
From Fanlore
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Fanlore Project
Project Lead(s): Jacksbrak
Topics: IT
See Also: Category:IT
External Link(s): Fanlore Discord Server
Other Fanlore Projects
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Welcome to FanloreProject:IT! This project was created due to the expansive nature of the IT fandom, which is not yet properly documented on Fanlore. You can contact us via this page's talk page or by joining the Fanlore Discord server.


Anything and everything IT-related, including:


We will hopefully:

  • Create stubs with extremely reckless abandon.
  • Remember to create redirects.
  • Summarize any important Discord conversations on the relevant talk page(s).
  • Not only keep PPOV in mind but also actively go in search of new opinions in new places.
  • Archive all external links within our articles, in order to prevent link rot.

To Do

  • Go through AO3 to find IT ships not already listed, then add them to their respective character pages: Bill, Ben, Mike, Eddie, Stan, Pennywise, Henry, Patrick, Victor, Belch
  • Go through AO3 to find more tropes and genres to add our fandom's links to
  • Add 8tracks fanmixes for: Stan, The Losers Club, Pennywise
  • Add fanmixes from other sites (Spotify) to proper pages
  • Add fanvids from YouTube to proper pages, with a summarizing screen cap or two
  • Add HCs from Tumblr to proper pages
  • Link fanarts from Tumblr, Instagram, DeviantArt, and other legitimate (real sources, not stolen art) places to proper pages
  • Add fics from Wattpad to proper pages
  • Add AO3/ tag links to this page for an easier time listing fics on respective trope/genre pages
  • Make all fanwork links annotated
  • Create Fan Profiles for creators (see if there is a universal name they wish to go by, in case on multiple platforms;) remember to add all categories that apply, to the bottom of the fan page:
[[Category:Fans]][[Category:IT Artists]][[Category:IT Authors]]
  • Create Fanfiction and Fanwork pages and quote reactions to that work; remember to add all categories that apply, to the bottom of the fanwork's page:
  • Create Discord pages for fandom-based servers

Some Things to Keep in Mind

  • Information for new editors is here. Among other things, it explains how to make an account, how to start a new page, and includes a lot of other helpful information.
  • Discussion on this page's talk page is encouraged, as is discussion on individual topic talk pages.
  • All edits, whether big tiny, or in-between, are welcome.
  • You don't have to be an "expert" on a subject. Adding what you know and feel passionate about are pieces of the puzzle, and ones that hopefully inspire others to expand on the topic.
  • All typos, mistakes, and errors are easily corrected. Don't let perfection hobble you.
  • Remember that Fanlore, like all wikis, is a collaborative effort, and may be edited by anyone.
  • Pages are not "owned" or controlled by any single person or group of people.
  • Pages and the information on them are only as robust, encompassing, and accurate as the information added by interested and enthusiastic fans like you.
  • Fanlore practices and encourages a Fanlore:Plural Point of View.
  • See this help page, for titling pages.


Active Members

Goals and pages that need attention

Categories we should aspire to make happen

Pages that either desperately need to be made or updated


Use this template. Remember to add the following category to the bottom of the character page:
[[Category:IT Characters]]
{{DEFAULTSORT:Surname, Firstname}}
Expand or update


For pairings (two people,) use this template; and for poly (more than two people) ships, use this template. For gen (non-romantic) relationships, use this template. Remember to add all categories that apply to the bottom of the character page:
[[Category:IT Relationships]][[Category:Slash Pairings]][[Category:Femslash Pairings]][[Category:Het Pairings]][[Category:Moresomes]][[Category:Crossover Relationships]]
{{DEFAULTSORT:Surname, Firstname /or& Surname, Firstname}}
Gen Relationships: Canon
Gen Relationships: Crossover
Gen Relationships: Other
Expand or update

Tropes, Genres & Memes

Use this template for tropes, and this template for memes. Remember to add the following to the bottom of the page:
[[Category:IT Tropes & Genres]]
Common Fandom-Wide
Use this template for tropes, and this template for memes.


Create — top fics
Use this template. Remember to add all categories that apply to the bottom of the fanwork page:
[[Category:Fanworks]][[Category:IT Fanfiction]]
Create — A03 top fics
Use this template. Remember to add all categories that apply to the bottom of the fanwork page:
[[Category:Fanworks]][[Category:IT Fanfiction]]
Create fanfiction
Use this template. Remember to add all categories that apply to the bottom of the fanwork page:
[[Category:Fanworks]][[Category:IT Fanfiction]]
Expand or update fanfiction
Create (non-fanfiction) fanworks
For animatics, use this template. For fanart, use this template. For fancomics, use this template. For fanvids, use this template. For podfics, use this template. For zines, use this template. And for all other fanworks, use this template. Remember to add all categories that apply to the bottom of the fanwork page:
[[Category:Fanworks]][[Category:IT Fanfiction]][[Category:Fanart]][[Category:Podfics]][[Category:Vids]][[Category:Zines]]
  • Suggest one!
Expand or update (non-fanfiction) fanworks

Tumblrs & Twitters

Create Askblogs/SMAUs
Use this template for Askblogs on Tumblr, and this template for Social Media AUs on Twitter. Remember to add the following category to the bottom of the character page:
Expand or update

Creators of Content

Create fan profiles

Use this template (try to see if there is a universal name they wish to go by, in case on multiple platforms.) Remember to add all categories that apply, to the bottom of the fan page:

Expand or update fan profiles

Challenges and Exchanges

Use this template. Remember to add the following categories to the bottom of the page:
[[Category:Challenges]][[Category:IT Challenges]]

Meta and misc.

Expand or update

Project info box

This is the NavBox for FanloreProject:IT. To use it, put {{FanloreProject:IT/NavBox}} at the bottom of the page - this is to let people know we exist, and make it easier for them to navigate the IT fandom on Fanlore.

Master Lists ChallengesCharactersFanfictionShips & Ship NamesZines
Crossover Ships Will Byers/Richie TozierBill Denbrough/Mike WheelerEddie Kaspbrak/Mike WheelerWill Byers & Eddie KaspbrakFreddy Freeman & Eddie KaspbrakRichie Tozier & Mike Wheeler
Part of the Fanlore Project on IT! Join us, say hello on the talk page, or join our Discord!