In the Mood

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Title: In the Mood
Author(s): Kathy Keegan
Date(s): 1992
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): The Professionals
Relationship(s): Bodie/Doyle
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In the Mood is a Bodie/Doyle story by Kathy Keegan.

It was published in Full Circle #1.

Reactions and Reviews

In the Mood is not really my cup of tea - the lads are too far out of character as I see them in the episodes for me to relate to them very well, and I can't help but read them in an Australian accent too! [1]

16 pages. Doyle is startled when Murphy makes a pass at him, but takes him up on it. Afterwards, Murphy confesses the reason for the pass: he and Bodie had been speculating about Doyle. Doyle decides to teach Bodie a lesson by pushing him and then telling him where to get off. But they end up talking instead. There are some terrifically long monologues about feelings in here - at one stage Doyle talks solidly for an entire page (so about a thousand words) - and some authorial insistence that 'this is how it is for men' which, well, um. But there is brief Doyle/Murphy as well as Bodie/Doyle, and I liked that.[2]

"In the Mood" is one of two Pros stories in the Nut Hatch zine "Full Circle". There are Kathy Keegan stories that I like, I find that she tends to be more concise than Jane, and therefore more readable, but I have to admit that I'm a bit baffled by this one.

I was thrown first of all because it began as a Doyle/Murphy story - but I couldn't quite imagine either character behaving as the author has written them, and when Bodie appears later on, he too is slightly "off" from the characters as I see them in the episodes. They all three, in this story, are given to long sentences when they speak, long explanations, and a worded openess that I find quite hard to believe in. Englishmen of that generation simply do not sit down and explain their thoughts and emotions and experiences in such depth, in my experience! There are also various Australian/Americanisms that threw me. Basically, I didn't recognise Bodie and Doyle in this story, and although Keegan isn't as lecture-y as she often is as "Jane", there was enough of that to make me frown as well.

Not my cup of tea, I'm afraid! [3]


  1. ^ Full Circle review by byslantedlight, October 2007
  2. ^ by moonlightmead on December 31, 2013 at Discovered in a Livejournal
  3. ^ 2007 comments by byslantedlight