Murphy (The Professionals)

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Name: Murphy, Agent 6.2
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Murphy is a recurring character on The Professionals. He was in seven episodes.

by RAGS, from Chalk and Cheese #18 (1997)


  • Cowley/Murphy
  • Bodie/Murphy
  • Doyle/Murphy
  • Bodie/Doyle/Murphy
  • Murphy/Other

Sample Fanfiction

  • Shuffle by L. Abie (1985 or before)
  • Murphy's Law, story by M. Fae Glasgow (Bodie/Doyle, Bodie/Murphy) (1992)
  • In the Mood by Kathy Keegan ("It began as a bet between Bodie and Murphy, that Murph could seduce Ray Doyle. But Ray gets the truth from Murphy one way and another, and what follows might have been revenge but, in the tangled-web fashion, goes its own sweet way. Strange how romance begins.")
  • stories and art in Murphy's Law (1994)
  • The Land-Bridge Saga by Jane Mailander (Doyle/Murphy) (1994)
  • stories in 98% Pure Murphy (1995)
  • Harvest by Margaret MacDonald (crossover with The X-Files ("Mulder vacations in England where he meets with Murphy, who he met while at Oxford. Flashbacks of their first meeting and how/if their friendship continued when they meet again years later.") (from Compounded Interest #4) (1995)
  • Tribute by Maiden Wyoming (Bodie and Doyle react to Murphy's death. The story was written in tribute to the actor who played Murphy, Steve Alder, who died shortly before the story was written.) (in Motet Opus 3 in B and D #3 (1999)
  • Fantasy in C Major by Elspeth Leigh (Cowley/Murphy) ("Cowley watched, silently admiring the beauty of this man revealed."), printed in Sidekicks (Cowley/Murphy) (2003)

Sample Fanart

Fan Comments


I also like the way she uses Murphy [in Camera Shy ] as long as she keeps him incidental and not intrusive. [1]


Sometimes I can't read a story myself, even if it has been well done. I have a couple of no-no's, things that will actually stop me reading a story. The first one is when a third man is brought into it, usually Murphy. Most of these I'm not keen on, although there have been exceptions. On the whole it has to be just B/D for me. [2]


Your comment is intriguing, about Murphy having been so much developed in B/D fandom just to provide variety. He's so entrenched in the fandom that I never did think of him as a spear-carrier — and he did appear in more than one episode which puts him one-up on Kate Ross, Ann Holly, Macklin, Towser, and several others. You probably know that he was introduced to be Bodie's new partner in case Shaw, and thus Doyle, left the show. So, rather like some female characters in various shows, he was brought in as a potential long-term lead, and then dropped or trivialized in later scripts. Yet fandom treats him very differently from, say, Jenna in B7. Is a penis that important, or can you pick out other factors that make Murphy more usable than Susan Fisher, Cally or Uhura?


...I can even understand his relationship with Murphy because *this* relationship is really unimportant compared to what he has with Doyle, but it's necessary because it helps us to appreciate (and experience) the very real depth of Doyle's jealousy over Bodie; and it serves as a buffer against Doyle and cocoons Bodie from the reality that he would rather confront a dozen bullets than face the fact of his passion for Doyle. [3]


The one quibble I have with the story is Murphy getting killed. I like Murphy - not as a potential mate of either of the lads, but just as a character. I would have preferred if he'd made it through to the end, and returned to CI5 with the resurected Cowley.[4]


  1. ^ comments by Linda Terrell about Camera Shy, in Short Circuit #3 (October 1990)
  2. ^ about Professional Dreamer, from Be Gentle With Us #8 (1992)
  3. ^ about The Yellow Brick Road, from Nobel Sentiments, posted January 7, 2007
  4. ^ from a 2008 comment about Where the Worms Are at CI5 HQ