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Nicollette Marquis McFadgen's Fanfiction
Personal Fanfiction Website | |
Website: | Nicollette Marquis McFadgen's Fanfiction |
Author: | Nicollette Marquis McFadgen |
Dates: | 19 January 2000 or before - 30 June 2002 |
Fandom: | Buffy the Vampire Slayer |
URL: | http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Cavern/8955/ |
Click here for related articles on Fanlore. | |
Nicollette Marquis McFadgen's Fanfiction was a personal Buffy the Vampire Slayer fanfiction site with fanfic for many different het and slash pairings. It was hosted at GeoCities. The website was officially closed June 30, 2002.[1]
Most of my stories can be found at the UCSL archive which is somewhere on Dymphna's website. There are many other places on the 'net you can find my fics too, but the UCSL archive is the most complete (it's on dymphna's website). Enjoy! NKH (Formerly NMM)[1]
The site was linked as Niccy's b.t.v.s. Fanfic Page at Raonaid's Home Page.[2]
Slash Fic
Mr. Trick Meets Spike's Dick- PWP, Trick's first encounter with the infamous Spike. Trick POV (NC-17)
Waking Up- Spike wakes Angelus up in a very fun way.(NC-17)
How Vampires Say They're Sorry- Angelus is annoyed. Spike is annoyed at Angelus. Smuttiness ensues.(NC-17)
Cramping- Larry/Xander. Response to a Dialogue challenge.(PG)
ReLaXation- Larry/Xander. Short LaX fic.(PG)
Peep- Giles/Xander. This a short silly response to a fic challenge on WatchersPet. It is my very first G/X, so be proud of me people! (PG)
Mistaken Again- Giles/Xander. Takes place during/after The Becoming Part Two. Xander takes Giles to the hospital then reflects on their relationship. (PG)
18 - Giles/Xander. Poor Xander. Everyone ignores him and forgets him. But not his schmoopy to be. (G)
Admitting the Truth- Oz/Xander. A response to a challenege posted on the OzSlash list. Mildly angsty, but certainly not too bad. After writing it and reading it again, it kinda just left me with a good/happy feeling. (PG)
Working It Out- Oz/Xander. A sequel to Admitting the Truth. A little more talking and angst for the boys. (R)
Coming to Terms- Oz/Xander. The third in the trilogy (comes after "Working It Out"). More of the same with happiness. (R)
Almost Lost- Ox/Xander. This was supposed to be just a short PWP for a friend but turned into more. Angst. It involves SI, so those who need to be aware, take note. (NC-17)
Late Night Thoughts- Short Oz/Xander piece. (G)
Random Happy Moment- Short O/X piece, pure happiness from the Angst Maiden (PG)
Who's Wrapped Around a Little Finger?- Cordy/Doyle/Angel. Cordy and Doyle want Angel to budge and let them play. (PG)
Eternal Friend- Um, Buffy the Vampire Slayer/That 70s Show Crossover. Must I say more? Just read, it's the product of Monkey Crack. (NC-17)
Substitutes Suck- Devon/Oz. This takes place in Queena's Universe "Ego Strawberries" All of the stories can be found here. (NC-17)
It's Weird- A O/D interlude to Queena's Ego Strawberries series. Pre-Main Story Line. All of the stories can be found here.
Wednesdays- Oz/Devon- Part of Queena's Ego Strawberry Series. This is Pre-Xander. (R)
Devon's Distraction- Devon/Oz. This is a non good fic. I wrote it in five minutes just because I wanted to write Devonfic. It's not really good and has not been beta read. (NC-17)
The Girl I Once Knew- Much much I can offer without giving it away. Just read, please? (R)
Admission- In the aftermath of Graduation, Xander sees a familiar face in the carnage and he finally admits what's deep within him.(PG)
It'll Be Okay- O/X, During Fear Itself, invisible Xander comforts the half Oz-wolf. The missing scene. (G)
Interlocking Relationships- Anya/Giles/Xander. A take off of a scene in the Harsh Light of Day. Written for my friend, Jude. (NC-17)
Another Hellmouthy Party- Parker/Xander. A haunted house forces Xander to get to know Parker. (NC-17)
Time for Tea- Giles/Angel. Sad future fic. Wrote this on the plane back from Hawaii. Blame airline food if it's not good. (PG)
Innocent Seduction- Devon's band has a gig at a frat house. He has his eye on a dark, blonde piece of the Midwest. Takes place during third season. Riley/Devon (NC-17).
Enough- Wesley/Angel- Set after "I've got you under my skin" (PG)
Quiet Let Down- Harmless Angsty Xander musing. (HEAVY R)
Reunion- Xander comes back to town after a few years with someone on his arm. (PG)
Feel For You in the Music- Oz musing about leaving Sunnydale. This would be a Devon/Oz fic (PG)
Ghost in Me- Devon musing about Oz leaving. Is a Devon/Oz fic. (PG)
Reminiscence of Days Past- A story taking place in the past in more ways than one. (PG)
Votive Zombie- This is what happens when Oz goes to Devon's to "crash" during Full Moon Rising
Oh My God- This is what happens when Xander's need for money gets to be too much
Lost Boy- Just a little Xander piece about his friend Jesse.
Angelus/Xander Fic
Beyond the Sea- Angelus/Xander Sweet romance set it Michelle Hansen's "Liar" universe. Go here to read her story:Dead Boy and Xander: A Love Story(R)
Oogy- Angelus/Xander- Set in Michelle's "Liar" universe. Xander gets sick and Angelus plays caretaker.(R)
Oogy II- Angelus/Xander. Set in Michelle's "Liar" universe. Someone else gets sick in the family.(PG)
Rematch- Angelus/Xander. Set in Michelle's "Liar" universe. Xander and Angelus spend quality time.(PG)
A New Era- Set in Michelle's "Liar" universe. Xander and Angelus' son, Xavier has a date with the girl across the hall, who happens to be the daughter of Amy the witch and Jonathan. (PG)
Finding Out- Set in the "Liar-verse". Xavier asks the question that Xander and Angelus never wanted him to. "What was Dad's(Xander's) childhood like?" (PG)
Boo Boo- Liar-fic. Xavier's five years old and has a tummy ache. Short, sweet, and cute ('cause it has Xavy in it). (PG)
Happy Birthday- Angelus/Xander. Set in the Liarverse. It's Xander's birthday. Little Xavy's in it too. (PG)
Fairy Tales- Angelus/Xander. Set in the Liarverse. Dead Boy and Xander just watched "Ever After", this is their conversation and musings afterwards. (PG)
Searching for Distraction- Angelus/Xander. Liarfic. I was stressed during finals, and I sought distraction in Angelus and Xander. Just a short, sweet fic. (PG)
Shhhh...- PWP of the Angelus/Xander-Liar kind
Scared Reflections- Takes place before Xavy is born. Just some short angst. (G)
The Big Talk- Liar fic. The teenage Xavy has a talk with Xander about an important subject.
Twick or Tweet-A/X, liarfic. It's halloween and Xavy's cute as a button. So are Angelus and his smchoopy. (G)
Together Again- Xavier/Sophie. Liar fic. The kids are home from College for Thanksgiving Break (R)
After the Big Day- Xavier/Sophie. Liarfic. The wedding night. (R)
What Santa Bringed- Liarfic. Xavy and his two Daddies on Christmas! Mention of Blue's Clues, 'cause I love that show. (G)
I promise- Angel/Xander. Four years after Angel left Sunnydale, he returns.(NC-17)
Worth- Angel/Xander. Xander's life has taken a wrong turn. Much Hurt/Comfort in this piece. Contains graphic violence/abuse. (NC-17)
Worth 3: Never a Happy Ending- Angel/Xander. This takes place after Worth 2: Fathoms by Memnoch, which can be found here: Deadboy And Xander. Go to the chronicles of Dead Boy and Xander. Deals with much ABUSE. (R)
Crushed Heart- Angel/Xander. Takes place directly after "Enemies". (PG)
The Ones He Remembers- Xander's nearing the end of his life and two people spend time with him, as is his wish. This is slashy, but only a G on the rating's scale. Angst, from me...were you expecting something else? (PG)
Cute Fic about Pets- Angel/Xander. Writen as a 'chat room round robin' by Chelle, Losh, Kate B, and me. We had lots of fun writing it and it turned out to be a cute little story. Give it a read! (G)
Blood Brothers- Angel/Xander. Angel takes it upon himself to care for Xander when he's turned. (R)
Unspoken- A/X. Sequel to Blood Brothers. (NC-17)
Darkness Falls- Angel/Xander. This is a sequel to Blood Brothers and Unspoken. The two vampire's relationship gets even MORE complicated. (NC-17)
Instinct- Angel/Xander. The next part in the Blood Brothers Series.
WAX- Willow/Angelus/Xander, with Spike/Drusilla and a little more thrown in. Remember how Angelus was obsessed with the fair Drusilla? Remember what he did to her? Well, he's bored again and has found a new target. Written by me, Michelle Hansen and Katie Vieceli. Graphic Violence/Sex/Violence/Language/Violence--are you seeing a theme? (NC-17)
Alone in the Dark- Angel/Xander. Angel is in LA, thinking in the dark but he's not thinking about who Cordelia and Doyle think he is (PG)
Angel's Creek- a fic remarkably similar to one of the WB's most popular show. Written for an A/X list. (PG)
Vague and Distant- Angel/Xander. Written in honor of the Whiteknight list making it to 200 members. (PG-13)
Tangible- A/X fic using big words.
Yay for Proactive Dorkiness!- Xander slash fic. I'm bad at summaries. (PG)
Cordelia and Xander Fan Fiction
So Sweet was Never So Fatal- Sad reflective Xander piece (NC-17)
At Their Feet- Cordelia/Spike, Cordelia/Xander. Spike doesn't know what he's getting into when he goes searching for a new Princess. (R)
Burning- Cordelia/Xander. Lovely smut 'cause I like Cordelia and Xander in the full body sense.
Neither Rhyme nor Reason- Cordelia/Xander. Cordelia has been hurt, Xander must comfort. How's that for a summary? Violence/Hurt/Comfort. (Heavy R)
Chicken Burrito Day at Sunnydale High- Cordelia/Xander. A Utility Closet PWP, except that there is a plot and it's called sex. The title is silly, the fic is not. (NC-17)
Tiger- A bad response to a challenge that called for a Willow/Xander/Faith/Cordelia. Yes, you heard me. This is unbetaed and written in two minutes. (PG)
Rumor- Xander/Cordelia. You see, sometimes Xander pops into my head and starts talking and singing "Henry VIII" until I write what he wants down. This is what he wanted. I appeased him. It's a C/X (duh!) and it takes place *after* "Lover's Walk". (PG)
I Was Hoping You'd Get That Idea- Cordelia/Xander. Kinky sex with my favorite sex kitten and my favorite sex...um...geek? (Not that Xander's a geek, mind you...). (NC-17)
Bright Flash of Light- Cordelia. Although out of the Scooby Gang, Cordelia must return to find help. Weirdness abounds for her as she realizes that she too has a special ability. (R)
The Gift- Cordelia. Follow up to "Bright Flash of Light". A continued quest for understanding. (R)
Mother's Day- Cordelia/Xander. Set in the Future, on a Very Special Mother's Day. (PG)
Xander's Prom- Cordelia/Xander. The Prom episode through Xander's POV (with some stuff added, of course). (PG)
Fifth Period- Cordelia/Xander. Takes place during the first part of season three's Finale, "Graduation". They ditch, they talk, they make up. (PG)
Nighthawk- Cordelia/Xander. Takes place right after Dead Man's Party. They go back to her house and find it empty, smuttiness and sweetness endue. (NC-17)
She Screams in Silence- Cordelia/Xander. Hurt/Comfort piece with lots of Angst. Cordelia is acting strangly and it's up to Xander to figure out why and then help her. (I know, H/C and Angst from me? Who would've guessed?). (R)
Cheeba, Middle Eastern Music, the Munchies and the Baring of One's Soul- Cordelia/Xander. They're both at a party, Cordy's smoked some grass. Truths come out and feelings are made known. Brief nudity, too! (R)
Secret Game- A look into Cordelia and Xander's past and a different look at the present (takes place after Nightmares). Their relations isn't what it appears, it's deeper. (PG)
Learning Again- Cordelia/Xander. AU after Graduation. Short, to the point. Angsty, lovey, shippy. (PG)
And I'm Him- Xander. Takes place during Bad Eggs. That punch always bugged me, so here's my way of dealing with it. Xander's POV, quite angsty, I jest not. (PG)
For the First Time- This is a response to a Lyric Challenge. It's C/X, although, mainly Xander angsting over a nasty comment he said to Cordelia. (PG)
Perfect- It's Cordelia and Xander's wedding day. Slush, this is not. (PG)
Enduring Sorrow- One possible sequel to Perfect. (PG)
How It Always Is- Another possible sequel to Perfect. (PG)
Dinner and a Movie- An interesting date for Xander and Cordelia. (NC-17)
Three Days Ago- A Future fic. Just read, 'cause I can't come up with a suitable summary. (PG)
Time Means Nothing- My 160 page novella about life after high school. (PG-NC-17)
Sympathetic Insomnia- Cordy/Xander future. I wrote this a while back but forgot to put it up.
The Ones He Remembers- Xander's nearing the end of his life and two people spend time with him, as is his wish. This is slashy, but only a G on the rating's scale. Angst, from me...were you expecting something else? (PG)
Watching the Wolfy- Takes place during Beauty and the Beasts, it's pure PWP. (NC-17)
Other Fic
Guess Who Just got Mean- missing scene from the "Pack" (NC-17)
Frozen- Bittersweet encounter between the librarian and his favorite red headed hacker. (PG)
I've Been a Bad, Bad Girl- (Nominated for a UCSL Blue Ralph Award) Cordelia's been bad. She gets punished. Written in the Dom/sub syntax.(NC-17)
Until She Likes Me Again- Spike goes to Brazil to win back his lady love. (NC-17)
Clarity- Post Becoming Spike and Drusilla. Dru has a moment of clarity and Spike tries to make up to his Princess.(NC-17)
It's Been Forever- (Nominated for a UCSL Blue Ralph Award) Spike and Dru get some quality time after "What's My Line"(NC-17)
Even Immortals Have to Bathe- Spike/Drusilla. An exploration of their relationship. My first Buffy fanficion.(PG)
What Happens Next- (Nominated for FIVE UCSL Blue Ralph Awards) Willow, Xander, and Oz deal with the aftermath of rape. Sequel to Sali's Don't Fuck With a Drunken Werewolf. You don't need to read that one to read this one, but it's still a good idea, so go here: Unconventional 'Shipper's List Home Page(NC-17 in some places)
Mourning- Sweet W/X piece. Xander finally deals with the grief of Jesse dying.(G)
Sid and Buffy- Spike/Buffy. A response to a challenge set on UCSL to use a dialogue quote in a fic, and build a story around it. So here it is. (PG)
"I'm a Silly Monkey", "Are You an *Evil* Silly Monkey?"- Silly response to a silly challenge to use certain "interesting" phrases and dialogue all with in a story. A result of too much Monkey Crack.(NC-17)
Gone and Surviving- Willow/Angel. A sequel to Anya's Gone, which can be found here: The Slayer's Fanfic Archive.(R)
I Like the Quiet- Xander. A raw reaction to "The Zeppo". Like usual, sad and angsty. (R)
Expectations- This is just a short dialogue fic. It was written in ten minutes and has not been beta read. I'm tired of Xander having to deal with all the consequences of the fluke and having Willow's life go back to hearts and flowers while Xander suffers and no one notices. So this is a bit of a reaction to that, set after "Consequences". (PG)
Had To Do- I was in a bad mood and depressed, this was what happened. Surprisingly, I don't feel better. *sigh* (R)
More Like Your Brother- Buffy and Willow talk about Xander. It's angsty, I like it. Mainly meant as a dialogue fic. (PG)
Oz Has Wood- Oz. He's a dendrophiliac. Someone wanted this, so I wrote it. I am sick, this I know. (NC-17)
Electra- Buffy/Giles. Someone wanted this, so I wrote it. I'm sick, this I know. (NC-17)
Crack Happy- *Sigh* This is a product of all sorts of Monkey Crack usage. There are so many 'ships in here, it's just best to read it. Awwwww....Freak Out![Niccy starts disco dancing] I'm insane. It's a whole big thing. (PG)
In Search of a Worthy Woman- Spike. Intentional badfic about Spike and the quest he's on. (PG)
Goodbye- Buffy/Angel. Yes, that's right. I wrote B/A. No, aliens did not take over my body and mind. Angsty fic. (PG)
Stop Thinking and Feel- Wesley/Cordelia. Set after the episode "Choices". Wesley and Cordelia talk and make some decision. (NC-17)
I Want To Dance With You- Sad piece. I've gotten many people giving me "I cried actual tears" feedback. I hope you like. It s omething that I just got inspired to write. (PG)
Barfy Feelings- Anya/Xander. Pure PWP that takes place during or right after "The Graduation Part One".(NC-17)
Conflicting- In the after math of Graduation, Cordelia comes across a familiar face and reflects on things past (PG)
This Moment- Cordelia/Welsey. This is a interlude to Melissa's fic "Never, Ever and Always," which can be found here: Bucky's Fondue Hut. (NC-17)
Power Centers- Xander/Anya. Anya comes back to help fight the Mayor. This does not contain spoilers for Grad 2. I made up all the stuff in this one. (PG)
And I'm Him- Xander. Takes place during Bad Eggs. That punch always bugged me, so here's my way of dealing with it. Xander's POV, quite angsty, I jest not. (PG)
It Didn't Happen- Xander/Faith...NOT a romance. This is what would have happened if Angel hadn't came in when he did in the episode "Consequences." Angsty. Although it deals with an NC-17 matter, it is not graphic. (R)
This Time It's Personal- Oz. Sequel to "Oz Has Wood." Wrote it on a dare. (NC-17)
Like Lightening- Sad little angst piece. Can't summarize; that'll give it away. (PG)
Written but Not Seen- This is a collection of emails from one character to another (most of the characters are represented. Written by Kate B, Cowshark, Katie and me. (PG)
In Her Arms- Xander is journaling and these are this thoughts. This is an AU fic. It doesn't coincide with Joss' universe. (R)
To Love Me- Sequel to In Her Arms. More of Xander's journaling and search for peace with himself. (R)
Sadness Fades- Sequel to To Love Me. (R)
When We Find Each Other- Sequel to Sadness Fades. (R)
Borderline- Faith, making a point, talking from the heart. (R)
Down by the Creek- Written for Chelle's birthday. It didn't turn out like I had hoped. Xander goes to Capeside (yes, I'm a goober, I watch Dawson's Creek), and meets Pacey. (G)
My Place- Xander Musing. Sometime either first season or early/mid second. (PG)
Complex- Someone's musing. Takes place after the end of season three. (PG)
After the Routine Patrol- Buffy/Oz. A missing scene from "Living Conditions". (R)
Interlocking Relationships- Anya/Giles/Xander. A take off of a scene in the Harsh Light of Day. Written for my friend, Jude. (NC-17)
Pay Per View Xander. Sometimes Pay Per View can be a bad, bad thing. (NC-17)
Jesse- Xander. Mainly musings about a fallen best friend and a past. (G)
Office Hours- Riley/Professor Walsh. We get to see why the two of them are always together. Maggie loves her TA!!! (R)
Ghosts- This is a continuation of my story, "Jesse"
Truth- Written right after "Wild at Heart", Willow goes to Devon, the beautiful lead singer tells some truths. (R)
Saying What Needs To Be Said- Takes off from the Bronze scene in "Something Blue". Hint: It involves the pisspoor drunk that is Willow and Xander. (PG)
Perpetually Wicked- S/D/A, PWP, takes place in the past, when Spike was still William. I wrote this because I wanted a S/D/A fic where they were equal. As my Chelle says, Angelus turned Spike and Dru for some reason. Personally, I think Angelus in 2nd season was just pissy because of the 'used to have a soul' deal. I think he and William and Drusilla were very close before he was cursed. (NC-17)
Waltzing in the Moonlight- Drufic. Odd, random Drufic. (R)
Flight of Fancy- Jenny/Xander. I've wanted to write this couple for a while. Here is what I finally wrote. (NC-17)
Pretty Things- Angel/Cordelia. This could be considered just friendship or more... (PG)
Withdrawing From You- This is Riley fic, it's Angst. This is what happens when Riley leaves the Initiative and has to go through withdraw. (R)
And Behold, God Made Man- Jonathan fic. Written after SuperStar, so expect spoilers. (PG)
Through the Eyes- Kind of a random Xander fic that makes me happy in a morbid way (R)
Everybody Has Someone- Jonathan fic
Hymn to Jim Beam- Xander angst fic.
The Way Out- Xander dreams of Cute Gay Boy Adam from Restless, not quite slashy for the slash page!(PG)
Men- Cordelia and I vent. It's really nothing more than that...(G)
Sandbox- a little Xander angst fic inspired by the season Four finale.
Doyle Fic
Remembrance- Cordelia/Doyle. Doyle watches Cordy as she sleeps, Angel asks why (G)
Budding- Cordy/Doyle. Sequel to Remembrance. Doyle and Cordy do friendship things. (G)
Deserving Rewards- Cordelia/Doyle. Angel talks to Cordelia about a few of her more harsher comments. (PG)
Walls- Cordelia/Doyle. Takes place after The Bachelor Party, Cordelia and Doyle grow closer until something breaks them apart. (R)
Listen to the Silence- Angel: The Series fic. Written right after "Heroes", so guess what it's about. Angel and Cordelia deal, or, rather, don't deal. (R)
Is that It? Am I done? Written after "Heroes", guess what it's about. More mourning from Niccy. (PG)
Resolutions- Cordelia resolves not to cry over Doyle so much, while Angel's visit from an old friend opens opportunity for Doyle's return. (NC-17)
Who's Wrapped Around a Little Finger?- Cordy/Doyle/Angel. Cordy and Doyle want Angel to budge and let them play. (PG)
The Aftershocks Series
Numb- My raw reaction fic written directly after seeing "Heroes." (PG)
Christmas Project- Cordelia tries her hardest to busy herself while Angel tries his hardest to get her to admit her grief. (PG)
Different Kind of Love- Set a while after Numb, Cordelia and Angel find themselves still struggling to adapt to life without Doyle. (PG)
Broken Hearts- A visit from old friends stirs things up even more for Cordelia and Angel. (PG)
Permanent Tears- The continuing angst in dealing with no Doyle. Cordelia tries, Angel tries and Xander sticks around to try to help them.
Problem Series
A Giles/Xander story by Queena and Nicollette
A Giles/Xander Story
Watcher Probs
Xander's Probs
Sharing Probs
More Probs
Therapeutic Probs
Attitude Problems
Communication Problems
Problems Admitting
Heating Problems
Emotional Problems
Trying to Move Past the Problems
Problems Waiting
Problems in Trust
Functional Problems
Brand New Problem
No Problem
Anger Problems
Sleeping Problems
Control Problems
Problemas del Amante
Delusions and Quandries
David's Problems
Tied Up Fate Series
Silent Communication
Morning Conversation
Afternoon Lesson
Hazy Awareness
Devonless Rambling
In the Middle
Nightly Commitment
Just Testing
Forever Thoughts
Complex Things
Double Jeopardy
Answer Given
Tragic Passion
That Saturday
That Rocky Mountain Air
Heal the Soul
The Optimist's Aftermath
Seasonal Courage
The Depression Series
Depression never goes away. Depression isn't picky. It'll prey on anyone. It doesn't matter if you have hundreds of friends or no friends. It doesn't matter if you're pretty or ugly, fat or skinny. It doesn't matter if your parents love you or if they don't. It doesn't matter if you live in the lap of luxury or if you're the poorest of the poor. Nothing matters. If Depression chooses you, that's it. You've got it.
Sometimes Love Isn't Enough- First Fic in the Depression series. Oz and Cordy find out about Xander and Willow and deal in their own way.(NC-17)
Two Fine People- 2nd story in the series. Continues the exploration of Oz and Cordy's new friendship(NC-17)
Desertion- Cordelia and Oz continue learning about each other. Like before, some issues are addressed, some issues are ignored.(NC-17)
Ready- 4th story. Deals more with Abuse. (NC-17)
More in Sorrow Than in Anger- 5th story. Cordelia's in bad shape. Oz plays caretaker. (NC-17)
The Road Ahead- 6th story. Deals with more of the same. Depression with a faint light at the end of the tunnel. (R)
There is Always a Lower Place- Cordelia/Xander, Cordelia/Oz. Seventh story in the Depression Series. Just when Cordelia thinks her life is getting back to the way it should be, Depression strikes out again. (NC-17)
Better- The next part of my Depression Series. Cordy's in the hospital.
The Good Life Series
"Raspberry Jello" by Devon Lautrec
Sixty-Nine Times
Tropical Ambitions
Love's Philosophy
All the Good Stuff
Salad Days
Lay With Me
Really Gone
- ^ Jump up to: a b Note on website. (Accessed 28 February 2021)
- ^ Raonaid's Favorite Slash Links, via Wayback: 13 June 2001. (Accessed 28 February 2021)