X-Men Slash Central

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Name: X-Men Slash Central
Date(s): August 1998 - November 2001
Archivist: Surisa, Victoria
Founder: Surisa
Type: slash & femslash fanfiction, some fanart
Fandom: X-Men
URL: http://surisa.tripod.com/ (Wayback link)
free.freespeech.org/x-men/ (slightly later version on Wayback)
azstarnet.com/~surisa (earlier)
X-Men Slash Central - Archive.png
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X-Men Slash Central was an X-Men slash archive, created by Surisa in August 1998[1][2] and collecting X-Men slash fic of all stripes, from the PG-13 to the explicit. The earliest fics to be archived came from Poi Lass, GLAMBeau and A. Lias.

The archive changed hands in December 2000, with Victoria taking over from Surisa. The last successful Wayback capture was in August 2001 - the next in December 2001 results in a 404 error, indicating the site was no longer in existence.

Notable Works
