Proposed Zines/T

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  • Taboo (1987, multifandom slash, A-Team, Battlestar Galactica (78), and Miami Vice, to have been published by Fran Ward)
  • The Tailored Classic Collection (1998, slash, Bodacious Press, "A series of novels based on classic films and cast with the crew of our favorite slashteam shows. Each story roughly based on the classic, not word for word verbatim. The plotlines will loosely follow those of the films but dialogue, characters and names will be changed.")
  • Tales from the Sea (the first in the series was Power Trip (see image on this page) (Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, 1994 -- see flyer above)
  • A Tale of Two Ships (Star Trek: TOS, by Curran and Pennell, "Kirk and Spock suddenly find themselves aboard a nuclear-powered submarine, facing the most deadly Russian attack sub ever built. In their place on the Enterprise is the captain and the executive officer of the USS Rockfish, and war has broken out between the Klingons and the Federation. Available summer/fall 1983")
  • Tales from Across the Pond (1995, multiple fandom, slash, from Bodacious Press, "Slated for Fall of 1995 and a premiere at ZebraCon in Chicago, Tales From Across The Pond is devoted to Euroslash. We will be accepting submissions until June of 1995. The zine will feature fandoms from overseas including The Professionals, Dept. S, Sherlock Holmes, and more. Stories should be set overseas and based on films and programs from Europe and Australia.")
  • Tales from the Cottage (1990, War of the Worlds, "Now there's an illustrated version of fans' stories ... in the form of a comic-sized, B&W zine which will also include extra artwork and, in the second and following issues, a letter column. The cover will be laminated for protection and an attractive, shiny look." -- see flyer above)
  • Tales from the Holodeck (1997, Sockii Press, not to be confused with the TNG zine that did get published. "Any other die hard Barclay fans out there? This will be. an anthology of Star Trek: Next Generation stories by the editor (and anyone else who might like to contribute), focused around everyone's favorite "nerd" on the USS Enterprise. Does our anxiety-ridden engineer stand a chance with the Betazoid of his dreams? What if Voyager really was just a holodeck program created by Barclay? Humor, h/c, romance, and everything else any holodeck addict might ask for. Will go to print if/when there is enough interest in the project." )
  • Tales from the Leather Rocket (1993, multimedia, explicit het, editor: Tim B., Star Wars, MUNCLE, Quantum's Leap, Gilligan's Island, "...may not be ready for the next Media West. Most of my potential contributors consider the zine's theme too wild, or not wild enough. I'm sorry, but I won't permit Veg-O-Matics to be used as sexual implements!")
  • Tales of the Great Ones (1992, Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, "Looks like our first outstanding issue will be sort of small and very affordable with a wide variety of stories to introduce these excellent dudes, Bill and Ted, to fandom. So far we have a romantic, medieval adventure, a young Bill and Ted go to wilderness survival camp and a crazy little story about a total dweeb from Hell! Always room for more!" Linda Kay)
  • Tales of the Leather Rocket (multimedia, the editor was male, "Both slash and straight material... So, whip out... er, pull out. Never to mind.")
  • Tales of the Two Great Ones (Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, "Humor, hurt/comfort, crossovers...just about anything goes as far as these two party animals are concerned! No slash (no way!), or dweebish poetry, or wimpy filk stuff.")
  • Taster's Choice (2001, still asking for submissions in 2005, Agent With Style, "multimedia... Any tv show or movie is welcome.")
  • Technical Journal (Star Trek: TOS, "a zine dedicated to Scotty and the engineers of the Enterprise.")
  • Teleport Now! (Blake's 7 fiction, 1985)
  • The Tenth Dimension (1978, Star Trek, science fiction, "We pay cash (not copies) for material published. If published, your work will be protected by copyright." -- see flyer above)
  • Tencton Times (Alien Nation, 1990, from the same publisher of Details at 11 -- see flyer above)
  • Territorial Imperative (due South, slash, 2002, from Otter Limits Press, part of the series with Northwest Passage and The Brothers Kowalski)
  • That's Just Silly, Ray (due South, 1997, "a general, all humour due South 'zine still seeking short stories, poems, limericks, and filk submissions—slapstick, dark-humour, twisted, sick, warped, light-hearted, light-headed, whatever. If it makes us laugh, we'll take it. We also need cartoons and illustrations. Please note: your submission cannot have been posted on any fiction lists, nor should it be available on the net or in a zine—original work only, please." -- see flyer above for details on what was submitted for this zine)
  • There Can Only Be Two (Highlander, 1999, slash, to have been published by Kari Masoner)
  • Things That Go Bump in the Desert (Rat Patrol anthology with supernatural themes)
  • Thinking of Wilma (Red Dwarf, fiction, art, poetry, 1991, gen)
  • Third Age (Babylon 5, 1994, fiction, articles, news, killed by a cease and desist letter)
  • The Third Power (Kiefer/Lou, 1995, by Tami Marie A follow-up to The Second Power, in the Russ Logan/Tarri Armstrong universe, "To Russ' horror, Patrick Channing has found away back —this time through someone very close to him, dose as a lover. Can he save Tarri from the evil spirit that possesses him, without permanently damaging —or even possibly killing— him?")
  • The Thirteenth Sacrifice (2001, slash, Sentinel, novel by Candy Apple, to have had a cover by Jean Kluge, was to have been published by Agent With Style)
  • This Simple Feeling (Star Trek, 1981, "A new Star Trek zine devoted to exploring the emotional -- running the gamut of human & alien experiences. All themes will be considered, but this zine will focus on relationship and hurt/comfort as they have come to be defined in Trek. This is not a K/S zine, however, ALL adult material will be considered. Tentative contributors include Ginna LaCroix, Alice L. Jones, Pamela Rose, Ellen Kobrin, Michael Verina, Vicki Clark, and Nan Lewis." Some of this material was to be published by Laura Leach.)
  • Through Darkest Mundania: Adventure in the Mundane Zone (see image on this page) (1985, multifandom, gen, Peacock Press, non-fiction fan accounts of being a fan in a less-than-friendly world, "Your parents will never understand why you can't outgrow STAR TREK. A teacher labels you "emotionally immature" because you're still reading science fiction and fantasy novels in high school or college. Friends who've decided to "grow up" (gafiate) write you off as hopeless because you're "just too weird" for them anymore. Your boss and/or co-workers look askance at your lunch-hour reading material, and your clergyman is aghast to learn you skipped services last week to attend a fan convention. ("You went to a what???") Sound familiar? THROUGH DARKEST MUNDANIA is a proposed zine recounting fan experiences/clashes/altercations (dare we say wars?) with the mundane world. We want to know how you've dealt with such classic criticisms as "When ARE you going to grow up?!" and "SCIence FICtion' You still read that dumb stuff?" Tell us about your most hilarious encounters with Mundania. Maybe you once paraded through Macy's in your chain mail bikini, or something even more outrageously fannish. Tell us what you think organized fandam should do (if anything) to improve its image among the mundane population, or talk to us about how you've dealt with the type of parent/teacher/employer ostracism mentioned above, Send us your adventures in the Mundane Zone." -- see flyer above)
  • Through Super-Colored Glasses (1997, Lois and Clark, "TSCG wants YOUR FANFIC/FANPOEMS/FANSONGS (known as filks)! The lustier, the better, although this fanzine does NOT print vulgar language, such as c***, p****, f***....You get the idea.")
  • Thy Beloved Wilderness (1977, Star Trek: TOS, Leslye Lilker/Trinette Kern, novel, possibly a sequel to He Who is Close to Nature, and a part of the Sahaj series, from Sahaj Collected: "SASES for "Thy Beloved Wilderness" are being held pending completion of the novel, which is one of my projects for my period of hibernation. "Wilderness" is temporarily shelved due to technical difficulties, and and will not be published until things are ironed out.")
  • T'hy'la (1980, Star Trek, from Australia, "The theme for the stories is basically one of friendship between the characters of the Star Trek universe. There is no need to limit stories only to the major characters although these will be appreciated as well. Preference is given to stories in which the characterization is congruent with the live or animated series or "Star Trek - The Motion Picture.")
  • Ticket to Read (Susan Garrett, multimedia, "Will Louisa and Michael ever go back to the state of matrimony, or will Friday ever find a guy, will Miles have a chin transplant, and what about the ratings?")
  • Time Long Ago (Star Trek. "A pre-Federation saga which delves into the first meeting between humans and Vulcans. The two groups are shipwrecked on a desolate world, and must find a way to reach safety. The dreaded K'zin are on the warpath, and neither of the ships is capable of space travel," 1983)
  • Time of Returning (Star Wars/Star Trek, a MacShannon story, "What once was the Mutara Nebula has a few surprises in store. Just who is Joachim? And what should they make of the strange tale he tells them?" 1984)
  • Time Remembered (first proposed in 1993, still in progress in 1995, Quantum Leap, gen, by the authors of McCall's Memoirs -- see flyer above)
  • Time Tavern (1985, multimedia, gen, "The Time Tavern is a place of enlightened and exotic entertainment established between time and space where anybody can show up and usually does. The ultimate in cross-universe zines," Krystarion Press)
  • Time Tremors (Star Trek, "A Kirk hallucination? Part fact, part imagination, part memory. Follow Kirk through Merry Old England, Neverland, the American Southwest, and Space from a Cosmonaut's point of view.")
  • Time's Winged Chariot (Star Trek: TNG, 1992, novel by S. Lee Story, artwork by Janet K. Miller. "When Captain Jean-Luc Picard decides to investigate a friend's mysterious disappearance 12 years previously, he finds himself and his crew abruptly encountering elements which cannot be explained in either the comfortable present in which he lives, nor the past and the future he once dreamt of." Approximately 75-100 pages, to have been published by It Never Happened Press; Natasha Mohr and Knightrider Press)
  • Tinman (slash, Sentinel, AU, 2000, "TIM MAN by TM Alexander, illustrated by KOZ. A fanciful AU tale of a lonely prince who finds a little touch of magic in the woods one day. Steeped in sorcery and spiced with love. A story of power and deceit. Slated for winter /spring 2000." -- see flyer above)
  • Tiny Bubbles (2002, multimedia, "G through PG-13 stories which involve, in one way or another, a character (or characters…just keep it clean) winding up in a bubble bath.") Publisher: Green Dragon Press. Year: 2001.
  • To Cage a Songbird (Doctor Who, sequel to Sing Sweetly, Sing Strong)
  • To Follow the Stars (1981, to have been published by Allies for Star Trek, "Read this collection of poetry from Captain Kirk's personal journal, written in a beautiful and romantic style in keeping with Kirk's personality.")
  • To Love a Queen (Star Wars, 1980: "TO LOVE A QUEEN: an epic of romance. set in the Star Wars universe between Han and Leia. Fully illustrated. 160 pp. photo-offset. we need a minimum of 100 advance orders before going to press. S.a.s.e. for further information; send checks or money orders for $7 to Millennium Press. P.O. Box 7249. Lincoln Acres. CA. 92047.")
  • To the Regiment (Magnum PI, Leslie Schell, around 1984, "If anyone has a story tucked away behind their T.S.-in-a-towel poster, send it along with your SASE.")
  • Tooniverse (gen, multimedia animated)
  • The Topless Towers of Illium (1985, gen, multimedia, "We are adult/humorous and we have a complete contributor's guide available to any who wish to submit. Towers is released monthly as a part of our club membership packet," M.C. Pehrson and Jacqueline L. Wilson)
  • The Totally Amateur, Completely Unauthorized, Unabashedly Hormonally-Driven, Ultimate Fan Guide to Quantum Leap (an episode guide, 1997)
  • To Die For (1996, Forever Knight, to have been published by Annie Wortham)
  • The Touchstone (1991, Star Trek: TOS, "AGE STATEMENT REQUIRED. Kirk sends his half-Vulcan grandson, Cadet Daniel Surak Marcus, on a training mission which turns into a battle for survival. Daniel and his friend from Star Fleet Academy, Rashid Kengi (Uhura's son), encounter a savage tribe whose plan to purify and rule the Galaxy begins with the abduction of a beautiful young cadet. Heather Morgan, and the near-destruction of the USS Challenger. Kirk and Spock take the Enterprise into a savage world to rescue the three cadets." L&B Books)
  • The Trade Winds (1996, Mercedes Lackey, "From the Dhorisha Shin'a to the Halls of Vkandis, from Haven to the Iron Throne, comes a new zine The Trade Winds, covering all the known world of Velgarth. Send SASE for info/guidelines to Herald Aidiana.")
  • Transformation ("A Star Trek mystery featuring the character of Samantha King,"1978)
  • Transzendence (Blake's 7, first submission request was in 1991, others in 1995, gen, to have been published by ORAC -- see flyer above)
  • Tranya (Star Trek: TOS)
  • Trecch (Star Trek: TOS, "a fanzine designed to be the MAD Magazine of Star Trek")
  • Trekkers of the Night ("Star Trek, Starsky and Hutch, K/S, S/H, sf and Gothic material, fiction and art," 1981)
  • Trekwit (Star Trek: TOS, 1982, "anything humorous within the Trek universe including adult material," Carolyn Verino)
  • TREKworld (Star Trek: TOS, 1983, "A new Star Trek genuine now accepting submissions of all themes other than K/S. Stories may be any lengthy, serious, or humorous. Please send all submissions to Enterprising Press, Linda D. Biggs.")
  • Trials and Tribulations (A-Team, gen), Rita Ractliffe, around 1997: "What were the reactions to the "trial" of the A-Team from all the people they assisted over the years? Did any of them try to help in any way? At least, try to find out what was happening? Make any grass roots efforts to help, etc? It's an interesting premise and could show after-the-facts of what happened to a lot of these people... ow the A-Team's assistance changed their lives. Well, this weird person is looking for such stories...more like vignettes, reminiscences and the like. if enough interest is exhibited, could even do an adult section; however, no "/" material is sought.")
  • Tribute, (1991, roles of William Shatner, "Now accepting contributions for a zine to celebrate the many characters portrayed by William Shatner. This publication will have absolutely no affiliation with any organized fan club -- the editor will bear the sole responsibility for all content. Stories, poetry, essays, and art may be based on any of the roles created for television, films, stage; original characters are also acceptable. Members of any organization are welcome to participate; pseudonyms will be strictly protected. Contributors to date include Anja Gruber, Ginna LeCroix, Karen Rhodes, Ann Zewen, more." Vel Jaeger and In Case of Emergency Press.)
  • Trilogy... Plus One, And Then Some... And Beyond ("A DW-based fanzine set in the Marvel universe which focuses on the Doctor's companion, Adric," 1984)
  • Trion (1982, "Ye who know and love the works of Kurtz, Tolkien, MZB|Bradley]], Swann, Lovecraft, Norton, Moorcock, et all, the quest of Trion is about to begin. We are seeking stories, artwork, poetry, reviews, and convention news dealing with all forms of fantasy -- Sword & Sorcery, the Occult, Myth-based fantasy, tales of Faery and Quests" (not to be confused with the Doctor Who zine of the same title out of Australia) -- see flyer above)
  • Troubleshooter (1992, MacGyver and others, "Finally, a zine for that all-around hero, MacGyver, and his many friends. Also: Wild Wild West stories, DXS stories, and naughty stories are definitely welcome." Also, "Finally, a zine for that all-around hero, MacGyver. I'm accepting fiction only—everything from Wild West stories to DXS adventures, and naughty stories are definitely welcome. (If somebody sends me a good recipe for tofu casserole, though, I may use that.)" It was to have a cover by Ann Larimer.)
  • Trying' to Go Straight (Alias Smith and Jones, slash, "Hey, someone had to do it!")
  • Turbo Shaft Eight (Star Trek, "in which satire is used to achieve the same goals ST sought to achieve -- the exposure and discussion of controversial issues and the gullibility of today's 'civilized' population." 1980. See flyer above.)
  • The Turbolaser (Star Wars)
  • Turnabout ("focusing on female characters, it should rebut the notion that fen can't write about strong women... The theme: women's place in the future. Male characters can obtain insight into female POV by telepathy, empathy, transference, transformation, and just plain living/working with women. Adult themes welcome. No 'true romance' please... Writers are hereby warned that one of the editors plans to light her smoking materials with any Mary Sues received," 1979)
  • Tune of a Different Strummer, (Pern, "a two-volume set of Pernese tunings from all over.")
  • Tusken Raider (1993, a round-robin, Star Wars zine, "We're going to pose a question until we can get as many people as we can. Everyone tries to answer. We spit it out with a new question and everybody sends it back in. Basically, it's going to be a round robin, what's your idea about, and it can be used for writers, or it can be used for just people who Want to read it." [1])
  • Tuktoyaktuk Times (1996, Due South, slash, Clueless Press)
  • Twilight (1988, Blake's 7/Doctor Who, to have been published by Jen Riddler)
  • Twin Suns of Different Mothers (and Fathers, Too) (Star Wars)
  • Two Hopes for One, or, What If Someone Other Than Dark Vader Had Betrayed the Jedi? (1983, Star Wars, one-shot novel, Christine Jeffords was to have been the author, the publisher was to have been Phantom Press)


  1. ^ from Southern Enclave #37, comments by Eric