Mooksville, Earth

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Name: Mooksville, Earth
Date(s): June 2000 or before - ?
Archivist: Kaylee
Founder: Kaylee
Type: mostly slash
Fandom: X-Men
URL: (Wayback)
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Mooksville, Earth is archive for X-Men fanfiction of the mook variety.

Description from Le Jardin de Givre:

Mooksville, Earth. "Home for the unashamed Mook in all of us." If you want to know what a Mook is, click on the link and go to the website. :) It started in the X-Men (the comic) fandom, but it now has spread to many other comic fandoms. Marguerite : Check out Alestar's fics. They're good. Oh, and Kaylee's Kinda Mooks series; the series that started it all.[1]

The page was a CFAN member.


  1. ^ Kate's and Marguerite's link page. (Accessed 25 April 2012)