List of Conventions Past and Present
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The following are lists of fan conventions that are or were held at regularly scheduled intervals (annually, biennially, etc.).
Conventions Still Running
- AnimagiC, a German anime and manga con held since 1999.
- Arisia, Boston area SF con held since 1989.
- Balticon, Baltimore SF con held since 1967.
- BistoCon 2014-present (August, even-numbered years). The Professionals slash relaxacon.
- Boskone, an SF con and sister-con to Arisia; held in Boston since 1941
- Capricorn, a con founded in 1981.
- ClexaCon, 2017-present (March). A Clexa and multimedia femslash con held in Las Vegas, USA.
- Comic-Con, 1970-present (July) yearly, in San Diego, CA, USA. Huge.
- Coast Con, 1977-present, yearly in Biloxi, MI, USA.
- CONfabulation, 2017-present. Successor to WinCon. USA.
- ConStrict, 2001-present (July). Multimedia slash con, now in Las Vegas, NV, USA.
- CON.TXT, a multi-fandom slash con held in Silver Spring, Maryland (Con.Txt website)
- Creation Cons, procons run by Creation Entertainment
- Connichi, a German anime and manga con held since 2002.
- Dragon*Con, 1987-present. Massive convention held yearly in Atlanta, GA, USA.
- Emerald City Comic Con, 2003–present, yearly in Seattle, Washington, USA.
- Empire City Con, 2019-present (November). Successor to Beach City Con. Fan-run Steven Universe con in Charlotte, NC, USA.
- Escapade, a slash relaxacon near Santa Barbara open to all fandoms (Escapade home page)
- FanWorks, 2019-present. Multimedia fanworks convention. USA.
- Fedcon, 1992-present (April/May). Trek and Sci-Fi media con, usually held in Bonn, Germany.
- Finncon, 1986-present. Fan-run science fiction and fantasy con held in Finland.
- German Comic Con (GCC), 2015-present. Gen Multifandom con held in Dortmund, Berlin, Frankfurt and Munich on several dates.
- Get Together, 2005-present. Annual (October) slash and multi media fan gathering in Wellington, New Zealand.
- Hanami, a midsized German anime and manga con held since 2006.
- Intercon, 1992-present, a LARP con
- KisCon, 2008-present (May). Kirk/Spock con held in Los Angeles, CA, USA.
- Lavender Com, 2024 (June) a book festival celebrating LGBTQIA+ authors and stories at Washington, DC.
- LosCon, The Los Angeles Regional Science Fantasy Convention
- Lubricus, 2011-present (August). Harry Potter slash con held near Seattle, WA, USA.
- Magic Con, 2018-?, a new German con for Fantasy media franchises, successor to the defunct Ring*Con
- Necronomicon, (?-present). Fan-run science fiction con held in Florida.
- New York Comic Con, 2006-present. Multi-fandom convention held in New York, NY.
- Pacificon, aka Bitchin' Party. 2008-present. Seattle area.
- Podfication, 2016-present (October). Podfic con held in Minneapolis, MN, USA.
- REVELcon, 1989-present (March). Multimedia con held in Houston, TX, USA.
- SHarecon, Starsky and Hutch, Maryland (even-numbered years)
- SinpOzium, 2000-2002, 2005, 2011-2015, 2017-present (June). Multimedia slash con held in Sydney, Australia.
- Supanova Comic Con, an Australian comic and gaming con
- SwanCon, Australia's longest-running science fiction convention, starting in 1976.
- TGIF/F, 2016-present (February). Multimedia femslash con held in Los Angeles, USA.
- Tribal Forces, 2006-present (April). Slash con held in Eastern Pennsylvania, USA.
- TusCon, TusCon Arizona's longest running literary multi-fandom convention, starting in 1974.
- VidUKon, vidding convention held in the UK starting 2008.
- Westercon, 1948-present. Science fiction con held in western North America.
- WisCon, 1977-present (May). Feminist-oriented science fiction convention and conference held in Madison, Wisconsin. (WisCon home page)
- Worldcon, SF con that includes media fan panels (World Science Fiction Society)
- WriterconUK, 2006-present (summer). Small UK-based fanfiction and fanart convention.
Discontinued Conventions
These cons are defunct or on hiatus.
- Anglicon, 1988-2004, 2015. A midsized mediacon in the Pacific Northwest
- Anipop, 1999-2002, 2006-2007, 2010-2011. Portugal's first anime and manga convention, held in Sintra and later Lisbon.
- Attemptacon, ?-1979. A Science Fiction con held in La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA.
- The Bash at the Loft, (1997-2000?). Small Sentinel con, now defunct. Maryland, USA.
- BishounenCon, 2001-2003. An anime and manga yaoi con held in Trier, Germany.
- BardCon, 2002-2005. Xena uber fiction con held in Orlando, Florida, USA.
- Bascon, 2000-2011. Bay Area Slash Convention, multimedia.
- Close Quarters, 2007, 2009 (July). Bi-yearly (odd-numbered years) Professionals con in Maryland, USA.
- Closet Con 1987-2014 (July). Irregular (not every year) Star Trek-focused slash con held in Leicester, UK.
- Con 70 2015 . 70's TV & Movie SF convention - Melbourne Victoria Australia.
- Con*Cept, 1989-2012 (October). SFF con in Montreal, Canada.
- Connexions, 1999-2005 (April), 2015-2019 (July). Multimedia slash con held in Northern Virginia, USA.
- conSENSUAL, 2011 (November). Multimedia yaoi and yuri con held in Melbourne, Australia.
- The Dallas Dark Shadows Convention, a convention held in 1983 and 1984
- Dead of Winter, a small Forever Knight con, held twice (1994, 1995) in Boston.
- DexCon, yearly comic fanfic con in Toronto, Canada.
- Eastern Media Con, 2007-present (October). Multimedia con created to fill the gap left by Eclecticon, held in Newark, NJ, USA. On hiatus as of 2009.
- Eclecticon, 1996-2006. No-guest media convention held in Newark, NJ (Eclecticon 2006 information)
- FaberryCon, 2013-2016. A Glee Rachel Berry/Quinn Fabray con held in Atlanta, USA.
- Fanfest, 2000-2003 (July), a Hanson con, held in Tulsa, OK, USA. Other fanfests have been planned/held in other locations in later years.
- Force, 1995-2017, the National Star Wars Saga Conventions of Australia.
- Friscon, 1993-2000 (Oct/Nov), a multimedia slash convention in the San Francisco Bay Area, CA, USA
- IDICon, 1984-1988. The first-ever slash con, held in Houston, TX, USA.
- Kanpai, 2010-2011. The first anime con in Coimbra, Portugal.
- KisMet (convention), 2005-2018. Kirk/Spock con currently held in York, UK.
- Koon-ut-Cali-Con, a Southern California K/S con
- Kwest*Con, November 1-3, 1974
- K/S CONnections, 2003-2005. Kirk/Spock slash con held in the UK
- MediaWest*Con, 1981-2019. The biggest fan-only media con (
- M.E.M.E., the Midwest Entertainment and Media Expo ([1])
- Multiverse, 1995-2010. Australian multimedia con.
- Muskrat Jamboree, slash con held in Boston (LJ community) (2007-2015)
- Nattercon, (1989-2009?). A small Professionals con held in the UK.
- Nine Worlds Geekfest, 2013-2018. Multimedia con London, UK.
- NotJustAnotherCon
- Red Rose Convention, (1998-2002). Multimedia con held in the UK.
- Redemption 1999-2017. Multifandom con held in Coventry, UK.
- Ring*Con, 2002-2015 (October/November). Lord of the Rings and fantasy con held in Bonn, Germany.
- Saxonia Con (1994)
- SeKWesterCon, the first media con by fans and for fans: late 1970s.
- Senticon, (2000-2006). Started out a Sentinel con, then a multimedia con in Grand Rapids, MI, USA.
- SiliCon (California), 1988-1998 and 2001-2009?. Multifandom fanworks convention in San Jose, CA, USA.
- Tex-Con, a con that took place in 1979
- Vidcon, 1991-2017. Multimedia con held in St. Petersburg, FL, USA.
- Virgule, early 1990s. A Seattle slash con.
- Vividcon, 2002-2018. Chicago convention dedicated to vids (Vividcon home page).
- WinCon, 2006-2015. A Supernatural con that was slash-only for its first year. As of 2010, it became a multi-fandom con. It moved to a different city each year. Succeeded by CONfabulation.
- WriterCon, 2004-2011 (summer). Fanfiction convention focusing on TV fandoms.(Writercon home page)
- Yaoi-Con, 2001-2017. An anime and manga slash/yaoi con held in San Francisco, CA, USA.
- YaYuCo, 2005, 2007. A yaoi and yuri con held in Dachau, Bavaria, Germany.
- ZebraCon, 2000-2011. A mixed gen and slash convention held in Chicago, IL, USA. (Zebracon LJ)
Failed Conventions
- Con of Wrath/Houston Ultimate Fantasy Con (1982)
- DashCon (2014)
- FedConUSA (2008)
- Flanvention II
- JumpCon (2008)
- Las Pegasus Unicon (2013)
- Patronus Con (2017). A cancelled Portuguese Harry Potter convention.
- Slanted Fedora (1997-2004) (later sued by the state of Kansas)
- Tentmoot/Bit of Earth (2002)
- Winchester Mystery Con (2016). A cancelled Portuguese Supernatural convention.