Mulder's Spooktown Cafe

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Title: Mulder's Spooktown Cafe
Publisher: The Presses
Editor(s): TM Alexander, PJ Alexander
Date(s): May 1997
Medium: print
Genre: gen
Fandom: X-Files
Language: English
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Mulder's Spooktown Cafe is a gen 213-page X-Files anthology. It was published in May 1997.

The art is by P.J. Alexander, Jean C., Angi Towski, S.R. Mowatt, and KOZ.

detail from cover: portrays Scully as a diner waitress

The Entrees (fiction) is "brought to your table by our lovely red-headed waitress, Dana." The Beverages (art) are "Frostily made by our soda jerk, Foxy." The Desserts (art) are "Presented by our bus boys, the Gunmen." The Side Orders (art and things) are "Prepared just for you by our big burly cook, Wally."

"The management will not accept responsibility for any creepy green crawly goo you find in your order. You knew what kind of place this was when you walked in."

Notes for the Red Dwarf crossover:

This convoluted tale of space travelers and FBI agents was written in the spirit of fun. No harm was intended and, to the best of the authors' knowledge, none was caused. We assure you that any similarity between what you are about to read and what you see when viewing either Red Dwarf or the X-Files is purely coincidental. Despite some bla tant plagarism and the use of pretty much every character that ever appeared in either show, this work is entirely origi- nal....well, we're sure some part of the definition of'original' can be applied to some part of the chronicle before you. If not in this universe, well, there's an infinite number of them out there. An attempt was made to write while maintaining the highest respect in regards to Rob Grant, Doug Naylor, Chris Carter, their concepts, characters, and brilliant creations. In fact, anyone else who feels they deserve respect at this point can rest assured that he or she was also kept in mind while the writing was progressing. Both authors greatly admire Red Dwarf and The X-Files and it is our hope that the humor and drama inherent in each program has found a channel through us to you as the two cult favorites were mercilessly com bined, mashed together, and mutilated out of sheer boredom. Do not believe anything we write. Look to the creators of the programs for the truth. It is out there.

A word from the editors: Nail us for this if you far as we're concerned this is pure genius. Folks without a sense of humor should close the zine NOW.


  • Grays, art by PJ
  • Area 51: a tasty assortment of views & comments to when even the dryest [sic] appetite (editorial), includes art by PJ (2)
  • Chip & Dip, art by PJ (3)
  • art, (4)
  • art (5)
  • Don't Lose Your Head by S.R. Mowatt (crossover with Highlander) (5)
  • art (21)
  • Grays, art by PJ (24)
  • Questions, art by Jean C. (25)
  • Soliloquy, poem by P.J. Alexander (26)
  • Confusion Infusion, art by KOZ (27)
  • art (28)
  • Blood Ties, round robin fic by The Screamin' Pileggains (29)
  • Diet Pop, art by PJ (45)
  • art (46)
  • Power Lines by Julie Harrington (47)
  • Gumball, art by PJ (62)
  • Nixon, art by PJ (64)
  • Secret Arrow by Adrianne Lewis and Lisa Millraney (a story about Spontaneous Human Combustion) (65)
  • How Not to Be Seen, art by PJ (85)
  • Yuppie Punch, wanted poster of Chris Carter ("Charge: Sale of habit-forming visual stimulants. Breaking and entering into millions of homes worldwide. Encouraging questionable lascivious behavior by employees. Last see: in Vancouver, eh! Although if the surf's up at Malibu you might find him there, hanging ten with the big guys. Suspect should be considered armed and dangerous. Weapon of choice: A razor (sharp wit) and biting (humor). AKA: The Great Kahuna, Chip the Dip, Moondoggy, and The master of Yuppie Morbidity. If you see this individual, call Agent Fox Mulder at the FBI, Washington DC. Do not try to apprehend this person by yourself.") (86)
  • art, comics (87)
  • art (88)
  • Poe by T.M. Alexander (89)
  • Bald & Beautiful, art by Angi Towski (116)
  • art (117)
  • art (118)
  • The Goatsucker by Julie Harrington (119)
  • Hiyo Conspiracy, art by PJ (147)
  • art (148)
  • Red-Files by Kurt Konecny and Cindy Marx (crossover with Red Dwarf written script form) (149)
  • Grays, art by PJ (210)
  • You Night Be An Abductee If... by EBE (211)
  • Special Agent, art by SR Mowatt (212)
  • The Combo, art by KOZ (213)
  • Grays, art by Tam (216)

Sample Interior