • Better Than It’s Been - Dargelos (UNCONFIRMED)
  • Comedy Spoof - Dargelos (UNCONFIRMED)
  • Drinking Song - Dargelos (UNCONFIRMED)
  • El Condor Pasa (If I Could) by Simon & Garfunkel (UNCONFIRMED)
  • Gonna Be Allright - Dargelos (UNCONFIRMED)
  • Grains of Sand (UNCONFIRMED)
  • Hammer and Nail - Dargelos (UNCONFIRMED)
  • He Says - Dargelos (UNCONFIRMED)
  • If You Like Me - Dargelos (UNCONFIRMED)
  • Only Yesterday - Dargelos (UNCONFIRMED)
  • Opening Credits from Starsky & Hutch set to classical music - Dargelos (UNCONFIRMED)
  • So Long - Dargelos (UNCONFIRMED)
  • The Gangs All Here by Dropkick Murphys (UNCONFIRMED)
  • Too Late For Praying (Children of Today) sung by Gordon Lightfoot(UNCONFIRMED)
  • Warm Gun ("Happiness is a warm gun') sung by The Beatles - Dargelos (UNCONFIRMED)
  • What Did You Do? by Gene Austin (UNCONFIRMED)
  • Whisper My Name sung by Gordon Lighfoot (UNCONFIRMED)


  • Following the Leader from the stage play "Peter Pan" - this vid may be attributed in error to Dargelos - possibly edited by someone named "Davis"
  • I’ll Be There sung by Bobby Darin - this vid may be attributed in error to Dargelos - possibly edited by someone named "Davis"
  • Just a Fantasy sung by Billy Joel - this vid may be attributed in error to Dargelos - possibly edited by someone named "Davis"
  • Live Til You Die sung by Tift Merritt - this vid may be attributed in error to Dargelos - possibly edited by someone named "Davis"
  • Magical Mystery Tour sung by The Beatles- this vid may be attributed in error to Dargelos - possibly edited by someone named "Davis"
  • One (from the "Chorus Line" play) - this vid may be attributed in error to Dargelos - possibly edited by someone named "Davis"
  • The Tide Slowly Turning sung by Moody Blues (song set to the "Ocean Scene" from the episode "Targets Without a Badge") - this vid may be attributed in error to Dargelos - possibly edited by someone named "Davis"
  • Waterfall sung by Chris Williams - this vid may be attributed in error to Dargelos - possibly edited by someone named "Davis"
  • Where Did The Chicken Lay The Eggie by Billy Cotton & His Band - this vid may be attributed in error to Dargelos - possibly edited by someone named "Davis"
  • You Can’t Do Me This Way sung by Mark Chestnut - - this vid may be attributed in error to Dargelos - possibly edited by someone named "Davis"

Memorial Comments

We're very sorry to report the death of Jean Clissold. Jean founded "Marzipan and Kisses" back in January 1984 in Chicago, along with co-founder Karen Brandl. Marzipan and Kisses was a letterzine consisting of letters from Dunnett readers around the world, discussing their latest thoughts and theories on the Lymond Chronicles, King Hereafter, the unfolding House of Niccolò series, and occasionally the Johnson Johnson books too. M&K inspired Whispering Gallery its sister publication which started in 1991, and which took over from it after Gemini was published. Without M&K we may never have had Whispering Gallery, and without Whispering Gallery we may never have had the Dorothy Dunnett Society.

Jean went on to found the Marzipan email group in the late 90s, and was "listmom" for many years. She was a major contributor to the Dunnett world (and a lot of fun). We owe her a great debt. She will be missed. [20]

Dedicated to the memory of Jean Clissold. She passed away on Saturday December 2nd, too short a time on this planet for so many of her friends, including me. Jean was an amazing friend, an artist, a published author, a mom to many cats and bunnies over her lifetime, and a creative cook. She had a capacity for loving and being loved that I don't think she ever really grasped herself.

This song was new to me this year, but the first time I heard the words, they invoked images of Jean for me. She had a favorite print of a woman reading a book by a gentle light, snug in a blanket on her couch, and two cats cuddled with her while outside it was a cold, snowy night. The print was called "Cozy Night." [21]


  1. ^ Morgan Dawn's personal notes, accessed December 3, 2023.
  2. ^ from The Hatstand Express #16 (1988)
  3. ^ from The Hatstand Express #16 (1988)
  4. ^ from The Hatstand Express #16
  5. ^ from The Hatstand Express #16
  6. ^ from The Hatstand Express #16
  7. ^ from The Hatstand Express #16
  8. ^ from Short Circuit #3 (October 1990)
  9. ^ Review posted to the Virgule-L mailing list in Feb 1997 by Shoshanna, quoted with permission.
  10. ^ comment by kslangley at What was your first fandom?, August 28, 2016
  11. ^ 2008 comments at CI5hq
  12. ^ S and H #33/34
  13. ^ S and H #33/34
  14. ^ from S and H #37 (1982)
  15. ^ from S and H #38
  16. ^ from S and H #37
  17. ^ from a LoC in "Rerun" #2
  18. ^ from Between Friends #1
  19. ^ Feb 2023 Note (by Dargie/Dargelos: This list of songs includes ones I've never even heard of. Anything edited by "Davis" is not our work, and can be removed from the list except, perhaps the citation from "The Roar of the Greasepaint, The Smell of the Crowd" (incorrectly titled "Face Like Dracula." Should be: "Look at that Face.") Pam was a big Anthony Newly fan, and though I don't remember the cut, there is a good chance we used it. In the list below I have marked confirmed use with a *. The rest of the list should be considered iffy
  20. ^ public Facebook post (2023)
  21. ^ from Solstice Song by Shelagh Collins and Sean Crist (12-17-2023)