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T'hy'la (Star Trek: TOS anthology)/Issues 01-10

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Issue 1

front cover of issue #1, Vel Jaeger
back cover of issue #1, B.P. Gordon

T'hy'la 1 was published in October 1981 and has 187 pages. Art by Gayle F., Merle Decker, Barbara Gordon and Vel Jaeger.

[the editorial]:

Summer, 1980:

I said to my friend Gail Paradis, "There aren't enough K/S zines around."

(Sigh.) "You're right."

"I'm thinking of doing one..."

"Do it! Do it!" I said to my friend Susan Wyllie, "I'm thinking of doing a K/S zine—"

"Do it!"

"—but I can't think of a title for it."

"There's only one title possible..."

And that's how "T'hy'la" was born.

I'd like to thank all my contributors for entrusting their work to a relative unknown, and to thank everyone who pre-ordered this zine. length novel by Chris Thomson and Susan Wyllie, entitled "The Things I Cannot Change". It is post ST-TMP, and concerns the revenge an old enemy of Spock's takes out on Kirk... how this nearly shatters their relationship... and their long and difficult task of rebuilding what they once had. I'm accepting SASE's.

Will there be a "T'hy'la" 3? That depends on you. I already have my first contribution, but need more. So write it, draw it, and send it on in.

A lot of people in fandom, who don't write, illustrate, edit, or live close enough to a zined to help with the coolie labor, wonder what they can do to participate. There's a very simple answer. Write an LOC. What you like, what you dislike, what you want to see more of. Without LOC's, writers and artists can feel their work disappears into a vacuum...just knowing people are out there, and that they care, can inspire them to do even more. All LOC's to this zine will be shared with the contributors.

The burning question: How is 't'hy'la' pronounced. Some say tah-high-lah. Some say tah-hee-lah. I prefer the latter. Anyone ever ask Gene?

SOMETHING IMPORTANT: Most of you got the SPOCK MUST NOT DIE flyer along with the zine flyer. At the time I mailed these out, I suspected they were just another annoying rumor. But Walter Koenig's speech at the NYC Star Trek con over Labor Day confirmed that it is no rumor — that Spock's death is a part of the shooting script for the ST-TMP sequel. If you're as concerned about this as I am, write Paramount. It's getting very late. Suggesting that, if the character must be written out, there are less drastic ways of doing it, might help.

[editor's afterword]:

"T'hy'la" is defined as meaning friend, brother, lover. In that spirit, I am looking for stories exploring any aspect of the relation between Kirk and Spock. Friendship, hurt/comfort, K/S (as subtle or explicit as the writer prefers.) My main requirement is that they be stories. There's a universe out there, and Kirk and Spock are a part of that universe. Their relationship gains more meaning against the backdrop of their work, their colleagues and friends. I will also consider vignettes that enlighten some aspect of their relationship; poetry, and a little bit of humor.

Anyone interested in gay relationships in science fiction would probably find Diane Duane's "The Door into Fire" excellent. Highly recommended are John Varley's "Titan" and "Wizard". Though not SF, Marion Zimmer Bradley's "The Catch Trap" explores a strong relationship between two men in a world that's pretty alien in itself -- that of circus performers. Tanith Lee's novels "Night's Master" and "Death's Master" live up to their category of 'adult fantasy' in the highly charged, sexually diversified, 'Arabian Nights' type world she has created.

I'd like to again state that this zine is in no way connected with Pam Jenkin's zine of the same name. [1]

For those who've asked if I handle other ST projects—no, I don't. I've been deeply involved with "Dark Shadows" fandom for years, and if anyone would like any info on these projects, please send me a SASE.

I am planning another, unambitious zine, which is concerned with weird poetry—vampires, spells, spirits, subtle suggestions of other worlds. This zine, titled "Sunlight, Shadows and Dreams" should be available about the time this one is. Cost - $2.00, 1st class.

I've been reading the pro books for years, each time wondering how they can possibly get worse. When I heard Vonda McIntyre was planning one, I held out some hopes — she's an excellent writer, and if she couldn't handle the universe in a pro format, no one could. I was highly pleased with "The Entropy Effect", and wrote to Timescape, expressing my pleasure. They forwarded my letter to Ms. McIntyre, and she sent me a card, indicating that 'maybe' she'll be doing another one — depending on the reaction to the first book, among other factors. So, if you'd like to see more by her, why don't you drop them a line?

  • Before the Dawn, poem by Ellen Kobrin (4)
  • Don't, poem by Crystal Ann Taylor(5)
  • Just the Way the Story Goes by Toni Cardinal-Price ("Lori leaves Kirk when he is unable to quit trying to contact Spock at Gol.") (6)
  • It's Hard to Say, poem by Jean Chabot (12)
  • T'hy'la: To Seek Definition, poem by Vel Jaeger (13)
  • A Dream Your Heart Makes, poem by Toni Cardinal-Price (15)
  • The Call of the Heart: The Dream of the Soul, poem by Crystal Ann Taylor (16)
  • New Beginning?, poem by Jean Chabot (17)
  • After V'Ger, poem by Jean Chabot (17)
  • Homecoming, filksong by Elaine Tripp (20)
  • Snowfire by Pamela Rose and Leslie S. ("Kirk and Spock are stranded when their shuttle crashes, and after Spock is injured Kirk is forced to use his body in order to get help, but misunderstandings abound after they are rescued.") (21)
  • King of Infinite Space, poem by Jean Chabot (53)
  • untitled poetry by Jean Chabot (55)
  • Sunshine Days, poem by (55)
  • The Freedom When You Fall by Billie Phillips ("Spock delivers an ultimatum to his lover when Kirk refuses to bond with him, unaware of the reason behind the humanʼs reticence.") (56)
  • Illusions, poem by Lee Owers (76)
  • Plato's Heirs, poem by Cynthia Drake (78)
  • Whispers in the Night, poem by Gene Delapenia (81)
  • Four Star Rating by Devery Helm ("Kirk gets upset with Spock for borrowing his porn tapes.") (82)
  • Mirror Image by Marie A. (M/U: "Kirk hesitates to help Spock out of prison, upset at him that after being lovers, he could be taken in by the Kirk from this universe.") (86)
  • Time, the Great Destroyer, poem by Vel Jaeger (103)
  • Broken Promises, poem by Tish (104)
  • Watching/Watched by Devery Helm ("The truth of Kirk and Spockʼs love for each other finally hits home for McCoy when he accidently sees them making up after a disagreement while surveying a planet.") (105)
  • Discovering T'hy'la by T’Caterina ("Kirk and Spock are planet-side when the Enterprise is called to investigate an unknown vessel, and when Spock goes into pon farr he discovers that Kirk had set it up intentionally.") (109)
  • Second Time Around by Tish ("Spock proclaims his love to Kirk, but Jim is hesitate-until he talks to someone who had been in the same situation.") (also in A Touch of Tish) (110)
  • Perchance to Dream, poetry by Toni Cardinal-Price (114)
  • Waiting by April Valentine ("Spock contemplates Kirkʼs need to go from woman to woman and if Kirk will ever realize what it is he is searching for -- and where it can be found.") (117)
  • The Eye of the Beholder, poem by Ellen Kobrin (119)
  • Within the Prism by Kathy Resch. ("While Kirk, Spock and McCoy check on the progress of a new colony, Kirkʼs mind is attacked by an uncovered machine and Spock must meld with him to get him back, just as he had with Pike on an earlier mission.") (120)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 1

See reactions and reviews for Snowfire.

See reactions and reviews for Within the Prism.

See reactions and reviews for Just the Way the Story Goes.

See reactions and reviews for Mirror Image.

See reactions and reviews for The Freedom When You Fall.

[art by Barbara P. Gordon on page 155]: Barbara Gordon was one of the artists I liked years ago. She has a 1981 Kirk and Spock that I always especially liked on page 115. It's nude Kirk and Spock (you see more Kirk skin than Spock skin) somewhat floating in the stars. They are nude but this is a chaste nudity. They are holding each other and looking into each other's eyes. Gosh, if I didn't know better this would look like a great computer picture. However, I think Barbara very painstakingly did all the dots by hand which must have taken her days. This is a pen and ink, and a highly detailed picture. It's definitely worth admiring and remembering. It's a picture I can even see at a distance and say, "Ah, that's a Barbara Gordon that I like." [2]

[art by Gayle F on page 75]: I just rebought T'HY'LA 1 for a friend and leafed through it. One of my all time favorite [Gayle F's] is in this zines, and I have a lot of favorites of this lady. This is her bold graphic style which she is more known for than her more realistic style. Basically, it's a Kirk as slave and a long-haired Spock as master done in 1981. I really don't know why this picture affects me like it does, but it is powerful. It's one of my all time [Gayle F] K/S favorites. It is extremely sensual. Well, most [Gayle F's] are, I realize, but this one just really hits me. In this picture Spock's back is to us, but he is standing in front of a mirror and the mirror reflection clearly shows us Spock—full frontal and very aroused. A small touch is a lazy cat just looking curiously at this a/u Spock and Kirk. [2]

[art by Gayle F on page 75]:

For years fanzines, such as “T’hy’la”, have provided its readers with a treasure trove of visual delights. One prime example is an ink artwork created by the talented [Gayle F]. Untitled, this AU illustration – the object of a story contest – may be found on page 75 of “T’hy’la” #1. A portrayal of Kirk and Spock in a passionate embrace on an alien planet, the piece was presented as the perfect writing prompt with its wealth of imagery. Certainly, the work’s presence in the first of over 30 “T’hy’la” zines had established a standard of artisanship that was to inspire future contributors.

It is truly amazing how a picture created with such a simple technique could reflect a wealth of textures, shapes, and substance. The intricate work is completely done in ink. The basic colors of black and white ensure that the focus is drawn more to the subjects of the work, Kirk and Spock. With an interesting use of lines Gayle has created a 3D effect with two focal points on a flat surface. First, the curved lines of a curtain in the foreground combined with broad blocks of black that decrease in sizes which draws attention to the two men positioned under the curtain’s canopy. The clean, sharp curved lines of the male bodies accent the smoothness of the skin, yet emphasize the strong muscular physique. To counter the curves the flooring consists of straight lines creating a tile effect. With the art of perception the decreasing sizes of the tiles draws the attention to the back of the room and the second focal point, a full length mirror which reflects the room, the front of Spock and the alien landscape which is beyond the room’s balcony. No shading is evident in the piece. Nor is it needed. The skillful use of various thicknesses of lines adds to the illusion of depth. All in all, the artist is able to create a rather complex subject matter with the harmonious use of lines and the basic colors of black and white.

Through her work [Gayle F] has presented a slash story rich in details, a glimpse of a highly erotic, alternate reality for Kirk and Spock. The setting is a luxurious room draped in rich fabric and highly decorative wall coverings. An ornate wall mirror, plush pillows, and rich furniture enhance the scene. Kirk is seated and embracing the lower half of Spock’s body. Eyes closed, mouth sensually open, his facial expression wonderfully reflects an image of lust and pleasure. Details, such as a delicate, jewel-encrusted chain, a collar and the appearance of the tip of an engorged penis reveals that this is a willing slave whose task is to please his master. The surprising glimpse of long hair over his left shoulder proclaims this is not the Captain of the Enterprise. The master, Spock, stands. His strong tall posture demands attention, though it is his back that is facing the viewer. Long curly hair and a jeweled pointed ear warn that this is not Kirk’s First Officer. A reclining creature, much like a cat, regards the pair from his perch under the wall mirror. The mirror adds so much more information. We see more details, such as Kirk’s beautiful cascading hair. Given a full view of the front of Spock, we are prized with the appearance of a proud, enflamed double ridged penis. His physique boasts of a powerful, hairy chest. Yet his bowed face reflects a look of delicate love. Spock’s hand caresses the back of Kirk’s head. Further study of the mirror reveals a floral balcony that overlooks an alien landscape of odd shaped trees and bushes. Throughout the picture, phallic shapes are worked into the wall pattern, fauna, and ironwork enhancing the sexual tone. It is through her elaborate work that [Gayle F] presented a complete erotic story of an alternate universe. And she provided fodder to feed the imagination of many K/S writers.

This is truly a work of art. Beautiful and rich in details one can spend hours gazing and studying the piece. I would not mind having the original work in my art collection! But beyond this I value the picture for something else. To me, this piece is a prime example of what I admire about Star Trek and its fans. [Gayle F] has taken the imagery of Star Trek:TOS Captain Kirk and Spock and presented it in an original format, adding her own twist to the ongoing story of K/S. The essences of these characters are retained in their physique. Yet we can see the potential for many scenarios, many lifelines, and many universes. In sharing her wonderful talent, Gayle’s work has enhanced the ongoing thirty year love affair I have had with K/S. [3]

[zine]: The layout is good, especially on the poem, 'Perchance to Dream.' It is divided just right to set up for the effecting ending. All the poetry is fair to high quality. 'It's Hard to Say' and 'The call of the Heart' were particularly effectual. The fiction is generally well-written and widely different, although most deal with the theme of 'beginnings.' Some are sexually graphic, others not at all. 'Just the Way the Story Goes' recounts the breaking up of the relationship between Kirk and Admiral Lori. In 'Snowfire,' Spock and Kirk crash on a planet where the actions of a sadistic and primitive-level human threatens their budding relationship. It works through well, and is followed by 'The Freedom When You Fall.' which integrates Kirk's childhood and relationship to his brother Sam with Kirk's later difficulty forming a bonding with Spock. It has interesting psychological bits as well as an interesting sex/bonding scene. 'Four Star Rating' is amusing light erotica and is followed by 'Mirror Image.' In this, a Mirror/Mirror Kirk and Spock story, they first become lovers, then deal with Spock's rebel activity. This is followed by a handful of page-or-three short explorations of the K/S theme. The zine ends with the major story, 'Within the Prism' which reminds us that when an editor includes her own work, it isn't always a bad thing. This rather complex story moves Pike and Spock and Kirk and Spock through introspections via a nifty/nasty alien machine, allowing us to see a remarkable variety of what's going on inside their heads. Probably the most unique aspect of this zine is the art. More than have of the art chores are shared by Barbara P. Gordon and Vel Jaeger. Both these artists have styles that are effective through artistic distortion and foreshortened perspectives. The resulting 'Outer Limits' sensation overwhelmed me at intervals. Other art includes some good Merle Decker illos, some incredible amounts of black used, and a story contest illo that is Gayle F's usual fantastic fantasy. K/S fans will want to get this zine, for although some of the stories are quite similar to others currently in print in the genre, they are also competently expressed. [4]

[zine]: By my estimation, the 11 dollars and 20 cents I shelled out for this zine were well worth it. If you're into K/S, then T'HY'LA is for you. POETRY: Although I must admit I often find myself having to plow through what seems like page after endless page of sometimes sappy, semi-erotic, free verse style, our-love-will-last-forever type stuff, I found the poetry in this zine to be decidedly above average. Ellen Kobrin's "...Before the Dawn," for example, expresses a cannon K/S theme, but is uncommonly constructed; a clearly definable meter, triple line, single rhyme stanzas, and a certain spontaneous, uncontrived quality make this poem particularly appealing. Another uncommon entry is "Time, the Great Destroyer," by Vel Jaeger. While exhibiting another often-used K/S theme, this author's style is very individualistic, consisting of unusual rhyme schemes and rhythms. Extremely readable. There are many other poems, most in the free verse style. At best they are interesting, containing intriguing visual imagery and some small amount of symbolism (Crystal Ann Taylor; Jean Chabot); at worst they are ... mushy. FICTION: "The Freedom When You Fall" is a psychological study of the irrational fears Kirk must overcome before he can accept the totality of the bond offered by Spock. This story explores the concept of "destructive love." Kirk sees the love he bears toward others as being flawed in some way because all those when he has ever loved have been killed or come to some harm. So Kirk is afraid for Spock, and since there is no mental link, Spock is unaware of what is going on inside Kirk's head until later in the story. Not only was this an interesting, new idea (as applied to K/S), it was convincingly written - a good job by [Billie Phillips]. "Snowfire," by Pamela Rose and Lezlie Shell, is what I suppose could be called a traditional K/S story (if there is such a thing). It has many of the elements of the aforementioned: a severely injured Spock, an extremely noble Kirk, a somewhat contrived situation, a disgusting and vile character who takes advantage of the noble Kirk, a partially recovered Spock who misunderstands and becomes jealous, a noble Kirk who becomes ill, a penitent Spock, a rescue, some aftereffects to be worked through, and a happy ending. One thing though - I couln't quite swallow the part where Spock strikes Kirk to the floor and walks out, leaving him lying there. Other than that, this story is good, basic, solid K/S. "Mirror Image" is, as you might surmise, a 'Mirror' universe story. Marie A. has painted a most vivid portrait of the Mirror Kirk and Spock, their motivations, the world in which they live, and effect of their lives of the "other" Kirk. This was my second favorite piece in the zine. First on my list: "Within the Prism," by [Kathy Resch]. In this one, Kirk's mind becomes entrapped by an alien machine, a 'telepathic enhancer'. In order to free the Captain, Spock is forced to initiate a mind-meld with him, and what takes place between the two men during this meld is what makes up the bulk of this relatively long story. It is an in-depth look into the mechanics of the mind-meld and the convoluted twistings and turnings of the Human (and Vulcan) mind. When Spock locates Kirk's mind, he still has to get them both back to reality. As the link takes hold and intensifies, another story unfolds, a story from out of Spock's past involving a similar accident, only that time, it was Christopher Pike's mind that was trapped - and there had been an alien working the controls of the contraption. What follows is a curious take-off on the story-within-a-story theme: a meld-within-a-meld. The perception distortion, the unpredictability of speeding thoughts, the mental images, the emotional undercurrents, and all the layers of the different personalities made this fascinating reading - I mean, this is GOOD STUFF! A most impressive piece of writing. ARTWORK: Generally good. The cover by Vel Jaeger was quite competent, and I find that the softly shaded, pencil (at least, I think they are pencil) drawings by Barbara Gordon are really growing on me. Merle Decker's illustrations for "Within the P ism" are exceptionally good, and Gayle F's stuff is, well, Gayle F. (gorgeous as always). I guess you can tell that I was pretty well satisfied with this zine. [5]

  • Just the Way the Story Goes / Toni Cardinal-Price, With Spock incommunicado in his Kolinahr training, Kirk is unable to move on in his life. Lori decides not to renew their marriage contract when Jim can't give up trying to reach Spock.
  • Homecoming (filksong to "Come in from the Rain") / Elaine Tripp
  • Snowfire / Pamela Rose and Lezlie Shell, Stranded in a bitterly cold region of an anti-Federation planet, Kirk and Spock camp out and nearly consummate their relationship. Unfortunately, Spock takes a walk to sort out his expectations, is severely injured by an animal trap, and then rescued by the trapper. Still more unfortunately, the trapper sells the pair to a brute whose price for warmth and food for Spock is Kirk's service in his bed. Once Spock revives, he misinterprets the relationship, further complicating their own when they are rescued.
  • The Freedom When You Fall / Billie Phillips, Spock takes steps to move their relationship beyond the physical to a proper bonding; Kirk is reluctant, haunted by the death curse that seems to hover around those he has loved.
  • Four-Star Rating / Dvery Helm, Romp. Spock persists in stealing Jim's favorite porn tapes. When Spock inadvertently destroys one Jim has not yet viewed, they discover a creative solution to the problem.
  • Mirror Image / Marie Aranas, Nice Mirror Universe take. Kirk has severed their relationship once Spock reveals to him that he is working with the rebellion, but Kirk continues to allow him to live. Kirk is on the verge of allowing Spock to become a sacrifice for the Empire when McCoy - also in the rebellion - convinces Kirk that it will be to his advantage to rescue Spock. Back aboard, Spock must convince Kirk that he loves him, not his Federation counterpart.
  • Watching... Watched / Devery Helm, Vignette of a tryst, first from McCoy's point of view watching Jim and Spock and becoming finally and viscerally convinced of their relationship, then from Jim's point of view.
  • Discovering T'hy'la / T'Catrina, Vignette; first-time. Kirk has arranged for the pair to be stranded on a planet as Spock enters pon farr.
  • Second Time Around / Tish, Kirk agonizes over having run from his budding romance with Spock, and is given counsel from, of all people, Chekov - who recognizes the signs from his own relationship with Sulu.
  • Waiting / [April Valentine], Spock muses over Kirk's continuing interest in and effect on women.
  • Within the Prism / Kathy Resch, While exploring an archaeological dig on a Caitian colony, Kirk is trapped by a machine designed by the long-dead civilization to harvest experiences for their amusement. This is deja-vu for Spock, who had been present on the site when Pike was caught by the machine - though that time there had been a last surviving voyeur directing the programming. Spock managed to rescue Pike with his first, frightening mind-meld with a human, and destroy the greedy alien. This time, too, he must go into meld mode and rescue Kirk. The melds, which make up most of the tale, are exceptionally well done and very complex. Most of the time we are in Spock's mind, while he is in Kirk's mind, recalling his experiences before, after, and during the time he was in Pike's mind. It all works out nicely, and we get some great insights into Spock's behavior under Pike's command and his changed persona under Kirk's. The naked pain he confronts in Pike's mind as it recalls the death of his lover Hao Nguyen (during on a mission to rescue Andorian boys undergoing their adulthood ordeal) convinces Spock to give up his experimentation with developing his human side, and rigorously pursue the ways of Vulcan. There are, of course, revelations between Kirk and Spock about each hiding his love of the other. The Shore Leave planet fantasy scenes recalled by Kirk are particularly charming. All in all, a fine read with lots of nice tidbits integrating little bits from many episodes. The Caitians, though they play no major roles here, are quite delightful. [6]


It's happened at last, folks! Here is a K/S zine that does not resort to the devices of slavery, Pon Farr, or pre-Reform Vulcan. What? No Pon Farr? Believe me, apart from a one page, short story, it's true. Throughout Kathleen Resch's zine, we are treated to stories about Kirk and Spock as we know them, pure and unadulterated... well... !

The zine is 187 pages containing 17 illustrations by Barbara P. Gordon, Vel Jaeger, Merle Decker and one by [Gayle F]. I liked "T'hy'la" very much but if it does fall down anywhere then it must be on the illos. If you are a fan of Barbara P. Gordon you will be absolutely delighted, (I personally am not) but there is one portrait of Spock and one of-the Mirror Kirk which are very good. However, Vel Jaeger's drawings are rather strange; apart from her cover drawing of our two heroes.

Poetry accounts for 16 pages of the zine, rather too much for me. There are several short stories and five good full length stories. Of the short stories one that really brought me up short was 'Second Time Around' by Tish, wherein Chekov offers Kirk some fatherly advice when Kirk is vacillating about fulfilling his relationship with Spock. How is Chekov in a position to offer this advice? Well, you see...he and Sulu...

The other shorts are 'Discovering T'hy'la' - the Pon Farr story. 'Watching/Watched' - a lovely story about McCoy watching Kirk and Spock from a distance with the sequel, telling what was going on between the two. 'Four Star Rating' - Spock pinches Kirk's porno-tapes. 'Plato's Heirs' - after the Platonian incident, 'Waiting' - by [April Valentine] - Spock observing Kirk's exchanges with a young lady.

'Within the Prism' at 67 pages is the longest story, written by the editor, with acknowledgements to Carol Frisbie, which is always a good sign. This story involves Spock rescuing Kirk via a meld from the clutches of an alien machine, having previously done the same thing for Chris Pike several years ago. That initial meld, Spock's first, with a human, caused him to be so disturbed as to make him re-embrace his Vulcan heritage, (nicely explaining why Spock is seen to be grinning like a fool in 'The Menagerie'). It is made clear from the. beginning , that Kirk has become uncomfortable in Spock's presence and the reason is eventually revealed in the meld.

There are some touches in this story which are very pleasing. One, and a trait throughout the zine, is the lack of sentimentality and also, it is pleasant to see the crew, of the Enterprise co-operating with a totally alien cat-like race; a change from the usual threatening, malignant aliens.

The most difficult thing to grasp, initially, is the use of different symbols
 to indicate Kirk's thoughts, Kirk's hidden thoughts and so on but once I had got
 the hang of that I found it a most enjoyable piece.

'Just the Way the Story Goes' is an examination of how Kirk faces the losing
 of Spock while living with Lori. A very poignant story depicting Kirk's obvious
loss of self-confidence beautifully.

'Snowfire' One of those 'lost in the snow' stories with a difference. Just as Spock has decided to succumb to Kirk's advances he becomes seriously injured and Kirk has effectively to prostitute himself to care for him. I'm not sure about Kirk's characterisation in this tale. He takes the physical humiliation vary hard for one with command training. To add to his problems, Spock misunderstands his motives as well.

'The Freedom When You Fall' by [Billie Phillips] was my personal favourite. It includes a character analysis of Kirk which is second to none. This is a Kirk, who, although Spock's lover, refuses to bond with him because experience has shown him that he loses everyone he allows close to him. To quote McCoy, "You're so afraid of losing, you don't even really try, and since you won't try, you just keep losing". It is also a Kirk who is rather more hopeless and hapless than I can imagine him being but nevertheless a well drawn character.

If you like your K/S deep and agonising, "T'hy'la" is for you! [7]


T'hy'la is a new American K/S zine - pleasing to look at, filled with contributions from Abel and well-known writers, and therefore apparently possessing the ingredients for success. However, something seems to have gone wrong somewhere along the line, for the zine is ultimately disappointing.

Perhaps it has something to do with the overall tone of the zine, and the fact that it comes across as unusually analytical and factual. Not that all of the material is like this, but the overall balance lacks life and sparkle. The illos, too, come across as curiously flat and lifeless, even though some of the best artists in fandom are in evidence, e.g. Decker, Feyrer, Gordon, etc. Much of the trouble seems to be the result of poor balancing between fiction and poetry and even fiction and fiction, particularly in terms of length. Most of the stories are short vignettes, and as a result, the poetry seems too abundant, satisfactory as it is.

There is, in fact, only one really 'heavyweight' story - Kathleen Resch's novella 'Within the Prism'. It revolves around a very long K/S meld, through which Spock hopes to bring Kirk's mind back to sanity after Kirk has been taken over by an alien force, Spock is afraid of the life-saving meld because it will force him to relive an almost identical past meld with Christopher Pike. The use of Pike is impressive, for, through flashback during the meld, he is presented in a very real and believable way - different to Kirk but no less worthy a Captain. Kirk's jealousy of Spock's closeness to Pike is covered too and offers an interesting twist on the K/S relationship.

'Snowfire' by Pamela Rose and Lezlie Shell is one of several guilt/recrimination' slanted Storie s which seem to be finding their way into K/S fiction just recently. This one invoLves Kirk being forced into prostitution on a snowbound planet in order to get food aid shelter for an injured Spock, and thereby save his life which is fair enough, but the problems started for me when Spock begins to suspect that Kirk is enjoying his prostitution. There is a great deal of the usual misunderstanding between them and rather too much hurt and not enough comfort for my taste, before things are satisfactorily resolved.

Many of the other shorter fiction pieces are refreshingly different in approach, particularly Tish's 'Second Time Around', in which Chekov (as a kind of father-figure, believe it or not!) helps Kirk to come to terms with his love for Spock by revealing that he and Sulu have been lovers for some time. It's a little hard to take perhaps, but certainly different.

One of the best stories is : 'The Freedom When You Fall' by [Billie Phillips]. Kirk and Spock are involved in a physical relationship but Kirk cannot cope with the mental bonding because he is afraid he acts as a 'jinx' on others and cannot take losing everyone he loves. The idea is valid in this instance because he has recently lost both his mother and his nephew, Peter, in quick succession.

Also noteworthy is 'Waiting', a vignette by [April Valentine]. Put simply, it is a monologue of Spock's thoughts as he watches Kirk in the company of a woman, and attempts to rationalise Kirk's attraction to and for women, but it shows a marvelous understanding of Spook's alien nature and his feelings for Kirk. I also enjoyed 'Plato's Heirs' by Cynthia Drake - a long prose poem on the aftermath of 'Plato's Stepchildren' and its effect on the K/S relationship, and 'Four Star Rating' by Devery Helm, the zine's one venture into lightheadedness, about the loss of some of Kirk's favourite porno tapes, and the distinct suspicion it might be Spock who has taken them!

It's easy to see that T'hy'la set out to be both different and ambitious, and full marks to Editor, Kathleen Resch, for that. As she mentions in her Editorial, a T'hy'la 2 and possibly a No.3 are planned. Hopefully future issues will be better balanced. As it is I cannot really recommend T'hy'la to anyone other than a rabid K/S fan who really does want to read every single K/S zine on the market. [7]

Issue 2

front cover of issue #2, Barbara P. Gordon
back cover of issue #2, Barbara P. Gordon

T'hy'la 2 was published in June 1982 and contains 173 pages. It consists of, "The Things I Cannot Change," a K/S H/C novel by Chris Thomson and Susan Wyllie, art by Barbara P. Gordon.

Summary by Gilda F.: "Kirk and Spock are on shoreleave while the Enterprise is being repaired but when Spock is called back to help on a problem, Kirk is raped by an alien bent on revenge for a wrong he felt done to him by Spock."

Summary from an unknown source: "R&R. A time for Kirk and Spock to consider the new paths their lives are taking after their bonding. Then an old enemy of Spock’s decides now is the time for revenge - and chooses the one method that will hurt him most."

Summary from an ebay seller:

This is a novel that perpetuates the love that Kirk and Spock have for each other, no matter what happens. There is a rather graphic violent scene in here between Kirk and a Saurian. Then what follows is how Spock cares for Kirk helping him to overcome this.

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 2


Unfortunately, to my mind anyway, T'hy'la 2 by Chris Thompson and Susan Wyllie does not live up to the standards of 'T'HY'IA 1', A shame, as I enjoyed its predecessor very much. Of course, this is the danger of having one story taking up the entire zine. If one does not like it then that is the whole publication up the shoot.

I confess that I did not enjoy 'The Things I Cannot Change' and I am saddened, because try as I might to find something to redeem it for me, I really, in all honesty, could not.

I am a little disturbed by the trends in K/S writings at the moment, anyway. If one takes four plot scenarios! head injury with amnesia or reversion to childlike state; beach scenes; rape of one or other party and slavery of one or other party, perm any two from four and there one has the basis for fifty per cent or more of the K/S written. K/S seems also to have become a form of hurt/comfort wherein the 'hurt'is usually sexual in nature. There must be something more to it than this...

The basic outline of 'T'Thy'la 2' is Spock and Kirk lover's; they are on shore leave; Kirk is raped by a purple lizard seeking revenge on Spock; psychological trauma ensues; counselling given; love conquers all and lizard gets his just deserts.

The use of language Is somewhat stilted, at times reading as though the authors have swallowed a Thesaurus. All sorts of quaint euphemisms for the protagonists' sexual organs and orgasms are scattered through the test and other descriptive passages are equally adorned. It is difficult to express exactly what I find disturbing about the style, but it reads, to me, as though the authors are not really comfortable with the words and expressions used. It is a laudable attempt to avoid overused cliches but in doing so, coins some of its own. If, as I suspect they consulted
 the Thesaurus to discover new words then they would be wise to heed the advice given 
for use of the book, which is primarily to provide words which are on the tip of
 one's tongue and have that subtle, nuance of meaning which renders them the most 
appropriate for use. I also noticed that the beginnings of sentences were repeated 
in different words, at the end, and there seemed to be an almost compulsive need
 to embellish every descriptive passage with adjectives. A cruel pen could render
the whole style more succinct.

Two thing's I will say: the rape was particularly revolting (especially the Saurian's use of his reptilian tongue...ugh!). As I found it made me squirm, it must have been well written. I suppose, basically, it depends on whether 10-11 pages of Kirk being raped by a mauve lizard turns you on. the other is that for once, the medical facts are pretty accurate. One of the authors must, I presume be a nurse or a medical student, however,I did get. the feeling that I was being treated to a lecture on the subject. The things McCoy found on examining Kirk would not register on his mind; in my experience there is a form of 'hand to diagnosis by-pass'. Another over embellishment I feel.

I think my biggest complaint is the conversational language used by Spock and Kirk. Voltaire said 'Words are given to men to disguise their thoughts', and it's very true. How many of us come out and say what is on our minds, even to loved ones? One only has to watch Kirk in 'Operation Annihilate' to realise that he doesn't. Yet here are Kirk and Spock making long speeches to each other on the most heart searching subjects. In an ideal world, yes, everyone would talk to those close to them in such a manner...if I ever have any doubt about what they are saying to each other, I close my eyes and put the words directly into Nimoy's and Shatner's mouths and then see what they sound like! A very sobering experience! For example, would Kirk and Spock agonise about whether they should sleep together on board the Enterprise? I suspect it would just happen one day whether they planned to or not... and Kirk would just say 'To hell with it' and get down to business.

I am not entirely convinced about the 'rape counselling' either, nor about Kirk's reaction to the rape. He is command trained and should be able to rationalise. To a certain extent his portrayal is merely ah extrapolation from a female reaction and this is confirmed by some of the 'Oh God, Oh Spock, Oh Bones' exclamations which read straight out of 'Penmarric' ... 'Oh Sir Jasper...". It's difficult to be definitive about this. I suppose no one knows how a man would react to a rape, but a man like Kirk... going under and making irrational, hysterical decisions about his relationship with Spock, as he does....I wonder? And Spock is nearly as bad. The tide turns when he and Kirk get down to making love again. I could foresee problems then. Of course, everything goes swimmingly, apart from a brief, token "What if I can't?" session.

So, I'm afraid, not my cup of tea. Whether it's yours depends on how you envisage Kirk and Spock. I have read a lot of K/S now and this story repeats a great deal of what I have already come across, e.g. Spock's vegetarianism, his hate of water. Those are hackneyed and over explained. Even allowing for the fact that some readers may not have come across these facts, it would tighten the flow of paragraphs if they were merely alluded to rather than worried to death in the form of a dissertation. These things are unimportant in a novel such as this.

'T'hy'la 2' is well printed with few typos although those that there are have a habit of popping up at the most inopportune moments. It is illustrated throughout by Barbara P. Gordon. I am not keen on her style but she has illustrated the zine rather than producing a series of portraits, and on this she is to be congratulated.[9]

[1990]: If some one told me the entire novel encompassed a rape and trauma of recovering, I would have wondered how that could be sustained for an entire 173 pages. But it can be, and it was interesting, loving, mildly suspenseful and a good read. I have read it twice now, and will undoubtedly read it again in a few months. As for the illos (by Barbara Gordon), for me, the artist's strongest point is in portraying emotion. The sexual joy on page 22 was obvious. The picture on page 50 where Spock finds Kirk in the sleeping bag, shows Spock's horrified shock and Kirk's reluctance to be found. Page 70, 74, and 124, all very sweet and portraying love. And on page 151, with McCoy holding those tapes in one hand and that drink in the other, I'd have known what he was going to do with out reading the story. [10]

[1998]: What exactly do you mean when you say violence, rape and sadism? There are some stories that are so violent that I’m really turned off by them, but these are few and far between. I’ll be blunt and say what they are. The novel The Things I Cannot Change has a horrific rape scene that I simply cannot read again. [11]


THE THINGS I CANNOT CHANGE, a novel by Chris Thomson and Susan Wylie, is the only content in THYLA 2, the only time this anthology has changed to novel format. The novel is 173 pages long, counting the illustrations by Barbara Gordon. I recently bought this for a friend and refreshed my memory of the first time I had read it. (I don't give away much plot in this LOC.)

The basic plot starts out really quickly. Kirk and Spock almost immediately declare their love in the novel and have their first sexual experience on Star Base Six. They become bondmates. Soon a Saurian—a lizard-type alien—manages to brutally rape Kirk and film it while Spock is bade on the ship doing repairs on a computer which has been sabotaged.

Spock gets hurt and while he's recovering, Kirk lies that he's going on a back-packing trip and will be gone. He does this so he can recover from the rape and, also avoid seeing Spock. Kirk now feels unworthy of being Spock's lover/bondmate; however, he's not thinking clearly and has been injured during the rape.

Spock recovers from his accident and when he checks his mail, he discovers a tape and plays it, seeing Kirk's rape. Soon he recovers Kirk, and McCoy cares for him. Kirk is going through all sorts of trauma about having been raped. Moreover, he's further upset to discover Spock has actually been able to view the rape. Then on top of that horror he finds out the fact he's been raped is now being spread all over the Star Base.

On page 73, about halfway through the novel, Spock tells him about "The Serenity Prayer" and wishes Kirk serenity, something that is definitely needed and very lacking.

This novel is not for romantics who object to rape scenarios. The description of the rape is graphic, and the descriptions of Kirk's mental turmoil are vivid. This Kirk suffers a lot and the comfort takes a long time to come. I will credit the writers with not making it easy for Kirk to recover. The rape keeps affecting Kirk and Spock for almost the entire novel.

I personally have trouble believing at times that these characters are indeed Kirk and Spock, and especially so because I have trouble seeing Kirk as such a hurting victim for long periods of time. It is definitely at odds with my view of Kirk.

I remember, however, liking this novel more than I disliked it the first time through, and I will still recommend it as long as you have a strong stomach and don't object to the pivotal element of the plot which is rape and its horrible aftermath. The plot is rather complex, and there are various original characters. McCoy gets to do a lot in this novel, and Sarek has a nice part, too. [12]

Issue 3

back cover of issue #3, Maria A.
cover of issue #3, Gayle F. Note: This image has been marked as sexually explicit and has been minimised.

T'hy'la 3 was published in 1983 and contains 198 pages. The cover is by Gayle F.

The art is by Marie A., Maureen B., Gayle F., Vel Jaeger and Virginia Lee Smith.

  • Myrddin by Georgia Barnes ("Spock is trapped in Arthurian England after being abducted and Kirk must use the Guardian to get him back." According to A 2007 Interview with Georgia Barnes, this story was based on a cover of Galactic Discourse.)
  • A Gratitutous Christmas Tale by Susan K. James ("Kirk is surprised by Spockʼs gift of Christmas spent in a snowbound cabin.")
  • Of Stranger Consequence by Vivian Gates ("Kirk is rescued just as he and his fellow kidnappee are having sex, but only Spock witnesses them.")
  • The End of Things by D. Booker ("Kirk and Spock remember the event that brought to light their love for one another.")
  • But What is Love by Georgia Barnes ("Kirkʼs dreams of Spock dying give him the courage to express his feelings.")
  • Shadows of the Mind by D. Booker ("McCoy dreams that Parmen forces Kirk and Spock to have sex, unaware that they are lovers in real life.")
  • After Vulcan by Kami Saaid (Pre-K/S: "Kirk fears Spockʼs reaction after an emotion-filled night in the Vulcanʼs cabin.")
  • At Last by Ronnie Marta Green ("Kirk confesses to Spock the reason for his reaction to Rayna.")
  • Tapestry by Elaine W. ("During his meld with the body of Janice Lester, Spock discovers hidden truths and reveals his own.")
  • Meditations on an Epitaph, poem by Patricia Frazer Lamb ("Spock reflects on past visits to the dead.")
  • Space Game by Rowena Smythe ("Held up in the shuttlecraft, Kirk and Spock while away the time playing strip poker.")
  • Dealers in Kevas and Trillium by K.S. T'Lan (A/U: "Bored with his duties at the Vulcan Science Academy, Spock joins up with the independent trader, Kirk." Sequel: Deva.)
  • Forbidden Love by Sharon F. (AU: "A devastating weapon has given the Romulan Empire ascendancy over the Federation. The former Commander, on the eve of the most important event in the new regime, makes her plans for her two finest acquisitions.")
  • In Good Spirits by Devery Helm
  • The Gift by Gail Lee (A/U: "Spock allows the human he won in battle to escape, only to find Kirk returned to him as a mind-wiped pleasure slave.")
  • My T'hy'la by A.T. Bush (A/U: "On his deathbed, Sarek relates to Spock his true parentage and that of the human slave Spock loves.")
  • Mirrors Don't Lie by Wendy Rathbone ("Kirk refuses to bond with Spock even though they are lovers. Sequel: Under Stars Scattered Like Autumn.")
  • Till Only the Stars Remain by Della Van Hise (“The mission to Vulcan’s warrior past proceeded on schedule. Kirk and Spock were good at the roles assigned to them...as long as they remained just roles. But the planned-for rendezvous with the Enterprise never came. How long does it take to give up hope? And what must be sacrificed to live in a world which has become their only reality?") (also in K/S Collected)
  • The Past Always Returns by A.T. Bush ("Their shore leave was interrupted by mysterious attacks on their lives. But who was the intended victim... and why?")
  • One Night by Sharon F.
  • Idyll by Jean Chabot ("Kirk and Spock make time for each other while on a scouting mission on a benign planet.")
  • Finis by Billie Phillips ("Kirk and Spock have trouble trying to form a mental bond. Sequel: Never Over (poem).)
  • And Everything Is by Toni Cardinal-Price (Kirk is approached by Bob Wesley as he sits alone at a bar.")
  • Patterns by Eva Stuart. ("High politics play havoc to the opening of a new planet for colonization. The New Humans, old acquaintances, Starfleet machinations and the Orion threat play the backdrop to a more personal crises in Kirk and Spock’s lives." Prequel: Loveʼs War Sequel: The Solution)
  • Written in the Stars by Crystal Taylor ("After VʼGer, Spock asks Kirk to the OD, intent on healing the breach in their relationship his leaving created.")
  • Communications Breakdown by Tish ("Spock thinks all is well between him and Kirk as their new mission begins after VʼGer, but then Kirk begins to withdraw from him.") (also in A Touch of Tish)
  • Circles of Silence, Images of Truth by Darien Duck ("As the second mission begins, Kirk and Spock fall into the same round of misunderstandings and half truths that tore them apart the first time.")
  • The Winter is Past by Vivienne Rivers (A/R: "Eighteen years after leaving for Gol, Spock sends a message to Kirk asking him to come to Vulcan.")
  • Incidents by Kathy Resch ("Once again grounded to the Admiralty, Kirk fights dissatisfaction at his bondmateʼs six months absence and the fear of growing old before Spock." Sequel: After.)
  • The Question by Cynthia Drake (A/R: "Six months after Spockʼs death, Kirk returns to Genesis, sure that his friend is still alive.")

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 3

See reactions and reviews for Dealers in Kevas and Trillium.

See reactions and reviews for The Gift.

See reactions and reviews for Of Stranger Consequence.

See reactions and reviews for One Night.

See reactions and reviews for The Winter is Past.

See reactions and reviews for Incidents.

See reactions and reviews for Circles of Silence, Images of Truth.

See reactions and reviews for The Question.

See reactions and reviews for Myrddin.

See reactions and reviews for The End of Things.

See reactions and reviews for But What is Love.

See reactions and reviews for Shadows of the Mind.

See reactions and reviews for After Vulcan.

See reactions and reviews for At Last.

See reactions and reviews for Tapestry.

See reactions and reviews for Meditations on an Epitaph.

See reactions and reviews for Space Game.

See reactions and reviews for Forbidden Love.

See reactions and reviews for In Good Spirits.

See reactions and reviews for My T'hy'la.

See reactions and reviews for Mirrors Don't Lie.

See reactions and reviews for Till Only the Stars Remain.

See reactions and reviews for The Past Always Returns.

See reactions and reviews for Idyll.

See reactions and reviews for And Everything Is.

See reactions and reviews for Patterns.

See reactions and reviews for Written in the Stars.

See reactions and reviews for Communications Breakdown.

See reactions and reviews for A Gratitutous Christmas Tale.

[zine]: This is a gorgeous zine for any K/S collection. Kathy Resch does something that I think (but don't quote me on this) is unique to K/S fandom. She reprints her earlier zines using laser color and puts the zine together with almost the same quality as the original. And they are beautiful.

This one has one of those shamelessly explicit Gayle F covers that is discreetly hidden by an appropriately red page. There is more exquisite [Gayle F] art inside. One of my favorites is the accompanying piece to "Shadows Of The Mind" in which Spock's costume and his actions are openly detailed. Love that netting...

Greatly appreciated is the fine quality of the art reproductions. Nicely designed titles grace the stories and poems along with lots of pretty graphics, not easily done in "those days", pre-computer. The only drawback is too small type size. I believe this was common practice to avoid criticism for any "white space" and to keep the zine within a reasonable amount of pages.

There are lots of different artists, poets and stories, most of which are very short. So I include here two LOCs for two of the longest stories.

The first one is "Forbidden Love" by Sharon F. Kirk and Spock have been kidnapped and mind-wiped by the Romulans and are in the service of the Praetor. The identity of the Praetor is withheld in a neat little surprise. Then on to the good part in which Kirk and Spock are to participate in impregnating the Praetor during a ritual ceremony.

Except for a number of completely ingenuous, over-the-top purple phrases such as "scaled the mountain of ecstacy" and "the Vulcan green pillar of burning flame", the writing is fun and easy.

The other story is "The Gift" by Gail Lee. Spock is on Vulcan in this A/U story and is at dramatic odds with his heritage. This Vulcan empire is a society of warriors, slaves, and men having many wives, combined with some technological advances including space travel and conflict. Wonderfully strong and dark Spock, filled with moody contemplations and a growing awareness of his unwanted attraction to Kirk , the slave. Really neat touch as Spock sees Kirk as an alien, instead of the other way around. Kirk's character is less successful, remaining undefined and mildly resistant to being the slave.

T'hy'la 3 also has one of my favorite, most romantic stories: "Till Only The Stars Remained" by AFB that I have LOCed previously. (See the CT 1994 Index).

There are other stories that definitely bear reading and LOCing, including "Dealers In Kevas And Trillium" by K.S. T'Lan, which I believe has some sort of infamy, "The Past Always Returns" by A.T. Bush, one of fandom's top writers, and stories by Darien Duck and Cynthia Drake.

This is an exceptional zine. [13]

Issue 4

front cover of issue #4, Gayle F -- the first K/S zine to use true 4-color printing
back cover of issue #4, Roo

T'hy'la 4 was published in 1984 and contains 202 pages.

a flyer printed in the 1984 IDICon program book

It has art by Maureen B., Marilyn Cole, Gayle F. (front cover), Suzan Lovett, TACS, Caren Parnes, The Southern Cross, Roo (back cover), Artemis, Georgia Barnes, Ann Crouch, ERIC, Barbara P. Gordon, Vel Jaeger, and Virginia Lee Smith.

This issue contains a story by Joanna Russ writing with a pseud. Her story, Invasion, was published in 1996 with the same title (minus the Star Trek references and changing the gender of a character) in a pro science fiction publication, "Asimov's Science Fiction."

  • Without Guilt by K.S.T'Lan ("Spockʼs thoughts on same-sex relationships, and who heʼd like to have one with, are brought to the surface when he and Kirk must buy back members of the crew captured as held as pleasure slaves.") (1)
  • Tally, poem by D. Booker (13)
  • If You Could Read My Mind, poem by Ginger Dawson (14)
  • Pawn to Queen's 4 by Sharon F & Devery Helm ("Kirkʼs jealousy over Droxineʼs attentions to Spock is the catalyst that brings his unrealized feelings for the Vulcan to the fore.") (15)
  • Four Words, poem by TACS (25)
  • And a Bottle of Rum by Cynthia Drake ("Kirk and Spock play pirates on the Shore Leave planet...with some interesting results.") (26)
  • T'hy'la (to "Chloe" - Elton John), filk by Christian 'The Raider' (32)
  • The Snowman by Ginger Dawson (33)
  • Counterpoint, poem by Dorothy Laoang (34)
  • Two Way Mirror by S. Meek ("Kirk now recognizes the look in Spockʼs eyes after seeing it in Spockʼs mirror counterpart.") (35)
  • Amazon Justice, poem by TACS (39)
  • Deva by Fiona James (A/U: "Kirk and Spock are recruited by the Federation to transport two undercover agents." Prequel: Dealers In Kevas and Trillium. Sequel: Dealerʼs Choice.) (41)
  • Lessons by Vivian Gates ("Kirk is assigned to a mission he finds particularly annoying.., pose as his First Officer’s lover on a same-sex planet But neither he nor Spock suspected what they would learn there.") (47)
  • To Jim, poem by Wendy Rathbone (63)
  • Miracles by Kathy Resch ("Spock holds on to the time left to him and an aged Kirk.") (65)
  • Call of the Flesh by Gail Lee ("Three years before, Kirk had been forced to abandon Spock on the wintry planet Sedia. Now, directed by local villagers, Kirk stands before a door, waiting to knock. But who will be behind it? His lover... or a stranger?" Non-K/S story.) (67)
  • Invasion by Janet Alyx ("You think tribbles are bad? Just wait till you see what's infested the Enterprise now!") (82)
  • Sweet Seduction, poem by Noelle Harrison (86)
  • But Now I See by Debbie Parsons ("Promised to the Klingons, Kirk and Spock manage to escape their abductors when the ship theyʼre in is pulled off course by a mysterious tractor beam and crashes on a nearby planet.") (87)
  • Trial by Ordeal by Indra ("Fearing that Vulcan may leave the Federation, Kirk and Spock visit the ruling council, unaware that a trap has been set.") (99)
  • Fire Dreams, poem by S. Meek (113)
  • Requiem for an Android, poem by Flora Poste (115)
  • Forever Yours by Ginger Dawson (a Mind Meld vignette) (116)
  • Visions of the Future by Jan Sullivan ("After twenty-two years together, Kirk and Spock begin thinking of adopting a child.") (117)
  • Poetry by Patt (122)
  • Poetry by Patt (123)
  • Beyond the Pale by Alayne Gelfand (A/U: "Guilt over not being able to return Pikeʼs love drives Spock to return Pike to Talos 4 even though it alienates the one he loves now-Kirk.") (also in Charisma #13) (124)
  • The Watcher... and the Watched by Kandy Fong (135)
  • Terms of Endearment by Devery Helm ("Spock puzzles his way, with Kirk’s expert guidance, through yet more Human idiosyncrasies.") (137)
  • Soliloquy by an Angry Vulcan Concerning the Diplomatic Treatment of a Bondmate by Meg Fine (141)
  • The Letter by Sharon F ("Kirk receives a letter from Gol in which Spock explains why he left.") (143)
  • Mind Voice, poem by Dorothy Laoang (145)
  • Isolation at Gol, poem by Wendy Rathbone (146)
  • Voice, poem by Wendy Rathbone (146)
  • What, poem by Patt (148)
  • Conclusion, poem by Meg Fine (149)
  • Bereft, poem by Meg Fine, (151)
  • I Await Thee, poem by Meg Fine (152)
  • Time It Was by Toni Cardinal-Price ("David asks McCoy about his father and his fatherʼs bondmate after Spockʼs death.") (153)
  • One Would Think, poem by by Crystal Ann Taylor (155)
  • Bitter Harvest, poem by Emily Ross (157)
  • Or the One, poem by Georgia Barnes (158)
  • Wait; Never and Always; Empty, poem by Robin Hood (159)
  • H'lenk'r, poem by Jen (163)
  • Chiaroscuro, poem by Vel Jaeger (165)
  • The Hunt by Indra ("Disguised as Romulan warriors, Kirk and Spock take part in a ritual which explores the meaning of courage, and brings unexpected personal discoveries, as well.") (167)
from issue #4, The Southern Cross. Illustration for "...And A Bottle of Rum"; note: This image has been marked as sexually explicit and has been minimised.
from issue #4, B.P. Gordon; note: This image has been marked as sexually explicit and has been minimised.

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 4

See reactions and reviews for Invasion.

See reactions and reviews for And a Bottle of Rum.

See reactions and reviews for Without Guilt.

See reactions and reviews for Lessons.

See reactions and reviews for Terms of Endearment.

See reactions and reviews for Beyond the Pale.

See reactions and reviews for The Hunt.

See reactions and reviews for Miracles.

See reactions and reviews for Trial by Ordeal.


[zine]: [It was] very good indeed: a classic that I'm sure will rate with THRUST and P&P. It was really sad that "Roo's" art didn't print better; I love her stuff. I also really like a new artist: Marilyn Cole; she's imaginative & really good.[16]


[Miracles]: At the twilight of a life, a beautiful short story about peace and contentment, of a love as strong as ever, an unbreakable bond. [17]


  • Without Guilt / K.S.T'Lan, Guilt experienced by Uhura, Chekov and Sulu after they have been rescued from sex-slavery sparks Spock's thoughts along lines of what relationship he seeks with Kirk - and gives him wet dreams. Kirk, as soon as Spock decides to discuss the matter, takes action.
  • Pawn to Queen's 4 / Sharon [F.] & Devery Helm, Post - "Cloudminders" Kirk discovers that he was jealous of Droxine, and is avoiding Spock because he's embarrassed to be in love with him. Spock interprets the avoidance as resulting from Spock having observed his exaggerated behavior with Plasus and Kirk being unwilling to tell Spock about the resulting reprimand he received from Starfleet, indicating less friendship than he had been assuming. McCoy forces Kirk to discuss it with Spock; he does; they resolve to find "an agreeable solution."
  • And a Bottle of Rum / Cynthia Drake, Kirk takes Spock to the Shore Leave Planet to play pirates.
  • The Snowman - Ginger Dawson, Vignette - Kirk teaches Spock to throw snowballs
  • Two Way Mirror / [S Meek], His trip to the Mirror universe shows Kirk that the other Spock desired his captain, and sets Kirk to work to find out if his Spock has similar ideas.
  • Deva / Fiona James, Spock and Kirk are lovers and dealers of kevas and trillium. The arrangement is understood by both to be for on-board ship. Spock is distressed by the prospect of Jim running off to the whores on shore leave, and trying not to be. As it turns out, Kirk is also unsure if he is imposing too much on Spock. Resolves by Kirk asking for the bonding meld Spock has tried not to ask for.
  • Lessons / Vivian Gates, Kirk and Spock, because of rumors that they are lovers, which really upsets Kirk, are assigned to pose as lovers for negotiations on a planet whose population is largely homosexual. Spock takes advantage of the opportunity to learn how to please a man, under the tutelage of a local attache.
  • Miracles / [Kathy Resch], Sweet vignette. Spock attends Kirk in his old age, providing visits into memory on the Enterprise (but not too much, as Kirk finds it too Pike-like) along with assurance that he will be remembered as clearly.
  • Call of the Flesh / Gail Lee, Spock has been stranded on a planet for years, with T'Peri, whom he inevitably takes as mate, and with whom he starts a family. When Kirk rescues them, he wants to pick up where they left off - as bond mates -- which T'Peri cannot accept. Well-written dilemma, with a happy, if awkward solution, leaving the trio contemplating a life of private enterprise to maintain their menage-a-trois.
  • Invasion / Janet Alyx, Cute little romp. Enterprise is invaded by curious and mischevious "Littles" - who are kids in yellow overalls in their "yooman" form, and pyramids of green jello in their natural form. They leave Jim thinking about having kids.
  • But Now I See / Debbie Parsons, Kirk and Spock escape a kidnapper to end up stranded on a hostile planet. In their wanderings, amid interludes of sex, Spock is blinded by a faulty packet of insta-fire, and Kirk is mauled by a carnivore. Just as they are caught by the locals, McCoy and the cavalry come over the hill.
  • Trial By Ordeal - Indra, When Spock refuses a bonding, T'Pau and others subject him to a meld to remove Vulcan from his mind; Kirk and Spock both collapse, and they discover that Spock was in fact bonded to Kirk. Sarek mentally retrieves "both my sons" from the brink.
  • Forever Yours / Ginger Dawson, Chilling vignette. Spock knocks McCoy out to meld with an insane Kirk; Chapel, swearing her own undying love, allows him. Presumably it kills him, though we don't know.
  • Visions of the Future / Jan Sullivan, On a visit with Kirk's mother, Kirk and Spock contemplate adopting a child.
  • Beyond the Pale / Alayne Gelfand, Spock, plagued by the thought that his inability to return Captain Pike's love and desire caused the latter's capture, seeks McCoy to learn about love. McCoy complies, initiating him with a hand job. Now, years later as Spock takes the injured Chris to Talos, he is in a quandry over declaring himself to Kirk as Pike had to him. McCoy suggests that Kirk is more worldly than Spock; he should go ahead. He does, Kirk is pleased, and all is well. We are left with the suggestion that McCoy has at some time performed the same service for Kirk as he once did for Spock. Overall a bit too smarmy, but lots of nice bits to make up for it.
  • The Watcher... and the Watched / Kandy Fong, Kirk and Spock try to rescue one another from sexual torture; now convalescing and breast-beating over their failures to do so.
  • Terms of Endearment / Devery Helm, Good fun as Spock tries to master the art of pet names.
  • The Letter - Sharon [F.], Spock, at Gol, sends Kirk a flowery letter explaining that he had to abandon him before their love imprisoned him (Kirk); Kirk replies in 5 words... "too late."
  • Time It Was - Toni Cardinal-Price, After Spock's death David Marcus muses on his childhood fantasies of having Spock for his father; McCoy encourages him to seek Jim out.
  • The Hunt / Indra, In order to retrieve a spy shuttle, Kirk and Spock must participate in a Romulan ritual "hunt" as warriors seeking to bond with their mates. Spock keeps revealing layers of the ritual as they go along, eventually including that they must mate in public in the final test. Too full of ritual and breast-beating over honor for my own taste. [18]

Issue 5

front cover of issue #5, Vel Jaeger
back cover of issue #5, Vel Jaeger

T'hy'la 5 was published in 1985 and contains 177 pages.

It has art by Maureen B., Marilyn Cole, Ann Crouch, Dragon, Sharon Garinger, Gayle F., Vel Jaeger, Caren Parnes, Dorothy Laoang, The Southern Cross, Sukna, TACS.

A flyer for "T'h'lya" #4 that was printed in "T'hy'la" #11 includes a story includes the story, "Now It Begins by Tere Ann Roderick in which "Spock was alive on Genesis when the Enterprise returned. Alive.., but not the same man they had known." That story, however, is in issue #5.

  • The Matchmaker by Janet Alyx ("An alien ambassador turns out to be a genetically altered human who has been influencing crewmembers.") (3)
  • Confessions of Silence, poem by Alayne Gelfand (45)
  • A Wish Come True by Caren Parnes ("Spock decides to spend time on the Shoreleave planet, and is surprised when his captain suddenly appears.") (46)
  • In a Moment, poem by Lyon (49)
  • Runaway, poem by Alayne Gelfand (50)
  • Miles to Go Before I Sleep by Meg Fine (A/U: "On a mission to warn Vulcan of an impending attack, Kirk crashes and is found by Spock, who has gone into the desert to die as his Time approaches.") (52)
  • In the Beginning, poem by Alta (73)
  • Consumption, poem by Alayne (74)
  • Duet by Danielle Stuart ("Kirk and Spock remember the dreams each had before they became lovers, and discover them to be identical.") (76)
  • Lonely Dreams, poem by Alta (77)
  • Shadows in the Night, poem by D. Booker (79)
  • Saga of a K/S Lover (limerick) by Ruth Kwitko Lym (80)
  • The Imposter by Kyle Andrew ("After Kirkʼs two halves are reintegrated, he is informed by Spock that his dark half came to Spockʼs cabin first, before Randʼs.") (82)
  • Hold Me, poem by Patt (85)
  • Dealer's Choice by Vivian Gates (AU: "While on Vulcan, Kirk persuades Spock to join him as partner in his trading business." Prequel: Deva. Sequel to "Dealers in Kevas and Trillium" by K.S. T'Lan, T'Hy'La #3) (87)
  • Afternoon Encounter by Kathy Resch ("Sarek reflects on his sonʼs relationship with Kirk while at a conference with the captain.") (100)
  • I Offered, poem by Jean Chabot (102)
  • Warrior of Sasahar, poem by Alta (108)
  • Discipline Vulcan Style, poem by Alta (109)
  • Now It Begins / Love on Its Knees / Nightmare Reality / Battle Hymn are four connected stories by Tere Ann Roderick (A/U: "Kirk and Sarek find Spock alive on Genesis but must take him to Vulcan to find the reason for his violent behavior." -- "Spock was alive on Genesis when the Enterprise returned. Alive.., but not the same man they had known." Prequel: Iʼll See You In my Dreams.) (113)
  • The Price, poem by Wendy Rathbone (127)
  • More Than Men, poem by Wendy Rathbone (128)
  • Transfixed, poem by Jean Chabot (129)
  • And What Remains?, poem by Alta (129)
  • The Gift, poem by Alta (130)
  • Melody, poem by Patt (130)
  • Do Not Touch, poem by Wendy Rathbone (132)
  • Mephisto, poem by Flora Poste (136)
  • The Only Logical Reason by K.S. T'Lan (Set in the "Companion" universe of stories from Carol Hunterton and Ellen Kobrin (1978-1981) ("On a mission to retrieve a very special child, Spock forgets the difference between lust and love.") (138)
  • Pandora's Whim, poem by Meg Fine (145)
  • T'hy'la, poem by Georgia Barnes (145)
  • Sharing, poem by Noelle Harrison (147)
  • USS Enterprise, satire, a "letter of comment" sent to this zine "by" Spock, by Kathy Resch, (148)
  • On Your Mark by Alta (149)
  • Bait by A.T. Bush ("After Kirk and Spock go undercover to find a missing heir, Kirk is taken by slavers, “rejuvenated” , and sold before he can be beamed out of the slavers hold as planned.") (150)
  • Spock's Song, filk to the tune of "Elton's Song" by Elton John, by Christian The Raider (177)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 5

See reactions and reviews for Dealer's Choice.

See reactions and reviews for The Matchmaker.

See reactions and reviews for A Wish Come True.

See reactions and reviews for Miles to Go Before I Sleep.

See reactions and reviews for Duet.

See reactions and reviews for The Imposter.

See reactions and reviews for Afternoon Encounter.

See reactions and reviews for Now It Begins (and Love on Its Knees / Nightmare Reality / Battle Hymn).

See reactions and reviews for The Only Logical Reason.

See reactions and reviews for Bait.

[zine]: T'hy'la 5 to me is a pretty mediocre zine as far as the stories go. I wasn't very impressed, but there is one that stuck in my mind and that I truly enjoyed reading. [story: Miles to Go Before I Sleep]... General comments: What bothered me most about T'hy'la 5 was the very, very small print. I've got bad eye-sight and I almost needed a magnifying glass to be able to read this zine, and it took away a lot of the enjoyment for me. [19]

[art]: The art in T'hy'la 5 was beautiful. There are four wonderful drawings that leave me awe-struck, and is probably the only reason I'm not donating this 'zine to the K/S library. There is one, very explicit and quite nice, drawing by Gayle F. Anyone familiar with her drawings knows that she makes an almost comic strip like version of Kirk and Spock. It takes some getting used to, but once you do, you probably either hate them or you love them. I for one have grown to love Gayle's drawings, even if this one isn't among her very best. TACS has made two beautiful drawings for this 'zine. One is of a long-haired, Indian-like Spock who is simply gorgeous. The other is a pretty BDSM'y, explicit thing with Spock standing up and Kirk kneeling before him. Spock is quite nude, apart from a long, furry robe that hangs loosely on his shoulders. It's a quite beautiful image and very suggestive. The last drawing is by far the most attractive one to me. Spock is tied and gagged and looking very agonized, and that in itself would be a rather disturbing image if it weren't for the absolute skill with which the drawing is made. It is a Southern Cross, and I suppose that says it all. She is probably my favorite K/S artist right along with Shelley Butler. [19]

[zine]: T'HY'LA 5 is a nicely varied K/S anthology with a good selection of stories, poetry & art, including a high quality art portfolio (with a Gayle F drawing that will be received with chortles of delight by any ailurophilic fan). 177 pages, reduced but with extremely clear reproduction & layout. Some highlights: "Bait" (A.T. Bush): A for-fun adventure following Kirk and Spock as they go undercover as a hedonistic galactic playboy and his exotic pleasure slave (guess who? and guess who?) in search of an abducted Federation citizen. There are some lapses in characterization (Kirk might have many reactions to a large, menacing guard, but I doubt that being "intimidated" would be one of them), but there are some amusing and some moving moments as well (I especially enjoyed the by-play as an Orion trader quizzes a newly-captured Kirk and Spock on each other's sexual prowess -- "he is not exactly 'new' either," notes Spock, to Kirk's rather startled chagrin). "The Only Logical Reason" (K.S. T'Lan): An episode in which Kirk and Spock and a Vulcan co-worker in the Companion 3 universe learn something about the nature of loneliness and the strength of their bond. A good, if unexceptional, story, this might be a bit confusing to someone who has not read the third volume of the Companion series. "Now It Begins" (Tere Ann Roderick): An uneven four-part story detailing the course of Kirk and Spock's relationship after Spock's regeneration on the Genesis planet (an alternate regeneration from that seen in ST3:SFS). The possibility that Kahn's essence ahs survived in Spock's mind and is affecting his relationship with Kirk is intriguing. However, there was a kind of shapelessness to the narrative, as if neither the basic idea nor the various episodes had been fully worked out, & further development would have done much to realize the potential inherent in the premise. As it was, it promised more than it delivered. "Dealer's Choice" (Vivian Gates): A pleasant sequel to the K.S. T'Lan story, "Dealers in Kevas and Trillium" (published in T'HY'LA 3), recounting further adventures of Kirk and Spock as itinerant galactic traders in an alternate universe where Kirk ahs resigned from Starfleet and Spock never joined. Tone, characterization, and pacing are well handled, and the relationship between Kirk and Spock has become as comfortable and easy-going as presaged by the earlier story. A real delight. "Miles To Go Before I Sleep" (Meg Fine): Kirk, Spock, and Ee-chiya meet in the Vulcan desert and begin a race against time (not to mention the Orions, the Kzinti, and pon farr) to save the Federation in an ever-so-slightly alternate universe. Good action/adventure. "The Matchmaker" (Janet Alex): A novella-length story detailing the startling effect the visit of a remarkable alien has on the officers and crew of the Enterprise including—as the title suggests--the making of a match between the Captain and First Officer. The scenes between Kirk and Spock are in turn agonizing, luminous, and eminently satisfying, while one of the special delights of the story is the glimpse we get into the private lives and thoughts of a much larger and more varied ship's company than appear in most fanfic or aired Trek. The highpoint of the zine. [20]

  • The Matchmaker / Janet Alyx, Somewhat confused plot, but some nice touches. Ver, an elderly, half-blind, talkative woman prone to weepiness comes aboard as an ambassador. She turns out to be a practically omnipotent telepath, one of a group of siblings created by scientists (by doubling of some kind), who then become afraid of them and first keep them safely sedated then biologically shorten their life spans. They are, however, highly ethical and won't retaliate. Meantime, Spock is having disturbing dreams he can't remember and seeks help from McCoy, who is terrified of the Vulcan blowing up on him and suggests a trip to Vulcan; he refuses. Then he starts to remember the dreams - they are of Kirk. More meantime, people are starting to hear things in their heads and have helpful little revelations about their life problems. Kirk, keeping McCoy in the corridor with a sedative, goes to force Spock to confront whatever's bothering him, and is so flabbergasted at the revelation that it is him that he runs away. Convinced that he disgusts Kirk, Spock resolves to transfer. McCoy kicks a bit of captainly ass, advising Kirk to explore the possibility that he does love Spock, and prescribes that he kiss him. Before Kirk does so, though, Ver blows her cover by saving the ship from a meltdown. She proceeds to practice a bit of psychotherapy on all and sundry. Spock adopts her as a sister, initiating procedures that may save her life. After they deliver Ver to her destination, Kirk goes to Spock and obeys McCoy's prescription, finds that he does, indeed, respond enthusiastically, and the story ends tracing reactions through the ship's gossip mill. The love scenes are flawed by a very mushy Kirk doing a lot of, "oh, please, Spock."
  • A Wish Come True / Caren Parnes, Predictable but pleasant "Shore Leave" story. Kirk thinks he's dreamed up Spock and vice versa, allowing true expressions to emerge.
  • Miles to Go Before I Sleep / Meg Fine, Fun, if convoluted plot, and nice writing, despite some odd relations being brought in. Commander Kirk has just been assigned to command Enterprise, but before the promotion goes into effect, he is assigned undercover to find out about a potential Orion/Kzinti alliance. The Kzinti have just raided and eaten a Vulcan colony, and the Federation non-response has caused the Vulcans to withdraw from the Federation. Kirk discovers that the Kzinti are planning an attack on Vulcan and sends McCoy off to get help; meanwhile, he goes to Vulcan in his borrowed Andorian ship to warn them. Terrans have been barred on pain of death, but Kirk is an adopted Vulcan by way of his blind aunt Miranda Jones, who has been raising him (and recognized him as a psi-sensitive) and is trained as a Vulcan Healer. Meanwhile... Spock, who served with Pike, but has not met Kirk, has decided to go die in the desert at his pon farr. Kirk crashes in the Forge. Ichaya, having followed Spock, brings Kirk to him. Explanations follow, and Kirk and Spock decide that they will bond, ensuring Spock's survival and also allowing them to use Spock's energy to restore Kirk long enough for both of them to get the message back to Shikar - despite the fact that they may both die shortly after from Spock's exhaustion. They don't.
  • Duet / Danielle Stuart, Vignette positing that Kirk and Spock are reincarnations of newlyweds killed on honeymoon.
  • The Imposter / Kyle Andrew, Post-"Enemy Within." Evil-Kirk attacked Spock as well as Rand, though his reintigrated self does not remember. Spock did not find it entirely unwelcome. Kirk is agitated until Spock replays the events for him in mind-meld, and they decide on further experimentation.
  • Dealer's Choice / Vivan Gates, Kirk and Spock are established lovers running a small freighter. Two Starfleet operatives take over their ship for an undercover run to pick up information in the Neutral Zone. Kirk and Spock turn the tables on them, do the job, then leave them stranded together (sans clothes) on a pretty recreational planet to teach Starfleet not to mess with them any more, and, they hope, to teach the homophobic one to come to terms with his feelings for his clearly-attracted partner.
  • Afternoon Encounter / [Kathy Resch], Sarek unwittingly invades Kirk's mind and ponders Spock's attachment to him. Nice little vignette.
  • Art Portfolio, A variety of typically long-haired, scantily clad Spocks with sex-slave Kirks, and a few poems to match
  • Now It Begins / Love on Its Knees / Nightmare Reality / Battle Hymn - Tere Ann Roderick, Post-TWOK, with an interesting twist. It is Sarek and Amanda who know Spock is alive; instead of McCoy hosting Spock's katra, Khan has invaded Spock's body, keeping it alive. Once restored to Enterprise, Kirk and Spock act on their attraction, but Khan takes over and turns the lovemaking brutal, until Spock forces him out, on the winds of Vulcan.
  • The Only Logical Reason / K.S. T'Lan, Set in the "Companion" universe of stories from Carol Hunterton and Ellen Kobrin (1978-1981), Kirk and Spock are established lovers and partners working for the Preservers. They are joined by a Vulcan woman in a mission to save a historically important child from a plague, and Spock makes love with her, straining his relationship with Kirk.
  • USS Enterprise / [Kathy Resch], Memo from Spock to Kathleen responding to receipt of an issue of T'Hy'La.
  • Bait / A.T. Bush, Enterprise goes looking for Commissioner Ferris' missing son. Kirk goes undercover as a wealthy playboy to get himself captured and sold as a sex slave. Interesting twist is that the slavers give him a rejuvenating drug, turning him from middle-age to teenage, adding fuel to his relationship with Spock as well as McCoy's jibes. Some cute touches for a tired premise. [21]

Issue 6

T'hy'la 6 was published in 1985 and has 111 pages. Contains art by Caren Parnes, Marilyn Cole, Virginia Lee Smith, Sukna, Georgia Barnes, Sharon Garinger, and TACS.

front cover of issue #6, Virginia Lee Smith
flyer for issue #6
from issue #10, shows how poetry and art were presented together, artist is Sukna
  • Second Lesson by Vivian Gates ("Kirk and Spock are quarantined together and Spock must deal with his attraction to Jim while sharing a room." Prequel: Lessons.) (4)
  • Perfect, poem by Carol Lance (23)
  • Rising, poem by Noelle Harrison (25)
  • Under Stars Scattered Like Autumn by Wendy Rathbone ("Camping in the deserts of Vulcan, Spock finally asks of Kirk what he desperately needs." Prequel: Mirrors Donʼt Lie.) (29)
  • In the Darkness, poem by Alta (31)
  • On the Wings of the Wind, poem by Patricia Frazer Lamb (33)
  • Contemplation, poem by Kathy Resch (34)
  • Phoenix of the Stars, poem by Ginger Dawson (34)
  • Within the Circle of Flames by C. Diane Mamaril and Zetta M.A. Hopkins ("The mystic powers of Vulcan that reside in the flame of Spockʼs meditation fire call to Kirk now that he has become Spockʼs lover.") (35)
  • The Caverns of the Coming Dawn by Zetta M.A. Hopkins and C. Diane Mamaril (40)
  • Gentle Barbarian, poem by Jo Ann Sides (41)
  • Words, poem by Danielle Stewart (42)
  • To Thine Own Self by Sherlock. ("Set in the Mirror Universe, this story explores the conflicting choices Kirk faces between Liann, an attractive, volatile Commander and Spock - and the demand the revolution places upon them all.”) (44)
  • The Last of the Fire, poem by D. Booker (61)
  • Glory Days, poem by Danielle Stewart (62)
  • The Needs of Two by Ginger Dawson ("Nogura explains to a clueless Morrow and Stiles Kirkʼs “insane” rush to Genesis.") (63)
  • * Planetary Survey, poem by Danielle Stewart (64)
  • A Few Laurel Leaves by Cynthia Drake. ("Suppose the Enterprise crew had been unable to defeat Apollo? Kirk and Spock find some surprising resolutions to their own lives while trying to defeat the power of a god.") (65)
  • I Love Thee, poem by Lyon (111)
  • Graffiti by Ruth Kwitko Lyn (112)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 6

See reactions and reviews for Second Lesson.

See reactions and reviews for Within the Circle of Flames.

See reactions and reviews for A Few Laurel Leaves.

Issue 7

front cover of issue #7, Caren Parnes
back cover of issue #7, Caren Parnes
flyer for issue #7, click to read

T'hy'la 7 was published in 1988 and has 202 pages.

The art is by Gayle F, Parnes, Sukna, and Virginia Lee Smith.

  • This Mirror Which is My Soul by DVS ("It is a rare privilege to be given admission to the Un’falban Museum. Those who have been given this opportunity have seen some of the rarest scientific marvels of the universe. But when Spock arrives, his experience is something altogether different.") (3)
  • Lessons Learned by Judi (10)
  • If the Red Slayer (12)
  • Caesura (12)
  • Aftermath's Beginning by Ellen Kobrin (13)
  • The Home Ground by Alice West ("Kirk struggles with his despair over Spockʼs inability to at first remember, and then feel, the love they knew before Spockʼs death.") (14)
  • Vulcan Ritual by Amy (25)
from issue #7, Gayle F. Note: Marked as sexually explicit; minimized.
inside art from issue #7, Virginia Smith. Note: Marked as sexually explicit; minimized.
  • Constants by Noelle Harrison (26)
  • All I Could Ever Want by Noelle Harrison (27)
  • Slick by Danielle Stewart (29)
  • Ex Post Facto by Amy (32)
  • Lamentation and Reiteration by Amy (33)
  • Chiaroscuro by Judi ("In an alternate universe, James Kirk is given a most unusual opportunity on the diplomatic staff of the Ambassador from Vulcan, an opportunity which he uses to fulfill his consuming passion for the stars. But the position brings him far more than he expected." Sequel: Spindrift) (34)
  • Poems by Judi (59)
  • Secrets and Scandals by Linda Frankel (A/U: "Both Spock and the woman Sarek wishes him to marry are being pressured to leave their respective lovers." Sequel: The Honestyʼs Too Much (never written).) (69)
  • Visionary by Ellen Kobrin (104)
  • Poems by Linda Frankel (105)
  • The Fire Give In to the Sun by Kathy Resch ("Scientist Richard Delmar has vanished on the planet Sigma Gamma U. Science Officer Spock and a select crew go to the rescue - and vanish, as well. Kirk follows - but the Spock he encounters is far different from the Science Officer he knows so well. And this Spock is on an obsessive quest of his own - a quest that James Kirk discovers he must follow, as well.") (114)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 7

See reactions and reviews for Chiaroscuro.

See reactions and reviews for The Fire Give In to the Sun.

See reactions and reviews for Secrets and Scandals.

See reactions and reviews for The Home Ground.

See reactions and reviews for This Mirror Which is My Soul.

[This Mirror Which is My Soul]: Lovely, mysterious short story of Spock visiting a very imaginatively realized museum, populated by strange beings. He is ushered into a chamber with a most unusual mirror. With not one mention of Kirk's name and with only saying "he", Spock is shown how to love himself. And boy, is he ever shown! Really sexy and evocative, this wonderful story truly ended too soon. [22]

Issue 8

T'hy'la 8 was published in 1989 and has 155 pages.

It has a full color cover by Gayle F., Deeb did the back cover, and Gene Delpenia created the simple line graphics. There is no other interior art.

front cover of issue #8, Gayle F. -- "It's clear to me that this woman has music in her soul and it comes out in her art. It had a slight stained glass look that was pleasing to the eye. Frankly, it's lovely enough to frame and hang on the wall. The dragon on Spock's shoulder, the cat by their feet, didn't glare out, but were subtle."[23]

"Oh, this is one of those lush, unforgettable [Gayle F] drawings/paintings, only the best part of it is, it’s in color! Spock is wearing skintight blue thigh-high boots, there’s the hint of a generous pouch, then an elaborate blue-patterned tunic. Kirk is arrayed similarly in gold; he’s sprawled in an upholstered chair, clasping Spock’s joined hands to his heart. Spock has his arms around Kirk as he sits on the arm of the chair. There’s a tiny dragon on Spock’s shoulder, and a blue/black cat (my favorite kind!) sits on the floor and watches the lovers. In my copy, there’s the hint of green to Spock’s skin tone. A very arresting picture where color makes all the difference. Lovely!" [24]
flyer for issue #8
back cover of issue #8, DEEB
  • A Matter of Seduction (by Sharon St. James) ("Kirk is ordered to do whatever it takes when a rulerʼs heir is interested in him, unaware that it is the son, not the daughter who is interested.")
  • Worlds Away, poem by Rachel Cavendish
  • The Best Ass in Starfleet by Natasha Barry ("Kirk goes along with the pretense when heʼs told of a dying former instructorʼs delusion of being Kirkʼs lover.")
  • Of Eternity and Shadows, poem by Jo Ann Sides
  • Genesis Countdown, poem by Rachel Cavendish
  • Northern Star (by Susan Douglass) (slavefic, "James restlessly turned his body on the bed. He had always felt he had achieved his greatest happiness in Lord S’pock’s house, giving himself willingly. Then why had he felt that moment of pain and struggle when S’pock had taken him tonight? Why had he cringed under Spock’s thrusts? No, he suddenly realized. He had not cringed. The flame revolt had risen inside him, if only for a brief moment. He had rebelled." Sequel: Light of Freedom.)
  • Paradise Lost, poem by Rachel Cavendish
  • Timelines (by A.T. Bush) (timetravel to Ancient Vulcan).)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 8

See reactions and reviews for Timelines.

See reactions and reviews for Northern Star.

See reactions and reviews for A Matter of Seduction.

See reactions and reviews for The Best Ass in Starfleet.


'A Matter of Seduction" - I must confess to being somewhat disappointed in this story, because the author's past work has spoiled me into expecting something grand and elaborate whenever I see her name. This story was nicely-enough written, but it contained too many over-used ideas - the mixup in understanding who was attracted to Kirk, the irritating admiral, the use of drugs, the delicate diplomatic situation, McCoy having to be the one to spell everything out. I was hoping for something different.

"The Best Ass In Starfleef - I think this is probably the author's best written story, but it went on too long for what it was trying to do. We never do get to know Hughes at all. Going back and forth between each character's thoughts came across as rather awkward. The whole situation had a feeling of unreality about it, and the K/S aspect was forced.

"The Northern Star" - I like this new author very much. Though I've been left feeling I wish her stories were longer, this one was probably the most complete (though I'd still love a sequel). Certainly not the most pleasant story to read, but intense and sincere. Though we're given very little background detail, there is a strong sense of time and setting. I felt like I was there, experiencing the joy, rebellion and anguish.

"Timelines" - One of these days I hope to uncover A. T. Bush's secret at writing multitudes of sex scenes, and still managing to keep them fresh and highly erotic. In this particular novella, what amazed me most was that despite the pages and pages of wonderful sex, there was still a solid plot that had nothing to do with the relationship. I am just amazed. I liked this novella very much. It moved right along, held my interest, and didn't leave me feeling the disbelief that I often do when reading time travel stories. And, even with all that, it stijl maintained that wonderful innocence in the characters that I admire this author most for. This really made the zine.

[Gayle F's] cover was a nice surprise. Color covers are so rare anymore. [25]


My favorite story in the zine was "Timelines" by A. T. Bush. This story had a lot going for it. It was long enough to really get into, it had a real plot, and it had lots of good sex. What more could you want? I like pre-reform warrior stories, and although this one didn't quite fit that criteria it was close enough. Poor Spock, stuck back in time for almost four years without Kirk. But their reunion was fun to read.

"A Matter of Seduction' by Sharon St. James had an interesting twist - just who was the Dakarra? I liked the part where Spock took charge and just nerve pinched the Dakarra in order to get his Captain out of a bad situation. The ensuing problem and solution was told in Ms. St. James' usual entertaining way.

"The Best Ass In Starfleet by Natasha Barry was an interesting character study. My favorite part was Spock telling himself over and over 'He will never mate with a male, unless that male is I.' Sounds just like something Spock might say. [25]

Issue 9

cover of issue #9, Gayle F.
flyer for issue #9

T'hy'la 9 was published in 1990 and contains 147 pages.

It contains art by Chris Soto, Deeb Cairns, Dragon, Lori S. Lee, Virginia Lee Smith, Sukna, and Sherry Veltkamp. Gayle F is listed in the credits for page 74, but her art is not on this page; it is on the cover instead.

From the flyer:

NOTE: This issue of T'hy'la contains much of the material originally intended for KSX III. Gayle F turned the manuscripts over to me, when she decided not to continue with the project, and I am publishing them as an issue of T'hy'la with the permission of the authors and artists.

  • Encounter on Altair by Greta Foulard ("Spock, suffering the aftereffects of his first pon farr, seeks out a very exclusive club - and meets a most fascinating man...") (1)
  • The Vision in the Song, poem by Linda Frankel (18)
  • Auld Lang Syne, poem by Robin Hood (21)
  • Where Love Hides by Rachel Cavendish and Cassandra ("Spock is surprised to learn that Amanda was not Sarekʼs first bondmate when he confronts Sarek after his father sees him and Kirk kissing.") (22)
  • Slash Serenade, poem by S'JSS (27)
  • The Dancer's Fate, poem by Linda Frankel (28)
  • Jingle Balls, poem by S'JSS (30)
  • Best of Innocence by DVS ("Riley, having recovered from his prejudice against Vulcans, is now serving with the intriguing Skovan. Skovan, it appears, is an outcast from his people - and is such is willing to engage in a most unconventional relationship. A relationship that highly intrigues James T. Kirk...") (32)
  • One Night at Gol, poem by Rachel Cavendish (72)
  • Solitude, poem by Rachel Cavendish (72)
  • Metamorphosis, poem by Rachel Cavendish (72)
  • Rescue, poem by Rachel Cavendish (72)
  • Crying for the Moon, poem by Robin Hood (76)
  • Light of Freedom by Susan Douglass (sequel to 'Northern Star' in T'hy'la #8) ("Kirk has achieved his freedom from slavery - but not from the nightmares which continue to ravage him...") (77)
  • The Hare is No Tortoise, poem by Linda Frankel (93)
  • Shattered Soul (The Lamb's Lament), poem by Linda Frankel (94)
  • Spiderless Web, poem by Linda Frankel (96)
  • Come With me by Natasha Barry ("While Spock frantically searches for the missing Kirk, Kang, per Klingon custom, takes to sword-bond an intriguing, golden-haired, mind-wiped human.") (98)
  • Acid Tears, poem by Robin Hood (116)
  • Artificial Tears, poem by Robin Hood (118)
  • Just Like a Rat, poem by Linda Frankel (120)
  • A Political Argument by Eva Stuart (Uhura is raped and imprisoned on a planet which denies the rights of women. The diplomatic tightrope Kirk and Spock must walk to rescue her has many repercussions, both professionally and personally...) (122)
  • Letters of Comment (148)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 9

See reactions and reviews for Encounter on Altair.

See reactions and reviews for A Political Argument.

See reactions and reviews for Where Love Hides.

See reactions and reviews for Best of Innocence.

See reactions and reviews for Light of Freedom.

See reactions and reviews for Come With Me.

[art on page 45]: I would like to thank Chris very much for her illustration of my "Enemy Within' poem, "Shattered Soul". It shows the lamb side of Kirk bowed with grief while Spock and a ravening wolf hover over his head. The wolf is especially well-drawn. I would love to see this illo in color with Kirk's hazel eyes looking out of that wolf head. That would represent the true horror of the wolf to Kirk. Yet the piece is still very effective in black and white. It's wonderful to see ay work so fittingly embellished. [26]

Issue 10

front cover of issue #10, Marilyn Cole -- "Splendidly barbaric. I have a fondness for her long haired Spocks. Indeed, I have a fondness for her particular style of art, period. A Spock standing with arms wide outstretched, long hair blowing backwards, behind to the right and left serpents writhe. And as always, the musculature of the subject is perfect. Everything is painstakingly detailed from the armbands to the scales on the serpents. Though it is a pencil drawing, the way line and shadow flow over rippling muscles so smoothly and naturally, gives the impression of its being a painting. This is a Spock of mythical proportions, a young sensual god filled with power and majesty. It brought to mind leashed lightning waiting to strike. A magical piece of work. May Marilyn draw long and prosper." -- [27]
frontispiece of issue #10, L.S. Lee

T'hy'la 10 was published in 1991 and has 146 pages. Contains stories by Debbie Cummins, Susan Douglass, Kay Wells and a novel by Sharon St. James. Cover by Marilyn Cole; frontispiece by L. S. Lee. There is no other interior art.

From the editorial:

T'HY'LA # 12 and # 13 are open for submission: Deadline January 31, 1992. One of these issues - and I haven't decided which one yet - will feature such controversial storylines as menage a trois, and stories which feature Kirk or Spock involved in other relationships. To this who don't wish to read these sorts of stories, all flyers and publicity will be clearly marked. I am seeking more 'conventional' stories for the other zine. As for my guidelines, the only thing I look for is excellence of writing. I don't like to rule out any particular types of storylines, as there is always someone who can tackle an idea I'd previously considered ludicrous or impossible to handle - and does it superlatively. One thing I'd like to see more of is established relationship stories. Artists, please send samples of your work. I can use pencil work, but of course pen and ink is always welcome!

  • The Image of Perfection by Debbie Cummins ("The Klingons had the perfect plot: substitute an android for Commander Spock. With Vulcans well known for their lack of emotion, there was no chance that anyone would detect the difference.") (1)
  • Timescape, poem by Cheryl Resnick (53)
  • Half Brother, poem by Cheryl Resnick (53)
  • Center Seat, poem by Cheryl Resnick (54)
  • Bondmates by Susan Douglass ("In the Empire, Kirk has traded sexual favors for career advancement. But when his lover Spock wants a permanent commitment from him, he’s faced with revealing an even more devastating truth.") (55)
  • Reunion, poem by Carol L. Lance (65)
  • McCoy's View, poem by Carol L. Lance (65)
  • Sweet Poison, poem by Robin Hood (66)
  • Allusions by Kay Wells ("Spock is having difficulty keeping his mind from thoughts of his captain, especially since Kirk seems to be constantly in provocative positions.") (67)
  • One Sided, poem by Amy (75)
  • Impasse, poem by Amy (76)
  • Parted and Forever Parted, Part 1 by Sharon St. James ("T’Pau refuses to give Spock and Kirk permission to bond, creating a rift between the two men. Then, on their next planetfall, Kirk is injured and separated from their party. Amnesiac in a slave culture, he is forced to learn anew his feelings about love, sex, and commitment.") (77)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 10

See reactions and reviews for Bondmates.

See reactions and reviews for The Image of Perfection.

See reactions and reviews for Allusions.

See reactions and reviews for Parted and Forever Parted.


  1. ^ Resch wrote personal statement to Universal Translator #11 saying that she had written another fan and asked her not to call her new fanzine, "T'hy'la," as Resch has already picked that title and her zine is going to press shortly: "I read in the upcoming zine section in the latest issue of Universal Translator about Pam Jenkin's T'HY'LA. As my own zine, also called T'HY'LA has been in production since last last fall, and is about to be printed, and there has al eady been some confusion regarding the duplication of titles, I wrote to Pam suggesting that we issue a joint personal statement to UT. Since I haven't heard from her, and I do want to make your August deadline, I would like to state that there is no connection between the T'HY'LA I am publishing and Pam's zine."
  2. ^ Jump up to: a b from The K/S Press #60
  3. ^ from The K/S Press #197, which printed the art
  4. ^ from Datazine #24
  5. ^ from Universal Translator #15
  6. ^ from Halliday's Zinedex
  7. ^ Jump up to: a b from. Communicator #3 (March 1982)
  8. ^ from The LOC Connection #21
  9. ^ from Communicator #8 (Dec 1982)
  10. ^ from The LOC Connection #21
  11. ^ from The K/S Press #7
  12. ^ from The K/S Press #58
  13. ^ from Come Together #15
  14. ^ from The K/S Press #6
  15. ^ from The K/S Press #47 (2000)
  16. ^ from BPG in K/S & K.S. (Kindred Spirits) #10
  17. ^ from Come Together #10
  18. ^ from Halliday's Zinedex
  19. ^ Jump up to: a b from The K/S Press #47
  20. ^ from Not Tonight Spock! #11
  21. ^ from Halliday's Zinedex
  22. ^ from Come Together #6
  23. ^ from The LOC Connection #20
  24. ^ from The K/S Press #43
  25. ^ Jump up to: a b a letter of comment in "T'hy'la" #9
  26. ^ from The LOC Connection #26
  27. ^ Chris Soto in The LoC Connection #34