Shelly (Pokémon)

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Name: Japanese: イズミ (Izumi)
English: Shelly
French: Sarah
Korean: 이연 (Iyeon)
Russian: Шелли (Sheli) & Изабель (Isabel)
(more on Bulbapedia)
Occupation: Team Aqua Admin
Relationships: Matt (Pokémon) (partner in crime)
Archie (Pokémon) (boss)
Fandom: Pokémon
Other: n/a
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Shelly is a Team Aqua Admin who debuted in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire. She received a major redesign in Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire along with her fellow Aqua Admin Matt. Her, Matt and Archie are often in fanworks together, since they are the three named members of Team Aqua.

Her Team Magma counterpart is Courtney.

Canon Overview

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Less Popular Relationships

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Popular Tropes & Fanon

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Example/Notable Fanac

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