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Title: A.P.B. (issues #1-#13), APB (issues #14-#38)
Publisher: out of Glasgow, Scotland
Editor(s): Janice Daniels and Jacky Birch, Freda Hyatt was a guest editor (#14-#17), then Jan Daniels, then Carla Salveta and Linda Watt (the last two years)
Type: letterzine/newsletter
Date(s): February 1981 to February 1986
Frequency: monthly, then bi-monthly
Medium: print
Fandom: Starsky and Hutch
Language: English
External Links:
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A.P.B. (APB) is a gen and non-explicit slash Starsky and Hutch newsletter centered around fandom in the UK.

It was first was edited by Janice Daniels (Jaydee), and Jacky Birch, then later by Carla Salveta and Linda Watt.

In total, there were 38 issues.

After "A.P.B." ceased, Carla Salveta then went on to publish the letterzines Mixed Doubles and Late for Breakfast, and Jacky Birch began Torino Times.

For other Starsky and Hutch letterzines, see List of Letterzines.

Sample Ads

"British letterzine for S&H fans. Letters, reviews, short stories, articles, and artwork." [1]

"A S&H letter/discussion zine. Produced on a 2 monthly basis; has letters, fiction, poetry, artwork. May contain some non explicit "/" material on occasion." [2]

"Britain's 1st S&H newsletter. Strictly S&H, no aliens; cartoons, poems, letters, artwork, photos, DobeyCon 3 news. 50p/issue + 14p stamp; US &1/issue + 2 IRCs." [3]

The Letterzine's Title

The title of the letterzine was "A.P.B." until issue #13, when it became "APB." In discussion, fans (including the editor) very rarely used "A.P.B.", even before the title change, choosing instead to call it "APB."

Regarding the meaning of the zine's title: "A.P.B." stands for "all-points bulletin" which is a broadcast issued by American or Canadian law enforcement agency to its personnel about a wanted suspect who is to be arrested or who is a person of interest.


Emphasis on Having Better Discourse Than the Main US S&H Letterzine

There are many references to S and H, the main US letterzine. Almost all of them are negative.

From issue #3: "... bout' time we British fans got our act together and got our feelings down on paper! The Yanks have had it their own way too long!"

Fans wrote about disliking the emphasis on slash: "...it's been flogged to death in the U.S. letterzine..." [4] and the inclusion of discussion about other fandoms.

Most comments, however, were about how nasty and argumentative that letterzine was, and how APB shouldn't be that. From #5:

You said it, kid! Couldn't agree more. S/H is divisive, undoubtedly, and I don't really want to discuss it, except to say that some - not all, but some - who fervently believe in it, do appear to be trying to convert everyone to their viewpoint and I don't understand why. It's made for some very repetitious and boring arguments in the U.S. Letterzine, and I'm hoping APB won't go that route.

Also from #5:

I object to bigotry, in any form and from any quarter. That, and intolerance, has caused a lot of unpleasantness in the past, and no doubt will again, but none of us want to see it infesting the pages of APB.

Regarding Slash

Slash zines were advertised in A.P.B. alongside gen zines. Discussion about the topic of slash was common (and hotly debated) in early issues of A.P.B., and many fans referenced the vehement discussions going on in the U.S. letterzine, S and H. There were, however, no overt/explicit slash fanworks in A.P.B. itself.

The first editor, Jan Daniels, was not a slash fan, something she stated often, but she allowed discussion of the topic. When the discussion became too heated or too plentiful, she asked fans to cease mentioning or talking about it, something that was mostly disregarded. She, herself, sometimes added a bit of fuel to the fire. [4]

An ad in 1985 noted that it "may contain some non-explicit same-sex material on occasion." [5]

A fan in late 1985, just as the letterzine ended, commented elsewhere that "Carla does not mind if you discuss as Elaine [in Between Friends ] did." [6]

It is important to note that in this letterzine, fans made a VERY conscious choice to use S&H for gen (even when it was very intense) and S/H for a relationship with a sexual element. The word "slash" was never used, and the much rarer usage of the virgule ("/") wasn't until #6 (September 1981):

I don't automatically see the / in other same-sex relationships. As far as I'm concerned, Starsky and Hutch, and the depth of their commitment are unique... [...] (Frankly, some of the / pairings mentioned in passing in the US letterzine have boggled me, and that takes a bit of doing.) [7]

The symbol alone wasn't used again until #14 (October 1982):

There is/has been some beautiful S/H material written that will only ever be available to at rusted minority; this is extremely unfortunate as I'm certain that if literature of such standard and quality was available to all, a fresh attitude and a new light would be thrown in on the "/” relationship.

While most fans, even when they did not believe in the premise of Starsky and Hutch in a sexual relationship, were generally fairly moderate and polite in their discussions. One fan, however, was very strident in her anti-gay remarks, and she often bumped heads with others. Later on, her differences of opinion very likely were one of the factors that added to the demise of the popular convention, DobeyCon.

A fan in issue #4 suggested fans make a split:

Let us all be agree to hold our own opinions, but agree at this stage that this is one theory which definitely does divide us into two camps, or the debate will go over the same ground repeatedly. Personally, I think it has been done to death, and in the end people believe what they want to believe. I hereby promise to let you think what you wish, if you will show me the same respect. Why don't those of you who do subscribe to the homosexual theory start your own S/H newsletter?

From issue #5:

... I thought some fans, by preaching the S/H bible, were making it perverted. I went into more details of my feelings on S/H and homosexuality in general in the last issue but there are a few things I would like to say in reply to your comments to me. I agree that there is absolutely nothing 'abnormal' in wanting to touch someone in a sexual way if they are of the opposite gender to yourself. However, to me it is abnormal to want to touch someone of the same sex as yourself in that way. Would you argue that is is considered normal for a man and a woman to touch each other in a sexual manner? Of course not. But in this society it is considered abnormal for a man to want to touch another man sexually, you can't argue that it isn't. So, if S&H were indulging in homosexuality, no matter how 'beautiful' and loving it may be, it's still considered to be abnormal behaviour. To me, what is perverted, is people distorting a non- sexual friendship, like that which existed between the on-screen characters, to turn into a homosexual relationship. Clear Now?


I don't want to turn A.P.B into a discussion on the merits of S/H, after all, that's how the rot set in, in the [U.S.] letterzine, but although I agree with you whole-heartedly that love is never perverted, I wasn't saying that it was last issue. I was saying my view, homosexuality is, to me the thought of indulging in a sexual relationship with another female, is totally repulsive to the extent of making me want to throw up, so I guess that's why I'm so strongly opposed to S/H. I'm not saying it has to be perverted in everyone's point of view. I just gave my opinion, which is an entirely personal thing with which don't expect everyone to agree...

From #9:

Sadly there is still a lot of prejudice on the S/H issue which is unfortunate for everyone concerned. Yes - tolerance is the key word in the S/H feud, but on reading back dated issues of the US L/Z, one finds it's usually the antes who fire the first bullets - admitted there is retaliation but that's to be expected.

From a fan in #11:

My views on S/H aren’t all that clearly defined - but at the time, the people who mentioned homosexuality in connection with S&H made it seem disgusting. I know better than that now, but at the time it upset me and made me very angry.

From an fan in #12:

Since it seems that everyone (or almost everyone) is having their say on S/H, I'd like to have mine too. I am a little unsure of how to go about this, since my view on S/H is not exactly clear, so I’ll simply state a few things I think we should consider. One is that I don’t think anyone of the S/H believers wants to offend or distress anyone when they say that they believe in S/H. Having seen the bitterness and unpleasantness it’s caused in the US L/Z, something I’m sure we’ve all noticed, can I say that I hope we can discuss S/H in APB without coming to blows over it. I know some people are offended by the thought of homosexuality alone, or lesbians for that matter, but I think most of us are broadminded enough and honest enough to admit that they exist. We are too quick to label someone who is in some way different to us ’abnormal’ - and I don’t see what gives any of us the right to say that homosexuality is abnormal just because we are heterosexual. As long as homosexuals keep their sexuality ’under the carpet’ it seems okay — but when they want to discuss it we are revolted and look at them as though they are freaks. Why? Okay - this doesn’t have all that much to do with S/H - but I’m trying to say that unless you have really, really considered S/H, you cannot just dismiss it as absurd. That would be easy, because to some people it seems wrong - but we all agree that S&H is all about love. So why shouldn’t that love also have a physical expression? I don’t want to see APB turned into a battlefield because of S/H, but I do think should discuss it, as honestly as we can, without hurting each other. All this leaves me on the fence -I still need a lot more information and thought before I come down of either side, though I am beginning to think that S/H is an extremely valid premise. Until I make up my mind, I'll be most interested to read what the rest of you have to say - and I hope we will all join in and discuss this, because it is an important part of S&H.

But even some of the pro-S/H fans were insistent that the characters were not actually gay:

From #10:

I am a firm subscriber to the S/H premise. Let me make it clear right now, that MY S&H are not 'raving poofters' (sorry Terri, I'm borrowing lines again) I do believe however, that their relationship is a lot more intense than a 'deep-friendship'. I'm not stating their love-affair began as soon as they set eyes on one another. I am stating that it developed towards the end of 4th series and that they become lovers after SWEET REVENGE.

Others did not agree. From #35:

Being a romantic soul myself, I'd rather believe that the physical love affair [between Starsky & Hutch] grew out of the passionate friendship over the years, rather than vice versa. The latter premise implies that both men were gay to begin with, and got smitten by the wrapping, so to speak, before seeing what was in the package. I've read some excellent fiction around that premise, but it doesn't fit my own universe.

Regarding Other Fandoms, aka "Aliens"

The editor was also VERY MUCH against fans mentioning or discussing other fandoms or characters (which she referred to as "aliens"), militantly protecting what she felt should be a Starsky & Hutch-only space. When letters contained even a small nod to Star Trek or The Professionals or other shows, she interjected negative comments, something that soon discouraged fans' comments on those subjects. When the official for-profit magazine, Starsky & Hutch Monthly folded in July 1981, Daniels felt the responsibility even stronger. From the fourth issue: "...we MUST do our upmost to keep Starsky and Hutch alive in British fandom."

A fan in the fourth issue echoed the editor's rule:

[Shirley A. C]: I, for one, stand behind Jan's decision to keep the aliens out of A.P.B., despite opposition from certain parties in no3 and the June letterzine. All those mumblings about comparisons being necessary etc. are just excuses from pople who are fans of these other intruding shows and don't like not being able to release their feelings by writing or reading about them in APB. You have the S&H letterzine (though judging by the recent content, they should just call it the media letterzine) if you want to use the pretense of discussion S&H to actually sing the praises of every cop/sci-fi show on the air, but this is one Starsky and Hutch publication which is actually going to be COMPLETELY about Starsky and Hutch. If you don't like it, don't read it! But don't give speeches because you been caught out defecting.

A fan in the fourth issue asked if discussing the actors was considered "alien," as A.P.B. was about "Starsky & Hutch" and not "Paul Michael Glaser" and "David Soul." The editor extrapolated in the fifth issue:

Although I said NO ALIENS and I stick by that, PMG & DS are not Aliens, they made S&H as we know them today, and yes why not include them, they're apart of us, and we're apart of them, this is basically a S&H zine, but we'd enjoy the odd snippets about Paul and David.

From a fan in #5:

One thing I feel I have to comment on, having read your first two issues, is your censure of anyone who happened to mention another series or characters their letter. I agree this is a S&H newsletter, and the prime focus should naturally be on the boys. But S&H doesn't exist in avoid, I think most of us would agree that we have been drawn to t.v, films and literature, etc., which show a close, special relationship between two strong male characters, e.g Alias Smith & Jones, The Persuaders, etc. Inevitably, comparison with these type of shows (and other cop shows on the air) are going to be made. Also, inevitably, people will compare S&H and The Professionals, as this seems currently to be the only homegrown series we have which underscores a partnership theme within a law-enforcement agency. Surely discussions of this type is healthy, valid and interesting, and can help highlight the strengths and/or weaknesses of S&H? I'm not asking for the whole newsletter to be turned over to such topics, but surely if people want to make comparisons, they should be allowed to? I know from personal experience how diverse the interests of people in fandom are, and feel that if you try and restrict expressions, we won't achieve the same level of discussion and debate that's been achieved in the American letterzine -which I'd like to see.

Differing Opinions About the Focus on the Actors

While the editor stated that the letterzine was for S&H and for "odd snippets" about the actors themselves, fans soon began to include many detailed descriptions of David Soul's official and unofficial appearances, films, and concerts. Reports on Paul Michael Glaser's appearances and films were far and few between, mainly because the actor himself was keeping a low profile, giving fans little to work with.

These discussions on Soul himself multiplied so much that even fans who had been tolerate began to complain, asking that the letterzine be returned to discussion of the characters rather than the actors.

The topic of the the actors also sparked discussions on groupies which was defined as fans so intent on the object of their affection that they could see no faults and ignored everything else in the pursuit of their idol.

Ironically, some of the very fans who provided the most about David Soul got caught up in friction about there being too much about that actor in the letterzine, Shootout. One of the fall-outs from those conflicts, combined with a long-running feud (sometimes personal) added to the cancellation of DobeyCon as well as stopping another con, Bullet, before it began.

In January 1985, a fan (who ironically had contributed some of the longest and most detailed discussion about David Soul) wrote an essay that was printed in APB #33. An excerpt:

DS and PMG were only discussed briefly in the [APB] forum. Naturally we were and still are, interested in relevant information about the two actors but it was never a case of over-kill. Consequently if any of the men's negative qualities were slightly brushed upon, no letter of desperate defence appeared the following month. Comments were accepted and/or taken in good humour. Yes - we were all part of a family then. What happened? OK 'Razor Mouth' Harding will tell you!

Suddenly a new type of fan appeared on the scene. Admittedly these 'fans' were totally dedicated to their idols and defended them to the bitter end but the problem arose when the 'group' chose S&H fandom as an outlet for their fervour. There are many of us who are fans of Starsky and Hutch - the show - the characters, the relationship! Of course, none of us are so empty headed as to discuss the actors DS and PMG as invalid but they play a small part in our interest.

Hence we witnessed a conflict in ideas. Suddenly the pages of APB became a battleground for those amongst us who dared to say DS and PMG weren't all together perfect and those who would defend them with all the anger of a cat with a scorched ass! [8]

David Soul's Concerts and Appearances in the UK

In the beginning, many, many issues contained very detailed descriptions by fans of attending David Soul's concerts in the UK, of Soul at Pebble Mill, of Soul co-hosting of the first season of "6.55 Special," and of fans waiting outside theaters and venues to ask for audiences and attention.

About Finances

From the fifth issue:

It has come to me, that a few people are querying the new price of APB. They have not come direct to me, though but through second or third party. I know the people concerned, but no way will I approach them, but I would gladly let them know what goes into making APB, and the coat of the printing, for anybody else who has a query.

The printing costs of APB are rather high in London, and even higher in the centre, especially if I want the mag the next day.

For the first 4 issues, I have paid £90.00 out of my own pocket, just to get APB of the ground. I do not make a profit, all the money I collect goes in my cash box, and to the printers with me. To break even I have to charge £1.OO, and it will take some time till I finally get back the £90.00.

The official mag was only 70p, granted, but they had financial backing. I DO NOT. Also I type all the letters myself, (I cant afford to pay staff, and that would be illegal), and fit the mag together, plus I also have a full time job. I am not complaining. I love doing it, but it makes me mad when people, discuss APB behind my back, and will not give me a chance to explain,

that is all I ask, a chance to explain APB, not the mag, itself, but the cost of producing a mag like this. Any queries, write to me. I'll gladly send you the invoices I have from printers.

General Reactions and Reviews

[June 1981]: That of the fifty recipients of APB only twenty replied does not indicate anything fundamentally lacking in fandom. Not necessarily. If I were you I would be questioning rather your letterzine yourself, and asking whether it is what people want. THIS letterzine, S and H, has been immensely successful because it provides a free, frank and totally unbiased exchange of views. We all contribute and float the wackiest ideas without fear of editorial intervention. APB would benefit from that kind of editorial philosophy. I know that there are several people who have decided not to contribute or subscribe to APB because you have made your own standpoint clear. You will not discuss S/H and refuse to entertain ‘aliens’ even for the save of comparison… Also, you should try to resist the temptation of interjecting your own remarks into other people’s letters. If the S&H l/z editors do that, it’s for a reason. They exercise a great deal of restraint. Naturally, it is your right to make comments as and when you will, but it does distract from the purpose of the letterzine if it merely becomes a parade of your own witticisms.[9]

[July 1985]: ... I just had the pleasure of reading our cousins-across-the-sea's l/z APB, and was impressed by the level of discussion, with both an episode of the month and topic of the month in each issue, and they still manage to say 'Hi' to each other.[10]

This Fandom's Letterzines

Issue 1 (February 1981)

A.P.B. 1 was published in February 1981 and contains 8 pages.

front cover of issue #1
from issue #1, the first of many worm cartoons by Jacky Birch

It was edited by Jan Daniels, who lists "Jaydee Enterprises" at an address in Edmonton, London, England.

  • cartoons by Jacky Birch
  • screenshots with captions
  • Dear David Michael "by H. Onsan" ("Dear David Michael, You don't mind me calling you David Michael do you, after all that is the name you were given." -- speculating that Starsky's middle name was Michael an example of fanon)
  • a con report for DobeyCon #2, see that page
  • a single letter of comment

Issue 1: Sample Fan Comments

[Jan D]:

As this is the first British Starsky and Hutch newsletter, this issue if free. BUT it's up to you the fans if this newsletter is to continue, I’d like views and opinions, I'm not saying they'll all be used, but every bit helps if we want Starsky and Hutch fandom to remain in Britain.

I'm taking orders for a regular newsletter to be put out, say, each month. Due to the printing costs the next issue will be £1.00, and of course the more response I get the cheaper it will become. And this is NOT a profit making newsletter.

I want to know what you want to see in your very own newsletter, maybe we could finish the discussion that had to stop so quickly at the Con, views on writing your first story, hints for new writers, is violence and bad language necessary.

You tell us what you want to see.

[Sue S]:

Well, at the risk of getting involved in an internecine war, I'd like to ask why so many people prefer Starsky to Hutch? Now, this is just a personal observation, but among the fans I know personally, Starsky fans out-number Hutch fans about two to one. Is it because Starsky has that endearing child-like quality and we all want to 'mother' him? Or is it a question of sexual attraction? Or both. Now, before we get tons of mail from the Hutch fans I like Hutch, myself. I also like Starsky. I think most people start off by fancying Starsky.... and it takes a little longer to begin to understand Hutch's qualities. This is a wild generalisation.... obviously there are exceptions there may be people who can't stand Starsky, others to whom Hutch is anathema. But having been involved in a number of different kinds of fandom, I'd like to suggest that Starsky, is the immediately attractive one, while the subtler qualities of Hutch take a little more getting to know.

So, is Starsky the 'Kirk' of the relationship? Or more accurately, is Hutch the 'Spock'? Hutch is marginally quieter, marginally deeper, less predictable in his reactions than Starsky. Like Spock? and even Bodie? Hutch is an emotional enigma. Starsky, Kirk and Ray Doyle, are all a lot easier to fathom.

Is Hutch an emotional cripple? Does he lean on Starsky in that respect?

Issue 2 (April 1981?)

A.P.B. 2 was planned for March 1981, but the editor mentions it was late, so perhaps April. It contains 8 pages.

front cover of issue #2
from issue #2, photos from DobeyCon #2

The editor states there are 20 subscribers.

This issue contains some photos from DobeyCon #2.

Issue 2: Sample Fan Comments

[Stephanie J]:

Well, some topics and points for APB - I have a few points I would like some comments on. What about S&H's relationships with women? I feel that neither of the men have ever fallen deeply in love. I don't believe that if Terri had lived, Starsky would have married her - lived with her maybe, but he would never have gone through the vows. Terri was probably the closest female friend Starsky had encountered but she was still not strong enough to hold him completely. I firmly believe that he will never get married. For one reason he's too adventurous but he's also the little boy who will never grow up. He loves life and I think to try and tie him down would be like trying to tame a wild stallion! Starsky deserves to roam the plains. Fillies will come and fillies will go but I believe he'll never be broken!

Hutch on the other hand just drifts in and out of relationships, he loves them all and by doing this just leaves himself wide open for comment.


What about their relationship? It's up to the individual but I believe they have what most people would want from a friendship - though some are afraid to admit it. They say you truly love once in your life you 'love' often through a lifetime but only ONCE deeply. I believe they have found that special kind of love in one another.

[Shirley E. M]: On the subject of DobeyCon I'd like to say how much I enjoyed meeting everyone and making new friends. It being the first major S&H Con it was bound to have teething troubles but Sue Stuart and the committee did a grand job. Having been to ZEBRACON where I was a "foreigner," it was lovely to be at a Con on my home territory and feel part of it all.

[Sharon G]:

Isn’t it time we all pulled our fingers out and got a really great newsletter going for all us S&H people all over the country? There are many who, like me, just seem to sit back and leave it to other fans to keep us going with any type of S&H lit they can scrape together. Come on girls & fellahs, let's make a real go of it this time. Don't take it for granted, S&H will only be around for ever and longer, if WE keep it going.

We all have tie-ups with time and jobs but look how many people have got together because of the two men. Let's all merge into one big happy family. I for one can draw a little, but I try and am determined to do my utmost to do my bit for Jan and OUR newsletter. So come on guys, we can do it.

Another point I'd just like to make before I give you all earache is to point out this is our newsletter, a *STARSKY AND HUTCH* newsletter, NOT another Kirk/Spock [11] thing, if I see their names again, I'll thcreem and thpit until I'm thic!!!

[Erica A]: Starsky fans outnumber Hutch fans two to one? I suppose it depends which circles you move in. In my area, Hutch fans outnumber Starsky fans by a greater ratio. Can we really debate it. Surely any one women's preference for any one man is purely a question of personal taste? I think, in any event, there must be few among us who, whilst we have a definite preference for one of them, would ever deny the attractions of the other. I could take Starsky to my heart as a dear friend, or a much-loved brother, but the relationship I would want with Hutch would be a far cry from those! That is not to say that I cannot see that Starsky is a very compelling, sexy man. The two men complement each other....Starsky is super, but Hutch is more my type.

[Lyndy H]: Onto the bad language question. Is it or isn't it necessary? Now come on folks - it is you know, but within its right context. What do we want? A Starsky & Hutch moulded to suit our individual tastes, Mr. Nice guy and his sidekick or can we see them the way they're meant to be- two hard-hitting, fast-talking streetwise cops. Alright, we all have our personal views but surely reality must take its proper place here. I expect a lot of you won't agree with me but I welcome your comments in future editions of this newsletter I'd just like to say one final word on the subject- last year, due to a serious case of bad-timing, I had the hair raising experience of walking down 'Hollywood Boulevard' in the dark behind two uniformed cops. Following closely behind them I caught quite a lot of their conversation and I can assure you if their language wasn't 'blue', then Starsky is really Pepper Anderson [12] in drag.

[Jacky B]: Is violence and bad language necessary? Why yes, it heightens reality and SHOULD be used to emphasise a situation and bring a point home with impact. I'll read anything, expletives or not, although I wouldn't necessarily go along with having them swearing in every sentence I read. And go carefully dear writers - I once read a story where Hutch was heard to utter that immortal, blasphemous,, malediction - 'KNICKERS!' — it's just not on, is it?

[Jacky B]:

That curly haired guy does something to me. Yes, he does have that endearing child-like quality, so much so you wanna hug him to bits in all his various moments of joy, happiness pride and pain. I just LOVE the way he is - his dumb jokes, his style & manner, HIS WALK, eating habits, bull-headedness, self-confidence, HIS WALK, the way he flirts, falls in love so easily, his cockiness, absurd demands, his jeans, did I mention THAT WALK? (back view preferably!), his sense of fun, guts, determination and the way he sticks by his partner through thick & thin.

I can only describe my personal attraction this way - Starsky is the cheeky little lad sitting at the back of the classroom - while Hutch is the school Prefect. Now, that mans more the thinker, the most complicated and intricate of the two, Starsky being the appealing clown of the duo. I bet Hutch knows a damn sight more about his partner too, than his partner knows about him.


Do so many fans prefer Starsky to Hutch? I doubt that. It is perhaps easier to prefer Soul to Glaser - it is David Soul who is the more visible of the two, with concert tours and appearances, whereas Glaser has only completed one movie since the end of the series. It is therefore understandable that interest should be biased in Soul's favour.

But Starsky versus Hutch? I fail to see how any real devotee of the show can make such a choice. Each man has his own attraction, but together they make a whole that is greater than the sum of two parts. STARSKY & HUTCH - a single entity. The whole attraction of the show is in their relationship to each other. This makes the programme unique in T.V history - the plots were incidental to the real theme, the love-affair, as Soul once put it, between two men who happened to be cops.

Issue 3 (May 1981?)

A.P.B. was likely published in May 1981. It contains 28 pages, which the editor says is "a bumper issue."

front cover of issue #3
from issue #3, back cover

From the editor:

A lot of people know my views about Starsky and Hutch, but to those of you who don't, here they are. To me there is only one kind of fandom, and that is 'Starsky & Hutch!' I didn't come into S&H via people boldly going where they've been for the past 12 years - Starsky and Hutch are out on their own, far better and far superior. Now I know a couple of you out there may not agree, but I've found that there are far more who do, and this is why A.P.B is strictly a S&H newsletter, and contrary to popular belief devotees of the show, the men and Paul and David, will not get bored or fed up. There are lots of different topics on them, and we will try to find them all, and new ones.

If people want to compare, OK, but as far as I can see, there is no comparison. S&H is the best t.v cop show, and two of the best working relationships that I've seen for along time. They care for and love each other and are not afraid to show it, and it'll take a HELL of along time before the BBC or ITV come up with anything half as good. Through Starsky and Hutch fandom I've met loads of wonderful people, who I can say finally understand me and my feelings, and it took a caring t.v. show to do that. I've traveled a lot more, and started this newsletter, something no other show has ever made me want to do, and now Dobeycon 3 will be held in Wales, by Starsky and Hutch people for Starsky and Hutch people. I've been asked to say that only S&H tapes and/or films of Paul and David will be shown, plus some U.S. tapes, and a few surprises.

One of the main reasons for this soap box letter is that after the first issue was sent out, I had lots of letters from outraged Starsky and Hutch fans, or people saying 'If it's a S&H newsletter, WHY so much on the Professionals'? I hasten to add, for the first issue, though I talked myself hoarse, I only got one letter, and Sue's Con report, and I'm not to blame that it was a Professional fan that wrote to me not a S&H fan. I only copy type letters. But a few phone calls, and letters, soon made it clear that that was the only piece of 'Professionals' that was going to be in my newsletter, and I got a few more orders. This zine is what it says, a S&H newsletter, for S&H fans in Britain. If you want to write about other shows, then I'm sure they have their own newsletters or zines, if not, do one yourself, it's easy once you know how.

I have decided not to put a lot of veto on the letters coming in, so any S&H topic is welcome, although I don't agree with this S/H thing and feel it's been flogged to death in the U.S. letterzine (and my newsletter certainly won't end up a great debate on it) but I have had a letter this week, and well this gives other people a chance to air their views on why/why not, so next issue only you can all air your views on it! Then please can we get on with our other Topic of The Month?

  • much discussion about allowing other fandom content in this letterzine, with the editor putting the hammer down on "alien" discussion, aka other fandoms and characters
  • Bad Timing, a poem by Lyndy Harding and Stephanie Jones
  • Writer's Workshop, article by Griffon [13] (topic was: "the three main ingredients in S&H fan-fiction - plot, characterisation, and dialogue")
  • other unknown content

Issue 3: Sample Fan Comments

[Jan D]: Here it is at last folks, No 3, sorry for the delay, once again, but at least you have your copies now. Nice to see a few more letters to[o], about time. Those of you who have sent in 50p and £1.00, for the moment, do NOT send any more. I have to sort out some financial problems, and my funds are running very low, and I will most probably have to put up the price, but I will let everyone know in due course, but I will say now that, I won't accept subscriptions any more, it is very confusing to me. I would prefer the money each month, but that's another story.

[Joan H]: Several things I'd like to comment on, Stephanie says if Terri had lived she doesn't think Starsky would have married her. I'm not sure. I feel that he might have They seemed to have something special going, Starsky is torn several ways. He's a free spirit, and tying him down isn't easy, but there's apart of him that hankers for domesticity - a wife, a couple of kids. He says it at least twice during the series. Remember LADY BLUE, when he's telling Hutch about Helen and how they'd talked of marriage. And Rosie Malone, who he said made him believe in that fairy tale again. Even Kira (the series most unpopular lady), had him thinking that way for awhile. But his loyalty and devotion to his job - and to Hutch - pull him in yet another direction. Whoever said Starsky was uncomplicated? On the contrary, he is fascinatingly complex. The humour, the clowning, the kidding, are all surface things, but there’s a lot more besides. He's capable of very deep feelings, can be broodily introspective, or violently angry sometimes.

[Jan D]: I also feel that Starsky would eventually settle down and get married. There will come a time when he just may want to go home and be with the person he loves and cares about (and I don't mean Hutch, Terri). I feel that won't come till later on, say 39/40, but he'll get married never the less. They'll never give up being cops, they'll slow down a bit, but as for retiring early, no way, remember Targets? They couldn't do another job no matter how hard they tried. OK, maybe nobody understands then like they do, but a lot of people have come close, on t.v and in fiction. I'd like to see Davy settled - maybe one day I'll read a good story that he does (Hint, Hint) but there's going, to come a time when Hutch won't always be there. And what about Hutch? OK, the guy's been married before and we all know what a BIG mistake that was, but the poor lamb (?) can't only go out with hookers and lousy broads. Think on Hutch, people, he needs love to.

[Joan H]: I'm still trying to figure out why other fandoms have a place in S&H. Not for me they don't. If I want to get involved in other fandoms, or shows, I'll join the appropriate groups, I've never been able to see, or appreciate, the connection between Star Trek and S&H. I didn't arrive at S&H via Star Trek, or any other show. S&H was the first -and so far, the only - T.V series to capture and hold my interest to the point of wanting to become involved in anything and everything connected with it. Sure, I watch lots of other shows and enjoy them, but there isn't another one that has the same impact, or fascination for me that S&H has. Sorry, all you folks whose experience has been different - just wanted to put the other viewpoint.

[Joan H]: On the bad language issue. Yes it's necessary, if we want realism and not some watered-down, or prettied-up version of life in the LAPD. It needn't be overdone -for the series itself there had to be considerable restraint anyway -there's more licence for written S&H. That imposes a kind of self-censorship on the writers, but expletives are not only valid, they are essential at times, The idea of S&H in a particularly hairy situation, for instance, and Starsky saying something like 'Oh dear, Hutch, what do you think we should do now?' conjures up more of a Laurel & Hardy partnership, than a couple of tough cops.

[Sandra J C]: As for the violence and bad language question, I've not read a great deal of S&H fiction yet, and what I have read has not been particularly violent or expletive ridden. While I would hate to hear them swearing their way through every page or beating/being beaten to a pulp for line after line, I do think both are necessary, in moderation, After all, while the relationship was the most important aspect of the shows from the entertainment point of view, the main stay was realism. These are cops we are reading and writing about, and while not every story requires these elements, some do if only to give the action authenticity. Picture Starsky stuck in a shootout with a gun that wont fire saying, 'Oh dear me, what am I going to do now?' Sounds more like a village parson with a flat tyre than a tough guy in a life or death situation, and THAT the lad could never be.

[Jan D]: About bad language in fiction. Yes of course, I mean they are two street-hitting cops, to use one phrase, and they are going to use street language. Starsky was raised on the streets, he might know a few words even Hutch doesn't, coupled with a few Yiddish phrases. Should be very interesting.Lets face it, it Hutch accidentally runs the Tomato over Starsky's foot, he's not going to stand there and say 'Oh dear Hutch, look what you've done, never mind,' It's going to be said with a lot more feeling, get my drift? Obviously there is no need for it every other word, but it is necessary. Even in the t.v, show we not only had a couple of 'bloody's' (three actually) [14] all of which except one came from Starsky, but also a couple of 'Bastard's', For those who don't remember Starsky said one in JoJo and Dobey said the other in Plague, and that was after they said they toned it down, not that I could see any reason for it to be toned down anyway. If you're going going to write stories on a realism scale then for God's sake use real words. Nothing's worse than reading a story, getting to a good bit, and hearing our hard-talking heroes come out with 'oh dear' when it should be 'oh shit' and let's face it by today's standards that's not swearing. You should hear me, after I've cooked the Sunday dinner, and the whole lot's dropped on the floor.

[Janet E]: At Dobeycon, I offered to hold a tapeshow for S&H fans. At least half the people there seemed keen, and some of them asked about staying overnight. The only person who turned up was Anne Lewis, and she could come over any time. What happened girls? Where were you? I don't feel very inclined to give up another Saturday for a tape show, not unless you give me some feedback about why you didn’t come. Was London too far to come? Was that particular Saturday a bad choice? Is Saturday a bad choice? I have a 'Blakes 7' tape show once a quarter and between 20 &40 people turn up, so Hackney can't be that difficult to find.

[Janet E]: I don't like 'The Professionals' but I agree with the principle of what you're saying, I've loved S&H almost from the beginning. They say 'Lord of The Rings' is such a special book that everyone can remember what they were doing, and where they were, when they first sat down to read it, I feel that way about Starsky and Hutch, my mother was watching some shows I didn't like and I went up to my room, to see what this new cop show was like. I didn't know anyone else even watched the show until someone mentioned The Shootout, at a SF meeting and I discovered everyone watched it. But I didn't discover S&H fandom until Dobeycon, and that was through meeting Sue Stuart at a Star Trek convention. (How did the rest of you get together? I'd be fascinated to know). If I hadn't met Sue, I'd never have discovered this fascinating 'new' fandom. It seems to me anyway that all fandoms are interlinked. It must be terribly confining to have only one interest.

[Erica A]:

Thank goodness I've found someone else who didn't think Terri was the right woman for Starsky. She had too much saccharin for my liking. I think he'd have grown tired of her eventually and there can be no doubt that his marriage proposal was brought about purely by the circumstances.

Ah, but please don't make him roam the plains forever. His home life was disrupted at an early age, and don't you think he would one day like to have the security of the love of that one woman? I think he deserved it -and please let it I be someone with a brain instead of these moronic bodies he's been repeatedly matched up with.

[Erica A]: The relationship between the two men is very special, and no-one could doubt their love for each other, but there are many different kinds of love, and, I still think there is room for romantic love in their lives.

[Erica A]: Hey! The man isn't a sex object, so if you can't appreciate him in his entirety, get your finger off the freeze-frame button and stop ogling the bits you can appreciate. Naughty girl!

[Shirley A. C]: .... bout' time we British fans got our act together and got our feelings down on paper! The Yanks have had it their owm way too long! Jan deserves congrats for getting it all organised and most of all laying down the law that A.P.B be strictly a STARSKY AhD HUTCH zine. If you want to read or write about Star Trek or The professionals (sorry for using that phrase, I'll try not to in future!), then I'm sure there are plenty of other publications which are devoted to these programes, and if there isn't, then they don't deserve to be included in a programs's newsletter which is popular enough to have it's own fandom publication! Jan is quite right in not allowing her A.P.B, to go the same way as the American letterzine in which 'Uncle Tom Cobly And All' is discussed and which seems to have lost sight of it's main objective - namely, discussing STARSKY AND HUTCH and the actors involved therein.

[Terri B]:

Good to see the British newsletter getting off the ground at last. Our American sister does provide fandom with a vital service, but it’ll be nice to have a format the reflects the British viewpoint alone.

One thing I feel I have to comment on, having read your first two issues, is your censure of anyone who happened to mention another series or characters their letter. I agree this is a S&H newsletter, and the prime focus should naturally be on the boys. But S&H doesn't exist in avoid, I think most of us would agree that we have been drawn to t.v, films and literature, etc., which show a close, special relationship between two strong male characters, e.g Alias Smith & Jones, The Persuaders, etc. Inevitably, comparison with these type of shows (and other cop shows on the air) are going to be made. Also, inevitably, people will compare S&H and The Professionals, as this seems currently to be the only homegrown series we have which underscores a partnership theme within a law-enforcement agency. Surely discussions of this type is healthy, valid and interesting, and can help highlight the strengths and/or weaknesses of S&H? I'm not asking for the whole newsletter to be turned over to such topics, but surely if people want to make comparisons, they should be allowed to? I know from personal experience how diverse the interests of people in fandom are, and feel that if you try and restrict expressions, we won't achieve the same level of discussion and debate that's been achieved in the American letterzine -which I'd like to see.

[Shirley A. C]: To give my views on points raised in the first two issues, I'm strictly S&H, but to para-phrase David Soul, 'If people want to read something more into the relationship, let them'. I personally feel that Paul and David never intended S&H's relationship to be seen as anything more than a very deep and platonic friendship between two men and would be quite upset and even disgusted that some, so called, 'fans' could turn their relationship into something perverted. However, I guess if you do believe in S/H, then nothing anyone says will persuade you otherwise.

[Shirley A. C]: AS to which guy is most popular, well, I'm another one who likes them both equally, I used to prefer Paul but found him to be too intense in real life, at least, from his t.v. interviews.

[Shirley A. C]: I don't feel bad language IS necessary in stories. After all, in the series which the writers would be basing their, stories on, nothing stronger than 'bloody' was ever used and S&H still made their points very vividly, so only very bad writers would have to use more colorful language to get things across.

[Sandra J. C]: I can't say I totally agree with Sue's comment that there are more Starsky fans than Hutch fans, amongst the people I know it seems pretty evenly divided. Personally I have always had a craving for those dark curls and blue eyes (and all that goes with it), still I have to admit that during this last season of repeats I have found Blondie more interesting than I did in the first run. But it seems to me, that all we Starsky fans must be suffering from extremely over-active hormones. Very little is written in praise of Mr Hutchinson's physical charms -hair, hands etc, yet mention jeans to a Starsky fan and you have their undivided attention. Does this perhaps mean that the only people that prefer Hutch are the ones that love him for his mind, leaving those of us with baser instincts to lust after his partner? Maybe Hutch fans were all prefects while Starsky fans spent their time at the back of the class firing ink pellets from knicker-elastic catapults.

[Sue M]:

We were talking the other night about the way Hutch is often treated in fan fiction. I wondered how other fans felt about that. We all know that Hutch is prone to guilt fixations ('Hutch gets off on guilt' - Lori Bartlett, 'Crossfire') - and God knows the job he's in hardly helps -but there is a tendency to portray him as a complete neurotic mess, about to fall apart at any minute when a crisis strikes. Starsky, being portrayed as the more down—to—earth character who has his head together, always picks up the pieces. Perhaps fourth season hasn't helped this (I still think that mustache has a lot to answer for) but even in Sweet Revenge, perhaps the ultimate test, Hutch did manage to hold himself together and survive. And remember Starsky has had his guilt trips too, if not quite so blatant (Blindfold, Pariah).

I believe Hutch has more inner strength than he's often given credit for. One story that highlights this very well is the excellent 'A Brother Helped', in 10-13. In the nightmare situation of LA falling apart around them, Starsky's survival instincts tell him that maybe it's easier and safer to run. But Hutch won't. He wants to stay, regardless, whether to build a new order, or just help the old one as much as he can. Perhaps the White Knight's armour is a little tarnished, but he's rock steady in his purpose. The immovable object! I'm not demeaning the strength of the partnership, nor do I wish to see a stop to all the lovely stories of the support and comfort given to each other, but I wish Hutch wasn't always treated as quite such an emotional cripple.

[Terri B]: DMS getting married; no way! As Stephanie said, they've found a special kind of love in one another. They don't need the hassle of any other relationship, marital or otherwise. Think about the type that boy goes for Terry and Rosie and Helen being exceptions. He doesn't want brains in his women, he can get all the intellectual stimulation he needs elsewhere. He's a dyed in-the-wool MCP, just like his partner. I have a theory that the affair with Terry was already cooling—off when she got shot - remember her complaints that he was never there? He doesn't want competition - just a warm body. Let's not kid ourselves over that. Now of course, if you subscribe to the S/H premise, and I make no secrets of my allegiance to that, then the answer is staring you in the face. He's got the ideal situation there - a lover, a partner, a best friend, just like the best marriages. Besides who can understand him better than Hutch? Who can take the sort of risks the job involves? Who can share all his doubts and hopes and fears with the guy better than the guy who's worked alongside him all those years? Hutch won't try to make him into something he isn't - Hutch wouldn't want to change a hair on his head. Or elsewhere.

[Terri B]: On the S/H question -in the U.S. the prevalent objections are well known. To all of you over here -instead of asking 'why', take time out to think, honestly and without prejudice 'why not?' We have afar more tolerant society over here, thank God. Put the Victorian morals aside, Whats wrong with those two beautiful men making love to each other? If there is anyone out there who can put forward a valid objection, I'll be fascinated to hear it.

[Sandy B]: I'm so pleased an British newsletter, has finally got off the ground and a big pat on the back for Jaydee for venturing to start one. During a recent phone conversation with Jaydee, she expressed disappointment at the response to her newsletter only 20 odd people bothered to answer. But all things have a beginning and have to start somewhere, I found an old U.S, letterzine the other day and the editor stated only 20 folks were contributing, so it's early day's yet Jaydee, soldier on for a little longer, and all you folks out there pass the word around, I'm sure sales will pick up.

[Sandy B]: I agree discussion on writing stories would be helpful, Terri Beckett, you open your ears, I was turned down by U.S zines, because of my errors in locations. Will British zines turn a blind eye to these things, or are they just as strict?

Issue 4 June 1981)

A.P.B. 4 was published in June 1981 and contains 27 pages.

front cover of issue #4
back cover of issue #4

While not dated, here are some clues:

  • "don't forget next month it's the Wedding, and nothing will get done that day" -- a reference to Charles and Diana's wedding on July 29, 1981
  • a reference to the Wimbleton "this month," an event that took place June 22-July 4
  • a fan quotes S & H #22, the June 1981 American letterzine

Issue 4: Sample Fan Comments

  • the TOTM was "What are some of your Treasured Moments and classic lines in the show?" (for example: Starsky's red long johns, Starsky telling Hutch he's a "virgin in these woods")
  • small word find by Jax
  • an erroneous announcement that Elizabeth Glaser has just given birth to a baby boy named Andrew Michael
  • news that for-profit The Starsky & Hutch Monthly was ceasing publication in July 1981
  • Writer's Workshop, article by Griffon [15] (about writing S&H fan-fiction, an in-depth focus on plotting)
  • many comments about allowing other fandom content, a topic that was a focus of the third issue, see more at Regarding Other Fandoms, aka "Aliens"
  • a fan, Stephanie Jones, mentions that she has sent fans preliminary information about DobeyCon #3
  • much about the S/H premise
  • much about the character, Terry.
[Jan D]: As you may or may not know the July issue of the official Starsky and Hutch mag is the last, and I have had a very lovely letter of encouragement about APB from Janet Walker and the staff at Ealing. She was really pleased about what I and the rest of us are doing for Starsky and Hutch fandom in Britain, as Janet says, "Yours is the only mag in Britain that is ONLY for Starsky and Hutch, keep it up." So you see even the official mag approves, so we MUST do our upmost to keep Starsky and Hutch alive in British fandom. I'm willing, are you?

[Griffon]: So... what is a plot? Essentially, it is the sequence of events which make up the story-line, and this is where many would be writers hit their first snag. The nature of S&H restricts us to a finite number of story-lines, and most of them have been used, in one way or another, by someone else. The first thing to remember about this is, don't let this stop you. Connie Faddis' superb novella, Mojave Crossing, may be the definite get-em-in-the-desert, but if you want to write S&H in the desert, go right ahead. Terri White's Promises to Keep has them suffering in the snow - if you have an idea that involves them hip-deep in snow and suffering, write it. Each of us sees a different facet of the characters, each of us has an individual writing style -- the plot may have similarities to published (or unpublished) material, but YOUR treatment of it will be uniquely your own.

Janet C]: ... the question of who I like best, well I love both those guys but must admit it's Hutch who makes me go all funny, (no comment please). I can't put my finger on it, but when David Soul comes on the box, get a chair ready for me.

[Shirley A. C]: [My] views on the much debated S/H subject, well, I'm in the "they don't" section of fandom, but I don't condemn those who think "they do." In my opinion, it's just not natural for two men to be in love or make love to each other! God planned things so that males were attracted to women and vice-versa, and I can't see any substantial evidence why Starsky and Hutch should be amongst the very small minority who are the exception to that divine [sic] </ref> a deliciously ironic typo </ref>. So, okay, they are very close friends, but what should make us assume that this, same-sex friendship, should ever develop into anything other than platonic? We all surely have friends of the same gender whom we love purely as friends, and would never even consider becoming sexually involved with, why should S&H be considered to be different? I've failed to be convinced by answers S/H believers have given to that question but they, I really don't want to be converted. Like everyone else, I believe and think whatever I want to and nothing anyone says (unless Paul or David ever said S&H were lovers! They are the only ones who really can know!) is going to make me change my mind. That's how I see the issue anyway, and I don't mean to put down S/H fans.

Terry [16] definitely wasn't the women for our hero. I imagine him with someone quite the opposite, someone outside the nine till five routine, with whims and ideas very similar to his own, basically a complex person like himself [17], a relationship they would both have to work at -- not just one sided. Yes, I agree Starsky spoke several times on marriage but that's as far as it ever went. I feel he talked about these things to Hutch just to get attention and the advice of his partner -- who never seemed to be overwhelmed by any of Starsky's choices (due for Terri!)

[Stephanie J]: I also believe Starsky wouldn't have married Terry. Nice lady but she would have bored our complex David Michael after a while -- and he does become bored easily.

[Joan H]: Terri, dear Terri - why would "any other relationship, marital or otherwise" be a hassle for either Starsky or Hutch? Seems an improbably theory. They have to live in the real world like everyone else, and in their world all kinds of relationships are important. Their own is so special, I can't believe it would be diminished by letting other people into their lives. A mutually dependent association that excludes the possibly of women doesn't sound like an ideal situation to me. It doesn't sound like S&H either. I could be wrong. Convince me. Write a story!


In spite of the beautiful relationship, they must have other interests.... I don't believe they were totally wrapped up in each other for all of the time. Is any relationship, however close, really like that? In their situation, could it be? They were dedicated cops, I think perhaps their work was the single most important thing in their lives. They were constantly involved with people of all kinds, and from all social strata, and they revealed a wide degree of perception and experience in dealing with them. At least some of that stemmed, I would suggest, from a variety of interests connected with their leisure activities as well as their jobs.

[Lynne D]:

S and H or S stroke, slash, dash (and wouldn't we all like to) H. Opinions for and against the issue some objective some not, have raged back and forth in the U.S. letterzine, all expressing far more succinctly than I could hope to express on my own, but for what it's worth -- here goes.

I do not discount the possibility that the loving relationship between Starsky and Hutch could extend into the bedroom (the bathroom, the W.C., the Torino etc. etc. adfinfinitum).

I'm not saying that they are going at it like rabbits and have been since the Flood; I see no evidence of that in the aired series. What I am saying is that their love for one another could become all-consuming and develop into a physical relationship. Y'see, I can't help asking myself -- What happens when they are getting old? Slowing down? Tired? Five years on? Ten years on? If they don't go out as Butch and Sundance, which I tend to see them doing any way, what happens them? We don't need to be told that the job they are doing is soul-destroying, disillusioning.... We already know that those two policemen have packed fifty years of living into thirty. Does Mrs Starsky, Mrs Hutchinson, the cottage-with-roses-round-the-door-the-twins-and-Rover-the-dog finally turn up for them both? Sorry, not for me they don't.

Having a rotten job to do, 'shovelling shit against the tide' (to quote a small, mean, Cancerian who nicked it from Josepy Wambaugh) and being an emotional wreck does not automatically qualify you to jump into bed with your best friend -- only if you're lucky enough to have Starsky for your best friend or Hutch. They are lucky, they understand each other better than most married couples to -- and they don't even have to work at it. We know they love one another, they touch, they care. After Sweet Revenge, when Hutch nearly lost him, and the fact that they are not immortal hit them with a force they may have realised that someday maybe all each other has left to care about each other and their relationship will change in the knowledge of it. The relationship as it is shown in the aired series certainly isn't intended to have sexual implications, the question comes after Sweet Revenge. So you see, there is a fence to sit on! "They do, they don't, they just might, what if they did? is a question writers have been asking for some time now.

[Erica A]: Those of us who have seen recent issues of the U.S. letterzine have been compelled to consider the S/H question, whether or not we wanted to. Why do you believers crave comments? If one is quite happy with one's own personal views of the men and the relationship, what is the necessity of asking Why Not? Anyone who feels the need to see the relationship develop further can take it wherever he or she wishes - Some may even choose that Starsky and Hutch go their separate ways (that's not for me either). Why should anyone need to be pointed in the direction of S/H? Let us all be agree to hold our own opinions, but agree at this stage that this is one theory which definitely does divide us into two camps, or the debate will go over the same ground repeatedly. Personally, I think it has been done to death, and in the end people believe what they want to believe. I hereby promise to let you think what you wish, if you will show me the same respect. Why don't those of you who do subscribe to the homosexual theory start your own S/H newsletter?

[Chris P]: You said it for me, girl! I, too, get somewhat hot under the collar at the emotionally crippled Hutchinson. Insecure the man may well be in some of his relationships, but if he was that much of a neurotic mess, he'd have invalided out of the LAPD on their equivalent of a Section 8. Poor lamb.

[Chris P]: On the S/H question, I think everyone who knows me, knows where I stand on that, and why. Love has many facets, and where it is truly given and received there can be nothing grotesque or perverted about it. Those two men are virtually everything to each other - friend, companion, brother, shield, and anchor. I can see no reason why they would not also be lovers. Though not in the aired series. For me, that aspect of their relationship grew after Sweet Revenge. I hope that this subject, if it is going to be discussed, can be discussed in a calm, rational, give and take fashion. After all, the one thing we can all agree on is that Starsky and Hutch are bound together by respect, admiration and love. Our different opinions lie only in how and to what degree that love is expressed. Love is NEVER a perversion.

[Lyndy H]:

How can you possibly say that the rare and beautiful relationship shared between KH and DMS is perverted? I would be interested to know exactly what you DO class as 'perversion'? Personally, I can't understand what's 'abnormal' about wanting to touch someone you love deeply -- but then I'm a little older than you and have stopped looking at life through rose-coloured glasses. It's a fact that in some lives reality hits hard! What better example than the lives of Starsky and Hutch. It's simply a case of 'Me and Thee' and getting love where you can find it!

Still, dear, as I believe Voltaire once said, 'I respect each man's right to hold an opinion' - That doesn't mean I have to respect the opinion itself. That, naturally, works vice versa. I'm afraid where S/H is concerned, it [is] a case of 'if you can't stand the heat stay out of the kitchen.'

[Stephanie J]: Let's face it -- who else understands Starsky like Hutch, and who can handle that 'big' blonde better than his adorable partner? They're comfortable together. I firmly believe that neither man could ever care more deeply for any other human being. What they share is extremely unique -- not perverted. It's a gift bestowed on very few. Surely it must be nothing less than a state of euphoria when body and soul are in harmony. When someone you love and trust holds you tightly, whether they be male or female, they cease to be a gender by becoming a sanctuary and a soothing balm for your tensions and pains, emotional or physical. I cannot foresee another future for KH and DMS other than their destined relationship in question.

[Stephanie J]: After teething problems, APB is beginning to settle down, but I have one small worry. It is about S&H, for the fans of S&H, with only comparative intrusions from other universes - that's fine, no problem, but there are other diversions that could draw it off its defined track, and they are David Soul and Paul Michael Glaser. Don't get me wrong -- I do not require lynching -- I find those two very attractive men, but their personalities and characters are not those of Starsky and Hutch. Obviously, there are some similarities, but... I'm glad of the odd snippet of news and future plans, movements, etc., and I have this tape of David Soul at the Monte Carlo show -- oh, God that throat and hair and profile -- BUT they are not Starsky and Hutch, and APB is primarily for Starsky and Hutch. Isn't it?

I appreciate the chance to speak out for the S/H premise. Well, try and stop me. But let me make it clear that I am not trying to convert anyone to my way of thinking -- I am merely exercising my right to think what I like, and say so.

[Stephanie J]: Sorry to hear about your disastrous tapeshow, Janet. Better luck next time, give it another go, eh?

Issue 5 (August 1981)

APB 5 was published in August 1981 and contains 20 pages.

front cover of issue #5, June Bushnell
  • Writer's Workshop, article by Griffon [18] ("This month was going to be devoted to the intricacies of Characterisation but due to Popular Demand, going to give a few hints on HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR WORK TO AN EDITOR.")
  • many comments about the S/H Premise

Issue 5: Sample Fan Comments

[Joan H]: What happens to S&H five years on, ten years on? Good Question. They'll never make it that far. Butch and Sundance for them, definitely, and alas. But let the writers explore, probe, dissect and come up with the alternatives. We want to read them. The aired series is the jumping off point, what happens next, to the characters and the relationship, is open to a variety of interesting theories and interpretations. As we have already seen.

[Joan H]:

You said it, kid! Couldn't agree more. S/H is divisive, undoubtedly, and I don't really want to discuss it, except to

say that some - not all, but some - who fervently believe in it, do appear to be trying to convert everyone to their viewpoint and I don't understand why. It's made for some very repetitious and boring arguments in the U.S. Letterzine, and I'm hoping APB won't go that route.

[Joan H]: Although I said NO ALIENS and I stick by that, PMG & DS are not Aliens, they made S&H as we know them today, and yes why not include them, they're apart of us, and we're apart of them, this is basically a S&H zine, but we'd enjoy the odd snippets about Paul and David.

I would assume we're all interested in the two men themselves, as well as their alter egos S&H -their personalities, their careers, and I'd welcome news and discussion of their future plans. Well, perhaps I just start the ball rolling with PMG & Phobia, So, let's hear about DS and the Monte Carlo Show -or, about anything connected with those two guys who play S&H.

[Joan H]:

Kira ideal wife material? Oooh, there's a thought. Didn't strike me that way. But, jealous of her - of course. Lucky lady, to have those two fighting over her, even if they did come to their senses in the* end. Wouldn't mind a session in front of the fire with Starsky myself.

Agree with all you say about Terry, but I think we're in the minority. Most people assume an awful lot about Terry, from just one episode. It wasn't enough to establish what she was really like. Particularly as she wasn't in it all that much, and for a good part of the time was incapacitated, I would have thought Starsky's interest in her indicated she had quite a lot more going for her than was immediately apparent. Maybe we tend to overlook the fact that the reason we know S&H so well, and are familiar with every aspect of their characters and personalities, is because we've been able to study them over a period of four years, while with most of the ladies who came into their lives we have only a single episode to get to know them. Not surprising therefore, if they seem lightweight, ephemeral creatures, not really worthy of our heroes attentions. Most of the time we can only judge them in the light of how S&H see and react to them, rather than as persons in their own right. Obviously, Starsky had known Terry for sometime and had reached the point of thinking about marriage. I don't really believe he only asked her to marry him because he knew she was going to die. I don't see Davy as being that cynical. It doesn't come across that way if you think about the scenes with Hutch, and with the three of them, after they learn of Terry's fate.

[Shirley A. C]:

I think you misinterpreted what I said last issue. I never said I thought the relationship between S&H was perverted, what I did say was I thought some fans, by preaching the S/H bible, were making it perverted. I went into more details of my feelings on S/H and homosexuality in general in the last issue but there are a few things I would like to say in reply to your comments to me. I agree that there is absolutely nothing 'abnormal' in wanting to touch someone in a sexual way if they are of the opposite gender to yourself. However, to me it is abnormal to want to touch someone of the same sex as yourself in that way. Would you argue that is is considered normal for a man and a woman to touch each other in a sexual manner? Of course not. But in this society it is considered abnormal for a man to want to touch another man sexually, you can't argue that it isn't. So, if S&H were indulging in homosexuality, no matter how 'beautiful' and loving it may be, it's still considered to be abnormal behaviour. To me, what is perverted, is people distorting a non- sexual friendship, like that which existed between the on-screen characters, to turn into a homosexual relationship. Clear Now?

I can't see also how our age difference (how do you know my age anyway?) makes any difference in how we look at the S/H issue? Either you agree with it or you don't. Ten years from now I still won't condone homosexual, or lesbian come to that, relationships. I don't look at life through rose colored glasses either. If anything, I look at it rather pessimistically. You don't know me so you have no right to make judgements on my out-look on life. Don't get personal, please! The 'heat in the kitchen' of the S/H debate isn't too hot for me either, as I'd never enter that particular kitchen of thought anyway.

[Shirley A. C]:

I don't want to turn A.P.B into a discussion on the merits of S/H, after all, that's how the rot set in, in the [U.S.] letterzine, but although I agree with you whole-heartedly that love is never perverted, I wasn't saying that it was last issue. I was saying my view, homosexuality is, to me the thought of indulging in a sexual relationship with another female, is totally repulsive to the extent of making me want to throw up, so I guess that's why I'm so strongly opposed to S/H. I'm not saying it has to be perverted in everyone's point of view. I just gave my opinion, which is an entirely personal thing with which don't expect everyone to agree. I agree entirely with Erica and Jacky on the subject and will say no more.

Next letter I promise I won't mention S/H at all!

[Terri B]: We don't crave converts. You're as entitled to your opinions as we are. Equal rights. Freedom of speech and all that. My "why not?" question was not aimed to covert, but merely to promote thought. In my experience, many who dislike the premise just haven't thought deeply about it. Those Victorian Morals again. But if you have thought about it, and you still cannot accept the premise -- you have that right. I only kick when someone tries to prevent my reading/writing S/H because they don't agree with it -- censorship at its most pernicious.

[Sandra J. C]:

[The editor has] set her own views on S/H aside and invited our constructive comments on the subject, so let's not take advantage of that invitation to turn this into another 'why must I see what you see' battle.


I have to admit though, you, Terri and Chris between you are definitely tempting me down of the S&H vs S/H fence. The more I read, the more I like the idea. But then Jacky is always telling me I'm just another pervert. You said it. Lets hear it for peace and harmony, and leave all the bitching to the other side of the Atlantic. You and I share different views without falling out, don't see why the others can't. And no way can standing up for your own opinions be called immature.

[Lyndy H]:

Don't want to turn this into a feud, but I feel I must raise a point here. You stated in your letter (APB 4) that you didn't condemn those who supported the S/H premise. Good. But then you claim in your next sentence the relationship is just unnatural and that you could never accept it. What confuses me totally is the fact that you would agree to it if Paul and David said it was so. Are you that easy to convince, or perhaps you believe literally every word those two guys say? I can only repeat again what Chris said so effectively last month -love is never a perversion (Right on Chris),

One final word: please don't use religion as a weapon in your argument — that could lead to a deeper and far more serious discussion which I feel for both your sake and mine is best left alone.


We don't crave converts. No one is forced to consider the S/H premise either. It's something you either believe or you don't. Some of my closest friends are adverse to the theory, but we still enjoy eacb other. I hope sincerely that others in S&H fandom wont be swift to judge me. I haven't got tunnel vision. The whole thing doesn't have to divide us into camps either the unpleasantries arise when those who accept the S/H premise are 'labelled' by those who don't.

[Chris P]:

As a believer in the S/H premise, I have to say I don't crave, nor attempt to create converts. As had been said in so many words by quite a few folk in the US letterzine, yourself and others in APB, it's a free and democratic

country (that's the theory, anyhow), and we are all entitled to hold.our own views. But like you, I object to bigotry, in any form and from any quarter. That, and intolerance, has caused a lot of unpleasantness in the past, and no doubt will again, but none of us want to see it infesting the pages of APB. They are two traits that Starsky and Hutch certainly have never exhibited.

[Chris P]:

I don't automatically see the / in other same-sex relationships. As far as I'm concerned, Starsky and Hutch, and the depth of their commitment are unique, and though I'm not a great TV watcher, there is only one other series pairing that I can see developing asexual relationship. And in no way does that particular pairing compare to Starsky and Hutch, It is an entirely different kettle of fish. I name no names, as that would probably have our poor demented editor foaming at the mouth and reaching for the Flit, or harpic, or paraquat. Or maybe all three. (Frankly, some of the / pairings mentioned in passing in the US letterzine have boggled me, and that takes a bit of doing.)

And I agree with you along the line in your cry for no brain-washing, belittling, or ridicule. Bigotry and intolerance are surplus to requirements, and are, in themselves, more evident of immature and unrealistic attitudes than a wish to state and hold to your own point of view. It is unfortunate that there are people with that 'narrowness of vision, nor are they restricted to S&H or S/H. But as far as I can see, though, they have not hit APB. Shirley Ann, who comes out most strongly against S/H, can say never, no way, it's morally wrong, and a sin against God can also say that that is her opinion, and that she doesn't put down those who hold the S/H premise. With that kind of attitude generally, I don't see APB being divided into camps. After all, with all of us saying live and let live, who needs to defend their stand?

If anyone wishes to disagree violently and abusively to any statements and/or comments in the APB - well, we all have our addresses printed along with our letters, so send the verbal explosives privately, girls.

Issue 6 (September 1981)

A.P.B. 6 was published in September 1981 and contains 16 pages.

cover of issue #6
  • the TOTM is guilt trips, does Starsky suffer from them the same way Hutch does?
  • Morning, poem by Lyndy Harding
  • discussion about what Starsky or Hutch would do in the future if one of them was killed
  • some talk about technology: one fan is very thankful they don't have to rely on simply having audio recordings of the show to enjoy, and another fan is thrilled to be able to rent a VCR for the winter, and another fan asks another one: "When are you going to buy one of those special cameras to take pix from video tapes??"
  • another topic of discussion is humor on the show, fans' appreciation of it, but dislike of the slapstick variety
  • a mention that DobeyCon #3 registration is full and now closed

Issue 6: Sample Fan Comments

[Shirley B]: ... what oh what, are these 'white pyjamas' that you are all talking about?? The white shorts in PLAYBOY ISLAND, gave me palpitations, do you mean white pyjamas are worse, (better). Is there anyone out there in S&H video land with a copy of them, that they would be willing to lend me just for awhile? Having seen the white shorts, I cannot go through life not having seen the white pyjamas! Please, please, some sympathetic Hutch fan, put me out of my misery! I am dreaming of white pyjamas!

[Sandra J. C]: Thank heavens I'm not the only one who hates the slapstick [comedy] in S&H'. It leaves me with the kind of creeping feeling you get from a 'run' in your tights, and it always seems to me that poor Starsky comes off worst in those situations. The natural humour was vital though.

Jacky B]: Humour. It seems to me many people miss that aspect of the guys characters. It's always been a big attraction to me and was the first thing that drew me so warmly to the show. (DMS' other attributes came to me two shows later - was a late starter?). Up to then cops with a really good sense of humour and fun were relatively uncommon on T.V. Hutch's humour is dryer, less showy of the two- which often makes him unintentionally hilarious. That side of Starsky is more loose, brash and childlike, and it's when he's really at his best it's enjoyable to watch Hutch trying his best to stamp on his partners attempts to be funny, usually failing, ending up the embarrassed one.

[Jacky B]: Glad Jan bought up the point about DS & PMG NOT being aliens in this zine, it seems crazy to me how some people shrug off the contribution made by the two actors. As Jan says they made S&H as we know them today- I cannot imagine any other actors with the right qualities for the parts. And it really puzzles me that so many fans regard S&H as real live people, and Paul and David being beneath their notice because they're only a couple of actors.

[Shirley A. C]:

A.P.B 5 was great as usual, though no one seemed to have anything; new to say, myself included.


As suggested, I'm continuing any discussions which are unfinished with regard to the S/H topic, by means of private correspondence, no use threshing it all out here on the pages of this newsletter and boring everyone to sleep.

[Joan H]:

Nice to see the give-and-take attitude in all the letters. No one being dogmatic, and everyone accepting -and respecting - others viewpoints.

Chris: I agree intolerance and bigotry are the worst enemies. We surely can, and will avoid them in A.P.B, No need for divisive arguments when we’re all cheering the same team.

[Joan H]:

I want to say a word about Jan's comment on the price of A.P.B.

Surely nobody is really objecting to paying whatever it costs? Or trying to compare the price with that of the late lamented S&H mag, which was a strictly commercial undertaking, probably heavily subsidised for some time prior to its demise. Jan put her own case regarding printing costs, postage etc. and what she says is undoubtedly true, from my own experience in the printing trade some years ago. So -quit complaining and pay up, if you want A.P.B to continue. Jan deserves our thanks and support for taking this on. She's doing a good job, but she shouldn't be out of pocket on it.

[Sandra J. C]: Now for special request time, (and I don't mean a la Wogan) Having finally convinced my hubby that renting a video [machine] will not necessitate my working the streets of Soho this winter, the machine (fan's best friend) is arriving tomorrow. So, are there any nice, kind souls out there who have S&H on video that they would be willing to lend me, (VHS)? In particular BLOODBATH and PARIAH. If so, drop me a line. I'll be glad to return the postage.

[Jacky B]: And finally a note to our dear ED. ... Keep up the very good work on this wonderful mag. and hang in there, kid. If the editors in the States put their feet down so firmly maybe some of the backbiting and ego-boosting at others' expenses would cease or lighten up. The U.S. zine is now known as the BITTERzine by many over there which is very unfortunate.

Issue 7 (November 1981)

A.P.B. 7 was planned to have been published in early November 1981 (but due to printing errors was issued December 3) and contains 28 pages.

front cover of issue #7, June Bushnell

This is the first issue that the art is officially credited. The artists are: June Bushnell, Tabby Davis, Jaydee/Jan Daniels, Sandi Chapman, and Tina Bolton.

At this time, there are about 30 subscribers.

This issue contains a letter by Terri Beckett, one of the authors of the then-recent novel, One More Mountain, the first part of a trilogy that seven years later, finishes up with a novel that echoes the Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid comments in Beckett's letter here. See No Easy Answers.

  • untitled poem by Cathy Buckett
  • many comments about what would happen to the survivor if Hutch or Starsky died; most agree that Starsky would soldier on, and Hutch would fall apart and probably die
  • many comments about the films, "Phobia" and "Salem's Lot"
  • Writer's Workshop, article by Griffin [19] (topic is "Dialogue")
  • a formal review of "Salem's Lot, by A.N. Other aka Chris Power
  • If I Ever Had to Say Goodbye to You, lyrics

Issue 7: Sample Fan Comments

[Jacky B]:

If Hutch lost Starsky or Starsky lost Hutch? Trust a Taffy to bring that up. Of course for sometime after the event the one left would be absolutely shattered, would grieve uncontrollably in his private moments. But he would survive, never quite getting over the pain, eventually coming to terms with it.

He would readjust his life as people have to when they loose a beloved child, wife or husband in tragic circumstances.


I know the odds, how the game of life works and wouldn’t be in such a dangerous line of work if they were so desperately worried that someday one wouldn’t make it. They must have thought of it often and somewhere in that thinking gained acceptance of those certain conditions.

... they would not mope for ever. They would learn to smile and enjoy life once more, make other friendships. Don't guillotine the other guys life off so drastically after the event either. Whose to say there isn’t another good and caring person out there to make up a similar team - I know the special formula could never be the same and its not a thing I’d like to see/read. But they do say second marriages

can work just as well.

[Terri B]:

I want to get in on this death-story theme while it's still going strong, and pitch in my five-cents-worth. Speaking as one who has written a couple of death-stories, I can see the question from several points of view, (which is a good trick if you can do it.) Let's examine the possibilities. The scenario can be one of three —

Starsky or Hutch dies -- his partner avenges his death, copes with the shattering of his life, and eventually comes to terms with his loss.
Starsky or Hutch dies, and his partner fails to cope either killing himself or making a fatal mistake that results in his death.
Both of them die, a La Butch and Sundance, going out in a blaze of glory. [20]

Of course, circumstances prevalent in each case could influence what happens — and the different personalities involved. They are very different in their actions and reactions, also in their emotional dependence on each other. In my view, Starsky is a survivor — it is Hutch who tends to come apart.

In the desolation following bereavement, it is not hard to see a moment when [Hutch's] continued existence will seem totally futile to him -- and the final step will prove an irresistible temptation.

Now consider SURVIVAL, THE GAME, THE PLAGUE, BLACK & Blue. Again in each of these, Hutch is at death's door. Starsky's attitude is altogether different. He may be stunned at first, but from then on his whole energy is concentrated on Hutch living. He won't accept defeat. If Hutch dies, he'll carry on. It'll cost him, and he won't be the better for it, a harder, colder individual -- but he as the strength to do it. Nor, once the initial shock was over, would he consciously consider suicide. However, he might one mistake too many -- and whichever way it comes down, death is an end.

Give the choice, they'd probably go for the third option, and meet the Grim Reaper together. Living and working the way they do, that isn't such a remote possibility.

All the above assumes that the brother-bond is only that, of course. When the S/H enters the question, there's a whole new slant on it -- which, out of deference to our Editor's tender feeling I don't propose to go there. I don't agree, however, that we devalue their characters if we deny them the courage to overcome personal tragedy. The loss of friend or lover is no comparison to the loss of half your soul. Courage doesn't come into it. We've seen each one cope with the death of someone close to them -- Gillian, Helen, Terri. Each time they have had each other to lean on, a shoulder to cry on, strength offered and accepted. When that is no longer there -- where then do they turn?

Ah. Enough of the morbidity.

[Terri B]: If we are ever so devoid of conversation that we are reduced to discussing David's golfing prowess, we may as well pack it in and take up knitting. Dear God! By all means let's have the odd snippet of news about the boys, and very foxy they are too, with several 'things' that merit close attention, (pause to wipe drool off chin...) but the private lives of Paul and David are no one's affair but their own, whereas the private lives of Starsky and Hutch are fair game. Give me the choice, and that's what I would rather talk about. I'm not a Paul or David groupie — I groove on S&H. This is an S&H newsletter — if you want one solely about Paul and David, I suggest you start one. There are enough facets of Starsky and Hutch to keep us talking for a long while to come yet, even without touching on S/H. I mean, God forbid we should bore anyone to sleep... Groupie talk is boring, though. Not to mention embarrassing and occasionally obscene.

Issue 8 (January 1982)

A.P.B. 8 was published in January/February 1982.

It has a "festive cover."

  • TOTM: When did Starsky and Hutch become friends?
  • a review of One More Mountain by Lyndy Hardy
  • one topic of discussion: embarrassing scenes in episodes
  • poem by Lyndy
  • a cartoon about the episode, The Plague
  • other unknown content

Issue 9 (February 1982)

APB 9 was likely published in January/February 1982 and contains 40 pages.

cover of issue #9, June Bushnell

Evidence for Jan/Feb: "Welcome to this first edition after the festive season. I hope everybody has recovered." Another one: "Happy New Year to you all - HAPPY BIRTHDAY APB, 1 year old this month."

"Can it really be almost the end of January already?"

Dobeycon is still in the future: "See you Feb 26th or in the next APB."

Several fans mention issue #8: "APB #8 was a real Christmas cracker."

"The double issue was a good idea, especially for February. Meant I didn't have to pull my more-than-usually-addled brain together to soon after the New Year."

BUT there are two comments that are perplexing: "Yes, the radio interview John Dunn Show, David gave on the 24th May was excellent. I was particularly pleased to hear him declare that he shared/shares the same relationship with Paul as Hutch did with Starsky - doesn't that say it all?" "How I wish I could have been at Pebble Mill with you on May 20th." [21]

From the editor:

I accept typewritten letters and handwritten ones, but sometimes the handwritten ones are so bad and hard to read, I don't mind correcting spelling mistakes, but I haven't got the time to sit down and decipher every sentence, so any letters I get that are really bad, and the handwriting is bad, I will send back so you can print, or get somebody to type it out for you. Sorry to have to do that, but with more letters coming in, plus a full time job, I can't do it.

  • fans, Glynis Jones and Brenda McAtamney, want to begin a zine for David Soul called "Soul-Searcher," and she asks for submissions of clippings, ads, pen-pals, crossword puzzles, poems, stories, etc. She hoped for a mid-February 1982 publication.
  • there is a very lengthy letter describing seeing David Soul on tour at eight UK locales (Brum, Lewisham, Poole, Portsmouth, The Lakeside Club, RFH, S'Boro, and Notts)
  • much discussion about Kira and the episode "Starsky vs. Hutch," about the fourth season changes in the show, would Starsky and Hutch ever get married to women, and more on what would happen if Starsky or Hutch died

Issue 9: Sample Fan Comments

[Lyndy H]:

Sorry, have to disagree with you over Hutch’s capability of holding himself together. My Hutch could well become ’unglued’. I believe the man is even capable of insanity, stepping over that wafer thin line that separates the rational from the uncontrollable.

Has anyone ever really watched his eyes? Occasionally they project a certain ’something’ that defies explanation. He’s positively sinister at times.

[Lyndy H]: I think you misunderstood part of my letter. What I meant was I’M discussing my S&H. Everyone else is discussing theirs. It’s a personal interpretation. Can’t agree with you that S&H were played as ’just good friends’. For me, there is far to much evidence in the aired series which contradicts that premise, and I didn't have to interpret the scenes to suit my own beliefs, I saw what was already there.

[Lyndy H]:

Sadly there is still a lot of prejudice on the S/H issue which is unfortunate for everyone concerned. Yes - tolerance is the key word in the S/H feud, but on reading back dated issues of the US L/Z, one finds it's usually the antes who fire the first bullets - admitted there is retaliation but that's to be expected.

Perhaps I should state here there is something I can't stomach and that's the attitude of the individuals who try desperately to get their hands on S/H material then disclaim the premise completely when confronted by it.

You either agree or disagree, and I certainly admire those who are prepared to stand up and to be counted.


Oh dear - your question is one that's gone back and forth like a tennis ball over the past few years. The S/Hers believe the onus falls on the non S/Hers to justify their beliefs and vice-versa. Is justification really necessary? I know I’ve stated in previous letters one should be able to back up their beliefs but in the difference of opinion over the s/H premise is such that it’s impossible to satisfy everyone. We’ve discussed this privately and I can only say that if everyone was as open minded and tolerant as you there would be no need for arguments.

[Lyndy H]: BLUE LADY isn’t one of my particular favourites either, but the way Glaser directs Soul is incredible. He makes love to him with the camera.

[Lynn C]:

... I wanted to congratulate Chris Power and Terri Beckett on OMM. I enjoyed it so much, I just couldn’t nut it down, the warmth of their affection for each other and Hutch’s undying care and devotion lavished on Starsky is really something else. His anger when dealing with Nick as opposed to his compassion for Starsky. The humour the realism. Then suddenly it ended and I'm anxiously awaiting the second part. PLEASE don’t let it be too long in coming. The suspense is terrible.

Congratulations also to Chris Ripley for the beautiful artwork.

[Lyndy H]: I think Kira was necessary even if, and please excuse the expression, she was a little screwed up. Still - there was no way she could win. She was a third party in a two-way relationship. It’s obvious Hutch was jealous of her relationship with his partner, but whether or not he was jealous of Starsky is questionable. Personally I feel it would be the later. I don’t think Hutch deliberately walked out of the bedroom to confront his partner - it was total coincidence, and I agree the look exchanged between the two men said it all.

... about a marriage for one of the boys, your equation is correct, but then in my opinion that would never happen. All that jargon about a cop not supposed to have a happy marriage was just an excuse. Starsky and Hutch had numerous attachments throughout the show. Yes the script writers never let them develop, but I think that neither Starsky or Hutch would have let them develop either. They were happy as they are, had more women than they knew what to do with, and [they were] easy to get rid of, when it pleased them to do so. Couldn’t have had a better system going, could they? So why louse it up with marriage?

[Nicola K]: Incidentally, a big THANK YOU Lyndy, for summing up in words what I’ve always felt, and no one has ever seemed to understand me. Hutch did have a problem in the fourth season. It's a relief to know I’m not going mad. (well...) But, I don’t think it was alcoholism - Hutch has always been a happy drunk. What kind of personal discovery did you have in mind? I had a horrible thought, it occured to me that perhaps he was suffering for real what Kate suffered temporarily in NO DEPOSIT NO RETURN. But seriously, I refuse to dwell on that, and I’m sorry I mentioned it now.

[Sue B]: How many APB readers have been fans of Paul and David since the series was first shown? To me, Paul and David have been like a breath of fresh air, two great actors together in S&H, what a team. They've surely given the best performances in any 'cop' show - making S&H far more than just a cop show but exciting, and at times very moving, always enjoyable t.v series. I'm glad that APB is not only 'based' on S&H, but is also giving us plenty of information on what Paul and David as actors and as people, are doing now, I'd love them to get back together to make another S&H series, or perhaps aS&H film, but as this is not to be. THANKS Jan, for giving us APB, the best source of information on David and Paul. I know that I, for one am grateful for the magazine. I'd like to hear from all Paul and David fans, who'd like to write to me as pen-pals, only one thing I ask -please only write if you are DEDICATED Paul, David and S&H fans!

[Judy S]: I think if we want a mag of our own, then it's up to us to keep it going. Well, the double issue of APB was great, and I found it better than the American letterzine. I now find it rubbish compared to our faithfulness to S&H. Just let's keep it S&H, PLEASE!

[Sandy (Sandi) J. C]: Hutch's fourth season problem? Those God-awful bowling shirts, of course! Seriously though, I think you can count out alcoholism as a cause, his reaction time was too good in those last episodes. I think it was a combination of several things, starting with HMO and the possibility that Vanessa's death effected him more than he let on. Regardless of how he felt about her that was a perfect situation for a classic Hutchinson guilt trip (If I hadn't become a cop... if I hadn't gone running that morning...) Add to that fact that they are starting to slow down, and that it is getting harder all the time to fight against a system that was slowly strangling them, yet still do their job well. And there was a charge in his feelings towards Starsky. The 'buddy-buddy' relationship has almost disappeared and a more matured friendship has taken its place.

[Sandy (Sandi) J. C]:

S V H, and poor, much-maligned Kira: certainly for a cop she was not particularly bright, but I don’t think she ever intended playing one off against the other, or that she saw their relationship as a challenge. She was simply stuck in the middle, looking for what we all look for in them. How many times have they been discribed as ’two halves of one whole, each one being the completion of the other. Kira wanted both because she found different things in each of them to love. There is a song, 'Torn between Two Lovers' which could have been written for her. In it there’s a line 'It’s just this empty place inside of me that only he can fill...'

She was quite open about her feelings once Hutch took the time to ask, and probably would have been just as frank with Starsky if he had counted to ten before he lashed out. So he fights because his pride has been dented, then sulks (as only Starsky can), which irratates Hutch who is already feeling guilty as hell. By the time they get to the scene of the next murder they sound like two small boys fighting over who is going to get the last cream cake.

[Terri B]: Sandi, Debra, Nicola: and everyone else who wrote indignantly that they weren't groupies. I know you’re not. But groupies aren’t just the fans who follow the star around with the express purpose of bedding them and scoring another notch wherever they carve notches — groupies are also the people who can’t separate the fiction from the reality. They scream for ’Hutch’ at David’s concerts (making it hard for the rest of us to hear him singing) and go into mourning should their ’property' marry someone else. They don’t give a damn for S&H, except as just another show their particular idol graced with his presence — the Paul groupie feels nothing for David, the David groupie ignores Paul. Have we got that clear? Now I'm sure none of the readers of APB fit this description, so I’ll change the subject.

[Terri B]: A word to those of you who insist S&H was the best thing on TV since Muffin the Mule (and how many of you remember him? God, that’s a dead give-away). I agree entirely that no show before or since managed to capture a relationship with such delicacy and beauty but let’s not go overboard on this, huh? There are other things worth watching. I won’t mention them here, not wanting to have our editor edit them out, but we didn’t watch S&H in a vacuum. It was the comparison with other shows that enabled us to see that it stood head and shoulders above that. Be fair. If British TV programes are so bad, why are TV companies the world over queueing up to buy them? Ah, this isn’t a discussion on the relative merits — forgive me. I just felt very British just then.

[Dorothy S]: I’m not about to labour a point over the discussions of S/H in these pages but if we are going to rehash all other topics that have already been explored in the American letterzine, why should this one be ignored? It is after all, a valid premise, and deserves equal space as the 'How did they meet up?' and other questions. I'd like a few people to qualify their 'just good friends' claims. If that's how you see them, that's your privilege — how about explaining how you feel? I'll respond in kind, if you like or just shut up — and if Jan cannot find space in APR, write to me privately. I'm Interested. Really. I'm not trying to convert anyone. I'm just fascinated by the way other people see them...

Issue 10 (May 1982)

APB 10 was published mid-May 1982 and contains 40 pages.

The cover of issue #10 portrays a poster by Jill Ripley that was shown at DobeyCon #3. It is a riff on a common photo reference ("The Wedding Photo") fused with the characters from Decorated for Death, a novel that Ripley had illustrated.
One of the photos in a publicity shot series many fans refer to as "The Wedding Photo."

The Topic of the Month is what would it have been like if Starsky and Hutch had a different boss than Captain Dobey?

Despite several previous comments by the editor (and some fans) to leave the topic of S/H alone, the editor includes an aggressive, somewhat baiting comment concerning a recent interview David Soul did. Her comments are anti-S/H (slash), and a reminder that the editor tolerated non-explicit discussion of S/H, but did not condone it personally. Several fans in the next issue responded to this statement by Jan:

We hope you all managed to catch David on a flying visit to London on Friday, he was on the BBC 2 programe FRIDAY NIGHT SATURDAY MORNING [22] It was an interesting interview, and even touched upon the S/H theme, though not is so many words, Davids [sic] comment, and facial expression told all. Although I [am] willing to bet that some S/Hers, will tell you different.

  • a con report by Jan Daniels for DobeyCon #3
  • a review by Terri Beckett of Decorated for Death
  • more discussion about Kira, about Dobey
  • comments about DobeyCon
  • several photos of fans at DobeyCon accepting fan awards (Chris Ripley, Terri Beckett, Stephanie/Tiger, Jill Ripley, Sandi Chapman, Freda Hyatt, Jan Daniels, Lyndy Harding), posing in PMG and DS's shirts and jacket

Issue 10: Sample Fan Comments

[Lynn C]:

I’ve been reading some of the US L/Z lately and I think it’s sad the way some of the subscribers use it as a battle ground of words and sarcasm. We must never let A.P.B get this way. It should be something we look forward to receiving and contributing to and should surely unite us in our common interest. We all have our own ideas and discussion is great, but so is respect for other peoples' feelings even when they differ from our own.

In issue 22 of the above mentioned zine, several people referred to a ’kiss in the alley’ sketch from a previous issue. Has anyone got a copy of this they wouldn't mind letting me see or perhaps would like to sell?

[Lynn C]: I also hated Hutch’s 4th season upper lip fuzz, really aged him. Neither of them seemed quite themselves that season, but I just can’t put my finger on why.

[Joan H]: There's a good reason why [the episode] THE FIX hasn't been repeated, and an even better one why you didn't see it in the first place. It was never shown over here - the BBC banned it, apparently considering the subject matter unsuitable for the delicate sensibilities of British audiences. (Other banned episodes were SAVAGE SUNDAY, NIGHTMARE and MURDER WARD - you figure out why. Having seen them all, I'm totally baffled by the logic that led to such a decision). Yes, indeed THE FIX has its share of unforgettable moments, though the episode is not one of my personal favourites. But, as a demonstration of love, loyalty and friendship S&H style, it is very potent- Starsky's devotion, his caring and concern for his partner are as clearly illustrated here as anywhere in the series. Hutch, for once, is totally dependent on Starsky (and on Huggy, who rallies round with equal loyalty, offering shelter, gallons of coffee and moral support.) Hutch’s strength, his will, his ability to function even are gone, destroyed by the repeated drug doses. Starsky and Huggy have a fight on their hands and they know it. There is an element of sacrifice in Starsky’s resignation and the grim determination that gets him through the long hours, ignoring Hutch’s alternate pleas and screaming abuse, and humouring him like of fractious child. These scenes, plus the ending, culminating in Starsky’s attempt to reach through Hutch’s depression. "You wanna drive my car?" - are the best. Elsewhere, there are flaws, but as a "my partner right or wrong" episode, it can't be faulted.

[Joan H]: I’m not at all sure that Kira wanted to win - that is, either one or the other of them. She seemed to be happy distributing her favours equally, then when they started fighting over her, she threw them both out. She wasn’t prepared to choose. They had to resolve the issue themselves.

[Lyndy H]:

OK - Gauntlets down and caution to the wind. I just have to come out in the open. Sorry Jan, but it needs to he said. Can't keep things under wraps any longer my letters are becoming too confined.

I don't think it's a case of denying either man happiness with the women of his choice. As Joan (H) pointed out it defends on your P.0.V.

Well - I think it's about time I stated categorically exactly what my P.O.V is. It's only fair to me and to everyone else who reads my letters.

I am a firm subscriber to the S/H premise. Let me make it clear right now, that MY S&H are not 'raving poofters' (sorry Terri, I'm borrowing lines again) I do believe however, that their relationship is a lot more intense than a 'deep-friendship'. I'm not stating their love-affair began as soon as they set eyes on one another. I am stating that it developed towards the end of 4th series and that they become lovers after SWEET REVENGE.

True - there have been women in their lives, though none of the relationships lasted. Terri was perhaps the closest Starsky got to a wedding ring although I don't believe he would have married the unfortunate lady had she lived.

It was necessary to the aired series to introduce female characters. (They only had a limited amount of scripts to play with). But right here and now, in 1982, in the pages of APB, we are discussing our S&H. These are our interpretations of the characters. They are far more credible than the two detectives created by William Blinn within the limited confines of a television series. We have given S&H identities. We each took the characters and looked beyond the TV screen, beyond 50 minutes so graciously allowed us.

S&H are alive and real. If not - what the hell have we been discussing in the last 9 issues of APB and the 2 years supplies of the US l/z.

May I remind you all of Soul's own words in an American interview - and I quote "S&H is the story of a relationship between 2 men which could be anything!"

[Mandy G]: I am making a book for David with photos of some of his fans in, and anything else you want to go in the book. Letters, artwork etc. Your photo must have your name and age on it. So come on all of you David fans pick up your pens and get writing, and send to me at the above address. I’d like this book to be really something that David can look back on, and be pleased to have.

[Lyndy H]: OK, I'm NOT a groupie cos I feel for S&H and Paul and David. Never one without the other. Yes Terri, I saw S&H as away of life, not just faces on the tv screen. I hope you can convince Jan at the con that S/H should have a piece of the action. All us S/H fans having to ignore what we enjoy, just because if offends the non S/Hers? Is all fair in love and war, or not?

[Freda H]:

I guess many of the letters in this edition will concern DCon, but that's not going to s too me adding my little say, for what it's worth. It was without doubt one of the most, pleasant weekends I have spent in the last few years, with barely a minute to spare and hardly ever a moment to draw breath. Not that I’m complaining. It had just the right amount of frenetic excitement to make each day just rush by.

I can’t believe that we got through as much as we did because the time went so fast. It's only when I sat down a few days later and went over it all in my mind that I could begin to take stock of all the information gathered. Heartiness congratulations to Lyndy and Steph for getting it all together, and for being so relaxed and friendly that the shyest conventioneer couldn’t help but enter into the spirit of things. And the thought of £500 [raised for Oxfam just knocks me out.

[Debbie S]: I do not believe in the S/H premise. However, I also do not believe they are 'just friends'. I believe that they share is totally unique, and one of these days I'll write a letter on how I do feel about their beautiful relationship.

[Debbie S]: This is better than the US L/Z. It is better because it is totally loyal to S&H and wants to keep it pure; I think that's great. Don't get me wrong. I am a fan of other shows, too, including HSB, and I don't see anything wrong with mentioning them as long as we are relating to S&H when we do it. But it seems the American l/z has gotten to far away from S&H that now they are comparing this show to that show, and have gotten away from the purity of S&H. Perhaps it is inevitable that something will eventually expand and change. That's fine, if that's what they want. But there still must be a place for something just for S&H. There is room for us all. So even though we may mention other shows in relation to S&H, I hope the focus will be kept on S&H.

[Sandi C]:

It's hard to believe it’s all over, and that two whole weeks have gone by since Dobeycon 3. I hadn’t intended getting sentimental over it all, but then I hadn’t expected it to be such a fantastic weekend. I feel sorry for all those who missed out. I know we all gave our thanks to Steph and Lyndy before we left, but I don’t think it can be said enough, after all the hard work they put in. So, thanks again to both of you for giving us all such a terrific time, from the moment Steph drove past all the 'No Entry’ signs at the coach station (muttering ’Starsky never bothers') until the time came to pile into the cab to go back. I don't even care if I did catch cold on the beach, it was worth it, if only for the delights of watching Lyndy watching SWEET REVENGE, (anyone know how to get coke stains out of grey flannel?) and actually getting the chance to wear Starsky’s Jacket. And it was certainly worth it for the chance to out faces to the names of old friends, and to make some new ones too.

Mush-time over, before I slip into a state of total euphoria.

[Sandi C]: If anyone out there is wondering whether or not to invest in DECORATED FOR DEATH, take my advice - DO. But be prepared to hold your breath for 289 pages.

Issue 11 June 1982)

A.P.B. 11 was published in June 1982 and contains 36 pages.

cover of issue #11, June Bushnell

The art is not credited.

Submissions for the next issue were due late July.

The editor wrote:

... I must mention, to the people who have borrowed my video tapes. Please can you check and see that you don't have any of mine in the house. I am two tapes missing they have on them [tape one] CAPTAIN DOBEY YOUR [sic] DEAD - SILENCE - VELVET JUNGLE - and [tape two] LONG WALK DOWN A SHORT DIRT ROAD - MANCHILD ON THE STREETS - THE BAIT. I lent those tapes out on the understanding that they would be taken care of, and I would eventually get them back. You may just have missed them, but please I would like them back.

  • fans were asked to suggest songs that reminded them of the relationship between Starsky and Hutch: some suggestions were "Bridge Over Troubled Water," "He's My Brother," "You Needed Me," "Torn Between Two Lovers" (Kira-related), "Send in the Clowns" (from Dobey's point of view), "Teddy Bear" (Ollie the teddy bear-centric), "Tell Me on a Sunday," "Lifeboat," "Old Fashioned Love Songs, "Let Us Cling Together,"
  • lyrics to "I'm Very You, You're Very Me" by Don Black, lyrics to "Who (Will Take My Place)" by Azanvour/Kretzmer
  • a fan mentions a review by Terri Beckett for Decorated for Death that appeared in a previous issue
  • a very long, detailed report of seeing David Soul filming Pebble Mill (both glowing and embarrassingly awkward )
  • a fan writes: "Thanks for mentioning David's official newsletter it is wonderful to know just how much David cares about his admirers!"
  • several comments on several of Soul's comments in interviews, including fan's addressing his possible observations about S/H
  • Crescendo, poem by Lyndy Harding

Issue 11: Sample Fan Comments

[?]: Jan: Sorry, but I can’t let your parting shot about David’s FRIDAY NIGHT.... [April 2, 1982] interview go unchallenged. The quote in Lyndy’s letter is valid, i.e. David, no doubt fed up to the back teeth with 'partnership’ questions, telling us you could form our own opinions. But if you start pouncing on everything he says, especially when those statements are made nearly four years after the series finished for him, you are going to drag APB into the same arena as the US L/Z -and I don’t think any of us wants to that.

Did everyone get to see David on FRIDAY NIGHT SATURDAY MORNING [on 2 April 1982]. I hope so. Sorry Jan - but I read David’s comments and facial expressions differently - Hell the guy just couldn’t come straight out and say it -could he! Actually I'm surprised he kept his cool as long as he did - the interviewer did ask him some pretty dumb questions!

[Cathy B]: Those of you who attended DOBEYCON 3 may like to know that the money collected as a ’thank you’ for Lyndy and Steph enabled them to attend one of David’s concerts, something which they would have been unable to do otherwise. Thanks to everyone who contributed!

[Jacky B]:

Do I perceive Guilt Trips, the Death Topic and S/H to be entwined? Seems to me, believe one believe all, and of cause I fully respect everyone’s right to their own opinions. [23] Let's take SNOWSTORM where Hutch ended up shooting a fellow cop. He doesn't like violence or killing people but it didn't take all Starsky's strength to put him back together. Although he was momentarily broken, he got up, sorted himself out and went on with his next piece of business. The situation being of great importance but not having any far reaching consequences. In-the-line-of-duty, goes with the badge, type of thing.

Guilt trips they've both had. No more no less than anyone else in the department. They aren't martyrs (nor weaklings Joan) and Hutch definitely doesn't suffer purposely for his beliefs. For myself, I don’t see any lasting effects. In my book Hutch is never in danger of becoming 'un-glued' ever.


Both guys are strong (Just look at all those rippling muscles), within the series they are hero figures and meant to be so. We were lucky enough to be allowed to see all sides of these men, good and bad, and through it all I think they both came out very solidly.

[Nicola K]: Thank you] to Terri for the review of DECORATED FOR DEATH. She's not the only one to recommend it. I do, too -- that is if you like being emotionally drained at the end of the a story. It really is a most unusual and outstanding zine, so thanksyou Jill and Chris.

[Nicola K]:

Thankyou also for bringing up a very important point. There are really two Starsky and Hutchs! There is the Starsky & Hutch as portrayed by David and Paul (the only 'real' unreal pair of the two, if you know what I mean!) and then their exists everybody’s ideal Starsky and Hutch, a pair who act and think the way we want them to. Whatever your P.O.V happens to be.

...you seem to be pretty sure that we are discussing ’our' S&H. I don’t know that I agree. I think there are some people who only see and want to see S&H as David and Paul intended. T think this is pretty important with regard to S/H. In my opinion there is NO way that Starsky and Hutch were ever portrayed by David and Paul as homosexual, apart from anything else t.v restrictions are too great. I do agree that we can take scenes and lines, even looks and interpret them to suit us - but that’s only because that’s what we want to believe — not because that was how we were intended to read them. I think everyone is free to accept David & Paul's reality or their own interpretation of the characters, but I do think that you have to agree that Starsky and Hutch were played as just very good friends’ and nothing else, anything more comes from what we would like them to be.

[Joan H]: I wouldn’t describe S&H as ’just good friends’ and doubt if there’s anybody in fandom who would. The depth of their friendship and commitment to each other goes much further than that. But for many (the majority, I suspect) it stops someway short of a sexual liaison. Male friendship has, for centuries, held a particular fascination for writers, and it is valid that every aspect of it should be explored and developed in S&H fan-fiction. This will include S/H, and it should, but that doesn’t mean S/H is the only interpretation, or even the right one. It's not my intention to go into a subject that has been so thoroughly discussed in the US L/Z, with not-always happy results. Unfortunately although as you say, your S&H are not ’raving poofters’, prejudice on this issue is such (still), that this is precisely the image conjured up in the minds of a great many people when S/H is mentioned. In this respect, the gay lib lobby has scarcely made a dent in public opinion. Deplorable perhaps, but that's the way it is. If you think I’m trying to be diplomatic on this extremely contentious issue - I am. Frankly, I think enough words have been spilled, feathers ruffled, insults exchanged, intransigent attitudes adopted - and few, if any, minds changed. Respect for the other point of view is really all that is needed, and I believe we do have that over here.

[Terri B]:

Well, hang out the flags — APB actually admits the existence of S/H. True, hiding one’s head in the sand never solved anything, as the ostrich can testify. As most of you know.

I’m a believer — even before I knew of organised fandom, I knew there was Something in that relationship — just never knew it had a name. But let’s make things quite clear to those of you who are newcomers to fandom or APB — what us S/H?

In brief, it is the premise that at some time during their relationship. Starsky and Hutch express their love for each other physically and sexually. This does not mean that they are homosexual. Neither does S/H writing consist of explicit sex-scenes. I’m getting thoroughly tired of explaining this to people who are hung up on the idea that S/H equates with pornography or the ’get your-rocks-off’ kind of titillation found in cheap magazines. The appeal of S/H is in its sensuality, not in the sexual athletics — and anyone who looks deeply enough into the premise discovers that for themselves. The best S/H concentrates on the loving, not the sex. Have we got this clear? Good.

Okay, you may ask, so where is this good S/H? Why isn’t it available for us to read, so we can make up our own minds?

The answer goes back a long way, predating S&H, to Trek fandom, and K/S. Those of you involved in Trek will need no further explanation. There is such a thing as the Moral Majority, whether organised or not, and those people who see male/male relationships as dirty, disgusting, and immoral — and who regard their heroes as personal property — have made it quite clear that they will resist to their utmost the circulation of ’/’ stories. They have succeeded in putting the fear of God into a number of writers, with the result that there is, at present, no S/H freely available. If this irritates you, join the club. None of us like being dictated to. Put the fact remains that S/H will not be generally available until the censorship ceases. Writers aren’t going to risk being pilloried. Sorry.

This doesn’t stop anyone writing. In fact, it may be a blessing in disguise. Because if you can’t read what you want, you have to write it yourself — which is the way many writers get started. And there are enough editors in fandom to give you all the help and advice you need, if you only ask for it.

[Shirly M]: Don’t want to raise too much of a hassle over the S/H premise as I'm all for people believing what they want to believe as long as it is well thought out, but in response to Lyndy's comment about justifying the "just good friends" claim, I feel the onus is on S/Hers to prove their point particularly during the aired episodes as no where is it ever said that they have a gay relationship and I don't think they need or want sex to express that they feel about each other. I look forward to hearing what other people think and, Lyndy, maybe we can discuss it further.

[Nicola K]:

Okay, as I’ve said before, S/H is not the be all and end all of fandom for me and I don’t want it discussed to the exclusion of everything else, but at the same time I am fed up with biting my tongue and ignoring certain questions in case my reply offends. Love it or hate it, S/H is as much apart of fandom as the speculation on where and when they met, or if Hutch was in Vietnam, and as such it deserves a place in APB.

The above should tell you where I stand on the subject. My P.O.V for what it's worth, is that they became lovers sometime during the fourth season. But I want to make it clear that, like a lot of people, I don’t see them as gay. They neither want nor need other men in their lives.

[Nicola K]: I couldn't agree with you more on wanting to keep the purity of S&H in an S&H dedicated zine - if anybody has any other fave shows terrific! - go start your own mag on it! [24]

[Judy S]: I agree with your comments about the US L/Z, in fact I couldn't have put it better myself, only to say it started out for S&H and finished up battling out do each for bitchiness. Sorry if you find my comments on the US L/Z unfair, its just that I feel we should stick to S&H [and not S/H] and keep to the one subject and support our heroes. That's why I'm only contributing to APB as I've had more satisfaction from this.

[Debra W]: Seems I missed your question about embarrassing scenes (APB 9) so I'll answer it now. I’m assuming you mean embarrassing for the viewer rather than for S&H themselves? Okay - well, the one episode that really had me going was DANDRUFF. I'm not saying it was bad - but some of the scenes were really daft. And what got to me most was that I don’t really think that S&H would act that way. I know Paul and David know the characters better than we do, after all they are the characters in each episode, but somehow I thought they overdid the ’campiness’ bit. Pits of it made me laugh - and in some ways I thought they were brave to do it (bet I'll be jumped on for this) because a lot of people who don’t understand or really know S/H were at the time? talking about S&H being ’queers’. (And I hate that word.) My views on S/H aren’t all that clearly defined - but at the time, the people who mentioned homosexuality in connection with S&H made it seem disgusting. I know better than that now, but at the time it upset me and made me very angry.

[Lynne D]:

After this we had a full five minutes of pure klutz-by-the car. [David Soul] threw his matches across to someone who’d asked him to make sure he had some for the journey. (He'd confessed his lighters never worked). He’d thought they needed a match.... A lovely old character named Audrey picked them up crying "a souvenir!" He had then the embarrassing task of having to come across and ask her for his matches back. We got several photographs of him scraping around in the boot of his limo, probably stocking up on cans of beer for the drive. He kept muttering all the time. I was almost ill with the effect not to laugh too much!

A cheerful round of goodbyes, waves and a self-conscious handling out of photos dedicated to the child in all of us, then he was gone. Those of us left had all become instant friends, and there was much hugging and exchanging of addresses before w-e too parted, with suitable comments like "God, he’s lovely", and "I wish he’d do something about that ’tache". Seriously, he is a good man - I don’t have to preach to you, you all know' it as well as Whirl and I do - but we were both damn proud to have been lucky enough to pass on a little of the love and thanks all feel for the pleasure his talents (and his legs, throat... - I'll let Lyndy list the rest!) have brought us. Wish you all could have been right there with us. '‘Welcome back, Blondie - ya done good.

[Cathy B]: Just for the record, D.O.B. is a ’dirty ’ol broad’ - I wonder how many of us fall into that category. Just ask yourselves if you enjoy a neat crotch shot of either guy and you’ll know!

Issue 12 (July 1982)

A.P.B. 12 was published in July 1982 and contains 20 pages.

cover of issue #12
Two cartoon worms stand next to a brick wall. One of them has an eye patch. A worm says "I don't care who the Protector is. I'm not losing my eye for anyone!"
from issue #12, Jacky Birch's worms and some Decorated for Death commentary

Regarding the next issue:

All letters and money in for No 13, by August 6th. It may he a little bit late next month, due to the fact Dobeycon Four is well under way as well. So I apologise now for the delay.

The editor puts a kibosh on lending her episode recordings:

I still haven’t got my tapes back, and looks like I never will, so of course this makes it awkward for anyone else who I promised could borrow my tapes, I'm afraid the answer is NO, unless I get a written statement saying that you have full responsibility over my tapes. They will not be lent out at all.

  • much about the BBC refusing to show several episodes of Starsky & Hutch
  • more comments about David Soul's Pebble Mill interview

Issue 12: Sample Fan Comments

[Jean D]: Just wanted to say congratulations on DfD, it is a great zine. I found it agonising but compulsive reading.

[Jean D]: Thanks for the welcome. Yes I did write to Terri, my feelings are the same as hers but she expresses them better than I can. I love your poem Crescendo (great illo with it, Jan). The Blintz 'aged' how could you, matured is the word. I too dislike the fuzz, and much prefer his hair allowed to go its own way, I agree with your comments about David on FNSM. I will write and tell you about William Shatner's mild reaction to a similar question.

[Joan H]: Good thinking on the way we see S&H, or S/H, as the case may be. You’re right that they were not portrayed as S/H in the series, equally right that it’s everyone’s privilege to read whatever they wash into scenes, situations, camera-angles, dialogue, whatever. And nothing is impossible given the vivid imagination of a lot of in fandom. To which we also owe the fascinating diversity of reading material on our favourite subject.

[Joan H]:

There have always been double-standards at the BBC, brought about in some measure by the fact that decisions are often taken at departmental levels. Thus, the head of whatever department is responsible for a particular series has the right of veto on what should be should. Which isn't to say at some stage he could not be overruled by a higher up, but I doubt if that happens very often. What I'm saying is that with a different person in charge at the time, we might have seen those banned episodes, but it's water under the bridge now, and I fear too late for any reverse decisions.


... about the Beeb's double standards, and you could be right about them being harsher on imports than the home produced shows. They're sensitive to accusations of wasting the licence money on American 'trash', despite the fact that on the whole they are very shrewd in assessing the appeal of American series for audience here. S&H I feel, had by far the greatest impact of any comparable imported show on either channel. There was no need to ban, or censor, any episode, it was simply a bad misjudgment on somebody's part. But — c'est la vie — which is no consolation tn any of us.

[Joan H]: Just wanted to say I agree with you about it being up to S/H believers to prove their point. Except I don't think there is any proof, and so we're back to ”whatever you want to believe", which is where we all came in. I'm glad to see the tolerance and good humour so much in evidence in APB discussions of this, and other, issues so far. Let's keep it that way.

[Lynn C]: I am looking for US L/Z No 21 (I think) with the ’kiss in the alley’ sketch. If nobody wants to sell one, then maybe some kind person would lend me one? I would guard and protect it with my life, pay postage and return it in a few short days.

[Sandi C]: You would pick that episode [Dandruff], one I missed. But I do remember the accusations being thrown around - don’t we all? -and I can see how you would feel. It only takes a few thoughtless words to cast a shadow on that kind of relationship. [25] Maybe Paul and David decided the story was so bad (it certainly sounds like it) that the only way to play it was-over-the-top and perhaps take in a few laughs.

[Lyndy H]: Yes, I think the tour proved Blondie ain’t no spring chicken. It’s the weedy ’tache (as sad parody of the Hutchinson Brush) and the shorn locks that do it. Why can’t he cheat like other men and brush the thatch forward to hide the expanding forehead?

[Jean D]: I must agree with you that David has aged but if anything he is more adorable. I love the laughter lines he has around the right eye. He also does not seem to be as tall as I expected, he seemed to be about my height. I hope he is not shrinking, as [there] is not enough to go around now.

[Joan H]: I got one idea to get the BBC to show the banned episodes, and that is to either send a delegate or delegates to every BBC station in their town or city or send a delegation to the BBC Headquarters in London and if that doesn't work what will?

[Carol J]:

Totally agree with you about FRIDAY NIGHT, the questions were not very original, even though they were put in another way. By the way, what do you mean by, 'the guy just couldn't come straight out and say it could he'.


Thank you, David Soul, for a fantastic concert in Stockport, even though there were a few technical hitches. Also thanks for telling all the listeners in Piccadilly Radio land my local radio station, that you love Paul and you were not ashamed to admit that you loved another man.

[Carol J]: I must thank Jill and Chris Ripley for DfD it was very riveting and had me close to tears.

[Jan S]: Ok, lets hear your excuses. Why didn't any of you turn up at Radio 2 to greet David. On the Monday for the John Dunn Show. Only Linda and I were there and on Friday for Gloria Hunniford I was all alone except for a girl who works at the BBC and pops out everyday to see who arrives. I don’t need to tell you he was fantastic. Linda and I both got his autograph on Monday and on Friday I gave him a gift for Brendan and to my joy David grasped me warmly by the hand and said "Thank you very much, that's very sweet." I don’t know how I managed to stay on my feet. The girl from the me took a picture of the event or I would have thought I dreamed it.

[Carol J]:

Trying to get the (rotten) BBC to show banned episodes is like trying to get blood from a stone. I have written lots of letters asking if the episodes could be shown at a later time, with a warning that some people might find it offensive (though I don’t really believe they are as controversial as the BBC made out) so that anyone who wasn’t interested could simply switch off. People who complain about programes being ’too violent’ or whatever always seem to forget they don’t have to watch them - don’t they know how to use the off switch?

The BBC has given extremely lame reasons for the banning the that the episodes ’Do not conform to BBC standards. They wont say what in the episodes doesn't conform. I really think we should all try and do something about this - as I said in my last letter, there are a lot of us who haven’t seen the episodes and would dearly like to, and the present state of affairs is most unfair to all of us who would rather have had the original series in their entirety.

Bo let us all do something about it - keep writing to the BBC till they give us a solid answer for the bannings, or else change their minds and show the episodes. It may take a while for us to achieve anything - but Rome wasn’t built in a day.


Since it seems that everyone (or almost everyone) is having their say on S/H, I'd like to have mine too. I am a little unsure of how to go about this, since my view on S/H is not exactly clear, so I’ll simply state a few things I think we should consider. One is that I don’t think anyone of the S/H believers wants to offend or distress anyone when they say that they believe in S/H. Having seen the bitterness and unpleasntess it’s caused In the US L/Z, something I’m sure we’ve all noticed, can I say that I hope we can discuss S/H in APB without coming to blows over it. I know some people are offended by the thought of homosexuality alone, or lesbians for that matter, but I think most of us are broadminded enough and honest enough to admit that they exist. We are too quick to label someone who is in some way different to us ’abnormal’ - and I don’t see what gives any of us the right to say that homosexuality is abnormal just because we are heterosexual. As long as homosexuals keep their sexuality ’under the carpet’ it seems okay — but when they want to discuss it we are revolted and look at them as though they are freaks.

Why? Okay - this doesn’t have all that much to do with S/H - but I’m trying to say that unless you have really, really considered S/H, you cannot just dismiss it as absurd. That would be easy, because to some people it seems wrong - but we all agree that S&H is all about love. So why shouldn’t that love also have a physical expression? I don’t want to see APB turned into a battlefield because of S/H, but I do think should discuss it, as honestly as we can, without hurting each other. All this leaves me on the fence -I still need a lot more information and thought before I come down of either side, though I am beginning to think that S/H is an extremely valid premise. Until I make up my mind, I'll be most interested to read what the rest of you have to say - and I hope we will all join in and discuss this, because it is an important part of S&H.

[?]: You're quite right, Terri, S/H doesn’t consist purely of sex scenes, which is just as well, because I still have great difficulty in writing them. Not because I think that the idea is abhorrent (sp?), but because when I put it down on paper, it looks like something that's just lifted from a sex manual, It ends up looking too mechanical. I think I’d better erase all the sex in MG!

Issue 13 (September 1982)

A.P.B. 13 was published in late August or early September 1982 (submission were due August 12).

Starsky centerfold by Freda Hyatt.

Issue 14 (October 1982)

APB 14 was published in early October 1982 and it contains 32 pages. Freda Hyatt was guest editor.

cover of issue #14, from a fan in #15: "I loved the 'moody' looking Starsk on the front cover of No 14."

The symbol "/" is used in this letterzine:

There is/has been some beautiful S/H material written that will only ever be available to at rusted minority; this is extremely unfortunate as I'm certain that if literature of such standard and quality was available to all, a fresh attitude and a new light would be thrown in on the "/” relationship.

Two TOTM: Should/can S and H live together? And how would they react to having a female boss?

  • a long description of fans waiting for 8 hours in a parking lot to see David Soul exit a radio show venue
  • was the chat show "6.55 Special" a good experience
  • The Kiss in the Alley
  • the editor of Ferriday's Mini Zine scolds fans for their lack of submissions to her zines
  • more on the letter campaign to bring Starsky & Hutch back to BBC reruns, to show the banned episodes

Issue 14: Sample Fan Comments

[Nicola K]: What I like most about APB is that we are in total control of what we, David and Paul people want in our own newsletter.

[Terri B]: While I applaud Debra's initiative over the letter campaign to the BBC, let me add a word of caution. Be polite. Be adult. No hysteria. We don't want the BBC to think that S&H fandom in this country is composed of juveniles.

[Glynis J]: I hope all of you are going to join in and help me and Deb get Starsky and Hutch back on TV and any other David or Paul films that you'd like to see, not forgetting to ask them to show the banned episodes of S&H of course. Its no good one or two of you we need all of you to help, after all I'm sure you all want to see our two fav cops back on TV again as much as I do. But the main thing is you mustn't give in to the BBC if they don't give in to us first time, because do that we're lost. Remember many a battle is lost to win the war so please keep on at the BBC along with us and hopefully we will win. One thing I know is I'm not going to let the BBC win this war no matter how many battles I lose.

[Glynis J]: Now then. Can anyone tell me why its just S&H or S/H? Why you ask? Well, I'11 tell you, because you see, my Starsky and Hutch aren't S/H or S&H I don't think. I'm somewhere in the middle you see my S&H are more than just good friends but at the same time they do not have a gay relationship with one another or anyone else for that matter, what they have is unique you see, yes they love care another and they care for and understand each other agreed, but that doesn't make them gay now does it? At least not in my mind it doesn't. Don't get me wrong I'm not against them being so or not being so as the case may be, it's just I don't see that they are and I don't see where anyone else has got the proof from that they are, still probably you'd like to tell me? I'm all ears, I like to hear everyone's point of view. After all entitled to their own point of view now aren't they?

[Joan H]: You haven't missed anything in the series that could be construed as evidence for S/H (sorry S/Hers!). I don't think the show intended - or sought -to prove that p.o.v. All the evidence is the other way. Lots of girlfriends, one ex-wife, several potential wives - and assorted ladies flitting through episodes, being fancied by one or other of the guys. In that sense, the macho chauvinist, image was the one projected by the producers. Paul and David wanted a little more subtlety, and got it a lot of the time, though from all we've heard, not without a struggle.

[Jan S]: David and Paul sharing the same relationship as S&H? Well, I don't think Lyndy meant it quite that way! In some ways the two relationships are totally different anyway. But it is nice to think that Paul and David are not afraid to say time and time again that they love each other - something that very few people seem to want to say these days, sadly. Anyway, I'm sure someone will pick this up so I won't go on about it.

[Lyndy H]: As far as David and Paul sharing the same relationship as S&H, I'm not referring to anything. I was merely quoting a statement made by Soul on the John Dunn show. Again, its up to the individual to interprets the mans words. Furthermore, Soul is not Hutchinson. They have separate personalities and identities, and personally I prefer the latter.

[Debra W]: Right — just what is normal? Good question, and I'm afraid its one there is no easy answer for. I agree with you that it might be a good deal easier if people were more understanding toward minority groups of all kinds, but it is difficult to make some people accept things that they just don't believe are right. I think the kind of attitude we have in APB helps make things a lot easier though- so let's do our best to keep it that way. (This applies to everybody!) And in no way did I find your letter offensive, just interesting, so don't worry about it.

[Lyndy H]: I'm not condemning those amongst us that have a genuine interest in S/H or those that wish to learn more about the premise for acceptable reasons. However there are certain people in fandom who try to obtain S/H material for all the wrong reasons. Perhaps they hope to find raunchy sex scenes but whatever, they seem to miss the sensitive beautiful side to the relationship, I'm not accusing any individual of these tactics but writers of S/H material myself included, know that these people exist. They are the ones who spoil the chances of others who really would like to investigate the universe and judge for themselves. There is/has been some beautiful S/H material written that will only ever be available to a trusted minority; this is extremely unfortunate as I'm certain that if literature of such standard and quality was available to all, a fresh attitude and a new light would be thrown on the "/” relationship.

Tracey D]: David is defiantly not shrinking (APB 12). When I met him at Pebble Mill on a couple of occasions, his legs were never ending, and that body... I'd better stop, I'm getting hot flushes.

[Sandi C]: As for a film of DfD — we've all seen the way PMG uses a lower camera angle when filming DS, emphasising those legs, so imagine the same treatment of the Champion in his body suits. Then you go drool.

[Nicola K]: S&H living together is enough to overload anyone's brain! To be honest, I don't think they could put up with each other all the time! Just imagine the decor... blues, reds and yellows with flashing lights for Starsky, but impenetrable undergrowth and jungle for Hutch. Starsky would never find him amongst all the plants. And how how would they ever agree to buy the same place? I mean, we already know Hutch's views on Starsky's choice of crazy cottage. And each has his own irritating habits which I'm sure the other would need some break from. But then again....what's an irritating habit among friends?! I guess once they'd figured out which one was going to have which side of the bed, they'd get along just fine!

[Lyndy H]: Hutch is not perfect. He has many flaws in his character which have been greatly discussed in other forums. I maintain, and will continue to maintain, that he is definitely capable of 'crossing the line' if confronted by certain circumstances.

[Lyndy H]: 'The Kiss in the Alley' has been discussed at great length in the US letterzine, but if you can, watch 'The Fix' and pay close attention to the last scene before the tag when Hutch slides off the wall in the alley straight into Starsky's arms!

[Terri B]:

The 'kiss' in the alley takes place at the end of THE FIX. Hutch slides down from the fence into Starsky's arms, and if you watch it frame-by-frame, it could be interpreted as a 'kiss'. But so can several other sequences, if watched in slo-mo. Another case of seeing what you want to see. Except, in this case, I can't see it. A loving, tender embrace—yes. No kiss. Sorry


I hate to tell you, but the kiss-in-the-alley is a figment of some of those vivid imaginations we've been talking about. Its not there, but if you want to join those who think it is, feel free. No extra charge. No law against fantasising, either!

[Sandra J. F]:

Out of all the people who attended David's concerts, it's amazing how few can be bothered to put pen to paper when I ask for fans' experiences (for David Soul zine) in an open letter (APB no. 11), not to mention adverts (APB's 11 & 12 and Handcuffs) requiring contributions for other zines (I also ask through personal letters)...beats me how anyone manages to bring out zines in the first place! [Minizine n.6 may be my last one altogether through lack of contributors. I cannot produce zines without your help so come on, get your thinking caps on!

Several avid minizine readers are going to be very disappointed because of it. I have tried to expand the scope of contributors in the zines but to no avail. The same people help each time, including myself — sometimes I have to do most of it myself.

At the same time I am asked to bring out such zines, especially having just finished one, for example, when no. 4 was complete and sold, it was...”I hope you will be doing a no. 5”.. .mainly because they are so different to others — which is all very well — if you're willing to knuckle in.

I don't have the plague (excuse pun) you know, and no one has to even buy the zines if they do contribute. Although I am- grateful for June's help with her artwork,the zines could stand a few other artists.

Hopefully, by the time this letter is printed, I will have completed DAVID SOUL on 6.55 SPECIAL zine, which is a double issue with 48 pages and costs £3.00 plus 9x6 SAE (22p), containing write ups of each show David appeared in with their own pictures, puzzles, artwork, adverts, comments. Again, I cannot get anyone, or many of you anyway, to contribute . Surely it does not take all day to write a few notes! While the series is fresh in everyone's minds, I would have thought that thinking up something shortly after it had come to an end would be ideal.

I probably sound stroppy, but believe me, after producing zines with other contributors lacking more and more with each zine, then I think I have aright to feel stroppy. Okay, so no one is putting a gun to my back and telling me to produce them. I happen to enjoy putting them together. It's a very interesting hobby. Well...I've got that off my chest, I'll say no more!

[Linda M]: If [Starsky and Hutch] did get a woman captain. I think she'd get a bumpy ride at first, especially by Starsky, who'd want to push her and see what made her tick and if she could be trusted!


How would the "/” relationship work under a female captain? Well, until they got to know her better, I don't think they'd tell her, but if she found out anyway, I suppose it would depend on her views, but I hope she wouldn't be too biased against, because I feel that persons in positions of power should learn to accept peoples different strokes; how they do the job is the most important. She wouldn't work with them for long before she'd see how deep and lasting their love was. For your second question, no I don't think they'd mind working alongside a female team, though there would be a lot of teasing at the onset. I think they would respect the ladies for taking on such a hard job.

[Lorna H]: I agree that a woman captain would be interesting. I think she would have to have a strong sense of humour and I believe they would look on it as a challenge as long as she and they could come to accept each other as cops rather than a woman trying to rule them, if you see what I mean.

[Terri B]: I don't really know if there are any women working as captains in homicide, or any other police departments anywhere in the world to be honest with you. I only really asked that question as a bit of a joke I still, it has been interesting to see what you all think of the question. I'm not sure how a female captain would react to S/H. (Come to think of it, how would Capt. Dobey react to it?) A lot depends on the type of woman involved- the same goes for S&H's attitude toward her, if she were good at her job and knew what she was about, I don't see what they would have to complain about once they had got used to her, really. And as for working with a team of women, I'm not sure. I mean, some women can be really hostile toward men, can't they? So it works both ways.

[Terri B]: I agree that it would be the cause of a lot of arguments if S&H were put to work for a female captain. They don't like anyone telling them what to do, most of the time, and although I don't think they are chauvinistic in their attitude to women working with them as some men. (please disagree if you like) Maybe the thought of a woman bossing them around would rankle a little. She would have to be a very authoritative woman, there's no doubt about that! If she stood for any nonsense from those two, she'd be lost! I doubt if any women working in that department, having reached that rank, would have time to be feminine; otherwise there would be no respect from the people she worked with, and that would cause a lot of trouble. Whether or not she would have the occasional 'gentle' moment, as Capt. Dobey did on occasion, depends very much on what sort of woman she is and how she feels about S&H. We know very well that their methods don't go down very well with everyone— and it seems likely that they might come up against the 'IA attitude' here too. One other thing - I wonder why it is that there are so few women seen working in police series. Apart from Cagney and Lacey which seems prone to problems of all kinds, and Angie Dickinson's Police Woman of a few years back, can you recall a tough, successful and attractive woman in a police series?

[Judy S]: I'd hate to think that S&H would be as narrow minded as the "men" of Cagney and Lacey. That programme's YUK! Anyway, I just feel they'd rather resign if they had a female captain, therefore there would be no S&H as such. As Capt. Dobey can keep them on an even keel and respects them as they do him.

[Terri B]: On the female captain question — no way. As far as I know, the LAPD have no women above the rank of lieutenant — or hadn't a few years ago. Things may have changed. Even if there was the chance of a woman bossing Robbery and Homicide, I doubt S&H would find it easy to take orders — they are both charmingly chauvinistic. Respect—oh,yes, they would respect her—but that wouldn't stop them being sexist about it. Look at Starsky's behaviour towards the lady lawyer in S&H ARE GUILTY.

[Jan S]:

Hi everyone! I hope you all enjoyed 6.55 Special as much as I did. I thought you may like to hear about a night to remember that Linda R. and I had when we went to see the show. We have been four times so far but the 23rd July will take a lot of beating.

It was the night that Lonnie Donegan was on and we all had the pleasure of hearing David sing with him; sadly David always seems to get the duff microphone and in any case he was drowned out by Lonnie. He was still loverly though. For those of you who have not been to the studio I can tell you it is areal treat, not only to see David at work but also to see him when the cameras are not on him. He was really itching to get up and sing with Lonnie (l can't understand why, he doesn't do anything for me). Anyway, on with the story...after the show we decided to wait and see David leave as usual.

[Nicola K]: Someone else not over keen on the way Sally James 'took control' [of "6.55 Special"]. However I will say that it is probably more the fault of the Radio Times and other such lying publications that led us to believe that David would appear as often as Sally James. Probably a device to draw viewers. Well it worked in my case — I certainly wouldn't have been glued to that show had it not been for the promise of seeing David (if only occasionally).

[Lynn C]:

Sorry you had such a disappointment over 6.55. I have a feeling that happened to a lot of people.


Sony but I disagree with your views on 6.55. I think David was excellent, did a great job and was very interesting and extremely funny.

I can't say that "6.55 Special" was a total success, but it did have its moments- and quite a few of them too. I'm not sure what we and the BBC were expecting from David, and I wonder if we expected a little too much? He obviously wasn't at ease when the show started, but as time went by, I think he did gain in confidence, and some of the later interviews he did (e.g. the one with Glenda Jackson) were pretty good for a first timer. I enjoyed the filmed ones best, and it was interesting to see what David made of some of the places and things (Stratford, Ironbridge, Covenant Garden, Blackpool- even British pubs!) which we tend to take for granted, living here. Okay -so maybe he won’t make the next Michael Parkinson - but you have to admit its been a good 7 weeks, hasn't it? I wonder if there is anyone who can honestly say that they don't miss him now he's gone home?

[Debra W]: Has anyone read an interview with David Soul (it was in our local evening paper [in Glasgow]) where it said he was getting together with PMG and the producers to discuss making anew series of Starsky and Hutch? He also said that would probably be the next time you would see him in a BBC series as he disliked the 6.55 Special series he did. He was being interviewed during a visit he made to the Edinburgh Festival and stated that his wife Helen (I thought it was Patti) did not like Birmingham and had gone back to California, but that if they had been based in Edinburgh instead she would probably have stayed. He also commented that he would never do another series of 6.55 as he wasn't happy with it.

[Jill C]: My thoughts of 6.55 Special... I must admit I haven't seen a lot of the critics comments of David (good job I haven't, as I would have really been in a rage!). But whatever they or anybody says about the programme, or David's performance, I think he's an extremely brave, adventurous man to have agreed to do it in the first place. Something completely different for him and right after his UK tour as well. I mean, David isn't the world's greatest talker to people he doesn't know, is he? But I think he did terrificly well after the first week he got better and better, with much more confidence and was more relaxed too (and looked lovelier than ever.) How many other actors/singers would have gone into co-hosting a chat show for the first time in a different country too?

Issue 15 (November 1982)

APB 15 was published in November 1982 (Submission deadline was October 23, 1982.) and contains 32 pages.

The guest editor was again Freda Hyatt.

The art is by Debbie Sontag (page 17), Sandi Chapman (page 24), Jacky Birch (page 31) and June Bushell (front page).

cover of issue #15, June Bushnell
  • Sandi Chapman "sent the poem that she thought was appropriate for our boys. Its amazing what you can find written about them, by people that don't even know they're doing it!" this poem starts with "Even as you and I" and it is by Esther Nilsson
  • some fans are asking for less comment about David Soul and more content about Starsky & Hutch
  • how would a Starsky and Hutch deal with a female boss
  • S&H and S/H comments
  • comments about The Kiss in the Alley Debate

Issue 15: Sample Fan Comments

[Jean D]: It has been interesting reading all the comments on the tour and 6.55 Special, but shouldn't we now get back to S&H?

[Freda H]: Let me say that I heartily agree that it's about time we got back to Starsky and Hutch and unravelling their lives. I do love that so much. You peel away a layer and there's more underneath. I don't think we're ever going to completely work them out, but we'll have had great time trying! I must say that each time I read someone else's views I have to completely rethink my own universe and cries of "Of course!" and "Why didn't I see that!" are thick in the air. So how about we put DS back on the shelf and return to the series?

[Terri B]: Let's hope that now DS has gone back to Sunny CA, the land of the Fruits and the Nuts, we in APB can get back to discussing S&H rather than the length of his legs and the attraction or otherwise of the moustache.

[Sandi C]: Okay people, fun times over. Sandi's hauling out the soapbox. First of all. I'll apologise in advance to anyone whose tender feelings I may upset, but this is after all, an open forum - is it not? Secondly, I want to make it clear that I do consider myself to be one of David's fans. I love his music, frequently play his records, and I think the guy himself is the next best thing to PMG. But, and this is where the soapbox comes in. I always thought that APB was a letterzine for Starsky and Hutch -not DS & PMG. Don't get me wrong, I'm not objecting to discussion of what they're doing now or other shows they've appeared in, but it seems to me that the last few issues have sounded more like a David Soul Fan Club convention. That's fine for the groupies, but it is getting more than a little boring for the rest of us. I'm not saying don't tell us about meeting the man, just let's have a little more balance in APB. Okay?

[Jan D]: Okay, enough's enough! 6.55 was over months ago. I think we've got the general idea about that. Don't get me wrong, I love talking about David and Paul — but this is an S&H mag and its Starsky and Hutch we're meant to be discussing. Them — the show, the characters etc. It was great to see David and we have been spoilt, but I think its time to get back to the original theme of the mag, don't you agree?

[Jean D]: Each time I have read comments about a woman Captain, I have a vision of S&H and Police Woman getting together, it would be interesting. (I don't know how the LAPD works, so don't all shout at me ). I bet don't take kindly to anyone bossing them about, any person in authority has to earn their respect...maybe Angie could.

[Joan H]: I meant that S&H are chauvinistic in the nicest possible way! Not usually with the ladies they work with - a notable exception there being Sally Hagen in The Specialist. All those subtle put downs, and the patronising "encouragements" - but she got her own back in the end. In answer to your query about women in police series, the only authentic lady cop in a current series is Jean Darblay in Juliet Bravo, and she's more believable (if less glamorous) than most I've seen. How about S&H meet Inspector Darblay? What would they make of one another?

[Lynn C]: How would Capt. Dobey react to S/H? Well, when he eventually found his suspicions to be true, he'd probably be shocked. I guess his position would deem this. But when he'd had the chance to cool down and consider things, he'd realise he'd known it all along, and would come around to accepting it.

[Joan H]: You brought up an interesting question - why must it be S&H or S/H? Why, indeed. I suspect there are a lot of middle-of-the-road fans who would agree with your definition of the relationship. There is no real proof for the gay relationship, it's a valid concept for those who want to see it that way. But it's only a point of view, and others, including your own, are equally valid. We all agree that the relationship is unique, it's in the interpretation of what constitutes "unique" that there are so many shades of opinion. All interesting, none necessarily superior or inferior to any other. Happily S&H fandom in England seems to have grasped that fact. A small cheer for us.

[Judy S]: I must agree that David suits a 'stache, he's more manly with one and so much more mature and self assured.

[Lynn C]: I'm sorry that you feel upset about the lack of contributors to zines that you put together for us, and I can well understand how you feel. I'm only sorry that I could not help out with the two you mentioned, but afraid I didn't get to any concerts and didn't go to Pebble Hill either.

[Lynn C]:Your belief is right, none of the banned episodes are at all violent, in my opinion. Neither are they frightening, upsetting or disturbing. So why they were banned in the first place is a complete mystery.

[Lynn C]: I agree Cagney and Lacey. YUK! I just wish the BBC would stop trying to fob us off with all these pathetic spin offs of S&H and give us the real thing!

[Jean D]: The Alley scene - a safe landing into a lovely hug, but I could not see a kiss, though I did try.

[Lynn C]: To all who put us at rest about The Kiss In The Alley, a big thankyou! Sincere apologies to any of you who were having palpitations at the thought of it all! I didn't mean to be so cruel,you know, I honestly thought someone had drawn a sketch of a kiss, although I didn't think there was a kiss anywhere in the episodes. Sorry you've all been disappointed, but I am tool! Never mind, keep dreaming.

[Glynis J]: There is no 'kiss in the alley.' I've a photo of the moment (not a very good one, as you know English video is different to US so the copies don't come out too ace) as I had pals wanting photos from The Fix.

[Sandra J. F]: I'm asking for contributions again! THE DAVID SOUL EXPERIENCE ZINE NO 2 will now be in production, due to recently receiving an 8 page report on one concert —I need others too. Before David's concerts go completely out of one's minds, can you at least try to write/type your views/meetings etc. on his concerts and send to me? Plus poetry, puzzles, anything else relevant. I won't give a deadline date because every time I do someone tells me its too early — alternatively if I don't, I could wait to doomsday!

[Sandra J. F]: I've only read 3 S/H stories, namely FOREVER AUTUMN, ONE MOUNTAIN —these 2 I can hardly remember because I borrowed them from someone to read ages ago, and the other - TIME AND TRUST - which I can recall because its in my zine. At the moment the best S&H story I've ever read is MOJAVE CROSSING, also it was the first one I read.

[Jan D]: Though we've talked about the 'Death Topic' in some detail, we've never actually discussed what would happen if either of them was permanently injured or maimed. Not gone into it deeply, I mean, it was touched upon at DCon 3. What I want to know is, how do you think they would react? Not only them, but their friends as well. How would they cope? We've seen various cop shows (Ironside, Mcain) where the permanent injury hasn't stopped them working. Whichever it be, they both hide emotional pain fairly well, from outsiders, even Huggy and Dobey. But not from each other. Of course, one would always be there for the other. Whoever it is will have a really difficult time, whether it be as the injured or the helper. But how will it all work out in the end? What will happen? I'd like to see all aspects covered, S/H and S&H, wives, permanent live in girlfriends etc.

[Judy S]: The Souler Energy figure I gave you was one figure quoted as being received when Mary spoke to David on the phone. The final figure was over £800, its a great sum isn't it? ... was Sandra Ferriday who was organising the David Soul Enterprise.

[Lynn C]: You ask for proof of S/H? Well, there is none, but there is also no proof to say it doesn't exist. It's all a matter of personal opinion and I believe that's just what Paul and David intended.

[Glynis J]: What you said about the S/H subject, thankyou, that's a further point I've been trying to make. Not only is there S&H and S/H, but there's also two kinds of S/H people too. All rather confusing. I guess that's why I'm still up here on the fence, life would be a lot easier if everyone saw S/H for its love.

[Linda M]: Re S/H, some fans can pinpoint their own particular episode or scene of where the / relationship began, some, me for one, just feel it and believe in it. It doesn't stop me from reading and enjoying S&H stories too. It's just that the S/H stories obtain the deeper love between them that I personally need to read about. I hope you keep reading both, and enjoying both - you may change your mind - but if you're happy with 'somewhere in the middle' that's fine, and of course, you're entitled to your own point of view!

[Nicola/Nicky K]: Regarding S/H, I'm afraid I just can't see it as coming from the series, I wish I could. Don't get me wrong -it's a wonderful premise, and one that fits my 'ideal' Starsky and Hutch perfectly. It works for me within fandom because you can believe what you want to believe, see what you want to see. But somehow S&H on screen, to me at least never presented that image. Shame really, but still!

[Nicky K]: Glad you agree about the BBC having 'no standards' - just wish they'd exercise that principle on those unaired episodes, there seems to be one set of rules for Starsky and Hutch and another set for the rest of the world!

[Sandi J. C]: The difference between Dirty Harry and the banned episodes is that one is a successful feature film with an international superstar, and as such helps to boost the ratings, while the other is just more puerile American trash (I'm paraphrasing the popular press ! Please don't hit me!!)

[Glynis J]: Thanks to all 30 of you who have sent a letter to Deb for the BBC, but what about the rest of you? Not going to tell me you can't afford 12 ½ pence to see Starsky and Hutch back on TV are you? Why not then do your own letter and get all your friends to do one and send them all on to Deb together? And do a petition too. All helps, you know. By the way, this was my idea, not Deb's but as I said in Handcuffs, I don't care as long as I get S&H back on TV and I aim to, so you lot get writing to the BBC or do you want to never see S&H again, because that is more or less what it amounts to. As to ITV and Channel 4, well now if that happens we're not all going to get to see S&H are we? The BBC may not be our friends at the moment, but they are all we have, so we've just got to keep on at them until they give in. Sorry if I'm going on but I want my fav cops to remain Top of the Cops and unless they're in the public eye, they're not going to be, are they? Yes, I have a video but no way is that going to stop me fighting the BBC and you lot who don't help me and Deb and friends get S&H back needn't come running to me for copies afterwards.

Issue 16 (December 1982)

APB 16 was published in December 1982 (Submission deadline was November 20, 1982.) and it contains 28 pages.

cover of issue #16, June Bushnell, from a photo provided by Sandra J. Ferriday

The art is by Sandi Chapman, Debbie Sontag, Freda Hyatt, Glynis Jones, Jacky Birch, and June Bushnell.

Issue 16: Sample Fan Comments

[Sandy B]: I would like to thank everyone who contributed to Paul's 1982 Love Book. He was really pleased and touched with such a gift. A copy of his letter has been sent to each contributor. He sends his love and thanks. The 1983 Book is being compiled at the moment if anyone would like to be apart of the next one. With your help, the '83 Book will be even nicer. Thanks again.

[Nicky K]: Hey, while I agree that APB Is an S&H mag, and therefore we should be discussing S&H and keeping the balance so often referred to -please keep the info on Paul and David coming in -just the occasional snippet? Please? I mean, if we never spoke of Paul and David, how would we know if they ever decided to remake S&H?

[Lyndy H]: APB is a forum for S&H. If the groupies want to discuss the attributes of D&P I'm sure no one would object to their starting a D&P newsletter. Don't let me be misunderstood here -I am thrilled for everyone who's been lucky enough to meet David or Paul but things have gotten out of hand recently. I've met David on more than one occasion myself, been to LA, Paul's home and well, I won't go on [26]-it could get bit boring -see what I mean? So come on girls, lets get back to S&H here. We can exchange our P&D related experiences in private correspondence and telephone conversations.

[Linda M]: While I do appreciate that this is a S&H magazine I hope we never get to the stage where we aren't talking about David and Paul too. For many fans, this mag and Handcuffs are the only remaining links with getting any news about them -after all, it was Paul and David who gave S&H the characters we love so well.

[Lynn C]: To all those that suggest that we should get back to S&H - you're right, we should shouldn't we. After all, this is a S&H l/z and I expect like me, most of us would put S&H before P&D anyway. But for those of us who couldn't help discussing David so much, maybe we could be excused? After all, what with the tour, various TV and radio appearances and 6.55 we were overwhelmed weren't we? Having said this, I shall not mention recent events. I'm sure others will have plenty to say anyway.

[Sandra J. F]: I won't go on about it, as Jan and Co will be hitting me if I mention it again, as they were saying APB is for S&H. I think Paul and David together, and as individuals should be discussed as well as Starsky and Hutch in this zine. [27] Surely, if only S&H or S/H are discussed, one will run out of things to talk about. As it is now, many people promote subjects trying to think up things all the time. Maybe this is what S&H is all about, my own personal view on S&H, the characters that is, are taken a little too seriously, as if they were real people. To me they're just fictional. I'm probably in a minority here, and as I'm not attending DobeyCon...I won't get lynched. Quite frankly I don't think I would even enjoy a convention. [28]

[Debra W]: Before I start, I'd like say that I agree with everyone who's said that we should be getting back to S&H now - and I am not going to mention the obvious item of news that I could be writing about, although no doubt some of you will. I know we're all concerned about it, but perhaps its best left to our personal letters.

[Debra W]: I've never thought about it before but I think that obviously a permanent injury to either one would cause a lot of sorrow and a lot of difficulties. I guess it depends on the kind of injury. What sort, of injuries? Obviously, they could do some sort of police work if they were crippled, or lost an arm, something like that, but what if they lost their sight or their hearing? If the injury meant they had to leave the force life would be even more difficult. So let's say they have to be invalided out of the force. With an injury that serious, they obviously couldn't do any other sort of work either. I don't know if the other partner would then quit the force too. I can't make my mind up about that. They would need each other more than ever. They are strong enough to survive this happening I believe- others may disagree.

[Linda M]: On your topic of permanent injury -for some reason in my universe its always Starsky that suffers the injury! In mine, it is so bad that it prevents him from walking. He is damaged not only physically but psychologically as well. The doctors suggest putting him into a residential nursing home but Hutch will have none of it. In my S/H universe, this causes even deeper problems, because Starsky can't show his love for Hutch physically and gets so mad at himself that he begs Hutch to "put him away". This, of course, Hutch refuses to do. S&H universe provides me with the idea that Hutch would still move in with Starsk, but there are problems over who would nurse him during the day whilst Hutch is working. Various ladies are tried but either they won't put up with Starsky's tantrums or Starsk feels they are smothering him. Finally a nice one is found, one who can get Starsk to eat and be interested in himself, without the smothering.

[Lynn C]: A permanently injured S or H? What a dreadful thought, but I suppose its possible. To me, the idea seems worse than the death topic. It would mean hell for both of them and there wouldn't be much they could do about it. I guess, at first, whichever partner suffered the permanent injury the other would feel very responsible, especially if it happened when they were on duty. I can just hear either one of them saying "Why did it have to be him? Why not me?". The injured party would be telling the other he didn't have to hang around and should start a new life without him but all the time knowing he needed him very much. It would be a very painful and emotional time for them both but the love between them would be strong enough to pull them through. I think if it were at all possible for the injured party, he'd return to work but if not he'd have his partners constant care and devotion. Maybe, just maybe, if the situation were really bad there could possibly even be some sort of suicide pact but maybe this is going a little too far. That's how I see it in my S/H universe anyway.

{{Quotation|[Judy S]: Neither Starsky nor Hutch would stick fast once they found a solution to one of them being [[Disability in Fanworks|permanently disabled and this arrangement could mean they would probably be able to share an apartment together and therefore be more acceptable of each others girlfriends (or wives) without argument.}}

[Terri B]: In your comment to Glynis re S/H you say 'there is no real proof for the gay relationship. And you are, of course right. Both although it's really only a matter of semantics and interpretation. I felt that I had to point out that S/H doesn't necessarily mean 'gay'. That is, if we are interpreting 'gay' as meaning homosexual. S/H in some universes means just that — but in others, S/H means two men who love one another but are otherwise heterosexual. To those of you who already know my p.o.v. on this my apologies —but we do seem to be attracting more people, and god forbid we should confuse them.

[Terri B]: I have to point out that ONE MORE MOUNTAIN is not S/H, [Sandra Ferriday]. No way, no how. We asked for age statements because of the mature nature of the story ie Nick's charming party games — not because of any S/H content. Another case of seeing what you want to see? I would agree that MOJAVE CROSSING is an ace among S&H stories —and there is more S/H in that than in OMM. Just want to set the record straight....

[Lyndy H]: Yes, I like both S&H and S/H but no, I don't see myself changing my mind and becoming one or the other. I just don't see as yet my S&H, the TV S&H, being S/H though if S/H even happens in my opinion, it would be like in your story "Time and Trust." A great story by the way. I enjoyed reading it. Your S&H are very similar to those of Lynn C's.

[Debra W]: I think what you said about Captain Dobey's reaction to S/H. But perhaps since he knows them so well, he would have had suspicions of it before he knew for sure, as you say. As we've said in our letters to one another, its a shame the series didn't continue after "Sweet Revenge" from this point of view, because we might have found out the answer to that question if it had. On the other hand, knowing how the BBC feel about sensitive subjects maybe its a good thing we won't ever know.

[Debra W]: I haven't made my mind up yet about S/H so I won't go into that side of things. Since I don't think either of them would marry, that rules out the question about wives. Girlfriends? They would have to be pretty tough women. They would have to be that anyway, to cope with the stress that's involved in a cop's life.' I'm talking about permanent girlfriends now, since I think that they would find someone again that they want to stay with. But marriage doesn't figure here, and its a whole different question anyway, I think if they found that they could make it through; but finding the right woman might be difficult, in fact, I'm sure it would be. They would always have each other of course, but I think they would need other people too. That's not taking anything away from their relationship - but having another person or other people closely involved would take the strain off the relationship. In this case, someone else to share the problem with would make all the difference. I could go on for ages about this and get nowhere, but its a very interesting question and I hope other people will take it, up too. Perhaps we could also discuss it at the con at some point? Having thought about it myself now, I'd like to see it discussed more.

[Sandi C]: I got the impression [Lynn] wanted to know about the sketch in issue 21 of the US letterzine under the title "Great Scenes from the Cutting Room Floor."

[Lyndy H]: No doubt all you devotees of the White Knight syndrome will have read the adverse publicity about your plaster saint recently. Davey - you bad boy - you've done something human!


Sorry, but after seeing yesterday's papers I've got to say something haven't I? Well, I'm going to anyway, probably by the time Deb's typing this up it will be over and done with, but David a wife beater, well, all I can say is, I was shocked. I thought all that had blown over by now. It was probably just a row if you ask me and the papers blew it up out of all proportion, knowing what papers are like. None of my business really, but I do hope that when you read this David Soul is a free man and not in jail, heaven forbid. David may lose his temper, but don't we all sometimes?

From [Tracey D]: I just had to write this month after reading that David has been accused of wife abuse. Can any of you honestly believe this of David? A full scale row, yes, but hit out at a woman? No way. There are many ways Patti could have got a cut on her lip and from what I've heard there are no witnesses, so who do we believe? Well, lets face facts - David's been married twice before and he's never had this trouble before as far as we know and Karen always speaks highly of David as a father and a husband and I know she's never remarried. We also have to remember he lived with Lynne quite happily. Yes, they had their up s and downs but nothing like this. What sort of a wife is Patti anyway to call the police to her own husband? Why not just walk out on him then instead of waiting a day after he'd spent almost 2 hours in jail. The LA news stated she has walked out with Brendan and she's also filing for divorce on the grounds of unreasonable behaviour but maybe it's all for the best. : [Freda H (the guest editor), adds this note at the end of the letterzine]: I delayed including this letter in case another arrived before I took all this to the printer. Once again, I'm going to have first crack at the points raised in this current issue. ... First of all, though, I'm beginning to wonder if DS gets a secret copy of this, and pulled off his latest stunt to earn himself a mention on these pages once again [29]. Whatever, it worked! While not really wanting to get involved in all this, I felt I did just have to say one thing. Tracey says in her letter "...what sort of a wife is Patti anyway to call the police to her own husband...?" As far as I'm concerned, its a sensible wife that calls the police when her husband is knocking her about. Just because you're married to someone doesn't mean that they can knock you around if they feel like it.. That's it, that's all I'm going to say. The sooner all this is out of the way the better.

[Debra W]: About that comment on S&H by the Director- General of the BBC -how do people like him get their jobs? Seriously, I do realise that we're up against very tough opposition, but since we do have to pay for the programmes I think we're at least entitled to let them know what we want to see. There's no harm in trying, surely?

[Joan H]: Ah, if only a 12p stamp was all that was needed to get S&H back on our screens. T'ain’t so, I'm afraid, but I won't fault anyone for trying to break through the BBC's barrier of indifference.

[Sandra J. F]: I sometimes find after having read APB, I really don't have any comments. Perhaps my heart, isn't in the fandom side of it, like everyone else's seems to be. However I will continue to subscribe to APB, as Starsky and Hutch are still my favourites, and I would like to see it back on TV. With this, I will take my leave!

Issue 17 (1983)

APB 17 was published in early March 1983 (Submission deadline was February 18.) and contains 28 pages. The submission deadline for this issue was January 15.

cover of issue #17, June Bushnell

The guest editor was Freda Hyatt, who says this is her last for a while, but if Jan Daniels needs a break later, she'd be happy to do it again.

  • are Starsky and Hutch gay?
  • what is "gay"?
  • some discussion (most of it very alarming) about the recent charges of domestic abuse against David Soul
  • more hating on the BBC
  • "Ode to the Radio Times - and BBC" - an uncredited poem

Issue 17: Sample Fan Comments

[Debra W]: Who thinks we should get back to S&H in the zine okay I agree it's an S&H zine but you must remember without David and Paul they would never have been an S&H and I personally don’t think APB will be the same without mentioning David and Paul and besides that many of us rely on APB to give us up to date news on what they are doing so please lets keep David and Paul in ok.

[Debra W]: A couple of months ago, I found the BBC have a duty office which you can phone about programmes, and when you phone, if its about one certain programme the message is written down and given to a programme selector which in due course could help us to get Starsky and Hutch back on our screens. You can phone between 9.00 -4.30 Monday to Friday 10 -3, Saturday and 2-4 on Sunday. The number is 01-743-8000 and ask for the duty office. I hope you like the idea and some of you will help as I do keep phoning but I do need help.

[Debra W]: You said in last months mag you thought Patti was right to call the police. Well, I disagree as many women, are hit by their husbands but don’t call the police but then we don’t know if David actually hit her or if the press blew it all out of proportion as usual but as the women who wrote to the Daily Mirror public opinion said her husband hit her 25 years ago when they first got married but she never dreamed of calling the police and now almost 26 years later they laugh about it, so it just goes to show there are wife’s and wife’s [30] but I defiantly think it was unnecessary specially with David being in the public’s eye as he is it should have been kept in the family.

[Nicky K]: For all of you tactful enough to avoid the distressing issue hanging over David -- thanks. Defiantly more suited to private correspondence, I think.

[Sandra J. F]: I won’t discuss David’s problem because I really can’t pass too much judgement on it as I wasn't there.

[Judy S]: Can anyone tell me what's happened about David's court case? I only hope nothing was done and that there was no further trouble. It was dreadful news and I just refuse point blank to believe he'd ever be so ruthless — even if he was angered he would never abuse a woman. David has many fans as well as friends to support his good ways and to speak well of him.

[Lyndy H]: Yes - I can honestly believe that of David! The man has a temper and he lashes out. Haven't you ever done that? He's not a plaster saint. I'm not condoning wife battering but on the other hand many women provoke their men into violence. Who knows, perhaps she prayed over him once too often -or wouldn't give him his ciggies! Seriously -whatever the reason, it still comes down to this - the guy's human!

[Joan H]: Lyndy, maybe you were trying to make us DS fans laugh, but all I can say is you've got a weird way of doing so. We all know David's only human but what you said wasn't nice you know, who let you out of Handcuffs I'm sure it wasn't Tiger.

[Lynn C]: I agree we should not call S&H gay, but I'm confused as to what your p.o.v. on S&H is. Maybe I misread your letter but are you saying that although S&H love each other deeply -and I'm pretty sure you mean sexually,too -they still have female lovers, maybe even wives? As I said, maybe I've misunderstood but that doesn't sound like real love to me.

[Lynn C]: Thanks very much for clearing up the "Kiss In The Alley" sketch for me. I must also mention Judy here who kindly let me have the l/z with said sketch in. I was glad to hear about The Fix kiss in the alley, because I didn't know about that one at all (even though doesn't exist).

[Debra W]: Help because, lastly, after reading APB for quite a few months I still can’t understand S/H. Are you calling Starsky and Hutch homosexual or poofs or what. I can’t see Starsky and Hutch like that just as two men who love one another like brothers but not in a homosexual way please someone tell me what you all mean. Sorry but I can’t see no kiss in the alley either.

[Lyndy H]: Can't see how 'being-in-the-middle' gives you the opportunity to enjoy both universes thoroughly -it sound confusing, to me.

[Sandra J. F]: I'm sorry for saying ONE MORE MOUNTAIN is S/H, but that's what I was told by whoever it was originally. Could have been the way in which it was read, you know what people's minds are like! Thanks for putting the record straight anyway. Could someone please tell me as a matter of interest what the true definition of S/H - Gay - Homosexual - are? Also the difference between all three? I didn't find MOJAVE CROSSING S/H personally, but then I read it many moons ago when S/H hadn't come into our conversations as far as I know. I suppose reading it now COULD conjure up an S/H premise. Depends on who's reading it!

[Joan H]: Point taken about 'gay' not necessarily meaning homosexual in the case of S/H. However, it might be difficult to explain that to Joe Public, if one was trying to promote the S/H view point outside fandom. And I'm bound to say that much of the S/H fiction I've read does contain quite explicit sexual scenes, which would certainly qualify S&H for the label 'gay' or any other derogatory labels that get pinned on men who enjoy sex with other men. I appreciate that there have been plenty of stories showing their love for one another without the sexual commitment, but I've never really regarded these as S/H.

I think most people in fandom do take S/H - which is a label in itself - to mean S&H are sexually committed to one another. Once that is admitted all the implications must be confronted - how it would affect their work, their relationships with other people, their lives generally. I have yet to see this tackled in S/H fiction most writer's duck it, I suspect because of the inherent difficulties. Instead, they fall back on much agonising on the part of one or both of them, but never really coming to grips with what should be quite as important as having them fall into bed together at every opportunity.

It's not enough to imply that Dobey would be sympathetic and Huggy is not surprised because he's suspected it all along. On the other hand if we're saying there is no sexual involvement, but there is love caring friendship loyalty trust - all of which was evident in the series - then its much less complicated. Maybe other S/H people would like to comment? Do I have the definition wrong? If so, how does one define - or separate - 'straight S&H from 'gay S&H', to use labels which may not be particularly acceptable, but are understood by most people.


Yes, I was a little confused at first about as to just what S/H stood for, but now I've found out (and not only from you) that there are two sides to S/H. I admit just over a year ago, I'd misjudged all S/Hers as to thinking S/H did mean gay in all universes, I'm glad I found out different, my S/H are two men who love each other but are otherwise heterosexual. Thanks for putting it into words better than I could, mind you I'm still in the middle about all this at the moment.

[Judy S]: My apologies! I've obviously mixed you up with someone else, Sandra. The David Soul Enterprise Zine was started by someone (I forget who) through APB for all David's fans who had either met him personally or attended his concerts and wanted to write about and share their experiences, if you follow.

[Lynn C]: Yes, I agree, thinking about S&H having a permanent injury and how it would affect their lives is very upsetting and it really does hurt when you go into it too deeply doesn't it? I don't think I could write a story on it, it would be too painful, you're very brave to try.

[Nicky K]: Did we have to discuss permanent injury? Danmit -who was it suggested slow death?


All I can say is you people scared me with your views. My opinion, for what its worth is that one of them being seriously injured and permanently maimed would be perhaps more difficult to cope with for the uninjured party than death. At least should one of them die the other knows nothing can hurt him further -seeing him suffer is in my opinion a shock that could never be overcome. I think I'd better shut up, I'm beginning to depress myself.

[Joan H]: A lot of agreement on the 'permanent injury' topic. I see but it's still a horrid thought. I'm not going to say another word about it.

[Nicky K]: Speaking of depressing, what a charming letter we all received from the BBC about their not showing S&H. shock: though. Still, mustn't give up. Can't say it came as a surprise. One day they'll have nothing better to do and no one else to annoy, so they'll probably relent. Everything comes to he who waits. You ask for suggestions to get S&H back. Well. I've got one - how's about we all break into the BBC store room and pinch all their tapes -- save for S&H of course - and then they'll have nothing else to show! Practical? Well, perhaps not, but I despair of any other way.

[Lyndy H]: If you think we take S&H too seriously, Sandra, I don't think you'd enjoy a convention either. In fact. I'm surprised you state S&H are 'your favourites' when as you admit, your heart is not in fandom. It would appear you relate more easily to David and Paul themselves. It surprises me there are some who cannot separate the actors from the characters they play. Admittedly. I find Soul and Glaser fascinating men, but if I was asked to choose I'd say -'give me Ken Hutchinson and David Starsky anytime'.

[Joan H]: What do you mean you think the series would have developed or evolved, into S/H after Sweet Revenge had it continued??? I doubt it. Producers -especially producers like Spelling-Goldberg -having their sights firmly fixed on the mass market, shy away from controversial subjects and almost certainly wouldn't have risked damaging an already successful show. Oddly enough the BBC might be more tolerant of something like that than they were of the shows so-called 'violent' content but I fancy the US networks would have come down on it like a ton of bricks.

[Glynis J]: [The BBC has] really made me angry now, and I guess you're all thinking "Told you so" and "Are you going to give in?" Well go ahead, be like others before you and even after and what'll happen then? The BBC will think they've got rid of us that's what, and then we'll never get S&H back we must all show them no matter what we are not going to give in till they give us S&H back on TV. I bet the ones of you so-called fans who haven't written have videos right? And are happy to sit there watching them and not care about the rest who don't. Well just stop and think how you'd feel if you were one of them? No Starsky for a year and no Hutch either, you mean lot. Both me and Deb have videos so we don't really have to bother with you lot, but we happen to care don't we, its not only the TV Starsky and Hutch you'll be losing in about three or four years time you're going to have people turn round and say "Starsky and Hutch who's that?" THINK ABOUT IT. Shouldn't we all be trying to make more S&H fans instead of losing them, and making S&H a legend? Ok that's the lot I'm saying on the subject unless anyone else asks. You needn't all cheer at once, you'll soon be the ones who'll be sorry.

[Terri B]: S&H fandom has been thriving now for more than four years. If we were going to run out of things to talk about, I think that would have happened about three years ago. We are in this thing because we find the characters created by Blinn and Soul and Glaser to be an endless source of fascination and inspiration. The key word is "endless." I was writing S&H long before I knew there was a fandom. I'd probably be writing it even now if I was still ignorant of that fact. What is 'just fictional'? Does that make the characters any less interesting? Whether the reverse, I should think. If you make up stories about Real People, you can lay yourself open to all kinds of trouble. Ask any national paper. It's called libel.

Issue 18

APB 18 was published in April 1983?

Issue 19

APB 19 May 1983?

Issue 20

APB 20 July 1983?

Issue 21

APB 21 August 1983?

Issue 22

APB 22 The submission deadline was October 18, 1983.

Issue 23

APB 23 was published in November 1983.

Issue 24

APB 24 was published in December 1983.

Issue 25

APB 25

Issue 26

APB 26

Issue 27

APB 27

Issue 28

APB 28

Issue 29

APB 29

Issue 30

APB 30

Issue 31

APB 31

Issue 32 (October 1984)

APB 32 was published in October 1984 and contains 52 pages.

front cover of issue #32

From the editorial by Carla S:

Well by now most of you will know that DobeyCon 6 has been cancelled, and I'm not only sad but angry and a little ashamed as well. To Lynne Dolan and the Ripleys, I can only apologise. All the hard work and months of preparation have came to nothing.

At this moment in time I feel ashamed to be a British fan of S&H, that for whatever reason differences between fans cannot be set aside for a weekend. There are various rumours flying round as to the reason for the cancellation - perhaps the full truth will never be known - but I am angry to think that people would not attend a get together because someone they didn't like was also going.

But most of all I feel sadness; sadness because S&H fandom now has no annual get together ~ who now would be prepared to try and organise another DobeyCon - and that the small number of UK S&H fans have been further split - does this herald the end of British Fandom?

Also to set the record straight - again - letters to APB are not cut although we try to correct obvious spelling mistakes and in some cases put in punctuation where necessary; the sense of letters, however, is not changed. APB will discuss '/' material and on occasion there will be adult material and artwork.

To get more of an indication of how readers feel, I have enclosed a questionnaire with this issue and I would ask EVERYONE to return it to me please.

From the editorial by Linda M. W:

There is very little I want to say this month in my editorial as at present I am feeling exactly the same way Carla does, ie angry, about S&H fandom, and Carla has expressed views very well in her editorial.

I never really got into S&H fandom but the behaviour of some people makes me not want to bother and go back to my main fandom interest - Star Trek. However I will always give Carla my support in any of her projects, as she has given me a lot of support when I have badly needed it - although at times I feel she has often been battering her head against a brick wall.

As for DobeyCon, I was planning to go this year and am sorry to see it fold. I have been planning to go for the past couple of years but this year I had actually got round to registering - I thought if I got saturated with S&H I might get hooked. Oh roll on 16/18 November to Nimoy Con in Nottingham (part of my summer holidays!) seeing as how I won't be going to Darlington.

  • Editorials (1)
  • Hutch, art by Debbie Sontag (3)
  • Your Letters (4)
  • Night Thoughts, poem by Lyndy Harding ("'/' in Nature") (38)
  • Police Procedural—Narcotics, article by Patricia Paterson (39)
  • Ad Lib (43)
  • Mutually Assured Destruction... or The Ballad of the Lucitania Express, fiction by The Piper (44)
  • Good-bye Friend, poem by Lyndy Harding ("'/' in Nature") (46)
  • Starsky, art by Sandi Chapman (47)
  • Exchange and Mart (48)
  • Slowly, song lyrics by Chappell/Aznavour/Britico (back cover)

Issue 32: Sample Fan Comments

[Julie C]: By the way I though the cover of APE 30 was very funny - I didn't think it was offensive.

[Josie S]:

Just a note - you say in APB to let you know what we like and don't like. Well it is okay with me the way it is. You say that you are trying to sort out production problems, well you are doing your best so I for one do not mind it being a bit late. I always enjoy reading it when it canes. Now there is something that I did not like in last month's APB - that was the cover. It is not the sort of thing I like.

[Joan H]:

Very attractive cover this time, thank you Debbie. I liked Sandi's Hutch centrefold [in the previous issue], too. Personally, I can live without 'erotic' art, but deleting it from individual copies seems like a bit of a cop-out. If it's there, it's there. I may not like it, but it won't stop me buying the zine. It's a question of taste - individual taste, perhaps, but also good and bad taste and where to draw the line. I wish I knew just what erotic artwork has to do with S&H, though I appreciate it has a great deal to do with people's fantasies, and the need to express them in that form.

[Jan D]:

Why were most people upset over APB 30 cover, it was a fun cover and meant to be taken as such. I loved it. Okay it left a lot to the imagination, but that's half the fun with our Lyndy's work.

[Carla S]:

I certainly do not feel guilty about publishing such a cover. I think it was an excellent cartoon!

[Lyndy H]:

I'm pleased my 'artwork' [on the cover of the last issue] appealed to you. As I've already stated - it was meant to offend no-one.' If it did - well, I'm afraid I can't live my life worrying over the 'faint-heartedness' of people I don't even know - and who certainly don't know me I! Those who really do know ire would clarify, I'm certain, that I'm not the kind of person who would deliberately hurt anyone's feelings - especially those who care about me! When it comes to those who are so quick to judge and attack me for merely speaking the truth I really don't 'give a toss'. As I've said before - even my closest friend (partner) and I argue like hell over certain premises in S&H fandom. She thinks I'm a mule-headed SOB at times and I think she can be a numb-skull - but we both know each other's worth and it would take a damned sight more than S&H fandom to come between us. Croon ladies, stop taking things so seriously! As much as we all love fandom you have to agree - there are more important things in life!

[Lesley E. H]:

I would agree with you about S/H.... No, S/H didn't need to have happened.

[Janet E]:

Thanks for APB 31. As far as being late goes, I'd rather get it late than not at all. So just keep doing the best you can and don't worry on my account.

[Janet E]:

I did try a get together after Dobeycon 2. Only one person came and she used to cone over every weekend anyways! Everyone was very keen on the idea when we suggested it at Dobeycon, but I never did find out what happened. Maybe someone else wants to try it?

[Jan D]:

I for one don't want to see Dobeycon cancelled, it's the best weekend of the year. Where else can you get away from it all, let someone else do the cooking, and have a great natter with friends and make new ones and S&H as well. Sheer bliss. What's the matter with you lot out there, I was under the impression we were all S&H fans together. Okay, Okay, I know some of you can't come, I'm not having a go, well not much anyway. But those of you who are not coming just because you've never been to it before, or you've heard that they are not all that great, could not be more wrong. DCon is and always will be the friendliest Con and with Lynne and the Ripleys organising it, its sure to be the best ever. So do yourself a favour come to DCon, and relax, prove to yourself that you were wrong about the Con and what you were told was wrong. Believe me, you'll have a great time.

[Lyndy H]:

I'm certain many of you were devastated to learn of D'Con's cancellation. How very sad the whole situation is - but before crying down our own back's let's spare a thought for Lynne Dolan and Jill 'n Chris Ripley who worked so very hard through the spring and summer months in preparation for what would have been the best Con to date. I make no exaggeration here! Not only have 'would-be' attendees missed the opportunity to view such videos as 'Homeward Bound', 'Wait Till Your Mother Gets Home' and 'Jealousy'. In addition to that, I happen to know the items for the 'Grand Charity Auction' would have The Rippers...if so you'll know what I mean). The organisers had planned many surprises for us and the whole weekend would have been the most memorable in S&H fandom.

Well - it's much too late to do anything about it now. You all had a chance to join in the fun and share the 'goodies' - you made your choice! What I'd like to know is - why the lack of support? Is fandom becoming so lethargic we'd allow the legendary DobeyCons to slip unceremoniously down the tubes!

The organisers have been given various reasons for people's cancellations, lack of interest etc and being the incredibly decent people they are, respect those reasons without question.

However, since some of you insist I'm not so nice, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt - just this once. I am certainly a little suspicious of people's motivations concerning D/Con cancellations, lack of support etc. There have been rumours, some from ambiguous sources which may have influenced some of you. Is it, perhaps, a case of salt being rubbed in open wounds? A certain element in fandom have already been quick to judge some of us and label us as hostile. This is such an unfortunate attitude. Having attended all past DctoeyCons I can truthfully say there has never been bad feeling or hostility at these gatherings. Naturally there has been heated discussion but we've all respected each others right to hold an opinion. Besides which no-one has ever been obligated to join in every conversation.

The DobeyCons are so full of love and friendship; they are the very place where those of us who disagree over certain aspects or premises in S&H fandom, can sit down together or prop up a bar and talk things out amiably! At DobeyCons people discover one another and learn from each other - also about each other! I've seen more friendships bonded at DobeyCons than at any other gatherings I've attended. It really is a great shame that such a phenomenon has been allowed to disintegrate.

The past five DobeyCons have all been successful and well-attended. Why has 'DobeyCon 6' been so badly affected? After all, we're the same group of people, with the same ideas we held all those years ago. Have our attitudes changed that much? Has anyone been influenced by certain facts? Where does the fault lie?

[Terri B]:

By now, of course, the cancellation of DobeyCon 6 will be stale news. I have to say that I am personally very disappointed that this had to happen - not only because I'll miss out on seeing people I only see at this one time of the year, but because there are so many others who will also miss out on something they were looking forward to. And because we won't now be able to share our little 'surprise' items with all of you. Or not as fully. I can only hope that the apathy or lethargy or whatever else led to the lack of interest in the con isn't something that will strangle British S&H fandom - and that saneone else is willing to take on the organisation of another get-together, maybe not as large or as good as the one that was planned, but at the least a chance for us to meet up for a few days of S&H friendship...?

Is there anyone out there who doesn't remember what it was like before the discovery of S&H fandom? Oh, we all came to it by different routes, but the magic moment is surely the same - the feeling of astonished delight that all these other people share the love of S&H. The cultural desert no longer threatens - you're no longer alone with your dreams and fantasies hidden like something to be ashamed of, but part of a family who share your visions.

S&H fandom is like a family - families have their bickerings, their fights, their falling outs and slanging matches, too. But there is something stronger than those - the love that holds the family together. The common cause. 'Me and thee against the world.'

Maybe we need reminded of that. The meaning of S&H is friendship. Caring. Sharing.

It appears there is a large question mark hanging over British fandom - as to whether it should continue to exist at all. Before anyone jumps down my throat, let me say that there is reason to doubt. DobeyCon 6 has had to be cancelled through lack of support - but only two years ago, the Con organisers were snowed under with registrations. I don't know if this is the symptom of a mild attack of apathy or something a lot more serious. So - suppose you tell us. What do you personally want from fandom? Do you want yearly conventions? Do you want zines? Do you want letterzines? All these things take time, money, and effort to produce, but we're not quibbling about that, so long as you enjoy what we do. If we're doing it wrong, tell us. All it costs you is a postage stamp.

If you simply don't want anything more to do with fandom, no one is twisting arms. It's still a free country. But I don't want to find myself back in the cultural desert - I know some of you will agree with me. So it's up to us whether British S&H fandom stays alive and kicking or slides into limbo - whether we're giving it a shot in the arm or greasing the slide.

It won't die. The Legend will live on. S&H means friendship, and the friendship, the love, will survive. But something indefinable and very precious will have slipped away and won't return.

Be positive. Don't think 'I can't make a difference.' In fandom everyone makes a difference.

[Linda M. W]:

I have decided to do this short letter as I don't want to change my editorial - it expresses my present feelings about British S&H fandom quite well. However, since typing up some of these letters I am mellowing slightly by the continuing support to APB (last week I was getting very depressed and things were getting on top of me) and I feel I should not take out my annoyance on those who still read APB since the ones that upset me will probably never read my editorial.

I hope all this trouble will blow over quickly. Let's not let those who want to cause trouble get to us after all WE live by IDIC!

[Carla S]:

If you think K/S fandom is in turmoil, wait till you get really involved in S/H fandom - being a smaller group just means fewer people on the firing line!

[Carla S]:

Fandom does cover a wide variety of tastes and if S&H fandom in Britain was large enough no doubt each 'splinter' group could have its own l/z, ie S/H, general S&H, fan club type publications etc. As it is with the limited number of fans in Britain interested in contributing even letters it's difficult keeping only 2 UK l/z going. If I thought people would accept 'Shootout' as a general S&H l/z and APB as an S/H l/z and that both could survive, then it might be worth trying, but I'm sure that many fans buy both and that if fans started to divide up like that, both publications would suffer. And although S/H offends some people the S/H fans have a right to be able to put their point of view too.

[Terri B]:

I wasn't aware of the K/S furore, and I hope it dies a fast and natural death - ST3 was so delightful, I'd hate to see any retrograde steps. Not that I can see K/S, personally, but IDIC rules okay. S/H fans are a smaller group, though I'd think we are just as vociferous in defence of our beliefs when riled.

[Terri B]:

I'm sure I'm not the only S/H believer who can see the straight viewpoint. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that without the straight viewpoint, S/H loses some of its validity, at least for me. The sexual relationship has to develop from the comradeship and loving friendship of the aired series, or it comes to mean something different from my concept of S/H. But everyone has their own concept, of course.

[Linda M. W]:

Have you ever noticed that the ones who try to put an end to '/' and shout their indignation are the ones that draw it to the public's notice and perhaps introduce more people to this premise. This fact was pointed out by a couple of Trek friends after reading David Gerrold's new 'World of Star Trek' book as DG is very anti. I also heard it commented that when there was a big outcry by the anti-K/S lobby K/S zine editors noticed an increase in K/S zine sales as people wanted to read what all the outcry was about - perhaps they should be thanked for all this advertising!

[Lyndy H]:

After reading your letter [Sandra F] in S/O I realise now why male/male relationships offend you so greatly. After all, if male/female relationships offend you... Wow, there's not a lot to say is there. Let's agree to disagree okay. However, as a mini-zine editor I'm sure you'll agree that S/H has a certain redeeming feature - it certainly sells!!

Issue 33 (January 1985)

APB 33 was published in January 1985 and contains 52 pages. It was edited by Carla Salveta and Linda Watt (one letter makes mention this is their one-year anniversary editing this zine, and that they are "guest editors.").

front cover of issue #33 by Lyndy Harding

The front cover is by Lyndy Harding, the back cover are the lyrics to "Honesty" by Billy Joel, and the "/" centerfold is by Lynda Harding.

From the editorial, Linda:

I was not planning to write anything this time as I'm feeling absolutely exhausted and glad I'm now on holiday until the New Year. But after reading so many letters with congratulations on our first year as editors I've decided to write a few lines to thank everyone for their support over this past year and hope that you will all enjoy the next year's presentations just as much.

I would like to wish you all the season's greetings and hope that you had an enjoyable holiday. I am having a Hogmanay party for my Trek friends with the stipulation that everyone brings something to eat (I'm supplying the drink) - the last time we did this we went to town with the food dyes, so keep your fingers crossed no one ends up bringing in the New Year with food poisoning!

From the editorial, Carla:

Well this is the issue that nearly never was! Various things have happened over the last few weeks which meant a serious consideration to stop putting out APB altogether; but this issue is out - finally, though a little late for the Xmas issue which was planned. I'll wish everyone a belated New Year anyway.

APB has a different look to it from this month as Linda can no longer type this on her office word processor and we're having to make do with home computers - not the least of which is various production problems including uneven pages and a poor printer. I am hoping to resolve the latter problem as I've seen a much better printer which I'd like to get - IF I can afford it - some time this year. If I do manage to continue putting out APB this year.

I'm hoping to put it out about the 1st of March, May etc; with the deadline around the first of the previous month. I've extended this month's deadline as this is late, but keep your fingers crossed!!!)

I'd 1iKe to echo the sentiments of many of the letters in this month's issue and ask everyone to let past disagreements die with the old year. Let this New Year bring us all harmony and tolerance of one another's attitudes.

Issue 33: Sample Fan Comments

[Lynn C]:

I haven't contributed for some time due to personal reasons and the fact that certain matters contained in and related to this L/Z have made me feel I didn't want to take part any more. However after reading the sincerity in Terri's letter last issue I now see I was not altogether right in taking this decision. I now see that personal feelings aren't what count. It's S&H that are important and what brought us all together in the first place. We should all try and get back to discussing them not us and our feelings about ourselves and each other, Terri really made me think.

I don't want to lose this special forum we have. It is precious, I need S&H, especially the zines and L/Zs. We do all count and if everyone grew as despondent towards fandom as I felt, there'd be nothing left for any of us and the cultural desert Terri spoke of would be looming ahead.

[Sandi C]:

Right! Here we are then. I've had an issue away from APB, a good holiday, and now I'm back. Be warned - I am in no mood for the petty squabbles that seem rife in fandom at the moment. I'm sick of life kicking me where it hurts and I've made a very early New Year's resolution to kick back.

First chestnut out of the bag - the lousy way Lynne, Chris and Jill have been treated by some quarters of this fandom. A fandom, it should be remembered, that was based on love. What happened to all those people who were so keen to have another DobeyCon when asked at Maidstone? Okay, so times are hard on all of us; but rail and coach fares haven't gone up that much in the last year. You all knew it wouldn't be a cheap weekend. As a matter of fact they got a better deal on the hotel than we did. But even if some of us did feel the pinch, that doesn't excuse the rumours and in-fighting that's gone on these past few months. As co-organiser of Dobeycon Five, I feel very sorry for Lynne and the Ripleys, to have everything fall through after all their hard work.

As a fan, I feel ashamed.

[Joan H]:

It would be a mistake, I'm sure, to write off British S&H fandom on the strength of the Dobeycon cancellation. Whilst appreciating the disappointment felt by those who had planned to attend, not to mention the frustration of the organisers, we have to try to keep things in perspective. It appears that most people who make up this fandom do not attend Cons. Fandom itself predates the Cons, both here and in the US and I cannot believe that its continued existence depends on a single weekend get-together annually, enjoyable as they may be.

For myself, the letterzines have always been a more important source of contact, plus, of course, the personal correspondence I enjoy with many fellow-fans. The l'zines keep us in touch with current trends and thinking in fandom, and I would be far more concerned about losing them than about the disappearance of Cons. Others may disagree, but these thoughts were prompted by what seemed some over-reaction (however understandable) to the cancellation of the Con. There are many reasons why people do not - or cannot - attend Cons. I've been given a number of valid ones by friends who were not going to Dobeycon 6, and none of them correspond to the speculative reasons put forward in some APB letters. S&H fandom is alive and well, and none the worse for being not especially addicted to periodic group get-togethers.

[Jan D]:

I make no apology for this letter only to say, sorry it had to be written while Carla and Linda were guest editing.

My sentiments echo those of Carla, Linda, Terri, Lyndy etc but that's not going to stop me having my say.

As an ex organiser of DCon, I Know just how hard Lynne and the Rippers have worked - I also Know how ungrateful some of you can be. I never thought I'd see a day when DCon was cancelled, I'm disgusted with the way Lynne & Co have been treated. I am sick at the way some people have behaved, just because so and so is going you don't want to go, so what you didn't have to talk to them, plenty going on without even seeing that person . At one time S&H fandom was friendship, love and loyalty. To some of us that still holds.

It's the rest of you that couldn't give a damn* I can remember a time when I thought I was the only S&H fan, I'd never heard of fandom, then I got in touch with a certain pint sized person from Bristol, and well, never looked back.

As I couldn't come to DCon 5, through no fault of my own, despite the rumours about that, I was really looking forward to this weekend, so you can <well some of you> imagine how upset I was, at it being cancelled.

I'd 1ike to know why? - I'd like the people who spread the stupid rumour to come forward, but it takes guts to do that, and they haven't got any. I'm usually a very placid person, but when something like this happens, it makes my blood boil. All I can say is that some of you, and you know who I mean, are a bloody ungrateful lot, I'd like to see you do better, and I don't mean organising less important Cons on the same weekend, fair enough if it was a big Con.

I'd like another get together, but you'd all have to make your own way down and book in a hotel, after the way Lynne and the Rippers were treated, and the way I was at my DCon, I won't organise. Lyndy asks have our attitudes changed that much? Mine hasn't a lot, just because I like other TV shows, would like to get involved in other fandoms and 'cos I'm broke that I have to sell my stuff that (no-body seems to want) doesn't mean I've 'gone off' S&H. I'm still a part of fandom, and always will be, rumour-spreaders please note.

I think people have been influenced by certain, not so much facts, Lyndy, more by what other people have told them, and they are too weak minded to find out the facts.

I'd still love to see a yearly Con, I'll miss seeing all my pals this year, still maybe next year, just a small get together between ourselves, Lyndy. Maybe you should have brought those 'overcoats' back. As I said I'm usually very placid but some things you can't bottle up and I'm fed up with being 'Mr Nice Guy' - for once, next month, who knows, the tranqualisers might have worked.

[Debra W]:

From the day APB 32 arrived, I've been pondering how I should start this letter. So much was (rightly) said in that issue on the cancellation of DCon 6 that to say much more would be wrong but I do have to say a few things. I share the feelings of disappointment, sadness, anger and loss expressed in the letters in the last issue (and elsewhere in fandom) because like everyone else who planned to attend, I had been looking forward to DCon 6 ever since it was announced in Maidstone last October at DCon 5. I feel perhaps most of all angry at being denied the chance to be with people I so rarely get to see - and angry that the work that was put into organising and arranging the con was all for nothing. I had such high hopes for that weekend; to see them come to nothing was more than just disappointing.

I don't want to write a letter that consists of nothing but moans and groans on the subject of DCon 6; so I won't say much more on the subject. But I would like to say that I feel that the blame for what has happened rests on all of us -- yes, all of us -- because we have been too quick to argue over silly things in recent months* because we've allowed those arguments to get out of hand and to become personal; and also because it seems we may have forgotten what APB is here for in the first place - and that is for us to share our thoughts, feelings and opinions on S&H, in the spirit of friendship, sharing and love that the series showed us. Do we have to go on 1iKe this? No, I don't believe we do, nor that the majority of folk in fandom want to. Does what happened to DCon 6 herald the end of British fandom. Carla asks? No, I don't believe it does. But it is up to us to see that it doesn't. So please, let's put aside forever the silliness, the bitchiness, the pettiness and the nit-picking that have been a part of this fandom in recent months. Let's remember the love and caring, and the friendship we saw in the series and fandom in the first place. Isn't that what fandom is supposed to be all about anyway?

We can't go back and put right what went wrong; but we can see that it doesn't happen again. Why don't we give it a try?

[Terri B]:

From the expressions of shock in ARB 32 on the cancellation of DobeyCon, I'm wondering a couple of things - firstly, if it wasn't the readers of APB who pulled out at the last minute, then who was it, and where do we find out why - and secondly, with so many people regretting the demise of the Con, surely we can guarantee a healthy attendance at the next one, wherever that may be. Dunno about Glasgow, though - don't jump on me, Carla and Linda, but I live about as far south as it's possible to get without getting wet, and that's one hell of a journey. Darlington was going to take the best part of a day and cost an arm and a leg - Glasgow might as well be on the moon. Some of you in the Far North will feel the same way about a Con in this neck of the woods - we really need a halfway point...

And someone brave enough to organise it.

[Sandi C]:

Can I throw out an idea to those interested in S/H. ft lot has been said in the past about exactly when the physical relationship began, whether during the series or after SWEET REVENGE, but has anyone ever- considered that what we see in the aired episodes - the very deep emotional commitment as well as the ESP that they share - is the result of a more physical love, rather than the cause of it, I'm suggesting that maybe they met at the academy, became lovers and that over the years it has mellowed into the kind of relationship that many long-term married couples share, I'm not saying it's a

premise I believe in 100%, but I do think it's a point for discussion.

[Lyndy H]:

I have to disagree on the 'marriage' idea. Personally, I can't see either man wed. Hutch tried it once and got burned. I don't think he'd be eager to take the same risks again. Starsky has long since out-grown the 'rose-covered-cottage-curley-headed-kids' syndrome and I feel both men have become far too cynical to hold any illusions about flowery romances with starry-eyed females.

Of course, the all important factor here is that the guys have discovered 'each-other ' . The situation is idyllic. They have no need to complicate their lives OR their relationship with women. C'mon, be serious. Can anyone suggest anything the guys would need a woman for something they couldn't do or be for each other. I really am interested in other people's opinions but please be sensible when considering your suggestions. This is a serious subject.

Just as an afterthought I personally can't think of a worse way to spend my time than to sit around with a bunch of 'home n' hubby' types discussing diapers and the price of steak. If I was a cop's wife I'd much prefer to sit in with 'The Guys' discussing their latest case.

[Lyndy H]: The firing line feels like 'home' these days. Thanks to you and Linda for your support during this trying time and your tolerance concerning the '/' premise.

[Lyndy H]:

Terri, I thoroughly agree with your sentiments concerning D6 and fandom in general. Being the co-organiser of the Dobeycon which was inundated with registrations and remembering the joy we felt at the obvious success of the venture I feel utterly deflated by the demise of DCon 6 and I Know how angry Jill and Chris and Lynne must feel.

I certainly didn't intend to raise the subject again after making my views clear last month. However, there are now a few points I'd like to discuss. As Terri has stated there is an apathy in fandom but also something more dangerous. Think about it for a moment. [See Two years ago, S&H fandom was flourishing. for this letter.]

[Terri B]: I for one would not want SHOOTOUT to represent S&H and APB S/H. The less divisions there are in fandom, the better it is - any kind of division weakens the whole. Yes, S/H offends some people. Yes, S/H fans have a right to state their pov. It comes down to a matter of personal choice, and I for one would resent any form of censorship or elitism.

[Terri B]:

Gerrold is Anti? Yes, I think the public outcries that follow the emergence of '/' frequently encourage people to buy the stuff, just to see what they may be missing. Whereas, if they kept quiet, it might stay in the closet and bother no one. Is there a lesson to be learned here?

[Sandi C]:

I liked the 'toon, too, I can understand some people being offended by the inclusion of explicit S/H artwork - there is, after all, a place for everything, though not necessarily in the same zine - but it was obvious (or should have been!) that this was just another product of your weird imagination, [Lyndy]. I wonder what happened to the fun in fandom...

[Judy S]:

To all those that 'didn't like' the 'mentioned' cover [on issue #31], I for one don't see anything whatever wrong with it, and I'm certainly not perverse, dirty minded or whatever else you may think.

[Lyndy H]:

Joan, way below the belt dear! God forbid I ever need the pages of APB or any other forum to 'get off on'. I have a healthy sex life with plenty of opportunity to fantasize when I feel the need - and that's normal as well. According to Freud it's essential! But we're getting away from the point here.

I would hardly call "that 'little cartoon' in APB 30 'erotic art'. I'd be interested to Know if you class some of the beautiful artwork seen in some of the finest '/' zines, created by fandom's most talented artists, in the same category. I certainly don't profess to be as talented as Faddis, [ [Maureen B] ] or Hyatt etc so I doubt if my little contribution will go down in history unless it's to commemorate the commotion it's created in APB). Neither is my artwork worthy of mention in the same category. However, artwork, which you may label as erotic is relevant in S&H fandom, or S/H fandom if only to appease those amongst us who are aesthetically minded. To me there is true beauty in a naked, well formed male, certainly in the act of love and especially when the male is depicted with an equally beautiful partner of the same sex.

[Sandi C]:

Another thorn in my side right now is INTERMISSION TWO. For over a year the same complaint cropped up again and again in the letterzines, ie that even home-produced zines were too long/too expensive. IM was born, so I thought, to fill the gap. To provide a spread of good quality fiction throughout the year, and thereby spread the cost, rather than restrict it to one big zine every 18 months or so. The response from readers was very encouraging. With a few exceptions, the response from authors was not. I would never have believed that it would be so hard to fill just 32 pages.

As of now, the deadline for submissions for issue two will be February 18th 1985. There will be no more extensions, what I've received by then will be printed (if it meets the standard). If sufficient material is received there will also be an S/H supplement available separately. If anyone is interested, an SAE will secure a flyer as soon as they are ready.

Okay. That's enough from the bitch, moan and gnarble department. It's Christmas after all. The season of goodwill, when the halls are decked with boughs of holly and plenty of fruits and nuts.

[Judy S]:

You have a good point about the love and friendship of British S&H fandom, [Terri B], as it will undoubtedly die, it we don't keep it going and stay together. Surely we can all let differences of opinion and likes and dislikes of each other be forgotten and just stuck to the main subject which is S&H.


Your 'Goodbye Friend' poem surely means a lot to all of us and the full meaning behind it was the love, sweat, work and friendship these guys shared was gone, but needed to have strength to hold on and not let it all go. Contradict me if I'm wrong, isn't this what we all need to do? Hold on to something that was dear to all of us.

Issue 34 (March 1985)

APB 34 was published in March 1985 and contains 52 pages. It was edited by Carla Salveta and Linda Watt.

front cover of issue #34 by Freda Hyatt
centerfold from issue #34, Marilena Maiocco

The cover is by Freda Hyatt. The centerfold is by Marilena Maiocco.

The editor mentions some new technology:

Cable television is supposed to be coming to this part of Glasgow within a year. I might get to see S&H then as BBC Scotland have not been showing it along with the rest of the country, and I still have quite a few episodes missing from my collection. I'd be interested in finding out how Cable TV works in other part of the country.

  • Editorial (1)
  • Your Letters (3)
  • Ad Lib (44)
  • Zine Review by Terri Beckett, see Long Road Home (46)
  • Exchange and Mart (48)
  • You, song lyrics by Chappell/Aznavour/Britico (back cover)

Issue 34: Sample Fan Comments

[Carla S]:

I loved last month's cover - more, pretty please. If I could think of something to bribe you with I'd try - and no I can't get hold of the blond blintz. As for the centrefold - well I always appreciate good "/" artwork and am looking forward to more - I thought the blue paper was appropriate.

[Gloria G]:

Well, folks, it is finished. Yes, at last, after years of waiting. Bird of Paradise is finally finished. The only things remaining are the odd edit here and there (and with a computer such things take hours instead of days), some more artwork (hopefully), and actually printing the damn thing. None of these things seem any kind of obstacle compared with the problems the past few years have seen.

Anyway, what with one thing and another, there are some people to whom I owe a great debt of gratitude. More than mere words can ever hope to adequately discharge. However, I'd 1ike to thank those whose help, encouragement, and patience has made this book possible.

First, with the mention of patience, may I thank you, the readers, who have waited so long for this book. You will never know how far your letters went in keeping me at the task at hand, cheering me through some very dark hours, nagging (gently, of course) me when I got distracted with other things. This book was written for you - and it wouldn't have been written at all except by your unflagging interest.

Those of you fortunate enough to know Patti Paterson through correspondence may have an inkling of what a debt this fandom owes her. Without her the book, quite simply would never have been. Her interest, (she tracked me down over an extremely cold trail), and her devotion, (you have no idea what she's put up with over the past -three years), both to the book and to me are frankly phenomenal.

Penny Warren is an amazing person. The original publisher of BoP, she never lost faith in the project even when I, in that fickle way artists have, became involved in other things. Many other things. I don't think editors get enough praise. This woman has slogged her way through a nearly impenetrable swamp of commas, semi-colons and run-on sentences that would surely have daunted a lesser individual. She has fought the minotaur of my ego (and a surprising number of bouts, too) thus reducing to a minimum my tendency towards the purplest of prose.

And then, my friends, are those of you in the UK who put me up and put up with me, through thick and thin, and made my sojourn in your lands the finest experience of my life.

First, of course, is Terri Beckett. Lord, lady, what can I say? On embarrassingly short notice you (and your incredibly patient family) took me in and gave me shelter while I got my wheels together. You, and Chris Power, showed me a thing or two [...]. No amount of thanks could ever repay my debt.

Then there's Freda. Oh boy, is there ever. Well, kid, what a passel of adventures we shared. I get dizzy just thinking about it. There's no one I would rather have sat beside, cried beside, jumped up and down and hollered beside in the Royal Albert Hall those two nights than you. And not content with shared experience you have gone on to add enormous visual impact to Bird of Paradise, beyond my wildest expectations. You are incredible.


I know those of you who have waited for Bird of Paradise have been waiting a long time. Your patience has been greatly appreciated by me, as well. Only a little longer - we are keeping our fingers crossed that we can have this (325 page) monster printed by the end of February. So believe it or not, you will actually have BoP in your sweaty little palms in the next couple of months.

[Freda H]:

The BoP artwork is mostly done, 8 or 9 pieces so far. Gloria has sent the final rewrite but half has got lost in the post, I'm awaiting a further copy. As soon as that comes I'll see if I can come up with anything else. All being well, it looks as if Gloria will be getting it out fairly soon.

[Janet E]: [There is a] general feeling of lethargy that's in all of fandom. Elsewhere in APB, people have been complaining about the lack of fan fiction. That seems to be true everywhere, not just in S&H fandom. Have other zine editors experienced what I have too? Everyone says they want the zines, begs you to write the stories, but, when you do, no-one buys them, especially not the people who made all the fuss in the first place. It seems to be a general problem.

[Linda M. W]:

Regarding the comment Lynn raised in her letter about zine production, ie she is not too bothered about the 'frills', I would like to add my views on the subject as it is something I feel strongly about at times. I must admit I do not buy S&H zines (editors don't feel I've got something against your productions but I only buy Trek zines) but perhaps my comments on production might give you another view point. I cannot stand zines that are very badly produced and full of typos. I've nothing against the odd typos that inevitably slip through and I know my typing isn't all that great - as a friend likes to point out. Persian rugs have a deliberate mistake woven into them as the Islamic faith believes only Mohamed should be perfect! What I do object to are zines full of typos where it is clear that it has not been proof-read - there have been a few Trek editors guilty of this. As a secretary required to check my own work, I find that reading zines full of typos stops me enjoying the story regardless of how good the plot is as my eye is always drawn to the typos and I have a strong urge to take a pen to it. As for putting zines together, I have seen zines where pages are covered with print from other sheets when they were being run off - again this stops me enjoying a zine.

[Janet E]:

I'm not quite sure what you mean in your letter about 'organising less important Cons on the same weekend.' I know Galacticon was the same weekend as Dobeycon, but that had been advertised before Dobeycon, so far as I know, and was certainly a much bigger con, with 300 attendees. I'd have liked to go to Dobeycon, honestly, but, since I was Con Chairman for the first Galacticon, my loyalty is there. Quite frankly, I don't know who was spreading these rumours everyone is talking about! I never even heard them. All I heard was a couple of moans about it being the same weekend as Galacticon, and that's it. To be honest, I would have serious doubts about attending another Dobeycon (I was at No. 5) in view of all this backbiting and rumour-spreading. Everyone seems so nice in their letters. What happened?

[Joan H]:

Could we lighten up a bit, folks? Please. All this doom and gloom is having a peculiar effect on me. I thought we were here to enjoy ourselves. Random is fun, or should be. Reading the letters this time, I wouldn't have guessed. All those recriminations, anger, disappointment. Aren't we in danger of taking everything to do with S&H fandom much too seriously? Terri got it right when she asked why the shock at the D/Con cancellation, since there ws almost certainly a fair proportion of defectors among APB readers. Maybe we should leave it at that. I'm getting a little tired of being looked upon as a traitor to the cause because I chose not to attend a Con.

[Terri B]:

'Most people who make up this fandom do not attend Cons' - I have to query that! DobeyCon 3, in Swansea, was having to turn people away. DCon 4 was wel1-attended. So was DCon 5. Of course fandom doesn't revolve around Cons - but it's nice to have that yearly get-together to look forward to. And while I do not 'write-off' Brit fandom on the failure of the DCon 6 cancellation, I do read a disturbing element there.

[Debra W]:

I have a feeling we will all be discussing the cancellation of DCon 8 for a while to come in one way or another - but surely by now, it's time to move onto what the future holds for us and this fandom. Many people look upon a new year as a new beginning - a hew set of chances, of possibilities. Why don't we do the same with this year, as applies to fandom?

[Terri B]: On the S/H question you posed - I concede that it's a possibility, and I've read S/H which stems from that premise - but I can't see the duo of the aired series as lovers. I've tried. I still can't. I'll keep trying. Maybe we can get back to this.

[Lynn C]: Agreed with all you said about the guys and marriage, my thoughts exactly. No, I can't think of anything they would need a woman for, they have all they need in each other.

[Carla S]: Without the "/" premise, I wouldn't be interested in fandom. I'm not saying that straight zines etc are boring. Just that I need more, and I definitely think we need a forum to discuss that extra dimension of the relationship as other l/z's cater more for the straight discussions.

[Janet E]:

One general comment that might interest people. A gay friend of mine tells me that a lot of gay men are convinced S&H are gay, because of the way they behave towards each other. The touching, the looks etc. What is really worrying about this is that a lot of other partnerships are copying S&H oh the grounds that no-one thought they were gay because they touched a lots. Interesting, isn't it?

[Joan H]:

I wasn't suggesting that fantasies are a bad thing. I'm sure we all have them, and that S&H figure largely in many of them. The term 'erotic' was not, in that context, originally mine. It was used by Carla in APB 31 when she asked us to let her know if we objected to this type of artwork in future issues. That was really the point of my comments in 32. I don't think I would have used that word to describe the cartoon, either. I've seen some excellent 'erotic' artwork in zines, and can appreciate the quality, though, as I said, my personal preference does not lie in this direction. Again, I must stress the 'erotic' label was not mine, but perhaps it serves as well as any. There is, of course, nothing intrinsically wrong with erotic art. It may be my loss that I don't appreciate it in connection with S&H. Tastes in art differ more widely than in n»st things. There is obviously a demand for erotic, and also 'fantasy-type' art in S&H fandom. Heaven forbid I should want to deprive anyone of what they enjoy. I only came down against leaving it out of individual copies of APB because that seemed a rather head-in-sand attitude to me. I'm sure Carla suggested it in a genuine attempt to cater for all tastes, and maybe some people were glad to take her up on it.

[Terri B]:

I know what I want [from fandom] - I want to share my addiction. I want to discuss, and read, and argue about S&H. I like having people with 1ike minds to discuss, argue and read with. Mostly I enjoy writing - and sharing what I write. And sharing what others write, too, which is what made me become a zine producer. I believe that you get out of fandom what you put in - or I did believe that until this year, when interest in UK seems to have taken a nosedive. Does anyone want to buy zines any more? Oh, I know this is the expensive side of fandom - but zines don't grow on trees. They take time, effort and money to produce. Time and effort I don't mind getting no return on, but the cash is a different matter. The UK response to recent zines has been very disappointing. SCALES OF JUSTICE, due out early this summer bids to be a fantasy S&H classic, with some of the finest artwork ever - I have had SIX orders for it. And about an equal number of inquiries. Sandi is complaining about the lack of submissions to INTERMISSION 2. Isn't it about time some of us stopped squatting on our tails with complacent smiles, thinking that we don't need to do anything? Because, friends, you had better think again. The l/zs have the same names every time. The zines too. How long is it going to be before these people say 'stuff it, I'm tired of carrying fandom' and fold up their tents and take their talents elsewhere? And where does that leave you? Remember the cultural desert I mentioned? Right...

I'm still enjoying S&H. I'm still involved with S&H fandom, both in US and here. I can't see that changing in the near future, as far as I'm concerned. For me, fandom is like making toffee - the process is fun, but the enjoyment really starts when you share it around. I don't have any miracle cure for whatever is ailing fandom. But I do have one suggestion. When a carrot dangled in front of the nose doesn't move the donkey, a charge of dynamite under the tail can work wonders.

[Jacky B]:

Once upon a time all we had, needed, wanted was STARSKY & HUTCH. Our weekly dose of cop on TV and everyone was happy. Did the excitement and enthusiasm really ebb? Or did we just grow to settle gracefully into a happy medium. Sure, I loved the old days when every newsagents' shelf was laden with S&H goodies and there were hundreds of amateur zines being published.[31] Alas, we can't have what isn't here. I can't say that I'm any less happier now than I was back then. The items of importance goes something like this!]

Item 1: Writing and receiving letters from all my good friends.

Item 2: Letterzines.

Item 3: General 'S&H' fandom which includes zines, the TV show, conventions and studying PMG as an actor and/or director in his own right.

To lose the first would be like losing both arms but I guess under threat I could survive without the others. A Con is a bonus where all the above mentioned come together but I wouldn't put it as my own top priority. Nor would I say that the postponement of Dobeycon 6 means the demise of this particular fandom. We are not the Titanic. We are not sinking fast.

Does anyone wonder if it's the fault of other TV and fictional characters that are to blame. Infiltration by these having caused the dilution in 'S&H'. If authors hadn't wandered into these fringes and outlets maybe there'd be more SH fiction about.

[Debra W]:

What I personally want (or would like) from fandom is more of the good things it has brought into my life - and of course, less (much less) of the not so good. The good things include the l-zines, which I'd 1iKe to see continue (in number too?) and get even better; more zines in general; the continuation and growth of the friendships I've made in this fandom, and a few new ones; more chances to contribute to fandom, not just through the l-zines but also, hopefully, through fiction and poetry; and - a chance to get-together with other 'members' of fandom, at least once this year.

Most people will know that US fandom is doing something to celebrate the 10th 'anniversary' of S&H going on air - that being the way of a get-together-convention - 'The Paul Muni Special'. It would be nice to think that we, too, could arrange something 1iKe that on this side of the Atlantic, Even the idea of a one day get-together, short as that would be, appeals to me. Am I the only one? I should say that although I'm bringing this idea up, I couldn't volunteer to organise it...


Finally - I want this fandom of ours to go on, to grow, and to get even better. And I want to see an end to the sadness, the arguments, and the ill-feelings of the last few months.

Let's get back to enjoying this fandom again!!

[Lynn C]:

What I want most from S&H fandom is to continue to discuss and share ideas on the series and its characters, not only in private correspondence but also in a forum like APB. I love to read stories and zines too but find a great deal of them far too expensive for my pocket. It's nice to have attractive zines but all a lot of us want are good stories and a little artwork without all the frills. I don't have a video so I'd love to be able to go to Cons for this reason but then I'm not too good with crowds so I'm not sure about this. I'd 1iKe to see Cons continue though because those who attend seem to enjoy them.

[Freda H]:

What do I want from fandom? What I got from it at the beginning, the love, the sharing, the friendships. I'm hoping we'll all get together again sometime, though it will have to be a really brave person to get up and organise another Con.

[Carol R]:

It was a joy to read all the optimistic letters in APB 33 regarding the future of S&H fandom. The fact that we're all so worried and concerned about the recent problems in fandom proved surely that we all want it to continue and grow stronger during 1985. I was also pleased to read all the letters appealing for an end to all the disagreements and a return to the discussions which used to take place in APB. Personally, I've always found the exchange of views and ideas far more interesting.

[Joan H]:

S&H fandom for me means friendship with others who feel as I do about the show. The opportunity to exchange views and opinions both in personal correspondence and through the letterzines. Acquiring tapes, zines, photos, anything remotely connected with S&H. These are probably the basic things we're all looking for in fandom. Perhaps we ought also to ask ourselves what - if anything - we want to contribute. But that depends very much on the individual. Not everyone has the time, or inclination, to write for the letterzines, or the talent to contribute by way of story-writing or artwork. That doesn't mean they are not interested. Their contribution is in buying and reading the zines. In this connection I was rather pleased to see Elaine Hauptman's recognition of such people in the current issue of the US letterzines BETWEEN FRIENDS. I know, of course, without those who DO participate, there would be no letterzines and we'd always welcome more in the way of discussion of episodes, characters, motivation, there is still so much scope. We HAVE wasted a lot of time and space on unnecessary arguments. I'd like to see an end to that, and a much more liberal attitude on the part of all of us. Terri said in this issue there should be no divisions in fandom,no censorship and no elitism. I agree with that wholeheartedly.

I wish S&H fandom could be as enjoyable and as much fun as it was in the early days. An impossible dream? It shouldn't be.

[Carla S]:

What do I want from fandom? PEACE!! No seriously, my main interest has always been zines, as circulated stories - I live for reading, but I realised early on in Trek fandom that without contributing, nothing appeared. My story writing abilities are limited so I started contributing by letters, zine reviews, offering to help run fan clubs, letterzines etc and by buying, where humanly possible, zines - though obviously not everyone can afford every zine. I have tried my hand at story writing - it may not be great, but no-one laughed at my attempts, so the faint-hearted amongst you - please get out the stories from that desk drawer. You'll quickly find writing is addictive and people are always asking for more. A particular individual may not 1ike your style/topic etc but somebody else always will. So okay, if you're positive you can't plot a one page story, why not write a letter - in its own way discussing an episode or Starsky's background is contributing to fandom. That one thing which you saw could set someone else off on writing fandom's best novel - who knows.

Cons are important - they keep people in touch. What you can get over to someone in years of l/z writing or personal correspondence can be got over in minutes in a face to face discussion - you can suddenly find yourself on a new track altogether. I don't understand why we can't manage one weekend a year - okay not everyone likes the same things, but surely people who want to watch videos can watch while those who want to discuss can discuss etc etc. Fandom is almost like a prison - you can keep in touch with others via letters, but unless there is personal contact stagnation sets in - I have this sneaky suspicion that the more 'creative people' are those who have someone close at hand to bounce ideas off of a partner in crime. While that works for me in Trek fandom and even Professionals, I have no-one close at hand into S&H or B7 fandom and I feel I suffer because of it.

[Lyndy H]:

I whole-heartedly echo your sentiments. We do need to hold on very fast to this fragile fandom and nurture it until it grows strong again. Let's hope all of us will pull together in 1985 and put the legend back where it belongs!

... S&H fandom is not alive and well. It's barely alive and it's certainly not well! There's been an obvious apathy of late and the ensuing 'justifiable' anger over the demise of DobeyCon 6 is not 'over-reacting'. Some of us are also disturbed by the reasons behind the cancellation of the Convention. It would be so easy, and very tempting to name the scandal-mongers in public. However, that kind of behaviour proves nothing!

I wouldn't brush aside too lightly the demise of DobeyCon 6. Last year the Con - this year the forums! Think about it. SHOOTOUT has already announced it will now be published quarterly and APB is now bi-monthly the beginning of the end if we don't pull our fingers out and be more supportive. Perhaps Cons don't appeal to you personally, which, of course, is your prerogative but I'll state emphatically that the DobeyCon weekends inject a new lease of life into S&H fandom - a fervour which lasts until the next set-together. I've seen it happen every year. I agree thoroughly that L/Z's are an important form of communication in fandom but they cannot substitute for face to face discussion and that inexplicable 'high' only attained at a Con.

Believe me, S&H fandom does need what you describe as a 'periodic get-together' and judging by the attitudes in people's letters I think a lot of people agree with me.

[Carol R]: No, conventions are not necessary to the existence of fandom. Letterzines 1ike this one keep people in touch, but get togethers 1iKe Dobeycons are very enjoyable all the same, and will be greatly missed by those who have attended in the past.

[Lyndy H]:

What does one want from S&H fandom? Firstly, I'd 1ike an annual get-together, FULLY supported by all S&H fans. Considering the fact that most people seem to have financial difficulties these days, I'd 1ike to see a committee formed, which could be changed annually, for the purpose of organising a centrally based convention. It wouldn't necessarily have to be left to the same people each year just because they happen to live in the centre of the country. With a little constructive thought it could work.

Secondly, I'd like to see more zines in production. Naturally, if fanzines are to appear with more regularity, the eds must have OUR support. There should be far more contributions from fandom and most important of all there should be more firm assurances the zines will be purchased once produced. It takes a LOT of hard work, time and money to produce a fanzine. So support your eds, and make it possible for them to deliver the goods.

Thirdly, I'd 1iKe to see 'fuller' l/z's with far more interesting discussions than of late.

Lastly, but certainly not least, I'd 1ike us to regain that 'one-big-happy-family' feeling we shared not so long ago. The last time I personally felt that sensation was at Dobeycon 5. What's happened since then? I want our fandom to continue as I'm certain most of you do. Hopefully the friendships created through fandom will remain long after S&H have died and gone to police-heaven, but lets delay the 'passing' as long as possible and learn to share the warmth and love all over again.

What I want MOST from S&H fandom is to simply HAVE it there, so I can put back into it what I've taken out for myself. After all I owe it a great debt of gratitude!

[Carla S]:

I wouldn't disagree that the lack of Cons heralds the end of fandom but surely it is a symptom of problems. If fandom is 'alive and well' as you put it, why has APB dropped to 35 subscribers (including Linda and myself, and that includes 7 which go outside of the UK) and I believe SHOOTOUT is now on a quarterly basis. I don't know if SHOOTOUT has increased in price but APB has stayed the same price for a considerable time (cheaper 'cos you don't have to send postage now as before) yet the numbers are dropping as are the contributions. Also the lack of contributions to zines etc; maybe some fans have gone onto other fandoms and are concentrating there for the moment - I hope it is only a 'spasm' in fandom and not the 'death throes'.

[Carla S]:

Hey, stop putting yourself down, Lyndy. In the annals of UK S&H fandom, Harding will be up there along with Beckett, Hyatt and all the others. To be honest if I hadn't met such interesting people (yourself and Tiger included) at the DobeyCon in Swansea, I wouldn't have got involved in UK S&H fandom at all. It was the fact that people were willing to sit and discuss topics of interest, to help new and aspiring writers/poets/artists with constructive criticism and welcome ideas that brought me into this fandom. But if you think UK S&H fans in Britain are bad,: Professionals fans are a hundred times worse. There has been 1 mini Profs con to the best of' my knowledge, only 3 Prof zines published and the Prof letterzine I put out has only 14 UK subscribers out of about 50 people who subscribe totally. And to cap that all, I've just heard the US fans have invited Lewis Collins to attend a Con in the USA this year - that I can't believe when we can't even do that here!

[Carla S]:

I agree totally with your comments about the 'actor fans' -- that's why I've tried to stress that APB is about the CHARACTERS. To be honest I'm personally not attracted to either DS or PMG; the former is a neurotic who's other acting talents I don't really appreciate, and the latter is a 'big headed star' of the worst kind. As Starsky and Hutch, they had a magic which took - and still takes - my breath away, and that's what I want to discuss, though I'm not averse to throwing in the odd article on either actor for information. But if only the actor is important to a reader of APB then I think they're wasting their money and should join (or start) a fan club type letterzine.

[Lyndy H]:

Why the hell did 'Curly' have to have a brother anyway? He was a worthless son-of-a-bitch. I've hated him since OMM (Beckett and Power - you have a lot to answer for). We never seem to discuss Nick do we? Seems his existence is ignored or put aside by fandom in general. Still - he did appear in the aired series and is therefore a totally credible, if not adorable character. Does anyone out there actually like the guy. I've always disagreed that 'blood is thicker than water' and Starsky was far closer to his partner than he was to his own brother. After all, it's blood that makes brothers - but hearts that make friends. Any opinions ladies?

Issue 35 (May 1985)

APB 35 was published in May 1985 and contains 46 pages. It was edited by Carla Salveta and Linda Watt.

front cover of issue #35 by Sandi Chapman
poem from issue #35

The front cover is by Sandi Chapman.

From the editorial:

Well I do hope some of you take up the offer of the Con in Swansea - it would be great to meet you all and I'm sure it will prove to be a very special weekend.

This is going to be even later than I predicted as Linda's office has a backlog of photocopying and we are going to have to wait our turn!! Sorry.

Issue 35: Sample Fan Comments

[Paddie B]:

One of the major themes this time seemed to be the lack of buyers for 'zines. I'd love to buy some, if there were any to buy, but they have to be S/H or S&H, so wonderfully written as to be unmissable: this is because having read S/H, I find S&H somehow unfinished. I'm not asking for orgies in all stories or page upon page of sexual gymnastics, but at least an implicit S/H relationship (Mixed Metaphors was ruined for me because Kirk & Spock had separate bedrooms!). I have found the same thing with Star Trek. When I first found out about fanzines, I wallowed in them, buying everything available and had a marvellous time, but having discovered K/S, I lost most of my enjoyment in 'straight' stories so I sold or gave away most of them and now only buy K/S or S/H - when they can be found, particularly the latter.

Another major theme seemed to be the lack of correspondents - a possible explanation - its true in my case and may be so for others is that I only have thoughts about TOTM when I read other people's, so I'm always one topic behind!

I'd like, while I'm writing to endorse the comment about the friendliness and helpfulness of the S&H fan world. I've met with nothing else in all of my contacts, and when I've asked for help it has always been forthcoming - All I need now is lots and lots of S/H zines.

A further theme was lack of authors - I'd love to write S/H stories, but my knowledge of the inner working of the LAPD and US culture in general is fairly minimal. Does anyone know good sources of information, any books giving such background, or is that crying for the moon?

[Terri B]: I second the idea for our own 10th anniversary celebrations. We could call it The Second Annual Casa Cabrillo Cockroach Derby Con, thereby winning the award for the longest and most ridiculous Con title in fandom. I'll attend. (That's one for the registration.) How many others? And no, we don't need a 'new' S&h. The old ones will do just fine!

[Terri B]:

Being a romantic soul myself, I'd rather believe that the physical love affair [between Starsky & Hutch] grew out of the passionate friendship over the years, rather than vice versa. The latter premise implies that both men were gay to begin with, and got smitten by the wrapping, so to speak, before seeing what was in the package. I've read some excellent fiction around that premise, but it doesn't fit my own universe.

[Jacky B]:

Nice thought but we don't celebrate our 10th anniversary here until 1986. April 23rd, 1976 being the day 'S&H' arrived. And to think I was not overjoyed when my husband switched on the TV to yet another corny, American cop-show. How wrong can a person get!!

[Jacky B]:

In the end sequence of STARSKY'S BROTHER it is implied Nick has learnt his lesson and sent home with a verbal cuff round the ear. But I've often wondered why, it Nick was such a bad case, his big brother didn't keep tabs on him or keep him under his wing a while longer. Does this mean DMS detective first class is not perfect! Has fandom tarnished the Nick Starsky image? Look what Shakespeare did for Richard III or Paul Scott to the people of India in 'Jewel in the Crown', or the American cinema in the late 50's and early 60's to the Apache race. Fandom is doing the same to Nick Starsky.

No, I'm not going to polish up my Nick-is-innocent badge. He has to be a bad 'un, it makes for a better storyline.

[Freda H]:

I know, I know...a zine editor's life is a hard one. Here's looking forward to Intermission 2. Can we expect a number 3?

I understand the idea of running another con doesn't exactly fill you with delight.. .sorry about that. It's just that so many good things came of that weekend, things that we didn't really expect to happen that it might have been nice to see if they would occur again. Promise I won't spring any more shocks like that again on you.

[Lyndy H]:

It IS a great pity that 'get togethers' in the name of S&H are so few and far between these days. Still - who knows, perhaps some suckers will pick up the gauntlet and organise another Dobeycon.


... when Jan mentioned a less important Con taking place 'on the same weekend,' she was referring the David Soul (Solar Energy) Fan Club meeting which took place at the hotel in Maidstone previously used for DobeyCon 5. The meeting occurred prior to the dates chosen for DobeyCon 6 but even so, the event was close enough to the DobeyCon weekend to affect its attendance. Due to financial hardships one has to make a choice when presented with the possibility of attending two 'get togethers'. The people whose loyalties lie with David Soul and not S&H fandom exercised their prerogatives and chose to attend Soul's fan club meeting at Maidstone. Whereas their presence may not have been an added bonus at DobeyCon 6 their absence, or withdrawal of applications to attend greatly affected the number of attendees, thus rendering the whole exercise pointless - the rest you probably know.

It's great pity, and extremely worrying that you, and others 1ike you, have serious doubts about attending any future Cons, because of all the bitchiness and mud slinging of late! PLEASE bear in mind that anything you may have heard was ONLY a rumour - and nothing more. Thank God, the people responsible have stopped wagging their malicious tongues and it appears they have moved away from S&H fandom. Their names have not appeared in forums for quite some time so hopefully we've seen the last of them. Don't be deterred from attending the next DCon, if and when it occurs. I'm sure you'll be most welcome there and find you were mislead in thinking you'd meet with hostility. You'll be glad you made the effort to attend.

[Lyndy H]:

Friendships are important but since S&H gave me most of my important friendships. S&H fandom is also, mightily important to me. Admittedly, I'd 1ike to believe my friendships will continue to thrive long after S&H fandom is history, but while it is still alive I'll strive to keep it breathing! Perhaps I'm greedy but I want it ALL.

[Lyndy H]: You raised an interesting point concerning writers and alternative characters [in other shows]. To write with any amount of credibility I believe one has to believe in ones characters - care about them. Once that feeling has gone it's time to move onto pastures new. I think that's what happened to quite a few fanfic writers, the characters suddenly ceased to hold any interest for them so they turned to a different outlet. However, we still have much talent in this fandom which I hope will be developed.

[Lyndy H]:

Had to giggle over your comments on DS and PMG - brave lady - and one after my own heart! Let's hope we have gotten rid of the 'groupie' element in S&H fandom and we can completely repair the damage they've done.

[Carla S]:

To be honest, unless one lives close by, a day get-together is too expensive. I even find Dobeycons a little expensive because they really only run from Friday night to Sunday lunchtime, and I've found the only way to make them worthwhile is to make it part of a longer holiday, by going on to stay with friends or shopping in London. That's the biggest problem with such a small fandom - with Trek it's much easier as there are around 50 fans locally and get-togethers are not a problem.

[Carla S]:

Nick and Vanessa - the two most universally 'hated' of fanzine characters. We did at least see them on TV which did allow us a chance to make our own judgements.

[Sandi C]:

You asked for feedback on cable TV. When we moved here last August the prospect of a wider choice of viewing seemed appealing, being one of those who longed for the scope of US TV. But, believe me, those days are gone. In Swindon we have 10 channels now: 2 BBC, 2 ITV, Channel 4, Sports, Music Box, Films, Sky Channel <Satellite), and Childrens/Local. Parts of Swindon also get TVS and TV5 (a French station). Sport is fine if you 1ike the kind of manic mayhem that passes for wrestling in the US. The children's programmes run in cycles of three hours - ever tried watching the same cartoon 3 or 4 times in one day? Music Box equates to Radio One on a bad day, with a team of VJ's that have a total IQ of 10, and the only redeeming feature of Sky is the chance to see two episodes of S&H each weeK - although one of those always clashes with the BBC episode. Other Sky 'gems' are 'Mr Ed', 'Green Acres' and 'The Lucy Show'. We are talking geriatrics anonymous here, folks. And imagine the fun when there are three shows you want to see at the same time. Or four... Or...

Get the message?

[Sandi C]:

They say all good things must come to an end, but looking back won't give us the good old days again, as you say. Friendship is the most important aspect of fandom - always has been ~ because without that we may as well all give up and go home right now. But I must disagree with you over the state of fandom in general. As Lyndy pointed out, it certainly isn't well. We may not have hit the iceberg yet, but some of us can see it on the far horizon .

[Sandi C]:

Yes I do think Vanessa's character is a figment of fandom more than the aired series. Well, let's face it, KH is far from being a saint. How many times has he gone out of his way to put Starsky down - and how many of us have said that we don't know why DMS puts up with him? So how come all the s**t gets dumped on Vanessa? He has to take a fair share of the blame for the break-up of their marriage. For one thing, he must have known in advance that she didn't take kindly to the idea of him becoming a cop. Either that, or he went ahead and enrolled without telling her -- and that, my friends, is typical Hutchinson sneaky.

[Linda W]:

Good luck with BULLET, I hope it gets off the ground. I hope to be there with Carla as it will be a good excuse to see my penpal who lives in Swansea but I only get to meet up with her these days at Trek Cons. I also look forward to meeting up with everyone I hear so much about from Carla. Who knows what my office will think though - the Leonard Nimoy Con is just a few weeks later and I usually go to that.

[Linda W]:

Do you not find it a bit boring reading only zines? I must admit to enjoying a good K/S zine but recently I've been finding a 'sameness' about the plots that has had me reverting to reading old K/S, hurt/comfort and genzines between stories (not between zines!). I often wonder if it is just the stage these stories are going through or is it me after having read some excellent K/S in the past.

[Lynn C]:

Yes, I'm sure there IS something in your comment that maybe the infiltration of other TV and fictional characters into S&H fandom has 'diluted' it some what. I'm as involved and intrigued with the series and its characters as much as I ever was at the very beginning, if not more so. The sad fact is so many people can "go off' things so easily and pass on to something new. Part of being human I guess but such a pity.

[Lynn C]: I'm afraid you misunderstood me. What I meant by 'frills' not being needed in zines doesn't mean I don't mind them being full of typos and mistakes that obviously wouldn't have been there had they been properly proofread, this annoys me too. It's just that I feel there's been a trend recently for people to use higher grade paper, printing techniques and fancy bindings. All this makes for very attractive zines and of course people want to see their work nicely presented so as to do it justice. Printing is expensive, I know that and of course this puts the price up too. What I was trying to say was, as long as I had GOOD S&H and especially S/H to read I wouldn't mind it being in a less attractive state (even loose leaf!) if it meant I could afford it.

[Lynn C]:

Yes it definitely makes sense to me. There is a difference between a) S&H being gay and therefore sexually attractive to each other and b) their physical relationship developing as an extension and deepening of their already close friendship. I'm always saying this and trying to explain the subtle difference to non-believers of the S/H premise. Their relationship is so special and not merely a gay one.

[Lynn C]:

Remembering what I saw of Nick in STARSKY'S BROTHER I don't remember him being as bad as fanfic has portrayed him. Trouble is I remember him from OMM much clearer than I do from the episode and I guess that's why I tend to see him as a 'bad guy'. I've tried to think of other fanfic he's been involved in and can only come up with Forever Autumn and a story from the zine Trace Elements.

[Joan H]:

Right again, about zines and l'zines being dependent on the same people every time. I gather this is even affecting the sales o-f zines now, and that's something I find hard to understand. A lot of us, myself included, don't have the necessary talent to contribute in the way of stories or artwork, but surely we all want to read and see the work of those who have. I'd have thought any S&H zine would be welcomed with open arms by everybody in this fandom. We can hardly blame zine producers for crying 'enough', if they can't even be certain of covering their cash outlay. Not to mention wondering why they bothered in the first place, since the time and effort involved is really more important in terms of personal satisfaction, than the money aspect.

[Joan H]:

We all loved the old days, when the show was still current and it was exciting waiting for next week's episode to discover what new delights were in store. Things are a little different now, but we should be secure enough - or mature enough, if you like - to accept that, after five or so years, some change is inevitable. That's not to say the interest and commitment should be any less, and it's in those areas we should be asking ourselves questions. Your point above infiltration of other TV characters is interesting and may have some validity. People do move on, get involved in other shows and characters. Where writers are concerned, a conflict of interests of that kind, must have an effect on output.

Perhaps I erred on the side of optimism regarding the current state of fandom. Nevertheless, I think we need to take account of the fact that it's six years since the show was cancelled and it would be unrealistic to expect the same degree of enthusiasm, from the same number of people, now. I believe S&H fans are as loyal and committed as any, but to use Jacky's phrase, perhaps we have 'settled gracefully' for what is still available to us. I hope I'm not complacent, and of course the Cons are important, so long as people are willing to attend. In the case of D/Con 6 they weren't, for whatever reasons, which caused me to have the doubts I expressed as to whether the majority really wanted them. I agree that, after the cancellation, there were letters supporting the view that Cons are needed, but that only makes it more surprising that D/Con 6 was forced to cancel.

[Joan H]:

Fanfic has considerably expanded Nick's capacity for villainy, in plausible ways, but maybe there's a case for thinking he learned some kind of lesson from his visit to LA. A story giving him the benefit of the doubt might have interesting possibilities, but the 'bad guy' theory is certainly favourite.

[Terri B]:

Gloria, I'm sure you're glad to get the monster off your back. I know BOP been a long time a-coming, but just think how virtuous you've made us all feel, when our zines are only six months or a year behind schedule...

[Freda H]:

Well, BOP certainly was worth waiting for. As one of those privileged to see it before it goes into print, I can say that it brings out every sort of emotion, and that Allyn and Derek will become very popular. They'll all be asking for further tales, you know.

Hope that you 1ike the rest of the illos. I've been living with most of them for so long that I'm beginning to wonder if I could have done them better...but if you're happy then that's the main thing.

[Carla S]:

Really looking forward to BoP - I'm sure it will have been well worth the wait.

[Carla S]:

I can't understand the lack of zine buyers. Have they all left fandom or has something else happened? I'll buy ALMOST any S&H zines I can lay my hands on, yet a few years ago if you didn't get your order in quickly enough you missed out on the zine altogether. Nor do there seem to be THAT many ads for people selling zines.

Issue 36 (July 1985)

APB 36 was published in July 1985 and contains 42 pages. It was edited by Carla Salveta and Linda Watt.

front cover of issue #36 by Sandi Chapman

The front cover is by Sandi Chapman. The back cover is a flyer for The Thousandth Man.

One of the editors notes in this issue that "APB" is "the oldest l/z still in circulation."

From the editorial by Linda:

Hi. I am writing an editorial/letter this time as 1 have a lot to say but can't decided what should go in the letter and what should go in the editorial.

I ask/plead with you all to bear with Carla and I. At the moment I am trying out a new word processing package on the typing up of APB and at times, I would add, it has driven me up the wall. Carla has had no option but to go along with me on this matter - sorry Carla. I have just updated the word processing package we used to use and as this one is a lot more powerful and uses different commands, at times I get confused. To further complicate matters I bought myself a printer and with sane luck this is what should be used for running off the master copies in future. It has been a case of going back to square one, like when we started doing APB on our computers. So please bear with us if we make a few layout blunders this time.

Another little apology I must make just now is for any typos that slip by. I am trying to do two things at once - type ABP and watch Live Aid. After all those LZ/RP/JP discussions a while ago, I know a lot of APB readers like me will probably be up to the small hours watching this fantastic concert.

You will see in Lyndy's letter that she asks if APB can go back on a four weekly basis. Lyndy, I wish I could oblige but I found that when APB was put out four weekly I had to abandon nearly all of my personal life. During the autumn/winter/spring I only have Mondays, Wednesdays, Saturdays free and in that time I have to look after my flat (ie cleaning and redecorating), do the shopping, washing etc; keep in touch with relations and penpals; deal with Star Trek Welcommittee matters (which I have just taken over from Carla); perhaps, in the future, act as British Agent for a ST merchandise catalogue (I'm still waiting to hear about this); and, of course, type up APB and MIXED DOUBLES for Carla.

  • Editorial (1)
  • Your Letters (4)
  • Ad Lib (35)
  • Lyric Page: You're My Home (38)
  • Exchange and Mart (39)

Issue 36: Sample Fan Comments

[Debra W]: I've learnt much of what I know [about policing procedures and vocabulary] from reading fan-fiction, and of course from watching video tapes of S&H over and over.

[Terri B]: I have enough fantasies of my own, thank you, without you encouraging me. Seriously - take S&H away from their time and place - Los Angeles, USA, in 1970-1980 - and you lose much of what makes them unique S&H. You can write about two other guys, and their relationship, but the essential S&H belong where Blinn and Spelling-Goldberg set them. Having pointed that out, before anyone calls me a party-pooper, I'd say 'go ahead and write! Fantasy can be fun.

[Linda]: Suzi, good luck with The Thousandth Man. I look forward to seeing it - if the artwork is anything like the photographs of your personal artwork for Decorated for Death it will be fantastic.

[Ann C]: Would Starsk have become as nauseating as Nick if he had stayed? No, I didn't really think so because you have answered your own question, he has more sensitivity, inborn honesty and integrity than his brother has or ever will have and I don't think Nick the Skink could or would have bettered himself given the chance, he's a guy looking for a get rich quick scheme and he doesn't care who he treads on to get there. [...] I take issue with you that Vanessa (spit) and Nick (spit) (Sorry about the mess...) are the 2 most universally 'hated' of characters. What about dear Kira who must have come closest to breaking the two of them up. If ever a young lady was asking for a sock in the mouth, it's got to be her...

[Lynn C]: A lot has been said recently about 4th season and the problems S&H appear to be having. I haven't seen quite all the episodes in question and some are vague in my memory. Just lately though I've been listening to several audio tapes of 4th season and trying to unravel the puzzle. It's becoming increasingly clear to me that their relationship is changing in ways they just can't comprehend. It's an old saying but very true - 'you always hurt the one you love' - and this is what they seen to be doing. It's difficult to pin down the actual time slot when they become lovers as it all depends on which is the right order for TARGETS 1&2 and SvH to be shown but I feel its around that time. We don't get to see a lot of them before the shooting in S'REV but they certainly seem a lot closer and a lot more like their 'old selves' at the beginning of the episode. Having said all this I now fully expect to come across an episode that shoots my theory all to hell but at least I've enjoyed thinking about it.

[Lynn C]: I know what you mean about preferring to read S/H rather than S&H. Although I can enjoy a straight S&H story very much, I too often feel it lacks something. I also find though that usually my imagination helps out here and often 'sees' more than is on the printed page. To me S/H stories never seem repetitive or boring, there's always something new or different in each one.

[Joan H]: You're missing a lot of good fanfic if you read only S/H. Sane of the very best stories have been 'straight'. I've always found the S/H theme much too narrow for my taste, though I'll read it anyway. Still, to each his - or her - own— I wish you luck with your writing, maybe you could get help with research and info from US fans.

[Joan H]: Enjoyed your BIRD OF PARADISE preview, even if I am dismayed that S&H are not the main characters. If they had been, 325pp would have been fine, as it is, I'm not so sure. I'm not into the rock scene at all, so will probably have difficulty.

[Freda H]: The preview [of Bird of Paradise] was very fair, I thought. Here's hoping we'll get to see the finished thing this year. If Allyn would stop suggesting further illos that he'd like of himself, we'd have had it months ago, I'm sure. Still, he's a joy to draw.

[Lyndy H]: Feel free to share my thoughts any ole' time, Freda - and no-one's wondering why you write to APB, we'd damn well wonder if you didn't! After all you've contributed to S&H fandom, your name should be a fixture - besides which we like you! Long may the pen and brush of Hyatt reign even if I still haven't forgiven you for wiping out my entire mind with your 'Four Seasons' portrait.

[Dale E]:

This is my first time, in writing about the newsletter. I received my first APB last week, and really enjoyed it. I am new to S&H fandom, so everything is new to me. I've been into Trek fandom for over five years now and it was through Trek that I discovered S&H fandom. Last night I sat and watched TARGETS and SWEET REVENGE, and loved it. I love my own copies of them now, so I have II episodes in all. I have the chemistry between the two of them, and I too can see the possibilities in an intimate relationship developing, over the period of the four seasons. One of my favourite episodes is COFFIN FOR STARSKY which is a beautiful hurt/comfort relationship for me.

I plan to go down to the convention in Swansea, it will be my first S&H convention and I'm eager to meet other fans. I haven't really read any S/H yet, only 'Forever Autumn', which I did enjoy, but would like to read more.

[Linda]: I hope you are feeling better and keeping cheerful - don't let the lack of response to all your hard work in getting Bullet off the ground get you down in the dumps. I have heard that you are hoping to use a hotel in the Cower area. [Ann P]has taken me there the couple of times I've been to Swansea and it is lovely - reminds me very much of Jersey, round the St Aubins and Corbiere areas, I am keeping my fingers crossed that you get a better response than you have had so far to the Con as I am looking forward to meet:mg as many S&H fans who read/contribute to APB as possible. I have found Trek Cons great to get to know people that I wouldn't have known if I hadn't gone to them (that is the way I net Carla), nor would I have been so active in fandom, and people who don't go to these surely must be missing something very important in fandom that letterzines cannot hope to cover.

[Carla]: I'm hoping against hope that Bullet Con can be saved - give us another chance, Lyndy, I'll do anything to help that I can, premise!!

[Joan H]: Maybe the question of whether or not you consider fandom 'healthy' depends to some extent on what you want from it. If, like me (and Jacky, and some others) you're happy with the regular letterzines, your correspondents, occasional larger zines (more of those would be welcome), things don't seam so bad. If you hanker for more activities, meetings, cons, you may have cause to worry. I still don't think, realistically, you can expect the same kind of all-out enthusiasm and drive in those areas, that existed when fandom itself was new. The pattern now is less fervent, probably much less exciting, the group itself may be smaller, but presumably loyalty and love for the show is still the same.

[Lyndy H]:

Before I reply to letters I'd just like to thank Carla and Linda publicly for their much appreciated support of BULLET. The ladies took it upon themselves to greatly advertise the proposed venture at their own time and expense. That's what I call friendship. Tiger and I would like to express our gratitude to them and our other friends who've been 'plugging' BULLET during the past few months.

Which brings me to fandom, in general. Where are you all? Many of you expressed great disappointment over the demise of D6 so we're doing this for you! Where's your support? partner and I really want to make this work. Fandom needs it, we need it. C'mon girls, let's put an end to past misunderstandings and make a fresh start - we owe it to ourselves. We assure you that NO-ONE will be made to feel uncomfortable because their opinions differ from others. On the contrary, we welcome the chance to sit down and talk, get to know you, help you to get to know us. You're all welcome. BULLET is not an exclusive or private party. We would never attempt to divide fandom in such a harmful way - there'll be no secretive or private invitations. Each and everyone of you will be shown the same hospitality.

It appears there is a David Soul 'Convention' taking place in August which will attract a great number of fans. Many of the attendees also contribute to S&H fandom. Am I really to believe they're not interested in supporting a S&H Con? I'm fully aware 'times are hard' financially but BULLET will not be taking place until almost 3 months after the DS Con and we intend to keep costs minimal. So prove your loyalty to S&H fandom, join us in October and together we'll re-establish the warmth and love of times gone by.


I believe the reasons behind the demise of D6 are best forgotten. There will always be speculation as to why so many people cancelled their registrations. Some are aware of the reasons, others are not. Whatever, for the sake of civility within this forum certain things are best left unsaid. Yes, it would appear that many fans would like a convention to attend. I certainly hope that many will support the forthcoming venture. BUT, I agree with you - there is loyalty in S&H fandom but I think, now, we have to agree there is also an unfortunate division -- I certainly don't wish to cause any unpleasantness. Lord knows there's enough in the past but I wish someone could explain to me, adequately, why a David Soul convention attracts a far greater crowd than a S&H convention.

The unfortunate division I speak of also appears within the forums themselves. I cannot speak for the ladies who merely subscribe to the L/Z's and do not participate as their views are not expressed publicly. However, there is a marked difference between 'APB' and 'Shootout' though I would stress here any dissimilarities are through no fault of the producers of each publication. The majority of letters printed in APB contain discussions about the S&H shew, episodes and characters etc, but the majority of letters in 'Shootout' contain references to David Soul and occasionally Paul Michael. This is fact. The proof lies within the forums. If, as they continually insist, the ladies who subscribe to 'Shootout' are also fans of S&H why don't they subscribe to 'APB' and discuss the S&H phenomena. Can anyone put me wise on that one?

I seam to have reached an unpleasant conclusion. It does appear that a large number of 'fans' now prefer to discuss DS or PMG rather than KH or DMS and attend DS conventions rather than support an important S&H convention - we are celebrating a decade of fandom! It's such a pity this has been allowed to happen. I have tried to change the situation and smooth things over. I cannot stress more that all fans of S&H will be made welcome at BULLET and I have assured you there will be no discrimination. I would very much like 'Soul Mate' members to attend. I'd like us all to get to know each other a little better. Perhaps, then, we'll realise we have a lot in common. As I have already said I am aware there is a DS Con in August and I fully realise that sore of us have to keep a rein on our finances. However 'supporting membership' is inexpensive and enables those, who cannot attend through genuine reasons, to support their fandom and friends at the convention. I know ray words have been harsh in the past but they were necessary. I have been and still am desperately concerned about S&H fandom. I still maintain it's on a precipice and I don't want it to fall over the edge. I know I'm not alone in my concern/attitude as many have agreed with my past comments. I have much written proof of this. Still - whatever's gone down in the past, I realise new that 'battling' it out in the L/Z's will not resolve the situation. That's why I've tried, sincerely, to extend the hand of friendship - unfortunately it seems to no avail. I have written twice to Miss Allison Soul Mates organiser) but she has chosen to ignore my correspondence. Am I to assume she acts on behalf of all Soul Matemembers. My letter to Miss Allison extended invitations to her and any 'Soul Mate' member to attend our proposed convention BULLET in October this year.

Ah well - at least now I'm satisfied in my own mind I've been right all along. Personally I'm not at all bitter but I'm saddened to think that S&H fandom, something I've supported whole-heartedly since the very beginning may have suffered irreparable damage! I hate to say I told you so, but I did - many months ago!

[Debra W]:

Can I just comment on what you said [in a previous issue]? The meeting that took place last September which you referred to was neither a Soular Energy convention nor a DS fan club meeting. It was in fact a weekend get-together for members of Soul Mates, which is not, repeat NOT a fan club. Knowing the lady who organised the weekend, I know she did not choose the dates for it to clash with DCon 6 - and, being a whole month before the date DCon 6 should have taken place, I don't really see that it did! I personally changed my plans so I could attend DCon 6, as I'd originally planned to attend the weekend. Please, don't lay the blame for what happened with DCon 6 on those who did attend the SM weekend; as I've said elsewhere, most of the people involved with Soul Mates are not involved with S&H fandom as such, and would not have attended DCon 6 if it had taken place....

I was pleased to find out that there will be another S&H get-together in this country this year. After last year, I do hope that it will be a success in bringing people together. I don't know whether or not I'll be there myself at the moment, but I just hope that 'Bullet' will get the kind of support it deserves.

[Freda H]: I'm pondering how I'm going to be able to get to Swansea should the Bullet Con cone off. From what Lyndy says, there don't seems to have been too many people that have been interested. I hope that we aren't going to go the way that we went last year, with rival factions bringing about the demise of Dobeycon 6. My problems this year are monetary. This starving artist is desperate to be there if it happens, but can't really see herself having the spare cash to do it. So I'm planning on selling some artwork. Anyone interested? It includes the cover of 3/11 and APB 23. I'll send photocopies to anyone who might be interested. I also have sane zines for sale which I'll put in the Ad Lib pages. Will anyone help?!

Issue 37 (October 1985)

APB 37 was published in October 1985 and contains 40 pages. It was edited by Carla Salveta and Linda Watt.

front cover of issue #37 by Lyndy Harding

The cover is by Lyndy Harding.

From the editorial by Lioda:

Well this issue looks like it could turn into a bumper issue. I just about collapsed when Carla presented me with this really thick file For typing - she must have decided that I got off too lightly with MIXED DOUBLES which had hardly any letters.

Hope you like the typeface on his issue - Carla gave me the daisywheel for my birthday. Just wish now I had my printer to go with it. It packed in a couple of weeks ago and I am still waiting for it to come back from Commodore. This issue is being run off on Carla's new printer.


I am sorry Bullet Con was cancelled as I was using the Con as an excuse to visit one of my friends in Swansea. However I hope I will see most of you who were going to Swansea at the get together in London, and perhaps some who could not make Swansea. This time I am keeping my promise to Carla of going to the next S&H get together - so please look kindly on a 'gate crashing' Trek fan!

  • A Cat for All Seasons, poem by Lyndy Harding (front cover)
  • Editorial (1)
  • Your Letters (4)
  • Lyric Page: Brothers in Arms (30)
  • Ad Lib (31)
  • Treat for Trick, fiction by W.D. Bryce (36)
  • Exchange and Mart (38)

Issue 37: Sample Fan Comments

[Lyndy H]:

Most of you should know by now that 'Bullet' has been cancelled. Seems many people wish to adhere to Soulmates and DS fandom - which is, of course, their prerogative. I only wish these people had been serious when they claimed in past forums that they were most definitely fans of S&H - it would have saved my partner and I a lot of running around. Well, at least I now have answers to many of my past questions.

I would like to thank those of you who offered you whole-hearted support, those who registered and those who inquired about supporting membership - perhaps some other time, huh?

[Debra W]:

I do feel sad that 'Bullet' is not going to take place now, and I do understand your feelings of frustration. Although I can only speak for myself about the feelings I have, and the general feeling in fandom, about this, I'm sure a lot of folk will share your disappointment, and also your sadness. I don't agree though that the people who were prepared to attend are the only ones able to 'prove their loyalty to fandom'!... I hope you will be in a better position to understand 'why a DS convention attracts a far greater crowd than an S&H convention' after reading the letter I hope to send to you before this is printed - a private letter, in answer to your recent one to me.

I have a question for you in answer to your own question about l-zines: your question being that if those who subscribe to SHOOTOUT are genuine S&H fans, why don't they also subscribe to APB. I do think, if you look, you will find that some of us who are involved with SO also contribute to APB - myself included. I also think that you will find S&H discussed in SO! My question, however, is this: why aren't you asking those people who subscribe only to APB why they don't buy SHOOTOUT? Surely, it works both ways! Perhaps the answer is that people will only go where they feel welcome or that they have something relevant to say...

As for receiving no reply from Jackie Allison re your invitation to attend 'Bullet'...oh come on, Lyndy! You are rather more short-sighted than I thought if you really believe that one person can speak for an entire group of several hundred in this kind of situation! Would you want anyone not involved in fandom to assume that you alone speak for all those involved with it? I think not. Perhaps you weren't told that 'Bullet' was advertised in the Soul Mates newsletter and anyone interested in attending was asked to get in touch with Stephanie, as you requested in the flyer sent out with APB also.

[Carol R]: I was sorry to hear from you that there has been a poor response to 'Bullet'. I will be attending the Soul Mates weekend but had hoped to support 'Bullet' too. I don't think they're near enough together really for them to conflict.

[Freda H]: What a shame Bullet fell through. What can I say that I haven't already to you in private? I know that I would have found it difficult myself to have got there but I would have had a serious try. All I hope is that you realise that there are still some of us that support you, even if we are outnumbered by those who seemingly don't give a damn.

[Joan H]: I wonder why the two groups of fans you mention - ie those who discuss S&H and those who discuss the actors, have to be mutually exclusive? It seems to me both groups have enough in common for this not to be so. I agree if there is an actual 'split' in fandom in this connection, it's a pity. We were not that large a group in the first place. However, I believe there has always been a section of S&H fandom comprising devoted DS fans, and undoubtedly, for them, DS more important than the show, or the character of Hutch. It may be that some of these fans have now broken away from S&H fandom. This seems to be borne out by what Debra says in her letter regarding attendance at Cons - that most Soul Mates members are not involved any more with S&H fandom, and would not attend a S&H Con.

[Lyndy H]: I certainly don't wish to be offensive when I refer to 'Soulmates' as a fan club. Surely it's an obvious conclusion to reach when a group of people form a society/club/organisation to celebrate one particular person. I would certainly refer to such a group as fandom! Aren't we part of a group who celebrate S&H and don't we refer to ourselves as fans and part of fandom?!

[Lyndy H]: Really enjoyed talking to you recently, Freda. Good luck with your art auction, tho' you shouldn't really need it. Anyone who wouldn't be proud to own a HYATT ORIGINAL must be nuts! By the way - was Allyn at 'The Royal Welsh Show' recently? Could've sworn I saw him lurking behind a straw panama and dark shades!

[Lyndy H]: I was bitterly disappointed that APB did not appear in the listings for the Encore Awards (Paul Muni Special) and I'd certainly like to know why! APB is the original, first British L/Z - and it's still thriving after all this time. Surely it warranted selection for the Encore Awards? Someone definitely slipped up there!!

[Terri B]: I worry. I enjoy meeting and talking with other fans - I can never say enough in letters. And letters can so easily be misconstrued. Face-to-face conversation is much harder to take amiss. Of course people have drifted away from S&H - tastes change, grow, differ - but new folk are also coming in to the fandom. I think it's unfair to deny them the enjoyment we've had in previous Cons, just because we might not feel they're necessary...

[Freda H]: I hope you DO get Bird of Paradise when its finally published. I agree, Starsky and Hutch are not as large in this story as they are in many others, but the story does work, provided you work with it. I agree that Derek Quinn and Allyn Sterling are treated as much as S&H and that that is not usually the norm in fan fic, but their story is one of great power, and worth exploring. I must admit I'm a rock fan, have been for more years than I care to remember (or admit to), so I may be biased in a small way, but I have to say that this zine explores a lifestyle that most of us can only dimly imagine, great wealth, the thrusting into the limelight of men who could never have dreampt that they would one day be as famous or as powerful as they find themselves. It's a fascinating insight into the lives of such men, and as such deserves the reading.

[Terri B]: I can't agree that all S/H stories are new and different - rather the reverse, because some writers can't get out of the romantic rut to explore the really interesting situations that arise from the relationship. How many times can one write a love-scene without repeating oneself? I'll tell you - damn few. I've tried. Whereas, if we start to widen the horizons, see inter-relating people, concepts, events - then we have the core of a story that isn't in any way boring. I've said before that S/H without plot is like a sandwich without bread - and however much you like the filling, it tends to cloy. The soi-disant, 'straight' S&H stories don't clog the palate, which is why I like plenty of them in my diet, too.

[Paddie B]: I don't read only '/', I read almost anything, but I rarely buy straight zines, unless they're so good that I'm going to re-read them. H/C comes into this category often, after all, one can always add a bit!

[Lyndy H]: How does a tall, tanned, golden-headed 'Viking' [named Hutch] grab you (after he's grabbed me, of course!)? Oh god - pillage my village!

Issue 38 (February 1986)

APB 38 was published in February 1986 and contains 40 pages. It was edited by Carla Salveta and Linda Watt.

front cover of issue #38
back cover of issue #38 by Sanje

The art is by Freda Hyatt, Sandi Chapman, and Lyndy Harding.

From the editorial by Carla:

This editorial is very difficult to write as due to a number of circumstances, this is the last issue of APB.

Before explaining the reasons why, I'd like to thank all of you who are still buying APB and more especially those who have been with me since I took over production in October 1983.

I'd like to say a special thank you to four people who encouraged me to take on the task and whose help throughout the time I edited APB made the task worthwhile - to Lyndy Harding, Terri Beckett, Freda Hyatt and Sandi Chapman - without you I'd have missed two years of fun.

The reasons for my giving up APB are mainly lack of time. I have been having problems over several months hence many late issues - and have given up a number of other responsibilities in the hope that I could keep it going. At the beginning of December, however, I was moved again at work and this meant my own time was cut even more. I had to decide between giving up APB and MIXED DOUBLES and decided eventually on APB for a number of reasons, firstly, there is a new S&H l/zine in the USA - Who Do We Trust Times and also Shootout in Britain, where there is no comparable Professionals and SH l/zine; and secondly, the number of people subscribing to APB was continuing to fall to such an extent that it was not becoming viable to produce.

I'd like to see S&H fandom continue in Britain and if anyone else wants to take on APB they should contact me and I'll contact Jan Daniels, who holds the copyright.

In the meantime, people may wish to subscribe to Who Do You Trust Times or Shootout or alternatively MIXED DOUBLES. MD is a Professionals AND S&H l/zine and the lack of S&H in recent issues has been due to the lack of correspondence from people and the fact that APB existed. I intend to put any articles etc about S&H into MD and would enjoy reading more S&H dominated letters - the two fandoms do not necessarily need to be compared or even discussed together after all.


My thanks again to everyone who made ARB such an enjoyable part of my life.

From the editorial by Linda:

Like Carla, this issue of APB has been very difficult and sad to type. I have enjoyed the past two years. I would like to thank all those who gave me their support and encouragement in a fandom I was not interested in before, and for putting up with my odd comments on my favourite fandom - STAR TREK. I also enjoyed meeting some of you at 'Ten Years On' (sorry you couldn't make it Lyndy as I would love to have met you - maybe one day) and hope that perhaps one day I will see you all again.


All the best to you all and hope that perhaps I might still be typing your letter in MIXED DOUBLES.

Issue 38: Sample Fan Comments

[Jatona P. W]:

Hello! I am Jatona... (I just had a birthday on [snipped] Black; a very very new into S&H and S/H fandom. In fact, for those of you who read BETWEEN FRIENDS, the American S&H letterzine, I have made my writing debut in issue #12. Believe me, I had a lot of fun doing it, and I would appreciate comments from those of you who subscribe, and from those of you who have friends that do. The only names I recognize from BETWEEN FRIENDS are Terri Beckett, Debra Warner, and Lyndy Harding; therefore, it is a great pleasure, and a lot of fun, to meet those of you I do not know, and I will probably be commenting, individually, to you all.

Before I get into commenting and the TOTM, permit me to tell you a little of what STARSKY & HUTCH, as a TV show and in fandom, have meant to me. It has meant watching tons of reruns and letting your imagination run wild...even before you knew there was a fandom for it (I did this with STAR TREK as well...before I discovered K/S); it is meeting a lot of great people through letters, stories and artwork; it is getting 'high' on inspiration and encouragement - then, finally, sitting down, writing a story, and having it accepted. A letterzine is not a bad place to start! All of this is the sort of thing that gets the old juices flowing and compels me to sit down and write one a little longer...perhaps more complex... I have many people to thank for my introduction to this fandom. To name a few: Elaine Hauptman, Terri Beckett, Freda Hyatt,[ Melanie Athene ], Sue-Anne Hartwick, Sandi Chapman, [ Karen B. ] , Sandra Ferriday, Carla (our wonderful Editor #1), DARGELOS (God, her stories and artwork are so moving - she is mostly in CODE 7, put out by [Karen B]), and Marion Kelly (her SCALES OF JUSTICE is excellently. It has meant having wonderful people offer to copy their fanzines for me or giving advice as to who to write for information, and the fun of ordering all the new ones that are coming out.

Speaking of classic fanzines - DOES ANYONE HAVE; TRACE ELEMENTS, STROKES and GRAVEN IMAGES (forgive my spelling if I spelled that wrong)?? I have heard so very much of these classic S/H zines and I would be willing to pay reasonable price for a good xerox or original. That also goes for any other classic S/H zines. So far I have, in that category, THE WATER IS WIDE, ONE MORE RIVER/ONE MORE MOUNTAIN, 3-11, will have SIDE BY SIDE, and WHO YOU KNOW... by Elaine Hauptman. I also have all three volumes of the CODE 7s. So, please do write and let me know. I will deeply appreciate it!

I loved your comments to LYNN (without the 'e'). I am an incurable romantic, but I have definitely learned, in my published involvement with K/S, and my limited one with S/H, that plot is most important. I have also learned that making an outline is a lot of fun and very helpful! Boy, have I had fun and been helpful to myself!! Now, there remains the task of putting it down on paper!! Gee, I have found another person who loves ancient history!! I have several past lives you may be interested in hearing about! Perhaps someone may take them and write them...perhaps I will...one day. I am also an admirer/student and the '/' pairings in ancient history, and can think of several others never mentioned or thought of...such as Sire Kenneth and Saladin (via SIR WALTER SCOTT'S THE TALISMAN, movie version); HENRY II/THOMAS BECKET (which I am thinking of putting into an adult '/' zine not limited to one particular. Whadda ya think? Oh, and may I ask, where did the idea come from about Sir Kenneth and the blue-eyed renegade Jewish Emir? I like that!! Got anymore?

[Again], I have many American K/S zines...some out of print, and I would be willing to xerox them for you, and provide the postage, in exchange for S/H zines I may not have (I mentioned three previously in my introduction). I don't have many S/H zines, but if I can help there, as well, let me know. I will send a SAE and a $1.00 for postage soon.

[Kathy H]: What a pity that the Swansea convention had to be cancelled, though I'll admit I could see it coming, reading between the lines of some of the letters in the last couple of issues of APB. At least some of us had the London gathering to go to, so all was not lost, but it's still a great big shame. I know I couldn't have got to Swansea anyway, but I can understand how let-down and disillusioned someone would feel after putting all that hard work into organisation, etc only to find it all gone to waste from lack of response. Please don't get too discouraged, Lyndy. I'll come to the next one. I promise. Whatever the date...

[Joan H]: I'm sure you're right about the fact that DS is much more visible than PMG having an effect on the continued fervour and enthusiasm of his fans. Also, even when S&H was current, he had a 'second' career as a singer, which attracted almost a separate section of fans who were more interested in that, and in him personally, than in S&H. PMG has always been less in evidence, even in the press, except perhaps for the period when S&H was at the height of its popularity. That seems to have been his own choice, so I can't argue with it, thought I agree it would be nice to see more of him.[32]

[Lynn C]: No actually, I didn't say I found each S/H story new and different, I said I found something new and different on each S/H story I read. Some of them do tend to be similar, some I don't particularly enjoy but I always find there's something in them that I like.

[Lynn C]: [Regarding the episode "A Body Worth Guarding"]:... a defecting Russian ballerina might have been interesting, no? Instead we have a klutz in full embarrassing flood, and on the soapbox to boot. Just the way to encourage East-West relations, I'd think. Starsky's affectionate tolerance throughout speaks volumes. Does Hutch always act like this when he's in love? The evidence is not reassuring. The man's brain seems to go to mush, and he spouts the most nauseating drivel. I suppose this is the most concrete evidence against S/H during the aired series I have yet seen - I mean, can you imagine him making that red balloon speech (GILLIAN) to his partner? Without Starsky cracking up? Now there's a basis for a story...

[Lyndy H]:

I believe quite a number of people were saddened by Bullet's demise. I fully realize that some people could not attend for genuine reasons - lack of finance, time off from work etc and I certainly don't feel animosity towards anyone in that category. The attitudes I do find rather tasteless are those of the people who stayed away simply because 2. was co-organiser. Oh Debra - I always knew why a DS convention attracts more people than a S&H convention. I just wanted someone else out there to come up with the same answer. Whatever, it's taken a long and sometimes unpleasant time to prove a point. A long time ago I was attacked for stating that main discussions in S&H forums should appertain to S&H only - that S&H forums were created by S&H fans for the sole purpose of discussing the S&H phenomena. I maintained that anyone wishing to discuss or delight in DS or PMG should do so in forums created for the actors themselves. I did not and still do not think my attitude was harsh or in anyway unfair. But, oh boy, did I get it in the neck! "How DARE she say that," was the cry. "What gives HER the right," they demanded, and in defence "we're as much fans of S&H as she is!" The element I politely asked to tone down their enthusiasm over DS began to critisize the POV of 'veteran' S&H fans, the '/' premise was masticated and regarded as perverted trash as were other theories concerning S&H. I defended my POV as best I could but nothing prevented me from being labelled the villain of the peace! Well - I'll survive that, I really don't give a toss, the point I'm making is this - two years on and I'm still as much a fan of S&H as ever. I still subscribe to forums, I still discuss and enjoy the show and its characters as much as ever and I'm still writing vignettes and poetry with as much enthusiasm as I've had for the past 7 or 8 years. But where are all those who attacked me so vehemently for daring to critisize them and their motives two years ago? Where are those people who stated so empathically they were as interested in S&H as I was? I'll tell you where they're not - they're not in S&H fandom, they're in David Soul fandom which is exactly where they were when all this unpleasantness began. I personally believe that the only reason these people ever watched S&H in the first place was to see DS. They certainly weren't interested in the relationship between the two protagonists or any other part of the show either. Still, as I've said all along 'different strokes for different folks'. I'm not going to write an epistle on this matter I've said it all before - we all admire DS for similar and different reasons. Again, all I'm trying to say it, let's get off on Hutch in a S&H forum and Soul in a DS newsletter. It's only logical. The irony of it all is that I was right all along. Two years of hostile exchanges have only taken us back right where we started. These people are not and never were fans of S&H! That fact in itself really isn't-important but wouldn't it have saved a lot of unpleasantness if these people had said a long time ago:

a) 'OK - we realise this is a S&H forum and we prefer to discuss DS so we'll drop out', or

b) 'We'd love to join in so we'll limit out references to DS'.

If either of these paths had been chosen there would have been no hostility and the 'one big family' feeling of the old days could have been maintained.

To briefly answer your point Debra concerning Jackie Allison. Of course I didn't expect her to answer for several hundred people. (God - are there that many?) I realize I'm probably not one of Miss Allison's favourite people but a few words to acknowledge receipt of the flyers and the three letters I forwarded to her would have been common courtesy.


Thanks for the kind words. Sorry, but this witch ain't for burning! I believe the position has been made a lot clearer and I for one now wish to leave the heroics to someone else. I've done my bit and I'm quite satisfied to have proved a point. From now on I intend to get on with the business of continuing to enjoy fandom.


Again, I agree that any split in fandom is unfortunate and I still think there may have been room for S&H fans and DS fans within the fold. Sadly it's much too late though I sometimes wonder if things could have been different if some of the DS fans could have applied a sense of humour and no be soo fiercely protective of their idol.

[Debra W]:

No, it isn't really important whether or not SM is called a 'fan club' - just a personal gripe really, that's all. It isn't the title I'd use, and it doesn't really do the group justice...aside from that, it's as good as any description, I guess. However - are you sure what I said about SM in my last letter is what you've been "maintaining for a long time"? I'm not! If that is truly what you've been trying to say, I don't think you made the point very clearly. While it's true that some SM members did for a time, become involved in contributing to l-zines and the like and then chose to 'leave', that surely doesn't prove that all SM members feel the same way about fandom, or about S&H for that matter. Not all fans choose to express their enthusiasm about things in the same way; there are people in SM who are fans of S&H, but who are not interested in 1-zines...that doesn't mean they are any less loyal to the show. And can you explain to me why any; SM member should want or need to "attack" me for "daring" to speak what is quite simply, the truth? If you really believe that could happen, then you do not know the people that you're taking about at all!


I'd like to make one thing clear; I have never said that "most Soul Mates members are not involved any more with fandom..." What I have tried to point out is that most SM members have never become involved with the 1-zines and Cons side of S&H fandom, for their own reasons, but that there are still many people in SM who do regard themselves as S&H fans. I must agree that there is no need at all for the two groups (i.e. fandom and SM) to be separated in all things} there are so many things we could share, if only attitudes would change a little. Perhaps that will happen in time, we will see. I live in hope!

[Jay F]: Your comment about 'other TV characters' being 'to blame' for the shortage of S&H fiction, and authors 'wandering' into 'fringes' sounds rather narrow-minded, as if we are straying from the One True Religion! I'd be surprised if the majority of S&H fans started out as S&H fans: a lot of people were originally in STAR TREK fandom, and I personally began watching S&H from episode one in the hope that it would be about another 'relationship' like Napolean & Illya, Spock|Kirk & Spock, Tony & Doug, Scarlet & Blue - to name but the best preceding examples. I was right, but loving S&H didn't preclude my still appreciating the other shows, nor vice versa. I don't write S&H fiction these days (not that I ever did much) for the same reason as I gave up writing STAR TREK. The good ideas seem to have all been used up, most of them by people who can do it so much better than I could. It's as simple as that.

Issue 38 Fiction Supplement

APB 38 Fiction Supplement was published in February 1986 and contains 23 pages. It was edited by Jan Daniels.

front cover of issue #38 supplement

It contains two stories,:

  • And Puppy Dogs Tails by Lyndy Harding (A story about Starsky and Hutch meeting as children.) (1)
  • The Very Same by J.B. Birch (A vignette written so that the reader assumes it's Starsky and Hutch as gravediggers in 1820s Edinburgh, but in fact the two characters are Burke and Hare.) (21)


  1. ^ from Between Friends #2 (March 1984), #3 and #4
  2. ^ from Between Friends #6
  3. ^ from an issue of S and H
  4. ^ see APB #10 (May 1982)
  5. ^ from Between Friends #6
  6. ^ from APB #35
  7. ^ comments by Chris Power in A.P.B. #5
  8. ^ from Two years ago, S&H fandom was flourishing., a 1985 essay by Lyndy Harding
  9. ^ from S and H #22 (June 1981)
  10. ^ from Between Friends #10 (July 1985)
  11. ^ This fan is NOT referring to a sexual relationship between Kirk and Spock, but an intense non-sexual one.
  12. ^ Pepper Anderson is Angie Dickinson's character in [ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Police_Woman_(TV_series) Police Woman].
  13. ^ spelled with a "o"
  14. ^ Bloody? Was that ever used in the show?
  15. ^ spelled with a "o"
  16. ^ Fans spelled this character's name as "Terry," "Terri," and "Teri."
  17. ^ Yet, many fans bash this character for being too complex, with some of her words and actions to be complicated.
  18. ^ spelled with a "o"
  19. ^ spelled with a "i"
  20. ^ This is, in fact, what happens in the novel, No Easy Answers, which was published seven years later by Terri Beckett, the author of this letter of comment.
  21. ^ It is possible some of the pages are from other issues, as I had to reconstruct some of these issues, and at least four of them were not complete. It's also possible Pebble Mill and the John Dunn Show mention is about May 1981, not 1982. - MPH, editor
  22. ^ This aired 2 Apr 1982.
  23. ^ This is an excerpt from a letter by Jacky Birch, a fan who tolerated discussion of slash, but did not like it or believe it as it pertained to S/H. It is unclear why she is saying all three topics are related, but appears saying death stories have sad outcomes, stories about guilt trips portrayed Hutch as "weak" and he would fall apart if Starsky died (a view held by the majority of fan discussion in this letterzine). She appears to group these things together with slash: stories with a sad outcome in which Hutch and Starsky portray them as weak because a man who has a romantic and/or sexual relationship with another man means he is weak. This "weakness" is echoed by another fan's letter in this issue, one that states that if someone "opts out" of life due to suicide, that person is "flawed with a basic character weakness."
  24. ^ Ironically, this fan follows this comment with "Sandi C: I agree whole-heartedly with your views on WW3, having seen it myself it is a beautiful, if not heart-breaking, film, which really has something to say. (If only our world leaders would listen.)" -- which is not directly a Starsky & Hutch product."
  25. ^ This comment is in response to a letter in the previous issue, one that discussed how the episode "Dandruff" made Starsky and Hutch look like "queers."
  26. ^ See "Bad Timing" scans in APB #3.
  27. ^ Sandra is the publisher of Ferriday's Mini Zines and has a lot invested in fanning interest in David Soul to gain contributions to her zine.
  28. ^ "Quite frankly I don't think I would even enjoy a convention." -- Sandra, a very anti-slash fan, made this statement because slash fans would attend and support the premise.
  29. ^ Some black humor about the fans in this letterzine questioning whether there should be so much discussion on the actors themselves and their personal lives.
  30. ^ wives and wives?
  31. ^ There were NEVER "hundreds."
  32. ^ There were many comments in "APB" about the lower visibility of Paul Michael Glaser (the actor who portrayed David Starsky). What fans did not know, was that the actor's personal life was in turmoil due to tragedy.