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You may be looking for "stroke," an older British term for Slash.

Title: Strokes
Publisher: boojums Press
Date(s): October 1982
Medium: print
Fandom: Starsky and Hutch
Language: English
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cover of The Who Do We Trust Times, issue #4, Merle Decker -- shows Starsky and Hutch sitting on Hutch's brass bed reading zines, one of which is Strokes.

Strokes is a slash 46-page Starsky and Hutch anthology. The art is by Carol Davis, Jean C. and Paula Smith.

It is known mostly for the controversial story Surrender.

From the title page: Non Illigitimi Carborundum, which is a variation on the mock-Latin aphorism meaning "Don't let the bastards grind you down."

Purchase Stipulations

An ad for this zine in Datazine #23 said an "age statement is preferred."

An ad in Hanky Panky #8 said: "Age and knowledge of content statement a must to get this zine."


The majority of the zine is the story "Surrender." It is said the author took it on as a challenge, that done well, a good writer could make a troubling, and some would say, offensive, subject matter appealing. Some fans feel the story is the Starsky and Hutch version of the controversial Professionals story Consequences. In any case, the zine was mostly very poorly received.


Gallery:: Sample Images

Rebuttals and Inspirations

"Surrender," was inspired by another one: "Special acknowledgement to [Billie F], for the inspiration from her story "The Brass Bed" which sparked "Surrender.""

This, in turn, caused at least one other fan to write a rebuttal fic, of her own: "Fountain of Sorrow," appears in Pushin' the Odds.

Reactions and Reviews

See reactions and reviews to Surrender.



[See Surrender for this fan's comments on that story.]

"Encore" by S. Solistet is quite the opposite [of "Surrender"] In a refreshing contrast, Soliste shows us an older S&H who have gotten out of police work--Hutch into law, Starsty into teaching gym--and have built a life together. Naturally, for the sake of the story, complications ensue. The plot holds together well, the villain is evil but believable, and the kids in the story are people instead of standard moppets. The youngsters also serve as a nice but not peachy example of a childless S&H passing on some of their basic strength and decency to a new generation. This one is worth reading twice.

Ima Fool's "Boo Boos" was a mixed piece. As satire that pokes fun at nearly all the get-together and near-get-together stories, it has some howlingly funny parts but a few spots that seem to get a little weary waiting for a punch line. I think it would have read better if it were shorter, but it s still fine comic relief after the serious stuff.

All things considered, I would still buy the zine for "Encore." [1]


A short zine, only 3 or 4 stories, but one of them is THE classic partner rape story of SH fandom! (I know, what a thing to say.) [2]


  1. ^ from a fan in S & H #37 (December 1982)
  2. ^ comments by Sandy Hereld on Virgule-L, quoted with permission (January 18, 1995)