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Raonaid's Home Page
Personal Fanfiction Website | |
Website: | Raonaid's Home Page |
Author: | Raonaid |
Dates: | October 1997 – August 2005 |
Fandom: | Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, Star Trek: Voyager, Hercules: The Legendary Journeys |
URL: | http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Cafe/2564/index.html |
Click here for related articles on Fanlore. | |
Raonaid's Home Page was a personal fanfiction site, hosted by GeoCities. On August 2005 the site was closed with the simple words "Bye bye" on the screen,[1] to later display the link to a page of stories in Anne Higgins's Bonding Universe[1].
The site was linked at Mac & Anna's Place in the category "Individual Author Fiction and Fannish Personal Sites" and it was marked as a slash site.[2]
It was a member of the Star Wars Slash webring and the Chakotay/Paris Slash Ring.
Odds and Ends:Check out the all-important 'How *do* you pronounce Raonaid?' section and my essay 'Raonaid's View of Slash Fan Fiction'. [3]
I also have a list of Literary Faves, which includes a listing of recommended 'slashy' gay novels and reference books.
I've listed my Favorite Print Fanzines as well, since this is, for many Netizens, a completely new area. Since there is so much out there, I thought I'd add my comments on what I've found, to help out those interested in Slash and curious about print zines.
I've also got the obligatory List o' Links: Places that I think are kinda cool on the 'Net.
Take a look at My Slash Links Page, where I list my favorite Slash story sites!
Slash Links
One of My Other Slash Sites:The Chakotay/Paris Support Group
My Favorite Slash Story Sites, By Fandom:[4]
Babylon 5
Batman and Robin
Battlestar Galactica
- James' Slash Fiction Page
- Claire's Lunar Lettuce Patch
- By Your Command: The Battlestar Galactica Slash Archive
- apollolover.com
- Jen's Battlestar Galactica fiction
Buffy: The Vampire Slayer
- Siubhan's Yummy Fanfic
- Deadboy and Xander: A Love Story
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer Angst Archive
- Adalisa's Home Page
- Saber ShadowKitten's Buffy the Vampire Slayer Fan Fiction
- Niccy's b.t.v.s. Fanfic Page
- The Spike's Slash Page
- Fire and Ice Fanfiction Archive
- Jet's Slash Fiction
- BtVSslash
- 'Chocolatey Goodness' by The Mad Poetess
Due South
- T'mar's Slash Stories (esp. the 'Couple' series)
- Due South FanFiction Archive
Hercules: The Legendary Journeys
- Athea's Slash Fanfic Page and Athea's Second Page?
- Herculean Slash
- Miriam's Little Corner of the Universe
- WindRose's and REM's Joxer/Ares Stories
- Vyola's Corner
- The Joxerotica Archives
- Joxer Luvs Ares
- The KSA Archives
- The Royal Court of Corinth
- Jen's Iphicles Slash Fiction Site
- foxmonkey's slash
Highlander: The Series
- Live, Grow Stronger, Slash Another Day
- Zen&nancy's Internet Homeless Shelter And Soup Kitchen
- Zorrorojo's Slash Scribblings
- T'mar's Slash Stories
- elynross' Fiction Page
- Fenris' Page
- Killashandra's Fiction Page
- Swords at Sunset - A Highlander AU 'Codpiece Ripper', 16th Century England
- The Desert Prince - Another Highlander AU 'Codpiece Ripper', 17th Century Arabian Desert
- AC's Richie/Methos Chronicles
- HollyIlex's Page
Man from U.N.C.L.E.
- KS Nicholas' Slash Fan Fiction on the Net Index - This site was, for several years, *the* fanfic source page on the Net. Sadly, it hasn't been updated regularly for the past few years and is pretty outdated, meaning there are a lot of broken links. If you want to find slash link pages by fandom, I'd recommend: The Complete Kingdom of Slash Links Page AND Ultimate Slash Links
- The Slash Page Database Project
- Artists in Residence Home Page
- Mona's Fiction Page
- Multimedia "Slash Without Consent" Recommendations Page
- The Complete Kingdom of Slash Archive
- The Fanfic Finder: TV-Film
- Amothea's Angst Archive
- Viccy's Fanfic
- JR's Multi-Media Fanfic Recommendations
- The Nesting Place
- The Male Pregnancy Emporium
- The Wonderful World of Makebelieve
- The Rare Slash Archive
- Oblique Publications
- Emma Woodhouse's Page
- Male Writers Archive Home Page - A page for all of the male slash writers out there. Way to go, guys!
Once a Thief
- Dragon Mates: Voyagers of Pern - A Chakotay/Paris story by Ki Chng that sets the characters of Star Trek: Voyager on Pern.
- 'Those Who Are About to Depart' - A story by Black Rose that is inspired by the Harper Hall trilogy.
The Professionals
- CI5 Fiction
- Alexandra's Pros Fanfic Page
- Chez Gwyn: Fan Fiction by Gwyneth Rhys
- The Pros Circuit Library Archive
The Sentinel
- 852 Prospect: The Sentinel Adult Fiction Archive
- Candy's Sentinel Fanfic Page
- The Divine Adoratrice's World o' Fanfic
- Em's Sentinel Fanfic
- Pumpkin's Sentinel Slash Patch
- Saraid's Cognitive Dissonance
- Regina's Sentinel Stories
- R'rain's Coffeehouse
- Yvonne S. McCool's Fan Fiction Page
- Josephine Darcy's Sentinel Stories or Read Her Stories on the SXF Archive
- T'mar's Slash Stories
- Wolfling's Den
- Francesca's Sentinel Fanfiction Page
- 'Kim's Cafe' - Kim Gasper's Fan Fiction
- JR's Sentinel Fan Fiction
- Helen in Hell's Page
- The BJ Sandburg Stories - A Sentinel AU universe by Gillian involving gender switching.
- CatMoran's Fan Fiction
Sports Night
- Cori Lennam's Fanfiction
- Sports Night Fan Fiction Archive
- Emily Brunson's Sports Night Fan Fic
- Kit Higgins' Fan Fiction
Stargate SG-1
Starsky and Hutch
Star Trek: The Original Series
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Star Trek: Voyager
- The Chakotay/Paris Writers' Support Group
- Margaret's Home Page
- Siubhan's Voyager Fanfic
- Recommended C/P Links
- The Alt.StarTrek.Creative Official Fiction Archive
- The Golden Orgasms Story Archive - The A.S.C.E.M. newsgroup annual story awards.
- The SWAL Archive
- Elusive Lover Archive
- Elizabeth Stuart's Home Page
- Master and Apprentice: An SW-TPM Slash Site and its Mirror Site
- The Sith Academy
- Anne Higgins' 'Bonding Universe'
- Mercutio's Stories
- The Jedi Hurtaholics Archive
- TOTO: The Obi-Wan Torture Oasis
- Master Elayna's Den
- The TPM Lair Of Kass and DBKate
- 'Stolen Light' by Kassandra - This is a post-TPM story that just blew me away. After I had re-read it for the 12th time, I decided it needed its own link. {grin}
- Kalynn's SW Fan Fiction
- Mac's TPM Fan Fiction
- The Rising Force
- Keelywolfe's Fan Fiction
- Trinity's Slash
- Krychick's Fiction
- Meridian's 'Other Oddities of Fiction'
- The Bard's Den - Rushlight's Fan Fiction
- Worlds Without Boundaries: Destina Fortunato's Fan Fiction
- Pumpkin's Slash Patch
- Basingstoke: The Shores of Destiny - An Obi-Wan/Anakin series that actually *fits with canon* and makes *WAY* more sense than anything GL could come up with. Haunting, tragic, terrifying... This is George's universe as it exists behind the trappings of droids, ewoks and gungans.
- Emma Woodhouse's Page
- The Galactic Senate Fiction Vault - Anakin Fiction. Must read 'The Malastere Series'! Yes, I *know* it's (technically) Gen. You can look at it as post-slash (in a Q/O sense) if you want to, since it takes place after TPM. One of the best depictions of the relationship between a 10-year-old Anakin and Obi-Wan Kenobi that I've ever seen! What would a *real* 25-year-old male do if he suddenly found himself a de facto 'father'? This story is humorous and touching, without being cloying. I loved it!
- Slash by Vermilion Flame
- 'Riding the Wheel of If' - A post-TPM AU series by Mrs. Hamill and various guest writers. Since each part is sort of like a Sliders episode, some of the stories I loved, some were so-so. Some of these AU stories are simply brilliant, and the lessons Obi learns about the SW universe from visiting all of these alternate realities are well thought out and insightful. And hey, where else can we see Slash-Canon Obi-Wan visit places as varied as the Sith Academy universe, various other Q/O authors' universes (Kourt Crowe, anyone?), and even the actors portraying Qui and Obi? (*Not* actor slash - trust me.) Enough variety here that everyone should find at least one 'If' that delights them.
- Emerald Witch's Obi-Chan Page
- Necessary Whispers: Fiction by MJ Lee
- The Maul Fanfiction and Slash Archive
Velvet Goldmine
- Saraid's Velvet Goldmine Fiction - An amazing post-movie Curt/Arthur series. I *so* hate Brian! {grin}
- Oddjob103's Nest - Another site with good angsty Curt/Arthur fic, especially 'The Boyfriend Series.'
- Pretty Boys, Unlimited.
- Miriam's Little Corner of the Universe
- Awena's Fan Fiction
- 'A River In a Dry Place' by JiM
- The Rat's Nest
- The Red and the Black
- 'A Fish Called Krycek' - A classic M/K AU novel. Go Read Now!
- Creative Endeavors Inspired by 'A Fish Called Krycek' - Yeah, I'm obsessed.
- The Temple of the Fish - And then go visit the Shrine. Are you sensing how much I love this story yet? ;D
- saraid's X-Men Slash
- X-Men Slash Central
- 'The Mooks' by Kaylee
- Mooksville Archive
- X-Men Slash
- The Vault: Morgana's Fan Fiction
- X-Men: The Movie - Slash Archive
- Rictor and Shatterstar: A Dedication Page
- Lightspeed: The Northstar Fanpage
- Tangerine's Slash
- Scott and Logan
- WCG Slash Archive
- un(frozen)
- (Mind Dance)
- The 'Water Lines' Series
Original Slash Stories
- Seasons: A Beautiful Slash Fairy Tale by Sebastyin
Writings on Fanfic
- The Fanfic Symposium Column - Editorial articles on aspects of slashdom, by slash writers and fans.
- ^ Raonaid. "site closed". GeoCities. Archived from the original on 2005-08-17.
- ^ Mac & Anna's Place. Links, via Wayback: 20 February 2001. (Accessed 17 December 2015)
- ^ Raonaid's View of Slash Fan Fiction, Archived version
- ^ Raonaid's Favorite Slash Links, via Wayback. (Accessed 18 December 2015)