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List of Pokémon Relationship Names

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List of relationship names
Name type(s)(Keyword)shipping, Portmanteaus
Other lists of relationship names on Fanlore.

The Pokémon fandom is infamous for its extensive idiosyncratic pairing names that are often confusing and intimidating to newbies.

Naming Conventions

Nearly every conceivable pairing has a name in the form "____Shipping" (though the "s" may or may not be capitalized). These names are generated by fans, usually on forums. Some pairings have a name that is more or less universally-accepted while other pairings have no general consensus on what should be the ship's "official" name. Though most ship names attempted to relate the characters involved, such as PalletShipping because both characters come from Pallet Town, many are seemingly random and inexplicable (though the Shipping Names Explained thread at Bulbagarden has attempted to shed light on some of the mysteries).

One benefit of the ship-naming tradition is that it applies equally to the parts of the fandom that use characters' Japanese names and those that use characters' English names. It is common to see pairings designated by names separated with an "x" (which sometimes but not necessarily designates the seme and uke), but fans often feel the need to include both the Japanese and English names of the characters; for example, a fic might be labelled Ash/Satoshi x Misty/Kasumi. This, as well as portmanteaus such as SatoKasu and ShiShi, could confuse fans not familiar with characters' Japanese names (especially if they are used to Western fandom designating pairings with a virgule).

The sheer number of Pokémon characters makes for an obscene amount of potential ships. The vast majority of which are documented on Neverending Romance, a community-created relationship name list.

Below is a list of some of the most common pairings and their various names.

Animeverse Pairings

Person/Person Pairings

"Shipping" Name English Cross Japanese Cross Portmanteaus Other Names Gender Category
AdvanceShipping Ash x May Satoshi x Haruka SatoHaru (サトハル) AdvancedShipping, AaMayL, ADV m/f het
AmourShipping Ash x Serena Satoshi x Serena SatoSere ChildhoodShipping, AASL m/f het
AppealShipping Dawn x Zoey Hikari x Nozomi NozoHika f/f yuri
ApprenticeShipping Tracey x Professor Oak Kenji x Dr. Ōkido IdolShipping, HeroworShipping m/m slash
AureliaShipping Ash x Lillie Satoshi x Lilie SatoRie (サトリエ) m/f het
BoulderShipping Ash x Brock Satoshi x Takeshi SatoTake (サトタケ) CompanionShipping m/m slash
BrocketShipping Brock x James
or Brock x Jessie
Takeshi x Kojirou
Takeshi x Musashi
TakeKoji (タケコジ)
TakeMusa (タケムサ)
JimShipping, KoiShipping
m/m slash
m/f het
CafeMochaShipping Ash x Cilan Satoshi x Dent m/m slash
CavalierShipping Gary x Dawn Shigeru x Hikari ShigeHika (シゲヒカ) GADawnL m/f het
ColdCoffeeShipping Barry x Paul Jun x Shinji JunShin (ジュンシン),
ShinJun (シンジュン)
m/m slash
ComaShipping Paul x Ash Shinji x Satoshi ShinSato (シンサト) m/m slash
ContestShipping Drew x May Shuu x Haruka ShuHaru (シュウハル) DAML m/f het
DaddyShipping Ash x Professor Oak Satoshi x Yukinari SatoYuki (サトユキ),
YukiSato (ユキサト)
m/m slash
EgoShipping Gary x Misty Shigeru x Kasumi DenialShipping m/f het
GymShipping Brock x Misty Takeshi x Kasumi TakeKasu (タケカス) m/f het
HanaMusaShipping Jessie x Delia Ketchum f/f femslash
IkariShipping Paul x Dawn Shinji x Hikari ShinHika (シンヒカ),
PADL m/f het
ImageShipping Misty x May Kasumi x Haruka HaruKasu (ハルカス) f/f femslash
JourneyShipping Ash x Goh Satoshi x Go FirstFriendShipping m/m slash
KissShipping Ash x Melody Satoshi x Fleura SatoFleu (サトフル) m/f het
KodakShipping Trip x Ash Shooty x Satoshi m/m slash
LightrockShipping Brock x Dawn Takeshi x Hikari TakeHika (タケヒカ) m/f het
MareShipping Ash x Bianca Satoshi x Kanon m/f het
MemeShipping Ethan Hunt x Serena Ethan x Serena EthaSere m/f het
MorpheusShipping Ash x Angie Satoshi x Aoi SatoAo (サトアオ) m/f het
NegaiShipping Ash x Iris Satoshi x Iris SatoAi (サトアイ),
AaIL, PalmtreeShipping m/f het
OrangeShipping Tracey x Misty Kenji x Kasumi KenKasu (ケンカス) OrangeIslandShipping m/f het
PalletShipping Ash x Gary Satoshi x Shigeru ShigeSato (シゲサト),
SatoShige (サトシゲ),
ShiShi (シシ)
ShiShiShipping m/m slash
PearlShipping Ash x Dawn Satoshi x Hikari SatoHika (サトヒカ),
AADL, ShinouShipping m/f het
PokéShipping Ash x Misty Satoshi x Kasumi SatoKasu (サトカス),
BikeShipping, GakiShipping, etc.
m/f het
SapphirePearlShipping May x Dawn Haruka x Hikari HikaHaru (ヒカハル),
HaruHika (ハルヒカ)
f/f femslash
ShoppingShipping Brock x May Takeshi x Haruka TakeHaru (タケハル) NeoThirdWheelShipping m/f het
RocketShipping James x Jessie Kojirou x Musashi KojiMusa (コジムサ) Jessie x James, JAJL m/f het
TwinleafShipping Barry x Dawn Jun x Hikari JunHika (ジュンヒカ) FutabaShipping m/f het
WishfulShipping Cilan x Iris Dent x Iris DenA (デンアイ) m/f het

Person/Pokémon Pairings

"Shipping" Name English Cross Japanese Cross Portmanteaus Other Names Gender Category
AltoShipping Ash x Latias
(can also be Ash x Bianca)
Satoshi x Latias SatoLati (サトラティ) m/f het
BlueShipping James x Meowth Kojirou x Nyarth m/m slash
PikaShipping Ash x Pikachu Satoshi x Pikachu m/m slash
SatochuShipping Ashachu x Pikachu Satochu x Pikachu AshachuShipping m/m slash

Threesomes and Moresomes

"Shipping" Name English Cross Japanese Cross Portmanteaus Other Names Gender Category
SakataShipping Ash x Misty x Brock Satoshi x Kasumi x Taksehi Sakata m/f/m threesome
(het and slash)

Gameverse Pairings


"Shipping" Name English Cross Japanese Cross


Other Names Gender Category Region
AbandonmentShipping Serena x Emma Serena x Matiere f/f femslash Kalos
AcademyAceShipping Juliana x Nemona Aoi x Nemo NemoAo (ネモアオ) f/f femslash Paldea
AcarameladoShipping Tierno x Trevor Tierno x Trova m/m slash Kalos
AllWrongShipping N x Cheren N x Cheren m/m slash Unova
BoutiqueShipping Serena x Shauna Sana x Serena SereSana (セレサナ) f/f femslash Kalos
BrattyShipping Victor x Bede Masaru x Beet m/m slash Galar
BrightTomorrowShipping Shauna x Calem Sana x Calme KaruSana (カルサナ) MangaBrightTomorrowShipping (manga counterparts) f/m het Kalos
BurningLeafShipping Red x Leaf Red x Leaf Reburu (レブル) LuckyShipping (manga counterparts) f/m het Kanto
CaboPocoShipping Florian x Juliana x Nemona Haruto x Aoi x Nemo m/f/f ot3 Paldea
CafeteriaDateShipping Florian x Drayton Haruto x Kakitsubata HaruKaki (ハルカキ) m/m slash Paldea
CandyAppleShipping Florian x Kieran Haruto x Suguri SuguHaru (スグハル) TealMaskShipping m/m slash Paldea
ChampionRankShipping Florian x Nemona Haruto x Nemo f/m het Paldea
CheckmateShipping Cheren x Hilda Cheren x Touko Chereshu (チェレ主♀) f/m het Unova
ChessShipping Hilbert x Hilda Touya x Touko TouTou (トウトウ) AgencyShipping (manga counterparts) f/m het Unova
ClingyShipping Lucas x Barry Kouki x Jun JunKō (ジュンコウ), KōJun (コウジュン) m/m slash Sinnoh
ClumsyPrinceShipping Barry x Lear Jun x Lyer m/m slash Crossover
ConflictingShipping Blue x Leaf Green x Leaf グリリフ OldrivalShipping (manga counterparts) f/m het Kanto
ContestQueenShipping May x Lisia Haruka x Lutia LutiHaru (ルチハル) f/f femslash Hoenn
CuteBonesShipping and/or SunAndCloudShipping Hau x Gladion Hau x Glazio HauGura (ハウグラ) m/m slash Alola
DarkMistShipping Hugh x Cheren Cheren x Hyuu HyuuChere (ヒュウ チェレ) m/m slash Unova
DipplinShipping Kieran x Juliana Suguri x Aoi SuguAo (スグアオ) m/f het Paldea
DressedInPinkShipping Bede x Gloria Beet x Yuuri Bitoyuu (ビトユウ) m/f het Galar
DualRivalShipping Cheren x Bianca Cheren x Bel ChereBeru (チェレベル) f/m het Unova
EntourageShipping Lucas x Dawn x Barry Kouki x Hikari x Jun m/m/f ot3 Sinnoh
FerrisWheelShipping N x Hilda N x Touko N主♀ f/m het Unova
FortuneShipping Lucas x Dawn Kouki x Hikari KouHika (コウヒカ) ShinouShipping, CommonerShipping f/m het Sinnoh
GodTierShipping N x Red N x Red m/m slash Crossover
GothGfShipping Gloria x Marnie Yuuri x Mary f/f femslash Galar
GreatestTreasureShipping Florian x Juliana Haruto x Aoi HaruAo (ハルアオ) m/f het Paldea
GreySkyShipping Nate x Hugh Kyouhei x Hyuu KyouHyuu (キョウヒュウ) TempermentalShipping (manga counterparts) m/m slash Unova
HeartSoulShipping Ethan x Lyra Hibiki x Kotone HibiKoto (ヒビコト) NeoQuestShipping (manga counterparts) f/m het Johto
HerbaMysticaShipping Arven x Juliana Pepper x Aoi PepaAo (ペパアオ) m/f het Paldea
HistoryShipping Red x Blue x Leaf Red x Green x Leaf m/m/f ot3 Kanto
HoennShipping Brendan x May Yuuki x Haruka YuuHaru (ユウハル) FranticShipping (manga counterparts) f/m het Hoenn
HunterShipping Ethan x Silver Hibiki x Silver GoShiru (ゴシル), ShiruGo (シルゴ) PreciousMetalShipping (manga counterparts) m/m slash Johto
IsshuShipping Hilbert x N Touya x N N主♂ m/m slash Unova
KalosShipping Serena x Calem Serena x Calme KaruSere (カルセレ) f/m het Kalos
KuroShipping Hilbert x Cheren Touya x Cheren m/m slash Unova
LegendsPathShipping Florian x Arven Haruto x Pepper PepaHal (ペパハル) LighthouseShipping m/m slash Paldea
LiveCasterShipping Rosa x Curtis Mei x Tetsu TetsuMei (テツメイ) f/m het Unova
LonaShipping Selene x Gladion Mizuki x Glazio GuraMizu (グラミヅ) f/m het Kalos
LoverivalShipping Brendan (Ruby) x Wally Yuuki x Mitsuru YuuMitsu (ユウミツ) RaltsShipping (manga counterparts) m/m slash Hoenn
MonochromeShipping Hilbert x N x Hilda Touya x N x Touko m/m/fot3 Unova
NamelessShipping Red x Blue Red x Green グリレ, レグリ OriginalShipping (manga counterparts) m/m slash Kanto
NewBarkShipping Ethan x Kris Hibiki x Kris ゴークリ QuestShipping (anime counterparts), MangaQuestShipping (manga counterparts) f/m het Johto
NewReplacementShipping Kris x Lyra Kris x Kotone KotoKuri (コトクリ) f/f femslash Johto
NewRivalShipping Wally x May Mitsuru x Haruka MitsuHaru (ミツハル) f/m het Hoenn
OceanflowerShipping Selene x Lillie Mizuki x Lilie MizuLilie (ミヅリリ) MoonlilyShipping (manga counterparts) f/f femslash Alola
OperationShipping Florian x Penny Haruto x Botan HaruBota (ハルボタ) m/f het Paldea
OrphanedShipping N x Emma N x Matiere f/m het Crossover
PostwickShipping Hop x Gloria Hop x Yuuri Hopuyuu (ホプユウ) m/f het Galar
RebelShipping Hilbert x Bianca Touya x Bel 主♂ベル f/m het Unova
RedemptionShipping Kris x Silver Kris x Silver ShiruKuri (シルクリ) SpecialJewelShipping (manga counterparts) f/m het Johto
SecondBestShipping N x Nate N x Kyouhei m/m slash Unova
SequelShipping Rosa x Hugh Mei x Hyuu HyuuMei (ヒュウメイ) MangaSequelShipping (manga counterparts) f/m het Unova
ShiroShipping Hilda x Bianca Touko x Bel 主♀ベル f/f femslash Unova
SoulSilverShipping Lyra x Silver Kotone x Silver RaiKoto (ライコト) SpecialJewelShipping (manga counterparts) f/m het Johto
SunnySurfingShipping Elio x Hau Yō x Hau m/m slash Alola
StarfallShipping Juliana x Penny Aoi x Botan BotaAo (ボタアオ) f/f femslash Paldea
TokiwaShipping Lyra x Leaf Kotone x Leaf f/f femslash Crossover
TrainShipping Victor x Hop Masaru x Hop m/m slash Galar
TransceiverShipping Nate x Yancy Kyouhei x Ruri KyouRuri (キョウルリ) f/m het Unova
TwinleafShipping and/or FutabaShipping Barry x Dawn Jun x Hikari JunHika (ジュンヒカ) RichCoffeeShipping (manga counterparts) f/m het Sinnoh
VisorShipping Nate x Rosa Kyouhei x Mei KyouMei (キョウメイ) CorruptedShipping (manga counterparts) f/m het Unova
VoidCubeShipping Rosa x N N x Mei f/m het Unova

Non-Player Characters

Gym leaders, Elite Four members, etc. not shipped with main protagonists or rivals.

"Shipping" Name English Cross Japanese Cross Portmanteaus Other Names Gender Category Region
SacredShipping Morty x Eusine Matsuba x Minaki MatsuMina (マツミナ), MinaMatsu (ミナマツ) m/m slash Johto
OriginShipping Steven Stone x Wallace Daigo x Mikuri DaiMiku (ダイミク), MikuDai (ミクダイ) m/m slash Hoenn
GracefulShipping Wallace x Winona Mikuri x Nagi MikuNagi (ミクナギ) f/m het Hoenn
HardenShipping Archie x Maxie Aogiri x Matsubusa AoMatsu (アオマツ), MatsuAo (マツアオ) m/m slash Hoenn
IgnitionShipping Flint x Volkner Ōba x Denzi ODen (オデン), DenO (デンオ) m/m slash Sinnoh
GlistenShipping Maylene x Candice Sumomo x Suzuna SuzuMo (スズスモ) f/f femslash Sinnoh
BetelgeuseShipping Cyrus x Mars Akagi x Mars f/m het Sinnoh
AirplaneShipping Elesa x Skyla Kamitsure x Huuro HuuKami (フウカミ) f/f femslash Unova
PerfectWorldShipping Professor Sycamore x Lysandre Dr. Platane x Fuladari FuraPura (フラプラ) m/m slash Kalos
LaserbladeShipping Clemont x Korrina Citron x Corni ShitoKoru (シトコル) f/m het Kalos
BoilingWaterShipping Malva x Siebold Pachira x Zumi ZumiPachi (ズミパキ) f/m het Kalos
ChangeTheWorldShipping Lysandre x Cyrus Fuladari x Akagi FuraAka (フラアカ) m/m slash Crossover
ClonegeuseShipping Archer x Ariana Apollo x Athena f/m het Johto
CoolCapeShipping Ghetsis x Olympia G-Cis x Gojika f/m het Crossover
CommanderShipping Shelly x Tabitha Izumi x Homura f/m het Hoenn
DreamyHairShipping Fennel x Colress Makomo x Achroma f/m het Unova
DustyRailShipping Ingo x Raihan Nobori x Kibana m/m slash Crossover
FlamingFelineShipping Lysandre x Olympia Fuladari x Gojika f/m het Kalos
FrozenFanboyShipping Brycen x Zinzolin Hachiku x Vio m/m slash Unova
GingaShipping Saturn x Cyrus Saturn x Akagi m/m slash Sinnoh
BeautifulperfectionShipping Ghetsis x Lysandre G-Cis x Fuladari m/m slash Crossover
LaunchShipping Proton x Archer Lance x Apollo m/m slash Crossover
MizuhikiShipping Cynthia x Cyrus Shirona x Akagi AkaShiro (アカシロ) f/m het Unova
AbsoluteControlShipping Giovanni x Cyrus Sakaki x Akagi m/m slash Crossover
AlphaFemaleShipping Courtney x Shelly Kagari x Izumi f/f femslash Hoenn
AntiGravityShipping Ghetsis x Colress G-Cis x Achroma m/m slash Unova
BeautifulWorldShipping Malva x Lysandre Pachira x Fuladari f/m het Kalos
NaturalChromeShipping N x Colress N x Achroma m/m slash Unova
HippocraticShipping Alder x Ghetsis Adeku x G-Cis m/m slash Unova
NibiruShipping Cyrus x Olympia Akagi x Gojika f/m het Crossover
PseudoScientificShipping Colress x Caitlin Achroma x Cattleya f/m het Unova
ShipwreckShipping Archie x Byron Aogiri x Tougan m/m slash Crossover
SinfulShipping Jupiter x Mars Jupiter x Mars f/f femslash Sinnoh
SkullShipping Guzma x Plumeria Guzma x Plumeria グズプル f/m het Alola
SupremacyShipping Aliana x Bryony Akebi x Bara f/f femslash Kalos
SyntheticRuinationShipping Guzma x Lusamine Guzma x Lusamine グズルザ f/m het Alola
TbhShipping Jupiter x Cyrus Jupiter x Akagi f/m het Sinnoh
WisdomShipping Petrel x Ariana Lambda x Athena f/m het Crossover
YakuzaShipping Giovanni x Ariana Sakaki x Athena f/m het Crossover
YinAndYangShipping Professor Oak x Giovanni Dr. Ookido x Sakaki m/m slash Kanto
RockSmashShipping Roxanne x Brawly Tsutsuji x Touki f/m het Hoenn
DevilShipping Sidney x Phoebe Kagetsu x Fuyou f/m het Hoenn
SeamountShipping Matt x Tabitha Ushio x Homura m/m slash Hoenn
InterpolShipping Nanu x Looker Kuchinashi x Handsome m/m slash Crossover
AnnihilationShipping Lysandre x Giovanni Fuladari x Sakaki m/m slash Crossover
NeverYoungShipping Lysandre x Lusamine Fuladari x Lusamine m/f het Crossover
BlackandBlueShipping Lysandre x Guzma Fuladari x Guzma m/m slash Crossover
SteelFedoraShipping Steven Stone x Riley Daigo x Gen DaiGen (ダイゲン) m/m slash Crossover
DarkParadiseShipping Guzma x Professor Kukui Guzma x Dr. Kukui グズクク m/m slash Alola
TrueRivalShipping Leon x Raihan Dande x Kibana DanKiba (ダンキバ), KibaDan (キバダン) m/m slash Galar
LionHeartShipping Leon x Sonia Dande x Sonia m/f het Galar
eBoyShipping Raihan x Piers Kibana x Nezu KibaNezu (キバネズ) m/m slash Galar
PunkDragonShipping Raihan x Leon x Piers Kibana x Dande x Nezu m/m/m ot3 Galar
AquaHeartShipping Nessa x Sonia Rurina x Sonia f/f femslash Galar
CheeryFairyShipping Bede x Hop Beet x Hop m/m slash Galar
DeadlyRoseShipping Rose x Oleana Rose x Olive m/f het Galar
WaterlilyShipping Milo x Nessa Yarrow x Rurina m/f het Galar
Applinshipping Raihan x Milo Kibana x Yarrow m/m slash Galar
Purpleroseshipping Leon x Rose Dande x Rose m/m slash Galar
Snowdropshipping Rose x Melony Rose x Melon m/f het Galar
Punkthornshipping Rose x Piers Rose x Nezu m/m slash Galar
GOT3Shipping Spark x Blanche x Candela Spark x Blanche x Candela m/n/f threesome None (Pokemon Go)
PermafrostShipping Rika x Grusha Chili x Grusha GuruChiri (グルチリ), ChiriGuru (チリグル) WonderGenderShipping f/m het Paldea
WorkaholicShipping Larry x Rika Aoki X Chili Aochiri (アオチリ) Larrika m/f het Paldea
EphemeralArtShipping Brassius x Hassel Colza x Hassaku ハッコル m/m slash Paldea
LaTierraShipping Geeta x Rika Omodaka x Chili OmoChiri (オモチリ) f/f femslash Paldea
Ex-ChampionShipping Drayton x Kieran Kakitsubata x Suguri KakiSugu (カキスグ) m/m slash Paldea
LakehouseShipping Turo x Sada Futu x Olim FutuOri (フトゥオリ) m/f het Paldea


NPCs (who aren't rivals) shipped with protagonists/rivals.

"Shipping" Name English Cross Japanese Cross Portmanteaus Other Names Gender Category Region
HoennChampionShipping May x Steven Stone Haruka x Daigo DaiHaru (ダイハル) f/m het Hoenn
BlueOrbShipping May x Archie Haruka x Aogiri KyogreKeeperShipping (manga counterparts) f/m het Hoenn
RedOrbShipping May x Maxie Haruka x Matsubusa MatsuHaru (マツハル) f/m het Hoenn
CannonShipping Proton x Lyra Lance x Kotone f/m het Johto
DroughtShipping Brendan x Maxie Yuuki x Matsubusa m/m slash Hoenn
EnvironmentShipping May x Archie x Maxie Haruka x Aogiri x Matsubusa m/m/f ot3 Hoenn
EverlastnightNightShipping Guzma x Selene Guzma x Mizuki f/m het Alola
GoldenLaunchShipping Proton x Ethan Lance x Hibiki m/m slash Johto
GretelShipping Hilda x Ghetsis Touko x G-Cis f/m het Unova
IridiumShipping Serena x Professor Sycamore x Lysandre Serena x Dr. Platane x Fuladari m/m/f ot3 Kalos
JezebelShipping Lyra x Petrel Kotone x Lambda f/m het Johto
KingsRockShipping Serena x Lysandre Serena x Fuladari f/m het Kalos
MoonringShipping Colress x Rosa Achroma x Mei f/m het Unova
NobelPrideShipping Lysandre x Calem Fuladari x Calme m/m slash Kalos
ReformShipping Red x Giovanni Red x Sakaki AscendancyShipping (manga counterparts) m/m slash Kanto
ThwartShipping Giovanni x Leaf Sakaki x Leaf f/m het Kanto
GirlPowerShipping Cynthia x Dawn Shirona x Hikari f/f femslash Sinnoh
SpectralColorShipping Nate x Colress Kyouhei x Achroma m/m slash Unova
KerrShipping Calem x Professor Sycamore Calme x Dr. Platane m/m slash Kalos
AkatsukiShipping Dawn x Cyrus Hikari x Akagi AkaHika (アカヒカ) f/m het Sinnoh

Mangaverse Pairings

Pokémon Adventures/Special Pairings

"Shipping" Name English Cross Japanese Cross Portmanteaus Other Names Gender Category
LuckyShipping Red x Blue Red x Blue ReBuru (レブル) m/f het
MangaPokéShipping Red x Misty Red x Kasumi ReKasu (レカス)
OldrivalShipping Green x Blue Green x Blue GuriBuru (グリブル) m/f het
OriginalShipping Red x Green Red x Green NamelessShipping (game counterparts) m/m slash
PreciousMetalShipping Gold x Silver ShiruGo(シルゴ),
GoShiru (ゴシル)
HunterShipping (game counterparts) m/m slash
SpecialShipping Red x Yellow Red x Yellow ReIe (レイエ) m/f het

Electric Tale of Pikachu Pairings

"Shipping" Name English Cross Japanese Cross Portmanteaus Other Names Gender Category
MangaShipping Brock x Sabrina Takeshi x Natsume TakeNatsu (タケナツ) m/f het