Starlight, Starbright (Professionals story)

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Title: Starlight, Starbright
Author(s): Fanny Adams
Date(s): 1980s
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): The Professionals
Relationship(s): Bodie/Doyle
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Starlight, Starbright is a Bodie/Doyle circuit story by Fanny Adams.



...while working separately on an undercover assignment, start having dreams about each other; however, the dream partner, although retaining all the original psychological and most physical traits, is female. The dreams function as a catalyst; As each man gradually discloses them to his "real-life" partner, both realize the depth of their bond, seal it with lovemaking, and decide to live together while continuing to work for CI5. The dreamed heterosexual relationships, however, develop differently. The partners also fall in love, nurture each other and get married, but although the "female" Bodie and Doyle are competent and tough agents, their husbands become unhappy about their staying in their dangerous jobs, and the women end up leaving CI5 and settling into domesticity as soon as they become pregnant. [1]


Extremely weird. Kicks off with a female Doyle, that turns out to be our Ray impersonating a lady doc or scientist, or some such, all in the line of duty. This sparks off a separate dream scenario for each of our boys, in which they are each paired with a female version of the other. In other words, Doyle impersonates a female who's having a romance with Bodie by day, and dreams an ongoing a/u in which he's working with a female Bodie by night. Meanwhile, Bodie is dreaming his CI5 partner is a Ray lookalike called Rayna or some such. All very convoluted and confusing to read. It wasn't bad, as far as characterisation of the 'real' B/D went, but very strange. Their separate dream scenes were done in stages, and between times they discussed how far they'd got with getting the girl partner into bed.... [2]


This is a strange story. In fact, it is three separate stories in one. The connecting story is based in a CI5 universe. Bodie and Doyle each separately dream the other two stories.

Bodie dreams Doyle is still his partner, only he is now Rayana Doyle, female and wary, especially of her new partner. Meanwhile, Bodie falls in love with her, and manfully struggles not to scare her off.

In Doyle's dream, Bodie is transformed into the female partner of the partnership - whom Doyle informs he is gay in order to get on good terms with her!

Actually, the two dream stories are vastly more entertaining than the CI5 one. A story worth reading just for its strangeness alone. [3]


  1. ^ Male Pair Bonds and Female Desire in Fan Slash Writing, by Mirna Cicione, 1998
  2. ^ from Short Circuit #2 (April 1990)
  3. ^ from Be Gentle With Us #6