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Vault of Tomorrow

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Title: Vault of Tomorrow
Editor(s): Marion McChesney
Date(s): 1981-1988
Medium: print
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS
Language: English
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Vault of Tomorrow is a het and gen Star Trek: TOS anthology with thirteen issues.

The title of the zine comes from the episode "The Devil in the Dark."

Vault of Tomorrow Special Editions

The Reprints

After Peg Kennedy took over Bill Hupe's fanzine distribution business, Marion McChesney allowed the new company to distribute the zine. In 1995, Bill Hupe wrote: "We have just been granted reprint rights to one of the original (and ultimate!) Kirk Spock hurt/comfort series. Although not slash, many people feel it comes close at times, and some issues did originally require an age statement back when they were first published. Considered by many to be one of the two MUST HAVE series fanzines (the other is Kraith.)" [1]

That agreement ended in June 1997 when the reprint rights for all of Marion's zines were withdrawn from New Leaf Productions.

General Reactions and Reviews

Considered to be the ultimate in hurt/comfort fanzines, stories feature primarily Kirk, Spock and McCoy. Often emulated in the years since Vault ceased publication, but never duplicated -- only LoneStar Trek has even come close to providing the ultimate in hurt/comfort reads. [2]

Above-average stories. In #1, I loved Interesting Game, This Poker by David Gordon, where Kirk and McCoy persuade Spock to have a game.

The only other issue I have read, #4, has two stories I particularly enjoyed, Failure by Lynda Roper and To Walk in the Darkness by Jennifer Weston.

In Failure, Spock, a cadet at Starfleet Academy, is withdrawn from the class of Vulcans being trained for the Intrepid, as his classmates rate him 'emotionally immature'.

To Walk in the Darkness is a story of Spock's mental powers being increased by radiation and the help of aliens to restore him to his normal self.[3]

Issue 1

front cover of issue #1, Dennis Drew
back cover of issue #1, Chris Grahl

Vault of Tomorrow 1 was published in July 1981 and contains 190 pages.

Cover: Dennis Drew; back cover: Chris Grahl. Other art by Gloria-Ann Rovelstad, Lynne Stephens, Marilyn Johansen, Evallou Richardson, Pat Cash, Carrie Rowles, Stephanie Hawks, Caro Hedge, Gail Bennett, Regina DeSimone, Sonia Gingras, Barbara P. Gordon, Christine Myers, and Vel Jaeger.

The editorial:

I've been watching Star Trek since it first went on the air in 1966. It impressed me then, as it does now, with the fine ideals it put forth.

It presents a future that man has not only survived to reach, but one in which his high sounding words of universal brotherhood have come to be more than just words on paper. The Kirk/Spock relationship, for example, is a classic model of true brotherhood.

While I have enjoyed the show for a long time, it has been only a little more than a year since I discovered fanzines, and fandom in general. During that time, I have made a lot of new friends, and read a lot of fan fiction. In doing so, I've found that there are so many people out there who feel as I do.

While it is true that one person cannot summon the future, it is true, that together we can. If we just believe in the dream, and live our lives accordingly, it will come to be. Perhaps not in our lifetimes, but someday. A dream can become reality, if we believe, and I believe.

I have been lucky enough to come across two fine new artists: Chris Grahl, and Gail Bennett. Chris is a 15 year old high school student, who was discovered displaying his art at a shopping center art show. Gail is a professional illustrator from Florida. I'm sure you'll be seeing more of their work in the future.

Plans for a second issue are now underway. The deadline for written material is November 1st, 1981. However, I will accept entries for the writing contest until December 1st, 1981.

In the meantime, to coin a phrase, keep the faith, baby.

Live long and prosper, Marion

  • Wonderings, poem by Kathryn E. Moore (35)
  • Reflections, poem by Geraldine Sylvester (36)
  • All Sales by Marion McChesney. (37)
  • Because of You, I Am, poem by Ginna LaCroix (also in Trek Encore #3) (44)
  • Evening Conversation by Ingrid Cross ("An elderly McCoy's conversation with his grandson. The last of the three comrades, McCoy, on his deathbed, recalls their years together.") (49)
  • Logical Daydream, poem by Sharon F (53)
  • We Just Disagree by Alinda Alain (54)
  • Warmth of a Human Touch, poem by Kathryn E. Moore (75)
  • Summer Rain, poem by Judy Darnell (77)
  • Some Days It Just Doesn't by Rayelle Roe (reprinted in Chamber of the Ages) (78)
  • Visitations, poem Marion McChesney (96)
  • Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow by Terri Sylvester (99)
  • Daughter of the Stars, poem by Terri Sylvester (104)
  • Survival by Geraldine Sylvester (105)
  • Moments in Time, poem by Marion McChesney (106)
  • Nothing to Fear But Fear Itself by Lynne Stephens (107)
  • Unity, poem by Kathryn E. Moore (110)
  • Mourners by Linda K. Roper (111)
  • A New Beginning by Charlotte Davis (reprinted from Log Entries #33) (118)
  • So Well-Remembered, poem by Marion McChesney (138)
  • Final Threads, poem by Ann Flegg (139)
  • Writing Contest ("This unusual illustration of the Enterprise in space caught my eye at an art show last fall. I decided right then, and there, that I would like to see a story go with it. So I'm challenging you, my readers, to come up an appropriate story, vignette, or poem. The winner will have her story printed in the next issue, and will receive a free copy of that issue. The deadline for submissions is December 1, 1981. Go to it, people.") (140)
  • Two Souls That Touch, poem by Ann Flegg (142)
  • TerPor by Pat Marx (143)
  • Silent Partner, poem by Judy Darnell (158)
  • Friendship's Hand, poem by Marion McChesney (159)
  • The Answer in Chess, poem by Crystal Ann Taylor (160)
  • Interesting Game, This Poker by David Gorton (162)
  • One Last Song, poem by Judy Darnnell (163)
  • Cartoons by Gloria Ann Rovelstad (168)
  • Then There Was the Time by Nadya Emanuel (This is an RPF story in which the actors meet the characters. It includes a very rare piece of RPF art.) (169)
  • Seasons, poem by Marion McChesney (190)
  • Zine Ad Listing (191)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 1

See reactions and reviews for The Silver Cube.

See reactions and reviews for Thy Human Blood.

See reactions and reviews for Some Days It Just Doesn't.

See reactions and reviews for Survival.

See reactions and reviews for Nothing to Fear But Fear Itself.

See reactions and reviews for Mourners.

See reactions and reviews for A New Beginning.

[zine]: 'Vault of Tomorrow' is the first zine edited by a woman, who tells us in her editorial, that she has only been in fandom for slightly over a year. Some people think a first zine requires special handling by reviews; other, like the Tigriffin, feel that when an editor believes she is ready to publish, her finished product should be examined as seriously as the works of those who have been pubbing since the year ONE (I#67, Datazine). However, one allowance must be made for a first time. Very few fans want to risk sending their best work to a zine with no track record, and it is only fair for the review to bear this in mind. Contributors very naturally want to see how the editor handles layout, schedules, pricing, repro, and a dozen smaller details. These are the things a first-time editor should have already learned from other zines' examples, before she considered starting her own zine. 'Vault of Tomorrow' shows the editor has the ability to put out a good zine. Unfortunately, it also shows she needs more grounding in the basics. When the first paragraph of the first story contains six errors in punctuation, spelling, and bad grammar, and the same errors are repeated frequently throughout the zine, it is difficult to remain unbiased towards the zine as a whole. This issue contains: 'The Silver Cube': the author uses this story of a woman from the future aboard the Enterprise to frame unrelated utopian ideals and character vignettes. Some of it is interesting , but without cohesive internal logic, the story is pointless. 'Thy Human Blood': a disturbing story of Spock's attempt to achieve Kolinahr. The methods of Vulcan masters are reminiscent of those the Inquisitors used to torture the heretics back to a state of grace. An eloquent explanation of what created the Spock we saw in the movie... 'Because of You, I Am': a prose poem of sufficient length to deserve comment. It ambitiously combines incidents from more than a dozen episodes in a soliloquy by Spock to a sleeping Kirk. Some phrases and insights are moving, but this is one case where saving space by not double-spacing between natural breaks was confusing enough to hinder the reader's concentration. 'Evening Conversation': vignette about McCoy as an old man, pleasant and not overly sentimental. ' We Just Disagree': basically a retelling of 'Cloud Minders' and not an improvement. 'Some Days It Just Doesn't': humorous piece that has Kirk and Spock on holiday, pursued by thugs who want a stole valuable which was concealed on Kirk's person without his knowledge. There are genuine laughs here, and just a right touch with the mayhem. When this writer perfects her endings, which tend to be her weak points, she'll be one of fandom's top humorists. 'Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow': soapy story about Uhura's mother dropping by the Enterprise to remind Uhura that she's supposed to come home soon and rule the Bantu nation. Unconvincing explanations and characterizations. 'Survival': this and the story immediately following it, 'Nothing to Fear But Fear Itself' best demonstrate the general lack of editorial practice. The first is a one-pager that would have been hilarious with one hint of the denouement added earlier and the last three paragraphs cut. It parodies 'struggle stories' that begin exactly like the second one. With their positions as additional set up for the funny one. As it stands, the serious story does not get the respect if needs because the reader is on guard from the sudden switch to humor in the preceding story. 'Mourners': what should be a tragic tearjerker about Christine dying in Spock's arms is marred by enough tiny flaws to prevent the reader from feeling what the writer tried to convey. One wonders, for example, how McCoy can call Spock unfeeling when McCoy deeply resents Christine dying to save the life of Scotty and another engineer. 'A New Beginning': this plot immediately falls into a pit of illogic from which it never emerges, but the story continues anyway, apparently for the sole purpose of raking T'Pring over the coals as payment for her treatment of him in 'Amok Time.' Too many giant flaws to choose one as the worst. 'Terror': Spock is mortally wounded and beyond normal medical help. Kirk miraculously manages to mind-meld with him and save his life. Without even an attempt at explaining this astonishing emergence of telepathic healing powers, the story's credibility dissolves. 'Interesting Game This Poker': you know what the story is about from the title; still it's written well enough to be amusing, if not surprising. 'Then There Was Time': the real Trek characters meet the real actors. Not surprising, not particularly amusing. The poetry is the saving grace of this zine: 'Logical Daydream' and 'Summer Rain' tie for best of zine award. Overall content: the few poor stories drag the whole zine down to barely fair overall, which is unfair to the several good stories. The number of spelling and grammatical errors is too high. Art: fine to excellent -- many illos outclass their stories. Repro: too many slipped correcting overlays, crooked insets and titles, and similar glitches. Readable, but the careless mistakes detract from an otherwise good print job. Value: even at $8.75 book rate, the price is a little steep for the quality of the contents. [4]

  • The Silver Cube / Mary A. Smith, A woman from the future accidentally arrives on the Enterprise. Before she returns, they learn that there has been a holocaust destroying most of their known worlds, that there is no sex in the future, that her people can navigate with their feet and leave their bodies, and that she is a descendant of JTK's. Nicely done.
  • Thy Human Blood / [April Valentine] Spock, in his Kolinahr novitiate, succumbs to a plant that poisons him because of his human blood elements. Saved, he is painfully trained in the expunging of his human blood and emotions. Sets the stage for his determination to complete Kolinahr.
  • All Sales / Marion McChesney, p Kirk is taken by an incompetent "angel" a moment before a painful death - which he wouldn't actually have had. He has to wait 5 months for the next scheduled death on the Enterprise to get a body, and it turns out to be Chris Chapel's. Cute. Especially the junk-heap rocket version of the pearly gates.
  • Evening Conversation / Ingrid Cross, Short monologue from old McCoy on his deathbed. Standard stuff.
  • We Just Disagree / Alinda Alain, Spock & McCoy are on a mission to admit Lemora to the Federation, with Spock particularly concerned about any Prime Directive violation because of Kirk's potential fall as a Fleet scapegoat. McCoy, naturally, commits a violation when he discovers that there is another group of inhabitants, the Natrals, slated for genocide by the Techons in control. Kind of an overcrowded plot, with bounty hunters capturing and torturing McCoy, and the Natrals turning out to be telepaths. But all in all nicely done.
  • Some Days It Just Doesn't / Rayelle Roe, Kirk and Spock have their shore leave interrupted by attempts to kill them and someone trying to start interstellar war by assassinating High Commissioner Ferris. Amanda saves the day. Tongue-in-cheek and very funny. Marred by misspellings, which can all be forgiven for the single image of Kirk swinging across a gorge, Tarzan-style.
  • Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow / Terri Sylvester, Uhura's mother comes aboard to insist that she return and take up her place as leader of the Bantu nation, but changes her mind when she sees her daughter's happiness on the Enterprise. Ho hum.
  • Survival / Geraldine Sylvester, Vignette: Kirk mistakes his own drunken stupor for being lost and amnesiac in a canyon.
  • Nothing to Fear But Fear Itself / Lynne Stephens, Vignette, Kirk's pov. Mistakenly sent to England's dark ages by the Guardian, Spock has been burned for a witch.
  • Mourners / Linda K. Roper, Chapel get 'em: Chris dying after sacrificing herself to save Scott and another engineer.
  • A New Beginning / Charlotte Davis, T'Pring and Stonn have joined a colony due to their ostracism for having invoked Challenge. With others, they are captured by Klingons and rescued by the Enterprise - by Spock and T'Preen beaming *into* the Klingon brig - but not before T'Pring is subjected to the mind sifter. McCoy and T'Preen heal her. Kinda nice resolution for T'Pring.
  • TerPor / Pat Marx, Spock is trapped into serving as the victim upon whom the Princess of a planet must prove her battle prowess; Enterprise recovers him with a mortal wound, and he is only able to start a healing trance with the spontaneous empathic intervention of Kirk.
  • Interesting Game, This Poker / David Gorton, Spock learns to bluff - a little too quickly. Cute.
  • Then There Was the Time / Nadya Emanuel, A particularly fine take on the old "crew end up at a ST convention" story. McCoy accidentally wishes himself into being an old country doctor in Georgia in the 1970's- and also lands Chapel, Sulu, Uhura, and Jim in the same time zone, none of them remembering who they are until Spock tracks them down and presses their museum wishing coins to their heads. Naturally, this all happens at a Star Trek convention in San Francisco. Some very entertaining bits of encounters and confusions.
  • Poetry:
    • Vault of Dreams / Terri Sylvester, Horta's musings. Nice.
    • Logical Daydream / [Sharon F] cartogropher muses on the possibility of being a poet of science.
    • Summer Rain / Judy Darnell the Three react to a desert rainstorm
    • Final Threads / Ann Flegg McCoy musing on his year of death sentence. Nice portrait with this one.
    • The Answer in Chess / Crystal Ann Taylor Spock relates Kirk's virtues in chess and command. Interesting. [5]


V/hen I first received 'Vault of Tomorrow', (ed. Marion McChesney) I read it and put it away. When I came back for this review,! found I couldn't remember anything about it and this, I think sums up the problem. The zine is attractive, well-produced and competently written by a number of well-known writers, but unmemorable. Of coturse, analysis is required to qualify such a sweeping generalisation and I shall try to provide it. The zine is 197 pages long and there are a number of stories, perhaps too many, for all are of the shorter variety, that is, under 20,000 words approximately, a fact which causes an imbalance for there are no stories with the length for solid character development and plot. However, length is no criterion, some writers can say more with 5,000 words than I could with twice the number. Unfortunately here is not the case.

Perhaps the nearest attempt is 'The Silver Cube' by Mary A. Smith in which Kirk meets a time traveller with a closer connection to him than he realises. Even here the narrative needed more space and plot development and too many loose ends are left. Rayella Roe's 'Some Days It Just Doesn't' is a very simple plot enlivened only by the author's smooth, gently ironic style. The same applies to 'We Just Disagree' by Alinda Alain which deals with Kirk and Spook's attempts at mediation between the Tekons and the Natrals. The story is also mildly predictable.

Other stories are unfortunately repetative, giving a woary sense of that favourite expression deja vu. An example of this is 'Then There Was the Time' by Nadya Emmanuel another 'Visit to a Weird Planet' story. Perhaps this review is unfair since there are a number of stories I have not dealt with. Yet still I find that none of them has aroused in me anything strong enough to force a comment. All I can say is that the zine is a mild, untaxing read and nothing more.

Finally a further dilemma presented by this zine is that although the page count is high, the margins are inch wide on four sides. The zine is typed with double spacing for all speech and paragraphs and there are inch spaces between sections of the stories. This means far fewer words to the page than the average British zine.

The editor may protest that the appearance of the publication is greatly enhanced by good layout but to me, nothing is more attractive than a page of single spaced, tightly-packed reading material, especially if there is heavy postage to pay! [6]

Issue 2

front cover of issue #2, Chris Grahl
back cover of issue #2, Chris Grahl

Vault of Tomorrow 2 was published in January 1982 and is 178 pages long.

The front and back covers are by Chris Grahl. Art & illustrations: Lydia Moon, Sharon F, Suzan Lovett, Chris Grahl, Gail Bennett, Regina DeSimone, Alice Jones, Pat Cash, Lynne Stephens, Marilyn Johansen, Christine Myers, Leslie Spurlock, Nancy Gervais, and Sonia Gingras.

From the editorial:

1981 was a big year for America's space program. With two successful launches under its belt, the shuttle is finally on its way. I can see the day, clearly now for the first time, when we will have colonies on the Moon and Mars. Perhaps, with a little perserverance and the right people in office, it will happen in my lifetime. The space program is vital, not only to America, but to the entire world. We must push ever outward, or stagnate. I call on all of you to write the President, your Congressman, Senator, anyone with an ounce of influence, and urge not only continued support for, but increased support for the space program. Don't let up on them for a minute. If we give them a chance, they will take the path of least resistance and let it slide. We cannot let that happen,

  • Editorial by Marion McChesney (unnumbered page)
  • Symphony of Joy, poem by Marion McChesney (unnumbered page)
  • The Sounds of Silence by Marion McChesney (1)
  • Together, poem by Marion McChesney (21)
  • Timelines, poem by Sharon F (22)
  • Consequence by Suzan Lovett (reprinted in Antinomy) (23)
  • Hors De Combat, poem by Dayle Barker, artwork by Chris Grahl (29)
  • So Well Remembered, poem by Marion McChesney, artwork by Gail Bennett) (30)
  • Cosmic Wonders, poem by Crystal Taylor (32)
  • It's All How You Look At It by Rosemarie Eierman (33)
  • Dream Realized, poem by Marion McChesney artwork by Chris Grahl (38)
  • Sea of Being, poem by Sharon F (reprinted in Chamber of the Ages) (30)
  • Night of Sorrow, Day of Grief by Beverly Volker (43)
  • Sea of Darkness, poem by Judy Darnell (43)
  • Heartcall, poem by April Valentine (44)
  • Patterns of Childhood by Lynda Roper (reprinted in Chamber of the Ages) (45)
  • A Gift, poem by Marion McChesney (64)
  • Love Dies A'Bloomin' by Terri Sylvester (65)
  • The Silent Death of Beauty (poetry) by Terri Sylvester (66)
  • Isolation, poem by Dayle Barker, artwork by Chris Grahl (68)
  • The Last Story by Debbie Painter (69)
  • Not Anyone... Ever by Beverly Danielson (81)
  • Magical Touch, poem by Robin Volker artwork by Pat Cash (87)
  • Writing Touch (winners of the writing contest 1st place: Terri Sylvester, second place: Susan Crites, art by Lynne Stephens (88)
  • Taking the First Step by Laura Zipkin (92)
  • Kanutu Woman, poem by Dayle Barker (97)
  • Faded Yesterdays, poem by Marion McChesney artwork by Marilyn Johansen (98)
  • Last Testament by Geraldine Sylvester (100)
  • The Impossible Dream by Jacqueline Deley (102)
  • Thy Glory Like a Shooting Star by Ingrid Cross (previously published in Interphase #3 and Odyssey #1) (McCoy death vignette, his life linked to a shooting star.) (103)
  • Release by Charlotte Davis (108)
  • Mind-Love, poem by April Valentine (135)
  • The Lady from Kerilane, poem by Judy Darnell artwork by Gail Bennett (136)
  • Heartsong, poem by Beverly Volker artwork by Leslie Spurlock (140)
  • The Protected by Nancy Kippax (140)
  • The Search (Uhura's Theme), poem by April Valentine, artwork by Nancy Gervais (170)
  • Here's to the Writers, poem by Suzanne Elmore, artwork by Sonia Gingras (172)
  • Zine listing (174)
  • Spock, artwork by Marilyn Johansen (176)
  • In Vision Seen Through Crystal Tears, poem by Judy Darnell (177)
  • Five Any Way by Marion McChesney (McCoy and Spock in another duel, this time in a game of Bingo.) (178)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 2

See reactions and reviews for Consquence.

  • The Sounds of Silence / Marion McChesney, Points for a refreshing premise, though the execution needed some work. Kirk & Co. are exploring the planet Aphrodite in hopes that it can be used for a colony, and keep missing the lonely life-form that is trying to contact them - a tree - which eventually drives them away by mutating their grain to a poisonous form in an attempt to get their attention.
  • Consequence / Suzan Lovett, "Amok Time" vignette with a nice twist. Spock breaks his own neck to keep from killing Kirk - and Kirk claims T'Pring with malice in his heart.
  • It's All How You Look At It / Rosemarie Eierman, Rather dull little piece about an engineer filling work orders during/after TMP.
  • Night of Sorrow, Day of Grief / Beverly Volker, Kirk wonders why he finds Spock weeping in the night - until McCoy comes to tell him the results of his last physical.
  • Patterns of Childhood / Lynda Roper, Kirk tries to share childhood mementos with Spock on home leave in Iowa. A bit on the sappy side, but a compelling little story of young Jamie's short friendship with a boy who then dies of an alien illness. (Never Kiss A Cartwright!)
  • Love Dies A'Bloomin' / Terri Sylvester, Vignette - flower awaiting Spock's return to admire her.
  • The Last Story / Debbie Painter, Standard Spock Get-'Em. Spock wastes away from leukemia, much mourned.
  • Not Anyone... Ever / Beverly Danielson, An explanation of Spock's refusal to enter the Science Academy. They rejected him as an unworthy hybrid but made him promise not to tell his father. Nice try, but it's just all out of whack for Vulcans. But then, so is so much stuff about Vulcans...Story contest entries for artwork of Enterprise with space skull in background.
    • The Final Encounter / Terri Sylvester
    • unititled / Susan Crites, "It's dead, Jim." - Cute
  • Taking the First Step / Laura Zipkin, Gary disinvites Spock to a welcome party for Jim, who goes to invite him and sets up a chess game. Needed some livening up.
  • Last Testament / Geraldine Sylvester, Mother Horta passing on her memories.
  • The Impossible Dream / Jacqueline Deley, Jimmy Kirk daydreaming of space story.
  • Thy Glory Like a Shooting Star / Ingrid Cross, Vivid, emotional death scene for McCoy. With a cure moments away, Spock tries to recall him but gives up.
  • Release / Charlotte Davis, [Sequel to "A New Beginning" in issue #1.] Lots of silly Vulcan hoo-hah and submissiveness on T'Pring's part as she recovers, knowing herself only as Stonn's Chattel, until a probe related to the mind sifter breaks down the barrier in her mind. Meanwhile, Spock is called in to look after her when Stonn is injured, she does something heroic, and is enabled to resume her rightful place as Stonn's wife, not chattel.
  • The Protected / Nancy Kippax, Kirk and Spock are stranded on Cimalan by a shuttle crash, with Spock desperately ill. A local healer heals him, but after a while they realize they are not to be allowed to depart because the healer is androgynous and doesn't want the Fed to know. (This is never very clear.) When they let pass an opportunity to escape to save their captor instead, they are finally trusted to not tell the Feds, and allowed to leave.
  • Five, Anyway / Marion McChesney, Spock and McCoy locked in combat over a game. Cute.
  • Poetry by: Marion McChesney, Sharon [F.], Dayle S. Barker, Crystal Ann Taylor, [April Valentine], Robin Volker, Judy, Darnell, Beverly Volker. Most of the poetry is pretty sappy. These stand out from the crowd: Hors de Combat / Dayle S. Barker - someone watching Kirk grieve over Spock. Cosmic Wonders / Crystal Ann Taylor - love poem from a cloud creature - Metamorphosis?, Kanutu Woman / Dayle S. Barker [7]

Issue 3

back cover of issue #3, Chris Grahl
front cover of issue #3, Chris Grahl

Vault of Tomorrow 3 was published in August 1982 (a reprint in March 1985) and contains 250 pages.

This issue was dedicated to Harve Bennett.

Covers are by Chris Grahl. Art & illustrations: Chris Grahl, Sonia Gingras, Lydia Moon, Stephanie Hawks, Gail Bennett, Christine Myers, Caro Hedge, Maureen B., Nancy Gervais, Regina DeSimone, Marilyn Johansen, Suzan Lovett, Maureen B., Nan Lewis, Toni Hardiman, Pat Cash, Charlene Sobczak, and Debbie Phillips.

This zine won a 1983 Fan Q Award.

From the editorial:

'Behold, a marvel in the darkness.' That quote from Balance of Terror sums up pretty well how I felt on June 4th, as I watched the Enterprise leave dry dock once more. It's been a long wait, but it was well worth it. I've seen the movie eleven times and it has yet to lose its excitement for me. This issue is dedicated to Harve Bennett with appreciation. I'll look forward to Trek III With Mr. Bennett at the helm, I'm sure it will be top quality.

I'd also like to thank those who pitched in at the last minute so that I could make my printing date. True to the old adage that what can go wrong will go wrong. [...] If it weren't for Bev, Cheryl, Gerry and Carolyn, I never would have made it.

Last, but not least, a special thanks to two marvelous friends from Florida - Gail Bennett and Kelly Merrill. I attended Space Trek in St. Louis last spring and they handed it to me then as a gift. While I read it, they stood by an open door ready to run for their lives. Those of you who know what I do for a living will understand why. But I loved it, and insisted on publishing it. It's the best present I ever had. After all, not everyone has a story written especially for them.

  • My Friend, song by April Valentine
  • Editorial by Marion McChesney
  • Oh, How I Hate To Get Up in the Morning by Susie Gordon (1)
  • Both Sides of Gol, poetry by Lucy Cribb (4)
  • Changes by Suzan Lovett (reprinted in Antinomy and Chamber of the Ages) (5)
  • Dragon's Pet by Rosemarie Eierman (23)
  • War Game by Rayelle Roe (31)
  • The Hostage by Debbie Painter (35)
  • Ambivalence, poetry by Lucy Cribb (49)
  • Silent Epilogue, poetry by Suzan Lovett (calligraphy by Sonia Gingras) (50)
  • Going Home, poetry by Judy Darnell (52)
  • Vault of Tomahto - "Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow" by Silly J. Merrill aka Gail Bennett and Kelly Merrill ("This is not a Marion Sue story, or dead is purely intentional Any resemblance of any names to any persons living character assassinations a specialty of the author.") (This is the story mentioned in the editorial. Several fans are tuckerized in this story: Bev Volker, Nancy Kippax, April Valentine, ) (55)
  • And Never Parted by Charlotte Davis (67)
  • I Could Never Fool You, poetry by Rowena Warner (86)
  • Paid in Full, poetry by Rowena Warner (88)
  • Echoes of Eternity, poetry by Marion McChesney (90)
  • Sticks and Stones by Laura Zipkin (91)
  • Lesson, poetry by April Valentine (97)
  • I Weep For Thee, poetry by Terri Sylvester (98)
  • If Pretense May Serve and Duty Attend, poetry by Crystal Taylor (100)
  • Only My Dreams Will Haunt Me by Tomisa Marshall (102)
  • Small Packages by Tess Thomas (103)
  • Re-entry to Life, poetry by Beverly Volker (reprinted in Chamber of the Ages) (132)
  • Acceptance -- Sarek, poetry by Judy Darnell (134)
  • Coming Back To Me by Crystal Taylor (135)
  • The Other Side of Me, poetry by Marion McChesney (140)
  • In Darkness Hidden by Marion McChesney ("McCoy has disappeared while on a planet assignment investigating the ruins of a long dead civilization. Kirk soon learns that McCoy is the prisoner of Koloth. The Klingon has secreted the doctor in an undetectable place with an oxygen supply that will run out in 26 hours and 42 minutes.") (141)
  • A Visit to Earth, poetry by Sharon F (158)
  • The Gift of Silver, poetry by Terri Sylvester (160)
  • Destiny by Terri Clark ("A young Commander Kirk is removed from his ship when he contracts Vegan Coriomeningitis. The doctor who saves his life is Leonard Mccoy and we see the development of the friendship that leads to McCoy's assignment as CMO on the Enterprise.") (161)
  • Shadows, poetry by Marion McChesney (174)
  • Time Amok by Lynne Stephens (175)
  • The Accident by Joyce Tullock ("McCoy has been seriously injured in an explosion of the planet Corrid. The Corridians believe their human visitor is dead and remove the body to a temporary morgue. McCoy is very much alive, but cannot move or speak. We live through this experience from McCoy's perspective as he struggles to let someone know he is alive and as he endures the emotional turmoil when Kirk and Spock come to retrieve the body.") (187)
  • Dreams, poetry by Susan Meincke (196)
  • All I Ask by Laura Zipkin ("Two friends are enjoying a shore leave in a small coastal village. Tragedy strikes when the young Starfleet Captain does not return from a solitary sailing trip. Now his friend remains in the village, returning to the shore each day to wait for a boat that will never appear.") (198)
  • Regrets, poetry by Marion McChesney (203)
  • Just Before Dawn, poetry by Patricia Lamb (204)
  • Parallel Dreams, poetry by Sharon F (206)
  • In Thine Image by Debbie Painter (208)
  • From Out of the Past by David Gordon (213)
  • Where the Heart Is by Rayelle Roe (215)
  • Brief Reprieve, poetry by Susan Meincke (243)
  • Lost Love, poetry by Nancy Gervais (244)
  • The Other Side of the Coin by Susie Gordon (246)
  • Touching, poetry by Marion McChesney (247)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 3

See reactions and reviews for Changes.

[zine]: It’s been a long time since I’ve so thoroughly enjoyed a Star Trek zine as much as I did this one. I heartily recommend it to all Trek fans… One of the first things I did after reviewing VOT was to turn immediately to the two stories by Rayelle Roe. I was not disappointed. ‘War Games’ is a funny story about what happens after Uhura purchases an old Monopoly game, and because the instructions have not survived the ravages of time, the players must make up the rules as they go along. In ‘Where the Heart Is,’ Kirk takes shore leave on Vulcan with Spock, much to Sarek’s dismay. Sarek believes Kirk is a bad influence on his son, and after Spock follows Kirk’s lead and innocently streaks the six o’clock news, I had to agree with him. McCoy fans should take note that, although this is a general Trek zine, it contains several excellent stories developing the Kirk/McCoy friendship and two unusual ones about the doctor himself. This is something I find very rare in a zine not totally dedicated to McCoy. ‘In Darkness Hidden’ has McCoy’s life threatened by a vengeful enemy of Kirk, and the captain races against time to save his friend. ‘In Thine Image,’ a post-Wrath of Khan story, we’re treated to a scene we missed in the movie –that of McCoy comforting Kirk after Spock’s death. It’s not the scene I imagined, but it works well, and the last scene between Kirk and Saavik brought a few tears to my eyes. My favorite story was ‘Destiny.’ It’s a beautifully written story about a very young Dr. McCoy on Starbase 17 treating his first patent – a seriously ill young Lt. James Kirk. Here the first threads of friendship develop, and we discover how Kirk first came to call the good doctor Bones. Kirk and Spock fans shouldn’t despair though; there’s plenty for them, too. Tying ‘Destiny’ for Best of Zine Award is ‘Changes.’ The five-year mission is over and Kirk, Spock, and McCoy have some very important decisions to make. Like the domino effect, each man’s decision affects the others. We also get a sympathetic look at Lori Ciani, herself the victim of Norgura’s manipulations. ‘Sticks and Stones’ has Kirk agonizing over the prejudices that surfaced after their meeting with the hate-feeding alien in ‘Day of the Dove.’ He does some soul searching as he realizes it’s not the first time he’s made bigoted remarks to his first officer, and he can’t brush them all off as being in the line of duty. ‘Time Amok’… This time we have Kirk not averse to adding T'Pring to the women aboard the ship, and McCoy, who is not averse to getting rid of the pointy-eared Vulcan, cheering Kirk on, as do T’Pau and Stonn. I was pleasantly surprised with ‘And Never Parted.’ This is the third in a series of T’Pring and Stonn stories that have been running in previous issues of VOT. It is by far the best of the three. T’Pring, while wrestling with the fact that her clansmen will not accept her because of what she did to Spock, once more must go through the Vulcan Ceremony, as it is now Stonn’s time of pon farr. The author reveals much of Vulcan’s traditions and ceremonies; she shows Vulcan society that is one that is changing and accepting new ideas. T’Pring and Stonn become people I can care about. [8]

  • Oh, How I Hate To Get Up in the Morning / Kirk tells Spock they should refuse to get up... God knows what the fan writers have in store for them today. Cute.
  • Changes / Another exploration of events at the end of the 5-year mission, with McCoy trying to undermine Kirk's promotion then stomping off without a goodbye, Kirk arranging for Spock to have the Enterprise then finding that Spock has gone off to Gol, and Lori realizing the extent of what Kirk has lost to become Nogura's golden boy. Nice touch in this one is Spock's meditation on his own actions, discovering that he has frequently risked the ship and crew for Jim against logic, though Jim had always kept his priorities clear, saving the ship even if it meant risking Spock.
  • Dragon's Pet / Spock goes exploring on Berengaria 7 and meets up with a baby dragon. Kinda cute.
  • War Game / The senior officers engage in a cut-throat game of Monopoly.
  • The Hostage / Pretty ho-hum tale. Some planetary Liberation Front kidnaps Spock to force their planet out of the Federation; he is rescued on point of execution by impaling in a pit of spikes.
  • Vault of Tomahto - "Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow" / Mildly amusing spoof. All humans on the E die of ice cream withdrawal, leaving Spock with the coveted command, until the Intergalactic * Ice Cream Lady shows up and feeds him ice cream - poisonous to Vulcans.
  • And Never Parted / Not very compelling continuation of the Stonn & T'Pring story
  • Sticks and Stones / Kirk apologizes to Spock for the times he's called him bad names.
  • Only My Dreams Will Haunt Me / Vignette: Spock performs tal-shaya on Kirk to stop his suffering
  • Small Packages / Chekov and Spock are bitten by "elves" and the bites have the interesting effect of growing "transmitters" which look like eyes at the site of the injection. A few brave little guys get aboard the Enterprise and finally make their intentions - to join the Feds for protection from the Klingons - known, and save the boys. Loose plotting, but the transmitters were cool.
  • Coming Back To Me / Dull little story of Kirk and Spock yearning for one another pre-Vejur.
  • In Darkness Hidden / Points from me simply for being a McCoy story... in order to avenge himself on Kirk, Koloth kidnaps McCoy and leaves him in a hidden, sensor-protected room to asphyxiate. Koloth is then inadvertently killed in a beam-over attempt, sealing McCoy's fate - until the secretive Teo reveals that he can detect strong emotions.
  • Destiny / Revelations of Kirk and McCoy's history together - he heals the young lieutenant of the Farragut, then the commander of the Darius (of Vegan Choriomeningitis), and Kirk has him transferred to Enterprise when he gets command of her.
  • Time Amok / "Amok Time" events on the ISS Enterprise. Evil McCoy solves the problem by gleefully killing Spock. It was all a set-up by T'Pau and Sarek to get T'Pring aboard Enterprise as a spy, but she is killed by jealous Marlena. Lotsa fun.
  • The Accident / A lab accident on Corridan leaves McCoy alert but paralyzed and incapable of informing anyone that he is alive. Pretty interesting dilemma, though perhaps not terribly plausible, and Joyce overdoes McCoy's folksiness. Not even Kirk picks up any sign - it takes Spock, who seems to need to catalog the injuries as an act of mourning, and finally touches the doctor - to save the day.
  • All I Ask / McCoy waits day after day for Kirk (who has actually been killed in a storm) to return from his sailing trip to their shore leave lodge. His madness is beginning to unnerve the locals. Scott and Spock finally come to retrieve him. Clever writing - I thought the protagonist was Spock all along, but on a re-read it all fits as McCoy, too.
  • In Thine Image / Post-TWOK. McCoy persuades Kirk to become Saavik's mentor as the last thing he can do for Spock. Sweet.
  • From Out of the Past / Enterprise picks up an old NASA space probe, but the recording is not what was expected. "Good morning, Mr. Phelps..." Short & cute.
  • Where the Heart Is / An insufficiently proof-read but highly entertaining little charmer with some great lines. ("Two against one is Klingon fun.") Kirk accompanies Spock on a visit to Vulcan; Sarek doesn't like him, doesn't want him there, sees him as a bad influence on Spock, and is wildly jealous. Kirk seems to have a reverse Midas touch whenever around Sarek, everything going slapstick-wrong. Wonderful domestic scenes. Predictably, the tension between Sarek and Spock, and Sarek and Kirk is resolved when Spock is trapped in a landslide while examining some cave paintings, and presumed dead by the Vulcans, but not Kirk - and Sarek asssits him in the rescue attempt.
  • The Other Side of the Coin / Vignette to close the frame. Kirk and Spock have had a deadly dull day and are looking forward to what the writers may have in store for them tomorrow.
  • Poetry by: Lucy Cribb, Suzan Lovett, Judy Darnell, Rowena Warner, Marion McChesney, Martha J. Bonds, Terri Sylvester, Crystal Taylor, Beverly Volker, Sharon [F.], Susan Meincke, Patricia Lamb, Nancy Gervais. Most of it pretty poor; the most interesting is: Brief Reprieve / Susan Meinecke - Spock waking Kirk on the bridge during Deadly Years [9]

Issue 4

front cover of issue #4, Connie Faddis

Vault of Tomorrow 4 was published in April 1983 (reprinted July 1984, May 1985) and contains 252 pages.

It has a front cover by Connie Faddis and a back cover by Lydia Moon. Art & illustrations: Pat Kilner, Christine Myers, Lydia Moon, Carol Swoboda, Marilyn Johansen, Gail Bennett, Nan Lewis, Stephanie Hawks, Laurie Huff, Suzan Lovett, Maureen B., and Gina Godwin.

back cover issue #4, Lydia Moon

From the editorial:

Once again I come to the hardest part of doing this fanzine -- writing the editorial. My trash can is filled with rejected pages, all of which sounded pretentious, sappy, overbearing, and just plain stupid. So I've given up trying to write something 'meaningful'. I just want to use this space to say that I've enjoyed eyery minute I've spent on this project. It's been both an entertaining hobby and an educational experience. I'm looking forward to the next issue.... Suzan Lovett has asked me to extend her deepest appreciation to [Billie Phillips] and Adrienne Deutsch for the time and effort they put into helping her finalize Miles To Go. I'd like to add my thanks as well.

  • Editorial by Marion McChesney
  • cover poem, River of Time, by April Valentine
  • Miles to Go, fiction by Suzan Lovett (includes Myra Kirk who is James T. Kirk's mom) (reprinted in Antinomy) (38)
  • Greater Love, poem by Karen Taylor (39)
  • Automated Animation, poem by Sharon F. (reprinted in Chamber of the Ages) (43)
  • Just for Fun by Susan Meinecke ("Kirk, McCoy and a reluctant Spock attend the playing of Super Bowl CCLII. A bit of wagering enhances their interest in the game.") (reprinted Academy Chronicles #14) (43)
  • March of Days, poem by Nancy James (52)
  • If He's More to Your Liking, poem by Crystal Ann Taylor (52)
  • The Path I Choose by Marion McChesney (53)
  • Homing by Victoria Clark (89))
  • As Long as We Remember, poem by Judy Darnell (91)
  • Faces of Love, poem by Marion McChesney (92)
  • Failure by Lynda Roper (93)
  • Fantasy Enterprise by Marilyn Johansen (101)
  • The Dark Moment by Ingrid Cross ("We spend a few hours with Leonard McCoy as he tries to deal with the agony of the diagnosis of Xenopolycythemia.") (115)
  • December 24, poem by Denise Hael (120)
  • Soul on Ice, poem by Jean Chabot (122)
  • To Walk in the Darkness by Jennifer Weston (123)
  • The Cain Interval, poem by Suzan Lovett (158)
  • Parting Gifts, poem by Lynette Knox (162)
  • For My Friend, poem by Susan Meinecke (164)
  • Ballade of the One Left Behind, poem by Ellen Kobrin (166)
  • The One Left Behind by Billie Phillips (167)
  • A Mother's Intuition, poem by Sharon F. (170)
  • If, poem by P.E. Kinlock (171)
  • Untitled poem by Marion McChesney (172)
  • I'm Sorry, poem by Ellen Kobrin (174)
  • Leave-Takings by Lynn Syck (175)
  • As I Stand Here, poem by Ginna LaCroix (also in Trek Encore #3) (210)
  • Tapestry, poem by Marion McChesney (212)
  • Of Kirk, poem by Laurel Ridner (214)
  • Death's Sojourn by Susan Meinecke, (215)
  • The Hottest Fire by Ginna LaCroix (also in Trek Encore #2 and Chamber of the Ages) (217)
  • What Fate's Decreed, poem by Ginna LaCroix (251)
  • It's All in the Timing, poem by Laurel Ridenor (252)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 4

See reactions and reviews in Miles to Go.

Last year issue 3 of VAULT OF TOMORROW took the FanQ for Best Star Trek Zine, and I rather suspect issue 4 will be a contender in '84. Aside from a few underquality pieces, it has a number of unusually good stories.

There is one story I consider to be almost flawless and the best I've seen in years. This is "To Walk in the Darkness" by Jennifer Weston. (By coincidence there was another excellent story of almost the same title years ago in ENERGIZE 1, "Walk in the Dark" by Anna Mary Hall, but the two are otherwise unconnected.) Spock's esper abilities have been augmented by a super-intelligent shade of the color blue, and there seems no limit to his growing powers. Weston admits the parallel to Gary Mitchell in "Where No Man Has Gone Before," and in fact makes effective use of it to drive Kirk to the brink over the possible need to execute a dearest friend again. The horror of being mind-controlled, and the horror of unconsciously controlling minds are well examined; Weston doesn't shrink from the logical and emotional consequences of her premises. "'As long as Spock is aboard, no one on this ship can be certain their thoughts are truly their own.'" And later, so exquisitely does Weston describe the joy and self-contained rapture of the blue-light beings and the effect they have on Kirk and Spock, that the same feeling infects the reader. "Their welcome drew him upward from the confines of his body and he was soaring with them; all of them unlimited, invincible, having no wants except to roam the galaxy at will.... Impulsively, Kirk flung his arms around Spock and hugged him, long and hard. He felt the rapture arc" relief in Spock's mind as well as his own--and, to the delight of both of them, sensed it being reflected in each of the -myriad beings around them, like a single note of joy echoing endlessly down crystal canyons." There is but one blotch in this jewel, and that is an inexplicable four paragraphs where Weston breaks the point of view, switches the style, and stalls the momentum to tack in Spock's reaction as he recoils from death. ARGH! The pity is, it's plain she could've given the same info without this sloppiness. Otherwise a glorious work of art. The Gail Bennet illos are great, too.

Not so transcendental but also excellent is Ginna LaCroix's "The Hottest Fire." For whatever reason, the "Mirror, Mirror" Kirk is getting a more sympathetic press these days than he was ten years ago. In this one, Kirk comes onto the Enterprise as Pike's first officer. Practically everyone in Starfleet is running scared of Kirk because of his rep for ruthlessness, but he and Spock manage to recognize in each other a potential for mutual authenticity. LaCroix details how Kirk discovers and gets installed in his cabin the Tantalus Field, and how he eliminates Pike to take over the Enterprise. The writing is superb. Each character is real within the story, and consistent with the aired versions; they speak real speech, and change and react within the parameters of their personalities. There is, as in "To Walk," one flaw: at one point the scene closes in a dungeon and reopens immediately in a field outside. We don't learn for nearly two pages how this happened. Instead of sending the reader scouting for a missing page, this abrupt change should've been explained sooner.

Susan Lovett's "Miles to Go" sports a setup similar to one common in another fandom, to wit, S&H. Kirk goes home to visit his Mom and takes Spock with for the first time. Mom is a local bigwig but otherwise provincial, does not approve of Sonny's choice of career, and is privately convinced K and S are K/S. An old buddy makes Kirk realize that though he retrieved the command of the E for now, eventually he must lose her. But Spock, who has been dispensing sage advice throughout, comes up with a plan. The pace is slow, gracious, and subtly wise. "'Have you ever had something so special, so precious to you that, no matter how strong it seemed, you saw it as fragile, vulnerable?'"

"The Path I Choose" by Marion McChesney strives for similar profundity, but falls way short. The characters do not talk, they spout, mostly stale philosophy at Kirk, who has acquired a stone shard in his spine that could carry him off at any time. Though I kept expecting a deus ex machina to descend to cure him, McChesney to her credit leaves it at Kirk learning to live with death literally always at his shoulder. "Fantasy Enterprise" by Marilyn Johanson combines STAR TREK with FANTASY ISLAND. Delightful and well-constructed despite a slow start, the story depicts a real fan aboard an all-too-real Enterprise. By contrast, "Just for Fun" by Susan Meinecke is barely even funny: Star Trek meets Super Bowl. The dialogue is the best of this; too bad there's not much dialogue. Meinecke's more competent "Death's Sojourn" and [Billie Phillips]'s "The One Left Behind" treat Spock's death at the end of WoK respectively from Spock's and Kirk's point of view. [Phillips]'s vignette includes some mildly intriguing twists of phrase--"holding sickness at bay" for "sickbay." "Failure" by Lynda Roger is a decent short story on Spock becoming his own man in Starfleet Academy. Jean Chabot's "Cup of Shadows" and Susan Lovett's "Cain Interval" are actually poems. "Cain Interval" is particularly fine, using a coherent metaphor of the physical senses and their negation to isolate Spock's line "This ...simple feeling" as the one sensation that cannot ever be negated.

The ungood story in this zine at least qualifies as a story. In "Leave-Taking" by Lynne Syck, Kirk has contracted the usual incurable disease, and rather than die before his friends' eyes he elects to get lost on a planet. Meanwhile, of course, the cure is found, and Spock and McCoy must either leave the area to deliver the serum, or stay and look for Kirk. What suspense. Kirk hollers stuff like "All right, little one, I will go with you," Spock vows, "I promise you by all the fires of Vulcan," and a starship is forced off its interstellar course by an asteroid belt. Don't miss the explosive rocks, either.

The ungood vignette is "Homing" by Victoria Clark. What it is about is unintelligible, because any speck of meaning evaporated away with the ellipses (...). Most neo writers don't know this, but ellipses breed. Put more than one in a single paragraph, and before you know it your story looks like a tribble-infested Enterprise — all those little round thingies everywhere. They make the characters sound like they1re asphyxiating, and the narrative read as if the author hasn't any idea what to say next. Overuse of any device, in punctuation, grammar, or rhetoric, reduces its impact; when you really need it, you'll find it too blunt to be useful.

Berman's Code of Dashes applies to dots, too: "In writing fiction, never use more than one per paragraph. If you absolutely need two in one paragraph, then you mayn't have any in the next."

The color cover by Connie Faddis is not one of her best, but it still belongs in the upper levels, qualitywise. The interior illos and layout, however, are not outstanding, and the boggled page count detracts from the zine's appearance and readability.

[rated on a scale of 1-5]: Content -- 5, Graphics -- 3 $'s Worth -- 5 [10]

  • Miles to Go / Kirk brings Spock to his mother's Iowa farm for shore leave, where Spock receives a chilly welcome and Kirk receives an unwelcome proposal to go into private business. Both serve as catalysts to get them plotting for their post-Starfleet career, and to heck with the rumors about them.
  • Just for Fun / Kirk & McCoy drag Spock to SuperBowl 252 and persuade him into a little wager. Amusing.
  • The Path I Choose / A shore leave accident leaves Kirk with a choice to make between the safety of an immobile life and resuming his normal activity with the hourly risk of sudden death. He gives immobility a good try.
  • Homing / Vignette of Kirk breaking through Spock's loneliness, before and after V'ger
  • Failure / Cadet Spock is dismissed from Starfleet's program to crew the Intrepid; Sarek comes to take him home, but Spock has other ideas. Nice Sarek/Spock interactions.
  • Fantasy Enterprise / Romp. Very nice take on the "fan on the Enterprise" plot - Fantasy Island takes our hero to the Enterprise, but she has neglected to read the manual... and then she joins a landing party and finds herself in the Deadly Years.
  • Scattered Thoughts / Short vignette of Spock trying to order his thoughts as pon farr begins
  • The Dark Moment / McCoy vignette, as he contends with his xenopolycythemia diagnosis.
  • To Walk in the Darkness / An encounter with radiation + energy aliens leaves Spock with Gary Mitchell disease - and Kirk with the dilemma of just when to kill his best friend as Spock's godlike powers develop.
  • The One Left Behind / Interesting vignette of Kirk in denial of the loss of Spock in TWOK.
  • Leave-Takings / Kirk goes off to a frontier planet, intending to spare his friends the knowledge of his imminent death from a parasitic infection. He finds himself a last-hurrah mission against a Klingon plot, and Spock and McCoy discover both his ruse and a viable treatment for his condition.
  • Death's Sojourn / Vignette of Spock's death in the reactor chamber, from Spock's pov.
  • The Hottest Fire / Interesting Mirror Universe story of a ruthless yet compelling Commander Kirk's rise in the empire to take command of the Enterprise away from Captain Pike - and, of course, his winning over of the determinedly neutral Spock.
  • Poetry:
    • Automated Animation / an ode to Arecibo radio-telescope
    • March of Days / Metamorphosis
    • If He's More to Your Liking / Kirk on Spock's attitude toward Khan
    • December 24... / Kirk avoiding the Christmas party
    • The Cain Interval / Kirk interpolating on Spock's coldness in TMP
    • Parting Gifts / Scott receives a gift of bagpipes as he sets off for Starfleet
    • A Mother's Intuition / Amanda intuits Spock's death
    • If / Chapel fantasizing on Spock
    • As I Stand Here / David to Kirk after Spock's death
    • Memory / Kirk caught between the necessity of forgetting and remembering Spock's sacrifice
    • What Fate's Decreed / Marion McChesney - the Three as IDIC [11]

Issue 5

front cover of issue #5, Lucy Syck
back cover of issue #5, Lydia Moon

Vault of Tomorrow 5 was published in January 1984 and contains 276 pages.

Front cover: Lucy Syck; back cover: Lydia Moon. Other art by TACS, Caro Hedge, Christine Myers, Barbara P. Gordon, Gail Bennett, Gina Godwin, Stephanie Hawks, Caren Parnes, Jude Jackson, Suzan Lovett, Sarah Macht DeWitt, and Bev Zuk.

  • The Final Option by Lynne Syck (1)
  • I Remember, poem by April Valentine (45)
  • The Endymion Prize by Lorraine Beatty ("McCoy is to be awarded the prestigious Endymion Prize. It is a great honor, but one with strings attached: the formal ceremony and the extravagant outfit the prize winner must wear to the ceremony. McCoy would like to get his hands on the individual responsible for his nomination.") (47)
  • So You May Live by Charlotte Davis (63)
  • Down in Engineering, poem by TACS (81)
  • Incident at Dannar by Debbie Painter (83)
  • The Reason, poem by Ginna LaCroix (92)
  • The Reason by Ginna LaCroix (92)
  • Call It a Feeling by Laura Zipkin ("On Altair IV, Lenore Karidian tries to kill Kirk.") (93)
  • Quoth the Vulcan by TACS (120)
  • My Son by Beverly Volker (122)
  • Do Not Grieve, poem by Ginna LaCroix (124)
  • Tale of a Dragon by Rosemarie Eierman (reprinted in Chamber of the Ages) (125)
  • Silver Threads, poem by Ellen Korbrin (129)
  • Walls by Lynette Knox (130)
  • Through the Years by Jude Jackson (134)
  • Illusions by Lucy Becket (135)
  • To the Future, poem by Ginna LaCroix (221)
  • Alone by Ginna LaCroix (223)
  • He Was Too Good to Me by Jude Jackson (226)
  • The Shop of Dreams by Sarah Machi DeWitt (227)
  • If Only by Jude Jackson (233)
  • LIngering Notes by Marion McChesney (234)
  • Life's Final Star by Lynn Syck & Laurel Ridner ("The people of the planet Cota are dying of a plague and the Enterprise is ordered to do whatever possible to help without deploying a landing party. McCoy can stand the frustration only so long before he, against all orders, beams himself to the planet. It is only a matter of time before Kirk and Spock follow him. The quality of these men and their love for each other proves strong enough to survive this deadly situation.") (235)
  • Zine Listings 272

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 5

[zine]: VAULT OF TOMORROW 5 is, finally, a Big Three zine.

Yes, there is a Stonn/T'Pring story by Charlotte Davis, a fairy tale of sorts involving Uhura, and a rather tedious story about the telepathic dragons of Berengaria Seven (without any overt reference to Pern); but the meat of the zine, both in fiction and in the poems, is the relationship among the Captain, First Officer, and CMO of the U.S.S. Enterprise.

VOT's stories are not K/S, nor are they really hurt/comfort. Instead, they inhabit a somewhat misty semi-spiritual plane where Kirk, Spock and McCoy all see themselves living solely for the others — and the plots of the stories are devised and, at times, contrived) to lead to some statement of mutual closeness. Thus "The Final Option," a predictable and unconvincing story about a paralyzed Kirk, and the lengths to which he and Spock will go to save each other. Thus, "The Endymion Prize," an astoundingly boring description of McCoy's receipt of a special award while Kirk and Spock look on with pride. Sometimes the key note is a mysterious other-world which steps in to save a dying Spock/Kirk/McCoy (or all three), as in "Incident at Dannar" and "Life's Final Star."

And of course there is the de rigeur revenge story, "Call It A Feeling," with a surprise appearance by — guess who — Leonore Karidian. None of the above hold any surprises; all seem content to extol the almost transcendent love of the three men for each other.

The saving grace in all this is Lucy Becket's "Illusions." The story does not have a promising start; one goes in expecting another Kirk-framed-Spock-and-McCoy-to-the-rescue format, with the inevitable happy ending. Instead, what we get is a very lively, and for the most part plausible, sense of the kind of people who run a prison and the experience of being there. All the characters are real; there are no cardboard villains; and the author takes that last, frustrating step — she allows Kirk to change, radically and finally. The emphasis is not on the mystery of the revenge plot, but on that greater enigma, the human psyche.

VAULT OF TOMORROW 5 is 272 pages unreduced, with fine art by Carole Swoboda, Susan Lovett, Chris Myers, and others, and a really beautiful cover by Lucy Synk. It is, all-in-all, a very clean and attractive product. Unfortunately, form does not always follow content, and this issue of VOT is a disappointment unless you're a fan of Big Three Friendship fiction. Maybe issue #6 will be better. . . . [12]

Issue 6

front cover of issue #6, Lucy Synk, reprinted as interior art in Chamber of the Ages
back cover of issue #6, Lydia Moon

Vault of Tomorrow 6 was published in April 1984 and contains 248 pages.

Cover: Lucy Synk; back cover: Lydia Moon. Other art by Suzan Lovett, TACS, Caro Hedge, Christine Myers, Mary Mills, Marilyn Cole, Pat Cash, Sheila Willis, and Merle Decker.

From the editorial:

Fantastic - a marvelous, moving tapestry of a film. From the opening flashback to the closing credits it was everything I had hoped for. Leonard Nimoy, in his feature film directorial debut did an excellent job, but then I expected no less. He drew performances from the cast that

were outstanding, especially those of William Shatner and Deforrest Kelley. Even the destruction of the Enterprise did not mar the film for me. Although it was sad, somehow it seemed right. It was far better for her to die at Kirk's own hand and go down in a blaze of glory like a shooting star, than to rot away in dry dock. The Enterprise will live on - in a new form - but she will live on, as she has for centuries. I have no doubt of that and look forward to seeing where the adventure leads next.

I'd like to thank A.C. Crispin for kindly allowing me to use her story, 'The Blue Demon', in Vault. It was written as part of the programming at Shore Leave V and after the con, she gave it to me for Vault 6. I'd also like to thank Melissa James for another tremendous proofreading job. When you proof for a typist such as myself you really have a job ahead of you. Much thanks, Melissa.

'Wait for the Morning' was originally printed in Contact 7, and is reprinted here so that the sequel,

'When Evening Comes', has the proper background.

  • Nothing Lasts Forever by Ginna LaCroix (1)
  • A Christmas Dragon by Rosemarie Eierman (37)
  • Tomorrows, poem by P.E. Kinlock (reprinted in Chamber of the Ages) (42)
  • Passage Through Purgatory by Nancye James (43)
  • The Blue Demon by A.C. Crispin ("It was written as part of the programming at Shore Leave V and after the con, she gave it to me for Vault 6." -- from the editorial) (reprinted in The Farthest Frontier #2) (51)
  • Wind-Flowers by Sharon F (51)
  • Somewhere In the Darkest Night by Lynn Syck & Laurel Ridener (sequel is "A Candle Burns" in issue #9) (59)
  • A Tale of Time by Sharon F (68)
  • Dragons Call by Rosemarie Eierman (69)
  • Since We're Going That Way by Meg Fine (74)
  • The Final Toast by Sandra Middleton & Sharon Masters (Post ST:TW0K. "Kirk and McCoy trying to come to terms with Spock's death.") (75)
  • To a Trek Writer by Flora Poste (81)
  • Validity of Friendship by Marilyn Cole ("Arica, a young Klingon-Human hybrid captures Spock. She wants Spock to mind-meld with her to help integrate her two halves. It is a dangerous procedure and Spock would never attempt it willingly, but Arica has McCoy as her prisoner.") (82)
  • A Dragon in the Woods by Rosemarie Eierman (reprinted in Chamber of the Ages) (101)
  • Aftermath by P.E. Kinlock (108)
  • Wait For the Morning by Marion McChesney ("Spock persuades a very unwilling McCoy to withhold from Kirk the fact that the Captain has a malignant brain tumor. When Spock dies in an accident protecting Kirk, McCoy reveals the truth and is told with great bitterness that Kirk wants out of his life. McCoy withdraws, but it is not long before both men realize how much they need each other.") (originally printed in Contact #7) (111)
  • When Evening Comes by Marion McChesney ("McCoy returns to the ocean side home he shared uith Jim Kirk during the last few ueeks of Kirk's life. It is time to put the house in order, take care of the Captain's possessions and get on with the rest of his life.") (159)
  • Wanderin' Bairn by Meg Fine (164)
  • And I Owe You by Lynda Roper (reprinted in Chamber of the Ages) (165)
  • Walk Softly There by Nora Jeffrey (181)
  • T'Lan by Jude Townsend (182)
  • Love's Promise by Terri Sylvester (200)
  • Tobin's Dragon by Rosemarie Eierman (202)
  • Essentials of the Heart by Nora Jeffrey (212)
  • Our Dearest Blood by Terri Sylvester, accompanying Kirk/David portrait (214)
  • Quest by Marion McChesney (216)
  • Amazing Grace by Lynn Syck & Laurel Ridener ("Kirk has been hideously injured. Spock and McCoy seek the help of the Pelf Protectorate, believing these mysterious beings might be able to restore their Captain.") (217)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 6

I read this issue after #8, so it's made up for some of its lacklustre quality. Someone recommened the various dragon tales -- Chrim-Re from Berengaria #7 -- a most unusual dragon. He likes pipes, Christmas trees, and humans. All this from a chance encounter with one who says he is NOT Human! Seems Spock was wrong for once. These are charming stories relating to a minor incident, but made interesting by Rosemary's skill in characterisation. Ann Crispin's "Blue Demon" certainly cured one young lady. "Leila's Purgatory" -- erasing Spock is a well-conceived short piece as is "Nothing Lasts Forever" -- these last two concern incidents from TV episodes; good choices since we never really know the effect from those chance encounters by others of the starship Enterprise or their effects on the crew of said same. I was less impressed with the two death stories -- not so much their content, but the cause given. Cannot two authors agree to change this for it looks as if they collaborated and I'm sure that's not the case. They are fine, well-written stories, giving the reader real cause to mourn. And giving McCoy reason to live after. "Validity of Friendship" -- good storyline but poor in execution. A great pity since it is a really interesting concept -- half Human-Klingon mixture having the same problems as Spock. As ever, the poetry and artwork are superb, but the editor can only give us what is submitted. Come on all you authors and artists, it's a good zine -- contribute. You never know if you can do it until you try. [13]

  • Nothing Lasts Forever / Post-"Obsession." Kirk is furious and unable to forgive his betrayal by Spock and McCoy threatening to relieve him of command, the coldness among the Three beginning to affect morale and performance on board. Kirk goes sulkily and strictly by the book, and ends up captured by natives on a "hands-off" planet, tied to two bent trees by loosening stakes (the trees decide if the stranger is indeed the prophesied and dangerous "black man"). He is rescued by a blind seer, but beams up to find a rescue party about to beam down, contrary to his code Green orders. Spock has learned from his Captain. Well written, with good conflicts. Resolution not quite satisfying somehow.
  • A Christmas Dragon / Delightful writing, imaginative and fun, but spoiled for me by the plot - a young dragon enabling a tree to become a Christmas tree. The parochial view of Christmas as universally acknowledged is hardly IDIC. The idea of the tree wanting to die to be a Christmas tree is also repugnant. A pity.
  • Passage Through Purgatory / Leila's thoughts post -"Paradise" - in a journal McCoy has prescribed for her, as she discovers that Kirk truly is her rival, that she could never now have Spock. Well-done, and the emotions of hurt and obsession ring true. Her recovery at the end through Elias' attentions seems a bit forced.
  • The Blue Demon / Nice romp. A "good" witch, seeking revenge on a "bad" witch, summons up a demon - Spock. She sends him hurriedly back, and highly confused about the transporter malfunction.
  • Somewhere In the Darkest Night / Standard Big Three get-'em. Kirk will die of brain cancer that will eventually make him insane, and chooses to go off into space in a shuttle. At the last minute, Spock tractors the shuttle to join him -- in meld and death, one assumes - along with McCoy who refuses to be the one left.
  • Dragons Call / Chim Re the dragon, now sixteen, goes to check out the Dragon-Human communication program at Dragons Call school and being highly perceptive gets hired to teach the youngest human children.
  • The Final Toast / Post- TWOK; Kirk & McCoy mourning Spock over brandy while McCoy keeps trying to remember. Nothing special.
  • Validity of Friendship / A Klingon/Human woman captures McCoy as bait to get Spock to help her integrate her self and control her Klingon blood-rage by meld, though the last Vulcan she tried it with died in the attempt. When she gives up force, he volunteers to try it for her and succeeds.
  • A Dragon in the Woods / Another cute little Chim Re dragon story. Now an adult, he hosts a little boy who will soon start Dragon-Speaker school in his nestage.
  • Wait For the Morning / originally printed in Contact #7, Big Three get-'em. Kirk is getting oddly clumsy, leading to McCoy's diagnosis of a brain tumor which turns out to be malignant. At Spock's insistence, he does not tell Kirk that he has only a year to live. Meanwhile, Spock is killed rescuing Kirk from a critter on a camping trip. When McCoy confesses and tells Kirk about his tumor, the captain is furious and returns to Earth to die at his Big Sur home estranged from McCoy. They make it up in time for McCoy to spend the last few months with Kirk. Title is from Spock's last words to Kirk, that he would be "waiting for you in the morning." Well-executed tear-jerker, but I personally don't like these that take the sting out of death with an assumption of afterlife.
  • When Evening Comes / Sequel to above, McCoy returning to the house to decide whether to sell it, having striking memories that let him know the other two are waiting for him "in the morning" beyond this life. Nice image of McCoy as aircar speed demon.
  • And I Owe You / Charming romp with Uhura, Spock and Chapel's complicated financial arrangements over a loan to Chapel to buy a stunning new dress and her insistence on paying him back with interest.
  • T'Lan / A bit of a Vulcan Mary-Sue - but kinda sweet anyway. T'Lan is a member of a Vulcan primitivist off-shoot culture, won by Sarek in the course of his ambassadorial duties, who must be given to a blood member of his family, or die in dishonor. Sarek sends her to Spock. Enterprise is in the middle of a crisis, so that Spock is unable to pay her sufficient attention, and she goes into a death trance before he comes to his senses and accepts her.
  • Tobin's Dragon / Tobin meets his tutor and introduces him to Chim Re. Both tutor and dragon are rogues of sorts. Cute, creative. Just about nothing to do with Trek.
  • Essentials of the Heart / Post-STII vignette. Kirk feels Spock's presence. Eh.
  • Amazing Grace / Well-executed Kirk H/C. While serving as unwitting decoy for a Fleet undercover mission to Pelf, Kirk is attacked and charred to almost-death. Spock and McCoy both snarl and comfort one another, confronting Fleet to take Jim to Pelf in hopes of a cure. Spock believes the Pelf healing will work because of Kirk's positive attitude. And it does. Also, the Pelf, who were disgusted by the deceit the Federation practiced on Kirk, are convinced by the loyalty of Spock and McCoy to come on into the Federation. Spock is pretty harsh to McCoy here, but that can be accepted as deliberate, showing that Spock himself is just about broken: "Apparently the Pelf feel the Captain sees the half-full beaker while you, Doctor McCoy, see the dust in the bottom of the bowl... It is most fortunate that we do not need the Pelf to help you." Convincing characterizations, aliens are pretty good, though these miracle-working beings get tiresome. Still... I do like having Kirk survive.
  • Poetry:
    • Wind-flowers / Spock as a "flower of sentient logic" in a bleak landscape. Nice.
    • Since We're Going That Way / ballad of complaint as Enterprise is called for one errand after another
    • Walk Softly There / post-TWOK Kirk confronts his loss by returning to the reactor chamber
    • Our Dearest Blood / Kirk laments David - refreshing; he seems to usually forget his son. Nice accompanying Kirk/David portrait. [14]

Issue 7

front cover of issue #7, Suzan Lovett, reprinted as interior art in Chamber of the Ages

Vault of Tomorrow 7 was published in January 1985. It is a 434-page novel called, "Valiahara" by Kathy Milligan.

Suzan Lovett is the front cover artist. Other art is by Christine Myers, Caren Parnes, Kenneth Morris, Carol Swoboda, and Chris Grahl.

From the editorial:

This novel represents a departure from the usual Trek stories. It is at the same time both an adventure and a love story. The character of Cat Ayler is a complex blend of personalities, whom I'm sure you'll find as fascinating as I did. Long as it is, I read it in one sitting. I simply could not put it down. I'll be very interested in your reactions Please let me know. I'd like to thank Lynn Syck for sending me the story and suggesting I get in touch with Kathy about using it in Vault; Terri Sylvester for loving it as much as I did and encouraging me to use it, and most of all Kathy for giving us the enjoyment of reading it.


  • Child of Light and Shadow (2)
  • Echoes (142)
  • Guardian of the Song (327)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 7

"Valiahara" is Kathy Mulligan's first ST novel. I hope it won't be her last. Though new to the world of ST writing, Kathy is a professional writer, and it shows. "Valiahara" is as well written and polished as any professional ST novel and more interesting, by far, than most. Divided into three books, it is post-ST n, pre-ST m. Spock has not been found on Genesis and is present only in everyone's thoughts and memories. In Book One, Kelia, the heroine, comes aboard the Enterprise against the wishes of Captain Kirk. She has been assigned to the newly created position of 'swing bridge officer', a position that Kirk believes is unnecessary in the extreme. Still mourning Spock, Kirk sees no need for some young upstart to fill the gaping hole left in the bridge crew. Kirk's original animosity turns to grudging respect and then to something more as he comes to know the beautiful, enigmatic young officer. Kelia is the only survivor of her race. As a child, her world was decimated by an attack by the savage Taerusians. She and a few other children were taken to a death camp from which only she was rescued. As the daughter of the last ruler of Eleikyieron, Kelia holds the key to a secret of her people, a key which can "open the heavens" and call forth untold power. However, as a result of her traumatic experiences, Kelia has buried the secret, as well as all feeling and emotion, deep within herself. Then she meets James Kirk. "Valiahara" is one of a rare breed — an adult love story that is both beautiful and believable. It does not require an age statement and is not a Mary Sue story. It tells of love found and lost and found again. It deals with the very real problem of Kirk's dilemma when faced with someone he loves being in jeopardy. His overprotectiveness drives Kelia from the Enterprise and into the Special Forces. Her adventures there, partnered with a wonderfully appealing agent called Sargo, make up the second book of the novel. At times her missions bring her into contact with Kirk, and their mutual pain and loss are dealt with mostly via McCoy, who cares for them both but is at a loss as to how to help them resolve their problems. Book three brings Kelia back to the Enterprise on a mission to prevent the Taerusians from "opening the heavens." With Saavik's help, Kelia must rediscover the key to the power that only she possesses before the aliens do. And she and Kirk must resolve their problems and find a way to keep both their careers and their love intact. Their solution had me in tears. "Yaliahara" is exciting, touching, humorous, and lovely. The plot is intriguing and combines all the best elements of a love story and an action-adventure story. The dialogue, particularly between Kirk and Kelia, is wonderfully right. The characterizations, both of the familiar ST people and the new characters of Kelia and Sargo, are right on the mark. I recommend "Valiahara" without reservation as Star Trek at its best. [15]

This novel starts after the finish of The Wrath of Khan, & is one of the few pieces of Trek fanfiction who took the movie-makers at their word. SPOCK STARTS OUT DEAD IN THIS NOVEL AND STAYS DEAD. One of the reasons that we write in the fanfiction community is to create our own alternate timelines, despite what might have happened in the movies. This author does it most brilliantly! Kirk is NOT handling the loss of his best friend at all well. His state of mind isn't at all aided by Starfleet's insistance on assigning to the Enterprise a new Security Chief who has some definate ideas of how to keep the redshirts under her command from dying like flies. The professional relationship between the two begins on a very strained note, but progresses, professionally & personally, in ways neither could have imagined. MARY SUE ALERT! I must confess, though, that I was so caught up in the story that I didn't see that it was an MS till I finished this novel, it was written that well! [16]

Issue 8

Vault of Tomorrow 8 was published in May 1985 and contains 200 pages. The front cover is by TACS, the back cover is by Marilyn Johanson.

front cover of issue #8, TACS, reprinted as interior art in Chamber of the Ages
back cover of issue #8, Marilyn Johansen

From the editorial:

Welcome to Vault of Tomorrow 8. It's that time again. Why is it that when editorial time rolls around I never can think of anything to say? I certainly don't have that problem on the telephone. My phone bill is testament to that. I'd like to thank my contributors without whom there would be no need to write an editorial. I hope they will continue to contribute in the future. I'd also like to thank Terri Sylvester and Tacs for poetry on demand, Kenneth Morris for agreeing to do artwork for a second story, Weston Scrimger for drawing Chim-re's map on two days notice, and of course, Melissa James for once again proofreading for someone whose fondness for typing is not matched with accuracy. She did say though that I'm getting better. This issue is a departure from past Vaults in that there are two stories that are only loosely connected to Trek. I liked them so much 1 simply couldn't pass them up. hut this is a one-time exception and Vault will continue to remain Trek only.

  • Refusion, fiction by Mary Rottler (1)
  • Reborn, poem by Tacs (5)
  • Mail Call, poem by Meg Fine (6)
  • A Stranger Met, fiction by Ginna LaCroix (7)
  • When Thinking, poem of Star Trek by Robin Walker (30)
  • The Last Watch, fiction by Tim Collins (31)
  • In Dreams, poem by Marion Chesney (33)
  • In Harm's Way, poem by Marion Chesney (35)
  • View of a Silver Lady, poem by Ginna LaCroix (36)
  • Years in a Second, fiction by Dawn Law (37)
  • Return to Life, poem by Tacs (53)
  • And as Will Be, fiction fiction by Charlotte Davis (65)
  • Never the Same Again, fiction by Linda Neighbors (65)
  • Morning Moments, poem by Nora Jeffrey (70)
  • A Taste of Vulcan Whimsey, fiction by Ginger Dawson (72)
  • Star Trek Revival, play by Mary Stacy-MacDonald (Reverend Trekwell) (72)
  • Distant Dreams, poem by Terri Sarick (76)
  • Snow Dragons, fiction by Rosemary Eierman, map by Weston Scrimger (83)
  • Just for the Fun of It, fiction by Linda Neighbors (101)
  • Demon Dreams, fiction by Robin Walker (104)
  • In the Silence of the Sea-Wind Dawn, fiction by Lynn Syck and Laurel Ridener (111)
  • To the Enterprise, poem by Kathy Milligan (116)
  • The Prisoner, poem JoAnn Sides (118)
  • Interlude, fiction by Jan Davies (119)
  • Vulcan Sunset, poem by Meg Fine (124)
  • Soup's On by Dan Collins, fiction (126)
  • Auld Lang Syne, fiction by Kim Knapp (139)
  • Moments, fiction by Sharon Fuchs (reprinted Academy Chronicles #14) (143)
  • Memories, poem by Marion McChesney (146)
  • From Flame What Smoke, poem by Debbie Painter (147)


  • Borders: Editorial, dedication pages and 1-17-37-116-117, by Caro Hedge
  • front cover by TACS
  • Marilyn Johanson (back cover)
  • Kenneth Morris (7, 37)
  • Robin Walker (65, 104)
  • Mary Stacy-MacDonald (72)
  • Melissa James (78)
  • Sophia Kelley (83)
  • Mary Mills (101)
  • Pat Cash (111)
  • Sheila Willis (119)
  • Phil Tortorici (126)
  • Caren Parnes (143)
  • Christine Myers (147)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 8

VAULT OF TOMORROW 8 is another fanzine which has stories about Kirk's and Spock's friendship. It has some good artwork by Kenneth Morris and Phil Tortorici.

This fanzine has three unusual stories. "The Last Hatch" by Tim Collins is about ST fans on a contemporary ship. "Never the Same Again" by Linda Neighbors has a 14-year-old cadet visit a museum replica of the starship ENTERPRISE bridge. "Snow Dragons" by Rosemarle Eierman is set on Berengaria. A valley dragon goes to meet a snow dragon. Other stories had aspects I found startling. In "A Stranger Met," Carol Marcus is very insensitive and claims she hates Kirk. I found no basis for this interpretation in ST II myself, though I'm aware that other fans drew other conclusions. "Years in a Second" by Dawn Law has Kirk and an ambassador transported to a planet's past. It has some very nice things about it, and is well written. However, the phrase, "magnetic fields combined with some other element" makes no sense scientifically. Magnetic fields may be indicated by the presence of an element, but magnetic fields are lines of force, not physical objects. One cannot combine a magnetic field with an element any more than one can combine a gravitational field or an electric field with an element. Last, "In The Silence of the Sea," Kirk dies and McCoy and Spock commit suicide, unable to live without him. Personally, I find such stories unconvincing. I do not accept the myth that it is the ultimate display of love and affection to commit suicide after a loved one dies.

VAULT OF TOMORROW has several other stories, but I found them unremarkable. However, they are similar to ones in previous issues, so fans who enjoyed earlier issues should enjoy this one. [17]

Two good stories, others just so so... My pencil hovered over several, but that is only a personal blue one. As our editor says - a few are only marginally Trek out this is not totally important. The thing to remember is that the Enterprise and her crew go to many places and leave their presence in many ways. This is shown in "Snow Dragons' and 'Never The Same Again", or at best, 'Auld Lang Syne.' 'Moments', 'Just For The Fun Of It', 'Soups On!' are indulgences in what if's' worked out well by each author so they are just the right length before they become boring. 'From Flame What Smoke' is a story of living and dying out is too long and drawn out. It's story line is good with both Jim and Bones 'caught' out on how much they knew about Vulcan. My praise goes to 'A Stranger Met' and 'Refusion' which should have transposed -- they are out of time sequence here. Both give views of Khan's effect on the Enterprises' command view from David's point of view and Kirk's. For all its faults, these two stories made the issue worthwhile. Great colour cover too! [18]

Issue 9

front cover of issue #9, Suzan Lovett, illustration for "Here Be Dragons" -- "[It is] representative of her earlier art style. Impossibly cute and sweet. I always had trouble imagining what a sehlat would look like, and how a bear-like creature with huge fangs could look cuddly - well, not anymore. I'd cuddle the beast just as much as I'd do little Spock. :)" [19]
back cover of issue #9, TACS

Vault of Tomorrow 9 was published in January 1986 and contains 310 pages.

It was edited by Marion McChesney.

Front cover by Suzan Lovett of baby!Spock sleeping with his sehlat. Back cover by TACS. Other art by Robin Walker, Caren Parnes, Steve Wilson, Jean Kluge, Lori Knott, Fiona Graves, Gina Godwin, Sarah Macht Dewitt, TACS, Suzan Lovett, Julie Cesari, and Christine Myers. Map by Weston Scrimger.

From the editorial:

"Star Trek - The Musical" which was originally scheduled to be in this issue has been postponed until Vault 10 due to a problem with the artwork.

  • Here Be Dragons by Carol Hart (1)
  • Spock's Revenge: You Can't Keep a Vulcan Down, filk by Roberta Rogow (8)
  • Memory Serves by Carol Pierce (9)
  • The Question, poetry by Ginna LaCroix (24)
  • The Saddest Of These, poetry by Mary Woodruff (26)
  • Hide In Plain Sight by Lucy Beckett (28)
  • Star Cluster, poetry by Linda Neighbors (76)
  • Mea Culpa, poetry by Flora Poste (78)
  • The Needs Of the One by CarolMel Ambassador & Alinda Alain (79)
  • The Hearts We Leave Behind by Liz Ellington ("Kirk, McCoy and Spock are sharing an apartment after their retirement. Spock is visiting Vulcan when he learns of McCoy's sudden death. Story tells of Kirk's reaction to McCoy's death, the rallying of friends, and Spock's efforts to get back to earth at this time of need.") (88)
  • Child Of Future Dreams, poetry by Gina Godwin (115)
  • Vigil, poetry by Cat Malvin (116)
  • The Race by Sarah Macht Dewitt (118)
  • The Hand Of Friendship by Carol Lynne Briskow (133)
  • A Candle Burns by Laurel Ridener & Lynne Syck ("Kirk has been struck uith a disease which is incurable. He decides to leave the ship, take the deep-space shuttle, and die at a time and place of his own choosing. Spock and McCoy will not let him go alone, even though they will not be immune to Kirk's disease.") (sequel to "Somewhere in the Darkest Night" in issue #6) (199)
  • Thoughts In Opposition, poetry by Marion McChesney (212)
  • Not Of Your Remembrance, poetry by Jan Davies (214)
  • Of Brief Passage, poetry by Mary Woodruff (217
  • A Warrior's Reflection, poetry by Julie Cesari (218)
  • Possibilities by Eleanor Dimick ("Post ST III, Kirk, McCoy and crew are arrested following the Fal Tor Pan and removed from Vulcan. Kirk is given a choice: accept a secret mission to initiate diplomatic contact with the Klingon Governing Guild or spend the rest of his life in prison along with all the crew who rescued Spock. So McCoy, Kirk and all are off to contact the Klingons.") (220)

Issue 10

cover of issue #10, Lori Knott, reprinted as interior art in Chamber of the Ages, and as cover of The Addonian Affair

Vault of Tomorrow 10 was published in April 1986 and contains 241 pages.

The art is by Lori Knott (front cover), Fiona Graves, Caro Hedges, Christine Myers, TACS, Maggie Manlove, Steve Wilson, Mary Stacy-MacDonald, and Suzan Lovett.

From the editorial:

It's hard to believe that this is the tenth issue of Vault. I've enjoyed doing them all, some more than others.

I think that this is my favorite so far. Contributor's finally started sending me stories about something other than the Kirk-Spock relationship. Much as I love our dear Captain and First Officer, you can get too much of a good thing. I'm happy to be able to offer a little more variety this time. I hope that in the future I will continue to get diverse stories.

'The Demon' which was printed in Vault 8, is reprinted in this issue. Due to a mix-up, one page in the middle of the story had been left out. Rather than just print the missing page (which would have made no sense at all to those people who hadn't read Vault 8), I decided to reprint the story.

I'd also like to acknowledge Kevin Lewis, Paula Smith, and Beverly Grant for allowing the use of their play, 'Star Trek - The Musical'. 'Tradition's Move' is set in the 'Night of the Twin Moons' universe, created by Jean Lorrah. The story is printed herein with Jean's permission.

  • Enterprise Log by Sharon F( 1)
  • Show Me the Way Home by Susan K. McLeod (2)
  • Vigil, poetry by Beverly Volker (55)
  • Saavik's Prayer, poetry by Cheryl Zier (57)
  • The Errand by Micheline England (58)
  • The Demon by Robin Walker ("On shore leave on Zeta 4, McCoy drinks a local brew that turns out to be very toxic to humans. The coma that results could lead to respiratory failure and death. We are led through the delirium of his illness to the point of death where a friend attempts to reach him through the mind meld.") (reprinted from issue #8, this time including a missing page) (65)
  • Like the Stars, poetry by Donna Rose Vanderlaan (71)
  • The Watchers by Lynn Syck and Laurel Ridener (72)
  • Dance in the Dragon's Jaws by Rosemarie Eierman (98)
  • No Greater Love by Ginger Dawson (110)
  • Captain, Do You Play? by Liz Ellington (122)
  • More Than Shining, poetry by Nora Jeffrey (139)
  • Addendum: Fantasy Fulfilled by Beverly Volker (143)
  • The Ode to Big Daddy Blues, filk by Betsy Fisher (147)
  • Star Trek: The Musical, con skit performed at the 1985 MediaWest*Con by Kevin Lewis, Paula Smith, Beverly Grant (winner of a Fan Q) (149)
  • The Ceremony of Silence, poetry by Sharon F. (173)
  • Ghosts, poetry by Sandy Zier (175)
  • Tradition's Move by Allyson Mann (set in the 'Night of the Twin Moons' universe, printed here with Jean Lorrah's permission) (176)
  • Will You Ever by Donna Rose Vanderlaan (208)
  • Project Confidant by Alinda Alain (209)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 10

[Captain, Do You Play?]: It was touching in a way that stories seldom touch me. It brought out the capability and intelligence of Spock, but also the vulnerability and loneliness that I sense is there. It was like seeing Kirk and Spock connecting right from the start, maybe sensing that loneliness in each other from the very beginning. It also brought out a lot of the personality traits in Kirk that I really, really *like* and I'm a conformed Spock-ologist. The way he always gives everyone a chance to prove themselves, the way he seeks out difference and accepts it and enjoys it. The way he stands up for those who needs it and the way his warmth of character, his charm really sweeps everyone off their feet, and this way it didn't feel like he *used* his charm deliberately, he was just charming and nice to Spock, genuinely caring. Wow. It left me with a lump in my throat and a chuckle too at the way the two of them really slapped Gary over the head figuratively speaking LOL. It was almost as if he and Spock had agreed to do it, even though they hadn't. Gotta love that. I never liked Gary Mitchell and your representation of him in this story, and his inability to see beyond the surface of Spock's Vulcanness was really spot-on IMO. I definitely enjoyed this story very much. And there was no sex :-O (if you knew me better you'd know that was uncommon <G>) [20]

[Captain, Do You Play?]:

"Captain, Do You Play" may just be my favorite of the collection. A wonderful look at the tension between Spock and Gary Mitchell as well as the

first reactions that Kirk and Spock have on meeting each other. Amazing to see how quickly Kirk brought Spock out of his "Vulcan" shell. Sad to think how alone Spock had been before this. Liked this portrayal of Gary Mitchell's relationship with Kirk. I haven't seen a story quite like this before. Very plausible, leading up to the events of WNKHGB.[21]

Issue 11

front cover issue #11, Suzan Lovett

Vault of Tomorrow 11 was published in January 1987 and contains 239 pages.

The art is by Brenda Venino, Steve Wilson, Fiona Graves, Suzan Lovett, Mary Stacy-MacDonald, Juanita J. Wesley, Tacs, Christine Myers, Jan Davies, and Cheryl Meidinger-Carter.

From the editorial, comments about the new film:

Oh Joy! That one line of McCoy's epitomized the whole feel of Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. The movie took us back to episodic Star Trek, employing the perfect blend of comedy and drama that was the series' trademark. Leonard Nimoy has done it again. I only wish he were going to direct #5. 'Admiral, there be whales here', is destined to become one of the catch-phrases of Trek - as well as 'Everybody remember where we parked.'

  • Editorial by Marion McChesney
  • Velvet Black by Jennifer Weston (1)
  • Uhura's Aria, poetry by Kathleen Young (54)
  • No Option by Susan K. McLeod (sequel to "Show Me the Way Home" in Vault of Tomorrow #10) (56)
  • A Brief Moment of Light by Della Van Hise (previously published in Enterprise Incidents 6) (84)
  • Driving Lesson, poetry by Meg Fine (92)
  • The Kirk by Billie Phillips ("Kirkʼs senior roommate tries to calm things down after Kirk accidentally ruins Lt. Spockʼs computer program.") (also in Before the Glory #11) (93)
  • Rite of Passage by Sue Wilson (101)
  • Anniversary, poetry by Nora Jeffrey (106)
  • The First of Many by Debbie Mangold (109)
  • To a Friend Growing Old, poetry by Gloria DeLeon (114)
  • Reflections by Donna Frost and Denise Chonka (115)
  • Symbiosis by Mary Schuttler ("The minds of Spock and McCoy were not completely separated by the Fal Tor Pan. Each exhibit some characteristics usually shown by the other. The two men try to decide what to do about the 'problem'.") (122)
  • Maru by CarolMel Ambassador (127)
  • Dare to Dream, poetry by Juanita J. Wesley (132)
  • A Time to Die, a Time to Live by Lynn Syck and Laurel Ridner (134)
  • Into the Light by Michelle England (151)
  • Prologue by Debbie Mangold (156)
  • Alive Again, poetry by Kathleen Young (160)
  • Through the Glass Clearly by CarolAnn Hart & Caroline Nixon (161)
  • The Setup by Deborah Cummins (170)
  • For Enterprise by Steve Wilson (203)
  • Mandala by Carol Pierce (209)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 11

VAULT OF TOMORROW #11 is my favorite of all the recent VAULTS. This is mostly due to the excellent first story, "Velvet Black," in which Spock is transformed into a large panther, but still has to attend a tense diplomatic conference with Kirk. Sounds impossible, I know, but the story makes it work. The rest of the zine is up to Marion McChesney's usual high standards, too. [22]

  • Velvet Black / Spock is turned into a (pregnant female) leopard to hide him from Orions, and then has to conduct diplomatic negotiations in that guise. Silly, but pretty entertaining.
  • No Option / [Sequel to "Show Me the Way Home," Vault of Tomorrow #10], Spock, with Christine - now his wife, ventures downplanet to rectify a youthful indiscretion, and becomes a hostage in a local political situation.
  • A Brief Moment of Light / [originally published in Enterprise Incidents 6], aged Kirk is fetched into death by Spock. Not quite, but pretty close to slash.
  • The Kirk / Cadet (cub, to his caretaker Junior) Kirk does very bad things to a computer program Spock is working on, and is required to determine his own punishment.
  • Rite of Passage / Betrothal scene for Spock and T'Pring
  • The First of Many / Robert April's [23] first trip on Enterprise, and meeting with Ensign Kirk
  • Reflections / Spock joins Kirk for shore leave at the Iowa farm
  • Symbiosis / Spock and McCoy are still experiencing each other's thought patterns, and trying to determine what to do about it.
  • Maru / Kirk faces Nogura after re-programming the Kobayashi Maru
  • A Time to Die, a Time to Live / Kirk & Co. encounter a renegade Preserver
  • Into the Light / Janice Rand comes to terms with her death
  • Prologue / Kirk at odds with both Spock and McCoy about the Admiralty
  • Through the Glass Clearly / New yeoman trapped in a glass elevator with Spock - with McCoy making unpleasant observations.
  • The Setup / Investigating the disappearance of Federation team sent to check out rumors of a prospective member planet's unfitness (due to inequitable social conditions), Kirk & Spock are embroiled in a rebellion.
  • For Enterprise / Arex and M'Ress do their bit to help Kirk steal the Enterprise
  • Mandala / Involved story of a wizard-type transmuting and luring Kirk to his estate to help complete the process; for unclear reasons, this involved a couple of murders. [24]

Issue 12

front cover of issue #12, Caren Parnes
back cover of issue #12, Fiona Graves

Vault of Tomorrow 12 was published in June 1987 and contains 190 pages.

The front cover is by Caren Parnes and the back cover is by Fiona Graves. Other art by Caro Hedge, Gina Godwin, Christine Myers, Marie Williams, Andrea Kunz, Robin Wlker, C. Kyle, Cheryl Meidinger-Carter.

From the editorial:

Welcome to Vault of Tomorrow 12. I hope you enjoy this issue. Although Fiona Graves is credited with doing the artwork for 'To Touch The Stars , as of this writing I have not received the art. This is not the artists' fault. Due to my move and the fact that the illos were sent to my old address, they have apparently been delayed in transit. Since they had to come from England as well, who knows when they will get here. As of today it has been three weeks since they were shipped. I cannot wait any longer or I will miss my Shore Leave publication date. If the artwork comes before I m ready to bind the books, I'll have them printed separately and insert them in the proper places as I bind. If they do not, I will publish them as a portfolio in Vault of Tomorrow 13 (Feb. 1988). In any case, I have given Fiona the credit she deserved for doing them. I'm terribly afraid that the post office ate them.

Also from the editorial:

You will no doubt notice that, for the first time. Vault has a price listed in it. I'm doing this in the hope that it will give those few pro dealers who surreptitiously buy copies of the zine from the editor for the specific purpose of reselling them at up to three times the cover price. This is not to say that everyone who is selling Vault (or any other zine for that matter) at a price higher than the editor's is one of those dealers. First of all, I have no objection to someone reselling zines from their collections - collectors have a right to do so. Nor does this apply to rare, older zines, no longer in print. Since I am unable to go to every convention and so many people are loathe to order by mail, I have made arrangements with a couple of reliable dealers to handle my zine at cons I cannot attend. They do not charge any more above the cover price than is necessary to cover their expenses. 'Enough said.

  • To Touch the Stars by Mary Rottler ("Another version of the events that followed Spock's death. McCoy and Kirk have returned to Starfleet assignments, but it is soon apparent all is not as it should be with McCoy. He is going through great physical and emotional distress and Kirk, David, Carol Marcus and Sarek are all drawn into the doctor's torment.") (1)
  • Awakening, poem by Flora Poste (82)
  • A Three Fold Cord by Tay Garian ("Spock has been hurt by an angry outburst from Jim Kirk. McCoy steps forward to offer his special blend of compassion and advice, and Spock is once again aware of the strength of the friendship of the three men.") (83)
  • Tools of the Trade, poetry by CarolMel Ambassador (86)
  • Crossed Wires by Mary Schuttler ("Before he left for shore leave, McCoy employed Uhura's instructions to program his Comm unit to identify callers and give pre-recorded responses. Upon his return it becomes apparent he did not follow those instructions correctly.") (88)
  • Dream Come True, poetry by D.A. Martin (92)
  • Forever Comes Today by Alain Alain (93)
  • Decision of the Heart by Michelle Dorph (98)
  • The Final Farewell by CarolMel Ambassador (105)
  • Clean Sweep by Debbie Dunbar (107)
  • Best Guess, poetry by Betsy Fisher (110)
  • Temptation's Way by Mary Schuttler (112)
  • In Memory's Cold Embrace, poetry by Sharon F (116)
  • A Friend in Need by Denise L. Mathews (118)
  • A Doctor's Promise, poetry by Betsy Fisher (126)
  • Ordained by Lynn Syck and Laurel Ridner ("A shuttle crash has taken Spock's lite and Jim Kirk is dying. McCoy comforts Kirk, knowing he too will die with his friends.") (127)
  • The Last Laugh by Carol Hart (132)
  • Thy Brother's Keeper by Deborah Cummins (151)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 12

[zine]: The latest Vault offering is a nicely balanced mix of series and movie stories. Character emphasis, straight adventure, and humor are all represented, and the writing is consistently competent. Caren Parnes' outstanding color front cover (Kirk, Spock, and Gracie) is an interesting contract Fiona Graves' subtle -- but no less powerful -- back cover work. The zine's arrangement reminded me of a sandwich: long stories back and front, shorter stories and poetry in between. As with most sandwiches, the filling is probably the tastiest part. Alinda Alain's 'Forever Comes Today' presents is an unexpected follow-up to 'City on the Edge of Forever'. Edith Keeler turns out to be at least as unusual as her time-traveling visitors, and Christine Myers' illo captures the many moods of this character well. Michele Dorph's 'Decision of the Heart' is another series follow-up, explaining how Kirk got ENTERPRISE from Christopher Pike. Told from Pike's point of view, 'Decision' examines both the strengths and the weaknesses of "Starfleet's youngest captain". For those who crave even earlier Trek-history, there's 'A Friend in Need'. Denise L. Mathews' Academy story has Finnegan up to his usual sadistic tricks, driving cadet James T. to consider Anthropology & Archaeology rather than command. At an evening seminar, however, he hears a certain half-Vulcan Ensign from Enterprise speak ... If you're in need of a good laugh -- and who isn't? -- Debby Dunbar's 'The Clean Sweep' is easily the zine's funniest piece. This one's strictly tongue-in-cheek: a look at 'typical' ENTERPRISE life from the viewpoint of two Ship's Maintenance people mopping decks. Dunbar's satire of series plot devices (can Scotty really hold the ship together with Juicy Fruit?) is short, but effecive. I was somewhat disappointed by the zine's two longer stories, though both were well-written. Mary Rottler's 'To Touch The Stars' is an interesting alternate explanation for Spock's refusion --but at 81 pages, it could use some editing. Rottler keeps the action moving throughout, but many be trying to do too much. Along with the main plotline (McCoy and Kirk return to Genesis to reunite Spock's katra with his body), there's Kirk's blinding and miraculous recovery from the effects of a toxic bomb, David Marcus' attempt to under- stand his father, Carol Marcus' efforts to help McCoy ... and Sarek trying to make sense of it all. Since all these plot elements are well-presented, perhaps the story might have worked better as a novella. Fiona Graves' excellent illos for this had to be inserted at the last moment (postal problems) and reproduction quality suffered. 'Thy Brother' s Keeper' by Deborah Cummins is a pretty standard Kirk-and-Spock-stranded plot. This time, they're negotiating on Elcar II, an independent planet of great strategic importance. The Klingons are involved, of course, and civil war results. Kirk is captured and enslaved by the natives (late Middle Ages type), Spock manages to rescue him, and the two flee cross-country. Meanwhile, Scotty's having his problems with Starfleet Command, who won't let him 'interfere' in Elear II's affairs. My problem with this particular story is that it wasn't much different from others of its type. Fans who enjoy this adventure-plot will probably like 'Thy Brother's Keeper,' however: the friendship is well-presented and Cheryl Meidinger-Carter's unusual ink wash illos add a welcome touch of atmosphere. Most of the poetry here is fairly standard. Betsy Fisher's 'Best Guess' is a delightful exception -- starship humor from the Vulcan point of view. VAULT #12 is a solid effort, with professional touches like title borders, border art with poems, and few typos. 190 pages, velo-bound. [25]

Issue 13

cover of issue #13, Chris Soto

Vault of Tomorrow 13 was published in March 1988 and contains 200 pages.

The front cover is by Chris Soto. Other art by Pat Horowitz, Caro Hedge, Christine Myers, Jan Davies, Carol Hart, Phil Tortorrici, and Jean Kluge.

From the editorial of this last issue:

I'd like to thank my contributors for their support. There is one contributor however, that I cannot thank by name simply because I don't know who it is. I mislaid her letter and her poem, 'My Secret', did not have her name on it. I have, nevertheless, printed the poem and if the author will get in touch with me I will credit her in a future edition. Now that 'Star Trek - The Next Generation' is on the air, I've been hearing from people who wondered if I would be interested in Next Generation stories. The answer is yes. In fact, I have a really lovely piece by Jean Kluge in this issue. In the future I will consider stories and poetry based on either classic Trek, Movies, or Next Generation. The next issue of Vault will be a special edition novel, 'Elegy for Amanda' by Gamin Davis. This will be out in May in time for MediaWestCon. It will be followed later this year with another novel. The next regular issue of Vault will be ready in February 1989. Starting in 1989 Vault of Tomorrow will be published on an annual basis rather than twice a year. The only exception will be the occasional novel. Other interests and involvements make this necessary. The deadline for the next anthology is November 1989.

  • Impasse by Sharon Pillsbury (1)
  • Emotions, poem by Mary Garrett (54)
  • Can I Keep It by Ann Zewen (55)
  • Promotion, poetry by Ginna LaCroix (58)
  • The Testing by Charlotte Davis (59)
  • Through the Eyes of a Child, poetry by D.A. Martin (78)
  • The First Christmas by Carol Briscoe (79)
  • The Best of Times, the Worst of Times by Carol Hart & Caroline Nixon (107)
  • Quandry by Carolmel Ambassador (115)
  • Second Chance by Carol Smith (117)
  • A Matter of Faith by Lynn Syck & Laurel Ridner (121)
  • Who is This... ?, poetry by Donna Rose Vanderlaan (126)
  • Question, poetry by Ginna LaCroix (128)
  • Looped Tape by Carol Hart (129)
  • Daddy's Little Girl, poetry by Betsy Fisher (135)
  • A Different Logic by April Murray (136)
  • The Visitor, poetry by mary Garrett (144)
  • The Bigot by Deborah Cummins (145)
  • My Secret, poem (177)
  • Welcome Aboard, poetry by Ginna LaCroix (179)
  • Admiral Kirk, art by Chris Soto (180)
  • Android Blues by Jean Kluge (Star Trek: TNG) (winner of a Fan Q for Best Short Story, reprinted in Pulse of the Machine as that novel's first chapter) (181)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 13

See reactions and reviews for The First Christmas.

[Jean Kluge writes of her ST:TNG story "Android Blues"] I also did the artwork that accompanies it, and would like to pass on a bit of wisdom that Suzan Lovett and I have both discovered: printing color artwork in black and white is a chancy business. Sometimes it works out wonderfully; most often than not, it doesn't work well at all. Unfortunately, this particular illustration belongs in the latter category. The original won Best of Show by both popular vote and the art show staff at Media West*Con 8—the same illustration printed in black and white looks incredibly awful. Live and learn. One thing to avoid -- printing artwork in which the contrast in lighting comes from two different colors—red and blue, for instance, as in a color piece that was printed b&w in GALACTIC DISCOURSE 5. Both colors came out looking the same in black and white, and the molding of the features which should have been accomplished by the contrast of lights is completely lost. This illustration in VAULT is similarly unsuitable because of a red light shining on much of the main figure and the surrounding features—the red translated into a dark shadow, and the picture not only lost much of its impact, but also a great deal of the actual shape of the face and of various necessary shadows and lights. [26]

  • Impasse / Kirk must work with T'Pau -- who is bearing plenty of grudges - in negotiations on a planet being jointly settled by Romulans and Vulcans in an experiment with peace. The Romulans stage a takeover during negotiations. An injured Kirk manages to get T'Pau to a cave for hiding, then goes back for Spock, also injured. Before they can beam aboard, T'Pau ends up melding with Kirk to put him into a healing trance, and they reach a new understanding. Cute bits with McCoy hiding from T'Pau. A fun enough story, no big flaws.
  • Can I Keep It / Superior beings test our galaxy's right to survive by presenting Spock with a kitten as a test of compassion.
  • The Testing / another T'Pring/Stonn story - I didn't read it
  • The First Christmas / Combo "Christmas on the Enterprise" and hurt/comfort story. Kirk has sent McCoy to reconcile with Jo for Christmas, and in his absence, comes down with a virus that, due to an error on the temporary doctor's part, puts him into a coma just as Spock is beginning to get the hang of this friendship thing. I don't usually like the Christmas stories - the assumption that Christmas will be an important holiday in a multi-planetary society strikes me all wrong - but in this one the setting fit pretty well into the h/c story.
  • The Best of Times, the Worst of Times / Jim and Spock totally frazzled trying to deal with a friend's baby. Cute.
  • Quandry / Vignette, Kirk has regained command, trying not to want it all to be like it was on the first mission, but he gets it anyway - Spock waiting for him to take up the chess pieces, McCoy sauntering along to provide commentary.
  • Second Chance / Smarmy little piece - Spock is dying of old age at only 128 because of his human genes; only now can Saavik, his bondmate, achieve a full bond with him as she takes his katra until they will be together forever.
  • A Matter of Faith / Kirk's physical and psychological pain, post-STIII, is eased by the ghost of a famous Vulcan Healer.
  • Looped Tape / Kirk is caught in a repeating nightmare - Sleeping Beauty as a vampire. Eh.
  • A Different Logic / Spock is stranded looking after a bunch of active children. Cute.
  • The Bigot / An anti-Vulcan racist scientist comes aboard and does his best to make life miserable for Spock, stealing credit for his great discovery, nearly blowing them all up, and finally taking credit for saving Kirk's life. Spock just thanks him for saving Kirk after Spock passed out. Pretty standard fare. Nice confrontations with Kirk sticking up for Spock, though.
  • Android Blues / TNG. In a faeryland holodeck setting, Tasha counsels Data over a quarrel he has had with Geordie. Nice setting, with little dragonets of variable temperaments flitting about.
  • Poetry - Nothing remarkable. I did enjoy these:
    • Daddy's Little Girl / McCoy musing on Jo - with meter and rhyme an' everything.
    • Welcome Aboard / Kirk musing on "welcome" scenes with Spock - aboard, back from Gol, back to life... [27]


  1. ^ Bill Hupe, from a 1995 catalog
  2. ^ from a 1995 Bill Hupe catalog
  3. ^ from Enterprise Originals #12 (1990)
  4. ^ from Datazine #14
  5. ^ Halliday’s Star Trek Zinedex (TOS) - Title Index, Archived version
  6. ^ from Communicator #3 {March 1982)
  7. ^ Halliday’s Star Trek Zinedex (TOS) - Title Index, Archived version
  8. ^ from Datazine #24
  9. ^ Halliday’s Star Trek Zinedex (TOS) - Title Index, Archived version
  10. ^ review by Paula Smith in Warped Space #49 (1983)
  11. ^ Halliday’s Star Trek Zinedex (TOS) - Title Index, Archived version
  12. ^ from Universal Translator #23
  13. ^ from Beyond Antares #30/31
  14. ^ Halliday’s Star Trek Zinedex (TOS) - Title Index, Archived version
  15. ^ from Universal Translator #26
  16. ^ from an ebay seller in 2007
  17. ^ from Treklink #2
  18. ^ from Beyond Antares #30/31
  19. ^ 4 September 2009 Master List of K/S Favorites *Updated Nov 19, 2013*, Mary Monroe
  20. ^ back after years of deprivation..., kira-nerys, May 5, 2000
  21. ^ back after years of deprivation..., Isla, May 5, 2000
  22. ^ from Treklink #12
  23. ^ According to Gene Roddenberry's original pitch to NBC for "Star Trek," "Robert April" was to have been James T. Kirk's name. See Star Trek Format.
  24. ^ Halliday’s Star Trek Zinedex (TOS) - Title Index, Archived version
  25. ^ from Datazine #49
  26. ^ from Treklink #14
  27. ^ Halliday’s Star Trek Zinedex (TOS) - Title Index, Archived version