Ann Holly

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Name: Ann Holly
Fandom: The Professionals
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Ann Holly appeared on one episode of The Professionals, but really makes her mark in fanworks.


Fan Comments


I can't stand slam-women in general and Ann Holly or Kate Ross in particular stories. I swear some writers sound like they hate women, and I do not like that at all. The line I find truly offensive is: "No woman could ever..." Met them all, had the character? "No woman had ever..." is fine. What a difference a word makes! The first example sets me foaming at the mouth, the second implies a loving relationship between the two men. [1]


Some stories portray strong women characters in a show as jealously shrewish, completely evil bitches; some of the depictions of Ann Holly or Dr. Kate Ross (both from Pros) or T'Pring (Trek) immediately come to mind.[2]


Concerning portrays of women [on the show]: I am more concerned with a few of the fan portrayals of women. Sometimes believable women characters such as (yes, I know this might seem like heresy) Ann Holly, also Dr Kate Ross, are portrayed as horrible ball-breaking bitches. Particularly with Ann Holly, I don't see her as a horrible villain, I see her relationship with Ray Doyle to be one of those tragic, star-crossed affairs which makes for good literature (or good viewing). The best of the post-Ann Holly stories treat both Ann Holly and Bodie as sympathetic characters when dealing with Ray's breakup with the former and his subsequent relationship (in slash portrayals) with the latter. [3]

"Sunshine and Moonshadow" by Barry [in Brit Shriek ] — Well, this started out promisingly enough, then I ran into the Ann-Holly-bitch line and stopped on the spot. The Ann-Holly-bitch line is, to me, a cop-out. She was not a bitch, she was used and manipulated every much as was Doyle and she did the only thing she could (and which I would have done): she dumped Doyle and CI5. [4]


I don't mind the ending [of Suitable Gravity ], but I didn't think it was necessary - revenge on Ann Holly! I've never thought that ep-Ann Holly was particularly manipulative or badly-intentioned towards Doyle - when she said she thought he'd change, it seems to me that Doyle had portrayed himself that way to her in the ep, very much CI5-isn't-who-I-am-you-know. Only of course it was, and only Ann was honest enough to admit it at the end. It was Doyle led her on, rather than the other way around - people do tend to blame the woman when a bloke they like gets hurt, but it's not always that way around! So I do think Ann Holly was mis-characterised in this fic, but it's a common mischaracterisation... [5]

Sample Fanfiction Featuring Ann Holly

  • Cause for Concern by Stuartsky ("Doyle and Bodie are sharing everything, even their women; they're too close. Cowley decides to intervene -- and his plan involves the return of Ann Holly, Doyle's former fiancee.") (1981)
  • Faces from the Past by Anne Higgins


  1. ^ a comment in The Hatstand Express #13
  2. ^ "Normal Female Interest in Men Bonking": Selections from The Terra Nostra Underground and Strange Bedfellows", Archived version Nina Boal, "Lavender Lilies, addendum" TNU 6, May 1991
  3. ^ comments in Be Gentle With Us #5 (March 1992)
  4. ^ from an LoC in Chalk and Cheese #13
  5. ^ comment at The Reading Room