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Mona's Fiction Page

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Personal Fanfiction Website
Website: Mona's Fiction Page
Author: Mona Ramsey
Dates: 06 December 1998 or before - 2000 (last update)
Fandom: Batman Forever, crossover, Hercules: the Legendary Journeys, Highlander, Love and Human Remains, Man from U.N.C.L.E., Nikita, The Sentinel, Sports Night, Star Trek: Voyager, Star Wars,The X-Files
URL: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Studios/1126/ (Wayback)
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Mona's Fiction Page was Mona Ramsey's fanfic page. It featured Mona's fanfic, a comprehensive list of mailing lists and archives run by MonaR, gay and lesbian movie recs and slash links.

The site also hosted the slash writers survey, "a friendly, long (55-question) survey open to any slash writer who is interested in sharing their opinions on slash", which was last updated June 29, 2000.

The sitewas hosted by Geocities.

The Sentinel page featured the Support Our Sentinel banner and it was a member of the Sentinel Slash Webring. It was listed in the Slash Fan Fiction on the Net index in 1998[1].

Links Page

General Slash Info and Resources:

First and foremost, Karen's Slash Fan Fiction on the Net is the one place that I visit every time I go on-line (besides my e-mail, of course - hint, hint). She provides not only one of the most comprehensive listings of slash sites, but also information about slash, mailing lists, newsgroups, 'zines, and just about anything else you ever wanted to know.

And, for one of the best, and longest-running, slash fiction and link sites, go to Jen Riddler's Satyricon au Go-Go. Read her stuff, and check out her ever-growing list of links.

James is solely responsible for me writing Batman slash (okay, I'm easy), because her "Shutting Doors" was one of the first pieces of slash I ever read when I first got on the net. I thought it was fabulous (and you will too), and she's doing a sequel, and has promised more! Yes! She's also one of the few people I know who writes for more couples than I do, so go and check out James' Fan Fiction Page.

Smaragd sent me the url of her Slash Resources page, and it's a terrific place. If you're writing and you need inspiration, information, or just a place to get started, this is the page for you!

Now that I've gone completely round the bend and have had to cut back on new Artists in Residence, I was thrilled to hear that Rienna's set up Oregondonor, to host the slash homeless! If you need a place to vent your muse, go here and she'll help you with space.

Battlestar Galactica:

I am *so* glad to be able to link this site: By Your Command is the new Battlestar Galactica Slash Archive, and it is, in my opinion, long overdue. Go here and read some stories and hey - write some! I think I may even take a crack at it, if I can find some tapes around here somewhere. . .

Due South:

I've written my first B/R story, but that shouldn't stop you from seeking out more. Believe me, there's lots at The Hexwood Due South Fiction Archive. There's slash, non-slash, gen, adult, everthing you'd ever want to know about the Mountie and the Cop, plus links and other lovely things.


Erin's put together a great new site, for us A/J fans - The Temple of Ares and Joxer. Love Joxerotica? Have Ares on the - um, brain? :) Go here - there's more available than you'd think, and having it all available in one beautiful site is truly a very good thing. . .


Okay, go here and read the HL fiction, but be warned - close your eyes when you click on the link, and then open them slowly. I didn't, and I was completely unprepared. Curious? Ready to go? All right, but don't say I didn't warn you: Fan Fiction by Rachael Sabotini.

Hey, am I the only one who thinks there should be way more publicity for this next site? Somehow I've just gotten sucked into the whole J/R thing, so if your taste for the Mortal with the Mostest isn't sated, go to The Highlander's Joe Dawson Fan Fiction Page, aka Joe Stories and take your fill.

*Finally* updating the page again, and I've got two links for you, both hosted by Carmel. Just to prove that I'm not totally Methos-biased (and I *love* the Scot! where would D/M be without him?), she's letting me put up two links to heavy DMOTCM pages - the Duncan Flag Wavers, and her own selection of Highlander Pages. There's some beautiful pictures of Duncan, fanfic, silly stuff, fun stuff - go and see!

Tiffany said yes to a link to the following site, and you *must* go there. Hmm, who would ever have thought that I'd be interested in a place with a name like Methos Boxer Brigade? I just can't figure it out. Pardon me while I try to put my tongue back in my head. . .

And now, a wonderful example of what happens to people who send me in story ideas: Cyndee has been one of my most consistent and positive sources of feedback, sending me hugs, lyrics, quotes, story ideas, everything. However, sending me story ideas will often result in me nagging you to write them yourself (and you all know who you are!). Cyndee finally took me seriously, and started writing HL, and wow! she's just ran with it. Her series is into the double-digits, and she's still going. Not everything's posted yet, but go and read what's there, and beg for more (feedback is such an inspiration): Cynbad's Page of Stories.

Monica sent me a note a week or so ago, and told me she'd started a D/M series called "Domesticity". I went to her page to check it out, and wow! It was wonderful. I immediately wrote her back, begging for a sequel, and permission to link her page. Well, she's still working on the sequel part, but here's the link, so go and visit her Glorybox, and join the chorus of all of us waiting *patiently* for the next bit.

The lovely Jacynthe (of the SWA minutes fame) is hosting all sorts of good stuff at The Bordello. There's HL and Kindred: the Embraced slash and genfic there, so go see some Immies and Vamps and have a ball. No pun intended.

Ann's putting together one hell of a site, The Seventh Dimension Highlander Fanfic Archive, which is going to try to pull together all of the available HLfic that's on the 'net. Go there and gorge yourself, and help her out - she's still contacting authors, as far as I know.

Zen&nancy; sent me the url of their brand-new slash page today, and it spurred me to finally update this page again. Go, go and read - there's musically-inspired HL stories there - now why on earth would I like something like that? I can't imagine. :D Live, Grow Stronger, Slash Another Day? Oh, you better believe it, baby!

Methos' HandMaiden (damn, *I* wanted that job!) features HL slash "Stories by the Fire", and just my luck, with a handy-dandy fireplace right here. . . Mmmm. . . A HandMaiden's Tale is a very good place, indeed.

Man from U.N.C.L.E.

Finally, finally the MfU fan has a place to go! U.N.C.L.E. File 40 is the new MfU fanfiction archive, and it has gen, slash, and links. Go and read some stories - and by all means, get interested in the stuff and *write*! I want to read some, too!

The Sentinel:

I just found this one myself, but it's way long overdue for some attention. You want some steamy Sentinel slash - go to YS McCool's Slash Page. Her stuff is awesome - and don't miss her "Cheyenne" series, whatever you do!

Michelle has also graciously allowed me to add a link to her Sentinel Slash Archive which just keeps growing and growing and growing. Oh, and I think there's some m/f stuff there, too - but haven't you heard? Mixed marriages *never* work (vbg)! So go and drool over Jim drooling over Blair drooling over Jim drooling. . .

Star Trek:

Okay, I'm warning you now, before you go to this next link, pack your toothbrush, because you'll be in there for days. Ready? Okay, click over to The Star Trek Slash Archive, absolutely the last word on all things slashy and Trek.

Yes, it's true - SWA just wasn't enough for me anymore, so I had to join yet another support group, a specific one this time. We're all just trying to help each other at The Chakotay/Paris Support Group, for all of us Voyager widows, trying to hold on in the Delta Quadrant. . . There's lovely pics of the boys, and links to yummy slashfic.

Sileya sent me the url of her site a few weeks ago, inviting me to come over and try her stories. I did so, and enjoyed them very much - besides being a writer of some of my favourite Voyager couples, she's also a Sarah McLachlan fan, and her "Sarah" series of stories are really lovely, lyric-inspired pieces. Go and give them a try.

Okay, when I tell you that B.J. Cochran writes some of the best *male* characters I've ever seen in slash, don't write and tell me that lots of people write male characters, because that's not what I'm talking about. I mean writing a couple of guys in a story who talk, act, react, and just all-around *are* male. Go and read her C/P and original stories, and you'll see what I mean - her characters jump out at you as being believably masculine in word and action, and you'll realize just what you've been missing all this time.

Star Wars:

I am *so* happy to be able to announce this new site: Elusive Lover, as many of you 'zine fans know, has been publishing SW slash for several years, and continues to do so. Now, the first edition of the 'zine is available on the 'net. I shrieked when I heard the news, and rushed to download the stories - it's been a lonely existence for the few of us SW faithful, until now. . .


torch - lovely, talented torch - is letting me put up a link to her site. Well, actually, there's several, but I'm sending you to my fave one, where you can get the links to all the others. Scoot over to the vault and devour all the wonderful meaty Vamp Chron stories, then head to "the airponics bay" for Voyager, and "the rag and bone shop" for X-Files and more. Heaven!

Stef's page is subheaded "the lamest little page on the world wide web", but don't you believe it. She may be even more Vamp-obsessed than I am (shocked?), and she's got absolutely delicious links to neckbiting pages of all sorts, including the elusive A-B-A-R archive. So go see The Bourbon Street Follies and slake your thirst for blood.

If you're a Forever Knight fanfic fan, you've probably noticed that the JADFE archive has moved. If you didn't even know about the archive, get your butt over to JADFE, where you'll find all the FK erotic fanfic that you'd ever want - Nick and LaCroix, Nick and Vachon, Nick and other people - oh, and there's m/f stuff there, too, I've been told.

The X-Files:

Another spot I check up on regularly is the Mulder/Krycek Romantics Association. Go there to read all the Mulder/Ratboy fanfic you'd ever want, see some pics, link to other slashy X-F stories, and have a ball. Or two (g).

Here is the place to find the gateway into Scant/Pickings, a recommendation site that's an excellent introduction for people looking to find good (mostly) X-Files slash. There are so many stories out there that it's often difficult to know where to start, so if this is your problem, don't give up, just go here.

The Slipper Archive is *way* cool, and close to my own heart - it's a listing of X-Files "Slipper" stories - defined as Slash + Relationship, rather than just smut. Hey, the plot fairy must bug *someone* other than me. There's more than just X-Files info here, too, for those of you who've already found the Truth.[2]


  1. ^ Slash Fan Fiction on the Net S-Z, via Wayback: 06 December 1998. (Accessed 21 February 2015)
  2. ^ Mona's Must-See Links Page, 1999. (Accessed 03 August 2020)