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Star Trek Nuts & Bolts
You may be looking for the fan club, The Leonard Nimoy Nuts and Bolts.
Zine | |
Title: | Star Trek Nuts & Bolts |
Publisher: | Star Trek Nuts, a fan club based in Brookings, South Dakota, US |
Editor(s): | George Perkins and Mark Behrend (#1-#10), George Perkins (#11/#12-#32) |
Type: | |
Date(s): | 1974-1979 |
Frequency: | |
Medium: | |
Fandom: | mainly Star Trek: TOS |
Language: | English |
External Links: | |
Click here for related articles on Fanlore. | |
Star Trek Nuts & Bolts is a gen anthology of stories and articles. It is a club zine produced by several boys in high school.
The focus is Star Trek: TOS, with some Space: 1999, Star Wars, Wonder Woman, original science fiction, and others.
There were thirty-two issues.
Nuts & Bolts Worksheet is a sister zine.
In 1978, the editor reminded fans that "Star Trek Nuts & Bolts" was "South Dakota's only fanzine!" [1]
The title of the zine comes from a quote by Ray Bradbury: "Fans are the nuts that hold the bolts of the universe together."
A One Shot that Became a Series
From the editorial in the "first issue": "Star Trek Nuts and Bolts, as you all well know, is a one-shot fanzine. Meaning that this is the first and last issue. However... Both of us... may decide to do a shorter issue... If you like it, let us know -- because we want everyone's reaction if we printed STN&B as a short newszine later on."
Reprint Permission
From issue #3:
Permission to reprint any portion of this fanzine is granted, provided you have the consent of author or artist, and acknowledge its source.
About Some Regular Features
The zine contains news, club info, fiction, letters of comment (starting in issue #13), reviews, art, and articles. Some issues contain material that had been submitted to the proposed zine "Agripol."
A 1978 announcement in The Clipper Trade Ship #22:
Geoffrey Mandel (co-editor of Ballantine's Medical Reference, drafter of the K-7 Blueprints, Frieghter Blueprints, Space: 1999 Eagle Blueprints, and all-around technology expert) is the newest addition to ST NUTS & BOLTS. His column, "The Alternative Factor," discusses Trek technology and history [in] each issue (five to six ties a year). Don't miss it, and don't miss the other five regular readers' departments ("Mailing Frequencies," LoCs; "Tricorder Readings," reviews; "Nuts and Bolts," ads; "Personal Notes from Altair IV," news; and editorials), plus fiction, art, poetry, & humor.
Various Banners for Columns Over the Years
The banners for the regular features and columns changed over the years, as did the titles. For example, the letter of comments section was called both "Mailing Frequencies" and "Hailing Frequencies," as well as "Your NUTS! (and Bolts)."
column, early George Perkins
column, later George Perkins
column, Geoffrey Mandel
column, Mark Behrend
column, Dan Munson
feature, letter column
feature, letter column
feature, reviews
Fan Comments: General
I was turned off at first by the name of the zine which suggested a technical explanation of Star Trek. For someone who considers a car a complicated piece of machinery and television verging on magical, a peek into futuristic engineering is not a treat. Sure enough, STN&B explained warp drive (#17/18/19), and transporters (#21/22). In addition, there are regular features of scientific or technical interest. I can't evaluate this portion of STN&B. Let's just say I've no immediate plans to build a working transporter.
The worst fault in the fiction department is that there never seems to be enough. I'm invariably left crying, "more, more!" The art is good; the poetry ranges up to excellent; there is quite a bit of humor, though much of it is "inside" stuff which leaves the uninitiated asking, "Huh?"
STNAB's greatest asset is its lively readers who contribute so enthusiastically to the letters of comment and review sections. Occasionally, the letters get a bit insulting (I'm really surprised at you, George, for letting in what you did.") or bossy ('Write your congressman immediately!") and the reviews brutally frank ("by ____ who, incidentally, cannot write worth crap."), but they're never dull.
George's editorials and "afterwords" contribute to the feeling that the zine is a cooperative effort between the editor and the readers. [2]
Issue 1
Star Trek Nuts & Bolts 1 was published in October 1974 and contains 60 pages.

It has art by Douglas Herring, Janice, Rick Havermann, and Connie Faddis.
- Official Biographies of Animated Arex and M'Ress (2)
- One Small Step, One Giant Leap, fiction by Dave Simmons (original science fiction) (4)
- Limericks by Peter Veters (Star Trek) (7)
- Network Needs Tour of the Enterprise, essay by Tom Freeman (8)
- Never Judge a Man, fiction by ElFreda Cox (Star Trek) (9)
- Trivia Quiz by Rich Woolworth and George Perkins (18)
- The Hobbyist, fiction by Peter Veters (original science fiction) (20)
- The Shadow, fiction by Ken Fredrickson and George Perkins (Star Trek) (25)
- Beware the Ides of 1709.1, poem by LouAnn Jones (28)
- IDIC, Starship, Starman, and Confessions of a Flyer, poems by E.E. Cox (30)
- Untitled poem by Janice (32)
- The Starchaser's Song, poem by E.E. Cox (32)
- Women?!, fiction by LouAnn Jones (Star Trek) (33)
- Chessgame, vignette by Joe Walter (Star Trek) (46)
- The Kindslaian Mission, fiction by ElFreda Cox (Star Trek) (47)
- Nuts and Bolts, ads and letters (54)
- Art Credits (60)
from issue #1, Janice
from issue #1, Connie Faddis
from issue #1, Janice
from issue #1, Douglas Herring, this same character is on the front of Metamorphosis #2
from issue #1, Rick Havermann
from issue #1, Connie Faddis
Issue 2
Star Trek Nuts & Bolts 2 was published in May 1975 and contains 8 pages.
From the editorial:
Star Trek Nuts & Bolts #2 is the first issue of a newsletter/fanzine for Star Trek Nuts (news for nonmembers too). The one-shot fanzine that George and I compiled could be considered as issue number 1, but it was not meant to be "mostly” for the Star Trek Nuts Club.
Some people may think that this issue is probably a little too small. The reason why it is kind of small is because we exhausted our "supply" (excuse me for using that word) of contributions on the one-shot fanzine. So if anybody would like to have the #3 issue of STN&B a little bigger, please send in a contribution to us of any kind (ST/sf stories, articles, news and artwork).
The prices that you can buy these for have been minimized to the absolute lowest costs we could get them. The prices include postage. There might be a small change in the prices if there are larger issues [in the future]. Subscriptions could be bought, but we have no deffenite [sic] prices yet.
Well, ... enough with this. Enjoy the newsletter/zine (please?).
- Editorial by Mark Behrend (1)
- The U.S.S. Andromeda, article by George Perkins (description of a imagined Deep Space Cruiser) (2)
- Star Trek Nuts Membership Roster (4)
- Analysis of the Animated Star Trek Series by Richard Woolworth (6)
- vignette, fiction by Mark Vehrend (original science fiction) (7)
- Review: Star Trek Blueprints: General Plans, Constitution Class, U.S.S. Enterprise, by George Perkins (7)
- ads and classifieds (8)
Issue 3
Star Trek Nuts & Bolts 3 was published in July 1975 and contains 10 pages.

The art is by David Rowan, Dave Simmons, and Richard Woolworth.
From the news section:
Gene Roddenberry has announced that the first draft [of the] STAR TREK movie script is over one half finished.STAX records has released a synthesized version of "The Theme From Star Trek" by a group called "Warp Nine." [3] Request this song at your local radio station, and see what happens.
Bantam has released a new STAR TREK book called "STAR TREK LIVES!" by Jacqueline Lichtenberg, Sondra Marshak, and Joan Winston. For the most part, this book covers the "why" of ST fandom. $1.95. This is the twenty-second professionally published Star Trek book.
As everyone knows, NBC has cancelled animated STAR TREK. We urge you to write NBC. Not Paramount this time, NBC! Do it for STAR TREK. Animated many not be as good as live-action, but it is better than nothing.
- Member Roster Update (2)
- News (2)
- Starships of the Gods? by Eric Miller (article about Erich von Daniken's theories on alien beings visiting Earth) (3)
- The D Factor, fiction by Kent K. Cordray (Star Trek) (4)
- The Dark by Alan Dean Foster, review by by George Perkins (8)
- Assorted Plugs (9)
- cartoon by Dave Simmons (9)
Issue 4
Star Trek Nuts & Bolts 4 was published in August 1975 and contains 12 pages.

The art is by Gee Moaven, Barbara Pohl, Eric Miller, and Vince Veness.
- STN Member Roster Update (2)
- The Name Game, puzzle by Tom Freeman (4)
- Computer Art by Vince Veness (the art has "University of Waterloo" on it, as well as "Serving the data processing industry ABF Automated Business Forms LTD") (5)
- News (6)
- You Don't Say?!, fiction by Randall Pohl (Star Trek) (7)
- Book Review by George Perkins: "The Seedling Stars" by James Blish (9)
- Assorted Plugs and Whatnot (10)
from issue #4, Vince Veness
from issue #4, Gee Moaven
from issue #4, Barbara Pohl
Issue 5
Star Trek Nuts & Bolts 5 was published in October 1975 and contains 15 pages.

It has a front cover by Gee Moaven, and interior illos by Kent Cordray, Joe Mix, Dan Munson, Kevin O'Brien, and Rich Woolworth.
The review of "The Man Who Folded Himself":
As promised last issue, I now review a book by another Star Trek related author, David Gerrold. As I'm sure most of you know, David Gerrold wrote the ST episode "The Trouble With Tribbles" and two animated ST episodes. "More Tribbles, More Troubles" and "BEM". He also has written THE WORLD OF STAR TREK, and THE TROUBLE WITH TRIBBLES - Both from Ballantine Books.
Briefly the story goes as follows; Dan Eakins, our main character, gets a very special belt from his uncle — a time belt. With it, Dan can venture into the future or past, Dan first moves ahead to find out who will win in tomorrow's horse race -- so that he can come back to bet on the right horse. This is well and fine, except Dan meets himself one day into the future. They both return to the present only to find one more Dan! This goes on and on until one day, Dan finds himself, only this self was born a female! Time hopping around Dan also decides to live a nice quite life in the '5Os. This becomes too boring for Dan and so he leaves again. In the end, we find that his "uncle" who gave him the time belt in the first place, was only another Dan Eakins! Dan finally realizes that he had no beginning and no end, which explains why he grew up as an orphan. Dan, now old and grey gives his belt to one of his younger selves before he dies.
This book was nominated for a Hugo, and I'm not sure if it won or not, but a nomination is in itself an honor. The book is VERY good, I recommend it to anybody with an open mind. It should not be read by the very young, this is a rather mature book.
- STN Member Roster Update (2)
- poem by Joe Mix (Star Trek) (5)
- News (6)
- The Celebrations, fiction by Kent Cordray (Star Trek) (8)
- Book Review by George Perkins: "The Man Who Folded Himself" by David Gerrold (12)
- Star Trek Crossword Puzzle by Randall and Barbara Pohl (13)
- Nuts and Bolts, plugs (14)
from issue #5, Dan Munson
from issue #5,, Joe Mix
from issue #5, Barbara and Randall Pohl
Issue 6/7
Star Trek Nuts & Bolts 6/7 (cover is simply labeled "6") was published in February 1976 and contains about 50 pages.

The front cover is by Rich Woolworth, the back cover by Steven Kopp, and the interior illos by Dan Munson and Barbara Pohl.
Power Records (Peter Pan) has released a album sized record with three short Star Trek stories, written by Alan Dean Foster. Also available as 45rpm with short comic that follows the story. Not original stars' voices.
Lincoln Enterprises has published a new catalog of sales items. It is called "Star Trektennial" and features a large number of new Star Trek items for sale, including: animated scripts (all 23), photos, posters, new Gene Roddenberry productions, and more. They soon will be selling phasers and communicators.
On a telephone survey in the Brookings Area, it was found that: 82% have watched Star Trek, 18% have not; 79% enjoyed it, 21% did not; 6% do not regularity watch any other science fiction, 43% do; 70% would like to see new Star Trek movies, 27% don't care, and 2.5% would not like new movies made. 40 random people were called.
- Editorial, Happy Birthday by George Perkins (1)
- STN Member Roster (2)
- News!! (7)
- War Games by Rich Woolworth (Star Trek) (9)
- Pro/Con Space: 1999, two reviews by Rich Woolworth (pro) and George Perkins (con) (23)
- Puzzle by D.E Rudin (mistakenly credited as Dorian Rudin) (includes answers to last issue's puzzle) (27)
- Tribble Jokes by Tom Inoue and David Rowan (28)
- The Sepron Assignment by Randy Pohl (Star Trek) (29)
- Book Review by Mark Behrend: "Midworld" (50)
- Book Review by George Perkins: The Questor Tapes by D.C. Fontana (51)
- To Battle, To Battle by Jeff Schultz (52)
- Nuts and Bolts (58)
from issue #6/7, Dan Munson
from issue #6/7, Barbara Pohl
from issue #6/7, Dan Munson
Issue 8
Star Trek Nuts & Bolts 8 was published in April 1976 and contains 22 pages.

The front cover is by George Perkins, and the interior illos by Tomo Inoue, Steve Kopp, Barbara Pohl, Dave Rowan, and Kirk Trummel.
From the news section:
Gene Roddenberry says that the new Star Trek movie does not yet have a script, negating the statement made last issue. See the Convention report by Jim Hoover for more info.
- STN Member Roster (2)
- Dr. Who, essay by Barbara Pohl (5)
- News (6)
- Brain Storm, fiction by Randy Pohl and Barbara Pohl (Star Trek) (8)
- Star Trekon '76 Report, con report by Jim Hoover (13)
- Reviews (17)
- Star Trek: The New Voyages #1, review by Deborah Rubin
- Six Million Dollar Man Book 5, which was written by D.C. Fontana, review by George Perkins
- Gene Roddenberry Interview by Dilia Osio (Roddenberry was on his way to Western College in Winfield, Kansas to give a speech. The interview is VERY short and begins with: "At 1:20 PM I received a call from the Wichita Eagle Daily news asking me to go to the airport to meet Gene Roddenberry himself.") (19)
- Editorial (20)
- Star Trek Telephone Survey (fans bothering people on the phone) (20)
- Nuts and Bolts, ads (21)
Issue 9
Star Trek Nuts & Bolts 9 was published in June 1976 and contains 14 pages.

The art by Tomo Inoue, Kathi Lynn Higley, David Rowan, Bob Stapleberg, and George Perkins.
- STN Member Roster (2)
- To Have, and Have Not, fiction by Ingrid Cross (based on the episode "This Side of Paradise") (Star Trek) (4)
- News (6)
- Alpha Shuttlecraft by Bob Stapleberg (7)
- Split Second, fiction by George Perkins (Star Trek) (8)
- Star Trek Trivia Quiz by Vern Wakeman (10)
- James Doohan at the University of Redlands, con report by Pam Rhine (includes a short transcript) (11)
- Book Review: The Stardust Voyages by Stephen Tall (12)
- Nuts and Bolts, ads (13)
from issue #9, detail from a page, Kathi Lynn Higley
from issue #9, Kathi Lynn Higley
from issue #9, Bob Stapleberg
Issue 10
Star Trek Nuts & Bolts 10 was published in August 1976 and contains 14 pages.

The art is by Kathi Lynn and George Perkins.
From the news section:
About 1/2 year ago, a chain story was started as a non-local club activity. It got off to a good start, and then, suddenly, it seemed to have disappeared. If anyone knows of it's where-abouts, please inform George Perkins or Jim Hoover. Everyone out there, see if you can track it down. Did the Pest Office lose it for us? Or is some member being v-e-r-y slow with it?
- STN Member Roster (2)
- News (4)
- The Ensign and the Alien, poem by Kathi Lynn Higley (5)
- Star Trek Telephone Survey Results (7)
- With the Wallop of His Fist, fiction by George Perkins and Vern Wakeman (Star Trek) (8)
- Review: Vulcan Reflections #1 by Mark Behrend (10)
- The Starship, poem by Vern Wakeman (11)
- Planet Search, puzzle by Vern Wakeman (12)
- Nuts and Bolts, ads (13)
from issue #10, Kathi Lynn Higley
from issue #10, George Perkins
from issue #10, Kathi Lynn Higley
Issue 11/12
Star Trek Nuts & Bolts 11/12 was published in November 1976 and contains 35 pages.

The art is by Kathi Lynn Higley, Dave Rowan, Bob Stapleford, Richard Woolworth, and George Perkins.
In this issue, Mark Behrend resigns as co-editor: "The reasons for quitting STN&B (as you may be wondering) are because I have a fanzine of my own (which causes conflicts) and time and money is lacking for other things, namely movie-making."
- Editorial by George Perkins and Mark Behrend (2)
- STN Membership Roster (3)
- Chance Encounter, fiction by Tim Gilbert (Star Trek) (5)
- News, compiled by George Perkins (9)
- Customize Your Enterprise by Richard Woolworth ("Every STAR TREK fan I know has had at least one AMT ENTERPRISE model (I've had five). Almost every STAR TREK fan I know has cursed, crazed, and grown fangs trying to get the thing together. AMT is smart — they made the ENTERPRISE with a built-in auto destruct — and the thing will invariably fall apart, in time. Alas, the poor sucker who bought it will rush right out and get another one. That's why I did this article - to keep you from becoming a statistic. These instructions are meant to be a supplement to those supplied by AMT (those jerks). They also give you a chance to make your ENTERPRISE look as much as possible like the one on TV.") (11)
- Naked He Stands Before Her by Ingrid Ruth Cross (Star Trek) (18)
- Trivia Contest Questions (comments by Jim Hoover in the next issue: "this contest came from a Star Trek convention held back East last year.[4] They had the questions and the answers, I just got permission to use them." See the next issue for more info.) (22)
- The Spidian Factor, fiction by Ken Fredrickson (Star Trek) (26)
- Review: Spock, Messiah! (31)
- Nuts and Bolts, ads (33)
- Breakaway II, or (What Ever Happened to Professor Bergman?), fiction by Richard Woolworth (Space: 1999) (34)
from issue #12, Kathi Lynn Higley
from issue #12, Kathi Lynn Higley (detail)
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 13
Cover: good. T'Pau looks quite well, these days. Seriously, Kathi is your best find, artwise (I'll get to her writing later).
Contents page -- love your tribble jokes. What's this "I honestly don't know" checkmakr for? I paid stolen cash for it!!
Your editorial was interesting/informative/well-written and printed too small to read very well. Member roster update — I got it! You're making up all those people. Seriously, I never fail to be impressed with all the new people you're getting. (But never have I seen one word of thanks to FOST, from whom you stole (borrowed, maybe?) the member roster idea from.)
"Chance Encounter" by Tim Gilbert was good! Well-written; I liked the idea about the party. "Yeoman Rand's quarters..." that line broke me up, really. Kudos (look it up!) to Tim for a good job.
Your news section was typically up-to-date, etc.
Now here's more info about ST in comics: Gold Key, in the last month, has cancelled six of their adventure comics (not ST), apparently they are in some sort of financial difficulty, how great, I cannot say. Also, Marvel publisher, Stan Lee, has in the past expressed interest in starting a ST comic. In my opinion, a B&W the likes of POTA or UNKNOWN WORLDS OF SCIENCE FICTION would be best. (I think you've got a good idea going here, George. Maybe we can get Marvel doing something, get everybody to write; I will!)
Rich Woolworth lies! "Every STAR TREK fan I know has had at least one AMT Enterprise model..." I have not!
"The Spidian Factor" Why do people write about the pre-Enterprise Federation days? This was boring and not well-written, I'm afraid. (With apologies to Ken).
The book review: I haven't read the book yet, so I won't comment on it too much, but I like your ((George's)) style of writing better. (Kathi's a terrific artist tho!)
"Breakaway II": I loved it!! Simply hilarious! ("What if it's friendly?"/"We can't take that chance!") Give Rich a kiss for me. (At least, tell him I told you to; he's nuts too.) [5]
I got STN&B #11/12. It's very good. And I like the changes you've made. I agree with Kathi L. Higley's review of Spock Messiah!, but she didn't mention my pet peeve with the book — the ending. I've seen (or shall I say read) stories with cop-out endings before, but this one takes the cake!
Spock wasn't acting like Spock because it wasn't Spock after all! Even so, the authors — if They knew anything at all of Spock, which their "ST expert" (?!) seems not to — could have made a very interesting ending by dealing with Spock's reactions to what happened to him, the psychological crises he must have gone through to be able to deal with something so traumatic. Did you notice how lousy the cover art is? Hardly looks like Spock at all.
Rich Woolworth's article was interesting — I only wish I'd had it sooner, as the Enterprise I have now is about the 3rd or 4th, I have an unbuilt Ent. in my closet, so over break between semesters I'll probably use Rich's directions to stick it together, and then turn the one on my shelf into the Constellation. [5]
I enjoyed the double issue more than #10.
The cartoons were very funny, the news seemed well researched (LA Herald Examiner reported in August that Leonard Nimoy signed a contract for $200,000 for his part in the movie).
Breakaway II seemed to sum up the whole first season (and second) of "1999."
Chance Encounter: These surprise ending stories are good every once in a while, but you just ran With a Wallop of His Fist in the last issue. Also, 1 don't think Spock would have waited for the captain to reach the bridge before trying to avoid the object. More than likely he would have tried going around the object and then roused the captain when all attempts failed.
I identify greatly with Customize Your Enterprise. I myself have a junked model on my shelf. The illos, however, could have been more exact, and clearer in direction.
"Naked” was well written, but I think the friction between Kirk and McCoy was overstated. True, Kirk didn't feel much like talking, but he probably would have excused himself on some pretense to get away. Or, possibly, the good doctor would have sensed his condition and left him alone.
Comments on Spidian Factor go unsaid. You should have cleared up what a reser was and possibly changed it to phaser. Please explain what are Z.B.W.s? ((According to Ken Fredrickson they are a type of tractor beam.—GP)) Also, how did an alien ship penetrate so far into Federation space undetected? [5]
I love the drawings, especially the little jobs by Kathi Lynn Higley.
"Chance Encounter" was good because of several references that made the crew human — "The captain literally flew out of Yeoman Rand's quarters, leaving her asleep after last night's party," and spilt coffee causing the malfunction! It was a bit contrived, but pretty good nevertheless.
"Naked He Stands Before Her" was really deep and I really liked it. I love writing that includes insights into peoples minds because I do that in real life; analyze people.
"The Spidian Factor" was interesting and enjoyable but seemed to be your run of the mill "space ship heading into the sun" story. Didn't detract from the 'zine.
Kathi Higley's review of "Spock Messiah" absolutely made my day. (I love sarcastic people and I can just imagine how bad she could be if she wanted to).
For the same reason I think that "Breakaway II" was the best part of the whole fanzine!! Loved it because I feel that way too! [5]
[from a form letter by Susan Sackett sent to many fan publications]: There is a flyer currently being mailed to fan club leaders from a group in Houston, Texas calling itself "Stardate 1977", This group offers super 8 and l6inm films of each Star Trek episode for sale.This operation is not authorized by Paramount nor Desilu, despite their statement to the contrary. They are running an Illegal operation. There is considerable question whether or not they even have the films.
You, the fans, stand to lose, and we here are naturally concerned when we see our loyal fans being taken advantage of. We urge your boycott of these people. We do not wish our fans and friends to be caught up in anything which will cause them harm. Many of you have contacted our office to inform us of these operators, for which we thank you wholehartedly. Your continued support of Star Trek has made it what it is today, and what it will bring in the future. Please keep up your fine efforts! [5]
[from Scott Park at KSFY TV in Souix Falls, South Dakota]: At last we are going to make you happy. Star Trek will debut on KSFY TV 4:30-5:30 pm Monday through Friday on January 24. Tell your friends! [5]
Issue 13
Star Trek Nuts & Bolts 13 was published in January/February 1977 and contains 20 pages.

The art was by Kathi Lynn Higley, Laurie Huff, Tomo Inoue, Scott Taylore, George Perkins, Mike Chichelly, Bob Stapelberg, and Leslie Fish.
This issue is the first one to contain letters of comment.
Comments by Jim Hoover regarding the trivia quiz results:
The answers that are printed in this issue and any questions about the correct answers will not be answered by me. The reason is this: this contest came from a Star Trek convention held back East last year. They had the questions and the answers, I just got permission to use them. Therefore, I will not argue about the correct answers because, quite frankly, I only know about half the answers myself, I had to take the answers as they were given to me, and I hope you can do the same. I am a little disappointed in the fact that some people I know who are members of the Star Trek Nuts did not enter. But to the fifteen that did, I thank you, and I hope you had fun.
This contest was strictly my idea, although the questions were not. I thought that it would be a lot of fun and I was hoping for a return of over a hundred answer sheets. After all, the membership of this club is over 120 members. George Perkins tried to warn me, and said that he felt I would most probably get only about 45 to 50 answer sheets. Even he was wrong.
Actually, I only received 15 answer sheets. This makes me very ashamed to belong to a club with such a large membership, but who are so apathetic and lazy and won't spend a little time and a 13^ stamp to enter a contest with chances to win cash prizes! Even without the cash prizes, I would think that any trivia contest would be a challenge to a true Star Trek fan.
Everyone has penpals and they brag to each other how much they love Star Trek and never miss an episode on television, but, given a chance to test their knowledge of Star Trek, everyone complains that the questions are too hard, or they don't have time.
How many members collect film clips? How many members have a collection of all the episodes on tape? How many members are proud to be a member of the Star Trek Nuts? How many fan clubs are devoted only to its members? The only one I know of is Star Trek Nuts.
Why would anybody join a fan club and not take part in its activities is beyond me. I had an idea which George Perkins would not let me carry out. I only wanted to give the answers to the trivia contest to the people who took the time to enter, but George, being the fair man, said it wouldn't be right. I believe that the only true Star Trek fans that belong to the Star Trek Nuts club are: George Perkins, Randy F. Donahue, Stephen Kopp. Michael Stephan, Scott Taylor, Mark Brinkman, Pam Rhine, Bob D. Stapelberg. Kent K. Cordray, Vernon Wakeman, Deborah Eve Rubin, David Rowan, Heidi Schulman, Richard Woolworth and Brian Hader. These are the only people who entered the contest. They are listed in the order in which I received their answer sheets.
Everyone who entered the contest will be given a cash prize. Everyone who did not win one of the announced cash prizes will receive a one dollar prize for their efforts. For those of you who did not enter, see what you missed out on? For a .13 stamp, you'd be getting at the very least, $1.00.
C'mon, get active in your club!
- Editorial by George Perkins (2)
- News, compiled by George Perkins (3)
- His Brother's Keeper, fiction by Kathi Lynn Higley (Star Trek) (5)
- Reviews (9)
- Description of this zine series and of the club (10)
- Trivia Results, compiled by Jim Hoover (11)
- STN Member Roster (13)
- Personal Notes from Altair VI, column by Mark Behrend ("Mark Behrend's article "Personal Notes From Altair VI", will be a regular club section in STN&B. Not only will Mark report on local activities, but if out of town members would send in news about themselves, or hints to help other members, he will include that too. So if you have some suggestions for Mark, send them.")(14)
- Your NUTS! (and Bolts), letters of comment (15)
- Nuts and Bolts, ads (15)
- Couplets for a Departure, poem by Leslie Fish
from issue #13, Kathi Lynn Higley
from issue #13, Mike Chichelly
from issue #13, Kathi Lynn Higley
from issue #13, Leslie Fish
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 13
Well, in this case, the number "13" proved to be quite lucky...STN&B continues to Improve! I like the Idea of a LoC column...since the primary function of Huts & Bolts seems to be communication among the members. It could conceivably get to the point where LoCs were open letters to the rest of the members.
Your news was up to date as usual — STN&B holds the distinction of being the only sine I take (besides Halkan Council) where reading what's "new" is worthwhile.
I'm afraid I don't entirely.agree with Mr. Hoover's comments. I didn't enter the contest,
but it was less because I was lazy, than the fact that trivia just isn't my strong point... To say that only those who entered are "true" Star Trek fans Is a bit unfair, I think. What about those individuals who create fiction, artwork, edit sines, etc.? Given a choice between the pertinence of parroting looked up or memorized trivia vs. creating in the Trek universe...I'd cast my vote for the latter. Not that those who did enter were wasting their time — merely "different strokes for different folks." [6]
The format changes make a nice addition to a zine which has come a long way from its first issue. Especially the LoCs. It's about time we heard from other members. I was beginning to wonder if we had all decided to hibernate this winter!
One thing I happened to pick up on throughout the issue was the complaint that people in this club are becoming apathetic. I hate to break this to anyone, but this is not news, gang! For the past few months I've become increasingly aware of the attitudes of hundreds of fans. "No one seems to want to be involved" is the litany resounding down the hills of hallowed fandom. We can't blame it on the nasty weather across the country, or on any other natural phenomena. And I don't want anyone to think that I'm saying that fandom and Trek Is not interesting to anyone anymore. I'll wager that many of the club members began watching Trek half a generation later than I did...and that's probably the main reason for the apathy. We've spanned ten years as fans, and there's a new breed coming along which, although they know about the magic, are experiencing the magic when it's already been circulated once.
Another factor involved quite possibly could be that Trek is becoming too commercialized. When I grew up with Trek nine years ago, I never had the chance to buy Halloween Spock costumes, or Enterprise jewelry at department stores, or even View-Master reels. (Not that I regret the above, by the way, I think we could all do without that merchandise). But everyone is getting into the act, and all of them disguise themselves as fellow fans...and they're taking our money and not showing us the items we trustingly believed we'd see. That entire situation does not a good image make. Let's face it, who's going to stick his/her neck out if there's a good chance that someone's going to chop it off when we do?
No, the problem isn't unique to this club, and unfortunately I don't have the answers. But I do intend to do my part to bring back some of the magic.[6]
I liked issue 13 very much. It was clean, uncluttered, the cartoons were excellent, and the art was very good, especially page 13. The fact that only four pages of the whole zine were devoted to fiction was a disappointment, but the story was well done, and there were a lot of good bits of Information throughout the magazine.
I'm wondering about just how good this movie is going to be. I have received information on the movie, and what I have does not seen to indicate a good ST movie. While not disclosing the nature of the script (of course) the information states that the Enterprise will be redesigned, the sets will all be miniaturized, Mark Lenard will be playing Spock as Nimoy's "In Search Of" series is still going, McCoy will have left Starfleet to become a vet, Uhura will love Chekov (not Kirk), Sulu will cast as a homosexual, and Scotty will he a drunk.
Also, Women's Lib has forced pantsuits on the female crew, there will be no violence whatsoever, no Klingons, or Romulans, and former "Yeoman" Rand will have her own ship, if Paramount even agrees to that ludicrous demand. Nurse Chapel will have become chief surgeon on the Enterprise, and all that begins to stack up as yech! I think that a lot of ST fans will he greatly disappointed, and the non-fans will be able to point their finger at the flick and say "I told you so" to anyone who brings up the idea of bringing ST back to the air. That's if it hits the screen like that! It doesn't sound too encouraging, but if enough people get steamed and stand up for what they want to see from ST, I believe we could make a great movie to carry on the Trek tradition.[6]
If Miss Higley gets any better I'll freak right out... that along with that really interesting story lead me to think that she is one of the most talented ST artists/writers/creative geniuses I've ever been exposed to.
I really loved "His Brother's Keeper" and I'm sorry to see Hwrec's race go because they were kind of cute.
The editorial page and the news page must stay although they're not extraordinary — just necessary and interesting. I like the review — I'm always hesitant to buy ST related things for fear of inferior quality and this gives me a better idea on books, etc.
I thought the Backispiece (is that really the technical name?) ((I'm not altogether sure myself. I know there is such a thing as a Frontispiece, usually in comics, so I Just assumed there must also he a "backispiece". A comics expert and an English teacher both couldn't tell me either...and it isn't in my dictionary. Does someone really know? If not, I Just invented a new word! —GP)) was tremendous!, and really reminded everyone of McCoy's background. Leslie Fish deserves some praise for that effort.
Overall, I felt like there was a lack of stories but this was overshadowed by an abundance of artwork which I thoroughly enjoyed. The letters page was good, hopefully the club itself will keep' it going.
One thing I'd like to take this time to tell Daryl Lanz that nobody likes a fink and that I was sorry to hear of the untimely death of George Perkins who the FOST put a hit out on. Also, that if he returns the stolen cash that he paid for STN&B#ll/l2 with, I won't press charges.
All in all, the fanzine is "bloody good", and I hope you keep up the good "stuff".[6]
To answer the "Why the heck to you care?" [question the editor asked in the editorial], check mark. When I get something like this in the mail, I want to know who is responsible. (My mafia connections will get to you...) No comments on your editorial, since you said not to read it, so I didn't. (Seriously, editorials are an important part of fanzines, and yours are good — sore humor needed.
The review of the album was quite Interesting and extremely well done! Congrats to Deb Rubin. (I want to hear the Questor part most expediently!!) your book review was fairly good, but kinda short. You had some good artwork this time, most notably by Mike Chichelley, pages 10 and 12. He is good.
Marie Behrend's column was good, an interesting step. I am not a local member, but am interested in things like that. And if anything interesting ever happens to me, I'll let Mark know it.
YOUR NUTS was very good, especially the first letter...(oh, that was mine!). — Hey folks, I don't have a touch of sanity left, so don't what I say too seriously!
I liked the picture under the ad column and I very much enjoyed the poem by Leslie Fish. [6]
As to the latest issue itself, I felt that your back cover would have made a better front cover in the way it was put together... The review of the album "Inside Star Trek" was expressed very well, and indicated a few of the feelings felt not only of myself but from every other ST fan who has heard the album, my congratulations to D.E. Rubin. Continuing on through the issue, I found the Trivia Results in a way shocking in that only fifteen people participated in the contest itself, in which I had a lot of fun trying. But the people who did enter the contest did very well and I think that Jim Hoover did an excellent job on it.
Your newest section, "Your Nuts!" gives the reader a small insight into the person who writes in his comments. Which I did see varied among the letters submitted. Keep sending them to George, I'm sure he would appreciate the comments and remarks and I!11 be
looking forward to many future replies in this section. [6]
Ya know I'm gonna be frank wit ya, kiddo! That's the best ish I've seen thus far! Really! The layout is really great. And I like the reduced print too. Allows you to put alot more into one issue than ya did before and, all in all, I really think this "facelift" operation is a success, doctor. Not only live, but thrive. I mean, no offense to you, George, but the past issues I got of NAB really didn't grab my interest as much as this latest one did and I , particularly like the letter column and the editorial spot.
I'll tell ya one thing, though. If I'd known you were gonna institute a letter column in NAB I would never have gotten the courage to send you HIS BROTHER'S KEEPERS I just hope nobody will send you a letterbomb for daring to publish it. I mean, I was sorta proud of it when I wrote it, but now...?
I hope that all the excellent review of my artwork and my review of SPOCK, MESSIAH! in this
past letter column will encourage other members of STN to contribute artwork and literature. I mean, it can't hurt and it certainly will help toward making NAB a better 'zine than most.[6]
Issue 14/15

Star Trek Nuts & Bolts 14/15 was published in March/April 1977 and contains 38 pages. It has a front cover by Kathy Lynn Higley, back cover by Douglass Herring, a frontispiece by Steven K. Dixon, and a backispiece by Duane Hanson. The interior art is by D.L. Collin, Steven K. Dixon, Dan Erickson, Leslie Fish, Duane Hanson, Douglas Herring, Kathi Lynn Higley, George Perkins, Robert Stapelberg, and V.M. Wyman.
This issue focuses on Spock's past.
From an ad in The Halkan Council #24 (April 1977): "Agripol has gone the way of the dinosaurs but George Perkins says he'll be printing all of the Agripol material in future issues of 'Star Trek Nuts & Bolts', namely #14/#15; $1.50 due out in late March."
Perkins also addresses the "Agripol" issue:
As most of you know, I was working on a 'zine called AGRIPOL (for proof, see back cover.)
Well, that went "piff" under Klingon disrupter fire. So I decided to use some of the AGRIPOL "confirmed" contents in a double issue of STN4B, rather than sending all this work to the writers/artists unpublished. So you see "The Offering" by Jane Dalley, "Post Menagerie" by Ruth Berman, and "Earth History" by Chuck Graham, Geoffrey Mandel, David Winfrey and yours truely [sic]. These particular three were slated for AGRIPOL, and I hope you enjoy them and all the other pieces included in this issue which weren't originally for use in AGRIPOL. (I should point out that I had been planning on much more than only these three for AGRIPOL, but I was able to return/halt those projects in time.)
From the news section:
Gene Roddenberry's novel, "The God Thing," based on his original (but rejected, on the grounds of being too controversial) script for the Star Trek movie will be published in either summer or fall of 1977 from Bantam. The story deals with an encounter between the Enterprise and an entity that claims to be God.
Grace Lee Whitney is working on a record album which will contain songs about five of her favorite ST episodes. She is also working on a book titled "The Diary of Yeoman Rand".
The Price Is Right did a Star Trek take off as one of their showcases on January 26, called "Star Wreck". Reports are that it was pretty stupid and insulting to ST. On Lawrence Welk in [February 1977], a dance number to the tune of the Theme From Star Trek was televised, complete with space suits for costumes.
- Editorial by George Perkins (2)
- The Offering by Jane Dalley (reprinted from The Despatch #24; also in The Best of Amanda and Sarek) (4)
- Earth History by Chuck Graham, Geoffrey Mandel, David Winfrey and George Perkins (reprinted with permission from The Star Fleet Handbook. Geoffrey Mandel, editor.) (13)
- Post-Menagerie by Ruth Berman (reprinted from T-Negative #7) (16)
- The Fantastic Journey, a review by Daryl Lanz (D.C. Fontana was involved in this show, hence the inclusion in this zine) (19)
- The Wind's Will by Debbie Collin (reprinted from The Clipper Trade Ship #9; also in One Trek Mind #5 and The Best of Amanda and Sarek) (21)
- NEWS by many (27)
- Personal Notes from Altair IV, column by Mark Behrend (includes info about the planned Star Trek Nuts & Bolts Mini-Con) (28)
- New Members (30)
- YOUR NUTS (and Bolts), letters of comment (31)
- Transmissions Intercepted from Subspace (36)
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 14/15
I would like to point out to Ingrid Cross an example of a Star Trok group that that has not become apathetic. The University of Maryland Association of Star Trek (UMAST). After starting to fade last semester, this term the club has been re-vitalized by a new group of people. We have this semester put on a well attended ST con, and are working on a 3-day August Party con for the fall. The hoped for attendance is 1200 people. I do, however, agree that the commercialization of ST is getting a bit heavy-handed. This will probably get worse before it gets better.[7]
This ish is definitely the best ever. From the editorial (Dan Munson's story made perfectly good sense to me) to the back cover, t'weren't bad fall. The art (the first thing I look at) is definitely getting better and better (possibly because I haven't made a contrib recently). V.M. Wyman's illo for "The Offering" were super, of course, and the small pieces scattered throughout (especially the funnies) help to pull the whole thing together. Keep it up!
I liked the "Offering" all the way through until I hit the end, and I don't know why really, but it just didn't quite satisfy me. Reading it over again, I can't put my finger on what disturbs me, but it did seem to leave me hanging in the air the first time I read it.[7]
"The Wind's Will" — so that's how Spock busied himself in Starfleet Academy?! Well, I'm not sure it's really our Spock's style, but who cares? It was really fun to read. From the point in the story where Sarek is taken (commandeered?) to lunch, I knew the punch line, but I didn't care. I must have looked like a total idiot sitting there reading this with a Cheshire cat grin on my face.[7]
I've been noticing that as more issues come out, there seems to be a growing amount of art work, and really excellent art too, Kathi's is excellent as we all know and I would also like to compliment Douglas Herring on his Agripol cover. Someone should talk him into doing some STN&B covers. I think my favorite in this issue were the figures that went with "Earth History" by Leslie Fish.[7]
The Space Program needs your support. We Trek fans know the true value of a vigorous space program. We know that Space offers hope and purpose for the future. Yet there are many who aren't aware, especially in Washington, DC. We need to communicate our feelings to the President and to Congress. This summer we can make a show of force. Write to the President and to your Congressmen, write as many letters as you can. ^rge for an expansion of space activities and demand an increase in NASA's budget. Then get your friends to do the same. Show no mercy. Bury the Capital with letters this summer. Remember, individual letters are more effective than petitions, and moat importantly, write your letters in.a polite and sincere manner. [7]
This is a letter survey which I am conducting to find out how each club feels about an idea that might be common among you. After I obtained a copy of the Yellow Pages I began sending out surveys to all the clubs.
I am interested in how many of you might consider the idea of consolidating all the clubs? Not changing your names, officers, areas of interest, or club routines...but all becoming interlinked with each other?
This, of course, is going to take quite a long time to organize. I feel that more and closer association with other Trekkers is needed. More and better communications between all clubs. To know their needs, their activities, their achievements, and general information exchange What a club may need in Florida might be provided by a club in California. In that way our clubs can save money. Better communication can also save time and confusion.[7]
Issue 16
Star Trek Nuts & Bolts 16 was published in May/June 1977 and contains 18 pages.
The art is by Kathi Lynn Higley, George Perkins, Barbara M. Pohl, Brian Rader, and Richard Woolworth.
There are two long letters in this issue, one that dispels some rumors about the Star Trek movie, and one that announces the arrival of Star Wars.
From the news section:
NBC has cancelled The Fantastic Journey. All fans of that show are urged to write NBC. When writing, point out that NBC needs to air more intelligent sf with fewer programs such as "The Man From Atlantis."
Gene Roddenberry's SPECTRE was televised on May 21st, If you liked it, Susan Sackett writes, then write to NBC saying you'd like it as a weekly series. Both Lincoln Enterprises and the Star Trek office have instigated a massive letter campaign to Star Trek fans, asking for support of the show,
- Editorial by George Perkins (2)
- Visions of Tomorrow, fiction by Julie Uitto and Susan Haag (Star Trek) (3)
- News (9)
- Personal Notes from Altair IV, column by Mark Behrend (10)
- YOUR NUTS! (and Bolts), letters of comment (the WAHF section contains 14 names) (12)
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 16
Issue #16 was too short. (Yes, yes, I know you explained that but I had to complain anyway). The format or style of the thing is really pleasing — cover art, art & credits, editorial intro., stories sprinkled with art, news, more editorial, a little more art, letters, and an "art finale” — it's SO DAMN BALANCED YOU HAVE TO LIKE IT!
The best part of #16 was Kathi's back cover. You know that's not only my favorite episode but my favorite two characters in my favorite costume doing my favorite... (you get the idea). Congratulations to Kathi Lynn from her #1 fan!! (You made my day). The cover by Barbara Fohl is outstanding and deserves a duplicate round of applause.
The story, "Visions of Tomorrow" was enjoyable but the "dream-ending" detracted from it. (Sort of like a Porsche 924: classy until you realize it's like driving a sewing machine engine;. The idea was good even though I would've liked to see more of a confrontation between the two Spocks. Nice illustrations by whats-her-face — I'm getting envious.
As for the "sick joke..."s tell McCoy it wasn't funny... [8]
Your art gets better with each issue; I really enjoy a zine which can consistently improve its art, and Kathi Lynn Higley does a most remarkable job! The only piece I thought of as not living up to your standards was the inside front cover, but it looks as if the printer might have had something to do with that. ((Yes and no. The print was not quite as good as the original, but then again, the original was not totally up "to my standards" either. It was simply the best I had on hand. — GP)) ((Sorry Mark. — GF)) "Visions of Tomorrow" by Julie Uitto and Susan Haag was a pleasant change of pace, even for the time-change type of story. Glad to see that the fiction is getting a little more breathing room as far as length goes, and I hope to someday see some of the longer stories fill the pages, as there are many good ones out now-a-days.
Marc Epstein decided he should clear up some of the errors in my prior letter about the ST movie. I am glad he took the time to do so! However, I did not dream up what I put into the letter I wrote, as he seems to think, and one of the reasons I wrote the letter was to get some responsible answers to the scuttlebutt flying around. Take, for instance, the sets being miniaturized: that appeared as an article in my local newspaper, along with an interview with Roddenberry. Therefore, it was the editors of said paper, not myself, who were in error. The article did not specify whether only the outside sets would be miniaturized or not. As to the possibility of Mark Lenard playing the part of Spock, I was taking the info from a zine which is now out of print, probably for passing around such faulty and erroneous info as much as anything else. It is well known that Nimoy is fighting for the commercial merchandising of ST, as far as compensation for advertising goes, and that was stressed as one of the main reasons (along with his "In Search of" series) that the studios were considering Lenard. Since McCoy's being a vet, and Scotty a drunk, were in Roddenberry's original script, I feel not too embarrassed, as it is next to impossible to get info that is up-to-date on the movie, I for one am glad to hear they will both be at their posts in the grand manner of Enterprise crewmen, etc. It is also to my intense relief to hear that other atrocities to the crew, such as Sulu's homosexuality, are NOT going to be incorporated into the show. Be it known here, too, that I do not object to the female crewmembers running around in pantsuits or jumpsuits:
I merely objected to the reasoning behind it; one would think that by the Enterprise's time people would have gotten over looking at everything from a "sexist or not?" angle. The absence of violence was from a Detroit paper, which a member of my own ST/sf club sent me, thinking I would be interested: I was. ((Alas and alack: there will be no large budgeted-huge-wide screen ST movie. Hopefully the new series will not become riddled with rumors; I hope there isn't time for rumors to start!—GP))[8]
Stories with a dream-plot are getting rather numerous. "Visions of Tomorrow" was one of many.
Pertaining to MarcEpstein's letter. I am one male chauvinist who enjoyed the women crew members wearing skirts instead of pants.
Lastly — one thing that is beginning to become a STN&B trademark is its fine artwork. Keep up the good work.[8]
STN&B#l6, though short, was quite good. The cover of McCoy by Barbara Pohl was pretty good, although the shading didn't come across too well on any of the yellow sheets. Which might have also been the problem with the Frontispiece. It didn't look that good.
Anyway, Kathi, I am waiting to see "Impossible Eating Feat #2" (see page 1). I'm waiting to see Duane Hanson's comics story; that should be quite interesting. I’m also looking forward to the report on the Brookcon, whether I'm there or not. ((You were, and probably have in both cases, and I hope they were up to expectations. —GP))
I would like a printed apology for putting my name by the first item in paragraph three ((in NEWS); Yes, I did let you guys know about the doom of TFJ ((The Fantastic Journey)), but I consider "The Man From Atlantis" an "intelligent sf" program. ((Apologies, apologies. — GP)) I like it very much and do not regard it as you seem to...
Mark's column is getting more interesting each time, it seems. The biography in Personal Notes is a good idea (I might even do one sometime, Mark, if I figure out whom I am.)
((Re: Marc Epstein's letteri)) ...Personally, I would rather see the Enterprise women dressed as they were before ((skirts)) rather than in pantsuits (ala first season Space: 1999), but that's just my own personal opinion (passion, desire, take your pick).
Kathi Lynn Higley: I would caution you never to speak (write) to Dan Erickson again.
As to Tim Moe's comments on my TFJ reviews again this is only my personal opinion, but I like ((ed — GP)) the show, Jared Martin has admitted to the inconsistent use of the time portal idea (Starlog #7;, and admittedly the characterization might've been a bit shallow, but given needed time (which it appears it won't get), it could have developed into an even better show. [8]
I'll be honest with you — #16 didn't come up to the quality in #14/15, though I think part of that is due to the fact that I like a fatter zine. The art was good though, I do know that.
Thank God for Kathi Higley! Really liked the bacover. Actually, what I didn't like about the zine was that story, "Visions of Tomorrow”. The idea was good, but it just wasn't well developed. A plot like that could really have become involved and the story could have been much, much longer In order to do it justice. The characters were treated in an off-hand manner, especially the Spock from the past. What were his reactions to his older self?? The problem was resolved too tritely I'm afraid. Kirk dreaming? Sorry, no. It would have been more difficult to do, but much better if it had been a real experience.
One nice thing about #16 is that I got two letters — one from Tim Moe requesting art and another letter from Kathi Higley who complimented me on my Surak. Thank you, thank you. So I wrote and complimented her. Would that I were as prolific as she.
By the way, Tim liked my cover of McCoy — I must admit that it looked better in print than I thought it would.[8]
STN&B#l6 was well done, Informative, interesting, and too short. If you're really that pressed for material, why not wait a month or a couple of weeks and get some more contributions? ((It isn't so much that I don't have the material to go 30 pages, but I need a rest every-other issue, and a double sized issue is much mor8 expensive to put out,, so the pocket book is also given a rest at the same time. But fate is trying to prove that statement wrong (the first one), because one very good reason that #20 will be a single (rather short) issue is that I have only one piece of fiction on hand for publication right now! People: I need some fiction and articles before #21/22 comes out—so start your writing now.—GP))
"Visions of Tomorrow" was a good story—I liked it. it was written well with few exceptions, the story good and interesting, and I hope you can get Julie and Susan to contrib again. I’d like to see what they'd come up with. As far as fiction goes, that was it, but the art was really good again, Barbara Pohl and Kathi Lynn Higley have really got it together when it comes to art. Barbara's cover and Kathi's every present hand inside really livened it up. [8]
Thank you for your letter acknowledging our revival of the great "Star Trek" series. Other fans have joined you in expressing enthusiasm for the project and in stressing the importance of recreating "the real thing".
Mr. Gene Roddenberry is overseeing every detail of the new "Star Trek" and we are confident that you will be delighted with the result. We at Paramount, and the crew of the Enterprise, count on your support. With kindest regards, Sincerely, Gary Nardino.
((Note: This was a real-honest-to-goodness-PERSONALletter (waaaugh!) from Gary Nardino, I was (and still am!) STUNNED! ~GP)) [8]
This is in response to your recent letter suggesting the issuance of a commemorative postage stamp featuring Star Trek. The Citizen's Stamp Advisory Committee appointed by the Postmaster General from outside the Postal Service to review the thousands of suggestions we receive each year for stamp subjects recently considered this proposal. However, it was not recommended for issuance.
Knowing your interest in this subject, I am sorry this response is not more favorable. -- Jack Willlams, Coordinator. Citizen's Stamp Advisory Committee. United States Postal Service
((I was stunned by this letter too. But it was a form letter which tells me something there have been at least enough Star Trek stamp letters to warrant bothering to prepare the form letter. Also, the committee has at least considered the ST stamp: with more pressure from ST fans, they might reconsider their recommendation. So, to those of you who didn't write: shame. Now's yow chance to make up for it, — GP)) [8]
Thank you for your thoughtful letter of July 3rd, advising me of your strong and active support for the space program as administered by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
There is no question in my mind, George, that the program must be continued at realistic funding levels. I would certainly expect to be supportive of reasonable appropriations for that purpose.
As you know, there are many technical advances that come our way through NASA research and development programs which are, in a sense, independent of the results sought for space exploration. It is a very useful program. I am glad to know of your interest in it.
((Well, there you go! I wrote — and got a response! A letter in return means that my letter will be remembered; many letters to many other senators and congressmen from you will also be remembered! "Supportive of reasonable appropriations" may not mean what we'd like it to, but it is nice to know,that at least one senator is not against the space program. Andi if you know your senators, and congressmen's names you are half way there; look at that address, simple, no? I should also point out that you don't need to voice your opinion only when someone says "save the space program". Write when you feel something needs to be done about this-that-or-the-other-thing tool to do your "government by the people", representatives have to know what the people want. So write! —GP))[8]
Issue 17/18/19
Star Trek Nuts & Bolts 17/18/19 was published in July/August/September 1977 and contains 64 pages.

The art is by Duane Hanson, Barbara M. Pohl, Kathi Lynn Higley, Tomo Inoue, Dan Munson, George Perkins and Richard Woolworth.
Three of the letters of comment printed in this issue are form letters, ones which the editor is thrilled to receive (see the fan comments to issue #16).
In this issue, the editor explains why he is desbanding the club that publishes this zine. See Star Trek Nuts.
From the editorial:
Last issue I made a stupid statement in my editorial. And believe me, I heard about it! It had something to do with my gripe that my mail-load was too great. I made the statement that I would not answer a letter without a SASE except to "my most-loved pen-pals". A very unfair statement. The truth is that I answer all mail eventually, but, again, I am not made of stamps.
My "most-loved pen-pals": If I name names, and leave one person out who thinks he/she should be in the list, I've lost one. Or if I include too many, I do not solve my problem. The best thing to do is try to forget I even said what I did last issue, and continue as if I didn't. So now, I will answer my mail and if you send a stamp form time to time, great. But not necessary.
From the news section:
Duane Hanson, along with a few other members, is currently producing an elaborate song-and-dance film called "The Gravedigger Blues". The song is an original written by Duane, and the film scenes involve various complicated shots of well-known movie monsters singing in a graveyard setting. If all works out, the film will be sent in to NBC's SATURDAY NIGHT.
Another movie. Mark Behrend is currently writing a script for a half-hour production entitled "Sherlock Holmes vs. Dracula". It's a horror-comedy with various special effects. Filming will be done in September and probably will be available as a rental or at club meetings.
- Editorial by George Perkins (2)
- To the Ends of the Earth, fiction by Richard Woolworth (Star Trek) (5)
- Warp Drive, article by George Perkins (includes many diagrams) (17)
- Star Trek: 1999 by Duane Hanson (meta, graphic story) (24)
- To Die Not in Pain, fiction by Lyle Jordon (Star Trek) (27)
- Brookcon: Notes Found Scribbled on a Bathroom Wall in Tunisia, con report (36)
- Brookcon Photos by Richard Woolworth and Dan Munson (39)
- Ring 'Round a Rosey, fiction by George Perkins (original science fiction) (40)
- News (48)
- Personal Notes from Altair IV, column by Mark Behrend (49)
- New Members (52)
- Tricorder Readings: Reviews (53)
- the movie Star Wars
- the LP William Shatner, Live!, see that page
- the book The Price of the Phoenix, see that page
- the zine Phaser Blast #4/5, see that page
- the zine Delta Triad #3, see that page
- the zine From the Ends of the Galaxy #1, see that page
- Hailing Frequencies, letters of comment (56)
- Nuts and Bolts, ads (62)
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 17/18/19
...STN&B #17/18/19 — liked it very much. But, first I'm kinda sorry about the demise of STN, being sentimental. It was my first real introduction to fandom. Still, I appreciate your point and your problems. Personally, I don't know how you did as well as you did, virtually running everything yourself. I'd be glad to join any new ST club out of Brookings.
I enjoyed the triple issue. The Klingon story, "To the Ends of the Earth" by Rich Woolworth, was funny. My brother had some misgivings about having his characters meet an untimely demise, but soon got over it. ((Randy Pohl wrote "The Sepron Assignment" in STN&B#6/7. His first reaction was, "What are you doing, killing off all my Klingons!?!" As it turns out. Rich only accidentally used the "Sepron Assignment" Klingon character, Kass, as one of his characters...—GP))
As for the warp drive article: Frankly, I didn't fully understand it. Physics is not my "bag"), but I'm sure it was very good.
"Star Trek:1999" was quite good, but let's hope it *shudder* never comes to pass.
I didn't like "To Die Not in Pain" (don't oven like the title). First of all because I'm beginning to get prejudiced against mind-reading/things-talking-inside-people's-heads stories. (I've been reading them in too many other 'zines.) Secondly, was that really McCoy telling Kirk he was less than human? Our good doctor sometimes has a problem with hassling people when they don't need it, but give the guy some credit. He doesn't kick Jim when he's down.
"Brookcon: Notes..." — knowing you guys, I believe every word — and I'll bet that's not the half of it. With a group like you running amuck, "they" will soon have to put the good people of Brookings away in Yankton, ((Yankton is the location of SD's state mental hospital. — GP)) having suffered from mass hysteria (you know, from "seeing" green monsters in cars or a giant beanbag being chased down Main Street by a mad scientist). Tsk, tsk.
The NEWS column was welcome — I was beginning to lose touch. With all this news you'd think there'd be some results pretty soon, a little action; when are we going to see some new ST? I know, I know: "patience, vigilance." And some of the news isn't good, no sir. When Mark Behrend told me Leonard wasn't going to be in the new series, I prayed for two weeks it was all a bad dream. A ST episode(s) without Spock? No, no, no, nooooo!....
"Tricorder Headings" is a nice addition and I agree whole-heartedly with the "Star Wars" review (triple whole-heartedly) and the one for Price of the Phoenix (a real disappointment. You'd think Marshak and Culbreath could have come up with something better than ho-hum-here-we-go-again-more-duplicates.)
LoCs were great. Thanks to anybody who said they liked my art (praise is a veritable balm to
us sensitive and temperamental artists...) Let me not forget to express my appreciation of Kathi's incredible pen (let us not forget her ink...). Also, let me be redundant —Ah love them 'toons. [9]
I think you should revert back to using plain white front and back cover because the last two attempts at using colored covers (#16 and #17/I8/19) just didn't do justice to the artwork presented on them. I mean, yeah, it would look nice to have a more interesting color for a cover besides white but unless you're willing; to put out the money to have the artwork reproduced better on a color cover, I think you should stick to white.
As to the fiction: Thish weren't too bad 'tall. Of the three stories about the best was Rich Woolworth's "To the Ends of the Earth". It was a bit sketchy and confusing in parts as far as action scenes and characterizations go, but the humor was excellent (particularly that classic line: "Oh, crap, I've been robbed!") and those bungling Klingons were just PERFECT! I also thought Rich wrapped the entire story up rather nicely too. I've got one major complaint about all the fiction presented though. Too many typos! Heck, I know nobody's perfect, but typos distract from the story and I really think you all should invest in a proofreader....
As to the other stories — "To Die Not in Pain" and "Ring 'Round a Rosey": "To Die..." had an interesting title and premise but betwixt premise and actual story something definitely got lost; I couldn't make head or tails of what was being "said" in that story and in the end I really felt that poor sucker really did die for nothing. This since it was never specified just WHAT type of threat we humans would've been to that alien race had Conden passed that extremely strange test of theirs. It seemed like a lot of useless sadism and violence for nothing. ((Kathi, I think you missed one of the points in the story. Conden was suffering extreme agony, and extreme mental torture for the alien's "test" — meanwhile, McCoy, Kirk, etc. assume Conden is only lying unconscious. When Conden finally does die, the reader is left with the thought "Well, at least he died peacefully". Pointing out the unfairness in the situation. - GP))
"Ring 'Round a Rosey": I honestly didn't read. I mean, I read the prologue so I knew basically what the plot was about but I'm one of those people who dislike reading pre-Federation stories so I skipped it altogether.
The second non-fiction piece, "Brookcon: Notes..." should have been subtitled, "Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Brookcon But Were Afraid to Ask"! All I can say is THANK GOD I read this in the privacy of my own room else I'm sure my family (who think I'm strange to begin with) would have called in the guys with the butterfly nets — I laughed so hard at the goings-on described in this article! By the way, just WHO was the culprit who wrote this piece of craziness anyways? ((This is to remain a secret. But 1 can say that the article was a collaboration. —GP))
As to the new addition to the "family" (TRICORDER READINGS) I found it excellent. In particular, I liked the rating system. In fact I'd like to add an additional rating of my own: "0 - The Pits!"
If it comes to a vote, I'd like to cast mine in favor of keeping both "Personal Notes From Altair IV" and the penpal list. That is, if Mark can find stuff to write about and people would like to have themselves listed in the 'zine despite the demise of the club (and that goes for the bios in
Personal Notes as well — can't see why people can't include those as well if they'd like to have people know something about themselves, right?) [9]
...I don't think it's a good idea to combine three issues in one. It makes the subscription seem like it's dissolving much faster.
Let me clear the air about a few things in the "Brookcon: Notes...". You neglected to mention on Thursday, July 7, "Walked through field — Ken's idea of a shortcut.", that in fact it was a shortcut, but there were weeds waist high, and all but one of the group (I think it was Mark), were wearing shorts. Thanks Ken.
Also, reading the part about Tim getting "drunk" on ben-wa juice makes it sound like, as ST fans, we go out getting drunk and raising a ruckus on some beer. In fact, though, the so-called ben-wa juice was actually a gallon or so of some red fruit flavored juice and not alcohol of some sort. Some of us don't drink, and that line makes it sound as though we do. [9]
First of all, 1 was shocked by the untimely demise of the one and only interesting club I'd ever joined. It really came as a surprise since 1 hadn't heard anything about it until I actually read about it in STN&B.
One thing I would like to see more of in STN&B are articles like the one on warp drive. I had to read it through about five times before I understood it, but it's a nice change from fiction. Now when the eight-year-old ST devotee next door asks me what warp drive is, I don't have to hem and haw until his mom calls him home.
My favorite piece was the article "Notes...Tunisia", and it was also the favorite of most of the people I know who read it. The question is: Was the pre-con week really like that? I mean, when can you ever find a ranger when you need one?
Finally, the editorial was nice and long (I like editorials). I think the magazine as a whole was very good, and the people here who'd never seen anything like it were impressed.
I am already looking forward to getting my next issue. It'll probably be even better, and if this wonderful epistle gets put in there, it'll be super, (Just kidding there, folks.)[9]
"To the End of the Earth" was excellent, one of your best! I liked the way Rich Woolworth tied his story in with the "Sepron Assignment." There are only two problems. Klingons, however dressed, do not look like Earthmen. If they had plastic surgery (or something) how would the Enterprise gang know they were Klingons? (They could have been Romulans or even Andorians!). Also, the dead Klingons back on 20th century Earth: wouldn't the 20th century Investigators perform an autopsy on the bodies?
"To Die Not in Pain" was good. I like delirium stories. I really like the part where Conden had to clean the Captain's boots.
"Hailing Frequencies" was, as always, interesting. I have an alternate title for it though: THE CAPTAIN'S LoC (pun intended.) [9]
STN&B #17/18/19 was an exceptional issue. The artwork was superb throughout. Mr. Munson handled the task of illustrating my tale very well. I really appreciated the drawing on page 32, the one on page 30 was "okay".
My real "beef" about your artwork is not the artist's fault, but the editor's. You really botched it when you had the cover printed. When I pulled the zine from its protective envelope, I honestly was at a loss to which way this issue was to be opened. It was a mistake to print Ms. Pohl's name upside down. However, if she requested it, I can understand, but I still feel as though you could have at least put the title of STN&B on the bottom of the page.
"Impossible Eating Feat #3" should prove to be interestin.
I also enjoyed the two other stories in this issue. The way Mr. Woolworth combined parts of two other Star Trek scripts was excellent. "Ring 'Round a Rosey" was also handled well.
I don't really think that "Brookcon: Notes..." meant much to those of us who were not in attendance.
Vern Wakeman, in the letter column, has been waiting for an answer to Frerickson's letter concerning some items listed in Playboy. I can only guess, but I feel that the explanation for the "breast developer" was what it sounds like it would be for. Remember, David Gerrold, in one of his books ((or was it in Whitfield's Making of? — GP)) stated that they tried not to use bras for the females of the cast, and possibly the developer was necessary for this. The 3 balls? Possibly for some background "futuristic" piece of equipment. And Hear! Hear! for those of us who prefer the Enterprise women in skirts! [9]
All I can say is great. — except for a few things.
Your article on warp drive was awfully technical; I felt I needed Scotty's training to understand it.
Lyle Jordon's story was a bit confusing, especially the scene between Conden and Bob, Tsk, tsk. Everyone knows that Star Fleet uniforms don't have pockets, Lyle. Kathi, Barb, Dan, Tomo, George, Rich, and David's art (hope I didn't leave anyone out) was as good as it usually is, I've always enjoyed great art.
The review of our fanzine FTEOTG ((FROM THE ENDS OF THE GALAXY — GP)) had many points I agree with. One reason we didn't have the greatest stories is because we were the sole contributors except for M.L. Todd. If you want better quality, help us out; contribute. Lastly, I'm very sorry to see the death of STN. I enjoyed being able to correspond with so many people. [9]
Today is a sad day for me. For today I read in STN&B that the Star Trek Nuts fan club is no more. That really makes me sad. I joined the club in 1975 and George Perkins and I have been writing to each other ever since. I have met some very interesting people since I joined the STN and have made some lasting friendships. Without the Star Trek Nuts, I would not have met so many people and believe me, some of these people of touched my life.
Maybe if the members (and I include myself) had done more to help George, then maybe this club would not be disbanding. But be that as it may, George and the other members of the club who live in Brookings have come to a decision and have disbanded the club and after all they are the ones who made it go. The one happy item to come out of the darkness is that tho fanzine STN&D will continue. I have said this for two years: STN&B is the best fanzine I've ever seen. I admit I have only seen about 50 fanzines, but out of the 50, STN&B is the best.
And now some comments on #17/l8/l9: ...The article on warp drive is very, very interesting. I like this type of article, as it explains certain things from ST that was not explained on the show. When George prints articles like this I can understand and enjoy the show more.
The report on Brookcon had my wife and I laughing until our sides hurt. It just makes her and me feel a lot sadder that we had to miss the con, BUT NOT NEXT YEAR!
I think Mark Behrend should continue his column. There is a lot of news that he can talk about. 1 have learned some things from the NEWS page and Mark's column that I wouldn't have known otherwise. I hope all the members of the Star Trek Nuts will join the new club, Dakota Science Fiction and Fantasy Association. I have joined; , I sent Mark my check along with this letter. So come on, everybody, JOIN. [9]
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far way... there was a fanzine that didn't quite make the grade. Fortunately, it was a long time ago in a galaxy far, far way. Also fortunately, our galaxy got Star Trek Nuts and Bolts, instead.
If the title doesn't get your attention (and five'11 get you ten that it won't) the attractive cover should. One of the finest black and white covers around, it'd be disappointing to see it on colored paper (whoever heard of that vastness of space "where no man has gone before"— in color?). And just beyond the edge of that front cover is a kaleidoscope of things to catch and keep your attention.
The artwork alone is well worth the cover price. With only an occasional too-much-black drawing, the artwork provides a good balance of black and white found not only in worthwhile publications, but in good artwork as well. The artists who draw for STN&B seem to have a good handle on effective shadowing and shading. Notwithstanding that some of the sketches appear unfinished, the inanimate
and the animate artwork is really hard to beat. Don't let those drawings that lack detail discourage you. There are only a few. Those drawn with evident diligence are well worth your bucks. And you'll even find bonus artwork inside either cover. Ingeniously placed and thoughtfully chosen, they create the necessary atmosphere for enjoyment of science fiction. Of particular note is the "LANDRU WANTS YOU" sketch. You could feel the presence of something ethereal even before you read the fanzine.
The fiction Is, of course', mostly Star Trek orientated and usually verbose. But don't paso it up. "Thar's gold in them thar hills." Of special interest to budding Star Trek fans and all othero currently trapped in Earth's ancient history are those Star Trek and pre-Enterprise episodes that cleverly "invent" the standard starshlp accouterments and embellishments. Such things as deflector shields, warp drives and subspace communication will be taken for granted by the Enterprise crew. But the authors of the tales in STN&B, through the employment of vivid imaginations (both theirs and the reader's), present dilemma, solution and invention through believable characters and dialogue. Excellent technical articles and news features are a definite asset to the fanzine. These are worthy of your perusal. That last point should be well taken. It may be that much of what you learn about Star Trek and other sci-fi and fantasy you might only get from this fanzine. (Don't look for it in your local news pulp.) At any rate, when you pass on Tribble trivia and other items of value, be fair and admit that "you read it here first." But if humor is your bag, skip the cartoons and go straight to the articles written for the purpose of tickling your innards. An excellent example of funny stuff is "Brookcon: Notes Found Scribbled on the Bathroom Wall in Tunisia." If you missed that one, you haven't laughed. Part of its success is that it takes place in this century with people alive today. But expecting the Enter prisestoicstobefunnyina20thcenturysettingofCruexandhemorrhoidsisaskingalot. Star Trek wasn't written to be a sitcom and none of us should be so audacious as to try to make it one. The tenacious Tribble seems to be the exception, however. And that's probably because "The Trouble With Tribbles" was alien to the gravity of other Star Trek episodes. Although there is that exception, it's a safer bet to leave the Enterprise crew out of comedy(you just can't make Spock do a convincing pratfall.)
The layout of STN&B leaves little room for improvement. Good use is made of margins and line-leading. Type size is no problem and adds a professional look to the zine. The "trick of the trade" (lots of white space) is used to good advantage and makes the publication inviting to read. The fanzine is not at all cluttered and is spaced out quite well.
If anything should be done to make a leap-and-bound improvement it would be to keep all the articles on the same course as the Editorials, which are becoming less garrulous and more concise. Editor's prerogative should be used liberally on the letters, though there should be no tampering with their context nor should they be edited out of existence. As for the poetry, it should be left to Dr. Sevrin and left out of the zine.
How do I feel about STN&B as a whole? I like it. I'm looking forward to the next issue, It's a good journal. The editor and contributors must feel good about the publication and rightfully so. If you're not on the list to receive the next issue of STN&B, you should get yourself there. It'd be a wise maneuver. [10]
Issue 20
Star Trek Nuts & Bolts 20 was published in October/November 1977 and contains 18 pages.
The art is by Kathy Lynn Higley, Duane Hanson, Tomo Inoue, Audrrey Jakab, Gorege Perkins, David Rowan, and Rich Woolworth.
- Editorial by George Perkins (2)
- The Adoption, fiction by A.L. Todd (Star Trek) (4)
- News (9)
- Personal Notes from Altair IV, column by Mark Behrend (10)
- Tricorder Readings, reviews (11)
- The Star Fleet Medical Reference by Palestine and Mandel
- Star Trek Puzzle Manual
- Excalibur Log #1, see that page
- the show, Logan's Run
- Letters from Readers (13)
- Nuts and Bolts, ads and plugs (18)
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 20
I did like the cover. It's extremely difficult to explain why I didn't really care for #20. I mean, I liked it but it just wasn't as good as usual. Much of the separate features were very good but put then all together and the whole issue fell short. Of course, I knew who Duane was trying to draw there — you really can't conceal the obvious fact, but doesn't Robert Redford have blond hair?! (And who is that guy on the back? — only kidding Kath...)
Kathi was excellent throughout — as per usual. I really don't understand why the other artists haven't risen up against her — you know, narrow down the competition. Seriously folks, all the art was good and I'm looking forward to a "tribble toon-off" between Higley and Tomo. (And may the best loony win).
Since I have nothing better to do then complain, I’ll do just that about the obvious lack of fiction in this issue. What's the problem out there, guys? No ideas? Well, here's a little help — you see, two Klingons go into a bar and...no, no, no — I don’t think it'll work. No really, you can't all be the lazy, no-good, unimaginative people that the readers of the fanzine think you are...
Anyway, I did miss the usual semi-abundance of stories. I guess that's what brought the whole zine down a notch. I enjoyed your editorial — it is definitely an essential part of STN&B — gives it a "personal touch". It doesn't really matter to me what you call the LoC dept, but find something and stick with it, because I'm just getting confused the way it is.
The one piece of fiction that was present, "The Adoption," was good — but not entirely believable. A strong-willed leader having spent his life fighting against an organization might learn to hate his former organization that way, but it is doubtful he would trust his former enemy ever. In-bred prejudice and all that. It was a good plot and should be taken one step further — put Kallo in the Academy and expose him to those aforementioned prejudices — could prove interesting.
"Personal Notes", "News" and "Tricorder Readings" (I just decided that I like that title) were good and needed. I repeat — the whole mag was good, but not great.
Th© letters column is getting rowdier and rowdier! [11]
I agree whole-heartedly that LoCs are an important part of a sine, and from your findings it shows that a large percentage of the subscribers think so too. However, I get the impression that though everyone likes a LoC, no one likes to write one.
"The Adoption" wasn't so good — it looked more like a story outline than a story. Too bad,too. With a little filling out, if would have been a great story.
The news was good, even if it wasn't. (Figure that one out.) How can they do that to Spock? I admit, he's not my favorite character, but it's the sum total of the parts, not the individual parts that make it a great show. How can they brush him away like that? He's got the biggest following in fandom, and without him the show will lose a large part of its audience.[11]
I enjoyed M.L. Todd’s story, "The Adoption", He/she, as the case may be, ((She, — GP)) has a style of writing that I enjoy immensely. It is a wonderful piece of fan writing. I hope to see more of Todd's work in future issues.
Your editorial was excellent as usual, I consider it one of the most important and entertaining features of STN&B.
I recently discovered that my new teacher is a ST fan. I keep him up to date on the ST revival and to do that I rely on the NEWS section. All I can say is, keep up the good work.
Personal Notes from Altair IV is a great column that I hope continues. If I come across any information that Mark can use, I'll send it in as soon as possible.
Tricorder Readings, though cut short, was well received at this address. I go along with most of the reviews, except I haven't had the pleasure of seeing The Excalibur Log, (So can't say I do or don’t go along with the review.)
I'm glad to sea that so many people responded with letters of comment. I will try to be more regular with mine.
I think the plain white covers look better for the zine, The art really does look nicer on it than on a colored cover. ((I still would very much like to go with colored paper, however. I really like the variety and crispness it gives the zine. But like so many of the readers, I do tend to think that art will not print nearly as clearly on it. One of these days I'll figure something out. — GP))
The art in STN&B #20, over all, was very well done. I believe the ftontispiece by Steve Kopp
was used in a Rapid City, SD high school newspaper. The paper had a two page Star Trek feature spread that included an article about STN&B. ((Yes. The high school newspaper. The Pine Needle, was published March 10, 1977 By Rapid City Central journalism students. Steve Kopp, although not a regular journalist for the Pine Needle, helped out with their huge spread on Star Trek. A lecture visit to a Rapid City university (South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, where Steve is currently enrolled as a freshman) by James Doohan sparked the two-page spread. — GP)) [11]
Besides being the most confusing one with that "triple issue" stuff, it was great. ((#17/18/19—GF)) Front cover: strange, depressing, but good. A little too "surrealistic" for my tastes. Maybe symbolic of "...the King is dead, long live the King!" type of thing — but why would Kirk do himself in? (I know, I know — we're supposed to write a story...)
Kudos to Barbara Pohl — I'm sure someone had the incentive to put together a great plot for that piece of art.
Inside cover good — sort of had the urge to throw darts; it does convey a bit of evil.
I refuse to say one more word about Kathi Lynn's artwork: I have to say many more than that! Oh, I can't take it, she's so good! Congrats to Miss Higley for not letting me down once again.
"To the Ends of the Earth" was very, very good. Your typical good guys chase the bad guys story, but still rather well done. Rich used a lot of references and information from old episodes and even a previous story to make his. Pretty unoriginal, you'd think, but somehow it was more original than if he wrote about the Yankees winning the Pennant or something like that. I mean, things like Spook pick pocketing (I was wondering how you would explain clothes and such. Rich?), going to McDonalds and a Klingon saying "I'm sorry," just made my year. You covered all the loopholes pretty well. Rich, and I'd like to say "Thank You" for a good contribution.
I'm not very into science (no, I don't have physics!) so I imported my resident science expert. Dr. Robert Patrick Marley, to evaluate George's article on warp drive. Dr. Marley insists that the hypotheses/explanations are quire feasible if one accepts the original principle of "annihilation of matter". (He chuckled at this and, in the words of my English teacher, said, "Prove it.") Nice job, even if I didn't understand it.[11]
STAR TREK: 1999 -- what can I say? Who writes this stuff, the Unknown Comic?? Or does Duane write his material? ((Yes, ST:99 was written and drawn by Duane Hanson. He's got a number of other comic type stories in either the works or finished, both humorous and serious, that have been printed elsewhere. In fact, he is currently working on one for a professional comics publisher. (Aside: Duane's profession is commercial art — he works for South Dakota State University, presently). I'm hoping to entice him to do some more of this sort of work for STN&B in the future. — GP))
"To Die Not In Pain" — oh, so different, so attention-keeping, so great! We've seen crew-members lying in sickbay screaming their heads off, but never have we been on the other end, seeing what is causing the insanity — good art by Dan, too. The irony at the end was nicely done, but I think the only detracting thing was Kirk's quick change of attitude. Sure, Kirk is a little more compassionate than in the beginning, but he doesn't show it, Very rare. Overall, it was great, exceptional, superb, etc. (Doesn't anyone ever contribute anything bad to this magazine? Yeah, I know, a few letter writers...) The art on page 35 was a really nice touch — I'm glad all three were shown together. It's a better effect.[...]
"Ring Around the Rosey" was a very nicely done explanation of defectors. The trick to these pieces of fiction (at last, I see it!) is to make the characters seem human and not just tell the story — done well here.
As per usual, news. Personal Notes... Tricorder Readings, Hailing Frequencies and the accompanying art were good. I still insist that this is the best balanced fanzine around and that's what makes it great.[11]
Thanks to all of you for the kind remarks about my story. David Rowan is both right and wrong — it was a conglomeration of a couple of ST stories, but it was also a cross between Star Trek and the movie Silver Streak, plus a few other films we've all seen, but don't consciously realize that they affect us.
Dave also stated that Klingons don't look like Earthmen. Well, they don't look like typical white Americans, but if they shaved their beards ((or even if they didn't — GP)) they might look an awful lot like Mexicans or a hundred other dark-skinned Earthlings. Also, if the Earth investigators did want to perform autopsies, they'd have a pretty tough time — Kass' body was pretty well mangled, the other drowned, one more was eaten by a Tunisian Etc.... (No, really, you could say that when they died the Guardian brought them back to the future.) [11]
As an active Star Trek fan you have been part of some pretty amazing accomplishments to date. After a ten-year campaign. Star Trek is coming back as a major motion picture, over half-a-million of our letters were responsible for President Ford's naming the first space shuttle "Enterprise"; and recently, when Gene Roddenberry heard the Jupiter Mission was in danger of being scrapped, he appealed to the Star Trek community's power of the pen to save this important project. In Washington, no one could figure out what happened — one day Jupiter didn't have a chance, and 48 hours later it had passed in Congress.
Part of our success has been a strong belief in the philosophies of the Star Trek universe and in our ability to make it happen for the future by taking the right kind of action now. And we have just bean given a new opportunity to shape the future — perhaps the most important so far. [12]
Issue 21/22
Star Trek Nuts & Bolts 21/22 was published in February 1978 and contains 40 pages.
The art is by Bruce Scivally, Douglas Herring, Kathi Lynn Higley, Tomo Inoue, Robert Stapelberg, Duane A. Hanson, Bill Plant, Steve Kopp, Dan Munson, and Barbara Pohl.
- Editorial by George Perkins (2)
- Starship Technical Report: Transporters, article by Mark Schulman (reprinted from T-Negative #21) (4)
- The Tale of Brookcon '78, meta fiction by George Perkins (Star Trek) (9)
- Tricorder Readings, reviews (17)
- the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind
- the Star Trek pro book, Planet of Judgment by Haldeman
- The Hobbit, special starring Orson Bean
- Star Trek: The New Voyages #2, see that page
- Delta Triad #4, see that page
- some Star Wars pro books, including the "Star Wars Blueprints" by Ballantine Books ("Boy, buying these was a mistake! There they were, sitting on a shelf at a local store. I looked at them. They looked back and said, "Buy me." So I did. The first print was that of my favorite robot, R2-D2. I looked at it. Well, maybe they'll get better. They didn't. For the price I thought the blueprints might be better than the Enterprise prints. They didn't even come close. The clarity is rotten and the items blueprinted are at most boring. If you are a die-hard Star Wars fan you might like them. However, I, someone who like Star Wars enough to see it about seven times, didn't find them so enjoyable. Before you buy these, see if a friend has them. RATING: 3 out of 10.")
- the Star Trek Fotonovels, see that page
- Intercom Chatter, compiled by George Perkins (22)
- The Yuck, poem by George Perkins (science fiction) (23)
- Trial and Error, fiction by Brenda Harper (Star Trek) (25)
- Personal Notes from Altair IV, column by Mark Behrend (29)
- Hailing Frequencies Open, letters of comment (32)
- Nuts and Bolts, ads and plugs (39)
- Alone on a Hill, poem by Dan Munson (original fiction) (40)
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 21/22
I was impressed with the cover (I've always liked Doug Herring's style) and the rest of the artwork was excellent too, except for mine, I knew that old amoeba wasn't going to turn out and I was right. It's really the pits. And I'm not too nuts about my Andorian friend either. Obviously his hand is too small, and ... oh, well.
I liked that article on transporters. As a matter of fact, I even understood it. I can enjoy that sort of thing if it isn't jammed with jillions of incomprehensible numbers. I'm not really that much of a dummy, you know, it's just that math and related subjects have never agreed with me.
"The Tale of Brookcon '78i" If this is what's in store, I am definitely going to be there. I realize it was all in fun, especially the part where Spock actually pulls the history of Brookings from the computer (ahem). My favorite line was, "Other Brookcon attendees got down on their knees to worship." Oh, how true. But George, since you took the liberty of using me as a minor character, I feel I have the right to take a few small exceptions to the manner in which you portrayed me. First of all, you surely realize that I am an honest-to-goodness-totally-crazed-blind-to-all-semblance-of-reason SPOCK FREAK! And as much as I like Nichelle Nichols/Uhura, you've gotta know I'd be the turkey grovelling at Leonard Nimoy/Spock's feet (probably licking his boots, yet).
Secondly, and this isn't your fault because you don't know this, I really had to laugh when you had me singing "Beyond Antares" to Uhura. "That's not very good," is the understatement of the epoch. This is a person who doesn't even sing in the shower because the walls cringe. The dog runs for shelter.... So, if for any reason you ever have me appear briefly in one of your little tales again, do your story a favor and let me get Spock (quietly)...
As for Tricorder Readings: I disagree with Jim Hoover's assessment of Close Encounters of the Third Kind to the extent that I think it was a great film rather than just a very good one.
"The Yuck" cute, George, but I think you're better off sticking to prose and editing — not that I could do any better, mind you, but there you are.
I do hope that when Brenda Harper wrote "Trail and Error," she had tongue planted firmly in cheek. In other words, I liked it.
The LoCs were fascinating, as usual, though I don't agree with everybody on everything. But that's the joy of the thing. [13]
I just finished with STN&B #2l/22 and am still enjoying the afterglow brought on by the enthusiasm and freshness of your magazine! Since issue 21/22 is my first, I can't compare it to past attempts, but I would like to comment on the issue as a separate entity. Your Herring cover was good. I hope to see more from Douglas. I also got a kick out of seeing Duane Hanson artwork in another magazine besides my own. Duane is great to work with, and your lucky to grab talent like his and Kathi Lynn Higley's. I got a kick out of “The Tale of Brookcon '78" by Perkins. What fun. Tricorder Readings is a standout among review columns because it successfully reviews many media instead of concentrating on one genre or product.
My real worry is that STN&B may collapse when George leaves for college. I hope that whatever the future holds for Nuts & Bolts, your crew continues to be alive ... creative!! Fanzines and fandom, as a whole, have outgrown the medias they originally saught to imitate and emulate. The talent for new, fresh concepts and experiments in communication is in fandom. I regret the fact that most fanzines die out because l) printing costs and postage rates are high, 2) there is a tendency towards too much specialization, and therefore, too many fanzines to be supported by the market. God knows, I wish creative people could work together and cut production costs and succeed! Maybe someday.
Until then... Thank God for people with enough energy to use their talents, grow, learn, and share their unioue viewpoints with others. Congratulations STN&B contributors. You are a success. [13]
The issue, #2l/22, wasn't below par, I don't think; it just wasn't as good as I thought it’d be when I first received it several weeks ago. At that time, I looked through it, and judging by the art. I thought you had a really good issue here. With my hectic college life and my search for the Perfect Shampoo (that's an inside joke for Michael Franks' fans), I didn't get around to reading it until yesterday and today.
The art was pretty good throughout and appropriate to what was around it (except for that in the story, "Trial and Error," which I'll get to later). You seem to be cracking down on typos, George, hwlhc [sic] is good, as this isseu [sic] they were pnly [sic] a few, along with some minor grammatical errors. No big deal. It's too bad about printing costs, as you really have a fine fanzine here, and I'd hate to see you lose readers due to prices (they took a hell of a jump, you realize — did it have to be that dramatic?). The same goes for your "Irregularness" of publication.
..."Intercom Chatter" was wasted space, and "The Yuck" was not very good either. With my own slight interest in poetry, let me just say that you should stick to prose, George. Dan's full page poem/spread was decent, not great, but decent. He's got some potential, if he can learn to refine it.
The LoCs were interesting as always, although I think that the excerpts from letters on general things like the space program should be placed elsewhere (either paraphrased in the editorial department, or given their own place), as the LoC column should be just that, letters of comment, specifically on STN&B.
Now, the two stories in this issue couldn't have been much further apart, on the good vs. bad scale. "Trial and Error," apparently written in a (at least partially) serious vein, was, in a word, lousy. If this had been written by a male, I would've been tempted to brand it as "sexist" (despite the fact that I'm a confirmed chauvinist — hi, MJ). I've read articles claiming something to the effect that a lot of ST fans write stories satisfying their sexual fantasies, but this is my first exposure to such a thing. This piece of work (I'm being kind, now), was ridiculous, to say the least.
George's "The Tale of Brookcon '78" on the other hand was easily the high point of this issue. I really enjoyed that, George. The idea was not terribly original, but it was handled extremely well. The fact that I have at least met all the "characters" in this Story undoubtably helped some, too. Quite humourous; the technical double-talk in that first half page was great. Well done.[13]
This issue was excellent, in fact, on a scale of one to ten, I would give it a nine (no bull). This issue has got to have been at least one of the best George has put out. Everything was good — especially The front cover was unbelievable, it looked like it was done by a professional science fiction magazine. Douglas Herring is an EXCELLENT artist... Keep up the good work! By the way, how does Mr. Herring accomplish the star field background? I'd be interested in finding out.... ...The only bad thing about issue 21/22 was that some of the art was bleached out...
I'd also like to clarify what Dan Erickson said about the art piece I did of Spook grinning. The art was printed before in the Rapid City Central High School newspaper, '"The Pine Needle." Dan is also correct that the paper did include a two page center-spread on Star Trek. The main idea was organized by myself and put together that way, including the articles that I wrote. There was only one article on the entire spread which was not my own, the article about James Doohan's visit to the School of Mines. (Though I did write it until another person rewrote it without telling me (argh!).) Also, George is correct that I was not in a journalism class, but I did write for The Pine Needle as the paper's science fiction writer...
With science fiction sweeping the country everything seems to be affected! radio, television, magazines, etc. etc. In my opinion this is a good trend that I hope doesn't quit! Not only has science fiction penetrated the news media, it has also reached our college campuses. For example, here at the School of Mines and Technology, the science fiction course here at Tech is more than just a sci-fi course [...] [13]
First off, it wasn't one of the best maybe because there weren't enough tribbles, but more likely because of the lack of fiction. The art was good — really good and quite a lot of it — congrats to Kathi Lynn, Bob, Duane and this Scivally kid — if indeed that is his real name, (Is he new or something? I've never noticed him before.) No, seriously, thanks to all the artists for a nicely done effort.
But back to complaining. Your turn on the rack, George, Re: "The Tale of Brookcon '78" I can't explain why but while I was reading it, I kept laughing hysterically, I don't know if that's the reaction you wanted (although from your description I think I'd laugh hysterically at Tom and Tim in real life.,.) but I doubt it. It was a good idea — it should've worked well— but I just didn't like it. Maybe the way the crew members acted bothered me — it didn't seem in character. They seemed inefficient and awkward — I want my ST characters suave and experienced!
I thought there were too many reviews, but I'm not one for opinions anyway, "Chatter" was strange.
"The Yuck" was stranger.., I liked it, but the timing needs work.
"Trial and Error" was great. I always enjoy fiction about any of the crew members before they got to the Enterprise and I thought the subject was perfect!! I hope we are to assume that Tanjai and Ionio were "just friends" otherwise he's better friends with Kirk than most. It's hard to imagine Kirk ever being awkward and inexperienced, but Brenda convinced me that it once was true.
As always, "Editorial,""Personal Notes," and "Hailing Frequencies" were their essential selves. And speaking of "Hailing Frequencies," let's talk about LoCs -- George told me that we're not sending enough mail. (Obviously the boy has a fetish for envelopes — let's humor him and send many opinions on his wonderful magazine.) Also, membership in the elite group who subscribe is declining so if you've forgotten to mail George the
...Before ending, I have to ask the general fandom that reads this fanzine one very important and somewhat personal question. Why is it that no one reacts to my LoCs? I try so hard to be irritating, annoying and many other aggravating things, but you people just ignore me. I've even attempted humor, but everyone remains passive — oh well, I've failed in my mission in life.[13]huge summere pittance it takes to receive STN&B, then hurry to do so new. (No, he didn't pay me to write this...)
I have never been an official member of the fan club, Star Trek Nuts, but my husband has been for a few years. In those few years his name has appeared in Star Trek Nuts and Bolts, BUT, my name has never appeared. Now, I admit that I only read my husband's copy and I make comments to him.
I think that now is the time for me to speak out. On page 12 in the last issue, in "The Tale of Brockcon '78," George does what he has done so many times. He says, "Jim Hoover and his wife." It has been that way from the beginning. Always, "Jim Hoover and his wife." Now if George and I were strangers, then I could understand, but we are not strangers, are we George? Do you remember that weekend that we spent together back in the summer of 1976? You called me many things that weekend and none of them was Jim Hoover's wife. Do you remember?
George can explain that weekend to anybody that wants the real untold story, but I promised that I would say no more about it. In the next issue I would like to see the following statement made:
STNB #21/22 wasa fine issue. A good blend of art, articles, fiction, humor,etc. It's hard for me to he super-objective, by the nature of fanzines-and-all I've seen over the years, but yours seems to be a cut-above labor-of-love. Yes, the printing was a bit light, but the print itself was completely legible, which is a big plus. Noting your prices, it's well worth the money.
The cover was beautiful, I say that not as the artist who did it, but because it was reproduced so well. Other fan-publishers have had a problem with my "tooth-brush" stars, and I am glad to see you didn't. They were very important to the whole contrast of the work. I am more than pleased.
...I expect to be swamped soon. This week I expect some work from Senior Marvel Editor Roy Thomas to ink as a final demonstration. I'm really looking forward to this, my big break into the comics industry. [14]
#21/22, late, but worth waiting for. The article on transporters was good, but Mark Schulman left out a few things. In the animateds, they can rejuvenate and expand people. That would have vast implications for medicine, which Mark only touched on. It seems to me they could turn, say, a camel into 1000 tribbles, as long as they had the same mass...
"Trial and Error" was okay, but I always thought of Kirk as being the type of guy Tonio is portrayed as. When Tanjai says, "Kirk is wasted here at Starfleet Academy," where is she saying he should go? [13]
...I agree with George completely that people shouldn't just sit around and wait for problems to solve themselves. I'd just like to say that whatever it is — government, ecology, education, or even TV programming — if you feel something should be done, don't wait for someone else to do it! Let your self be heard, and show that you care! This pertains especially to science fiction fans. Although one may be kidded about being a"Trekkie" or whatever, we are the ones looking into the future, and it is our responsibility to make it the kind of future we want. Both of the fiction pieces were good last issue, especially "Tale of Brookcon '78." Very educational. For example, I can say with complete truth that I didn't know it was Wilmot W. Brookings that the town was named after. It was just an enjoyable story. I was happy to see that there were plenty of LoCs and reviews. Again, besides serving the purpose of showing what the readers want in STN&B, the LoCs are a fun part of the 'zine.
Oh! Thanks for all the info on Brookcon '78. Sounds like a lot of fun! Now all I have to do is convince my mommy that the goings-on down there won't be unduly strange, we won't be arrested and I will not be run over. Then I can go. [13]
...George has done it again, a real good issue. I rate it ten on a scale of one to ten. Loved the art work. The story on Brookcon '78 was very funny and quite good, but, I must clear up a statement that George made on page 13. ...I quote, "The 8mm copy was quite clear, and very good — no commercials." That is where I yell STOP! I am sorry to say that some of the Star Trek episodes that I have do have commercials in them. Why? I'm glad you asked that. First of all, I spent 22 years in the television business and most of it spent in the film department. My job was to put in the commercials in the movies and other films. Because of this brain washing, I have an uncontrollable urge to put in commercials in all my film. So in most of the Star Trek episodes that I have, there are a couple of breaks —but they don't contain commercials.
They contain trailers for other movies such as Silent Running, War of the Worlds, The Time Machine and others. I wanted to clear this statement of George's up so that any body who attended Brookcon '78 would not call George a liar...
The technical report on transporters is a thing I'd like to see more of. I know you can find these things in books and other materials, but I like these type of articles that explain what we see on Star Trek. ((Which is why I invited Geoff Mandel to write another column in STN&B. At least Jim's gonna like it. — GP))
...Personally, I don't mind the higher price on STN&B. I would rather pay a higher price and get a good fanzine than keep the old price and get a couple of pages between two covers. Have any of you out there compared the price of STN&B to other fanzines? Have you compared quality? This is the BEST on the market today. It would be cheap even if George doubled his price, my complaint about STN&B has always been the same. It needs to be about three hundred pages long... [13]
Issue 23
Star Trek Nuts & Bolts 23 was published in June 1978 and contains 28 pages.
It contained a flyer for Brookcon 78, held in Brookings, South Dakota July 23-25, 1978.
The art is by Duane Hanson, Douglas Herring, Kathi Lynn Higley, Tomo Inoue, Stephen Kopp, George Perkins, Bruce Scivally, Bob Stapelberg, and Rich Woolworth.
- MAINLING FREQUENCIES OPEN, letters of comment (2)
- Nuts and Bolts, ads and plugs (11)
- The Battle, vignette by Rich Woolworth (original science fiction) (12)
- Solar Sails, article by Mark Behrend (the science and possibility of the "solar sail") (13)
- This Could Happen to YOU! by Trent Rentsch (original science fiction) (15)
- The total, unabridged, original, super-stupendous, enlightening, non-carbonated history of Tunisian Etceteras from the dwan of time til now by Eugene Thurston (original science fiction) (16)
- Tricoder Readings, reviews (20)
- Star Fleet Handbook v.12 by Geoffrey Mandel
- Odyssey #2, see that page
- four other non-fanwork items
- The Alternative Factor by Geoffrey Mandel (about stardates) (23)
- Personal Notes from Altair IV, column by Mark Behrend (25)
- Editorial by George Perkins (27)
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 23
I hope that you've finally go the legend of the Tunisian Etc. off your chests. I mean, the stories were funny in general, but five pages?
And what ever happened to the usual ST story? You haven't had a "straight" ST story (i.e., one that could have been a part of the TV series) since #20. And I thought that by now we'd see something in Star Wars fiction.
By all means keep THE ALTERNATIVE FACTOR as a regular column. The stardate theory was fascinating, even if it doesn't really fit in with some of the episodes. For instance, in "The Corbomite Maneuver" a passage of 2k hours is referred to while waiting out the space cube, which corresponds to the passage of one starday mentioned. But according to "Errand of Mercy" it took Kirk and Spock three days to get dressed in Organian style. The real reason is probably that the writers just loved playing with numbers.
I'm glad you saved the worst news for last. Kathi abandoning us all for the likes of Space:1999. I've really tried for some time now to figure out what hold S:99 has on some people. There's no believably factor, what with the moon surviving a vast nuclear explosion on the far side from the Earth (which, according to Newton, should have caused our satellite to move in the opposite direction, or, right toward Earth), and then visit stars within the heroes' lifetimes. I know, it's supposedly due to a space warp, but then there was that episode where the whole point was that the moon was heading toward a space warp. It gets a little complicated.
And then there's Fred Freiberger, the man who brought you the third season of ST, trying to inject humor by having the cast do a little comedy skit at the end of each episode. That's enough of that for now.
Heidi Schulman wants someone to react to her LoC. Okay, I think it's very strange for someone to prefer a story like "Trial and Error" to "Tale of Brookcon '78." There. I hope she's happy...
((And now to answer a couple questions and so on. If you think Tunisian Etceteras are dead— just look at the LoC from Tom Chleborad thish... As far as fiction (or lack thereof) goes, I can't print what I don't have. In other words, if you want to read some SW fiction, then someone (maybe you?) needs to submit it. As a matter of fact I have been getting a trickle now, perhaps you'll get lucky in an upcoming issue. I've also finally got some stories on tap for future issues--though they are all ST. That's not bad, but I would like to see some good straight sf or other TV show science fiction. (Get the hint, authors?) One of the reasons Kathi Higley gafiated from STrekdom is due to opinions like the above. STrekdom seems to carry a unique un-IDIC-like hatred of S:99. I believe this is due to the initial pre-airing publicity for S:99 which went something like, "Space; 1999 is the most expensive sf show every produced. Step aside Star Trek, Space: 1999 is here!" etc. etc. What fan isn’t going to get a little riled up when s/he reads that? At any rate, many S:99 fans are former ST fans who got fed up with some of the cliques and name-calling that has been developing in STrekdom these past couple of years. SF fandom has gone through the same thing and S:99dom will too, I'm sure. Everything that I know of, everything, runs in some sort of cycle, fandom bickering is no exception, I'm sure. —GP)) [10]
For those interested, I use three main white mediums. The fine stars are a simple white tempra. Everything else is masked out and they're applied by dipping a toothbrush into the paint then flicking the brush for the desired effect. I did the same with black tempra on the Jovian planet ((thish cover — GP)). True white ink was used on the flairing exhausts, and the twinkling star. I only use Liquid Paper for major corrections — there's some along the edge of the planet, but you really have to look at it to spot it on the original. Everything else is, of course, black India ink, applied in detail with a fine #2 brush. Except for my signature, I no longer use pen.
...Roy Thomas has sent an unused Buscema CONAN page for me to ink, and I expect a Don Heck LIBERTY LEGION page soon to use as a more appropriate super-hero demonstration of my inking. He also requested a few spot illos for THE SAVAGE SWORD OF CONAN. He rejected my first batch, but the second should go over better now that I have a better idea of what he wants. Things are coming along...
I felt like a snob when I saw my letter printed "address withheld by request.” I commented earlier about not wanting my address spread around because I was (and still am) booked solid and am hard-pressed to do the fan work (mostly comic-fandom) that I'm committed to do. Other than that I like to hear from people, as long as they don't expect a prompt reply and realize that though I'd like to help out, I can't promise to do any fan art.
Something like 75% of the major fan art I did for ST fandom between '73-75 was printed or returned. And the majority of it was specifically requested work. I had a ton of work, including two possible covers, for BABEL 6 which never saw print along with a lot of BABEL 5 illos that weren't used. Some of the minor ones have been trickling out of Boojums Press, but for the most part, what
in my opinion was some of my best ST art, is lost. Then there's THOLIAN WEB which received a lot of my earliest work, including some major covers, then, nothing. After five years some of the minor spots are coming out in SAURIAN BRANDY DIGEST. I realize most would-be editors are simply fans with great expectations that don't work out, but that doesn't excuse their inconsiderate handling of...contributors. And now that I'm putting more time into each drawing I can't afford to mess around with people like that. I'm gun shy, and I admit it. [15]
George, you put the pages in backward! The editorial is supposed to be in the front and the letters are supposed to be in the back! The editorial was, as editorials go, editorial. What?! No more Higley art? What are you going to do?! Resigning from fandom, how on Earth does one quit ST fandom? Well, we can only hope she throws us a tidbit once in a while. [10]
I found that STN&B #23 was really a pretty good issue. It started out with an excellent cover by Kathi. I'm really sorry to hear she's gaflated. It's hard to believe a Star Trek fan would actually leave like that.
The frontispiece was also very good. I would like to see more sf and fantasy stories and artwork in STN&B. And speaking of stories, there seems to be a lack of them the past couple of issues. You had "The Battle" by Mr. Woolworth which was very short and easily seen through in the beginning. There was also the bit about the Etc.s that was only slightly humorous in it's own way. I hope to see more real stories in the future. I'm really surprised at you, George, for letting in what you did.
As much as I enjoy reading LoCs and ads, I don't really find it proper to place them in the beginning of an issue. I can't tell you why, but it just doesn't seem right. Also, why was the editorial in the back?
"Solar Sails" was a well written article. Though I'm not particularly science minded, it was refreshing to read a science article for those of us who are just too simple-minded for long definitions and terms. That's what went wrong with THE ALTERNATIVE FACTOR by Handel. It was fine, and fun to read on page 23, but when page 24 turned over and I got to the ADDENDUM, my one semester of chemistry and one semester of astronomy((high school level, —GP)) did not help me understand very much. This column has possibilities, but let more than the scientist understand it, okay?
STN&B was good generally for its art and layouts. I'd like to see more good-quality stories in N&B. Let's hope you get them.[10]
Where have you been hiding? I was thoroughly impressed with your neat little zine. To : Jte that a step further, the only "little" thing about it, is the printing, but I think I'm beginning to get used to that. Your artwork is quite good, and I fully agree that it is a shame you will be losing Kathi Higley. Good artists are really hard to find... believe me, I know! Keep the iith though, we all know they’re out there. It's just getting them pried out of their closets that's difficult! [10]
Although not as strong an issue overall as was STN&B #2l/22, I send you thanks for another enjoyable issue of Star Trek Nuts and Bolts! I'm so sure that involvement with Brockcon '78 and preparations for an early STN&B #24 ate much of your time that I can't bring myself to criticise too much.
Saying goodbye to Kathi Lynn Higley and her budding talent is not easy, even though my introduction to her art was brief.
Woolworth's "The Battle" was a nice, brief piece of "fannish" imagination, and Behrend's "Solar Sails" was just long enough to interest someone uninterested in technical articles without boring unscientific minds. Thurston's short piece and Rentsch's knick-knack of creative imagination were too unstructured for my tastes, but worth reading for their sometimes vivid images. I am really impressed most, however, by Mandel's THE ALTERNATIVE FACTOR. If he can keep his physics simple and within the realm of understanding for a majority, he will have accomplshed the original purpose of science fiction — to entertain and educate. I encourage you, George, to encourage Mandel not to go on flights of physics for too long a time.
Thumbs up, George, on your effort to bring such divergent interests into focus within the pages of Nuts & Bolts![10]
STNAB #23 had a few good moments in it, and a few boring ones. The cover art was excellent, truly an evil-looking Klingon, but the bacover wasn't all that good. The backispiece was good, interesting and the frontispiece by Hanson was perhaps the best piece of art in this ish (with the exception being Higley's front cover), but then I've always bean interested in heroic fantasy.
..."This Could Happen to YOU!" by Trent Rentsch was pretty good, a little cliche-ish at the ending, but well-written and interesting) quite good.
The high point of the issue was the history of Tunisian Et ceteras. This, like last issue's "Tale of Brookcon," was a delightful change of pace, adding some much needed humour. I must say that Eugene Thurston has an extremely interesting (I'm tempted to say "over-active," but I won't) imagination, and a much-liked writing style to go with it. I laughed throughout my reading of this piece. The writing is superb the bits of subtle humour, interspersed with a bombshell of idiocy that can only create fits of uncontrollable laughter. I detect the influence of Monty Python in this also. [16]
Issue 24/25
Star Trek Nuts & Bolts 24 was published in August 1978 and contains 60 pages.
The art is by Douglas Herring, Kathi Lynn Higley, Bruce Scivally, Robert Stapelberg, Bobby Plant, Daniel K. Munson, Tomo Inoue, Duane Hanson, and Dan Erickson.
- Editorial by George Perkins (2)
- A Matter of Time, fiction by David Rowen (Star Trek) (5)
- Tricorder Readings: Reviews (14)
- Stardate: Unknown #4, see that page
- Rocky Horror Picture Show
- Mudd's Angels, see that page
- Splinter of the Mind's Eye, see that page
- The Best of Trek by Walter Irwin and G.B. Love
- Starlines: Poetry (18)
- X: Effervescent: Wet With God by Michael S. Vance
- In Loving Memory by Susan Wyllie
- The Revelation of a Soul by Bonnie Guyan
- The Velena Syndrome, fiction by Bonnie Guyan (20)
- Personal Notes from Altair IV, column by Dan Erickson (42)
- The Hiding Place, column by Daniel K. Munson (43)
- The Alternative Factor, column by Geoffrey Mandel (44)
- Mailing Frequencies Open, letters of comment (46)
- Nuts and Bolts, ads (54)
- Afterwords, column by George Perkins (56)
from issue #24/25, Bruce Scivally - Leonard Nimoy, William Shatner and Gene Roddenberry discuss Grace Lee Whitney
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 24/25
First of all, this double issue has a heft to it that suggests there is real con tent and effort in it, enough to justify the necessarily long waits between issues. And oddly enough, I was right! This is easily the best issue I have seen of your work to date....
...The Solar Power Satellite article was in formative and had a ring of "reality" to it, mean ing it was not all fan gibberish, but another opportunity for we "Trekkers"(I can live with that appellation) to practice what we preach. That is, get involved in real world affairs to help bring about the Star Trek Millennium we envision. TRICORDER READINGS was okay, though having never been to Winona, Minnesota, I don't really know whether a rating of "4" is fair. Perhaps I should just buy it, live in it, and see for myself, though my local hobby outlet could not find it in the catalogue and quote the price (frustratingly absent in the review). All the space devoted to a review of Brookcon '78 seemed very honest (I was not in attendance) and proved your entire outfit’s sincerity in trying to do the best you can. Good luck on your next outing! AFTERWORDS can be very useful, retain it by all means.
THE HIDING PLACE was, as advertised, a first shot which I call short and wide of the mark. The second shot will certainly be more illuminating. The most interesting single regular feature was Geoffrey Mandel’s ALTERNATIVE FACTOR. I have come to respect his usually very reasonable speculations and his willingness to put a lot of effort into them. His article on the physical "facts" of Vulcan was quite good and I have no problems with any of his conclusions, though, just for the record, I like the "short" Vulcan year. It just feels more comfortable for some obscure reason.
As to the fan fiction, I am very excited by both efforts, but I only found one of them particularly successful. David Rowan's "A Matter of Time" was a very strong story which suffered from one major and, for me, fatal flaw. It was too bloody short! There were ideas, characters, images, that all deserved four to five times the attention they received to be completely effective. If Mr. Rowan should ever consider rewriting this story, I hope he will not add a single new plot twist or development. He has enough material here for a novel, if he wanted, but instead we got something that failed to be convincing due to its brevity.
It sure is convenient for Powell Williams that Transporter Chief Kyle gives him, a late 20th Century laymen, full operating instructions for the transporter system. Almost as convenient for Williams to be at the right spot to find our heroes about to return through the Time Portal. If we had only read he was a security man, or a worker come back alone for a tool, or something to explain! But, perhaps the most frustrating "scene that never was" occurred when he had finally gotten home after years of time travel and peril and his wife treats him with contempt, not doubt or even embarrassment at the stranger who claims to be her husband. Handled differently, this could have been overpowering.
Other criticisms are admittedly picky, such as the immediately obvious identity of the wild old man at the beginning, I was taken aback at the unnecessarily gross method and description of the Tyrannosaur's dispatch, I don't wish to intimate that Williams' verbal exchange with the creature was too "gutsy," but after reading it, I was moved to step into heavy traffic and threaten several large trucks onto side streets. I hope these criticisms will be taken in the spirit they are offered(I know, I've heard that line too), but I was sincerely impressed with the personal input. It was strong, some of the ideas were great and I regret that you beat me to them (such as the "small" discrepancies involved in leaping in and out of time portals that add up to 15 years at one point). The scene where Williams' pigeon hunt is interrupted by the little boy wishing to "scare the pants" off his sister was great, very believable. I hope to see more of Mr. Rowan's work in the near future.
The STARLINES were interesting and I really want to see more of such work. Mr. Michael Vance and I must agree to disagree on what he thinks is or is not poetry. The image of clouds performing bowel movements strikes me as something short of the Shakespearean in matters poetic. Ms. Bonnie Guyan's effort was strong and a good statement of the theme of "The Enemy Within." But easily the best, to me, of the poetry offered was Susan Wyllie's "In Loving Memory." It sings, it flows. It is a joy to the eye and the ear. And the subtle, brilliant understating, of the double entendre of the last line is breathtaking. Forgive me if I seem affected, but "The City on the Edge of Forever" was probably (again, to me) the beat single show of the lot and means a great deal to me. I am so very, very glad that some one else has been able to express that feeling so well....
But saving the best for last, I must say that "The Velena Syndrome "was the best piece of fan fiction I have read outside of the essentially pro efforts printed in the two volumes by Marshak and Culbreath. It was long enough to answer almost every question or reservation I had as the story developed. Almost everything was tied down by the end. I'm not completely sure that a "multi dimensional" weapon wielded by the bad guys that can go straight through the shields and the hull without hurting either would have any effect on the man sitting on the command module. This is fairly easily explained away and is not critical. Nor is Uhura's apparent lack of alarm or surprise that a bogey could appear at Warp Three only "about a thousand kilometers" away. How it gets that close is explained adequately later on, but I'm still concerned that she could be so blasd about the whole thing. Again, it's picky. I thought Ms. Guyan's handling of McCoy was very good, top notch in fact. Kirk and the others were alright, but I wasn't always sure about Spock (but then, who is?).
The art was fair to good everywhere else, but I was a little disappointed that Mr. Scivally, in illustrating "The Velena Syndrome','" chose to portray Velena. A description as evocative as Ms. Guyan's needs no help. Part of the pleasure is, of course, in our own images of characters, and Velena's description was a gold mine for de tails. The picture was really superfluous in this case, though the others were useful. One last remark about "The Velena Syndrome." I liked her rebuttal to the Prime Directive, though it is very much open to argument. Original thought was in evidence here. [16]
The art this time around was quite good, over all, although the cover and bacover weren't really all that good, considering that both these people (Doug Herring and Kathi Lynn Higley) are excellent artists and capable of producing better products, Dan Munson's Star Wars prints didn't come across too well, due to the printing) I've seen the originals, and they are all quite good. The fill-in art pieces by Munson, Bobby Plant, and Robert Stapelberg were all adequate, "That Scivally kid" (as I know I've seen him referred to somewhere) really impresses me. He's becoming almost as good as Kathi Lynn Higley. His humour is usually quite funny,and his serious pieces In "The Velena Syndrome" and the frontis- and backispieces were excellent, Duane Hanson turned out his usual Job (which is to say, highly competent and very enjoyable).
...Eric Brendan's review of STN&B echoes most of my own thoughts, and I'd guess quite a few of your other subscribers' as well. As he mentioned, your "worst" feature Is your occasional lapse In printing. This time you lapsed a little much. Several pages In "The Velena Syndrome" were actually hard to read (in my copy, at least), and as you warned me, there were a few more typos than should be, (Since there should be none...)
Geoffrey Mandel's column actually interested me this time, and Dan Erickson's review of Brookcon, as a guest columnist for Personal Notes was a good idea. Maybe you could continue the column in this fashion: guest columnists, differing each issue, writing about whatever they feel like.
"The Velena Syndrome" was pretty good. The plot was nice and mysterious, although cleared up a little too neatly and quickly at the end, I thought. The art was excellent, fit right in, and added much to the story (that Scivally kid, again). Over all, pretty decent, although the best thing about it were the characterizations of the main characters. They were all excellent, and about as true to the TV image as could be. Especially heartwarming was the characterization and use of Mr. Scott. Very well done.
"A Matter of Time" had a fair-to-good plot, but was extremely well-written, which added quite a bit. The dialogue was a bit strained in a couple of places, but other than that, it was nearly letter-perfect, the high point of the issue. The plot was interesting and fun, although I guessed on page one that the old man was really Williams himself (but only fifteen years older?), but that didn't' really detract from the story itself.
Over all, an extremely good issue (and extremely long LoC...). Keep this up and I, for one, won't complain about the "irregularity" of publication. And after all summer of sitting around, doing nothing, now that I am back as a sophomore in college with never-ending studies to complete, maybe I'll write you a story for that rag. [16]
The stories were good, but "The Velena Syndrome" which I had expected to be a good piece of ST fiction (I guess because it looked so long) was a big disappointment, especially the ending. We've already heard the story about the "strange alien beings with fantastic powers who came to Earth during its early history and pretended to be gods or super-powered prophets, or what-have-you." Repeating that theme, although it was done in a different manner, and even if it is interesting to ponder upon, seems to be a waste of space. The characterization and subplots were fine, but there didn't seem to be enough excitement within the story's "revealing" climax. It didn't even seem to have a climax at the end, just a big disappointment. I was really sorry, because the rest of the story was enjoyable....
"A Matter of Time" was a good intriguing story which I enjoyed very much, although the ending was somewhat predictable. I would, how ever, like to see more stories that actually involve the ST characters, instead of stories like this one, which hide them in the background somewhere. [16]
I loved most of "The Velena Syndrome." It's just a shame the story couldn't have somehow eliminated the two last pages of "explanation" i which provoked as many questions as it supplied answers. Bonnie Guyan's "The Revelation of a Soul" was tops.
"A Matter of Time" was interesting and well done. I liked it very much even though I never find time travel stories very convincing. Duane Hanson's illustrations were superb, and if I weren't similarly broke, I'd offer vast sums of money for them.
I wrote a limerick in answer to Douglas Herring:
- If you've seen something D. Herring drew.
- You know why he's plenty to do.
- He's been known to attest
- From his unknown address,
- "Don't call me, and I won't call you!"[16]
Bruce Scivally's caricatures of the Big Three from Star Trek are absolutely price less! And he's proven he can draw "serious" too. His illustrations for thish's "The Velena Syndrome" were superb. I'm especially gratified to see he has a soft spot for the likes of Wonder Woman and Superman. As a long-time comics freak, I enjoyed seeing his portraits of those two long-time favorite characters of mine. Daniel K. Munson's page of Star Wars characters thish was also excellent. And, of course, what LoC would be complete with out at least one round of applause for the hard working pen of Duane Hanson? Clap clap clap clap...
As to the fiction in thish: Vastly improved over your other ishs, George, but still not up to the standards of the "name" 'zines like Warped Space, Interphase. and all those other 'zines that have become bywords in the fandom, but keep on truckin', kiddo, you're getting there!
For all of those who expressed disbelief or dismay over my gafiation from Trekdom in favor of Space: 1999. I am not as totally devoted to Space: 1999 as George seems to have made me out in his editorial in STN&B #23. Yes, I'm a fan of the show (and damn proud of the fact, so you'll get no apologies from me about it!), but I wouldn't say that I'm as fanatical about the show as I once was about Star Trek. During the course of my involvement with Trek, I must have spent close to $600 on fanzines and other merchandise associated, no matter how remotely, with the show. For all I know, that sum could even be higher! I never did keep an accurate tally.
But when my passion for Trek died out during this past spring and summer (it wasn't an overnight phenomena — just as my initial involvement in the show didn't happen overnight) I found myself "stuck" with all this worthless merchandise. Well, believe me, I've been taught a valuable lesson.....
I am a Space fan, but I am also a science fiction fan as well. That means that, although I am no longer a Trekkie, I still respect the show for its role in changing the face of televised science fiction. [16]
"A Matter of Time": good. ...It was tightly written and consistent within itself. A couple of Spock's speeches don't quite ring true, but the story overall shows a lot of promise on the part of David Rowan.
I liked all the columns and regular features. They provide a peg of consistency around which to hang the variety of each issue. I enjoyed Susan Wyllie's and Bonnie Guyan's poems, but I just can't get Into Michael Vance's style. Poetry is SO subjective, and it's hard to tell what will appeal to who. I hope you continue to feature a variety of poetic styles.[16]
I received a copy of STN&B and was pleased with your column, "The Alternative Factor," except for one thing...
When you mentioned the Vulcan calendar, you said: "It's conceivable that the Vulcan civilization fell back into barbarism after the start of their calendar, but I would like to think that the Vulcan year 0 marks the birth, or possibly, the death of Surak, whose influence on Vulcan was surely as pro found as Christ's on Earth."
How could you even imply something like that??? Jesus Christ is the son of the living God, the second "person" of the Trinity. He came to Earth and died on a cross and then rose again! He was God manifest on this Earth and is now seated at the right hand of the Father. To think that Surak would be compared to Deity!!
Surak (supposedly) had about the effect on Vulcan philosophy as Isaac Newton and Galileo Galilei had on Terran science. I cannot see how he compares to Jesus Christ! There is a lot of difference between God and a philosopher. [17]
I'm glad you enjoyed my column in STN&B, although you have overlooked a number of important points in your letter.
First of all, I respect your belief in Jesus Christ as the son of God, but you must realize that many people do not share your belief—Christianity (to say nothing of its many splinter faiths) is not only representative of a minority of human beings, but is in fact a minority among religions. It could be argued (although that is not my intention) that Mohammed, or even the Greek and Roman pantheons, had as profound an influence on human development as Christ. In addition, Christianity on Earth has existed for only two thousand years. Vulcan's recorded history extends eight thousand years into the past, and any being (or deity) great enough to start a calendar that has continued four times as long as the Gregorian calendar must surely be great indeed.
Although Galileo and Newton certainly had a profound effect on the sciences of physics and astronomy, they have not affected the average human being nearly so greatly — the average individual doesn't even know Newton's Laws, nor has he seen the moon through a telescope, I would guess that as many as half of the world's population goes through life without even thinking of gravity. While Christ has undoubtedly affected those who have followed his teachings to a much greater degree, there are many who know little or nothing at all about Christianity, and fully three-quarters of humanity have never read the Bible.
Surak, on the other hand, has influenced every single one of Vulcan's inhabitants — no Vulcan, however remote, has failed to accept Surak's teaching, and to be Vulcan is by definition to follow the path of logic and restrained emotion. Surak's teachings also extend to every facet, every moment of a Vulcan's life — no action or decision - exists outside of Surak's logical disciplines. Even you cannot claim that Christ influences every moment of your life, for there are times when you are asleep, daydreaming, and even in normal everyday life when your actions and decisions are made without any thought of Christ. A Vulcan could not make the merest decision without first examining its appropriateness with respect to Surak's rigid logic.
While I do not claim that Surak is a deity (Vulcans dohave deities, however, as is witnessed by the line in "Yesteryear" — "I go to visit the temple of our gods" — judging from the external evidence, Vulcan deities seem to be less important than Surak), he is nonetheless an unimaginably important factor in Vulcan history. Relatively, he is far more important to Vulcan philosophy than Christ is on Earth, because his influence is both more general and more far-reaching. Surak pervades every minute of every day of a Vulcan's life. This is not to say that Surak is more important than Christ, comparatively. It is ridiculous to compare two dissimilar entities, for Christ has a very different role on Earth, and preached a very different philosophy. Certainly there is a difference between God and a philosopher, but Surak was not a philosopher, and to many, Christ is not God but a God.
My personal opinion is that Christ's teachings have been immensely more valuable than Surak's, as the Vulcan race seems to have stagnated while the human race continues to grow and thrive. A Vulcan would undoubtedly claim the reverse, but I think that Roddenberry would agree, judging from his script, "Bread and Circuses." But I think that Roddenberry and many of Star Trek's writers would say that the teachings of Christ, that all men are brothers, are more important than his physical existence (or non-existence, for that matter). This, among other things, is a lesson that Star Trek teaches. [18]
Issue 26
Star Trek Nuts & Bolts 26 was published in November 1978 and contains 22 pages.
The art is by Kathy Lynn Higley, Tomo Inoue, Marilyn Johansen, Geoffrey Mandel, Bobby Plant, Barbara Pohl, Bruce Scivally, and Rich Woolworth.
- Subscription, Reprint, Editorial Polity (1)
- Editorial (2)
- A Most Necessary Duty, fiction by Rich Woolworth (Star Wars) (3)
- Tricorder Readings, reviews (7)
- "The Female Man" by Joanna Russ, reviewed by Laurie Huff
- Passages, see that page
- The Alpha Moonbase Technical Notebook, from Starlog, see that page
- "Vulcan!" ("This is far and away the best ST novel I've read. I'm a bit annoyed at David Gerrold, though, for pointing out that Kathleen went to live with Steve Golden a year before they were married. It really isn't any of my business. When did he become a gossip columnist?:)
- The Alternative Factor, column by Geoffrey Mandell (10)
- Mailing Frequencies Open, letters of comment (12)
- WAHF (16)
- Starlines, poetry (17)
- Follow a Star by Susan Wyllie
- Storytelling by Kevin Fenton
- A Philosophy by Kevin Fenton
- Nuts and Bolts, ads (19)
- Afterwords, column by George Perkins (21)
from issue #26, Bruce Scivally, an homage to Saturday Night Fever and disco
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 26
You asked for it, you got it George [referring to the editor's request in Scuttlebutt that someone review his zine], but why in the world you asked for a request of your zine is beyond me. I first considered not writing this at all -- something like if you don't have anything nice to say, why say anything -- but after reading your last issue and editorial comments, I couldn't resist. Frankly, I think you should save your time and efforts. The one or two articles you've somehow managed to come up with that were readable, can't carry the weight of the other tons of dribble you offer. Your zine consists mainly of YOUR comments, YOUR editorials, a selection of boring reviews and ratings, all sprinkled heavily with unexcusable [sic] typos, misspellings, and printed in occasionally unreadable 75% reduction, el-cheapo off-set. My opinion of your zine -- the absolute pits! Save a tree, George, don't waste paper printing the zine, and readers: don't waste your eyesight trying to read it. [19]
If you are a Trekker exclusively, or into SW and ignore all else, or struck in a rut of any other one-and-only fandom, STN&B is not for you. But if you're interested in variety, you'd probably enjoy this zine. (Really, I don't see why the 'Star Trek' is still in the zine title, if #26 is typical, the zine has branched out beyond its original purpose.( Only one piece in the zine is fiction: 'A Most Necessary Duty' by Rich Woolworth. It's a well-written, plausible story of how Leia got the Death Star plans, but it could have been much more fleshed out and detailed than the skeleton treatment it was given here. Admittedly, though, the author and editor wanted a short story, not a novella. The rest of the zine, except for some poetry, devoted to non-fiction; I understand that each issue of STN&B usually has only one major fiction work. 'Tricorder Readings,' a review column is good since it reviews not only fanzines but prozines, novels, and other items a generalist fan would be interested in. Geoffrey Mandel's continuing 'Alternative Factor' is devoted in this issue to reliable-sounding news on the ST movie, including some information I hadn't been aware of from my previous reading of pro media and STW's APOTA. There is also a LoC and ad column. The print is reduced, but clear and readable. The artwork didn't really turn me on, but then it didn't turn me off either. I did get few chuckles out of the cartoons, especially the 'Fan Merchandise We'd Like to See.' Only one thing in the zine bothered me: under the guise of a disclaimer, the editor uses his closing comments to put down a former contributor with whom he apparently had a misunderstanding and a quarrel. I don't know the circumstances and imagine there was right and wrong on both sides. But I consider this personal airing unnecessary and something that should have been kept between the two parties involved. Well, except fo that last bit, by STN&B's own rating system, I'd give it a 7: Quite Good. [20]
...In all my copies of Nuts and Bolts, never have I read a more entertaining editorial than this one. I enjoyed it more than many sf stories I've read. I really lost it when you "risked insubordination." Please, more dreams! You may have a new column here.
Rich Woolworth's "A Most Necessary Duty" was very well written. It opened my eyes to the diverse possibilities for pre- and post- Star Wars stories. It is a great literary resource ready to be tapped! His accompanying artwork complimented the story nicely. Bobby Plant's cityscape on page 9 was good and ambitious. It looks like somebody gave him an ink pen and a joint. (Not meant to be derogatory, really). I like the page a lot!
...Geoffrey Mandel is priceless. It's good to get information on a first hand basis (or second hand). Personally, I question the value of a "mini-transporter" on the new Enterprise bridge. It may keep the actors from rushing down to the transporter room every time a new planet appears, but I just have a bad feeling about it. I see it as another piece of equipment that might malfunction. I will reserve further comments on the changes until I see the movie.
Kathi ((Lynn Higley)) has done it again. First "Impossible Eating Feats" and now "Excerpts from the Fan Merchandise We'd Like to See Catalog." It's a very entertaining concept. To day's fiction is tomorrow's fact. Keep it coming babe. [21]
...I guess this is my basic statement this time; There wasn't much of STNAB # 26. To remember, at least. It was short, not terribly memorable. The high points were the cover,and Kevin Fenton's two poems. The editorial was quite interesting and appropriate ("Really, no."). Rich's story didn't really impress me all that much; it's just that "prequels" as such don't interest me, usually. Geoff Mandel's column about the new Enterprise for the Trek movie was both interesting and informative. I'm looking forward to the new stories you promised in your AFTERWORDS column.
The art this time around wasn't all that impressive (with the exception of the cover), but it was adequate. Scivally's Superman was, as I said before, a highlight. I've just recently seen the movie and I now very much like the cover that I was indifferent to before. He captured the look of the actors very well. And the movie was quite good, too.
That's about it, but I'll close with a request: please put the issue number (or numbers) on the cover from now on.[21]
...This was a fairly small issue this time, but you have given us fair warning about this as you knew you would be busy with school. Though small, it still had its moments. The first of these was the EDITORIAL, and a "moment" it was. I'm not sure what you may have had in mind by printing this, but as an old Freudian, I could scarcely contain my glee at seeing that I am not the only functional paranoid schizophrenic in fandom.
"A Most Necessary Duty" was okay, short, but okay. I thought the dialogue was too much like Sergeant Rock for complete acceptance, but the biggest problem was the heavies. Yes, Imperial Stormtroopers are depicted as an especially loutish and dimwitted lot, but these guys haven't got the brains to pour water out of their boots even if the directions were printed on the heel! They rush past the spies who get in the elevator without so much as a "Where's your pass?", the heroes run rings around a bunch of timmies standing guard around a conveniently placed ship and escape. They blithely leave through an exit my cat would have the sense to keep locked, and then escape to a planet where they simply broadcast their stolen info while joking about Hacker's grandmother. Has anyone ever heard of jamming the radio frequencies of someone who you don't want yelling for help? Obviously the Empire hasn't figured out this one. And when they are captured, what do the moronic minions do next? They throw them into an unobserved cell without so much as frisking them for the stolen car keys! Great Scott, Man! What kind of drooling neanderthals do you think the Empire consists of? Of course, the answer to that question is obviously, the same cardboard heavies that populated Star Wars. In this sense, the story was successful in that it caught the general feel of the movie.
...For me, the best thing in this issue was the newest Installment of Geoffrey Mandel's column, THE ALTERNATIVE FACTOR. Some of the in formation in it was not news to me, but did serve to confirm the things I had read elsewhere. I was particularly excited by the tidbit from his next report about some of the things he learned when last out on the coast. And I've got to say that I was pleased to see him so open minded about the changes that are taking place.
I have some small personal reservations about some things (I am not particularly fond of unisex clothing and, like George Takei, think this is a reaction to the women's lib faction and may prove to be only a temporary concern), but I firmly believe in Gene Roddenberry and I have a great respect for Robert Wise. There is a significant number of fans who seem extremely leery of any changes and fear the whole thing is being undermined by Paramount who, in truth, has never previously shown any real understanding of what Star Trek is really about. But still I have faith in the Bird. He (and several other people) gave us a pretty definite statement that we have all come to admire and respect. I can not see any reason, at this time at least, to suddenly doubt bis skills and vision now, that he may finally give us may look different, but it will be no less the essence of his own thoughts, indeed it may be a truer picture than ever, since he does not have the same conservative standards of 1965 to deal with. In any case, the next year will be one long sweat. I feel like the dog face who has just gotten his rotation confirmed and now has to await the papers to get down from division. For the next year I will be looking both ways and up and down before crossing streets. I'll chew my beef 50 times before swallowing. And I'll cut watching TV in the shower down to three or four times a week. I'll do anything to increase my chance to living to see the Year of Jubilo! Here's hoping we all make it....[21]
...Thish was, as you said in your AFTERWARDS column, "A typical STN&B." But I liked it — there was a lot of neat stuff in that small package of paper! About the cover: I didn't really care for it. (No offense to "the Kid"). It would have been fine anywhere else in the zine, but not on the front cover. It looked kind of funny with the booming title, STAR TREK NUTS AND BOLTS and then see a drawing of Superman.
...I really don't understand why you printed the review of the book, Vulcan! (reviewed by Carol Christensen). All she said about it was that it was the best one she has ever read. But why?
I really enjoyed THE ALTERNATIVE FACTOR by Geoff Mandel. I like the way you are dissolving the old news columns and fitting the news into other columns. News is always an important part of a fanzine.
What I really would like to see would be the Fan Merchandise We'd Like to See Catalog! Kathy could really make some bucks if she would put one together and sell it. I would buy at least two!... [22]
Issue 27/28
Star Trek Nuts & Bolts 27/28 was published in 1979 and contains 27 pages. Is a single novel called "Triumph in the Dust."
The author is Patrick R. Wilson, and the art is by Bruce Scivally.
From the introduction:
Welcome to a very special edition of Star Trek Nuts and Bolts, This particular double-sized issue could aptly be re-titled "Triumph in the Dust" with no mention of "Star Trek Nuts and Bolts" anywhere else.
STN&B #27/28 is part of a triple-issue mailing (including #29). If you are the slightest bit observant you have noticed the fact that this double issue is practically as thin as a single issue. I can lie and say you're paying a premium for the high quality contents this (double) issue because I had to pay royalties to the two artists who's work appears here, or I could give it out straight. The fact of the matter is, I'm doing some catching up with this issue, (While I do admit the quality of the work present deserves more than I could hope to offer as far as monetary payment goes, I didn't contract for such remuneration. Instead, I'm offering you "Triumph in the Dust" on a silver platter in the guise of this double issue). In the past few issues, STN&B has brought you more pages than its budget calls for. Therefore, the slack is being picked up here. While over-sized issues have appeared in the past (namely in the form of #23, 24/25 and 26), it is also appearing in #29. If you'll turn to that issue, you'll note at how hefty it seems to be. Ah! Thus, I'm making up for the over-sized editions that have occurred in the recent past and the present.
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 27/28
Huzza! After nearly a year, success is mine! Issue #27/28 looks like a million tax free bucks and you get the credit! Huzza! My thanks to you and to Bruce, as well as my congratulations to both. I was flabbergasted at the "clean" look and near pro quality. The Dry Letter Transfers you have used ((typeset headlines, actually—GP)) made this issue look like a galley proof on its way to the printers! When I saw that title page, I almost fainted. By the Great God of the Ganges, you've done me proud! I'm trying to think of some thing I could gripe about, to be rational and show you how closely I studied your work, but damn my eyes if I couldn't find anything to mention. I found only two or three typos and they were easy and obvious, can't hurt the story. And your use of the art was nothing less than lavish.
But most of all I was touched by your flattering remarks directed to Bruce and I. You let your humility get in the way when you resisted the temptation to write an introduction to set the mood or tone of the issue. Frankly, as an insatiable glutton for praise, I really need some reactions to what I've tried. I still need to know if I can sell or if I'm even worth reading, much less buying , and that is one reason I am looking forward to the next issue when you will have a chance to print some reactions to TITD... I can see that #27/28 was a departure for STN&B in several ways and I'm sure there will be some reaction. Also, let me congratulate you on your good sense, I think, in putting #29 out with it. This way, even those who hate TITD still got something more along the lines of what they expected. Further, this gave you the chance to print your regular columns and features. All in all, a good idea worth repeating if these circumstances should ever repeat themselves.... [17]
"Triumph in the Dust" was beautiful. I loved it. I was actually moved to tears which hasn't happened to me for a long time. The only flaw I can see is that I can't believe Peter could have gotten ten years older while everyone else stayed exactly as they were. I'm willing to forgive that one minor implausibility, however. Patrick R. Wilson deserves a round of applause. [17]
"Triumph in the Dust" was excellent. It deserved an issue all to itself. Scivally's artwork was also very good, in an illustrative capacity. I do, however, have mixed feelings about using one artist (no matter how good) throughout the entire magazine. On one hand I enjoy the consistence of style in the art just as consistency of writing style is important. On the other hand, a little bit of variety is also nice (in artwork, that is. Stories that change style in the middle would be rather confusing). [17]
I found the characterization to be quite satisfying and believable. I'm glad Kirk's nephew was not portrayed as another Captain Kirk, but as a somewhat nervous but eager young man who acted decisively and dutifully and who seemed to be slightly unsure of himself. He found spiritual strength through the poem that he kept with him even unto his death. He had acted courageously and dutifully though he died an insignificant death and would be remembered by few.
The whole story was quite emotional, but its the little emotional scenes between Kirk, Spock and McCoy that we all watch out for, and this one was rather well done. I doubted Spock's little speech to Kirk (last page) for awhile, but considering the circumstances, I do "believe that Spock would have said some thing to that effect. The other two also acted in character; these were the Kirk, Spock, and McCoy that I knew. I applaud Patrick Wilson for a story well done, one of the "best I've read in a long while.
Bruce Scivally's illos were very good, as usual, except that the drawings looked slightly fuzzy. Is this due to printing or the type of pen used in the drawing? ((it was due to the porous paper Bruce used and his choice of inking — a felt tip watercolor. ~GP)) Also, the two page spread looked too "empty;" the battling figures could have been shown closer to fill out the page more. The rest of the art, however, came up to Mr. Scivally's standards, which is to say he did an excellent job. [17]
A pleasant enough story, but, except for length, not really outstanding enough to warrant an entire issue devoted to it. Scivally's illustrations were good. [17]
Issue 29
Star Trek Nuts & Bolts 29 was published in 1979 and contains 24 pages.
The art is by Dan Erickson, Duane Hanson, Jody Hanson, Kathi Lynn Higley, Tomo Inoue, Shona Jackson (Dawnsigner), Dan Munson, Bobby Plant, Barbara Pohl, and Bruce Scivally.
From the editorial:
I guess it just as well be official. I tentatively see the last issue of STN&B to be printed sometime during the late summer of early fall of 1979. As I see it, this will be issue #32. At that time I will make announcements as to subscription refunding and so forth. While this is not a commitment, I would like to say that there is a small chance that after #32, I will again publish an issue or two. There is also the minute possibility of a "Best of STN&B" issue in the future. These ideas exist in only that, form -- I have) made no concrete plans for them.
The reasons for STN&B's demise are many. The publication of issue #32 will mark five long years of publication. That is better than an issue every two months non-stop for five years straight. While one issue per a two month period may not seem extremely pressing and difficult, it is. Which brings me to my first reason.
Life is more than publishing a fanzine. Intermingled with those 32 issues (or these 29, however you care to look at it) have been four years of high school and now my first year of college. I worked part-time, full-time and no-time those years as well. I ran a school newspaper for a semester and assisted on the same paper for another semester. I helped create and run two science fiction mini conventions and am currently doing the same for a third, even larger, con. I currently doing the same for a third, even larger, con. I made friends, lost friends, and learned and grew. I could go on, but the list becomes nothing but typical. It is time for a vacation from STN&B and a devotion to my life outside of publishing a fanzine. I put too much work into the thing, much more work than is visible to a reader, and I can't say that it is worth it anymore (reasons 2 and 3).
I just do not get as much satisfaction from STN&B as I used to. The days when it was exciting to put an issue together are over. Issues #1, 6/?, 11/12, 14/15 and 17/18/19 mark those times, but they are gone. Not only do I find less reason to publish an issue, I get "negative satisfaction" more frequently now. I am not altogether sure why this is so, but it comes in the form of irate contributors, reviewers, and even subscribers. (No single person taking any blame, either — it is a large scattering of individuals I am speaking of). Criticism is one thing, but out-and-out name calling and personal attacks is another. While these instances are infrequent, they exist. Fanzine printing is egoboo (boosting of your ego). It rarely serves any other purpose. When you no longer get egoboo from your readers, then the publishing of the fanzine becomes less than satisfying.
Fanzine editing and publishing takes a hell of a lot of work. Starting from scratch it involves writing letters and having a great many contacts in fandom from which you draw in contributors. (Which explains why upstarts like The Tenth Dimension are having a hell of a time.) From there one must weed out the good material from the material not suitable for publication. Once this has occurred, one has to plan ahead and get illustrations for works, design logos, contract for specific art and prose and then print it. This means lining up printing facilities and typing and laying out the material to be printed. One must have a steady flow of large amounts of money coming in from readers and subscribers which requires * book work and mailing lists. Collating, addressing, and mailing come next, and by that time you start the whole process over again for the next issue. It requires many long hours in front of a typewriter and lots of trips to the post office, bank and printers. All this work must be weighed against the final outcome! was it worth it? bid the editor receive his egoboo? If not, then it is no longer worth the effort.
Reason 4. Now that I'm in college and have found that I have more activities to be involved with, I no longer find the time to keep up with a fanzine. It also comes down to the question of whether or not the fanzine is holding me back from other activities. I'm sure it has in the past, but I am basically in secure and uninclined to initiate getting involved in activities, so in the past a fanzine was a very good outlet for my time and energy. But I've matured since 1974 and I find that I need to, and can become involved in, the myriad of life experiences waiting for me. I no longer want to be held back by a fanzine. I don't need the crutch anymore.
By no means am I dropping out of fandom simply because I've announced the demise of STN&B. In fact, I'll be heading to Minicon 15 in Minneapolis this Easter (April 13-15) with the likes of some other Brookconites.
Besides going to Minicon, I'll be active in fandom through Brookcon '79 which is rapidly approaching.
- Editorial by George Perkins (2)
- A Frightening Sense of Doom, fiction by Ken Fredrickson (original science fiction) (4)
- Tricorder Headings, reviews of various books and and the zine Spirit (6)
- The Alternative Factor, article by Geoffrey Mandel (technology and information), about Klingon and Romulan history, reprinted from the Starfleet Handbook #7 and #8 (9)
- The Hiding Place: "I'm Into That Sort of Thing," essay by Dan Munson (topic is being a science fiction fan, hassles with family and others about acceptance) (11)
- Personal Noted from Altar IV, meta essay: "The Fault with Fanzines" by Michael Lai (12)
- Starlines, poetry (14)
- One Sun-Bright Day by Susan Wyllie
- Questions by Kathi Lynn Higley
- Three Limericks by Carol Christensen
- Mailing Frequencies Open, letters of comment (15)
- Meet the Artists (18)
- Nuts and Bolts, ads and plugs (21)
- Afterwords, How to Put Your Foot in Your Mouth by George Perkins (23)
from issue #29, Jody Hanson, portrays Kirk and Miramanee
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 29
I was sorry to read your Editorial #29, but I can't say it came as a surprise. In between the lines I have been noticing that you are indeed making some discoveries about yourself and the world and you seem, if nothing else, graceful in exit from this stage to the next. Some folks won't or can't give such fair warning, but you did and I, for one, salute you for it. I only hope you don't leave this facet of fandom, or your life, with any bitterness or regrets beyond the inevitable ones. Remember, you're not going away, you are coming to another place.
But now to the grisly business of nitpicking ("It's a dirty job, but some body's got to do it"). "A Frightening Sense of Doom" was what I felt when I got into the second paragraph of this effort. Mr. Fredrickson has obviously played one-too many or one-too-few (I'm not sure which) games of Dungeons and Dragons, and not very original ones either. Sorry, but with all due respect to any attempt at creativity, it just didn't do me any good. And it did seem decidedly out of place in STN&B. Sure, ST had "Catspaw" and some other fantasy trappings (like most of the third season), but that hardly seems justification for this being here. If Mr. Fredrickson wants to write some Sword and Sorcery material, let him send it to The Dragon or any of the other fanzines that cater to this material. Sorry, again, but I would rather have seen the space saved or used to reprint George's favorite recipe for potato salad. (Do you really like onion in it?). By the by, Duane Hanson's art was okay,but misdirected here.
...The Hiding Place I didn't feel quite right about, it sounded a little too much like indirect self congratulation and even a kind of reverse condescension. I mean, I get a little antsy whenever I read someone saying that he is "among the most intelligent people around today" in some field. Even if it's true, the "Aw shucks, I'm just so smart" approach bothers me. Of course, it may be that all us idiots feels that way....'
Now then, the piece de resistance. Personal Notes From Altair IV, guest written by Michael Lail. Excuse me if I run across the ceiling in my excitement, but this was brilliant! It deserves to be reprinted in every fanzine of whatever persuasion in the world and every editor/publisher of one should have a copy of this in his wallet or tacked above his desk. It is not only funny as hell, but might even border on the profound. For it also struck a sensitive nerve by showing some simple and invaluable truth.
...The "Meet the Artists" article was good, worth repeating if it weren't for its inherent one-time-only quality. So that's that Scivally kid, eh? Looks like the original mild-mannered reporter to me. For that reason alone he bears watching. Barbara Pohl looks like another of those "if you see this per son, take no action yourself" types. I suspect her self rendering is a bit unfair, not doing her justice and all that. But then with her record, "Crazy Legs Moskowitz" would be well advised to throw the authorities off with this disguise. So that's Tomo. Forgive me, Tomo-San, but how often do you think I get to write "Tomo arigatoi"? As to Dan Munson, he and his henchmen definitely look like twenty miles of bad road. Tough dudes. Mean mothers. You know, Methodists. I'd buy Marlboros and Miller High Life from these cats any time. [17]
STN&B #29 was a little compact but made up for its size in quality. The writing was good, the art was good, and the cartoons — especially Higley's and Tomo's — were inventive and funny. I especially liked the self-portrait section, not only for the generous lies which you printed under mine, but also because it gave me a chance to see my competition. One question — is Kathi Lynn Higley that cute in person? [17]
I found #29 to be a typical issue of STN&B.,.. The piece of fiction was adequate. It filled the space nicely and presented the story without wasting too much time and space. The idea it presented was interesting enough to keep the reader's attention. The rest of the features filled out the zine nicely, and I'll refrain from a detailed comment on them.
Thanks to Dan Erickson for commenting on my artwork. It's never been commented on in a manner that unusual before, but I do take it as a compliment, understanding that these Star Trek Nuts are a weird lot and likely to come up with any manner of strange similes to describe a suffering artists drawing. Or should that be an artist's suffering drawing? Oh well! [17]
I loved issue #29 — I thought it was really great. Why doesn't the lady on the cover have any pupils in her eyes? Other than that, I like the cover. In fact, this issue is chock-full of really stunning art — notably the "back cover — and good cartoons. I'm sure Scivally isn't the only one who thinks of the "IRS Man" as a Klingon.
"A Frightening Sense of Doom" was great—sorry to overuse that word— really atmospheric. Many stories of this type tend to telegraph their endings, but this one didn't....
I got a kick out of Michael Lail's "The Fault With Fanzines" — he hit the nail right on the head. Tomo's tribbles are adorable! I hope more will appear in your last issue(s). Is that one signature tribble really saying "nanu-nanu"? These tribbulations are almost too much to bear! I also liked "Meet the Artists." I would like to ask, however — how does Kathi keep her glasses on, with no ears to hook the frames over? [17]
My favorite parts of STN&B #29 were: "The Fault with Fanzines" by Michael Lail, "Meet the Artists" (now I'll be able to recognize everyone at Mini-con), and Scivally's cartoons. My least favorite part was your editorial coupled with the review on page 18. Really depressing combination. What a bummer! All that work just to get a kick in the teeth... I'm sorry Brookcon '79 was cancelled, of course, though I suspected from the first that I wouldn't really fit in with the young people attending. Maybe it's for the best. [17]
Duane Hanson's rather shocked looking alien on the bottom of your editorial pretty well illustrates my reaction to the news: The end of Star Trek Nuts and Bolts! Impossible! It must be some sort of nightmare or something, I can hardly believe it! But, alas, it is true, isn't it?
Well, I can understand your reasons. Since I've begun work as the fiction editor of my school literary magazine I've learned just how hard it is to put a magazine together. And what we are taking a year to do you did every two months! I don't think I would have been able to stand it as long as you have.
You seem to be following in the footsteps of T-Negative, edited by Ruth Berman. T-Negative was also a very high quality magazine, and it, too, folded about the thirtieth issue.
Despite the bombshell in the editorial, I managed to enjoy #29, which really says a lot for the zine. I especially liked the artists' self-portraits. Now when I see these faces coming towards me down the street I'll know to get on the other side of the road.
"A Frightening Sense of Doom" started out looking like it would be another ho-hum sword & sorcery story with lots of swordplay and bloody slaughter. In stead, the ending was really something! Nice twist. Another of the issue's highlights was Personal Notes from Altair IV.,.. It is just a shame that the news in the editorial hung over the rest of the magazine, and perhaps it would have been best to leave it for Afterwords. #29 was as good as any double issue, which is what it should have been. [17]
I have before me STN&B #29. I'm supposed to LoC it. I liked it. Where do I begin? (How about the cover?) Okay, the cover was good. Simple, enig matic, etc. Ken's story, "A Frightening Sense of Doom" was nothing spectacular, but served to fill up two pages.... It was all right? Yeah, it was, but that's not very explicit. It didn't seem to accomplish anything, I guess.
Stix's column ((The Hiding Place)) was good. I feel a sense of empathy with him (but then, I often do). People always ask me these things about "sci-fi," too. (At college, being an English major, it's spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc.). I very much liked the "Personal Notes" column, very humorous. I especially liked the "figure of speech" comments directed at "Boohoo." Overall, this was quite a good piece.
I'm sorry to see that STN&B is folding in the near future. I've been reading it since its beginning (& writing LoC's) and I can say that it has improved consistently, to the point of being one of the best amateur publications. I mean that. ((Replacing "personal relationship" for "STN&B" in the above would pretty much sums up my feelings on the matter, as well, Daryl. —GP)) [17]
I don't have any comments on specific pieces of fiction. I've no other pieces of fan written criticism to compare them to. It's obvious to me that a fan magazine should publish fiction, and I assume you choose the best of what's available to you. I'm less sure that you should publish poetry. I'm not sure that science fiction lends itself to poetry. I'm largely ignorant of science fiction, but I know of no science fiction poets (while, if pressed, I could name maybe five science fiction novelists and short story writers). Gracious —"fiction" is included in the genre's very name. Perhaps the fact that no one has made a profession of writing science fiction poetry indicates that it is not a fruitful avenue. More directly, I just wasn't particularly impressed by the poetry I've seen in STN&B. I like the LoC's, the artwork and the printing; considering the limitations you are working under (working against?), I think you do a good job. I like the concept of LoC's (What does the C in LoC stand for?
I assume the L stands for "Letters of," but the C? Comment? Criticism?), I like the reader participation offered by LoC's. That seems crucial to a fan magazine's appeal, I prefer the artwork without captions, I especially liked the frontispiece, Munson's column was well written, I don't see too much of
his writing. One last comment, I don't like the extensive use of jargon, e,g., thish, egoboo. Well, those are the reactions of an English Composition major who's not very familiar with science fiction or fan magazines, but who's inter ested in all types of writing, and communication. As a fellow small scale publisher, twenty-nine issues impresses me, ((Yes, LoC stands for Letters of Comment, I see nothing wrong with faan jargon, FIAWOL, after all, —GP))[17]
Issue 30/31
Star Trek Nuts & Bolts 30/31 contains, among other things, a very angry and bitter editorial by George Perkins.
In the next issue, Perkins wrote:
Several letters that I received were in response to my very bitter editorial printed as STN&B #30/31. My state of mind (and personal life) has improved since that writing, and I am not the anger-crazed ogre I made myself out to be at that time. I am very grateful to all of those who took the time to write on this matter. I am not embittered as I was for a couple months last summer.
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 30/31
After that bombshell ((STN&B #30/31)) it is tough to think of something to say, I'd like to put in a long blank space or a *sigh* when I pause in my thinking, but then it would be difficult to take this letter seriously.
It's the letter/editorial which is a little hard to take.... It is not every day that someone tells you that everything you've been working on or around for the last six years is all bullshit. The unhappy thing is, in a way, you are right.
I was beginning to feel the same way myself: in a year I would have come to the same realization, I think. Six months ago I began to phase out that part of my life -- to pack away the "junk" or better yet, to throw out things forgotten and newly re-discovered that would only be forgotten again. It is time to grow up.
However, I think you were a little too harsh. A little too quick to condemn. Fandom was a crutch (for me) something to lean on for support. Fandom was a way to entertain oneself, a way to meet new friends, it gave some of us something to relate to, a way to belong when the cold cruel world rejected some of us. Now I don't need crutches anymore, I can stand on my own two emotional feet, but I'm grateful I had the crutches when I needed them. I know this isn't true for everyone, but that's the way it worked for me.
And so what about the little side effects, like spending money on that "junk"I As for Trekdom dying out—I just don't think so. I think it's entering a new generation. The first generation was composed of the people who watched the original episodes, the legends in fandom like Bjo Trimble and Ruth Berman, After the famous 1972 convention came the second generation of fans who thrived on repeats. That is the biggest generation of which we are a part. The second generation built the great Trekdom of clubs and zines on the foundations left by the first generation. The second generation is nearly over now. Lack of hope for the movie (which is finally now a reality), lack of interest, and a growing maturity of the fans have killed it. Now the third generation is starting, and the movie will be the glory of this generation. Unfortunately the third generation is hidden from us. They will have to start from scratch, start their own fan zines, organize their own clubs, and find each other on their own. Their only central pivotal point will be the movie (with no big conventions anymore).
The fact that they can't reach us, or find us is what allows us to think that Trekdom is dying for good. But the new fans are there, waiting for the movie to give them birth. We, the ones who have grown out of fandom, leave behind us an empty void where we had built an empire. Now the third generation will re build that network of clubs and magazines and conventions.
Let's wish them luck.[17]
I think you were a bit harsh on Trekkers, I do not live Star Trek fan fiction, nor do I write it, I read it, I also read novels, particularly mysteries, a daily newspaper, TV Guide and Time. I am discriminating about what I buy, and I was even discriminating as a Trekkie, I don't buy something I don't like, and there are certain subjects I don't like. This applies to all types of fiction, not just Trek fan fiction. For me. Star Trek is a hobby, just as a sport, a handcraft, or collecting something can be a hobby. [17]
Fans all gafiate eventually — for a variety of reasons. But it's sad when they do it with bitterness. Please don't blame fandom for your difficulties in other areas, Fandom exists on many levels. Any given fan can put as much or as little into fandom as he wants. Fandom doesn't drag unwilling people into its clutches! And it offers many people opportunities for self-expression and communication that they might not have had otherwise. Each fan chooses the kind of and level of involvement that suits him. Granted, fandom can become habit forming—and we may hang onto it past its point of usefulness to us sometimes. But that's not fandom's fault!
I hope that you are once again involved in something that is meaningful to you and which gives you pleasure. In your new personal contacts I hope you are able to use anything you may have gained from ST fandom—perhaps, confidence in your ability to accomplish things (you did run a club and publish a zine for several years, you made friends, etc.), I think you will find that your time in ST fandom wasn't wasted, (If it was wasted, you can't blame fandom for that). I doubt that you lost anything because of fandom. If nothing else, it should help you avoid doing again what you dislike about your time in fandom! But I really believe your experiences in organizing and carrying on a club and a zine could be used by you in other personal relationships... perhaps in sf fandom or in local groups — from hobbyists to serious concern groups — which need some sort of organization and a newsletter or magazine of some sort can be useful to them. You have valuable experience in these areas. I hope you will use that experience for the benefit of yourself and others.
Good luck in whatever you do. There's so much besides ST (and sf!) in the world that I have no doubt that you'll find something else to interest you.
Perhaps, as most people seem to do, you'll go from one interest to another and another and so on. That seems to be natural, though some people do find am all-consuming interest. Whatever it is that occupies your time and thoughts, I hope it is always satisfying, and that you don't hang onto it just out of habit. Take care. [17]
Issue 32
Star Trek Nuts & Bolts 32 was published in November 1979 and contains 20 pages.
The art is by Duane A. Hanson, Kathi L. Higley, Shona Dawnsinger Jackson, Gee Moaven, Bruce Scivally, and Tomo Inoue. Much of this art is credited due to the fact that small, reprints of previous covers were included in this issue.
It was the last issue.
- Prelude of Things to Come, poem by Susan Wyllie (frontispiece)
- Editorial, "Growing Up With STN&B" by George Perkins (2)
- Personal Notes from Altair IV, Personal Notes from Earth, column by Mark T. Behrend (6)
- Letters of Comment (6)
- Acknowledgments by George Perkins (19)
- ^ a comment in The Clipper Trade Ship #20
- ^ from Spin Dizzie #2 (1979)
- ^ The record is actually called "Warp Nine: The Theme from Star Trek."
- ^ This con was likely Star Trek Lives! (convention)/1976
- ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f from a letter of comment in "Star Trek Nuts & Bolts #13
- ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f g from "Star Trek Nuts & Bolts" #14/15
- ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f from a letter of comment in "Star Trek Nuts & Bolts" #16
- ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f g h i from a letter of comment in "Star Trek Nuts & Bolts" #17/18/19
- ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f g h from a letter of comment in "Star Trek Nuts & Bolts" #20
- ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f from a letter of comment in "Star Trek Nuts & Bolts" #24/25
- ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f from a letter of comment in "Star Trek Nuts & Bolts" #21/22
- ^ excerpted from a much longer letter in "Star Trek Nuts & Bolts" #21/22 by "High Frontiers Foundation" based in New York City, an organization which encouraged people to write the government in support of space exploration
- ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f g h i from a letter of comment in "Star Trek Nuts & Bolts" #23
- ^ from a letter of comment by Douglas Herring (who has his address "withheld by request" in "Star Trek Nuts & Bolts" #23
- ^ from a letter of comment by Douglas Herring in "Star Trek Nuts & Bolts" #24/25
- ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f g from a letter of comment in "Star Trek Nuts & Bolts" #26
- ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q from a letter of comment in "Star Trek Nuts & Bolts" #32
- ^ from a letter of comment by Geoffrey Mandel in "Star Trek Nuts & Bolts" #32
- ^ from Scuttlebutt #11, reprinted in "Star Trek Nuts & Bolts" #29
- ^ from Scuttlebutt #11
- ^ Jump up to: a b c from a letter of comment in "Star Trek Nuts & Bolts" #29
- ^ from a letter of comment in "Star Trek Nuts & Bolts" #29